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tv   Nightline  ABC  January 25, 2013 12:35am-1:05am PST

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witherspoon, demi moore, sarah silverman, emily blunt, greg kinnear, oprah winfrey, robert de niro, sally field, john jennifer lopez, john krasinski, "nightline" is next. is there anything you want to say before we wrap things up? i'm sorry, we're out of time. good night, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] tonight on "nightline," to
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catch a cheater. they the cheat, but they cannot hide. from facebook to twitter to text. why hidden digital footprints may mean the end of infidelity as we know it. diving for gold. an underwater treasure hunt with the fortune seekers braving alaska's icy waters, trying to strike it rich in a new american gold rush. hot pants? we try out the latest celebrity fitness craze. we try out the high octane workout gear designed to help you get more bang for your burn.
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from new york city, this is "nightline" with cynthia mcfadden.
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>> good evening. thanks for joining us. tonight, cheaters beware. the trail of clues that you may not realize you're leaving could be coming back to haunt you, from tweets to e-mails and facebook messages, the digital age has blown open the door to new and cutting edge ways to catch cheaters red handed, including hidden electronic clues that maybe even the delete button can't destroy. here's abc's nick watt. >> reporter: technology, it's infidelity's best friend. texts, tweets. some say 30% of dating site users are cheaters, and the social networking sites like facebook get a bad rap as marriage breakers, allowing us to rapidly reconnect with that high school sweetheart or meet a total stranger the minute our marriages hit the doldrums. but there's a flip side. john nazarian, a hard-nosed
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p.i., joined me in a seedy hotel room to explain what's going on. >> privacy doesn't exist no more. >> reporter: privacy doesn't exist anymore? >> it's over. >> reporter: lipstick on a collar is no longer the cheat's biggest problem. >> nick, technology is going to get you caught at some point. technology is killing the cheater. >> reporter: an electronic infidelity trail was near impossible to erase. it was text messages that played a role in the down fall of tiger woods. >> the picture was of me. >> reporter: congressman anthony weiner a laughing stock after sending photos of his manhood to young women on twitter. an e-mail did for cia director, the retired general david photographer, it provided the smoking gun. and you know what?
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they're all only human. >> we are predisposed to eat meat. we're predisposed to feel when -- fear when an animal is running towards us. and we are probably predisposed to cheat. >> reporter: it's biological. it's animal. >> some people are more susceptible to this than others. but this doesn't excuse them. we are animals that can say no to our heritage. >> reporter: it's a common problem. so common that, of course, there's a tv show about it called "cheaters." >> you're with my fiance. >> reporter: where people ask for help catching their allegedly two-timing partners. >> you know, there was once a remedy for adultery and infidelity, and it was death. >> i want all your [ bleep ] out of the house. >> there is absolutely no legal penalty or remedy for adultery now. so we have privately created a penalty. >> reporter: it's getting easier and easier to catch someone cheating because there's a trail
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of digital bread crumbs. robert, have you ever considered having an affair? >> oh, absolutely. had been planning one springtime. >> reporter: rob delaney is a comic and a mouthpiece of humor. >> i had a neighbor that i was planning on having sex with and i was about the take the first step, but if the head of the cia gets caught, then i have no chance, so i'm probably not going to do it. >> reporter: petraeus was the guy who ran two wars. he was the chief spy in the land. >> she the dumb one of the operation because paula broadwell has like 11 masters degrees and three ph.d.s. she's like a super genius. if the two of them can't get it figured out, what luck do you and i have? and i don't mean you and i having an affair. >> reporter: these are just some of the deleted texts that las vegas p.i. ed offerman has
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recovered from cell phones. we collected over skype. >> in general, on the internet, people think that they're invisible. they think they can get away with a lot. >> reporter: on his website, offerman offers for $69 to scour dating sites for a suspected cheat's e-mail address. >> they realize the trail that they're leaving behind. >> reporter: flow another $29.99 and he'll scour escort services as well. and then there are always the good old fashioned paper phone bills. >> when we look at phone bills for people cheating, we look at the number of minutes someone is talking. most cell phone calls are like a minute, two minutes, three minutes max. when you see 30, 40, 50 minute cell phone calls and that number keeps popping up, there's a problem. >> reporter: he says if you suspect your man is a cheater, he will catch him.
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because covering your tracks is now impossible. is this the end of the affair? >> it's making it a lot more difficult than it used to be. cheating used to be fun. i don't think it's much fun. ask the general. >> reporter: i'm nick watt for "nightline" in los angeles. >> oh, boy. beware. next up, a fortune lying under the saesm our journey to alaska to meet the adventurers risking it all in search of gold. as you can see, geico's customer satisfaction is at 97%. our journey to alaska to meet the adventurers risking it all in search of gold. ea our journey to alaska to meet the adventurers risking it all in search of gold. . our journey to alaska to meet the adventurers risking it all in search of gold. our journey to alaska to m the adventurers risking it all in search of gold.
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♪ ♪
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miss a "nightline"? want the best of "nightline"? just go to to
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catch "nightline" any time and from anywhere, and go on, set your dvr now, right now, for "nightline." there's nothing in late night like -- >> "nightline." >> "nightline." >> "nightline." >> only on "nightline." it's a modern day gold rush. hundreds of thousands of dollars in gold just sitting there free for the taking. sounds good, right? well, until you find out that to get it, you have to dive deep into alaska's waters, but a little cold water isn't going to stop these prospectors. it's the underwater gold rush, and it took my co-anchor bill weir all the way to gnome. >> reporter: if you happen to be off the coast of gnome, alaska,
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and hear the sound of opera, it could be one of two things. cold and fatigue-induced hallucinations, or emily ridel. she dreams of a life on the stage, but in the meantime, she makes ends meet by riding a tiny hunk of steel and plywood out into the bering sea, changing into a musty wetsuit, and diving to the bottom with a ten-i think dredging hose. i guess the typical route for the aspiring singer making money while they study is waitress, barista. >> i would rather dive in freezing water than waitress. that's how much i hate waitressing. >> reporter: as much as she hates serving coffee, that's how much she's come to live the sight of a certain precious metal through her cuba mask. describe gold fever. >> it eclipses reality. you see gold, you forget everything else. you forget that you're in danger. you forget that you're cold or
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unhappy. >> reporter: without gold fever, it's hard to imagine why anyone would move to this, the corner of frozen and desolate. aside from a couple rough bars and some surprisingly good pizza, gnome has one thing going for it. geology. ages ago, moving glaciers smeared gold deposits here, and you could pick up gold nuggets on the beach. the boom town died. then came the recent global depression. prices hit $1,800 an ounce and suddenly building a dredge out of scrap and chasing fle ining didn't seem so crazy. it's hard to overstate just how prim tim this thing is. weathered plywood, screwed to a basic metal hull. sputtering engines. leaky posts. but for emily's boss/ex-boyfriend, zeke, the edge is just the modern
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equivalent of a pick axe and mule. fortunes have been made with a lot less. so what's the most excited you've ever been? what's your biggest strike? >> when i was working by myself, i had a ten-ounce day. that was really exciting. but i've spentñr months and mons of summer weather, months and months trying to repeat that. a lot of times, we're just getting by. >> reporter: the roller coaster ride has also turned gnome into a town for reality television. it tracks the physical toll, the emotional role that comes with hunting color under open water and under the ice. many of the miners go deep into debt to chase the dream, often with bitter results. >> time to drink. >> you wanna go? >> reporter: for example, vernon atkinson plowed hundreds of thousands into his rig last season, but found less than a single ounce, and ended up in a bar brawl with his captain. and then there is the crew of
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the christine rose, the father-son team who left a minnesota farm when the gold bug bit, rather than spend all day hosing the bottom, they mounded a backhoe to an 80-foot barge and spent 14 hours a day, seven days a week trying to scoop their way to glory. what co-do you think that is weight-wise? >> about half an ounce. that's about a thousand bucks. we mine thousands and thousands of ounce. getting close to 20,000 ounces since we started. we had a couple three bad years. and that wiped out, you know, 12, 13 years of good mining. >> reporter: the bathroom facilities may be rustic, but at least they stay relatively dry all day, while over on the edge, emily has learned firsthand how risky their method can be. >> pull me up, pull me up! i think the most afraid i've ever been -- i had a couple of
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experiences this summer that really made me question diving. you can so easily get trapped under water. something can so easily go wrong. our air compressor is old and crappy and can shut down at any minute. >> reporter: so this is a desperate need for cash or is it love of the hunt? that keeps you coming out here? >> it's both. i'm ruined for life getting a real job. [ laughter ] >> reporter: and what do you say to the person watching this who's a gambler that says i'm going to go do that? i got plywood. i got an old pump. i'm going to go do it. >> by all means, but just accept that it's going to be spending a lot of times broke. >> reporter: that's the title of a good song. a winter in gnome broke. >> that's the story. it doesn't last. and they always die broke.
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>> broke, cold and wet. you can see "bering sea gold" on friday nights on the discovery channel. just ahead, burn more calories at the gym just by wearing these pants? the hottest new fitness craze. it can be frustrating. t it's hard to turn off and go back to sleep. intermezzo is the first and only prescription sleep aid approved for use as needed in the middle of the night when you can't get back to sleep. it's an effective sleep medicine you don't take before bedtime. take it in bed only when you need it and have at least four hours left for sleep. do not take intermezzo if you have had an allergic reaction to drugs containing zolpidem, such as ambien. allergic reactions such as shortness of breath or swelling of your tongue or throat may occur and may be fatal. intermezzo should not be taken if you have taken another sleep medicine at bedtime or in the middle of the night or drank alcohol that day. do not drive or operate machinery until at least 4 hours after taking intermezzo
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and you're fully awake. driving, eating, or engaging in other activities while not fully awake without remembering the event the next day have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. alcohol or taking other medicines that make you sleepy may increase these risks. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. intermezzo, like most sleep medicines, has some risk of dependency. common side effects are headache, nausea, and fatigue. so if you suffer from middle-of-the-night insomnia, ask your doctor about intermezzo and return to sleep again. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] start with a groundbreaking car. good. then invent an entirely new way to buy one. no. no. no. yes! a website that works like a wedding registry. but for a car. first, you customize it. then let people sponsor the car's parts as gifts.
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for those of you still
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keeping your new year's weight loss resolutions, how's this for a hot fitness trend? workout wear that promises to help you burn more calories at the gym without logging more time on the treadmill. some celebrities swear by them. women are lining up for them. and abc's juju chang checked them out. >> reporter: the latest fashion statement involves sweats that literally make you sweat. think of it as workout wear that makes you look and feel hot. hot celebrities like kristen cavallari and denise richards are sporting them. it feels like a scuba fabric. >> it does contain a prelayer, and on the inside, we have a yellow lining, which is where the magic happens, if you like. this is what contains the heating layer. >> reporter: it's called zegora hot pants and it promises to
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help you burn more energy while you work out and look fashionable at the same time. so you actually burn more calories just by wearing the clothes? >> the body burns more clothes when you get hotter. >> reporter: it's the brain child of debbie bell. >> i was going to the gym, i was going to yoga, i was doing ten things at the same time. i thought i'm not the only woman that's short on time. >> reporter: eventually she designed and developed a line of workout clothes, quit her job as a blogger and gave her hot pants to the work of 500 bloggers. she sold more than a half million items at less than a year and a half, at 70 to $150 a pop. not nearly as cheap as donning a plastic trash bag, which may yield similar results. sales also spiked. real women posting real reviews on the facebook page, which now has more than 350,000 fans. >> our biggest market is moms.
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and moms are great. because once mom is behind an idea, they tell all of their friends. >> reporter: so the hot pants are selling like hot cakes. >> absolutely. and they're really making women hot, which is the main thing. >> reporter: but the women are saying they love it because it holds in their fat as they're working out basically. >> we spent 12 months developing that, really making sure that the fit is right, they look great in it. the curves in the hot pants make sure they hold you in all the right places. >> reporter: workout wear with hidden support built in. the queen bee of shape wear recently showed me her line based on that concept. >> this is like a tummy tamer hidden in the global warmingen. >> reporter: and brands like lulu lemon are capitalizing on the $30 billion a year explosion in active wear. turns out women are willing to spend a lot of bucks on a pair of yoga pants. zaggora funded clinical research
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at the university of southern california. one study found that wearing hot pants while work out can help you work out. >> we use a special mask while people are exercising to measure their oxygen intake, which is an approximation for energy expenditure, and it's a very precise measure. >> reporter: both studies showed that they also helped burn more calories, but you still have to do the work. the skeptic in me would say how much more can you really burn? >> we found that wearing hot pants helps you burn 11% more calories while you're exercising, but importantly, in the hour after exercising, it will help you burn 13% more calories. >> reporter: so it helps you burn calories even after you stop working out. >> yes, because you're hotter. your body continues being hotter. and obviously you'll be hotter in the long run. >> it's like vikram clothing. >> indeed. >> reporter: we tried to get some realtime product reviews from the laguardia high school running team. >> they're like a second skin. >> reporter: you ready?
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>> yeah! >> reporter: they're so fast, they're wearing turbo rockets. >> it does feel like i'm sweating more, but in a good way. >> reporter: in a good way. well, the pants certainly don't make me any faster, but i can look chic and trim as i'm getting my butt kicked. for "nightline," i'm juju chang in new york. >> well, finally tonight, our closing argument. today, secretary of defense leon panetta announced the u.s. is lifting the ban on women serving in combat. so, we asked you, is this a good idea? will u.s. forces be stronger with women officially permitted to serve in battle? should mothers get special treatment? let us know what you think on the "nightline" facebook page, or you can tweet us @nightline. that's our report for tonight. thank you for watching us. abc news is happy to always have you. make sure to tune in for "gma."


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