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tv   ABC7 News 900AM  ABC  February 3, 2013 9:00am-10:00am PST

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howling ] easier than actually going to the bank. mobile check deposit. easier banking. standard at citibank. >> good morning, everyone. thanks for joining us. i'm carolyn tyler. let's start with a quick first look at the weather with our meteorologist lisa argen. >> hi there, carolyn. good morning, everything. from the roof camera you sigh the sunshine. temperatures near the 50s. we have coastal clouds but some mix necessary the atmosphere today. should bring us more sunshine. we will call it partly cloudy all around the bay. numbers in the mid-and upper 40s. fog has been stubborn in parts of the north a bay and by the delta. some mid-level clouds and lower clouds at the coast. with the sun in the bays, we will see highs range from the low to mid-60s and stay in the
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upper 50s at the shoreline. we are talking about changes in the extended outlook featuring much colder air and a return to the rain. we will will have a look at that later in the forecast. thank you, carolyn. >> we are just 6 1/2 hours away from super bowl xlvii. the excitement is intensifying both here and in new orleans. we are team coverage this morning. abc7 news reporter katie marzullo is live in new orleans. but we begin here in san francisco with abc7 news reporter kira klapper. >> good morning to you, carolyn. you are right. excitement is intensifying. we are here right in front of the ferry building with market street meets the embarcadero. slowly as the morning progresses we are seeing more and more people coming out in their niners red and gold. some people running into the ferry building for last minute supplies for their super bowl parties. we have footage from the march raina district yesterday where people were buying up everything that they could with 49ers low
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goes on it. 49er characters at suzie's cakes were in excess of $100. one 49er fan from the central valley told me this morning he's already stocked up to watch the game as home with his family and he's keeping his eye on one player in particular. >> colin kaepernick. i'm from modesto and we just want to see a local hero finish the deal and get the sixth superbowl that the niners certainly deserve. >> any predictions? >> i think the 49ers will win. it will be a close game, probably under seven points but i'm going with the 49ers. >> aren't we all? the hope is that the 49ers will dominate the ravens. to prepare for the hopeful revelry, there will be twice as many san francisco officers out today compared with the typical sunday. muni is also taking precautions, choosing to run diesel buses that can be quickly rerouted so
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they don't get trapped and ruined in destructive celebrations as they did after the giants won the world series this past fall. on bus lines on market will be detoured starting later today and most will be transferred to mission street. s car behind me is changing over to muni buses today. we are actually already seeing them run this morning. the city is just stream lining public transportation. they want people to have an easy, safe and happy celebration. a hopeful win, a hopeful look forward to a parade here in our fair city. reporting live in san francisco, kira klapper, abc7 news. >> thank you, kira. we do indeed hope there is something to celebrate. you can see lots of red and gold in the streets of new orleans as the 49er faithful make their way to the superdome. that's where abc7 news reporter katie marzullo is joining us live. katie, i know you have run into scores of niner fans there in
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the big easy. >> they are everywhere, carolyn. i know you are one of them and i have a surprise for you as promised. i got you that 49er t-shirt. actually looks a lot-like this. it might be this one exactly. i might have to go back outism took it because i liked it so much. you have great taste. this is popular among the leads. a lot of people wearing it. also hats, jerseys, beads, t-shirts, every manner of 49er fan is showing share colors in new orleans just in time for the big game. ♪ >> in new orleans it's always a party but something tells different now, special. >> go niners! >> yeah, niners! >> go niners! >> 49er fans have arrived in mass numbers and they all have a tale to tell of how they got here. the devaneys are from sacramento. michael went online before the championship game was over and his family's fate was sealed. >> i knew about a minute, minute and a half they were going so i bought the ticket.
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i said we will worry about the arrangements later. it didn't work out. we tried to get flights, but we couldn't, so we said we are driving. >> we decorated the car on the way here. the whole way here we were getting honks and it was a lot of fun. >> joe senior is here from san francisco. he's a season ticketholder and maybe the world's most generous niner fan. >> i was picked in the lottery. of two tickets. i gave my two tickets to my son and daughter and i bought mine. >> his cost $1,400.00. it is on the 50-yard line. you don't have to be from san francisco or even california to be a 49er fan. meet curtis potter from mississippi. a new orleans number? hey, you know his name. we got it for the homeboy! >> a t-shirt is one thing but carlos has taken his gear to a new level. >> my license plate i had for years and years. my last name is lema so 49er lema, that's what i am. >> but he isn't a ticketholder. but that's okay. life is good when you are a 49er faithful. >> back out here at the
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superdome. security is going to be tight. it should be a very safe, a very fun event, but it's not going to be easy to get through the gates. we have done it through the media and it is a pat-down, it's going through a metal detector and a k9 sniffs our bag before we are allowed into the superdome. fans will go through the same thing. but it's a moderate inconvenience but well worth it for everyone to have a save and great super^bowl. go niners. live in new orleans, katie marzullo, abc7 news. >> katie, you are going through all of that wearing my shirt? >> yes. well, i think that will make your shirt mora then tick like it was really here and if you want, i'll sign it for you. >> no, but if you could get colin kaepernick or vernon davis or someone like that to sign it, that would be something. >> picky, picky, carolyn. i'll do the best i can. >> thank you, katie. we will look for you later on in this newscast. glad you are there.
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katie, larry beil, mike shumann and wayne friedman are sending out a lot of behind the scenes updates, including this one sent last night of the view from the superdome. re-tweeting the pictures at abc7 news bay area. during the game follow us on twitter and facebook. get the best up to the minute coverage what's happening on and offer the field. and whatever happens tonight, abc7 news will be here to cover it. we will be on right after the game with live coverage from the bay area and new orleans. 49er fan fever isn't limited to the bay area or on the ground. the faithful is showing their spirit under the water. this is at the aquarium at pier 39. and the george h.w. bush men are training in the atlantic and are look forward to the super^bowl. share your photos with us.
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you can e-mail them to we are also posting your picks on coming up next, a controversial photo, as president obama prepares to start his campaign for new gun control measures. also, new details about a young girl found dead in fairfield. and the kidnap survivor stepping
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fairfield police have 15 detectives and three sergeants investigating the murder of a 13-year-old girl. her naked body was found in a park early friday morning. a growing memorial of flowers and mementos marks the spot in fairfield's allen witt park where her body was discovered. we have the latest. >> we will try to get back to lisa's story in a moment. but new this morning, texas authorities are confirming murder charges are pending against a 25-year-old man in the shooting deaths of a former navy seal and author chris kyle and another man. both men were found shot to death at a texas gun range outside of dallas last night. suspect was arrested at his home
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about three hours later. kyle was known as america's deadliest sniper after four tours of duty, including the iraq war. he also wrote the best selling book northwestern sniper and hosted a reality tv show. the white house has released a photo of president obama skeet shooting. the image puts to rest skeptics questions about whether the president has ever even fired a gun. it shows him shooting clay pigeons at camp david last august. the photo was made public as the president campaigns for new gun control measures. they said one picture does not erase a lifetime of supporting every gun ban and gun control measure imaginable. >> this morning outgoing defense secretary leon panetta continues to show his confidence in his replacement nominee, senator chuck hagle of nebraska. they said they are focusing too
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hutch on what he has said in the past and not enough time on the issues he would face now at defense secretary. >> what about the war on afghanistan? what about the war on terrorism? what about the budget dequester and what impact it will have on readiness. what about middle east turmoil, what about taber attacks? all the issues that confront a secretary of defense, frankly we didn't see enough time discussing those issues and that's what counts. >> on thursday hagle took a grilling from the senate armed services committee about his past remarks on israel and iran, which some republican members found, in their words, inconsistent, weak and wobbly. lisa argen is here now with a preview of the accuweather forecast. maybe some precipitation heading this way? >> not today. today eats glorious out there. we have plenty of sunshine in most areas. right here downtown near 50. looks good. but on the south bay, mountain view and san jose still foggy.
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cloudy in the north bay. i will have the forecast for super^bowl sunday and talk about the rain next. >> thank you, lisa. also next, if not for the niners, the sharks might be the talk of the took. last night they tried to improve to a perfect 8-0, facing off against nashville. rick kwan has your highlig ♪ [ female announcer ] at yoplait, we want you to feel even better about your favorite flavors. so when you call, tweet, and post, we listen. that's why yoplait light and yoplait original are now made with no high fructose corn syrup.
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and why we use only natural colors and natural flavors in yoplait original. so, anything else we can do for you, let us know. but you'll keep it to yogurt, right? 'cause we shouldn't really help with your love life. yoplait. it is so good! delicious. but say i press a few out flat... add some beef sloppy joe sauce... and cheese fold it all up and boom! i just made an unbeatable unsloppy joe pillsbury grands biscuits. let the making begin. that's why i got them pillsbury toaster strudel. warm flaky pastry with delicious sweet filling my kids will love. plus i get two boxtops for their school. toaster strudel. the one kids want to eat.
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>> as we told you, fairfield police are going all out as they investigate the murder of a
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13-year-old girl whose body was found in a park early friday morning. friends have established a memorial for her at the spot in fairfield alyn witt park where her naked body was discovered. abc7 news reporter lisa -- we will come back to that story. hopefully we can work those glitches out. on to other news this morning, team usa is set to relawn were the racing yacht that capsized last october in san francisco bay. the boat was damaged and repair work has been underwork since then with a new second wing arriving from new zealand last month. tomorrow morning it will be relaunched from the oracle team u.s. base located at pier80. they have pass add series of load tests to make sure it is ready to sail again. lisa, the waters could be a little chop by there for them? >> yeah, they will subside by the afternoon burks certainly
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the morning hours we've had some long period swells. sunshine here but it's not everywhere. here's a look from the east bay camera. you notice we have some low clouds of that moved into the picture. still clouds up in the north bay. the friends in hayward reporting mostly cloudy conditions as well as mountain view and san jose. live doppler 7hd, the camera on top of mount saint helena. the weather service down in monterey and we are looking to low cloudiness here and all-around parts of the east and south bay up to the north, as well. really san francisco and much of marin county and over toward berkeley enjoying some sunshine now. that's where we have the warmer numbers. 50 in oakland, san francisco 50, half moon bay pretty mild along the coast but that's going to change for the afternoon with an on shore flow and cooler conditions. those low clouds and fog will be banked up along the coast. 49 in san jose with cloudy
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skies. plenty of skies hanging around the central coast from watsonville into salinas. partly cloudy. poor visibility up toward santa rosa. three miles there. had has improved significantly but napa you still have the fog. more sunshine this afternoon. we will see cooler conditions, much cooler with some showers. it looks like thursday.they should be returning and we are looking at maybe a quarter to a half-inch at this point. low snow levels. here's the water vapor imagery. she's the high, cirrus clouds from saturday. this allows a ridge of high pressure, a little nose of it to push on in. with that, some more mixing and we will see some slightly sunner condition today with numbers back into the low to mid-60s. with the clouds we are in the mid-50s yesterday. here's the computer animation.
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half moon bay, ocean beach we should see more clouds there. cooler conditions still pretty much in the 50s. he is the high pressure ridge, well, it's with us, it has been, and it will stay with us through the middle of the week. but we are going to get into some cooling by tuesday. more cooling on wednesday. then we will look for a little rain headed our way. today 74 in los angeles. 80 in palm springs. look for the mid-60s to return. so really mild for sacramento and fresno. locally upper 50s where we have those clouds from half moon bay. 61 san mateo. you should brighten up soon with 63 in oakland. the clouds willingner the next hour or so from hayward to fremont and then we will see things brighten up. partly cloudy in livermore in today at 63. down by the monterey bay it will take time until we see the sunshine there. santa cruz looks good. look for high clouds and more mild temperatures tomorrow.
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cooling at the coast tuesday and wednesday. here comes the rain thursday and friday with much cooler numbers. as much as five to seven degrees cooler than we are now and that will bring us below the average. >> and bring a little rain into the forecast? >> looks like a little, yeah. >> all right. thanks, lisa. well, in sports the countdown is almost over with super bowl xlvii just about six hours away. >> good morning. the sharks had opened the season with seven straight wins. would the streak continue against nashville? let's go out to the tank. it was scoreless after one. san jose had a great opportunity in the second. ryane clowe's shot goes off the post, but martin havlat, thinking it was in, celebrates instead of putting the puck in the net. havlat tries to make up for it
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in the third period. he scores with the backhand. it was tied at one a piece. for a third straight contest, the sharks went to a shootout. this time, though, they would lose. joe pavelski was stopped by rene peca. they drop to 7-1. after sitting out with a twisted ankle stefhon curry was back in the warriors starting lineup. golden state hosting phoenix. andrew bogut drives in the wide open lay-in. he had 11 points and 8 rebounds. curry's ankle held up just fine, thank you. he had buries the three here. he had ten points at the break. nice pass by bogut, who goes behind the back to harrison barns. he matched his season high with 21 points. third quarter action. curry on the break. he gets the hoop and the foul. after trailing by four at the half, golden state pulls away to win. david lee goes back door to curry for the reverse. curry with a game high 29. warriors win by 20. it's their fourth straight victory.
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after losing to stanford wednesday, fifth-ranked oregon paid a visit to us. tied at 54 late in the game, justin cobbs connects. cal takes the lead. under ten seconds to play, singler puts up the three and the bears defense comes up big and gets the ball back on the jump ball possession a pair of free throws made the final 58-54. fans stormed the court. the bears now 13-8. the saint mary's fans got to enjoy a laugher against portland. it was all gaels. the steal and lay-up. he scored a game high 23. saint mary's led by 21 at the break. it would get worse for the pilots. to waldo, they win their seventh straight. 77 - 42. they improve to 19-4. so who is going to win the super bowl? well, trent dilford has played quarterback for both the 49'ers and ravens. here is what he thinks. >> i think the niners are the superior team. not just the better team, but the superior team.
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the best team doesn't always win the game, but if the niners don't mess it up, they don't get in their own way, i think they win this game not easily, i don't think anything is ever super easy but they get after the ravens and impose their will and win the game. >> my prediction for the super^bowl, 49'ers win it 28-21. i'm rick kwan. enjoy your super bowl sunday. >> one 49er, one raider, but no eddy debartolo among the seven new members of the hall of fame. who will be in is larry allen len. this is his first year eligible. allen spent most of his career in dallas but he did finish up with the niners. another first ballot inductee, warren sapp, the former buck near who played his last few years in silver and black. he will be enshrined in canton, ohio. sapp was a dominating force on the defensive line.
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eddy was passed over did. >> there's no question in my mind eddy debartolo belongs in the hall of fame. when you look at the owners in there, he is at the top of the list. i hope people see it for what it is and understand he was the best owner the history of professional sports. >> two who did not get in is tim brown and linebacker charles haley. coming up next, after this break. >> here in downtown san francisco people be getting ready for their own super^bowl parties. the police and fire are getting ready, as well, doing whatever they can to ensure that these celebrations today aren't as destructive as the ones that
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follow the giants big world series win. i'm kira klapper. i'll tell you what they are doing to prepare and what you doing to prepare and what you need to look out for aft [ male announcer ] citibank's app for ipad makes it easy for anne to manage her finances when she's on the go. even when she's not going anywhere. citibank for ipad. easier banking. standard at citibank.
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okay. [ male announcer ] with citibank's popmoney, dan can easily send money by email right from his citibank account. nice job ben.
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[ male announcer ] next up, the gutters. citibank popmoney. easier banking. standard at citibank. >> let's go back now to that story out of fairfield. plaices have 15 detectives and three sergeants investigating the murder of a 13-year-old girl whose naked body was found in a park early friday morning. a growing memorial of flowers and mementos marks the spot in fairfield's allen witt park where her body was discovered. we have the latest. >> give us this day our daily bread. >> reporter: allen witt park has gone from a crime scene to an alter. honoring a 13-year-old found alone, naked and dead friday morning. >> she was face down.
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there's no obvious signs of trauma. put it that way. that's all i will say about her body. >> and today fairfield police asked abc7 not to release the girl's name or photos. detectives are following several leads from nearby surveillance cameras, but still do not have any suspects. they do know the girl was in the 7th grade at green valley middle school in cordalia. she was in school thursday and when she didn't return home that afternoon her foster parents called police. this friend was with her just before she got on the bus thursday after school. >> we were talking about life and success and like a bunch of stuff and then that's the last i seen her. she had a big smile on her face. >> now the tears wash over this community that is in mourning. >> it's heartbreaking to know that a teenage girl could end up dead in a park here. >> the sadness also served as a call for action.
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>> it brings a lot back for me. just because of me being in that place, being someone who was abducted. >> sanchez was only 8 when she was kidnapped and vallejo. now she helps families of missing or murdered children heal. she's reaching out to the 13-year-old's family to offer her support. >> she was a baby. she has a family that loves her. she has friends that love her that she went to school with. you know, 13-year-olds are supposed to be involved in sports and, you know, getting good grades. >> missy sanchez is also offering to help the family with any fundraising efforts needed to pay for the funeral. in fairfield, abc7 news. >> well, it is super^bowl sunday and the excitement for 49 ehrhoff fans since to build this morning. the pregame super bowl hype is
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just about over. we have about six hours remaining before kickoff. abc7 news reporter katie marzullo joins us live from new orleans outside the superdome, the site of super bowl xlvii. katie, i know you have been working hard all week, but it looks like you are having a lot of fun. >> the most fun work i have ever done, carolyn. and the 49er fans here are having a great time, too. what more could you want, your niners in the super bowl and to be in the new orleans, one. greatest, most fun cities on the planet. but here's the superdome. it will get serious for a little while this morning. maybe if you are watching at home on your couch you will be relieved to know you won'ting going through security operations here. they are tight. all fans are going to have to go through all of that before they take their seats here at the superdome. but meanwhile down in the french quarter it is all just about having fun and being among fellow 49er fans.
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>> note ♪ >> in new orleans it's always a party but something feels different now, special. >> i bought the tickets and i thought we will worry about the arrangements later. we tried to get flights but we couldn't so we said we are driving. >> we decorated our car here so the whole way here we were getting honks and it was a lot of fun. >> joe is from san francisco. he's a season ticket holder and maybe the world's most generous niner fan. >> i was picked in the lottery so i have two tickets. i gave my two tickets to my son and my daughter, and i bought mine. >> his cost $1,400.00. it is on the 50-yard line. you don't have to be from san francisco or even california to be a 49er fan.
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meet curtis potter from mississippi. >> what's the number? you know his name. a mississippi homeboy. >> a t-shirt is one thing, but carlos lema has taken his gear to a whole new level. >> my license plate i have had for years and years. my last name is lima so 49er lima is what i am. >> what he isn't is a ticketholder. but that's okay. life is good when offer 4-9der faithful. >> i have to tell you a few more tidbits about some of those fans and how they got here. couple that drove from sacramento, they bought three super^bowl tickets, grand total $6,500. and joe and his son-in-law and his daughter, the only way they could get here was to fly to houston and then drive to new orleans, which was 8 hours in the car. so these fans are diehards. nothing was going to stop them from being here today for this game. live in new orleans, katie marzullo, abc7 news. >> katie, any surprises for you there in new orleans? >> well, i've never been here
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before, carolyn, so everything, i feel like a little kid on christmas morning. i think it's so neat. the food is delicious but that did not surprise me. fans are in a great mood. there is so much camaraderie on the streets. it's crowd bud it's the most fun crowd you have ever seen so it never feels dangerous or anything like that. maybe my system was a little surprised by the drink they call the hurricane, but i only had one. i only had one. >> one. >> i hope the boss is not listening. okay. >> after work. after-hours. after i was done working. >> oh, of course. of course, katie. i know you. absolutely. you continue to have fun. we will look for you tonight at 5:00 here on abc7 news. >> i'll be here. >> all right. so this weekend the city of turlock is raising money in honor of hits hometown hero.
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but let's go right now, we want to go to fans and first responders getting ready for the big celebration in san francisco. abc7 news reporter kira klapper is there, joining us live along the embarcadero. good morning, kira. >> good morning to you, carolyn. you know, as katie was talking about before she got into the x-rated hurricane talk, she was talking about the security in new orleans. even though they are more than 2,000 miles away here in san francisco, there is heightened security in preparation for tonight's super^bowl celebration. a hopeful victory. police and fire, of course, all of us don't want it to turn out to be as destructive, violent as the world series celebrations were after the giants won. and to that end, police have added twice as many officers on the streets of san francisco today compared to a typical sunday. muni is also taking precautions choosing to run diesel bus that is can be quickly rerouted so
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they don't get trapped and ruined in celebrations as they did after the world series. also beginning at five this evening, if you are planning to take a bus line that runs down market street you should know it will be detoured. most lines will switch to mission street or vanes. are city leaders just want everyone to celebrate responsibly. that's all they are asking. one niner fan i spoke with this morning and planning for a quiet and safe super^bowl watching party. he will be decked-out in all his gear. take a look. >> boxes of gear of niners sweaters, t-shirts, hats. sometimes i spend too much, i think, but, you know, i'm a big fan. >> do you have any predictions for the game today? >> the two teams are very well-balanced offensively and defensively but i think the niners have more with colin kaepernick as quarterback, he's more faster so i think they will edge 27-23. >> well, that's the hope, of course.
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if you are not staying inside, if you are headed out today, mayor ed lee has actually asked bart to kind of keep track of how much alcohol they are selling. a lot of people arrested area the giants won were arrested for public intoxication. we have an exclusive mayor ed lee and the police chief greg suhr and fire chief joanne hayes-white. they are helping the fans helping get the team to new orleans but they want them to show the country that nobody has it better than us. abc7 news. >> thank you, kira. we certainly hope everything is peaceful. let's go to turlock, which in honor of its hometown hero, colin kaepernick is doing some special fundraising today. osh yesterday a fund raiser was held at his old school, pittman high. he's turned into a virtual
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kaepernick kingdom. his numbers and t-shirts are everywhere. almost every remembers him. >> humble. he's a good kid. you know, smart student. he was a great kid. >> and kaepernick would certainly approve of where this money is going. it's being funneled right into turlock's education fund. wayne, larry, katie and schu are sending out a lot of great behind-the-scenes updates like this of 49er fans michael and ken. we are re-treating the best of those @abc7 news bay area. follow us for the latest up to the minute coverage on what is happening on and off the field. whatever happens tonight abc7 news will be here to cover it. we will be on right after the game with live coverage from both the bay area and new
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orleans. coming up next, more super coverage from louisiana. we will see some of the locals as abc7 news reporter wayne friedman met when he went outside new orleans, venturing into the bayou. right now we have a live look from our damage cam. you see a lot of clouds there. lisa argen says a full day on at that point, perhaps rain on the way later in the week. she will have your [ female announcer ] pillsbury crescents are awesome. but when i cook up some beef, ketchup, relish and cheese, cover it with crescent dough and pow! cheeseburger crescent casserole. double awesome. pillsbury crescents. let the making begin. [ malcrrkkhshziiiizzlllee. to this symphony of flavor: beautiful. shhhhshshshshhshshhhhhsshhhshs. gorgeous! here comes the crescendo. kkerrrrbbuuuuuucraaackkk. just...incredible.
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pillsbury toaster strudel. if beethoven made breakfast.
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but when i cook up some beef, ketchup, relish and cheese, cover it with crescent dough and pow! cheeseburger crescent casserole. double awesome. pillsbury crescents. let the making begin. here's a better idea. pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits in just 15 minutes the light delicate layers add a layer of warmth to your next dinner. pillsbury grands biscuits let the making begin. >> it seems abc7 news reporter wayne friedman has been everywhere in new orleans, bringing us the french flavor on bourbon street. this time he's outside new orleans where he met swamp
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people. >> fifteen miles southwest of new orleans, did you ever hear of lafeet, louisiana? it's a place where even this weekend the super^bowl is an afterthought. >> what's the big attraction? >> alligators. ♪ >> we are entering the heart of louisiana swampland darkness. only the bravest souls venture here, boat loads of them. >> it's awesome but it's creepy. >> they are real? >> they are real. >> real enough to touch and hold? i must be on something right now, i don't know. >> and thanks to the navigating skills of the captain, they are right off the side. >> we don't have alligators in l.a. >> do you want to pet him? >> no. i wouldn't mind a pocketbook. >> it's all part of the national preserve. the alligators are protected yet but you haven't seen a big one yet. >> oh, my gosh. now you have.
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here's a close-up look at the dominant male in these parts. he's easy to find because he's almost 11 feet long. >> how old is he? >> sixty, seventy years. >> how big is he? >> eleven feet, probably 400 pounds, 500 pounds. >> is this someone you don't want to tangle with? >> you don't want to mess with him. >> no, you don't. they tell us he didn't move because at 70 degrees today the water was cold. what's that? you wonder how he got this shot? a brave cameraman named randy davis. do not try this at home, especially when cruising a bayou in louisiana. wayne friedman, abc7 news. ♪ >> yeah, and they were saying that it was 70 degrees there. today here, nowhere near that. >> no. it's definitely cool out. clouds all around the bay in the south bay, even the east bay we are looking at some low clouds. but in between, san francisco and parts of our near east bay are sunny. this shot shows that the cloud deck, it's low. so we are talking about a bit of
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an on shore flow. cooler at the coast. we will tell you how warm it will get around the bay today and when that rain and much cooler air arrives. that's straight ahead. >> and also ahead, just in time for valentine's day, the florist who goes the extra mile to prove your flowers actually arrived. michael finne
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>> would you call it super
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weather on this super sunday or just nice? >> i would say it's super. >> okay. >> we've got a lot of sunshine right around the bay. but from hayward towards our east bay valleys southward and to the north, we have got those low clouds. you can see from here, this is a shot of berkeley and emeryville. you will notice that it looks pretty nice out there. but we are talking about status quo for the next two days. then we again our changes with the weak system. but enjoy today. the sun sets at 5:35. a live look right now at live doppler 7hd. you can see where the clouds are north of marin county here up through sonoma and napa where the fog is. then down toward hayward and fremont. mountain view and san jose beginning to clear out. but southward from gilroy and salinas we are looking a the cloud cover. where the sun is shining the numbers are in the 50s. cooler than that in san jose. 46 in los gatos, santa rosa 46 and 49 in monterey. yesterday mid-50s there.
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partly cloudy this morning. more sunshine for everyone today. the high cirrus clouds have moved to the east and we are looking at cooler weather headed our way as soon a as tuesday. but more significant cooling wednesday into thursday. looks like showers will arrive by thursday. doesn't look like a big system, but maybe some low snow levels for mount hamilton and point south from thursday into friday. so here's the water vapor imagery. yesterday we had the shield of higher is us clouds and now it has pushed not east. nose of high pressure is building back in and with that we get a northerly flow. that's about all we need to scour out the clouds. not everyone is seeing the sun right now. we will work on that. right now here's the computer animation. you notice by 11:00 it looks like we begin to see more clearing across the bay and by noon, yeah, looks like most places will be enjoying some sunshine, except for the coast. half moon bay and ocean beach,
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we will see pillar point some breeze city winds and cloudy conditions. here's the weather maker. the high pressure continues to build in and allows the storm track to stay well up to the north. that will allow dry weather through wednesday. a weak system heads our way on tuesday that will reinforce some cooler air. then we will draw it out wednesday or increase a little bit of a breeze. then by thursday we are looking at the rain. 80 in fall springs and 63 in livermore. san jose low 60s. clouds at our coast. cooler in the city today. 58 in monterey. here's the look ahead. very little change. tomorrow, tuesday day a little cooler breezy. partly cloudy wednesday and we look for the rain to arrive, a chance of it, overnight and perhaps more cold showers and highs in the mid-50s friday and then a dry next weekend. so not a lot of rain. looks like still pretty dry. >> all right. thank you, lisa. you know after the super bowl it's going to be time to start thinking about the valentine's
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day flowers. there's a lot of competition for your business. seven on your side's michael finney has been looking into some unique services being offered. >> reporter: when sending flowers, we all have the same concern, that what we bought and paid for isn't what actually arrives. >> they will show up and they are wilted and it looks like you didn't care. that's a problem because i did care. i sent the flowers in the first place. >> have you ever received any flowers that were lousy? >> yeah, actually. >> what happened? >> well, to put them in a vase would be nice. >> you don't get the same kind of feeling from them. it's kind of cool. >> did you feel like the person who sent them got ripped off. >> definitely, yeah. >> yeah. >> all the websites show pretty pictures, but how can you know what was actually delivered? well, 7 on your side has found a way with photo confirmation. a unique service offered by these two of san francisco's
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jane's roses. >> it works very well for both. for us, that our client is happy, and for clients that they have whatever they ordered. and they know that they didn't waste money and they are happy. [door knocking] >> hello. >> hello. >> he makes the delivery. >> flowers. >> cool! >> the person who sent the flowers would like me to take a picture and e-mail it back. would you allow me to do this? >> absolutely. cool! >> he brings out a am carolyn brings out a camera, a picture is taken of the flowers and the recipient. it is a fun moment to capture. the photo is e-mailed to the sender. now this one came in upside down, but most come in right side up like these.
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allowing the sender to get in on the fun and make sure they get what they paid for. >> that is so cool. that's really smart. a lot of times i buy flowers for my mom back home and i'll have her take a picture for me and it's never when i want it to be. so this is really, really neat. it's a cool service. >> i'm surprised nobody copied this service from us. i don't know why, but nobody does. >> i did an internet search and only found a handful of florists offering a similar service. among them one in indianapolis, another in pensacola, florida and another in alberta, canada. of course, there could be more. i hope others do pick up on this. it is a great consumer protection. i'm michael finney, 7 on your side.
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>> affleck beat out the directors of other movies. abc7 is the only place to watch the oscars on february 24th. you can start getting ready for the big event with our official oscars app. check out the my pics feature for details on all the nominees and to keep track of your favorites. the app is available for i-phone, ipad, android and the kindle fire. le get a last check of the week weather forecast with our meteorologist lisa argen. >> we are holding on to the clouds in the south bay. a little gray there but there's sunshine in the city. it will be a cool day here of 60. more sun in the pete bay for mid-60s in concord. still foggy from napa to santa rosa. richmond will see 61. down by the monterey bay a nice afternoon but you will have to aftewait on the bay.ll have to we will see sunshine around santa cruz at 63. here's the look ahead. little change tomorrow, more cooling tuesday and wednesday. some rain showers with even cooler air for the end of the
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week. >> all right. sounds good. thank you, lisa. thank you for joining us on the abc7 sunday morning news. i'm carolyn tyler along with lisa argen. abc7 news continues at 5:00 p.m. keep in mind whatever happens tonight after the super bowl, abc news will be here to cover it. we will be on immediately after the game with live coverage from the bay area and from new orleans. and our lovely team there, katie, wayne, schu, larry, have a great day and go niners! >> i happened the 49ers get to new orleans. no matter the outcome, let's respect the city of san francisco. >> that means there will be no place for bad behavior when we win this thing. >> 49er fans are world-class. let's show the world just how great we are. >> whose's got it better than us? nobody! no niners!
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'8 ♪ ♪ ♪ >> cheryl: welcome to "beyond the headlines," i'm cheryl jennings. we're exploring gun violence. discuss ways you can talk to your children no matter what age about the painful realities about the violence. about six weeks ago 20 children and six adults were fatally shot at a small elementary school. sandy hook shooting was one of the worst shootings in history. our reporter filed this report. >> worried. >> it's the community that is still anxious as their children return to school in newtown,


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