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tv   ABC7 News 1100AM  ABC  November 28, 2012 11:00am-11:30am PST

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this is what the wet and windy commute looks like on i in redwood city looks like the edgewood road area. i'm kristen sze. and i'm cheryl jennings. here's a live look outside now you can see the wind mixed with rain and fog. we have live team coverage of the storm with amy hollyfield in the north bay. katie marzullo on the coast. eric thomas is at sfo. meteorologist lisa argen in the weather center with live doppler 7 hd. good morning. we are looking at the back edge of this system in the north bay. heaviest rain now in the east bay, peninsula, just had a good downpour here. dublin 580 and south towards union city and fremont moderate rain now the winds have been a big factor gusting to 30 and 40 miles an hour. this rain pushing into the east bay and oakland now. still, rain to the west and woodside, 280, 101 through sunnyvale, watch out cupertino
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getting into heavier rain now. off the coast pescadero, santa cruz picking up rain. wind gusts up to 32 miles an hour, san jose still airport delays and wind advisory extended into 2:00 this afternoon for wind gusts up to 45 miles an hour. the coast and in particular pacifica, has been pounded by ferocious winds and rain most of the morning. more than 1,000 are in the dark there. katie marzullo is live on palmetto avenue in pacifica what is happening? >> reporter: this is palmetto at carmel, behind me, you can see pg&e crews on scene more than 1100 customers lost power afternoon 9 a.m.. a piece of equipment at the top of that pole blew and was dangling dangerously now crews have to work in the stormy weather to fix it that probably caused it. it is not business as usual in pacifica in morning. >> big flash of light, then
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there was no power. >> reporter: he was working in his gas shop when around 9:15 an insulator blew on a power pole, leaving more than 1100 without power and the intersection blocked off. >> i knew i was in trouble. >> reporter: richard phone himself in a dangerous electrical situation he and his neighbors woke around 5, to a power surge. >> i went back to the master bedroom where i had just gotten up and there were flames coming out of the electrical outlet. i grabbed my cell phone when i stood up the smoke was about here and it was really hot. >> reporter: richard was not hurt. his master bedroom is destroyed and he lost his rare book collection. power lines came down in the neighborhood. pg&e says that and the fire could be a combination of bad weather and homes with old wiring. >> all day, all night, until
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the storm passes. >> reporter: along the coast birds circled and a surfer braved the choppy ocean waters. at the pier people and pets dressed for the wet weather and fishermen tried to reel in crab. >> it is supposed to storm today but there's always a calm before the storm. just going to go out and hope for the best. >> reporter: two tips, one from pg&e never touch a downed power line, call the power company. from the coast guard, just avoid the beach today. katie marzullo, abc7 news. eric thomas joins us from sfo where we just got new numbers on the scope of flight cancellations and delays. >> reporter: the wind is picking up out here so far it hasn't been to the 50 or 60 mile hour they feared. they thought that would cause delays of up to 226 minutes. we have some delays, but we have many more cancellations. in fact, sfo says more than 60
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flights have been cancelled, due to the storm most short haul flights up and didn't the west coast. pictures of those boards showing cancellations here. fresno, santa barbara and boise, that's where with the flights have been cancelled. they will be combined with other flights so passengers will get to where they are going. only about fewer than a half dozen flight delays most of them in the 15 to 30 minute range not the 226 minute range that the faa first projected. what we are hearing is maybe later this afternoon as things begin to build, sfo could say delays of up to an hour maybe two hours. the advice is the same as it always is, call ahead to your airline, find out what time your flight is taking off. you may have to wait for an arrival from some other city that could delay you. for some folks later today, it
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might be a long wait inside the terminal here at sfo. eric thomas, abc7 news. let's head to marin county, you can see the affects of the storm there. amy hollyfield is live in san rafael that's major flooding there. >> reporter: check this out, high tide here in marin county, there was so much rain this morning, check out this flooding, we are at the park and ride at highway 101 and 1 unincorporated mill valley cars are sitting in water. it is raining again, coming down pretty hard, just getting started again it seems relentless out here. county officials tell me they are not worried about today, it is next few days that has them nervous. the storm didn't start pounding marin county until mid-morning. when it did arrive, it was strong, steady and saturating. officials shutdown a lane of northbound 101 before sir
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francis drake because of standing water. >> the show treacherous. it is very bad. -- very windy, very bad. i had to take my dog to the vet that's the only reason i'm out. >> reporter: what are you going to do now? >> go home. >> reporter: the north bay knew it was coming, lucia was rushing to get the paper distributed, trying to beat the storm. >> it is very difficult, the newspaper wet and you have work very be careful. >> reporter: signs on himler avenue in mill valley warned of what was coming still there were those who weren't prepared. some made due with that they had, even as highway 101 and highway 1 started flooding this woman still wasn't aware before she drove through it. >> i'm not aware of how big this storm is. should i be nervous? should i be preparing? i don't live in the flats. >> reporter: emergency officials worry about people who haven't prepared.
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they say with rain this heavy and a couple of storms still on the horizon, problems are a matter of if, not when. >> the most concern is citizens and make sure they know what to do. when they are without any kind of power, they are stranded. communication is the number one thing for us to be able to ensure that people can communicate. >> reporter: she says if it keeps raining like this she thinks the problems, the big problems will start tonight she is anticipating trees are going to fall t that power will go out. she says it is time to prepare, if you haven't already, amy hollyfield, abc7 news. >> you can see how wet amy is. the california emergency manage agency remind us this storm provides a great reason to make sure we are all prepared for any type of natural hazard encouraged to have emergency kits stocked with battery operated radios and flashlights batteries,
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three day supply of food and water for everybody in the family and manual can opener. and developing a plan for your family posted at under see it on tv. we'll be tracking this storm truth the day with live doppler 7 hd. meteorologist lisa argen will have the full forecast in a few minutes. also, president obama turns to twitter and bay area business people are part of his push to avoid the so-called fiscal cliff. new details noon deadly fire at a clothing fire in bangladesh. factory officials are -- are arrested and accused
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[ male announcer ] introducing... a new way to save on your prescriptions. it's the aarp medicarerx saver plus plan from unitedhealthcare. with this plan, you can get copays as low as a dollar through a preferred network pharmacy like walgreens -- where you'll find 8,000 convenient locations. best of all, this plan has the lowest part d premium in the united states -- only $15 a month. open enrollment ends december 7th. so call today or visit your local walgreens.
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a manhattan nanny has pleaded not guilty in the stabbing deaths of two children in her charge. ortega was arraigned in morning at hospital where she is being treated for self-inflicted stab counts she accused of killing a 6-year-old girl and her 2-year-old brother last month in the family's apartment. the family recently moved to new york from san francisco, the father worked at bloomberg and yahoo. president obama will meet privately with the man he beat in the race for president republican mitt romney they will talk tomorrow on ideas of reviving the economy. today the president is meeting with yahoo ceo marissa mayer
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talking about ways to avoid that year end fiscal cliff. the president said he hopes to have an agreement by christmas.k0ydx he's urging the public to pressure the congress through social media on twitter. bay area small business owner met with the president yesterday to talk about this fiscal cliff, aurora is co-founder of an urban mushroom farm in oakland the farm was featured recently in "the chew." congresswoman spwaoer introduced what she is calling her stop harming our kids resolution this morning on capitol hill. aimed at protecting minors from sexual orientation near i. the treatment -- therapy. critics call it junk science
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amountinging to psychological abuse. california is ahead of curve. governor brown signed a bill last month banning gay conversion therapy for minors. supreme court is set to announce next week whether it will let prop 8 -- this morning -- [ unintelligible ] still ahead, coverage of the storm continues, lisa argen will tell us next the -- when the next wave will hit. here's a look from i-80 heavy rain east bay, break in the north bay, gusty winds and wind advisory next one to talk
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about, coming up. plus, toxic chemicals in the living room. new study by bay area researchers on how widespread they are. power ball jackpot keeps getting bigger we'll tell you how far californians are going to get in on
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new details about that deadly fire at a clothing factory in bangladesh owned by a company that supplies retail chains here this u.s.. three factory officials have been arrested, accused of locking doors, trapping workers inside that inferno, 112 were killed in saturday's fire. the few who survived say they were told to ignore the fire alarms and get back to work. order books found the factory was making clothes for disney, pixar, wal-mart, sears and other western brands. new study says that couch in your living room could be dangerous. researchers tested more than 100 couches and found potential toxic flame retardants in many, more than
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half contained some combination of flame retardant chemicals in the foam that pose a risk to humans. the american chemistry council say flame retardants in furniture are designed to save lives by preventing fires. meteorologist lisa argen busy day today, all kinds of weather. >> yeah it was a little slow to get going in the early morning hours the wind came first then some burst of heavy rain. right now still looking at rain, coming didn't pretty good in our east bay and the santa cruz mountains. here's a live look outside this is our sutro camera, you can see the fog, poor visibility from tam still the rain coming down in fact up towards sonoma county we picked up over an inch and a half. winds gusting up to 77 miles an hour from mount -- diablo this morning, 55 mile an hour gusts hills of the east bay.
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right now you will notice we have breaks in the north bay and on the peninsula heavier from alamo into fremont now. if you are in the east bay from 880 through 68 obey shore freeway, you've got -- 680 bay shore , you've got moderate to heavy rain. san francisco cell pushed east to scattered showers there along the peninsula, looking at page mill road 280 wet weather and east palo alto getting into pretty good rain now south bay lighter rain but very gusty winds, santa cruz mountains looking at the rain getting enhanced there, wind gusts up to 41 miles an hour at sfo, 35 mile an hour guff along the coast here. wind gusts continue through the early afternoon. the warning for the coast high wind warning has been discontinued the wind advisory for the bay area stays up.
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mid and upper 50s now, 62 livermore winds allowing for mild air to be pumped up, visibility in napa, a mile and a quarter 2 1/2 mile visibility in santa rosa, elsewhere a lot of cloud cover with the rain and the gusty winds, dicey out there. throughout the early afternoon the rain will continue to come down, then the wind gusts will subside, not going to be until later in the afternoon. we still could see urban flooding with those drains getting clogged. here's the satellite and radar composite. notice how we are getting to the back of it the first system. the second system still is coming in after a break later on today, throughout the evening commute, by tomorrow, midday, the rain will be coming down in the north bay, then spreads south in time for the evening commute tomorrow, this one right here it focuses on several inches of rain into the north bay. saturday and sunday the next
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system brings perhaps another inch of rain by the time it is said and do, two to four inches around the general bay area, north bay six to eight inches high elevations numbers in the 40s in the sierra nevada above 7,000 feet you could pick up a couple of inches with these numbers mild conditions we are looking at a warm system as it heads into the mountains. 63 san jose, 62 santa cruz windy through early afternoon. getting a break in evening into tomorrow morning. by tomorrow afternoon and evening, friday morning commute, heavy rain and then that last system. a little stronger and stronger and with each system this one feeling like we haven't seen any rain in a while so it was pretty good we didn't see much in the way of flooding out there listen to this. there is a 550 million dollar jackpot in tonight's power
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ball drawing the second highest in lottery history. people around the country are head to stores and waiting in long lines to get their tickets, the game is played in 42 states, not in california. there have been huge lines in arizona people from california and nevada have been crossing the border to buy tickets. you can buy movie tickets here, hobbit fever has taken over new zealand thousands of fans lined the streets to get a glimpse of their favorite stars at the premiere of the new movie the director hopes the new technology will create a magical experience for moviegoers. peter jackson shot at 48 frames per second instead of 24 to give the film what he says greater clarity and sense of realism. hobbit opens here december 14.
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raiders' fans listen up we want to see your team pride, we invite you to send your pictures, with we are going to post those pictures and show them on air during raiders day here on abc7 that is december 6th when we broadcast the game live from the coliseum at 5 p.m.. still ahead, final check on the storm that is moving through the bay area right now. when you see weather like this picture we want to see it
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>> coming up on katie, magic johnson, kathy ireland and karim abdul jabbar. >> then at 4:00, the san francisco man charged with practicing medicine without a license back in court today, we'll hear from some of his victims. at 5 a good samaritan in the south bay comes to the rescue of two women and their puppy caught in a mobile home fire. those stories and more today. still plenty of rain. one last look at where the rain is. good morning. we are looking at heavy rain in hayward and fremont now. you can see yellows right here, niles boulevard and back west on the peninsula, 280, 101, moderate to heavy rain, be careful here, page mill road, you can see the heavier cells, portola valley, south bay spotty light rain more heavy
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rain down south of morgan hill into the santa cruz mountains. winds are going to continue to stay up, 35 to 45 mile an hour gusts. from all of us here, thanks for joining us. >> who wants to be a millionaire is next. we'll be back at noon with another update on the storm.and]
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[cheers and applause] [dramatic music] ♪ >> hello, everybody, and welcome to millionaire. all this week, contestants have had the chance to win as much as $50,000 on the very first question, because it is double money week. [cheers and applause]


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