tv America This Morning ABC January 8, 2013 4:00am-4:30am PST
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good tuesday morning. i'm sunny hostin in for paula faris. >> and i'm rob nelson. we begin with the latest from a trio of american communities forever linked by sudden violence. in the wake of the newtown school massacre, today, tucson, arizona, is marking the second anniversary of a gunman's attack. we'll have more from there, coming up in just a moment. also today, court hearing resumes in the shootings at an aurora, california, movie theater. during day one yesterday, james holmes appeared with a beard. the shock of red hair gone. veteran cops testifying breaking down in tears, recalling the horror inside the theater. and we learned holmes bought his ticket 12 days before the shooting. and the shooting sprees in aurora and newtown are very much on the minds of people in tucson today. >> so many lives were changed forever by a gunman's assault. here's abc's tahman bradley.
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>> reporter: survivors of the mass shooting in tucson, arizona, have not abandoned their push for change. they joined hundreds at an interfaith service, praying for new laws. former congresswoman gabby giffords, who was among those badly injured at the shooting two years ago, traveled to newtown, connecticut, last friday, where she and her husband, mark kelly, met with the families of victims of last month's elementary school shooting. >> the first couple that we spoke to. the dad took out his cell phone and showed us a picture of his daughter. and i just about lost it. >> reporter: giffords, who's launching a national dialogue to end gun violence, told abc's diane sawyer in an interview airing tonight on "world news," that the country must take action. >> when it can happen to children in a classroom, it's time to say -- >> enough. >> reporter: at exactly 10:10 this morning, tucson residents will ring bells to remember the
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shooting. tahman bradley, abc news. after the newtown massacre, president obama, of course, put vice president joe biden in charge of figuring out better gun laws for the nation. and now, biden's task force is getting ideas from new york mayor michael bloomberg. he, of course, is an extremely outspoken advocate for tougher gun control. bloomberg wants changes, including background checks on all gun sales, and a limit on high-capacity magazines and military, assault-style weapons. and the white house is braced for a confirmation battle, now that president obama has nominated former republican senator chuck hagel to be the next secretary of defense. as abc's martha raddatz reports, hagel's critics are already speaking out. >> reporter: president obama made clear just how important this nomination is for the country. >> my most solemn obligation is the security of the american people. >> reporter: chuck hagel knows the horrors of war firsthand. at 21, a poor kid from nebraska, he volunteered to go to vietnam. fighting side-by-side, with his
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19-year-old brother, tom. he got two purple hearts. one when shrapnel ripped open his chest and his brother dragged him to safety. and another, a month later, when hagel himself on fire from a land mine, rescued his brother. but critics are not focusing on hagel's military service. while serving as a republican senator, he angered some in his own party for not backing the troop surge in iraq, not supporting unilateral sanctions against iran. and what some on the hill perceived a lack of support for israel. >> hagel's record is very, very troubling in the nation of israel. he's not been a friend to israel. >> reporter: hagel and the white house says these are misperceptions. with hagel telling his hometown paper, he has unequivocal, total support for israel. but he still has a lot of convincing to do on capitol hill. his confirmation is far from guaranteed. and the chorus against his nomination seems to be getting louder, despite the best efforts
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of the white house. martha raddatz, abc news, washington. and the president moved to fill another key national security position. nominating john brennan to be the next head of the cia. brennan spent 25 years at the intelligence agency. his name was floated for director at the start of president obama's first term. but brennan, at the time, withdrew his name when critics linked him to harsh interrogation techniques used by the cia when george w. bush was in the white house. also, it's back to work monday for secretary of state hillary clinton, after a month of health problems, including a fall, a concussion and a blood clot. staffers gave her a helmet with the state department seal. and also, a football jersey with her name and the number 112. that is the number of countries she has visited as secretary of state. dozens of gay and lesbian veterans have reached a settlement with the federal government over their discharge from the service. under the don't ask, don't tell
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policy, those vets got only half their separation pay. that policy was repealed. and now, years later, those vets will get the remainder of their pay. warmer-than-normal temperatures are thawing icy lakes and rivers. all that is creating some dangerous scenarios from the midwest to the northeast. two teenage boys fell through the ice last night in mt. olive, new jersey. despi despite a frantic search, rescuers were not able to find them. recovery efforts will continue this morning. also, divers were able, though, to save a woman in icy waters off of toledo, ohio. the woman was hanging on for dear life, clinging on to a piece of ice for about an hour before she was finally pulled to safety. she was hypothermic and hospitalized in serious condition. for the first time since superstorm sandy plowed across the northeast, residents are returning to some of the hardest-hit areas of the jersey shore. the state of emergency has been lifted for communities like normandy beach, seaside heights and tom's river.
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but authorities are warning with so much debris still not cleared away, getting around could the dangerous. >> good to see them back. nine weeks later. that's a long time away from home. time, now, for weather from across the country on this tuesday morning. warmer-than-normal from l.a. to new york. showers along the coast, from south carolina to florida. heavy rain, hail, and high winds in the south. i'm sorry, in south and east texas. snow, from el paso into new mexico. also, some rain and mountain snow in the pacific northwest. >> mostly 40s from seattle into the northern rockies. 30s in the upper midwest. 50s in dallas and atlanta. 70 in new orleans. when we come back this morning, dream on. a fire sparks new safety questions about boeing's 787 dreamliner. then, turning the tables. after getting a huge taxpayer bailout, why aig might try to sue the government. and then, wrong way ride. what happened when a crowded escalator suddenly changed direction and went out of
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welcome back. the banking industry is clearing up more of the housing meltdown mess. ten, major u.s. banks are agreeing to pay $8.5 billion to settle charges they unfairly foreclosed on millions of homeowners. some of those homeowners may get some of that money. bank of america on its own is paying $11.6 million to fannie mae to settle other claims. and the huge insurance company bailed out by the government may now sue the government. "the new york times" reports
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american international group is thinking about joining a lawsuit that says the bailout deal cheated shareholders out of tens of billions of dollars. aig's board will decide tomorrow. the new boeing dreamliner may be turning into something of a nightmare. an empty japan airlines 787 caught fire shortly after landing in boston yesterday. it is just the latest electrical system problem for the dreamliner. and government agencies are looking, now, into its safety. united is the only u.s. airline flying the 787 so far. apple, though, they're flying high. its app store has just hit 40 billion downloads. almost half of them were in the past year. and a record 2 billion just last month. those numbers do not include updates or redownloads. apple said it's paid $7 million to app developers. wow. and chicken is taking flight at mcdonald's. the fast food company is expanding its tests of chicken
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wings to about 500 restaurants. but it's uncertain when or if mighty wings will go national. mcdonald's most successful menu items are those that can be eaten easily in a car. >> amen to that. >> like some good fries. >> exactly. they'd ruin your diet. you're dieting these days, you say. >> always. when we come back this morning, a hard landing, smack between two houses. how a balloon ride turned from fun to fear in an instant. we'll show you the crash landing. and alabama slammer. the crimson tide takes the fight right out of the irish. rolling to the national title. into our coffee at all. rr she would only get a splash of coffee in her cup and then fill the rest up with cream and it -- mommy, what's going on? what are you doing? so when we did the blonde roast, she finally went from a splash of coffee
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waiting for your wrinkle cream to work? clinically proven neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair. it targets fine lines and wrinkles with the fastest retinol formula available. you'll see younger looking skin in just one week. one week? that's just my speed. rapid wrinkle repair. and for dark spots rapid tone repair. from neutrogena®. [ male announcer ] every time you say no to a cigarette you celebrate a little win. nicorette gum helps calm your cravings and makes you less irritable. quit one cigarette at a time. yet another storm is moving into the pacific northwest today. even as some cities are still
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digging out. spokane, washington, is buried under seven inches of snow. the glaze over roads, making it tough for drivers to get around, as you can see. in higher elevations, avalanche advisories have been posted for the cascades and olympic mountains. now, for a look at morning road conditions. a wet ride from seattle to portland. snowy passes in the cascades and northern rockies. drivers face wet and windy conditions from south texas to houston. slick highways along the coast of florida, georgia and south carolina. >> a good day for flying for most of the country. but some severe storms could cause airport delays in houston and dallas. back to the news. it was supposed to be a lovely sunset wedding in a hot air balloon ended this way, with the balloon deflated, draped over the trees in someone's backyard. >> the couple had just exchanged their vows in front of some family and friends, when the balloon caught a strong gust of
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wind and it went down hard. the crash, caught on video. >> brace. hold on. >> oh, wow. the bride had said the only way she'd marry again would be in a hot air balloon. and had worked hard to convince the groom, who happens to be horribly afraid of heights. >> i got a little worried when we hit the fence. and i thought, well, if the fence doesn't stop us, we're going down still. >> i have enough jesus to protect at least six or seven generations of our sisters. >> amazingly, only one person on board suffered a minor injury. and the wedding party went on to celebrate their good fortune. what a story to tell their kids one day, maybe. wow.
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and an accident in california could have ended a lot worse than it actually did. an oil tanker heading out to sea sideswiped a tower on the san francisco oakland bay bridge. the tanker was empty, so no oil leaked into the bay. the bridge itself was not damaged. and no one was injured. in chicago, what first looked like a case of tragic timing has now turned into a case of foul play. a 46-year-old man died last july just hours after getting a $425,000 check for winning a lottery. the medical examiner ruled urooj khan died of natural causes. but his family was suspicious. new toxicology tests just found khan died of cyanide poisoning. and his body will likely be exhumed as police hunt for the killer. casey anthony is not expected to appear in a florida courtroom later today during an appeal hearing. anthony was convicted on four counts of lying to investigators about the disappearance of her daughter in 2008. her attorneys argued that the statements were made before she
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was advised of her rights. and some medical news, now. and another clue in the battle against alzheimer's. new research finds that beta blockers, those are prescription drugs used to treat high blood pressure, may help protect the brain against alzheimer's and other forms of dementia. a similar study found beta blockers also slowed down the rate of cognitive decline in aging brains. and with heartfelt apologies to my notre dame alum partner here, it is time, mercifully for sports news. >> here's espn news with the highlights from last night's bcs championship. >> cassidy hubbarth here with your "sportscenter" update. and notre dame looking for its first national title in 24 years. but they would have to take down defending champion alabama. and on the tide's opening drive, eddie lacy, up the middle. 20 yards for the score. lacy rushed for 140 yards on the
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day. alabama scores on its opening drive. and next crimson tide drive, a.j. mccarron, over the middle to michael williams. two tide drives. they march down the field against the irish's top-scoring "d" in the land. in the second quarter, first play. t.j. yeldon, capping off an 80-yard drive. yeldon, 108 yards and that score. mccarron, dumps it off to lacy. the irish didn't allow 14 in the season until the second game. in the third quarter, the tide continued to dominate. finding amari cooper all alone, for the 34-yard touchdown. mccarron. alabama in the quarter, everett golson on the offense, gets notre dame on the board.
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fourth quarter, mccarron, with plenty of time. hits cooper for his second score of the half. mccarron four touchdowns. and alabama wins its second-straight national title, 42-14. that's your "sportscenter" update. i'm cassidy hubbarth. have a great day. >> way to keep your composure doing that. and get this. could life get any better for alabama quarterback a.j. mccarron? get this. he's now got two bcs titles under his belt. he'll be back at the helm next season. >> he's also dating miss alabama 2012, katherine webb. but once the cameras found her during the game, she started trending faster than he did. >> i understand that. before the game, she had about 2,000 followers on twitter. this morning, she's well above 110,000. a.j., still trying to top 90,000. >> not surprised at that. >> i picked the wrong career path. up next this morning, "the pulse," and how about some
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calamari. you've got to check out the face-to-face encounter with a 50-foot giant squid. and up the down staircase. the escalator that went haywire, sending riders scrambling. now from the maker of splenda sweeteners, discover nectresse. the only 100% natural, no-calorie sweetener made from the goodness of fruit. the rich, sweet taste of sugar. nothing artificial. ♪ it's all that sweet ever needs to be. new nectresse. sweetness naturally.
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it'and start talking aboutt whawhat you really wanthroom. from your toilet paper. it's time to talk about clean. feeling clean is so important. i use quilted northern. quilted northern soft and strong is stronger than the leading value brand, for a confident clean. let's check "the pulse," this morning starting with commuters at a new jersey rail station. they will be taking the stairs to catch the trains this morning. >> what happened during yesterday's morning rush. a jam-packed up escalator started feeding down. that sparked a stampede and sent panicked riders to safety. at least five people needed medical treatment. and for the first time ever we're seeing video of a giant squid in its natural habitat. a japanese camera crew came
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face-to-face with the beast at depths more than 3,000 feet. >> the squid is nearly 50 feet long. and those eyes are the size of a dinner plate. tales of a giant sea creature have been around since ancient times. but every attempt to get video of one has failed until now. it's part of a discovery channel series airing at the end of the month. >> what a fish fry that would be. now, another sea creature putting on a spectacular show in the waters off southern california. >> hundreds of dolphins were spotted frolicking, in a synchronized stampede. >> data point has the most dolphins per square mile, with some herds numbering tens of thousands. >> that's very cool video there. >> it's beautiful. for some of you, your local news is next. >> for everyone else, we'll be right back with jimmy kimmel on the move. a big change in late-night, coming tonight, right here on abc. stay with us. corner, one pharmacist started it all:
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>> live from the kgo tv broadcast center, this is abc7 news. >> good tuesday morning at 4:28. thank you for waking up and joining us, i am kristen sze. >> i am eric thomas. it feel line "back to the future" today. >> looking good. what are you saying? what are you saying? >> we are glad to see you. >> glad to see you. good morning, everyone, live doppler 7 hd shows 4:28 with clear skies but dense fog in protected valleys which could slow the commute down. it is cold out there. napa is 39. 44 in san rafael. 38 in livermore. 39 in antioch. 44 in mountain view and we warm into the 60's with plenty of
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sunshine. >> happy tuesday, everyone. good looking commute so far. looking at crews on the golden gate bridge removing the road work and expanding the lanes to three and four lanes southbound. we have road work in the northbound direction. you down to one lane. you can see the "caution" signs. it is clear. road work eastbound 4, until 5:00 a.m., highway 4, and southbound 101 to 92, road work on the peninsula which is going to be picked up at 6:00 a.m. >> the coast guard will ask tough questions of the pilot who ran the oil tanker into a bay bridgetower. now to treasure island with the latest. >> some call this a "very close call." right now, no oil escaping into san francisco bay. nothing escaped yesterday. it happened close to noon when
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the 751' overseas ship anchored between treasure island and alcatraz and sideswipe add tower of the bay bridge. look where the ship sideswiped the tower. it is the tower closest to the island on the san francisco side. the hull of the ship was damaged. it is a double hull ship. it looks like no oil leak. >> right now, it appears to be well above the water line and a crushing of the metal structure but no penetration of the hull. >> the bay bridge is safe. it is open. it is not closed and has not been the entire time. >> everything functioned as designed. they fell apart and were
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