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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  December 1, 2012 12:00am-1:05am PST

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a 22-year-old man for [ bleep ] a monkey.
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hi, i'm jimmy kimmel. over the past few weeks, we've heard a number of celebrities speak about the helping parents to rock campaign. it's helped countless parents reconnect with their inner rocker. >> that's right, jimmy. it's even helped me rediscover my inner rock star. >> jimmy: you have an inner rock star? >> yes, roll the tape.
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hi, everybody, it's me, guillermo. i love my new hyundai santa fe. because it's very roomy and it has a lot of great safety features. this is perfect for my family. but it also helps me to rock. let's go, guys. let's rock a mole. oh, this hyundai is really great. ♪ ♪ i was born to rock and i was born to eat ♪ ♪ rock rock ♪ rock a mole ♪ my rock a mole is a real treat ♪ ♪ rock rock ♪ rock a mole ♪ you take some avocados and some spice ♪ ♪ rock rock ♪ rock a mole ♪ add some rock and roll ♪ it's very nice ♪ rock rock ♪ rock a mole
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>> hey, dude, you have to go pick up my son. >> all right. ♪ rock rock ♪ rock a mole >> yeah! >> dicky: the new santa fe from hyundai. proud sponsor of "jimmy kimmel live" and official car of helping parents to rock. "jimmy kimmel live," back in two minutes with tim allen. manny pacquiao. and music from flo rida. ♪ ♪ this holiday you'll find 24 exceptional designers at prices that will amaze. exclusively at neiman marcus and target from december 1st.
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hurry in and try five succulent entrees, like our tender snow crab paired with savory garlic shrimp. just $12.99. come into red lobster and sea food differently. and introducing 7 lunch choices for just $7.99. salads, sandwiches, and more.
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>> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- tim allen. manny pacquiao. and music from flo rida. with cleto and the cletones. and now, be thankful. here's jimmy kimmel! ♪ it's "jimmy kimmel live" [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: welcome, welcome. that's very nice. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thank you for joining us here on thanksgiving eve. [ cheers and applause ] i want to ask you a question. and i want you to be honest with me. how many of you brought your in-laws here so you could avoid talking to them for an hour? [ laughter ] blink twice if the answer is yes. the first thanksgiving feast, i don't know if you know, took place in 1621 when native americans shared their food with the pilgrims who were starving. how much do you think they regret that decision now? [ laughter ] when in doubt, don't feed white people. how many of you are cooking a turkey tomorrow? a few? [ applause ] i'm not cooking mine this year. i'm making turkey sushi for
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everyone. it's l.a., that's what we do. i'm actually going to st. louis for thanksgiving. i'm hungry already. when the food comes out, i eat like the cookie monster. i don't even eat. i just grab the food with my hands and smash it all over my face. most of us will have dinner with our families tomorrow, which can be difficult because they're weirdos who say weird things. quite a few members of our staff are traveling in the morning to be with their families, so, i thought it would be beneficial to go around the office today and ask them what they don't want to hear their family members say. always little things that come up around the holidays. i thought it would be smart to get them out in the open before everyone gets uncomfortable around the dinner table. think of this as a holiday version of launching a preemptive strike. >> i have a cousin that always asks me if i'm still with "jimmy kimmel live." and then i say yes, and then he says, oh, i never watch television. >> you still don't eat meat? yeah, i've been a vegetarian since 1995. >> dad, dad, dad!
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when is the food going to be ready? >> so, jeff, have you been going to church? >> have you thought about getting a real job? >> are you going to eat that? or are you going to save time and glue it to your thighs? >> so, is that your third glass of wine? >> does everyone in l.a. wear pan deck? does everyone in l.a. surf all morning and don't come into work until late? do you hang out with eric stonestreet? >> when are you going to cut your hair? when you are going to turn off the game and start focusing on family time? >> you really need to focus on finding a boyfriend. >> when are you going to come out the closet? >> oh, it's you? what are you doing here? >> you know, i had two children by the time i was your age. >> is that a beard you're growing? when are you going to shave? you look terrible. >> hey, i have a great joke that jimmy should definitely tell on the show. what's the difference between jelly and jam? huh? you can't jelly your [ bleep ] up your girlfriend's [ bleep ]. what?
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>> jimmy: well, i will say, some of those concerns seem valid. [ applause ] maybe we should just do a show torp. it's possible that none of that will be an issue because there's a good chance that some people who work here might miss their flights tomorrow. outside the l.a. airport today, lax, around 500 airport workers and supporters, and by supporters, people who are paid to protest, marched down century boulevard to protest against the company that employs them. a dozen people were arrested. i don't know -- i think that was -- i think those were trick or treaters late for halloween. their plan was to snarl traffic on one of the busiest travel days of the year. if there's one sure fire way to win the support of the public, it's to make them late to the airport. we love that. president obama participated in the annual turkey pardoning ceremony this morning. this is a tradition started by president bush in 1989. two turkeys, cobbler and gobbler.
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malia seems a little bit freaked out by the -- i don't blame her. turkeys can't be trusted. in order to pardon a turkey, you have to cast a magic spell, which is what the president did there. you know, last year, fox news accused the president of only pardoning the turkeys legs and thighs because of a, quote, deep seeded hatred of white meat. i thought that was a little much. [ applause ] that didn't really happen, we made that up. you know, peta, the people for the ethical treatment of animals, sent a letter accusing the president of working with the, quote, turkey killing industry and urging him to skip the pardoning ceremony because it, quote, makes light of the mass slaughter of 46 million gentle, intelligent birds. meanwhile, cobbler and gobbler are, like, hey, they don't speak for us. we're good with the pardoning. we like it. there was another mitt romney sighting yesterday. the romneys yesterday went to disneyland. i thought you were supposed to go to disneyland after you win?
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[ laughter ] here's mitt on the matter horn with his sons. oh, gosh darn it, this is a -- and here he is with his wife on the luigi's flying tires ride. he could have been driving the world's largest economy, instead, he's driving a bumper car. oh, well what are you going to do? [ laughter ] competitive shoppers know that black friday is only hours away. they call it black friday because that is the color of your soul after you trample an old lady for a waffle maker. some people have been camped out outside stores for days now to get a good spot in line for what they call doorbuster sales. this is the kind of thing that makes lining up to see "twilight" seem reasonable. when the doors open, the mayhem starts. there's trampling, punching, kicking. this is the wonderful time of the year when walmart becomes the thunderdome. right now, members of the geek squad are huddled in the corner, frightened for their lives. keep in mind, people are doing this to celebrate the birth of jesus.
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look at this. this is -- this is a good one. that is -- oh, look at that. wigs are half off. [ applause ] there's a -- good reason not to go shopping on black friday if you're looking for one. i decide whether or not i will do something based on how my obituary would read if i died there. something like, jimmy kimmel died wrestling a great white shark off the barrier reef, i would be okay with that. but jimmy kimmel was trampled to death attempting to buy a half price box set of "how i met your mother" season three -- that i would not. i don't think these people even care about the $6 toaster. i think they just like the idea of running into a building and grabbing stuff. it's exciting. it's -- here, watch. unlock the doors to the studio here and -- >> oh! oh! oh! oh! >> jimmy: he --
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>> i got it! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: see what i mean? you okay, guillermo? you all right? >> i guess. >> jimmy: this sort of thing happens to him all the time. we have some fun guests for you on the show tonight. flo rida is going to ride flo for us. tim allen is here tonight. as is the great fighter and great friend to us here at the show, manny pacquiao. manny pacquiao -- [ cheers and applause ] in the philippines, manny pacquiao is the equivalent of like three justin biebers and a taylor swift. and on december 8th, he will be fighting juan manuel marquez for the fourth time. that will be fun. we have something special
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planned for pacman tonight. so stay up for that. here's another incredible athlete. last night in iowa, a 5'10" sophomore named jack taylor broke the ncaa record by most points scored by a player in the game. there's jack. he scored 138 points last night. including 27 three-pointers. not only did he break the record, he broke it by 25 points, which is nuts. he put up 108 shots, which is one shot every 20 seconds he was in the game. and we have him now live with us via skype. one more with double coverage and -- there he is. jack taylor. hello, jack. how are you doing? >> hey. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: jack -- i guess the first question is, what the hell did you eat yesterday? congratulations. >> yeah, i was able to shoot the ball very well yesterday. >> jimmy: yeah. >> i was lucky to have teammates
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that kept passing me the ball. >> jimmy: now, i read, is this true, that you never played basketball before last night? >> yeah, it was my first game. >> jimmy: wow. that's incredible. >> no, it -- it was -- it was a special night for sure. >> jimmy: you took a shot every 20 seconds. even kobe bryant was like, "what?" [ laughter ] it was like -- have you ever seen the movie "teen wolf?" >> no. >> jimmy: it reminded me of that. you should watch that. now -- you had 138 points, zero assists. i think you might need to work on your sharing. [ laughter ] >> yeah, i was a bit of a ball hog last night to say the least. >> jimmy: it is going to be tough for you to pass the gravy at dinner tomorrow night? >> yeah, i might have to keep that all to myself, too. >> jimmy: what an incredible game, though. and you're only a sophomore. do you think you can break this record that you set? >> you know, i'm not really sure. i think this might be once in a lifetime thing where i am just kind of in the zone and
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something that i just won't be able to repeat. >> jimmy: i don't think i could score 138 points if i was the only player on the court. [ laughter ] you know, wilt chamberlain scored 100 points in an nba game and he claimed to have slept with 20,000 women. how close are you to that record? [ laughter ] >> um -- i'm -- i'm -- very far behind. >> jimmy: have you watched the game on tape yet? >> i haven't. i've seen a little bit of clips. most of the game i actually don't even hardly remember. i think it was just the mental state i was in. >> jimmy: yeah, sure. are you aware that the whole rest of your life will be a disappointment after this? [ laughter ] >> yeah, i mean, i have three years left to play here and i just -- i probably won't ever be able to top it. >> jimmy: what are you studying there? >> i'm studying biochemistry. >> jimmy: okay. are you hoping to play in the nba, is that what you'd like to do, or --
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>> i definitely want to play professional basketball. >> jimmy: okay. >> more realistically probably overseas. >> jimmy: oh, well, you could definitely play for the clippers. you could play for them right now. [ laughter ] well, thank you, jack. thanks for talking to us and happy thanksgiving to you. >> thank you very much. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: jack taylor. nice kid. a lot of points. still in his underpants. and one more thing. we will be very busy eating tomorrow so we're bringing you a special early edition of our weekly tribute to the fcc, where we bleep and blur things whether they need it or not. it is a special thanksgiving week edition of "this week in unnecessary censorship." >> all eyes would be on the l.a. coliseum this saturday when the number one team in the country, the [ bleep ] irish of notre dame come to town. >> and today makes the sixth day of heavy [ bleep ] between israel and hamas [ bleep ] in gaza. >> police in idaho have arrested a 22-year-old man for [ bleep ] a monkey.
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>> when do you go to the bathroom? >> here, starbucks and in a couple of days they are going to be bringing out port-a-potties. but we take [ bleep ], we go home. >> tell us what's going on in this picture with your co-star? >> oh, god. >> okay. >> [ bleep ] sniffing dogs, on cbs 2 at 11:00 tonight. >> name something a woman doesn't like to see her man play with. >> i'm going to say his [ bleep ]. >> when you die off, i'll go [ bleep ] me another fat girl. >> the national retail federation says 147 million americans plan to [ bleep ] on either friday, saturday or sunday this year. >> face. ah -- [ bleep ] face. >> yeah! >> jimmy: we have a good show for you tonight. manny pacquiao is here. we have music from flo rida. and we'll be right back with tim
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allen, so stick around. ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> jimmy: well, hello there and welcome back. tonight on the program, a man who has made a very nice career out of punching people and singing. he fights juan manuel marquez for the fourth time december 8th on hbo pay per view. from the mgm grand in vegas. manny pacquiao is here. and then with music from this album -- it's called "wild ones." all the way from the bud light port paradise music festival, flo rida will be with us tonight. we have a nice lineup of guests for you next week including mike
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tyson, ryan seacrest, eric bana, reba mcentire, erin andrews, from "homeland," damian lewis, the winner of "dancing with the stars" and music from future, soundgarden and wiz khalifa. so join us then. on friday night, should you emerge from a thanksgiving-induced food stupor, you can watch our first guest be just as befuddled by his family as you are by yours. >> morning. >> look at that. a woman working while you're sitting in a chair. i wish i could tell you it's always going to be like this. >> mom, dad. i need $2,000 for my trip to cancun. >> oh. as luck would have it, i have a crisp $2,000 bill right here. >> really? >> no! >> honey, don't listen to your dad. we'll give you the money. >> you will? >> no! >> jimmy: "last man standing" airs friday nights at 8:00 on abc. and you can see him live at the venetian in las vegas february 1st and 2nd. from infinity and beyond, please say hello to tim allen.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: how you doing? >> very good. very good. you're looking sharp, man. >> jimmy: you look sharp, too. i just thought that when you came out. i'm used to seeing you in dress down. i ran into you at the movie theater a few weeks ago. >> creepy occurrence. >> jimmy: which was awkward, wasn't it? >> was very awkward. >> jimmy: why was it? >> well, you were in the don't touch me show business thing. >> jimmy: no, i wasn't. i went right up to you and grabbed you and you went, oh! oh, okay, it's another celebrity. >> you had shades on and the hat. you didn't want to be spotted. i was like, oh, god, that's weird. i just -- my wife's priest, we just run into, said, don't go see "argo." >> jimmy: really? >> i don't know why he said that.
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go see this sci-fi thing. >> jimmy: "looper," yeah. >> and this creepy l.a. theater, you have to get reserved seats. right? >> jimmy: yeah. >> so, i get in there and i see him and, i don't know really what you're supposed to do, because -- >> jimmy: we're at the snack stand. >> getting high end, you know, truffles or whatever they have, it's the weirdest theater. but it was a mild day, you were there with your fiance, so, you're in the theater, reserved seats and they put us right next to each other and there's nobody else in that theater. but there's just like one creepy seat in between us and then you're like, oem, what h, what ? >> jimmy: like a missing tooth. >> i almost -- i'm so insecure sometimes, i said, i wonder if he remembers i was on the show one time. my wife goes, well, say something! i don't want to bother him. you can almost hear what we're saying. and it turns out our old lay ladies knew each other. some weird. >> jimmy: here's what happened, if i can crystallize this for everyone. >> whoa! you just called me a liar. >> jimmy: tim's wife jane and my
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fiance molly and i, we had a very nice conversation. you were on the end, just kind of making fun of your wife the whole time. >> because they knew each other. >> jimmy: which was making me laugh very hard. but and yet, you were kind of -- it was almost like you weren't involved in the conversation. >> i wasn't. you knew this girl, this thing, this charity, and they were like -- and i'm like, shut up! >> jimmy: and soon as the movie started, i said to my fiance, i said, hey, let's invite them -- >> you're saying that in front of me now. >> jimmy: hand to god. i swear. >> i would have been easy to say, you want to eat dinner? but no. >> jimmy: i swear on the baby jesus -- well, i wanted to check. i do this -- >> why do you have to go to him? >> jimmy: here's the thing. i have a tendency to make decisions that i don't consult with my fiance on. >> i have that same problem. >> jimmy: i decided i would be courteous and say to her, let's ask them and she said, yeah, yeah, lets do that. but as soon as the movie -- the movie barely ended, you guys -- i never seen anyone leave a theater so quickly. >> jane and i, one of our most
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fun things to do is run out of movie theaters. [ laughter ] we think it's -- plus, here's the deal. we're sitting there, we just -- >> jimmy: hey, what -- >> two adults, you can do anything in the street. you can't laugh by yourself, people think you're crazy. you can cry alone. but human beings, adults running, makes everybody nervous. we just -- as soon as the movie is over, we just -- as fast as we can, we run out. >> jimmy: get out of there. >> we're creepy people. we were going to go eat and cross the street and i said, we should ask, well, why don't you ask, now it's creepy, like, i'm stalking you. so, i said, this is not creepy, let's just get out of here. because it's ridiculous, what if you have places to be? >> jimmy: i had nowhere to be. >> you had matt damon to -- >> jimmy: we had no plans whatsoever. screw him. i don't hang around with him. i don't go anywhere near him. in fact, he will not be on the show tonight, i guarantee you. >> thank you for that. >> jimmy: make you ccan come ovr
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for thanksgiving. >> you don't want to do that. >> jimmy: why not? what are you doing for thanksgiving? >> i'm going to go back to outside of detroit where my family is from. my mom's got -- feed 27 of us. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. and we have an e collective eclectic family, more guys than girls but we have a lot of aunts and grandmas, two of which, i don't even know who they belong to. just older women that show up with weird pots of things. and it is always a potpourri of, oh, do you try it? you lift it a little bit with a fork. one of my brothers went in, he lifted, i don't know what that is. you take a shot and it was salty briny and she goes, those are oysters. and you're going, good god. who puts oysters in stuffing? they're in shels shells, why do you bring them into thanksgiving? but it could be a raspberry crumble. you are never sure. i don't drink, but these women get all looped up and they are big broads, they're really big -- >> jimmy: oh. >> they're wonderful.
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but the husbands disappear at one point. >> jimmy: what do you mean? >> well, you know older men, they just get little and all of a sudden, my uncle carl and uncle george just went away. they just -- and i think at a certain point, women of that age just eat their husbands. [ laughter ] they do, they just -- because they eventually look like nose tackles and the men go away. i think they go to these secret peo meetings and other women go, doris, it's time you ate roger. it's just my personal opinion. it may not, in fact, be true. >> jimmy: you have a lot of brothers and sisters, right? >> yeah, seven boys, two girls. >> jimmy: seven boys, two girls. so was it madness at your house from -- >> well, my favorite story is, we had -- my mom will kill me, but the family would bring over caramel sauce for the ice cream and my grandmother would be mad the whole time because she has to do all the cooking, but she would get into the cooking sherry. you're supposed to put a little bit in the gravy, now the whole bottle is gone. nobody talks to me. she's stirring this gravy.
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after an hour, it looked like caramel sauce to her. and she was like, why do we have two pots of gravy? another woman, katherine, that was the caramel sauce. the kids won't know. she pours it on the ice cream. 36 little ice creams. all these kids took a bite, like, oh -- and then they'll eat it, when you think, these days, that dessert would actually be a lot of money here in l.a. >> jimmy: yeah, oh, absolutely. >> they are doing the salty bacon, you know -- >> jimmy: my wheels are turning right now. could be a dairy queen blizzard, this could be something, yeah. >> we had an aunt that would smoke and come over to the kid's table, usually in the garage, they put us, adults would eat in the house, kids would eat in the garage, there was no room for us. she had these 100 millimeter kents and clear liquid, gin, vodka, it smelled like your dressing room. [ laughter ] i don't know what it is with this place, you guys like clorox. >> jimmy: we permeate the place. >> a lot of dead bodies in this place some how.
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one night, my aunt, i swear, she came over, she goes, you know, your uncle george? never touches me. >> jimmy: no -- to the children? >> 8, 9-year-olds going -- oh, lord. >> jimmy: are these relatives all still around? >> well, you know, i'm a comedian, so, i kind of merge some -- >> jimmy: i see. >> i exaggerate to clarify. >> jimmy: yeah, plus, when you go home, you don't have to deal with the nonsense. >> i can take them all. >> jimmy: does your family ask you for money when you go back home? >> yes! >> jimmy: do they? yeah? >> does that ever work? you know, this folds into the government, doesn't it? >> jimmy: i think it does work. >> you can't give people money and help them. it doesn't work. >> jimmy: yeah, but they're willing to try. >> yeah, they are definitely willing -- oh, god. did you bring up a sore one. >> jimmy: why don't you make an announcement right now, you are headed home and you won't be giving any money to anyone. >> rather them than the government. >> jimmy: i see. >> you better give your money away before it gets taken. >> jimmy: you don't really get a choice, though. and i don't think it counts.
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you can't tax credit, "gave money to my aunt martha." >> actually, you can. you can give away gifts to your family and friends. >> jimmy: this means you've been giving a lot of money to your family. >> rather them than the government. that's how i look at it. >> jimmy: this is the second season of "last man standing." >> yes. >> jimmy: and you are now on friday nights. [ applause ] >> well, you know what happened? originally, they wanted to put reba's show "malibu country" after us. she got very particular about the content. abc didn't have it set up. abc launched us on tuesday last year, in hopes that we'd have it set up, which we do. and so we went back to -- remember, they had tgif? so, abc wants to have a family night with a little twist. we were twisted. very good writers. we are doing that pixar thing. if you like "toy story" movies, there's always a little adult stuff slid in there. >> jimmy: little something for both. >> i can't -- sometimes i can't believe i'm doing this. doing vegas, still doing other work and i got into it. but i love craft service, i love being around studios, so -- i'm
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very grateful to be with this great cast. >> jimmy: is the whole gang from "home improvement," did they ask you for a job? >> no, i said, anybody, i was kidding, anybody who is still alive, i want the crew from "home improvement" and there's about six. and they all look like they ate their parents because everybody got -- whoa, what happened to you? well, i like doughnuts. >> jimmy: and you are telling me for the record that reba is now dictating the network schedule here at abc? >> she's very powerful. so powerful. and then i got kind of mad because at one point, you're going to go in front of her. i thought she would be the other way around. i said, so, i'm opening for a country act? and i told it to her and she's like, yeah, that's exactly how it is. i started off doing this. grateful to be -- i love being part of the abc family. i love the show and the crew. i'm a grateful old actor now. >> jimmy: thank you. i thought you meant our show. now i realized -- >> i do like this show. >> jimmy: thank you, tim. tim allen, is show is called "last man standing" here on abc on friday nights at 8:00. and live at the venetian in vegas, february 1st and 2nd. we'll be right back with manny pacquiao. ,,
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hope i don't miss work this christmas. yeah, how will you pay for things like food... electricity? dental bills... gazooks. you need a back-up plan. [ santa ] ho, ho, ho. that's why we have aflac! so i'll have cash to help pay bills! great...but what if you're still not better by christmas? hmm... afllaaccccccccc!!!!!!! [ male announcer ] aflac. we've got you under our wing. rudolph's better... but now blitzen's sick! it's the bourbon lost to evaporation as it ages. but this story has two sides. this is the devil's cut: a more intense bourbon trapped in the barrel wood... that we found a way to unlock. the result is a smooth, slightly sinister, bourbon...
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...and it ain't for choir boys. jim beam devil's cut. with thermacare heatwraps. thermacare works differently. it's the only wrap with patented heat cells that penetrate deep to relax, soothe, and unlock tight muscles. for up to 16 hours of relief, try thermacare. to relax, soothe, every picture tells a story. of course, some stories are bigger than others. okay guys, here we go. everybody say, 'cheeeeeeeee-eeeeeese'.
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got it.
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>> jimmy: well, hello there, welcome back. still to come, flo rida.
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our next guest is the ideal thanksgiving companion. he can mash potatoes with his fists, his championship belts make lovely centerpieces and if you need someone to carve the turkey, he's got an excellent cut-man. on december 8th, he'll face juan manuel marquez for the fourth time, leave on hbo pay per view. please say hello to the pride of the philippines, manny pacquiao. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: how are you? good to see you. >> good to see you. nice to be back here. >> jimmy: happy thanksgiving to you. this is a holiday you celebrate? >> um, tomorrow i have to train. >> jimmy: you have to train. oh, so, there's no mashed potatoes for you. are you on a strict diet when you train? >> no, i have -- i need to eat a lot. so i can maintain my -- >> jimmy: same here. [ laughter ]
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now, you, the last time you were here, you announced that you quit drinking, you quit gambling and you quit cockfighting and then, for the first time in seven years, you did not win the -- you lost the fight. i don't think you actually lost the fight, but -- technically, they said you lost the fight. will you go back to drinking, gambling -- [ laughter ] and cockfighting? >> no, no. >> jimmy: no? [ cheers and applause ] what about that fight? there are a lot of bad decisions in boxing and, i mean, i feel like -- it seemed like you clearly won that fight against bradley but two of the judges said you didn't win. paula abdul would have done a better job judging that fight. how -- i mean, is that disheartening? something like that, when you train, you fight, you win the fight and then they say you didn't win the fight -- does that make you want to say, ah,
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the hell with this, i don't want to do it anymore? >> i understand, i mean, we're not perfect and i still respect the commission, the judges, the referee and i hope that it's -- it's going to be learned for boxing and so that people, they will be interested to watch boxing. >> jimmy: why didn't you turn around and fight bradley again just to prove that you beat him? >> i don't think i need to prove something to bradley because really one-sided fight on the last fight that we had. and i have nothing to prove to bradley. >> jimmy: i see. okay. all right. you feel like you won the fight, regardless of what the decision was. and the league, the wbo, i think, looked into it and they agreed that a bad decision was made, but they can't go back and change it. >> no. they can't. >> jimmy: they can't. >> there's no -- >> jimmy: can't you beat somebody up and make them change it? [ laughter ] i have another theory and i
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think the reason that you ran into some bad luck there is, every time you've been on our show before a big fight, you sang on the show. except for the last time. you didn't sing. and you wound up losing the fight. i think you need to sing. maybe a christmas song or something, i mean -- [ cheers and applause ] some kind of -- "little drummer boy," maybe a little bit of "jingle bells," something, anything. >> i -- >> jimmy: do you have a favorite christmas song? [ laughter ] >> i'm thinking. i forget -- >> jimmy: it's going to be too late again. we're going to have a problem. hopefully that won't have anything to do with it. i think i'm just being super superstitio superstitious. now, this is the fourth time you're fighting juan manuel marquez. when you fight a guy four times, you probably, you kind of get to know him, don't you? because you do so much promotion
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together. of course, you have your time in the ring. are you guys kind of friendly, like, i mean, on a social level? >> we're friends outside the ring -- >> jimmy: you are? >> but in the ring, you know, we have to do our business -- >> jimmy: do you feel like when you are friendly with a guy outside of the ring, you're a little bit less aggressive? >> no, it's -- it's the point of view, i mean, how you -- you do the fight and -- >> jimmy: right, yeah. >> and, like now, it's -- we have a fourth fight with him because he says he won all those fights. i have to prove -- >> jimmy: you won two of those fights and one was a draw. so, you want to knock him out this time, i would assume. that way, there's no question. [ applause ] >> my focus today, my focus in this training is to more aggressiveness and if i -- if i have a chance to finish the fight, why not?
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and aggressiveness, more action. >> jimmy: your mom requested that you knock him out. did you know that? >> my mom. >> jimmy: originally, you were not supposed to fight marquez. you were supposed to fight another prominent fighter, i believe we have video from the great hbo documentary "24/7." let's take a look. >> five years ago, two men set out to seek power. the kind of power that begets wealth, influence and in its strongest forms, immortality. four times, manny pacquiao has been scheduled to fight guillermo rodriguez. but because of unforeseen occurrences, their first bout has still yet to take place. >> well, the first time, i couldn't fight because i ate too much. the second time, i had to take my dogs to the vet. and the third time, i got drunk and i -- [ laughter ]
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>> in each of the three cases, juan manuel marquez has been called upon to replace guillermo. this time, however, nothing will keep guillermo out of the ring. >> this time, nothing will keep me out of the ring. except if there is a ghost or a skaurry dog. [ laughter ] >> his corner man yehya is equally confident in the fighter's readiness. >> i like guillermo, he's nice guy, and i'm training him. he lose the weight and i do massage for him. >> but pacquiao's trainer, freddy roach, still has doubts. >> this is a tough one to prepare for because as far as i know, guillermo has never been in a fight. >> promoter bob arum sees potentially in this legendarily unresolved battle. >> this is the fight the world wants to see.
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two mustachioed warriors going after each other, toe to toe, and only one will emerge victorious. >> but a frustrated pacquiao has concerns, after being jilted at the altar one too many times. >> i was supposed to fight him three times but he keeps avoiding me. he say he didn't get invitation for the last fight. come on. you don't get an invitation. this is boxing. can someone please explain it to me? >> meanwhile, freddy roach struggles to develop a strategy. >> we do have some tape on guillermo hitting a pinata, but that's all we can find. >> while yehya develops new techniques to give his fighter an edge. >> yeah, i put on guillermo and make him win. >> the training gets more intense as the weigh-in approaches. the fighters work round the clock, striving to maintain peak condition. finally, the moment of truth has
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arrived. >> and now, it's time for the main event weigh-in for the welterweight title of the world, and the champion, manny pacquiao, up first on the scale. he stops it at exactly 147 pounds, making the welterweight limit. now, it's time for the challenger, who is going to be challenged to make 147 pounds, guillermo, up on the scale. he tips it -- we're going to adjust a little bit, guillermo, and at 247 pounds, he's 100 pounds over the limit. >> yeah! i don't have to fight manny pacquiao! >> and for pacquiao, it's more heartbreak. >> he did it to me again! no! >> jimmy: he does it to me all the time. manny pacquiao, everyone. saturday, december 8th, pacquiao/marquez, live on hbo pay per view.
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we'll be right back with music from flo rida. ,,,, go olive garden's 2 for $25.
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with something heart healthy and delicious? you're a talking bee... honey nut cheerios has whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol. and it tastes good? sure does! right... ♪ wow. delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. >> jimmy: his new cd is called "wild ones." here with the song "i cry," from the bud light port paradise music festival, flo rida!
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♪ ♪ i know you wanna get behind the wheel only one rida ♪ ♪ eyes shut still got me swimming like a diver can't let go i got fans in okinawa ♪ ♪ my heart to japan quake losers and survivors norway no you didn't get my flowers ♪ ♪ no way to sound better but the killer was a coward face just showers the minute in a hour ♪ ♪ heard about the news all day went sour lil mama got me feeling like a limit here ♪ ♪ put you in the box just the presidents cigarettes give em my regards or regardless i get arrested ♪ ♪ ain't worried about the killers just the young and restless ♪ ♪ get mad 'cause the quarter million on my necklace dui never said i was driving reckless ♪ ♪ you and i or jealously was not oppressive oh no i can't stop i was destined ♪ ♪ i know caught up in the middle i cry, just a little when i think of letting go ♪ ♪ oh no gave up on the riddle i cry, just a little when i think of letting go ♪
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♪ i know caught up in the middle i cry, just a little when i think of letting go ♪ ♪ oh no gave up on the riddle i cry, just a little when i think of letting go ♪ ♪ champagne buckets still got two tears in it and i put that on my tattoo of jimi hendrix ♪ ♪ get depressed 'cause the outfit all in it coz the press tell it all get a meal ticket ♪ ♪ clean next get a call just a lil visit sacrifice just to make a hit still vivid ♪ ♪ rihanna kiss you on ya neck just kill critics buggatti never when i'm rich just god fearing ♪ ♪ look at me steering got the bossing staring mr mike caren tell his billie jeans ♪ ♪ i'm on another planet thank e-class big chuck or lee prince perries ♪ ♪ buy my momma chandeliers on my tears thirty years you had thought these emotions vanish ♪ ♪ tryna live tryna figure how my sister vanish no cheers i know you wouldn't panic ♪ ♪ i know caught up in the middle i cry, just a little when i think of letting go ♪ ♪ oh no gave up on the riddle i cry, just a little
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when i think of letting go ♪ ♪ i know caught up in the middle i cry, just a little when i think of letting go ♪ ♪ oh no gave up on the riddle i cry, just a little when i think of letting go ♪ ♪ when i need a healing i just look up the the ceiling ♪ ♪ i see the sun coming down i know it's all better now ♪ ♪ when i need a healing i just look up the the ceiling ♪ ♪ i see the sun coming down i know it's all better now ♪ ♪ when i need a healing i just look up the the ceiling ♪ ♪ i see the sun coming down i know it's all better now ♪ ♪ when i need a healing i just look up the the ceiling ♪ ♪ i see the sun coming down i know it's all better now ♪ ♪ i know, i know, i know i, i, i, i think of letting go ♪
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♪ i know caught up in the middle i cry, just a little when i think of letting go ♪ ♪ oh no gave up on the riddle i cry, just a little when i think of letting go ♪ ♪ i know caught up in the middle i cry, just a little when i think of letting go ♪ ♪ oh no gave up on the riddle i cry, just a little when i think of letting go ♪ ,,
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