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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  February 14, 2013 11:35pm-12:35am PST

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right now getting into bed, this, of course, is the sexing hour. i don't want to interrupt that. but i also don't want you to miss the show. so as a courtesy, anyone on camera, cover their eyes. that means dickey, cleto, guillermo cover your eyes. let's give these people some privacy. those of you at home, go ahead, let the love-making process begin. do whatever comes naturally. [ applause ] okay. oh, not finished. all right. okay. all right. go ahead and finish. finish, finish, finish, finish. finish. and. okay. finished. good job. [ applause ] get that out of the way. valentine's day, as you know, celebrates the feast of st.
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valentines. i hear from a lot of women who swear they don't care about valentine's day. in my experience, you can tell how much someone cares about valentine's day by how much they tell you they don't care about valentine's day. nobody ever sends the flowers back, let's put it that way. but for some people, it's a depressing day to be single. if you are single and if you're feeling lonely right now, you can always go to the airport and request a tsa patdown. that is there, it is free, and it is available. how many of you in our studio audience are here on a valentine's day date? [ applause ] all right. it's interesting. tickets to the show are free, so anyone here on a date tonight is dating a cheapskate is what they're doing. [ laughter ] according to a new survey, people are spending an average of $126 on valentine's day this year. don't hookers cost less than that? [ laughter ] every year, i hear a lot of ads on the radio for those vermont teddy bears.
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which that doesn't seem like a great gift to me. but i guess people like them. i think the ad campaigns have something to do with it. i saw a tv commercial for this over the weekend. it seems like they're taking a much more honest approach this year. >> this valentine's day, give your loved one a gift that tells you just how you feel. the lovable, huggable giant teddy bear from the vermont teddy bear company. just because she's a full grown woman doesn't mean you can't give her the same thing you give a 3-year-old girl. this valentine's day, forget expensive roses. she'll probably just try to put them in her mouth anyway. treat her like an infant with a gift from the vermont teddy bear company. insulting adult women with crap for over 30 years. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> two weeks from ynow, giving your cleaning lady a giant teddy bear. here's a strange valentine's fact. one in five americans bought their pet a valentine's gift this year, which if you think about it is very sad. at least when you give your pet
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a gift, you know ahead of time he won't appreciate it. but americans spend a total of $815 million on their pets for valentine's day. that seems like -- your dog is going to hump your leg regardless. [ laughter ] you do not need to buy the dog a gift. the survey by the national retail foundation said that some people even give their fish valentine's day gifts. a good way to tell that you've lost your mind is if you give your fish a valentine's day gift. by the way, it's probably too late now, but i would like to remind you about our holiday themed youtube challenge. on tuesday, i asked those of you watching at home, guys specifically, to wrap something small about the size of a jewelry box and give it to your wife or girlfriend. but instead, i'd like you to put something strange in the box. something she definitely won't be happy to get. and then post video of her reaction to youtube with the title hey jimmy kimmel, i gave my wife or girlfriend a terrible gift for valentine's day. the plan is to collect our favorite submissions and play them on the show next week, but we've got a few videos early. i guess people celebrated early.
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and if this is any indication of what's to come, i think we might have trouble on our hands. >> a few months ago, my girlfriend and i went to kay jewelers and i purchased this engagement ring, so for the last couple months, she's been hounding me to propose to her and to give it to her. so thanks to jimmy kimmel's suggestion, i think i will. i want to videotape. >> why are you videotaping? >> because i have a gift for you. a gift on valentine's day. >> if it's an empty box -- it was a [ bleep ]. you gave me a box of [ bleep ]? >> happy valentine's day. how, gross. >> i touched it with my hand! [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: this specific one i said gave her a crappy gift. i did not mean that literally. see, that's a gift you can give
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your pet for valentine's day. here's some news from the world of dentistry. the song "gangnam style" has been named best song for kids to listen to while brushing their teeth. however, it is the worst song to listen to during everything else. [ laughter ] [ applause ] thank you. a music expert and a dental expert wanted to figure out which song had the best beat for kids to properly brush to. they decided it would be a song that had eight bars of music followed by two sets of four bars, a double chorus and a middle bridging section and it turns out "gangnam style" fits that description perfectly. the "hey sexy lady" part particularly gets kids concentrating. [ laughter ] personally i think most parents would rather have all their kids' teeth fall out than hear that song one more time. but on the topic of toothbrushing, this is another good clip. the global news affiliate yesterday, anchorwoman lisa dut on the was talking about how she thought it would be a good idea
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for somebody to make a vibrating teething toy and in doing so make sure her son can never ever be seen in public again. >> when my son was teething, he used to like the take the big fat rubber end of my vibrating toothbrush and put it on his mouth and he would sit there like oh yeah, that feels good. that hits the spot. my gums are itchy. >> jimmy: the guy with the mohawk. they have different methods of parenting out there. one more thing, back to valentine's day. one of our guests tonight, josh groban. i really like josh groban, he's a very nice guy. [ cheers and applause ] very talented guy. josh has a new product he's endorsing and i don't typically let our guests run commercials during our show, but this is something he's very passionate about. he's done a lot for us here at the show. also i think this is good for our viewers who might be looking for a way to spice up the romance in their life. so take a look. >> hello there. i'm josh groban. sex.
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have i got your attention? let me say it again. sex. do you have sex? do you sometimes feel like you aren't good at sex? well, now you are. going to be. these are josh groban sex pills. the first pill clinically proven to make you more good at sex. even doctors agree. >> i'm a doctor, and i agree. when you take josh groban's sex pills, special sex chemicals travel to your privates to make them more good at sex. how much more good? a lot more good. >> thanks, doc. you know, people everywhere are talking about josh groban's new sex pills. just ask this happy customer. >> before i took josh groban's sex pills, i didn't even know how to do sex. now i have so much sex, i have to keep some of it in this shoe box. thanks, josh groban. >> oh, you're welcome. and happy sex. and remember, guys.
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♪ they'll bring you romance so take a chance you feel them working in your pants josh groban sex pills make you good at sex yeah i feel a tingling ♪ >> order josh groban sex pills today, because you can't spell groban without bonar -- g. >> jimmy: thank you, josh. we have to take a break. when we come back, this week in unnecessary censorship. plus, rachel weisz and josh groban, let's spend our remaining time on the planet together, shall we? come right back.
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[ gwen ] i used to sleep on the tour bus between shows. but that doesn't happen much anymore. the creative process never stops. and songwriting is so hard, but i love it. these days, i guess i just don't want to miss a thing. [ laughs ] i miss you guys. that's me. and this is my windows phone. [ male announcer ] now get a windows phone 8x by htc for just $99.99 at verizon. and under 550 calories each. you have to taste it to believe it. i believe it! i can dig it! [ male announcer ] uh oh. yep, they tasted it. big flavor, big portions, starting at just $9.99. see you tomorrow.
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[ male announcer ] know the feeling? try acuvue® oasys brand contact lenses with hydraclear® plus for exceptional comfort. it feels like it disappeared on my eye! [ male announcer ] discover why it's the brand eye doctors trust most for comfort. acuvue® oasys brand. like other precious things that start off white, it yellows over time. fact is, when it comes to your smile, if you're not whitening, you're yellowing. crest 3d white whitestrips go below the enamel surface to whiten as well as $500 professional treatments, at a fraction of the cost. guaranteed, or your money back. crest. life opens up when you do. want a whiter smile today? try 2 hour express whitestrips.
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(woman) 3 days of walking to give a breast cancer survivor a lifetime-- that's definitely a fair trade. it was such a beautiful experience. (jessica lee) ♪ and it's beautiful (woman) why walk 60 miles in the boldest breast cancer event in history? because your efforts help komen serve millions of women and men facing breast cancer every year. visit to register or to request more information today. it was 3 days of pure joy. ♪ and it's beautiful
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hi, everyone. rachel weisz and josh groban are on the way. iran, you know the country iran, they did something crazier than usual last month. iran introduced what they described as a state of the art military super jet named kaher 313. when aviation experts got a close look at the picture, they concluded that there is no way this jet can fly. one expert said it looks like the iranians dumped some rudimentary flight controls into
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an ejection seat and put it in a shell. which basically means they just unveiled a fleet of attack go-karts. but this week i guess they released the criticism and they released this photo of it in flight. but the image is clearly photoshoped. it looks like they took this photo of the super jet sitting in a hangar and combined it with this photo which you can find on a computer wallpaper website to make this photo. it's the worst christmas photo since the kardashian christmas card. either that or this jet is so stealth that it doesn't exist. but i guess you can still use it for photo bombing, right? but in addition to the fighter jet, iran also unveiled a new fighter boat, a new fighter spaceship, and another new fighter jet. as long as they don't run out of quarters, they will be a force to be reckoned with.
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tomorrow, an asteroid with a diameter of 150 feet will pass within 17,000 miles of the earth. 17,000 miles is actually very close. it's the closest an object of that size has come to the earth in recorded history. the best viewing locations will be in indonesia and eastern europe. or if you're here and you can't get there, you can just have a friend whip a pebble at your head. it's not expected to hit us, but still, hold your loved ones close, listen to some aerosmith and be glad that bruce willis is still with us just in case something does need to be done. it's always a big deal when an asteroid passes close by the earth. so today, i sent a camera crew on to hollywood boulevard to ask people if they saw it. even though it has not passed us yet. the asteroid is named 2012 da-14. keep in mind, da-14 won't be close enough to see until tomorrow, so unless these people work for nasa, there's no way they could have seen it yet, but that didn't stop them from telling us they did in tonight's edition of "lie witness news."
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>> did you happen to catch a glimpse of the asteroid passing the earth? >> yes, i did. >> can you describe it for us? >> awesome. unbelievable. >> did you catch a glimpse of the asteroid go by the earth last night? >> yeah. i looked up in the sky, saw -- it was black and some like fire things coming out the back of it. >> did you see the asteroid pass by the earth last night? >> yes, i did. i actually seen like a bright light with green bright white line. it was like i didn't know what it was. i looked out i was like whoa, i thought it was a shooting star. but it didn't look like a shooting star. it shook a little bit, because i was like oh [ bleep ], what's going on? i was on a skateboard. >> did you see the asteroid pass by the earth? >> did i see the asteroid? yeah, i saw those fireworks. all of a sudden it was pitch black and boom, there was a light that shined out and went in all directions.
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it was amazing. fantastic. >> can you describe what it looked like up in the sky? >> it was so fast i could barely see it, so i can't really say. >> shooting star. >> it was bright. >> did it shine bright? like a diamond? >> like a diamond. >> did you hear any noise or anything like that? >> i didn't hear anything. i just looked up and i said what the hay? so i grabbed my phone and taped it. >> do you have it with you? >> yeah, i do. >> what is it? [ laughter ] >> what was that? >> i don't know. >> we're talking to people that saw the asteroid pass by the earth last night. >> dude! no, because i'm on porn all night long on the computer. >> you're on porn? >> all night long. [ applause ] >> jimmy: it's time for our weekly tribute to the fcc where
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we bleep and blur things whether they need it or not. it is "this week in unnecessary censorship." >> we will draw upon the courage and skills of our sisters and daughters and moms because women have proven under fire that they are ready for [ bleep ]. >> i want to [ bleep ] jay-z. i want to [ bleep ] taylor. >> tonight a [ bleep ] fiasco. >> we are at the world famous gorgeous opera house in london's [ bleep ] garden. >> it's tough to even look into the camera, the snow is almost [ bleep ] you in the face. >> a big guy at heart even though i've had a couple [ bleep ], but i think it's a big year. >> i'm savannah guthrie and together we're [ bleep ] america. >> a very nice balance of salty and sour to the mild flavor of the [ bleep ]. >> dude, you're ripped. >> [ bleep ]. >> name something you do to your
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body. >> you [ bleep ] it. >> good answer. >> jimmy: we have a great show today. josh groban is here. we'll be right back with rachel weisz. so stick around. >> jimmy: hi, jimmy kimmel here. "bar rescue" has helped countless struggling bar get back on their feet. we have a bar in their green room that needed a little work. so we called john taffert. >> this green room is ten years old and it looks it. i'm going to use proven bar sciences to make it the coolest green room in town.
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i've got some great ideas to do it. >> hi. >> guillermo, what are you doing here? >> jimmy kimmel told me to come and help you. >> you gonna work hard? >> i'm ready. >> let's go to work. >> all right, let's go. >> guillermo. wake up, we're finished. come on. look at this beautiful bar. solid. look at the shelves for catering when you have parties here. you can put food here. >> yes, i love food. so i built that for them to play. >> nice bottle displays. >> i love drinking. that's why i built those shelves right there. >> so here's the next thing i gave you. perfect beer tap system to pour the perfect guinness and guinness is the best beer in the world. >> john, i built this. you put beer in there, it pops the cap off, it works nice. >> perfect. what do you think? now it's a real bar.
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>> wow! i really did a good job here. >> wow! i really what's better? here. faster or slower? [ all kids ] faster! ok, what's fast? um, my mom's car and a cheetah. okay. a spaceship. a spaceship. and what's slow? my grandma's slow. would you like it better if she was fast? i bet she would like it if she was fast. hm, maybe give her some turbo boosters. tape a cheetah to her back. tape a cheetah to her back? seems like you have thought about this before. [ male announcer ] it's not complicated. faster is better. and the iphone 5 downloads fastest on at&t 4g. ♪ home of the meaty, melty mcdouble you love. and other amazing tastes for just a dollar each. every day, as always, there's a lot to love for a little
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on mcdonald's dollar menu. ♪
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on mcdo♪ yeeeowwww! ♪ hot mess hot mess hot mess ♪ ♪ you're a hot kind of love you set me on fire ♪ ♪ you spice up my night feed my every desire ♪ jack's one hit wonder is now a burger. the hot mess is loaded with spicy jalapeños, onion rings and gooey pepper jack cheese.
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♪ you're a - a hot mess and that's how i met your mom. ♪ hot mess >> jimmy: his new album just debuted at number one. it is called "all that echoes," josh groban is here to chat. [ cheers and applause ] tomorrow night, our best moments from this week compressed into one chicken nugget of comedy on
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"jimmy kimmel live" this week. next week, we'll be joined by andy samberg, kelly ripa, michael strahan, anthony edwards, mike piazza, and we'll have music from dido, ben harper with charlie musclewhite. so join us. our first guest tonight is a terrific actress who has a golden globe, an oscar, and a bond, james bond. you can see her as one of three witches in the new movie "oz the great and powerful." it opens in theaters march 8. please say hello to rachel weisz. are those for me? >> it's a little sad as a bunch. but it's happy valentine's day. >> jimmy: happy valentine's day to you.
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thank you very much. >> oh, thank you! swr >> jimmy: should i be worried about giving james bond's wife roses? i feel like there's laser things on my head right now. >> he likes you. also, james bond would never get married. you know, he only has one-night stands. doesn't he, right? >> jimmy: that's true. he did have a wife at one time, i think. early in the james bond story and then something terrible happened. and now he's avenging her death. >> really? they were married? >> jimmy: i could be wrong. guillermo, is that how it was? >> yeah. then they kill her. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: okay, thank you. is valentine's day a big thing in england too? >> yeah, it's the same as here. it's very busy for florists. >> jimmy: sure. you pay like three times as much for the flowers. are you insistent -- i guess the fact that you're here means that you're not particularly -- >> i'm spending it with you,
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jimmy. >> jimmy: yes, you're spending it with me. is it an important holiday to you? >> well, i mean, i don't think of it like some official holiday where people stop working and the world stops. it's like it's a hallmark holiday, wouldn't you say? >> jimmy: absolutely. there's no question about it. >> i'm not big on it. >> jimmy: that's good. i like that. it's kind of ridiculous, the whole thing. >> i think you show your love throughout the year. >> jimmy: yeah. we don't do that anyway, but it's a good point. when guys say every day is valentine's day. that mean no, sir day is ever valentine's day. >> well, i'm a woman and i'm not so into it. >> jimmy: same here. when did you first come to the united states? >> oh, i like that. when did i first come here. i came here the very first time with my mom and dad when i was about 12 and we went to -- came to california and we went to disney land and then we went to yosemite. >> jimmy: that's nice. it was a vacation. and you were here for a little while?
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>> yeah, it was like a two-week holiday. i couldn't believe how many channels there were on the tv. because in england, we only at that point had four channels. bbc 1, bbc 2 -- actually, three. >> jimmy: so you came to watch television. >> we didn't want to go anywhere because there were like 60 channels. >> jimmy: is that right? you got cable later than we did. >> yeah, i think the '90s. >> jimmy: what do you remember watching? >> "the brady bunch." "zorro." "little house on the prairie." >> jimmy: do you even have prairies? >> no, it's very exotic to us. >> jimmy: i heard you're an elvis fan. >> i am. >> jimmy: you even made a pilgrimage -- it's a pilgrimage when you go to graceland. it's not just a vacation. >> i did two road trips in america with friends. the second one was with a girlfriend called mel. we drove through the south. we started in new orleans, we
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wiggled our way through the south. we stopped -- actually, we got stuck in memphis for ages. we had like an itinerary of everywhere we wanted to go and we ended up spending a long time in memphis. >> jimmy: it's hard to get past the ribs. >> i love memphis. it's a great city. >> jimmy: i've never been to graceland. is that everything that everyone says it is? >> oh, it's fabulous. you get taken into his bedroom, which he has this huge bed with like leopard skin -- i think fake leopard skin, of course, kind of sheets everywhere. it was fabulous. >> jimmy: do you like fat elvis or thin elvis? >> i'd take him any way. and the fabulous thing about elvis is that even when he was fat and very drunk and high on a lot of drugs, he could still -- nothing could touch that voice. i mean, have you seen those -- you know, when he's singing in vegas. >> jimmy: i grew up in las vegas. >> did you? really? >> jimmy: he's like a saint there. >> you know, when he's singing and he's forgetting the lines
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and giggling and everything. but nothing could get in the way of that gift. >> jimmy: you know what i love most about elvis is he died on the toilet, which is how i want to go. [ laughter ] >> is that really true? >> jimmy: yeah, he did. >> on the toilet? is that like public record? >> jimmy: well, no, his family told me and i thought this was the time to reveal it. no, yeah. elvis died on the toilet. >> really? >> jimmy: i know all sorts of stuff. i'll tell you some more things. >> he was sitting on it with his pants down? >> jimmy: yes, he was. we'll recreate that when we return. rachel weisz is here. we'll be right back. portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by "bar rescue." tune in for a new episode this weekend. go to for more. she said, "i think it's eight." she showed up with four file boxes of paperwork. "here, take my stuff and figure it out."
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i will do that for you. it's a mental challenge. it's a puzzle. but getting you the maximum refund- that's what i'm here for. bring it on.
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it makes you believe. believing. it matters. the hp envy x2 all notebook... all tablet... all hp. available at, or these fine retailers. chewy inside... crunch n' chew. with a crunchy candy shell. untamed fruit flavor. jolly rancher crunch n' chew. i made the clear choice. claritin-d. decongestant products on the shelf can take hours to start working. claritin-d starts to work in just 30 minutes. power through nasal congestion fast. get claritin-d at the pharmacy counter. yeah.mmm! this is microwaved? it's great.
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nice. ehh. introducing ball park beef patties made with 100% beef. they're pre-grilled, then individually frozen for a juicy, hot-off-the-grill burger in about a minute.
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maybe it's you i'm underestimating. have you finally joined her side, sister? >> i am on no one's side. you know that. i simply want peace. that's all i ever wanted. he can do that, he's a good man. >> what do you know about goodness? deep down you are wicked. >> i am not wicked! >> that temper really is wasted on you. "oz the great and powerful."
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rachel weisz. and james fallows was here last night. he seemed to enjoy making it. i think he probably enjoys almost everything. >> i saw he landed in the hot air balloon and ran straight in. it was very cool. actually, i think i'm dressed a bit like elvis in that, don't you think? like the collar. >> jimmy: be very careful when you go to the bathroom. was this a fun movie to make, dressing up in the costumes? >> yeah. >> jimmy: it's kind of like what you imagine acting in movies would be like, i guess. >> yeah, i've never done anything like it. i've done more naturalistic things where i'm in jeans and a t-shirt and no makeup and this was like three hours hair and makeup and costumes and corsets and boots and wires. because we fly. obviously, i'm a witch, so i fly. i have to learn to fly. >> jimmy: there's more than one witch. >> three witches. >> jimmy: in "the wizard of oz" there are two witches. there are three witches. >> not that i've read them, the wizard of oz books, there's a heap of witches.
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he was really into powerful women, or women with powers. >> jimmy: or evil -- i don't know what his wife was like. maybe there was some problems there. >> maybe, yeah maybe. >> jimmy: so you're not the good witch, which i guess is glinda, right? >> michelle williams plays the good witch. and i hate her, my character. >> jimmy: not in real life. >> in real life, i love her. she's an amazing lady. >> jimmy: so you're really acting. >> i really had to pretend to hate her. and i'm the wicked witch of the east. and i hate her because she's so good. and i hate how good she is. and i want to destroy her, basically. i'm kind of like her evil dictator. but it's a disney movie, so it's fun. >> jimmy: maybe if evanora had some therapy, maybe there wouldn't have been a movie at all. >> it's not that kind of a film where you find reason i'm so mean is because my dad was -- >> jimmy: just mean. >> not really psychological. she's just a very cruel and
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manipulative and evil. she's kind of like a sociopath. but the more evil she is, the more it turns her on. she's like having fun. it feels good being bad. >> jimmy: yeah. all right. it sounds good. it sounds like a lot of fun. >> it's all fun. it's fun. it's pleasure. >> jimmy: i find that strangely erotic. i'm not sure why. >> she does. that's her thing. she gets off on badness. >> jimmy: oh wow. that's some disney movie we got going on there. >> we should give your flowers some water, maybe. >> jimmy: would you mind? there we go. that's a nice little valentine's day treat. well, "oz the great and powerful" is the name of the movie. it opens on theaters march 8. rachel weisz, everyone. thank you, rachel. we'll be right back with josh groban.
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the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is brought to you by sony. portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by spike tv's "bar rescue." tune in for a new episode this weekend. check your channel guide and go to for more. the creative process never stops. and songwriting is so hard, but i love it. these days, i guess i just don't want to miss a thing. [ laughs ] i miss you guys. that's me. and this is my windows phone. [ male announcer ] now get a windows phone 8x by htc for just $99.99 at verizon. 'cuz footlong fanatics like you can score cars, cash, trips, even free footlongs for life! millions of winners, and you could be one of 'em. so grab a 30-ounce drink or doritos chips and join the footlong frenzy. subway. where winners eat. [ coughs ] [ baby crying ] ♪
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it's free to prepare, print, e-file and you can even chat with a tax expert. get the federal free edition at and under 550 calories each. you have to taste it to believe it. i believe it! i can dig it! [ male announcer ] uh oh. yep, they tasted it. big flavor, big portions, starting at just $9.99. see you tomorrow. current events. comfortable temperature. biceps. he maintains everything for your pleasure. he has the nicest car you can think of, but longer. with one hand he can roll down 10 windows plus the partition. everything he does, tacks right off. and of course he dines upon the liquid gold
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of velveeta shells and cheese. end of story. liquid gold. eat like that guy you know.
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>> jimmy: our next guest may be the ideal valentine's day companion. he has the voice of an angel, the soulful eyes of an untamed mustang, and if you bite into him, he tastes like cherries. his new cd is called "all that echoes." it just debuted at number one. please welcome josh groban.
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how are you? >> good. glad to be back. thanks for having me. >> jimmy: it's great to have you here. congratulations -- is it still exciting when the cd is number one? >> yeah. it's my sixth album, so whenever it goes number one, you feel like the fans have responded to it. it's a great feeling. >> j . >> jimmy: do you buy a copy for yourself? >> it has been my tradition. as soon as it's available for preorder, i get on itunes, i buy myself one. it's the least i can do for myself. >> jimmy: you want to see what the process is like. >> out of that ten bucks i spend, i'm sure i get like 50 cents. but i get a little bit back. i've been doing that since album one. it's fun. >> jimmy: do you ever go to the record store? >> there aren't really any record stores anymore, but back when there was virgin megastore on sunset boulevard, there was a big one, and my first album had come out and nobody even knew my
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music. and i stood in line with a few of my high school friends and i said excuse me, do you have that josh groban album? i don't see it on the shelf. it comes out at midnight. and the lady was totally confused. she was like josh brolin? josh brolin sings? josh goblin? what are you talking about? so they had to go down to the warehouse and find my little cd. i dusted it off. yes, finally. you know, you should put these in the front. this is a really good singer. >> jimmy: do do you that thing where you arrange the cds in the front? >> pretty much. bieber, groban. close enough. >> jimmy: you cover a stevie wonder song on the cd. >> i do. >> jimmy: do you know stevie wonder? >> i've met him many times. nobody writes about love better than stevie wonder. he gets every side of it. he's been such a kind person to me in the business and somebody whose songs are so universal
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that truly anybody in their own genre can sing his songs and can still make something out of them. >> jimmy: but it's intimidating to sing a stevie wonder song. >> it's terrifying. >> jimmy: that voice is -- i mean -- >> he's the best. nobody will ever touch a stevie wonder version of his song. you can only hope to pay homage to it, and hopefully do your own twist on it and just express it as best you can. just knowing what a nice guy he is. >> jimmy: did you ask him if you could record the song? >> always. i like to because it's important to me that i have somebody's blessing. but he's great. i got to sing for him once at a grammy benefit honoring him and i sang a song of his called "they will go when i go." and i'm walking down the hallway and i saw him sitting there and i was just too afraid to say anything. he goes josh. i take his hand. he goes we're gonna write a song together. we're gonna write a song that that's gonna change the world. i'm thinking oh, my god, thank you, yes! yes! you guys hear that? you hear that? that happened. >> jimmy: and did you?
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>> no. never. i was too afraid to call. >> jimmy: maybe he had the wrong josh. like how did he know you were even walking by? >> he goes that was josh brolin. i love him in that movie "w." >> jimmy: you have to follow up. >> i think my way of expressing fandom is to interpret a song. you sit next to the guy, and i would freeze. my hands would freeze. we would write something bad because of me and i feel like i blew it. >> jimmy: i can help you with it if you want. i'm sure you, me and stevie would work something out. >> we could make the next "ebony and ivory and ivory." i think that's chop sticks actually. >> jimmy: one artist you collaborated with for our show, you didn't actually collaborate with him because he had no part of it, but you put quest's tweets to music. for those that didn't see it, we have a look. >> josh groban's the best tweets
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of kanye west. ♪ can we please toast to the [ bleep ] douche bags do you know where to find the conference tables looking to have a conference not until i get the table though ♪ >> jimmy: that is very popular on youtube. i think it's got like four million views though. >> it went totally viral on that. >> jimmy: that's one of your biggest hits now. >> i gave up some of my best melodies for that bit. >> jimmy: have you heard from kanye? >> i have not heard from kanye. i was hoping maybe he'd see it or get the joke. >> jimmy: he has seen it. >> you've heard from kanye. >> jimmy: i have heard from kanye. i tried to get him to sing your tweets. your tweets weren't crazy enough for him. >> i'm so sorry. that would have been hysterical. >> jimmy: he declined. >> well, kanye lives in a
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wonderful universe all his own. i just wanted him to know that that was a celebration of kanye. i'm poking fun at myself too in that bit. >> it's funny he contacted you because i keep running into him at things seeing if there will be some recognition, like hey man, that will be funny. i'm not even on his -- laker game, whatever. >> jimmy: we'll grab you and pull you in. >> stevie wonder grabbed my hand. >> jimmy: despite the fact he cannot see you at all. >> we're going to write the next "we are the world." >> jimmy: this is the cd. it's called "all that echoes." it is number one in the country. when we come back, music from josh groban. we'll be right back. ban. we'll be right back. the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is brought to you by sony. the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is brought to you by sony. well, well, well.
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the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is brought to you by sony. >> jimmy: this album, "all that echoes," is number one in the country. here for the first time on our sony stage with the song "brave," josh groban.
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♪ wake up wake up the sun cannot wait for long reach out reach out before it fades away ♪ ♪ you will find the warmth when you surrender ♪ ♪ smile into the fear and let it play ♪ ♪ you wanna run away run away and you say that it can't be so ♪ ♪ you wanna look away look away ♪ ♪ but you stay 'cause it's all so close ♪ ♪ when you stand up and hold out your hand in the face of what i don't understand ♪
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♪ my reason to be brave ♪ hold on hold on so strong times just carries on ♪ ♪ all that you thought was wrong is pure again ♪ ♪ you can't hide forever from the thunder look into the storm and feel the rain ♪ ♪ you wanna run away run away and you say that it can't be so ♪ ♪ you wanna look away look away but you stay 'cause it's all so close ♪
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♪ when you stand up and hold out your hand in the face of what i don't understand my reason to be brave ♪ ♪ oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪ go on go on ♪ ♪ you wanna run away run away and you say that it can't be so ♪ ♪ you wanna look away look away
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but you stay 'cause it's all so close ♪ ♪ when you stand up and hold out your hand in the face of what i don't understand ♪ ♪ my reason to be brave [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i want to thank rachel weisz. "nightline" is next. "all that echoes is out now. playing us off the air with the song "falling slowly." you can see the full performance at jimmy kimmel once again josh groban. good night. >> you're with somebody you love, cuddle them close. snuggle up. that's so sweet.
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♪ i don't know you but i want you all the more for that ♪ ♪ words fall through me and always fool me and i can't react ♪ ♪ and games that never amount to more than they're meant will play themselves out ♪ ♪ take this sinking boat and point it home we've still got time ♪


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