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tv   ABC7 News 400PM  ABC  February 19, 2013 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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and wet pavement may have been a factor. >> here is what the storm looked like in the east bay this morning or remains of it. hail fell along grizzly peak boulevard. an 11-year-old sent us this picture, thank you. >> and for weather alerts check out our twitter feed. >> developing news. a baby from castroville that went missing has been found dead. the man she was last seen with is facing charges. the sheriff made that announcement saying the body of the 10-month-old angel was found. the baby was last seen a live february 2 when he picked her up at her grandmother's house, there are conflicting reports as to whether he is the child's father or mother's current boyfriend. >> police are asking for help solving this man's murder. he was shot and killed nine days ago.
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police say there is no apparent motive. the murder appears random. family and friends came together to remember anymore a ceremony with aztec dancers. investigators say he had no criminal record. anyone with information is asked to contact police. >> more random violence in orange county. one crime spree ended with deaths of three people before the gunman took his own life. police say a 20-year-old shot a woman to death inside of his home, then went on a rampage of car jackings and shootings. one survivor told police he said, quote, i don't want to hurt you. i killed someone today is my last day. sempl other people were wounded. he killed himself as police closed in on him. >> documents reveal the man convicted of killing chandra levy is facing a new trial saying the prosecution was pred i indicated on a lie. the case did hinge on an informant who said he
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confessed to killing levy. documents show prosecutors learn aid year ago about a problem with the witness. it's not clear if that witness was their informant. levy was murdered in twun. >> $85 billion in cuts will kick in if the white house and lawmakers do note reach a new budget deal. >> the president put pressure on rinz to make a short term fix. republicans say they will not compromise by raising taxes. house speaker john boehner said the debate over increased revenue is now closed. this week, there are no deals being discussed because congress is on recess. the president says the cuts will have a catastrophic affect on the economy. >> this is not smart or fair. they will add hundreds of thousands of americans to unemployment rolls.
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>> dan ashley will be the journalist interviewing the president tomorrow at the white house.omr the report live from washington will begin tonight and then, again air tomorrow rate here on abc 7 news, dan is tweeting at dan ashley abc 7. >> lots of workers, plenty of chain saws and a crane needed to clean up the mess left by a fallen 2003 in diablo. the large oak fell on to a house yesterday damaging two vehicles. here is a look at the tree aift fell yesterday. nobody was hurt. one woman said it sounded like an explosion. >> the city is moving to shut down internet cafes promising cash prizes for users. >> the city council will consider changing it's zoning laws to ban those so called sweep stakes cafes entirely. >> nick smith has more for us.
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>> alameda county ordered some cafes to shut down. the bureau of gambling control called some of!fww the cave yaiz illegal gambling operations but one owner i've spoken with said not so fast, willing to go to court to make the case. when you think internet cafe you may think of people sipping coffee and working on a computer, but this supervisor says some businesses like these are offering more than lattes. >> this is not what these are. these are internet gambling sites. >> and if you look in there, everyone is doing online. >> cafes that have been deemed illegal gamblingbp6r operation business state and local officials are being targeted provides skirt laws. they accuse of cafes selling
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internet and offer cash prizes. >> ron doyle owns and operates met connection in san lower yenzo and net connection in hayward. both store have been ordered to shut down. >> we're innocent. we've done nothing wrong. we're operating a legal business. >> hayward city council will meet to discuss an ordinance to prevent new cafes from opening until the matter is settled. >> some developing news, uc berkeley men's basketball coach just commented on a controversial shove from sunday night. cameras captured the coach shoving alan crab. montgomery down played this incident, chuckled bit and called it a motivational tool. however, moments ago in a news conference he said there is no excuse for what happened.
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he said it was out of character. montgomery's apology followed public reprimands from pack 12 and the athletic director. montgomery has not been suspended from his job. you'll hear from him coming up at 5:00. >> still head on abc 7 news at 4:00 a glitch causes problems in the international space station. >> plus, media circus around kate middlesonton. she makes a firstra= public outing sains announcing her pregnancy. >> china accused of large cyber attacks on large u.s. businesses and how these attacks could affect you. >> a check of the afternoon traffic. good news is is that it's not raining anymore. it was treacherous on a lot of bay area roads in the day fwhu is a live look at the skyway. lower deck of the bay bridge, jammed up, trying to get to the east bay. better on the righthand side of the screen for folks heading towards 101 south. heading towards 101 south. stay w well, well, well.
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growing up, we didn't have u-verse. we couldn't record four shows at the same time. in my day, you were lucky if you could record two shows. and if mom was recording her dumb show and dad was recording his dumb show then, by george, that's all we watched. and we liked it!
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today's kids got it so good. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 1 year when you bundle tv and internet. rethink possible. nasa is once again able to communicate with the international space station. the space agency says a crew in houston was updating software on the flight kpulters and a data relay system malfunctioned. astronauts were fine, still able to talk intimatently with controllers through russian grounds stations two americans three rugs and a canadian are aboard the space station. >> dell reporting
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disappointing quarter and amazon fires european firm accused of discrimination. >> emily chang is live with the after the bell report. hi, emily. >> good afternoon, larry and carolyn. dell reported earnings today after the bell. the news isn't good, revenues diving as they debate a lie byeout deal. the company reported sales to just over $14 million and profits down 22%.5l ? >> google shares surpassed 800s aids piece, seeing an uptick in advertising more people use google on smart phones. stock gained 33% in the last year, closing today up $806. >> a look at the broader parkts. a possibility of a merger
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between office depot and office max. sending stocks higher that, surge in google shares sending your bloomberg silicon valley index higher as well. amazon fired a german security firm accused ofqqy intimidating immigrant workers in german distribution centers days after a documentary aired in which workers said the guards conducted searches of living quarters and kitchens and wore uniforms linked to neo nazies. in a statement, amazon says it has a zero tolerance for discrimination and expects the same of other companies that it works with. yahoo's ceo marisa myer named lawrence man as over seeing yahoo search which has not seen gains yahoo was expected since signing a partnership with microsoft. larry, carrow lirngs back to
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you. >> want to touch on the snow again. >> yes. >> we gave everybody a taste of what conditions were like. >> yes. snow sticking at the 2000 foot level. that is where david louie is for us. david? >> we're at the vista point. you can see behind me is that some snow is starting to felt. but a couple hoursing ayork the storm that came through was enough to set off lots of snow and to cause snow to accumulate here at the 2000 foot level. >> if i just came up to see what it's like. >> robert couldn't miss out on the novelty. >> i think it's awesome. i came to check it out. >> he arrived in time to see a winter wonderland unfold between 11 and 11:30, snowfall became heavy, slush covered by a blank yismt snow plows are
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out in force to keep sclin boulevard open. but the snow covered the road, again. >> i'm okay but if you don't have four wheel drive you have >> i heard it might get a dusting but this is sitting on the ground. it's fun, though. it's nice. >> the face reflected how puzzled he was by the flakes. he had a smile from time to time and got used to this new experience, mom tried to acquaint him with how to make a snowfall. he will soon catch on joys of a snow ball fight. or others there is a time to take a picture. >> you have to come experience this. this is great. >> well, the snow did give people an opportunity to take
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off time from work or maybe to take a lunch hour to play a bill louisville bit in the snow. but window is small as snow is starting to melt. we'll have to check in with spencer christian to find out whether or not we're going to get more snow this evening. >> david, thank you. >> look who is here. >> yes. >> spencer for much of the day had the same look as isaac had. is this happening? >> certainly it's a joyful event. >> yes. >> it's stilld)xsñ snowing in higher elevations. first a live sfru our camera, looking at some clearing skies closer to san francisco here looking south ward towards ocean beach. some clouds around, lots of blue above. right now looking at live doppler 7 hd you can see apart
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from north bay and east bay[í we've got active weather south over santa cruz mountains and into the south bay. closing in, an impressive cell here producing moderate rainfall. snow in higher elevations and south, down more morgan hill over twin creeks snow moving south ward and eastward, rainfall into morgan hill, and into higher terrain, more snow. we're getting wide spread snow in higher elevations and scattered showers, plus, areas of clearing. temperatures 48 degrees in san francisco. 51 in oakland. chilly. looking at western sky, bright from this perspective. 48 degrees in santa rosa. 48 conk yorkd los gatos, 44.
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forecast features, showers ending. that pattern continues during evening hours. snow is falling above 2000 feet.
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well, duchess kate made her first public appearance but it's what people don't see that has everybody talking. >> she attended a charity event in london this morning. royal watchers were excited to see the babe eye bump. -- baby bump. the royal baby isn't due until july, still plenty of time. >> yes. >> a texas woman celebrated valentine's day by giving birth to two sets of identical twin boy autos this isaápq rem k remarkable. odds are 70 million to one. the 36-year-old delivered four
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boys at 31 weeks in a houston hospital they're not quadruplets because two boys shared one placenta, other two shared another. she chose a unique way to name the boys starting with a. >> our 2-year-old boy we thought let's get a vegas theme going on. we decided to go with6m& ace, blaine, cash and dylan. >> easier to remember that way. abcd. >> she did not use fertility drugs just hoping for a brother or sister for their 2-year-old son. dad says now despite having five boys he still wants a girl. if i'm ter reesea, i'm running. >> yes we'll see how handling five goes. >> yes. ñ perhaps deciding ? you know? four more. >> wow. >> just five days big stars will mark the world's largest
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red carpet there is in the going on this week. >> here is rachel smith. >> it's a big day for academy of motion picture arts and sciences. the more than 5800 voting members deciding on a total of 24 categories, once in, they'll be tabulated and verified by price water house cooper asks only two people in the world will know the winners before they're announced. >> people think it's publicity. nobody but accountants knows who winners are. >> show producers announced more presenters. they will turn to the stage before the big night it's got to be set up. crews have been busy giving hollywood boulevard an oscar makeover. the famous statues now have a
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fresh coat of gold paint. you can joint experience by down loading official app featuring video pictures and leading up to oscar sunday. you can catch it february 24th here on abc. >> only place you can watch, you can countdown with our official oscars app. more than a dozen camera, streaming video behind the scenes and from the red carpet. you can down load our app available for iphone, and the kindel fire. >> up next, the unlikely place robbers pulled off one of the largest diamond heist in history. >> and different stories today about what happened on the day his girlfriend was shot to death. >> robin roberts returns to good morning america tochl.
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how her fight with a dangerous disease is helping some bay area fans with their struggles. >> i'm michael finney. a single serve coffee maker is convenient but costs can add up... so we test product that's can save you money. an) 3g
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to give a breast cancer survivor a lifetime-- that's definitely a fair trade. it was such a beautiful experience. (jessica lee) ♪ and it's beautiful (woman) why walk 60 miles in the boldest breast cancer event in history? because your efforts help komen serve millions of women and men facing breast cancer every year. visit to register or to request more information today. it was 3 days of pure joy. ♪ and it's beautiful
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>> that breaking sus nus is in kansas city, missouri at
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country club plaza at jj's restaurant. a car hit a gas main causing an explosion and flames exploding everywhere. his is quite a least five critically injured people now. we'll update this story on twit skbrer abc 7 you can track it there. >> moving on a major edition of an fran water front announced today. >> they say anchor brug plans to move in to expand beer maker's operations. >> we are live from pier 48 with all of the details. carolyn? >> anchor wruing is already san francisco's largest manufacturer and says being able to set up shop heres wo allow it to increase capacity from 180 barrels of beer to 680,000.
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the giantsy]:v so is their new partnership. the company will be the giants first tenant for their $1.6 billion development project. next to the ballpark. >> pier 48 will enable us to assure anchors future on the global beer stage. >> anchor plans facilities, a restaurant and museum on the 212,000 square foot space, keeping existing plant on potrero hill. they'll be the first for a development including giants parking lot, and is expected to create a new neighborhood with hundreds of homes, offices and green space. >> and will serve as a front door to mission rock project. people will see it as they come to games and the neighborhoods. >> there is excitement about the anchor steam project there is a labor dispute among
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current workers at at and t park. their union distributed this flyer during fan fest this month saying while giants have won, two world series and team p attendance and amen tiz workers haven't had a raise in four years. the negotiations being handled by an out of state company but ed lee is confident there will be a resolution. >> anything to say to those workers? >> well go,, giants. first. that is to be successful, keep on working and have faith in the city we do i have labor partner autos the company known as center plate sent a statement saying they are eager to begin contract talk was the union, and they will work in good faith to resolve any outstanding issues.u5z >> thank you. >> housh of a problem is cyber
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theft? many say it's a huge threat with possibly unlimited damages to the united states. now, china is expected of hacking on a major corporate level. new cyber attacks hit some of the largest instit yugs banks and energy companies. and a new report points the finger at the chinese government this, tower is believed to be the source of a wave of hackings. it's also a headquarters for a chinese army unit. the chinese government and military deny accusations. >> chinese not going get this level of hacking to go on. >> 141 businesses were hacked, includingbl?x coca-cola, hackers may have sifted through the soft drink giant's files to gain leverage when it's trying
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to buy a juice company. how does this affect average americans? u.s. investigators say this amounts to economic espionage. the chinese can steal research, zpin save millions and could cause countless american job autos cyber war fair and attacks, cyber theft are the future. >> the white house would not comment on the report. >> we have raised our concerns at highest levels about cyber?mf theft with senior chinese officials and will continue to do so. >> the president said the u.s. must tackle thisq0b.qp.áz% rapiy growing threat and called on congress to pass legislation. >> a judge in south africa by tomorrow murder suspect rb granted bail. the judge rule there'd was
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evidence to charge with premed indicated murder. his attorney read a statement dlaiming the steam camp was shot to death by mistake. he says he didn't have his prosthetic leg thinking there was an intruder behind the door. prosecutors say he took time to put on limbs then walked them 20 feet before opening fire on a locked door. >> authorities in belguim investigating one of the biggest diamond thefts of all time. they have gone on to the tarmac and they stole $50 million worth of rough diamonds. still, the main evidence is a burned out get away van. >> robin roberts returned to good morning america tomorrow morning. >> she's been off the air since august receiving treatment for a rare blood
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disorder. abc 7 morning news anchor talked to a woman who shares in the fight. >> good morning america anchor blood disease. >> when you have a bone marrow transplant you don't have immune system. you're susceptible to infeex when i heard that, i ran to the tv watching what she's talking about z i can relate to what she'd -- she's about to go through because i had gone through a bone marrow ñ year and a half ago. >> they have a disease where there is not enough healthy blood develops. >> 90% of the patients vit. it comes by itself. about 10% as a result of them having received chemotherapy
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or radio therapy for another disease. >> joan's disease had beensb building for years until one night when her hands and feet became painful. >> they did a blood test. and sent me to the ho. i needed five units of blood. >> since then, she's begun yugs a wheelchair and needs assistance from her family and a care giver but has become a tireless add ve kit for research into treatments and a cure. >> that means studying bone marrow cells. they're going to uncover the secrets to many cures for other cancers as well. >> one treatment for this disease is transplantation. one difficulty is to find a property dornor. >> that is why it doesn't need
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a lot after tension or research dollars but joan hoped with robin bringing so much attention to the disease that, will change. >> you can catch the return tomorrow at 7:00 a.m. here on abc 7 after abc 7 morning news. >> still ahead on abc 7 news at 4:00 horse with some tricks earning her the name houdini. >> bright, sunny skies but that is only for portions of the bay area. where it's still raining and what is coming our way tomorrow, coming up. >> at 4:38 a check of traffic this afternoon this, is a live look at the bridge oncoming traffic heading back towards east bay on the righthand side of the screen heading south and looking good so far. >> we're still following that g in kansas cit, missouri. you can see a car floon a area
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and explosionfjfçs resulted. we know of five people being injured. stay with us. you can follow us at abc 7 news bay area righ
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an escape artist is drawing attention on you tube. we're not talking about a human magician but about a horse.
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the 9-year-old learned how to open the latches and the owner posted video of him opening various locks and unlocking stalls for other horses, we're n÷ out of here. the maneuver is simple. >> she wants to get out of the stall and into the barn in ways she can after she had a snack her motivation is just to get outside tork the grass. >> she says she was young, a pony that habit evolved into this talent. so far, the video has drawn more than 800,000 views on you tube. >> talented. >> yes. yes. >> we have another viral video to share this afternoon. an internet means blown up with appliances getting in on this one.
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>> yes, harlem shake, appliance version. they threw a brick in there and turned a washing machine on. this is the result. this video has 2.6 million hits and only posted one day. >> i was just going to say do not try this at home. >> yes. well. the proper way to do the harlem shake you're telling me no movement in ships but shoulders. >> spencer chis kris chin can do it. >> we do breaking news and shaking news, did you know that? there is a look at live doppler 7 hd. rain and snow through the south bay. d sunnyvale getting stetdy down pours and a wider area of
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light to moderate rain. snow continuing to fall into higher elevations in santa cruz mountains rain continues down towards morgan hill into gilroy. east in higher terrain, snow falling elevations below 2500 feet. so cold air continuing to blast into the bay area. winter weather add vidzry for these counties in effect until 5:00 in the afternoon we've got wintery weather will be continuing into moment. state wide tomorrow cool conditions, precipitation tapering off, showers linger into the south part of the state. a batch of rainfall will begin here tomorrow, it will be chilly but dry. partly sunny skies, highs into upper 50s tomorrow, and it's still winter like out there.
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>> absolutely. >> different kind of shake and still ahead tiger woods offering some insights into his private golf outing with the president. >> and the first of its kind technology that could keep breast cancer patients from having surgery over and over. >> i'm michael finny. ahaerkd saving dough on your morning joe. teeming up with consumer reports to find most affordable alternative to those pricey single serve cough eye pots. >> and we continue to monitor explosion from a gas main in kansas city, missouri. five people have been injured as a result of this with a car accident and then,r0jc a fire ot of control. we're keeping track of it. you can follow us on twitter as well. with any breaking news
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researchers at university of illinois are touting new technology they believe could revolutionize breast cancer tumor removeal. it could allow surgeons to determine if all of the tumor has been removed the first timeq1oz.
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the technology is still in its testing stages in illinois will soon be used in trials on the east coast. researchers believe it's only a few years away from becoming widely available. >> tiger woods praising the president's golf game. the two played 26 holes sunday and pryinger says when the president call that's is a is an invitation you cannot turn down. >> he hit the ball well with an amazing touch, you can chip and putt f he ever spent after four years, spending more time playing the game, i am sure he can get to a point where he's a pretty good stick. >> tiger won't say who won between them. it's safe to say tiger had the edge. he would only responld to the question by stating we won. >> there you go go. >> consumer reports says partnered0a-yky4j with 7 on youe
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to test out single serve coffee makers. >> unbelievable. cheryl jennings loved hers to death. they are still growing in popularity. their convenience is tough to beat but those disposable pods get pricey. >> single serve coffee makers are quick but costs can add up. alternatives to the pod promise to reduce costs. consumer reports just checked out three that let you use your own coffee we compared how much to brew one cup per day. with k cups it's $220 and $257. >> testers looked at convenience, brew time and taste. first up, simple cups claim
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it's a fraction of the cost. $14 buys you 50 disposable cups, filters and lids. >> when you add in the price $185 per year. >> testers found cups are hard to close and brew time was longer. reyugsable easy cup. average user would spend about $135 per year, easy cup wasn't much easier to yu.s how did the coffee taste? in tests all three delivered similar results. in the end my x cup was the clear winner, testers fount found it was easiest to use and once purchasing the reusable k cup, only expense is coffee, $80 a year, a big money saver. another plus is they're easier
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on the environment than original k cups and pods f all this has you lob'á!2u"yx coffee machine you canji:93 that is an alternative, consider the ss 300 compact single serve going for $130, consumer reports tests show it's delivering a speedy first cup of coffee and very easy to use. we'll have information on our web site. >> thank you. >> sure. >> still head dui that could affect people who never drank. >> and efforts to crack down and coming up dan ashley? our nation's capital covering the most-pressing issue today and prepping for his own one on one with mr. ob yaum. >> one spot immune to cyber
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everyone knows drinking and driving is not just dangerous, but ill le. but what about drinking -- driving after drinking cough medicine? that could be a gray area, but there is an effort to change that. >> how alcohol laws are effective but not drunk driving law autos it's hard for this former chp lieutenant to talk about the death of his son, justin, also a patrolman. the 28-year-old was killed in 2010 when raffle garcia swerved into him during a traffic stop. he had marijuana in his system but the case ended in a]:c hung jury. >> the jury unable to come to the conclusion under the influence after having overwhelming amount of evidence. >> the tragedy highlights how
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difficult to prosecute cases in california involving drivers under the influence of drugs. unlike sobriety tests where a.08 alcohol slefl considered impair there'd is no threshold for drugged driving. the state senator introduced a bill making it illegal to be behind the wheel with detectiveable amounts of drugs unless have you a per skripgs. according to us us department of justice including tylenol with codeine, xanax and valium. >> any level of being drugged is dangerous when drive sog levels should be zero. >> but a prescription doe',:÷ give a pass. an officer can pull[úu÷ over anyone driving appears impaired. not everyone agrees with the proposal. opponents say the measure is too tough on those who buy over the counter cold medicines.nfñ]s they claim ingredients could cause someone to test positive
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for drugs and pot may linger for weeks. they rather see an impairment test. >> they can be driving but there may be no problem autos a office of traffic safety study found drugged driving is more prevalent in california than drunk driving. >> thanks for joining us for abc 7 news at 4:00. abc 7 news at 5:00 begins right now. >> a blast of rain pushes out more than just snow. >> i'm sandhya patel. how long the cold showers and snow will stick around. >> and a shove forcing some to call for a suspension of cal's basketball coach. tonight, he answers for his behavior. >> all right. the storm brought cold rain
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meant snow on our mountain tops giving the little girl her first state of snow. >> it also meant a bunch of wind as you can see from this shot outside of at and t park. >> good evening. >> i'm cheryl jennings, live coverage on the storm with abc 7's wayne freedman in the north bay. what is live on doppler 7 hd? >> we're seeing rain, and snow. and wint jer back. let's check out our radar. i'm going to take you where we're seeing snow now getting hamilton getting snow as you'll notice here around hills getting snowfall as well. and it's raining down to street level we go in the south bay. you can see here some moderate
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to levy rain at this hour, we're going track this rain. it will continue to do that. we'll catch the rainfall. as you look towards half moon bay we're seeing snow now atop the hills. there is a moderate cell here, winter weather advisory in effect about 2000 feet just expiring now and as far as rainfall from our camera, you can still see build up. richmond just close to a half inch. i'll let you know how long live doppler 7 will be tracking rain and snow in just minutes. >> rain causing only a few
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problems in the north bay. wayne? >> an interesting place, in a wash, a place where if there had been heavy rain and flooding water would be over my head. you can see it's not a lot of water. you can see the land is dry. just as winter began to feel like a thing of the past we had a more than watery reminder today. no deluge and not for long. but enough to get a person wet if he, or she had not prepare sod it's good most of us did. >> the it wasn't. a tree knocked out power this morning. >> about an hour we heard


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