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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  February 5, 2013 11:35pm-12:35am PST

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but the ravens free safety ed reed addressed them from the stems of city hall with the words of another famous ed. >> baltimore! ♪ we got two tickets to paradise ♪ ♪ pack your bags we can leave tonight ♪ ♪ whoa whoa whoa whoa >> jimmy: i don't have that child should be on his head in that particular condition. that was two tickets to paradise by eddie money in case you didn't recognize it. apparently eddie sang it at a pep rally last week and it became his theme song. he even sang it again but this time with a backing track. ♪ we got two tickets to paradise ♪ ♪ pack your bags we can leave
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tonight ♪ ♪ whoa whoa whoa whoa >> you are not going to hollywood. the enthusiasm was there. [ applause ] the ravens' victory was the topic of discussion today on everything pretty much. it was also the topic on morning express with robin meade. they have a lot of stories to cover on this show, "morning express." they go through them quickly, praches too quickly as evidenced here in our segue of the day. >> how do you win the super bowl and then lose the trophy? everybody was holding it. they were taking pictures and then it disappeared. oh, my gosh. an asteroid is heading toward earth. >> jimmy: i think that's called burying the lead. [ applause ] i would like to take a ploem to wish anyone to whom it applies a
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happy national weather persons day. do we have any weather people in the studio tonight? no. today is the day on which we pay tribute to the brave men and women who stand in front of green screens and point at stuff every night. we have some wonderful weather reporters in l.a. the only thing we don't have is weather. which means our weather people have to be a lot better looking. to make my point, we're going to play a game right now called l.a. weather caster or charlie sheen's girlfriend. all right? i'm going to show you a picture of a woman. your job is to guess whether that woman is a weather reporter here in los angeles or a woman charlie sheen has dated. okay? let's begin. l.a. weather caster or charlie sheen girlfriend? charlie sheen girlfriend? let's find out. that is a weather person for nbc. who appears to have been caught in the rain without clothes on.
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all right. next, l.a. weather caster or charlie sheen girlfriend. yes. that is bri olsen, one of his form he goddesses. next up? l.a. weather caster or charlie sheen girlfriend? that is another bri. bri winkler, a weather caster at kabc. her teeth are too good to be charlie sheen -- next up. weather caster or charlie sheen girlfriend? we have a mix. that is a former goddess. natalie kenley who is a -- [ applause ] i don't know why you're applauding. all right. l.a. weather caster or a sheen girlfriend? that is right. that's jackie johnson from kcbs. you can tell from her pose that
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she is a weather caster. we have two more. weather caster, sheen girlfriend. all right. this one is tough. because she's dressed for snow but the snow is as fake as her breasts. that's a charlie sheen girlfriend. maybe they're not. i don't know. last one, l.a. weather caster or charlie sheen girlfriend. that's right. it is lauren sanchez dressed as wonder woman. she monitors the weather from an invisible plane. you guys are good at this. we have no prizes. you've won nothing. to honor national weather persons day, i thought it appropriate to show my favorite clip. this is dan from the local affiliate a fi affiliate in salt lake city. as often happens, thing got a
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bit steamy. >> this is a strops. you say why are you showing me this? john will move north. the moisture will be leftover. the spin, the tropical storm itself will turn into a depression. >> i don't know what there is to be depressed about. i think he's doing all right. happy national weather man day from all of us. the nation of iran. are you familiar with this country of iran? they're suddenly very focused on space travel. last week they claimed to have launch ad monkey into space. now they want to do the same thing with a human. and mahmoud ahmadinejad has volunteered to be that human. he said i'm ready to be the first human to sacrifice myself for science. this might be his good idea ever. let's load him in a rocket with lance armstrong and whoever had the commercial with kid who is
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with the super model. at home, senator john mccain tweeted, so he wants to be the first iranian in space. wasn't he there just last week? then posted a link to the monkey in space. that monkey. some people called the joke racist. they started to get a lot of complaints so he tweeted this. lighten up, folks, can't everyone take a joke? i'm with john mccain. if you can't call mahmoud ahmadinejad a monkey, who can you call a monkey? [ applause ] we should probably keep him off insta-gram. he could start a war or something. this is a touching story. a french tattoo artist met a young lady. this is young lady. looks like a relatively normal young girl. less than 24 hours after they met, she allowed him to tattoo his name on her face. which means she either really
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loves him or really hates her parents. it could be both. they met online. they met on o my god what happened to your face book. and this is a picture of the happy couple. she's going to spend the rest of her life saying hey, my boobs are down here. they say they're planning to get married. once you get a name tattooed on the face, you might as well give it a shot. on the bright side frg it doesn't work out, actually there is no bright side. but good luck. [ applause ] and our network abc ordered a pilot for a show called "big thunder" which is a show based on the roller coaster at disneyland. big thunder mountain. this is exciting. they have gary busey who will play the mountain. a show based on a roller coaster, you see? a great -- they made a show about trying to find your car in the disneyland parking lot yet? i thought i would like to pitch
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that. this is not the only show abc is based on the ride. last week you may have announced they're making this. >> love would bring them together. >> i love you, veronica. >> i'm yours forever. >> fate would tear them apart. >> whoa! if you loved me, you would stay! >> don't you understand, i have no choice! >> you do have! >> from the creators of revenge and the producers of wipeout. >> you lied to me. >> did i what i had to do for my child. >> teacups this fall on abc. [ cheers and applause ] >> teacups. do you understand? they made a show out of right tea cup. and one more thing. before we take a much needed break. i saw a -- i saw a youtube
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clinton that could be the most perfect 30 seconds in the history of the internet. it has everything, a baby taking her first steps, it has a puppy, and well, enjoy. [ laughter ] yay! present squealing ] [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> actually a pretty good metaphor for life. when we come back, we'll break down tonight's episode of the bachelor. i have a couple of great clims from the bachelor. we'll talk. [ doctor ] feeling shame and embarrassment
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enter the code and get in-game content so we put the power to keep more of it in the palm of your hand. just take a picture of your w-2. we'll automatically import your information. and help you get back the refund you deserve. learn more at turbotax dot com. more than 50 times a day? so brighten your smile a healthy way with listerin® whitening plus restoring rinse. it's the only rinse that makes your teeth two shades whiter and two times stronger. ♪ listerin® whitening... power to your mouth™. officewith an online package new colincluding: domain name,y! website builder with five pages and basic email just $49.99! that's up to 76 percent below online providers and only at officemax stores!
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♪ i got it made, i got it made ♪ i got it made ♪ fresh at subway ♪ breakfast made the way i say [ male announcer ] at subway, you got breakfast made. like an under 200 calorie steak egg white & cheese. subway. eat fresh. but that doesn't happen much anymore. the creative process never stops. and songwriting is so hard, but i love it. these days, i guess i just don't want to miss a thing. [ laughs ] i miss you guys. that's me.
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and this is my windows phone. [ male announcer ] now get a windows phone 8x by htc for just $99.99 at verizon. ) 3 days of walking now get a windows phone 8x by htc to give a breast cancer survivor a lifetime-- that's definitely a fair trade. it was such a beautiful experience. (jessica lee) ♪ and it's beautiful (woman) why walk 60 miles in the boldest breast cancer event in history? because your efforts help komen serve millions of women and men
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facing breast cancer every year. visit to register or to request more information today. it was 3 days of pure joy. ♪ and it's beautiful >> jimmy: welcome back. we had new episode of the bachelor tonight. there was an episode last night and tonight, usually when i watch something two nights in a row i demand to see some ballroom dancing. tonight we had the bachelor and it was amazing. for some reason every person on the show says the word amazing over and over and over again. every week we count how many time the word amazing is used. so far this season, in four week, there have been 58 amazings. 58 amazings.
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and let's go to the amazing tally for the bachelor this week. >> it would be amazing if i got the rose tonight. >> this is amazing. >> amazing. >> pretty amazing. >> pretty amazing. >> amazing. >> it amazes me. >> absolutely amazing. >> you're an amazing girl. >> so amazing. >> really amazing. >> amazing. >> amazing. >> that is amazing. >> it was so amazing. >> a grand total of 80 amazings this year. i don't think we're even halfway done. they're doing this on purpose now, right? instead of a rose they should be giving out thesauruses. tonight the bachelor show unaccompanied is harem to lake louise, canada. when all was said and done he sent three women home and actually said these words. >> i just was overcome with a
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sense of clarity and i knew that you six were the six for me. [ applause ] >> nowhere else on the planet would a woman be okay with that. may be if she was living in the castle with the sheikh in saudi arabia but nowhere else. as you're probably aware, it is flu season. it is the most shocking flu season yet. how is it possible that no one on the bachelor ever gets the flu? they should all be covered in tissues and herpes, right? a lot of people who work here at our show are sick, which is why you have to make sure you boil your co-workers before you interact with them. i feel particularly vulnerable. if i get flu everyone gets the week off which i think is why guillermo tries to keep open mouth kiss me every day. no one likes to get the flu. i decided to conduct an
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experiment today. i sent a camera out on to hollywood boulevard to ask people walking this question. would you rather kiss a flu ridden bradley cooper who is our guest tonight -- [ cheers ] you haven't heard the rest of the question. or me without the flu. do you follow? a kiss from bradley with the flu or a kiss from me without. let's find out what they said. >> would you rather kiss a healthy jimmy kimmel or bradley cooper with the flu? >> that's a hard one. i would rather kiss bradley cooper with the flu. >> bradley cooper with the flu. >> bradley cooper with the flu. >> bradley coop we are the flu. >> bradley cooper with the flu. >> bradley cooper with the flu plus chicken pox plus any other disease. >> bradley cooper with the flu.
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>> why is that? >> he's just so handsome. >> get out of here! >> bradley cooper with the flu. >> oh, yeah, bradley cooper. bradley cooper with the flu. >> why is that? >> jimmy kimmel is kind of funny looking. >> bradley cooper, of course. bradley cooper. >> even though you're putting that unborn child at risk. >> i'm sure my kids will have some illization shots and stuff like that. >> would you rather kiss a healthy jimmy kimmel or bradley cooper with the flu? >> do i have to pick one? >> you do. >> probably jimmy kimmel. i don't want the flu. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: kind of a shutout. i did get one. guess what, he's not kissing any of you. he's kissing me tonight.
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tonight on the show from "house of cards," kate mara is here. we have music from emeli sande and we have bradley cooper so stick around. go! go olive garden's three course italian dinner. it's back for just $12.95. featuring 5 delicious new entrees to choose from. go creamy and dig into rich new penne di mare with shrimp. or maybe go crunchy with new parmesan potato crusted chicken. served with unlimited fresh salad and warm breadsticks. finish with a decadent dessert. 3 courses, just $12.95! go tonight! go olive garden! and try our unlimited homemade soup, crisp salad, and warm breadsticks lunch. just $6.95! ♪ ♪
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♪ hey! pbht! [ children laughing ] ♪ ♪ ♪ [ beads rattling ]g ] [ male announcer ] spearmint that tingles as you chew. stimulate your senses. 5 gum. now in micro pack.
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>> jimmy: tonight on the program, you can see her star alongside kevin spacey in the
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new original netflix show "house of cards." kate mara is with us. and our musical guest has a sold out show at the el rey theater here in l.a. tomorrow night. don't even bother trying to get tickets for it. this is her debut album, called "our version of events." emeli sande is here. tomorrow night, we'll be joined by ewan mcgregor, julianne hough and musical guest gary clark jr. and on thursday, from the super bowl champion baltimore ravens, jacoby jones. dr. phil mcgraw will be here, and we'll have music from tim mcgraw. that's right. two mcgraws in one show. >> jimmy: our first guest this evening is an academy award-nominated actor, who has shared the screen with legends like robert de niro, jeremy irons, terry bradshaw and mike tyson. you name it. his excellent movie "silver linings playbook" is in theaters now. please say hello to bradley cooper. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: thank you for that kiss. i'm glad somebody wants to kiss me around here. >> this is like my eighth time being on here. we were talking backstage. >> jimmy: that's when we start kissing. >> it was a callback. >> jimmy: congratulations to you, by the way, for your academy award nominations. >> thank you. >> jimmy: you really did a fantastic job in that movie. and which is more exciting? this or sexiest man alive? >> i have to think about that. next question? >> jimmy: it is exciting though, right? >> which one? >> jimmy: both of them. >> it's crazy.
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crazy. >> jimmy: it is a crazy thing. because i think people think of you and anyone who is a movie star as almost as if you were born a movie star. you're a guy who has a family and you know, you meet people and you weren't always a celebrity. now you're nominated for an oscar. it's pretty great. >> it's pretty nuts. >> jimmy: where were you when you found out about it? >> i was at home. i had this idea that i would bypass and go running with my dog. they announced it at 5:30 a.m. it was pitch dark. i thought maybe that's not a great idea. so i decided to watch it at 5:35 a.m. i woke my mother up and we were sitting there. >> you're still living with your mom. [ laughter ] very sweet. >> yeah, i am, i am. >> jimmy: you say that with some -- you woke your mop up? >> she was sleeping right next to me and in -- i just leaned
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over. i was like, hey, baby, want to get up and watch that? >> jimmy: this is getting so sick now. >> grandma on the top bunk. my mom is watching, what is he saying? >> jimmy: whenever i do anything like that i tell my parents, well, you raised a monster. there's nothing you can do about it. >> it is all because of you. we were there because they said robert de niro's name and then david russell. and he had been snubbed by the golden globes so i was kind of emotional when i was hearing all these names. especially jackie. we didn't think she would get nominated. they said my name and my mother was flipping out. i had no reaction at all. she starts laying into me, what are you doing? they said your name. i was like, what? and then i called robert de niro. i was so excited. they said his name. and i love him and we're friends but i never, you know, i try not to get mushy with him.
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like sensitive. i was so excited, hey bob! the thing about robert de niro, he loves talking about schedules. hey, bob, how are you doing? good, good, 10:00 i'll go over here then 11:00 -- great, great, bob. he just got into town. >> jimmy: this is what my dad does by the way. >> two hours talking about his schedule. and i love it, you know. but maybe this morning we talk about something else. >> jimmy: sure. >> hey, hey, he was like, hey, hey, how are you doing? hey, congratulations. huh? yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. are you in l.a.? yeah, i just got here. listen, bob, just thinking, now we're both nominated. yeah. uh-huh. so how long are you here for? we're going to go to georgio's and then at 4:30 -- i'm like, wait a minute. he's giving me a rundown and i feel awful that i tried to have a moment with him and i got awkward.
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so 4:30, what are you doing? are you going to' the 10? yeah. i would not take 405 at that time. >> jimmy: he probably gets nominated for thing so frequently that it is just a part of the -- >> it's been a while, actually. i think it's been like 20 years. >> jimmy: no! >> yeah. it's been a long time. he won for the godfather and raging bull. >> jimmy: he was fantastic in this movie, too. >> my god. are you kidding me? and he is the real deal. obviously he is the real deal. >> jimmy: he is robert de niro. >> i got news for you, this guy can really act. i was really surprised. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what about your co-stars from the hangover? did they call you? were they excited about this? did they feel you left them behind for greener pastures? >> let me put it this way. the movie came out in november. we were shooting the hangover three. and todd phillips who is my brother, i love him. he saw right away, and then every day, there would be a thing between us. i would show up and he would say
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did they say anything? nope. the whole movie, no one said anything. nothing. zero. >> mike tyson said nothing? >> mike called me. mike called me. the gentlemen. >> jimmy: what could be better than that? we're going to take a quick look. if you haven't seen silver lining play book, you should. bradley cooper is here. ♪ how advanced is the new ford fusion? has outstanding performance and handling... ...and it offers a plug-in hybrid that gets a projected 100 mpge. of course, there's still one thing it can't do. introducing the entirely new ford fusion. it's an entirely new idea of what a car can be.
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i think it's done broseph! pretty much got it down to a science... pretty much. we also really like a great pulled pork sandwich even when we can't make the game. you ruined it! some people even like it better. really? yep. [ male announcer ] new carving board pulled pork, get that delicious slow smoked taste without the hassle. it's game time food. it's oscar mayer. for valentine's day? ♪ ♪ this valentine's day give him what he really wants. you! with k-y yours + mine and get a $25 gift card from ♪ [ male announcer ] every time you say no to a cigarette you celebrate a little win. nicorette gum helps calm your cravings
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devil's cut from jim beam.
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i'm not calming down. i'm not calming down! anyone can wake up. i'm not ashame of it! let the whole neighborhood wake up. i don't care! >> what's going on? what? >> hey! >> it's my wedding! >> i can't watch a video now? >> jimmy: that's bradley cooper. from that clip and there are many intense scenes but you
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might get the wrong idea about the movie which is often very funny. >> it's an interesting tone. when we were making it we're aware that we're trying to achieve something that is difficult. to have a comedic moment and a dramatic moment within almost the same line. that's david russell's bread and butter flirting with disaster. >> jimmy: and real life. >> the most traumatic things have a lot of comedy in them. >> jimmy: speaking of real life -- >> here we go. >> jimmy: this is not real life. you were at a big luncheon for all the oscar nominees. tell us what's going on here. everyone is there, right? >> yeah. daniel day lewis is not there. >> jimmy: even iron man is there. >> and downey was in there the whole time and he never committed. >> jimmy: where are you? >> i'm right there. >> what a seat you got there? >> it was very stressful. i'll just walk you through it.
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denzel washington was the first person called up. so he has to sit there while every single person walks up. and i was all the way in the back. and i was like maybe the last ten people. maybe that got called. and i started to think as i was sitting there, maybe they won't call my name. and then you start thinking, because like 15 minutes goes by where they're calling everybody. oh, they're -- is this like a joke? then i started to think, wait, maybe this is all made up. maybe i'm dreaming this and this is the nightmare right now. your mind -- >> jimmy: like for the kick ball team or something. >> they said bradley cooper. he said sit right here. de niro was after that. he come walking down and he is like trying to figure it out. the guy goes, go up in there. he went all the way up in here and i started thinking, oh, no, bob, come sit. i started to freak out that bob was going up in the rafter and
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then i just quieted down. >> jimmy: you have to. there is nothing you can really do. they put you where they put you. >> i made it very complicated and it was very simple. >> jimmy: but you look at you compared to steven spielberg. he is in the aisle. >> and i kept looking up. he wasn't looking at me. this whole side is looking at me like loser. you don't know aflac. >> jimmy: i think we can get a pretty good idea based on the cheating chart alone. >> it was pretty amazing. i have to say. >> jimmy: maybe you should take this home. give it to your mother or something like that. are you taking your mother to the oscars with you? >> i am, yeah. >> jimmy: everyone takes their mom to the oscars. >> years ago, it was already put in the books. if i ever went to the oscars, she was my date. >> jimmy: in your baby book?
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>> she had some faith. >> jimmy: maybe that's why you remain a single man. there will be a lot of other moms. i think jennifer lawrence is bringing her mom. >> she brings the whole family. we go to these events and everyone is there. it is hard for me to get a seat. she has her cousins and sisters and whole clan. >> jimmy: you know our next guest. you're welcome to stay if you would like to. bradley cooper is here. be right back with kate mara.
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so take your oral health to a whole new level. listerin®... power to your mouth™. 'cuz footlong fanatics like you can score cars, cash, trips, even free footlongs for life! millions of winners, and you could be one of 'em. so grab a 30-ounce drink or doritos chips and join the footlong frenzy. subway. where winners eat. people have been daring them to clean up tough messes. [ phone ding! ] another dare. they're proving that viva doesn't play by the rules. dunk it again for the close-up. my fans think a paper towel can't handle this. ♪ that is tough when wet. at least the fame hasn't gone to their heads. [ peggy ] grab viva and break the rules on all your tough messes. the camera loves your mom. she's a natural. but that doesn't happen much anymore. the creative process never stops.
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and songwriting is so hard, but i love it. these days, i guess i just don't want to miss a thing. [ laughs ] i miss you guys. that's me. and this is my windows phone. [ male announcer ] now get a windows phone 8x by htc for just $99.99 at verizon. current events. comfortable temperature. biceps. he maintains everything for your pleasure. he has the nicest car you can think of, but longer. with one hand he can roll down 10 windows plus the partition. everything he does, tacks right off. and of course he dines upon the liquid gold of velveeta shells and cheese. end of story. liquid gold. eat like that guy you know.
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practicedly cooper is here. you know our next guest from "127 hours" and "brokeback mountain" and on the tv shows "american horror story"
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and "24." now you can watch her online, but not in a creepy way. her new series "house of cards," with kevin spacey, is available now on netflix. please welcome kate mara. [ applause ] >> jimmy: how are you doing? how do you know each other? >> we did a show called jack and bobby together. >> i think i was like 17 and you were 40 or something. >> jimmy: 38. >> you said that with like a lot of enjoyment. >> a little venom. >> jimmy: how are you doing? good to have you here. >> thanks. it's been like seven years. did i say something wrong? >> jimmy: yeah, you did, no. i apologize. i didn't think you wanted to come back but i'm glad you did come back. >> me, too.
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>> jimmy: you were like a football princess for those who don't know. >> princess, i don't know about princess. i like football. >> jimmy: let's see what the audience decides. your great grandfather founded the pittsburgh steelers and your other great grandfather founded the new york giants. and other -- no, that's it. did any of your other great grandfathers found any teams? >> no, that was it. >> jimmy: what a bunch of losers. your family is still involved. in the giants, your dad and uncle. >> yeah, yeah, my dad is very much involved. i'll a massive giants fan. >> jimmy: your team has been involved in four out of the last six super bowls. >> is that it? i'm bad with numbers. >> jimmy: do you go to the super bowls? >> yeah. i've been to all of those except the steelers super bowl, not the last one, the one before that. i don't know when that was but i
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was working on "24" the tv show and i had to shoot the next day. and so they wouldn't let me go. and i, i mean, the entire time my family was sending me pictures of themselves at the stadium really happy and i was weeping at home. so from now on, any time i'm working during football season which isn't that often, but any time i am, i have sort of in my contract that the giants and the steelers are in the super bowl, i have to be off the next day. >> i had that with project runway. do you have the run of the statement? can you go get hot water and stuff like that? >> the only time i was in the locker room was the last two giants super bowls, we went in after we won. and i thought, well, i've never
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been allowed to go in before. but i won't say her age. my grandma was allowed in so i followed behind her. it felt a little inappropriate. at some point they stop celebrating and they start disrobing. you go, should i look? should i not look? eventually my dad was like, i'm going to take you ladies out of here. >> jimmy: did grandma stay behind? >> she may have. >> wow! >> jimmy: did you see anything? >> yeah, i did. i saw a lot actually. i have a few favorite players now. >> jimmy: on your mvp list. >> jimmy: this show "house of cards" is exclusive to netflix. i figured it all out on netflix last night. >> did you watch some of it? >> jimmy: i did, yes. all of the episodes are available all at once. why not space them out? >> i'm really greedy.
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i usually wait for an entire season to be done so i can spend a whole weekend -- i don't have anything else going on. i sit down and watch all of homeland in one day. i think netflix was really smart about that. they thought let's beat peel to the punch. >> jimmy: and you're working with kevin spacey. had you known him before? >> no. i did not know him at all. and everybody who said i was working with him was sort of scared for me. >> jimmy: why? >> i don't know. i guess people are intimidated by him. so i was slightly intimidated by him. and he couldn't be more hilarious and -- we had a really good time. he is so professional. i was constantly trying to, without him knowing, trying get to him to laugh on, during takes. >> jimmy: did you shower with him? >> yeah. that would really get him to laugh. >> jimmy: how do you try to get him to laugh? >> we have a lot of romantic things going on. >> jimmy: now you've ruined thing for me.
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i've only seen the first episode. >> you didn't get that in the first episode? i failed at my job. >> jimmy: it seemed like he was committed to his wife, right? >> yes. >> jimmy: but i guess he's a politician so i should have figured it out. >> exactly. we have a seen where i may or may not disrobe a part of my wardrobe and they give you these little pasties to cover your nipples. >> who gives these to you? who is the one -- [ laughter ] >> i didn't like the shape of them. i thought how can i make kevin laugh during his close-up? so the first time around i printed out pictures of his face and stuck them on. his close-up, nothing. no reaction at all. and then we had to reshoot the scene four months later. i don't know.
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why probably because we weren't serious enough during it. so it was election day. so i decided to printout pictures of obama and thought, well, of course he'll laugh at this. this is sort of funny. like literally nothing. no reaction on his face. >> jimmy: i think that's a felony, actually. i don't think you're allowed to do that. so he's a lot of fun is what you're saying. >> yeah. >> jimmy: the show came out terrific. you really did a nice job on that show. he is talking to the camera the whole time which i was watching him in bed and it was scaring me, to be honest with you. kevin spacey's head speaking at me. and this is really something that netflix is doing this. these original programs. with no commercials or anything. >> yeah. i was surprised at how many people i've learned have watched all 13 episodes and it just came out on friday. i mean, i thought i was the only loser who would sit at home and watch. everyone does it.
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>> jimmy: congratulations to you. kate mara, everyone. "house of cards." bradley cooper is here. we'll be back with the music of emeli sande. ♪
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>> jimmy: her debut album, here is emeli sande. ♪ ♪ you won't find him drinking under tables rolling dice and staying out 'til three ♪ ♪ you won't ever find him be unfaithful you will find him you'll find him next to me ♪ ♪ you won't find him tryna chase the devil for money, fame, for power out of greed ♪ ♪ you won't ever find him where the rest go
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you will find him you'll find him next to me ♪ ♪ next to me wooh hoo next to me wooh hoo ♪ ♪ next to me wooh hoo you will find him you'll find him next to me ♪ ♪ when the money's spent and all my friends have vanished and i can't seem to find no help or love for free ♪ ♪ i know there's no need for me to panic 'cause i'll find him i'll find him next to me ♪ ♪ when the skies are grey and all the doors are closing and the rising pressure makes it hard to breathe ♪ ♪ when all i need is a hand to stop the tears from falling
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i will find him ♪ ♪ i'll find him next to me next to me wooh hoo next to me ♪ ♪ wooh hoo next to me wooh hoo i'll find him ♪ ♪ i'll find him next to me when the end has come and buildings falling down fast when we've spoilt the land and dried up all the sea ♪ ♪ when everyone has lost their heads around us you will find him you'll find him next to me ♪ ♪ next to me wooh hoo next to me wooh hoo ♪ ♪ next to me wooh hoo
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you will find him you'll find him next to me ♪ ♪ next to me wooh hoo next to me wooh hoo ♪ ♪ next to me wooh hoo you will find him you'll find him next to me ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i want to thank bradley cooper, i want to thank kate mara. tomorrow night, ewan macgregor. "nightline" is up. please stay up and watch our version of events. you can see the full performance on jimmy good night.
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♪ will you recognize me in the flashing light i try to keep my heart beat but i can't get it right ♪ ♪ will you recognize me when i'm lying on my back something's gone inside me and i can't get it back ♪ ♪ oh heaven oh heaven i wait with good intentions ♪


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