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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  December 18, 2012 6:00am-7:00am PST

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through sunday maybe umbrella a good present to live doppler 7 hd, clear over land, over the ocean near the showers even a few thunderstorms popping up to our north around ukiah and points north, but over the ocean. cool conditions mid to upper 30s north bay valleys, low to mid 40s east bay valleys, mid to upper 40s elsewhere, throw in the winds and once you get up to a wind six, seven, eight miles per hour drops temperature or what it feels like so there's a bit of a wind chill this morning. stray shower near the coast as we head through the afternoon, low 50s, partly cloudy around the bay, low to mid 50s, apparently cloudy inland low to mid 50s more sunshine, cooler than yesterday. big time freeze tonight. those areas coming up and the
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storms. first traffic. shot here tweeted by the palo alto police department car hit a fire hydrant near sanford shopping center on sand hill road you can see all the water both decks of sand hill road closed -- both directions of sand hill road closed. no estimated time of opening, a lot of water not certain if that they have that capped yet. the roadway is still flooded. if you go to sanford, no excuses there. san mateo bridge light traffic few brake lights on flat section up the highrise towards foster city, nice drive knew macarthur maze from 580 to east 880 south 80 into the toll a bit of a back-up -- metering lights just turned on. we are continuing to follow breaking news in
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concord police investigating a smash and grab robbery at a video game store. >> reporter: what an unconvention 5 robbery. look where he busted into the -- store through the glass wall a wall of windows that don't exist any more this is where the car smashed into the store look at video it happened 4:00 this morning in concord at the gamestop on ignacio rally road. it was 4:00 in the morning when the car smashed through the store and the guy or gal whoever did it, jumped out, ran into the store and stole items. they are assessing what they got. they know the thieves two a preowned cell phones, iphones they say those are traceable and they are hope that will lead police to whoever did this.
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whoever did this took off, not in a car they left the car they had to know that away. -- they had to tow that away. thieves are out of here. police have to figure out who did this. people here are trying to get the store cleaned up and get open for business. they don't know when that is going to happen. they have a lot of glass to cleanup and a wall they have to fix. they boarded it up and they have a door people can use to get into the store. they are hoping to open today, they don't know, they are hoping the glass company will be here first thing to start talking about replacing this big panel. police say they suspect the car was stolen. they don't know it hasn't been reported stolen but that i seen cases like this before that is their suspicion. amy hollyfield, abc7 news. 6:04. latest on the school tragedy in connecticut.
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students in newtown back in class for the first time since friday. however, sandy hook elementary remains closed indefinitely. students from that school will be returning to a neighboring school. four more funerals will take place today, three services for students the fourth for a teacher vicki soto. authorities have recovered a computer belonging to suspect adam lanza, but badly damaged information is unlikely to be recovered. tahman bradley is in connecticut and reports on how the town is trying to cope. >> reporter: the town is performing a grim task. 6-year-old noah liked animals, video games and mexican food. an onlooker collapsed inside his mother moved everyone to fathers. >> she told him, i love you. >> reporter: another funeral for jack pinto, also six.
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>> it was just sad. heavy hearted. >> reporter: jack love the new york giants his favorite player victor cruz wore his name on his cleats during sunday's game. >> to have my jersey be his favorite player they want to bury him with it, i told them i was honored. >> reporter: so much pain for all close to friday's shooting. governor malloy wiped away tears recalling the moment he informed parents their children died now he will attend so many funerals. >> you see little coffins and your heart has to ache. >> reporter: new information about the 20-year-old shooting adam lanza pains a picture of a young man who seemed tobacco unraveling. for years his mother -- seemed to be unraveling. for years his mother struggled, she told her friends adam was so troubled he would not leave the house. >> she home schooled him and everything.
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i knew he was on medication that's all i know. >> reporter: in friday the governor of connecticut is calling for a moment of silence and for churches to ring bells the exact moment of the shooting. tahman bradley, abc news. 6:06. back here san francisco police asking for the public's help solving the murder of a 17-year-old football player, he played offense and defense for the concord high minutemen and was a senior he was shot and killed in the bayview saturday night many students showed up wearing black yesterday, mourning his death. westfield shopping center expected to open this morning after a fire. the fire broke out at a restaurant on the 4th floor after 8:30 last night. the theater was temporarily evacuated no word on a cause. 6:07. traffic and weather together, next on the abc7 morning news.
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live look outside now, highway 87, held lights moving along just fine, no moisture on the roads this morning. in a couple of days that is going to change. mike will fill you in coming up. sue is following your traffic. ranking religion. !
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welcome back.
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live doppler you see showers even thunderstorms over the ocean clear over land with our coast tilting northwest shower off the shore near ft. bragg could get close to sea ranch move -- most of us are going to be safe visibility limited other than a few clouds here and there not much to talk about as far as fog or frost, yet this morning. off to a cooler start, low to mid 40s, 30s north bay valleys, near 50 and more sun 4:00, back into the 40s, for the evening. inching along behind the bay bridge toll, metering lights on traffic backing past overcrossing sluggish upper deck towards san francisco on your approach mere macarthur maze traffic flowing nicely on 80 approaching the bay bridge, 580 good, 880 no delays through the maze. problem with a big rig and car
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out of lanes, fremont northbound 880 at mission not causing much slowing. some of the busier drive times highway 4 out of antioch, east shore freeway from the carquinez bridge to the maze 20 minutes and highway 87 north towards 101 good drive under 10 minutes. 6:12. a just released study says one in six people worldwide now have no religious affiliation. the study from the pew research center says 16% of the world's population has no religious affiliation, christians remain the largest group worldwide with 32%. followed by muslims 23%. hindus 15%. buddhists at 7%. 6:12. the new trouble facing facebook and remember it is may ipo? new information on that. the sporting goods store
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taking new action in response to the tragedy in
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good morning. 6:15. i just updated temperatures, 33 fairfield, napa 34, santa rosa 36, concord 37 livermore, san jose los gatos 41, 42 fremont, 44 oakland, 45 san francisco, san rafael. 48 half moon bay. eight to 21° cooler than yesterday definitely bundle up as you step out. sunshine today, low to mid 50s showers over the ocean frosty just about everywhere tomorrow
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morning, high clouds and sun low to mid 50s, get ready for the wet weather blustery conditions thursday into friday. special tribute got underway in connecticut honoring the lives lost in friday's tragic shooting in newtown. the university of connecticut men's basketball team played its first game. the team, cheerleaders and others formed a circle around center court, some held candles, wore special patches sh for sandy hook some had it on their faces. monday night football also paid tribute. the new york giants and titans held a moment of silence before the start of the game last night flags flew at half-staff, you can see a tribute on the helmets running back johnson paid tribute by writing the name of all 26 victims on his cleats. he said he wanted the victims' families to know he's thinking
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of them. sporting goods chain plans to pull certain types of semi-automatic rifles off its shelves nationwide. dick's sporting goods making the move out of respect for the families. not clear exactly which rifles will be pulled or how long they will be unavailable. investigators in connecticut looking into whether suspect lanza tried to purchase a gun from a dick's store in danbury, connecticut. the company that under wrote facebook's troubled public stock offering will pay five million dollars to massachusetts. morgan stanley accused disclosing fall in revenue to certain analysts not the public facebook stock plunged after the news became public massachusetts sued because the drop forced state officials to revise expected revenue estimates. one of those bundle up mornings out there. >> it is.
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[ unintelligible ] one more cold morning before we get to the rain. the rain will bring warmer weather. we may see snow out of the next system? probably not the sierra they will get a nice dumping, if you wait until thursday it may be too late and you may have one of those eight or nine hour trips to the high country. looking down from mount tamalpais beautiful picture sausalito, tiburon, san francisco, all the way down to san mateo bridge, clear this morning and live doppler 7 hd reinforcing the fact that we hardly have any clouds over land but we have them over the ocean and a few stray showers over the ocean keep fingers crossed that where i think they will stay. it is cooler, 30s and 40s this morning the same around the monterey bay, temperatures coolest around santa cruz and watsonville upper 30s, low to
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mid 40s gilroy and salinas, 49 monterey. partly cloudy today, showers over the ocean near beach or two possible freezing cold tonight north bay, coldest in the 20s freeze warning east bay valleys bay shoreline santa rosa -- santa clara valley a frost advisory tonight beaches not expecting frost some valleys close to the beaches definitely, stormy pattern starts thursday. yesterday's cold front pulling way, jet stream diving down from alaska, pushing putting us in the coldest air now low to mid 50s this afternoon. next system up to the north alaska next behind that is farther south pacific ocean that's why temperatures are going to rise with the next systems, higher temperature more likely we get heavier rain. a lot of us dealing with frost, find your credit card or ice
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scraper. 5:00, light shower possible north bay where the best chance of rain overnight going to be thursday morning most of us dry except north bay heaviest rain north bay from 11 until most of the evening hours while the rest of us are starting to get light to moderate rain by the time we get to thursday night, heaviest of the rain more than an inch to nearly two inches in the north bay, the rest of us hardly anywhere in the santa clara valley to quarter to half inch bulk of the rain and winds friday for the rest of bay area secondary system comes in saturday and sunday, heavy rain, gusty winds possibly power outages and flooding over the weekend. bay bridge toll, metering lights on, center section just past tolls on incline stall,
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carpool lanes and fastrak lanes getting by nicely. into the bay bridge or macarthur maze i should say traffic getting busy first reports of accident westbound university off to the right i'm not seeing it, maybe the chp has the wrong location definitely getting crowded westbound on 80 up to napa silverado trail at hardman lanes blocked a car ran into the center divide and slammed back on to the roadway. north 88 omission big rig and car off to the -- north 880 at mission big rig and car off to the shoulder. all mass transit looking good. everybody is running on schedule. what doesn't work well on ed windshields, hot water, -- do not pour it on your windshield it will crash. -- it will crack. this morning the queen is still making mystery.
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high temperatures today, partly cloudy, more sun cooler as we are in the heart of this cold air mass, top out in the low to mid 50s. unstable air mass snow in the mountains this morning, also
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snow possibly up in the sierra and in fact we need chains on 80 and five this morning if you are heading to the south watch out for rain around los angeles and san diego, mid 60s. 6:24. queen elizabeth is making history today. this morning, the queen became the first monarch in britain in more than 100 years to sit-in on a cabinet meeting this is new video of prime minister cameron breathe greeting her at the door. queen -- victoria was the last monarch to sit in. recall on this morning for a popular toy, the toys expand when placed in water sold under the name water balls, growing skulls, and fabulous flowers the size of a marble can expand to 400 times original size underwater big trouble if a kid swallows one, liquides in the body can cause
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them to expand. >> -- another toy company changing the way it markets one of its most popular products to be more gender inclusive, easy back oven has been a favorite of girls for generations until now it was only in pink and purple after a 13-year-old girl from newt gingrich started a petition hasbro agreed to -- new jersey started a petition has agreed to make it in more gender neutral colors. the water ford crystal ball in times will have 288 new crystal panels with doves to mark the theme let there be peace. the new panels will replace old ones. people are invited to send in personal messages of peace via social media. some messages will be read during a live webcast. the rest will be posted on the internet.
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6:26. still ahead, toxic situation on the peninsula. mistake one family made that forced a haz-mat team to -- [ inaudible ] ahead what is happening today in newtown as people, especially students, try to return to norm >> reporter: a sporting goods store is going to have a grand opening saturday. after what happened in connecticut last friday and the fact it is going to be selling rifles this is now a controversy. the story on the way. back-up at the bay bridge metering lights on, fastrak and commute lanes are getting by nicely. stall on incline, further delays on the bay bridge. we'll update that situation in palo alto when we come back.
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good tuesday morning. bay bridge and you can see clear and that normally means cold, right? we have clouds headed this way full of moisture it is going to dump on us. >> i'm looking at the bright side. when it is going to be warmer in the morning. always a silver lining those clouds are going to be full of it. we don't have many clouds this morning over land look how quiet over the ocean there's the storms we talked about yesterday, a few claps of thunder and lightning out of those, keep an eye, especially northwest corner sonoma county
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one or two may graze your beaches. for the day today dry this morning low to mid 40s partly dowdy by noon, may get to 40 by 4:00, more sun than yesterday, low to -- mid 40s by the evening. inland low to mid 40s 30s north bay, 40s noon near 50 4:00, 30s back by 7:00, medicine over to the coast, ocean showers likely -- 4:00, mid to upper 40s, quieter starting at 7:00. this is what happened earlier sand hill road in palo alto, driver hit the fire hydrant and flooded sand hill road both directions between arboretum and el camino, still shutdown they hope to have that open in the next 10 minutes they've got the hydrant capped. back to the san mateo bridge, a little biz , tail lights
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westbound, a few -- brake lights flat section north -- accident northbound 680 at dublin truck scales off to the shoulder. breaking news from colorado. this is in that denver area and these are live pictures from wells county you can see a lot of authorities on scene of what they are calling a murder-suicide at a subdivision outside of denver. they are saying that at least four are dead, possibly five. again, murder-suicide on hot springs drive. police tape, investigators on the scene. tragic situation. victims and circumstances of the deaths not being released. this happening in the past hour or so, breaking news from colorado, four or five dead in a murder-suicide.
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funerals continue today for the vick of the tragedy in newtown, connecticut. in the last hour students have taken the first step toward returning to school. katie marzullo join us live from the newsroom. >> reporter: four more funerals scheduled for today in newton, three students and one teacher. two 6-year-old boys have already been laid to rest. so much grief and yet back-to-school for the district. all schools reopen except of course, sandy hook. police say the cool could remain a crime scene for months. up to 100 volunteers in neighboring town are working to get unused middle school ready for sandy hook students to attend, no word on when. >> definitely at the least want to give the children the opportunity to see their new school, and to be as comfortable as they can in that new area. >> reporter: as for the investigation, police are trying to get as much
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information as possible out of a damaged computer found at the home of shooting adam lanza and his mother nancy. they hope to recover something that will point to a motive. authorities have told abc news the weapons were used were purchased by nancy and she took adam to a firing range at least once. we've learned of a new heartwrenching detail about one of the victims, 29-year-old teacher would have become engaged on new year's eve, she didn't know her boyfriend asked her parents permission to propose days before the shooting. katie marzullo, abc7 news. in the wake of what happened in connecticut, the nation's second largest pension plan is quickly distancing itself from an unexpected connection to the tragedy. the california state teachers ?áñ revealed yesterday it was reviewing its investment with the equity firm cerberus who owns bush
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master the maker in of the rifle used in the shooting. new this morning, cerberus announced it was putting that part of the company up for sale. gun sales are up following the school shooting as gun owners worry about new legislation. there's new controversy over a new gun store in the south bay. >> reporter: in los gatos university avenue this coming saturday, tell sports having its grand opening, -- tell sports having its grand opening, it has been planned for quite a white there is controversy. this is a sporting goods store going to be selling fishing gear, also described as a high end custom gun shop, that's where the debate comes in. >> kill things. that's why as a community, we would like to know about that
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product before it is available on our shelves in our outlets. >> any time you can bring business to town it is positive. i don't think that there is -- they are going to be handing out guns like candy, why is it a real problem? >> reporter: deborah is not going to get any help from city hall -- the town manager says the code is from 1987 no review on a retailer wanting to sell firearms. in sacramento, action about tougher gun control laws, senator leland ye among others planning to write tougher laws effort in washington, d.c. to get it going those who support firearms rights, say if someone wants to kill somebody they are going to do it with or without an automatic or semi-automatic weapon. terry mcsweeney, abc7 news. abc news will continue to cover the tragedy in newtown. express your sympathy by
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posting this badge to your facebook wall. go to traffic and weather together, next. outside right now, embarcadero, dry streets, that is going to change in the next couple of days. haz-mat team surrounds peninsula mobile home park. the mistake that ñ ñ,ñzñpríñy"t
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temperatures are colder this morning, mid to upper 30s north bay valleys towards concord, low to mid 40s for the rest of us, temperatures anywhere from 8 to 21° cooler
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than yesterday, put the umbrella an add heavier coat, sunglasses this afternoon partly cloudy, low to mid 50s showers over the ocean water closer to one or two of our beaches, maybe. tomorrow frost everywhere high clouds and sun in the afternoon, get ready for wet brewster -- blustery conditions thursday and friday. north 87 as you approach kurtner slow dew accident blocking lane north 680 dublin truck scales stall partially blocking right lane north 880 alvarado boulevard reports of accident blocking right lane. live look at bay bridge toll, metering lights on, traffic backing towards the macarthur maze. earlier stall upper deck cleared, slow conditions as you make your way westbound. 6:40. breaking news out of concord. the search way for the smash
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and grab thief who used a car to break into a store. police say the driver used this car to plow into the gamestop store on ignacio valley road. the driver took merchandise, including used cell phones which investigators may be able to trace. the crash happened around 4:00 this morning. concord police believe the car may be stolen. this morning eight recovering after being exposed to toxic chemicals, including part of a san mateo county haz-mat crew eight were rushed to the hospital after being exposed to chemicals from a house bug bomb, two set off the device inside the trailer but did not leave, the couple with a neighbor became ill. when responders arrived they went in without realizing there was toxic air inside. all eight were taken to the hospital and are expected to be fine. 6:41. ahead, avoiding the fiscal cliff. potential deal house speaker boehner is trying to sell house republicans. trading underway on wall
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. >> welcome back. live doppler 7 hd last three hours in motion, showers over the ocean getting close to sea ranching falling part as they come down the mendocino county coast, a few lightning bolts out of that storm earlier. raining now grapevine, around l.a., snow in the sierra and higher elevations around mount shasta where it is going to stay the better part of today 50s everywhere septa 39, yosemite 45, mid to upper --
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60s, san diego, los angeles and palm springs. straight ahean
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"good morning america." in difficult times like these, josh, i think a little nostalgia, a little song, really good for everybody. do they sing? >> they sing a few bars during the interview, we are going to have a performance coming up and again you are right, nose stallia, a little bit of -- nostalgia a little bit of comfort this morning. this morninger speaker
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bane -- this morning house speaker boehner will -- the offer would not change the eligibility age for medicare. [ unintelligible ] newtown tragedy is having a ripple effect on sporting goods industry. >> there are good deals for anyone shopping for a new truck. jane king is live at the new york stock exchange. good morning. manager at dick's sporting goods in danbury, connecticut, temporarily halting sales of all semi-automatic weapons, cerberus capital private
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equity firm manage more than 20 billion dollars is going to sell its stake in freedom group which manufactures the bushmaster rifle that authorities say lanza used to murder his victims. cerberus said it was shocked and saddened by the attack. this morning a little higher, there does seem to be some progress going on in washington. that's higher day based on what we had yesterday which was positive movement there toward the middle both sides talking a deal. bloomberg index trading up. continuing to watch apple today, investors watching legal battle between apple and samsung over smartphone technology and try to figure out how well the iphone is or isn't selling. samsung dropping some of is demands against apple technology in europe. dealer incentives on pick-up
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trucks getting better, general motors offering up to $9,000 off a glut of chevies, and pick-ups, close to $4500 over 2013 models. live at the new york stock exchange, i'm jane king. it is cold this morning. going to get colder? >> yes we will have frost tomorrow morning just about all areas not this morning mainly north bay valleys, apologize, i for to mention, 80 and 50, you need chains. -- some of the clouds hugging the sierra this morning bringing snow there, you can see how unlimited the visibility is right now. let's look at live doppler 7 hd, spinning on top of mount
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st. helena over the ocean checking out storms that are out there and falling apart as they head towards our neighborhoods. mid to upper 30s fairfield, napa, santa rosa, concord, low to mid 40s for the rest of us, half moon bay warm spot at 48°, upper 30s, watsonville, santa cruz low to mid 40s gilroy and salinas, monterey warm spot, 49. today partly cloudy, showers over the ocean, freezing cold tonight, the stormy pattern for thursday, it stars thursday it lasts friday, -- it starts thursday, it lasts friday through sunday, if you have weekend plans you are going to get wet. if you have baseball plans, you may not play. heart of the cold air now jet stream from canada. behind that system, systems coming from the gulf of alaska, one from the pacific, a little farther south. each one is going to raise our temperature and bring heavier
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amounts of rain. we are going to get a one-two punch. 7:00 tomorrow morning frost everywhere except beaches, some of the valleys near the beaches could have frost, be careful with that pet, plants and to a lesser extent pipes tonight. 5:00, stray shower possible in the north bay, overnight best chance of rain north bay through 7:00. as we head into noon, steadier rain moving through the heart of the bay, san francisco, oakland, 80 towards fairfield, during the afternoon into the evening, start to slide into the south bay rest of us light to moderate, heavy at times north bay rain going to stay moderate to heavy north bay through thursday evening through thursday evening heaviest rainfall, one to two inches north bay, the rest of us just a trace south bay up to an inch in the north bay valleys, just the beginning of the storm. harder push of wet weather for the rest of us wednesday when it will get breezy and second
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storm comes in saturday with flooding rain and possibility of power outages by the time monday rolls around it is over. live shot south 101 past lucas valley road terra linda area farther north from that near alameda dell dough stall blocking lane two, backing towards -- novato once you get here everything is at the limit past the civic center southbound. southbound 680 at monument, first reports of accident blocking traffic, some red sensors, slow approaching the scene. north 87 san jose kurtner accident two left lanes, slow approaching there as well. southbound 680 at dublin truck scales accident pardon me stall partially blocking right lane northbound 880 alvarado boulevard car cleared out of lanes. northbound 680 mckey car and big rig blocking lane of traffic slow as you head north
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on 680 through san jose. 6:52. straight ahead, five things to know before you go. >> the abc7 morning news
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good tuesday morning. sun about to rise, gorgeous shot looking at ferry building in san francisco and bridge traffic doing fine. it is clear and cold. details if mike in a second. here are five things to know before you go: >> number one, breaking news out of colorado four people have been found dead following an patient murder-suicide. it was originally reported to be five that number has been changed to four. investigators on the scene north of denver. >> number two, breaking news from concord, police believe a thief used a stolen car to crash into the front of a video game store to steal merchandise. the driver took off with
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several used. phones. >> number three, students in newtown, connecticut going back-to-school for the first time since friday all students except those at sandy hook elementary go to school in a neighboring town where it is going to be prepare no word on when they will go back to class four more funerals today. >> number four, opening of a gun shop in los gatos is facing challenges by some who claim it too close to parks and schools. gun sales across the nation are on the rise as buyers purchase weapons before congress passes new restrictions. number five, potential sinkhole causing concerns in contra costa county, marsh creek between deer valley and pine lane in clayton closed. recent rain has compromised the road. >> let's get one final check on weather and traffic.
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still tracking showers and thunderstorms over the ocean with live doppler, picking up yellows, that was a thunderstorm earlier with present track going to slide the sonoma county coast this is the most likely area to get a shower out of this storm most will stay over the ocean, sea ranch possibly towards bodega and point reyes. for the rest of us, partly cloudy and cooler with low to mid 50s. big storm on the way thursday and frost tonight. toll plaza, metering lights on, fastrak and carpool lanes moving nicely, sluggish upper deck westbound. couple of accidents 87 at kurtner, accident blocking right lane. north 880 mckey, right lane blocked accident involving big rig police on scene.
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drive times heading out now, 80 westbound towards the maze out of carquinez bridge area 25 minutes, not bad. slow out of antioch highway 4 west typical and slow up and over the altamont towards livermore into the dublin pleasanton area. otherwise not bad. chilly, but not bad. the abc7 morning news continues in 25 minutes with news, weather and traffic, during "good morning america." >> very shortly there will be a news conference, here's a live picture from washington, d.c.. john boehner with will hold that conference on fiscal cliff talks. we are getting reports that boehner will propose extending bush era tax rates for those earning $250,000 or less. more coming up.
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good morning, america. breaking news overnight. a top network foreign correspondent freed in a hail of gunfire after being kidnapped for five days in syria. richard engel and his crew. held bound and blindfolded, details still coming in on his harrowing ordeal. this morning, two little sandy hook boys laid to rest in emotional tributes. a heartbreaking mother's salute, saying the sky is crying. this, as the rest of the students in newtown head back to school right now. we're live on the scene. winter weather slam. 100-mile-per-hour winds slam the northwest.


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