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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  November 9, 2012 6:00am-7:00am PST

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6 a.m., thanks for joining us, i'm eric thomas. i'm kristen sze. any more showers mike? >> definitely in the south bay, in heart of san jose, all the way up to milpitas, over to near great america that's where our rain is best, lafayette street there, north first street heading over towards capital avenue, north capital avenue farther south, south at gilroy towards hollister, pacheco pass where we have our second batch of wet weather. to the north the next round coming in this afternoon and for the evening and overnight hours, one more push of showers and thunderstorms with hail and snow to around 3,000 feet.
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chilly around the bay, 40s now, we'll top out in the low to mid 50s, showers moving in around 4:00. inland chilly 30s and 40s now, 50s with showers moving in during the evening showers will move north to south along the coast starting around 3:00 through the evening temperatures here will be in the 50s. friday, so far, so good. wet roads you want to give yourself extra time to the east shore freeway golden gate fields lit up at the top of your screen. traffic moving nicely, no major problems funneling into the macarthur maze once you get to the bay bridge toll, no metering lights yet just minor delay if you are cash paying all other lanes breezing into the city starting to get light, no sluggish traffic on the upper deck into san francisco residual delay on richmond bart line due to earlier problem on the tracks at ashby station. fremont richmond millbrae
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directions 10 minute delay otherwise no mass transit problems now. no problems north 17 they just got that accident cleared out of the two lanes glenwood northbound. northbound 10185, raining in that area the reason probably for solo spin-outs there. developing news from san francisco, part of the nowee valley neighborhood in the d -- dark following overnight lightning strikes. >> reporter: take a look they are making a lot of noise with a drill trying to replace a transformer. they don't think it will be until 11:00 this morning until everyone gets power back on. it happened after 1:00 this morning, lightning struck here and hit five transformers. they were able to get one working again but they needed
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to bring -- had to go and get four more and install and relays them that's what is taking so long. one woman told us it definitely woke her up. >> it sounded like a big bomb going off, much larger than anything i've ever heard and i knew it had to be close. >> reporter: they fixed one transformer they have to replace four that's what is taking so long we are in the residental area, 100 customers in this area do not have power. pg&e thinks half of the customers will be restored between 7:30 and 8:00 this morning. everyone else probably not until 11 that is the estimate now. amy hollyfield, abc7 news. happening right now, dozens of families are braving the rain and cold in the south bay. camping out in front of the san jose food pantry to register for holiday food
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boxes on south first street today people in need will be able to preserve and reserve a food box for thanksgiving and another for christmas sacred heart anticipates giving away more than 7,000 boxes over the two holidays they plan to open 7:30 this morning and will remain open until 6 p.m.. katie marzullo will have a live report in 30 minutes. san francisco fire officials investigating cause of intense fire that all but destroyed a home in the monterey heights neighborhood. two alarm fire started after 6:30 last night on fernwood near rosewood at one point crews were on the roof using a chainsaw to get to hot spots construction work was being done on the house not clear if anybody is currently livinging there. this morning a 57-year-old woman recovering after fighing ordeal in the east bay as police search for the two men who kidnapped her and made her withdraw money from several atm's she told investigators
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she was talk -- walking to her car in a parking lot wednesday night 7:30. investigators say two men attacked her, blindfolded, bound and gagged her before putting her in the back of her car she was driven to various atm's to withdraw money from her accounts. police are looking -- oakland police released composite sketch of a man who tried to kidnap a 14-year-old girl wednesday afternoon near 103rd avenue and international boulevard. the girl was grabbed and pulled towards a pick-up truck
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but managed to escape. president obama set to make first post-election comments today about actions needed to avoid so-called fiscal cliff we've been hearing about. that could plunge the economy back into resection. the president will be asking congressional republicans and democrats to work together to tackle the fiscal problems. he will be speaking from the white house 10:00 our time and you want to stay with abc7 morning news at 6:15 we go live to washington, d.c. for a preview of today's remarks. traffic and weather together, next. here's a live look outside, golden gate bridge, looks like there might be a little mist nothing like the storms we had overnight. meteorologist mike nicco will tell you where those storms are going using live doppler hd.
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also ahead, alaska airlines debuts a new fleet of aircraft. [ unintelligible ]
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welcome back. one shower moving through the heart of san jose heading
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towards lincoln and almaden sliding to the south and east you can see it is going to head down 101 possibly to morgan hill as it heads into the higher country it is going to produce snow we talked about hail possible this was from hayward last night at about 1:50 in the morning this is from castro valley this these still shots here that thunderstorm moving through there we have a chance of seeing more hail out of these storms and more snow too down to the lower elevations as the forecast unfolds that will be from 4:00 into the evening until then partly cloudy temperatures in the 50s today watch out this evening. wet roads the issue this morning. overnight rain, happy friday live shot at golden gate, four lanes southbound for your commute, light traffic here no problems out of waldo, bay bridge metering lights just turned on starting to back to
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the overcrossing, carpool and fastrak breezing through. drive out of antioch, not bad slow towards 242 not too bad in the concord area north 101 mountain view at 85 reports of an accident there bart still with a 10 minute delay on the richmond line. passengers who fly alaska airlines may notice new planes are going into service. the airline debuted new boeing 737 yesterday in seattle, three more will go into service by the end of the year all together they will have 38 in service by 2017. each plane can seat 187 -- 181, allowing more knee room. however, the padding is slightly thinner. the seat manufacturer says you won't notice. postal service sending out early word on when to mail your holiday gifts.
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postmaster general says avoid december 17th, the busiest mailing day. december 22nd will be the last day to send express mail to ensure delivery before christmas. he suggests printing your own labels and buying postage online to save time the postal service will pick up packages for free. president obama and a divided congress. can the two work together as the country faces the proverbial fiscal cliff. >> we go live to washington, d.c. as the president gets ready to speak to the nat
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live doppler showing a ring of rain along the bay area light and moving into the diablo changing to snow above 3500 feet. more thunderstorms on the way, full forecast in a couple of minutes. 6:15. we are four hours from president obama's first public comments since winning reelection tuesday. he's expected to focus on the looming fiscal cliff facing the nation. tahman bradley joins us from washington, d.c. with a preview of what the president is expected to outline. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. shortly after he was reelected, president obama called congressional leaders to discuss the so-called fiscal cliff. a major issue that has to be solved by the end of the year. democrats and republicans say they are willing to talk but there's a major hurdle. showdown looming, as democrats
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and republicans strike a conciliatory tone both sides are set to collide over taxes. >> raising tax rates is unacceptable and frankly it couldn't pass the house. >> reporter: in an interview house speaker boehner drew a hard-line on raising taxes but opened the door to raising more revenue. >> i would do that if the president were serious about solving our spending problem and trying to secure our entitlement programs. >> reporter: democrats think the president has a hand date to raise taxes on families making more than $250,000 a year. >> there was a message sent to us by the american people, based on the campaign, that is, people making all this money have to contribute a little more. >> reporter: democrats and republicans set to begin talks on debt reduction hoping to avoid automatic spending cuts and tax increases from kicking
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in at the end of the year. the president will comment on the economy today at the white house. during his victory speech tuesday he said he wants a bipartisan solution to solve the country's fiscal challenges. >> the president: i'm looking forward to reaching out and working with leaders of both parties to meet the challenges we can only solve . reducing our deficit. reforming our tax code. >> reporter: the president will make his remarks this afternoon in front of an audience at the white house. he will not be taking questions the white house says he will not introduce any new policies. tahman bradley, abc7 news. a lot of people have a general understanding the economy may be hurt if there is no deal. can you give specifics on what could potentially happen? >> reporter: congressional budget office says the country will fall into a recession and the unemployment rate could climb up to 9%, not to mention there could be a delay in people obtaining their tax
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returns. real consequences for average americans. >> tahman bradley, reporting live in washington, thank you. president obama scheduled to speak 10 a.m. from the white house, you want to keep it tuned here and for the latest. another reason to keep it tuned here mike is tracking the rain. >> one lone shower moving through san jose now clouds southeast and higher elevations around the diablo range for the snow is falling now, levels down to 3500 feet could be as low as 3,000 feet when another round of showers, thunderstorms and snow showers moves in during the evening and overnight hours. beautiful picture. south 10th street, towards alum rock, yerba buena road where we have the best radar returns now, moving south and east. strawberry fields around
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pescadero getting a little wet weather. 36 santa rosa, 37 napa, everyone else in the low to mid 40s, mountain view and san jose, mid 40s. this is one of the warmer nights out of the next couple a lot more 30s the next couple of nights. scattered showers inland towards hollister. another round moves in during the evening and overnight hours, showers, thunderstorm, snow to around 3,000 feet, that is because it is going to be so chilly with the next batch of showers moving in brings colder air. here the low that came through overnight brought us thunderstorms, hail around hayward, san leandro, castro valley, that is moving on let's point our attention to this low, our last chance of organized thunderstorms that hits during the latter parts of the afternoon into the evening. you can see right here, all moving away by noon. clouds are going to be out there and sunshine. then clouds start to redevelop during the afternoon during
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the warmest part of the day. best chance of thunderstorms, over the ocean where the greatest instability will be. one or two could wander over land as it does overnight. wake up tomorrow to a clearing skies, -- clearing sky more sun tomorrow afternoon, temperatures mid to upper 50s today and pretty much the same tomorrow even around the monterey bay, temperatures struggle to reach the mid to upper 50s. for tonight, widespread 30s inland valleys frost possible in the north bay valleys that will repeat saturday night into sunday, protect those plants and bring the pets in, if you can. slightly warmer in the afternoons next week, next chance of showers wednesday. . happy friday. san jose live look at 87 northbound headlights past hp pavillion, light, roads slick so make sure you give yourself
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extra time. getting crowded on the san mateo bridge westbound tail lights towards the highrise to foster city boulevard, eastbound towards hayward, not bumper-to-bumper but it is a little more crowded than it was a bit ago. mountain view southbound 101 past 85, car off the embankment there. accident in sausalito marin city area north 101 pardon me this is a stall highway 1 exit in marin city, 10 -- [ unintelligible ] your traffic app, waze app on the app store free if you are out this morning, this is 80 east shore freeway through san pablo, moderate traffic. ahead, days after president obama won a huge amount of the minority vote, the conservative talk show
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host now softening his position on immigration. free clinic getting underway in san francisco today for flu shots fplslson.
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fremont good morning to you, going to have a clearing sky by 7:00 partly cloudy, 46. partly sunny clouds build
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through noon 55° showers start to form around fremont chilly 55 at 4:00 better chance of scattered showers dress warmly this evening upper 40s. conservative talk show host sean hannity reverses his position, thank you saying he supports pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants. he told listeners to his radio program yesterday he's evolved because the u.s. feeds to get rid of immigration issue all together. he says the country should create a pathway to citizenship for people who are law biding. however, he added those with criminal records should be sent back to their home country . free flu shot clinic gets underway in san francisco today, clinic offering flee vaccinations to adults 18 and over. the clinic is at 4877 mission street in san francisco. you can stop by any time between 10 this morning and
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2:00 this morning. with a lot of space heaters and fireplaces in use, operation 7 save a life is underway. abc7 and bay area fire departments are coming together to prevent casualties. the goal to increase the up in of smoke and carbon monoxide alarms in homes. home depot is donating 3,000. for tips on protecting family and home check out look under see it on tv. you see mike and our other meteorologists talking about it in our psa announcements on the air too. rain, lightning and power outages hit the bay area overnight. we are live in san francisco as pg&e continues to work get the lights back in one neighborhood left in the dark. shoppers finding more than deals at bay area's newest shopping center.
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the traffic tie-ups we saw and are expecting throughout the weekend on major highway. >> reporter: i'm katie marzullo live in san jose. it has been a cold, wet night here at the community service. we are starting to see signs of life, people who have been waiting hours overnight in line to ensure they get free boxes of food for the holiday. good morning. look at that metering lights on, traffic backing towards the overcrossings, carpool and fastrak the best way go. new solo spin-out, typical with wet roads. we'll come b
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good morning. here's a live look on november 9th, at bait, gorgeous you still see -- at the bay, gorgeous, you still see clouds after cold rain, thunder and lightning, even hail moved through the bay area overnight. thanks for joining us, i'm kristen sze. you heard some of that thunder? >> i did with impressive rain. we were tracking a shower through the south bay it went into the hills and dissipated. looks like our drying trend is continuing for all neighborhoods. patchy fog starting to develop inland. watch out for that. one lone shower around pescadero heading south along the coast getting a break later you leave more likely it is going to be dry this afternoon in the evening especially coming down at us one last chance of showers in the bay area by 4:00 more
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neighborhoods during the evening. 40s around the bay this morning. low to mid 50s this afternoon. as far as inland, we are in the 30s and 40s now, definitely chilly, mid to upper 50s with showers again during the evening hours. if you are out at the coast, showers are tapering, increasing sunshine, upper 40s to low 50s at noon, low to mid 50s by 4:00 when those showers come back, dress warmly and for wet weather, mid to upper 40s with showers at 7:00. good morning. san mateo bridge, traffic flowing nicely from east bay towards foster city and san mateo you can see a little crowded no delays as you make your way both directions about a 17 minute drive between east bay and foster city. southbound 101 past civic center in marin county light, no problems on the golden gate bridge farther south. eastbound 580, reverse commute
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direction at el charro, westbound slow out of the central valley towards the altamont pass speeds pick up to the dublin mess tan -- tarbs pleasanton area. bart recovered, all systems on time. if you are headed out here's your drive times, altamont pass to dublin pleasanton, 24 stall or solo spin-out central lafayette westbound these your east shore commute. one san francisco neighborhood waking up to no power because of the storm lightning knocked out five pg&e transformers in nowee valley overnight. crews working hard to get everybody back on 100 customers were affected in the area of 24th street and hoffman avenue. crews are working to replace those blown transformers. residents say they heard a loud explosion when lightning hit 1:00. crews have been able to
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replace one transformer and restore service to some it may take several more hours to get everybody else back online. aggressive snow-making operation helped mammoth open yesterday visitors were greeted with snow flurries mixed with nature made stuff. further north in the tahoe area it is cold and new snow is falling again months have been fired up, several resources that opened for a few days last month are hoping to open for good in the coming days. right now in the south bay hundreds are waiting in line to get tree food in time for the holidays. -- to get free food in time for the holidays. they were out in the storm. >> reporter: good morning. having trouble hearing you right now volunteers are arriving the doors open in one
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hour you can see people now on their feet starting to wake up. earlier this morning when we arrived around 4:00, dozens waiting in the dark in the cold, in the little bit of drizzle, the line goes down the street and turns the corner and halfway down the next street. the director here is confident they will be able to register some 4,000 people to get free boxes of food for the holidays. one catch this year, thanksgiving comes early and they waited until after election day to let people start to register that has crunched the window they are working with. for that reiner going to need big dough -- for that reason, they are going to need big donations. >> these are our neighbors, over the last recession poverty hit far and by, many have not gotten their jobs back. -- >> reporter: registration today for food for thanksgiving and christmas
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over the course of both holidays they expect to give out more than 7,000 boxes of food. toys as well families can register to get toys for the holidays for their children. >> katie marzullo reporting live from san jose where folks are lined up this morning to register for the holiday food give-away. thank you so much. mountain view police shutdown a drug lab producing a psychedelic substance known as dmt which authorities say is 10 times more powerful than lsd. cleanup crews worked overnight to destroy the lab discovered yesterday when police and s.w.a.t. team raided two apartment complexes on bush street they served four search warrants and found a d mt lab. >> it is a hallucinogen, -- fast acting, illegal from what we know so far this may be the first lab of this kind the bay
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area. >> dmt is found in plants. shamans in the amazon are known to use it in a ceremonial drink. police didn't find any finished product. it was still if the process says of being made arrested three people. tonight palo alto police department is holding its first ever actual ride-along on twitter. -- virtual ride-along on twitter between 5 p.m. and 1 a.m. with live tweets about calls. tweets will be on the palo alto police twitter account. we have the information posted on our website, look under see it on tv. people who live in san anselmo dealing with the second major sewage spill in over a week sanitation officials say 10,000 gallons of raw sewage poured out after a homeowner drove a stake into a pipe accidentally.
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that is after 88,000 gallons leaked from another broken pipe last month. new details on safeway's new labor agreement with union employees. as we told you last night at 6:00, the agreement averts possible with check-out clerks and other employees in northern california. the new agreement leaves the health plan unscathed. the agreement comes as employees with competitoríh raley's nob hill continue their strike. expect traffic delays again this weekend around the new outlet mall in livermore. the stores drew huge crowds on opening day. take a look at traffic on 580 heading into the mall before 6:00. the mall predicts as many as 140,000 will come through the doors this weekend. >> if it was that bad last night, tonight being friday
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night people heading out of town on 580 going east, you have been warned. traffic and weather together are next. here's a live look at the about with toll -- at the bay bridge toll not raining there at moment. mike will have your full forecast. sue will talk about some of the ponding still out this and what the traffic looks like now. secretary of state clinton comes face-to-face with the widow of the bay area native killed in libya. the new honor
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welcome back of the. north of 237 in the south bay light shower moving through that area over the last three hours drying and clearing trend we haven't reached our lows of the morning but we are getting close, 30s and 40s
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them afternoon before the showers hit mid to upper 50s showers for the afternoon, evening hours by tomorrow afternoon, into sunday, monday, drier, 50s tomorrow, most of us in the 60s by sunday and money >> live look at golden gate bridge, nice out there this morning no delays southbound one lone bicyclist enjoying the view and light traffic nice morning to ride across the golden gate bridge, pretty neat if you can. eastbound 580 at el charro stall still blocking a lane westbound slow up and over the altamont pass typically slow westbound 24 central lafayette accident blocking left lane probably due to wet roads southbound 880 at wynton on-ramp blocked with an accident there. ahead, paying tribute to a bay area native, fallen diplomat. >> new honor from secretary of state clinton to the last
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ambassador stevens >> trading underway on wall street. dow is off 15 points, much better than the past two days. coming up we go live to jane
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welcome back. check out how active the weather is across the state lightning monterey hours ago, snow in the mountains as far south as the grapevine more rain from the north you can see no matter where you go today scattered showers possible in the lower elevations with 50s and 60s and snow in the higher elevations we still have winter weather advisory until 4:00, another two to five
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inches possible in the sierra above 7,000 feet another one to four inches above 3500 feet you are going to need chains and patience. let's check in with josh for what is coming up on "good morning america." good friday morning. married attorneys on the wrong side of the law, prominent seattle attorney accused of sexual assault his wife majorhgm prosecutor in the city suspected of tainting evidence. right here on "good morning america." >> that comes up in 15 minutes. right now if you need a cop in new york city this morning, go to a gas station that's where they are stationed to enforce a gas rationing plan that lets motorists fill up every other day. officials say it was imposed because something had to be done to ease long waits which they say has caused panic buying and hoarding after sandy. rationing has already been
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underway in new jersey for a week. nor'easter that knocked out power to hundreds of thousands of new people in new york and new jersey has erased some of the progress crews have made. parents, nestle recalling more than 200,000 containers of its chocolate drink mix because of possible salmonella contamination. con misssters come in the three sizes you see. -- the canisters come in the three sizes you see. no reports of illness you can return it to the store for a full refund. >> secretary of state clinton says the state department and pentagon reviewing security at diplomatic posts around the world latest reaction to the attack on the consulate in libya that killed ambassador stevens and three other americans. clinton paid tribute to stevens and the others
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yesterday. she presented his wife with award. he was a bay area native who graduated from uc berkeley many the election may be over in florida the votes still counted. while the race is still too close to call there, the romney campaign admits president obama is likely to come out on top. florida victory would put president obama's final electoral college count at 332, romney 206. florida is taking so long because of thousands of provisional ballots. most of those ballots are from democratic strongholds like miami-dade. wall street down again in morning, slightly. former executive with apple isn't faring well in the retail world. good morning. may have done a great job at apple, but it doesn't seem to
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be working at jc penney, ron johnson, apple's retail now ceo of pennies, -- [ inaudible ] [ unintelligible ] ment
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. hope everything is okay and power is on for her. for us, we have the storm, showers are starting to move out an hour ago i -- [ unintelligible ] you want to check ahead with our flight tracker. i have to walk obvious to the screen is that snow or just a lingering cloud? that might be a lingering cloud, unfortunately. bummer, bummer, i wanted to
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see some snow i had to get within six inches of the monitor i know we have snow on hamilton can't wait for clouds to clear there. a chance of snow around 3,000 feet later today. fog there also by the way looking from vollmer peak towards mount diablo fog east bay valleys also developing in the north bay valleys. nice shot is that peter taylor? nice job peter, great. live doppler, showers moving from us, lone on lafayette, east taylor, going to continue moving across 237, stfrd great america going to head towards milpitas, -- montague expressway, pea to marble-sized hail, hayward, san leandro it all came in last night, thunderstorm moved through concord in san francisco that part of the
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forecast, verify. 30s and 40s chilly this morning.ñ8tkñveúaç temperatures in the mid to evening thunderstorms again today snow down to around 3,000 feet could be frosty especially north bay valleys the next couple of s this low pulling away this around eureka, -- comes in and triggers in cold unstable air mass into giving up more showers and thunderstorms. noon sunshine and clouds by the 4:00, 5:00 hour best chance of storms over the ocean some could tray into the bay during the evening better chance of some of those making it over land overnight tomorrow morning clearing trend tomorrow afternoon sunshine tomorrow still stuck in the mid to upper 50s frost possible again sunday night especially north bay valleys i should say saturday and sunday night north bay valleys warmer
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monday through thursday next best chance of showers wednesday. metering lights i should say the bay bridge where the metering lights lights are on at the toll plaza, carpool lanes breezing through that's the way to go if you can, otherwise delay back to west grand overcrossing. elsewhere accident west 24 central lafayette blocking left lane on the sensors not affecting speeds too much. southbound 880 at wynton on-ramp blocked with accident southbound 880 at auto mall parkway accident in the center lane. live at truckee you can see roads are open but chains are required between nyack and truckee on 80 also on 50 between kivers and meyers they did get nice snow, be detail if you you are drive going the high sierra.
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-- ahead, five things to know before you go, including the lightning strike leaving a san francisco neighborhood in the dark
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. good morning. you are looking at a live picture of lake that know gorgeous snow up there more snow showers, -- cold up there they are making snow as well skiers' delight resorts possibly opening before thanksgiving as a result of some of the storms and cold temperatures we've been having. >> lake is gorgeous too. as we get ready to hand off to "good morning america" five thing know before you go: number one, pg&e crews working to restore power to nowee valley neighborhood lightning knocked out five transformers around 1:00 this morning leaving 100 customers without service. it could take several hours to bring everybody back online. >> number two, rain, wind,
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lightning and hail, all moved across the bay area overnight. these pictures to us from viewers show hail on treats of castro valley. even colder temperatures are expected through the weekend. >> number three, families are lining up in front of sacred heart community service center to register for holiday food boxes. sacred heart will open at 7:30 and close this evening james >> -- and close 6 this evening. number four, president obama set to speak three hours from now about actions need to avoid a fiscal cliff without a budget deal. abc news will be carrying those remarks live at 10:00 the white house, you can watch it right here on abc7. >> number five, tonight the palo alto police department will hold first actual ride-along on twitter, public
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information officer will ride along. by late this evening, it is going to get cold. live doppler 7 hd the clearing taking place wet weather about over as we talked about it would be at 7:00 end of the morning commute is going to be dry. evening and overnight, more scattered showers, thunderstorms, snow down to 3,000 feet. temperatures today stuck in the 50s mid nice coast mid to upper 50s for the rest of us. back to the bay bridge toll metering lights on traffic backing towards macarthur maze carpool lanes good way to go sluggish incline second shin past the tolls into san francisco. let's look at our waze app, showing you 242 towards 680 with moderate, heavy traffic
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and fog on 24 towards the caldecott tunnel. take extra care this morning. thank you for joining us for the abc7 morning news. >> we'll continue in 25 minutes with news, weather and traffic during "good morning america." .
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