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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  February 27, 2013 11:35pm-12:35am PST

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family of duck hunters. they make a good living selling duck calls. morrissey put out a statement calling them serial killers saying he could not appear on our show with them. last night have some fun with it, we shot this fake commercial. >> for the vegan in your life, "duck dynasty" proudly presents carrot call, specifically designed to mimic the call of the wild carrot. just blow into the carrot call and wait. those little suckers leap right out of the dirt and into your mouth. >> jimmy: i won't show the whole thing again, but you get the idea. instead of duck calls, we had carrot calls. you know, it was dumb. but today, morrissey released a truly idiotic statement. i won't repeat it, but you can look it up online. i'll be honest, it made me very angry. and this had nothing to do with people who eat meat versus people who don't. i have a lot of respect for people who don't eat meat. i totally understand if being on the show with duck hunters made morrissey feel uncomfortable. but the statement he made is
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ridiculous. so i'd like to invite him to join me on the show to discuss it because i am an open even-handed person who considers and respects all point of views. i am an open and even-handed person who considers all -- [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] i figure if i keep saying it, maybe it will be true. so you are invited, morrissey, to talk this out, and perhaps we will both be better men for it. but probably not. [ laughter ] all right. now on to an even less relevant subject, lindsay lohan. [ laughter ] lindsay lohan has a hearing on march 18th that will determine if she violated her probation by lying to police after yet another car accident in the summer. if the court decides she did violate probation, she could get jail time, but her lawyer is trying to avoid that with a plea deal. he sent a lawyer to the judge yesterday suggesting that instead of going to trial, lindsay could do community service by working as a motivational speaker. [ laughter ] it's a good one. this attorney sounds like a
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funny guy. the lawyer said she'd be willing to record public service announcements and do periodic visits to schools, hospitals and other venue where is she would provide inspirational talks encouraging children to pursue positive goals and avoid bad habits. [ laughter ] how would she do that? should she stand up in front of the class and go "don't be this"? what i did. [ applause ] the lawyer is serious about this motivational speaking tour. they've even started booking dates and doing promotion. >> get ready for the lindsay lohan motivational speaking tour. making surprise visits this summer to springfield, missouri. spokane, washington. lubbock, texas. gallup, new mexico. and one lucky fan will get a personal one-on-one counselling session with lindsay.
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purchase tickets now, online, or at participating convenience stores. tickets not refundable. lindsay not responsible for damages or death. [ cheers and applause ] not a good driver i think is what we're trying to say. desmond bryant was arrested saturday morning after charge of criminal mischief. the interesting part is his mug shot. which is this. [ laughter ] he looks like an anaconda in the middle of digesting a rabbit. you're supposed to see cheese. if i were him, i'd get arrested again so i could redo the mug shot. this is not a dummy, he went to
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harvard. although i'm guessing they won't use that in their brochures. remember tebowing? i'd like to start a new one called dez'g. all you have to do is take a picture of yourself with your tongue halfway out of your mouth like a bull frog. for example, this is guillermo dez'g. this is gordon ramsay, our guest, dez'g. and this is our other guest stanley tucci dez'g. see? it's fun. so tweet a picture to me @jimmykimmel with the #dez'g. who knows, maybe we'll start a sensation. this could be our "gangnam style" together. this is a great clip. a ufc fighter visited eastern congo, he's doing some charity work over there. they don't get a lot of visitors in that part of the world. so the kids were extremely excited to see him, not because they're ufc fans, but because they had never seen a white
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person before. >> this is the first time these kiddos have ever seen a white man and it's the first time they've ever touched arm hair. they don't have it like i have it. i have very hairy arm hair. and so they just love being able to touch my arm hair. how about this? >> oh! ah! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's something, huh? i guess that's what it's like to be a golden retriever. [ laughter ] we've got to get donald trump over there. they'll go nuts. on sunday, we had the academy awards across the street from us. part of the reason the movie
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companies like to get nominated for these and win is because the week after the oscars, people go to the theaters to see them. it's like a big commercial telling everyone how great these movies are. and they also try new marketing strategies. like "zero dark thirty," some people chose not to see it after reading about the torture in the movie. so for those people, after the oscars, they market it in a completely different way. >> mya was a workaholic career girl who couldn't find the mine of her dreams. >> you will never find him. >> but she never gave up hope. ♪ i need love love >> that he was out there. and even if he played hard to get. >> called from six different pay phones from two different cities never using the same phone twice. >> nothing could stop her from nabbing the one man she's been searching for. this spring on dvd and blu-ray, sometimes it's good to be a little bit bad. "zero dark flirty."
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sparks fly march 13th. >> jimmy: fun, right? [ cheers and applause ] i'll bring the skinny girl margaritas and we'll enjoy. this is good, this is the ballad of a man named early johnson. early is a welder from michigan. last week he and his fiancee came home from work to find out their home had been burglarized. among the items missing were two televisions, a computer, and early's vast collection of pornographic videos. >> i had a collection that had every african-american that's been since the '70s up until now, i had the dvds. it was a stack this high. as you see that right here, it's a long thing that's left. my important collection, it's valuable. my collection was the best in michigan. a guy in connecticut told me that. i'm not no scum bag guy, a pervert or anything like that.
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it keeps my relationship fresh and tight and i learn stuff that i can, you know, use, on her. >> jimmy: what a lucky lady. [ applause ] mr. johnson claims his collection is valued at $7,500. who gets their porn collection appraised? the story has been getting national attention. video companies are coming to his aid and sending him free stuff. it's like a porn version of "it's a wonderful life." [ laughter ] i have a feeling a lot of guys are going to be reporting stolen video collections in the next few days. but i have many, many questions about this, so we got in touch with early and his fiancee angela. when we come back, we'll get a full report. there they are. i have to say, i don't think i've ever been more excited for an interview in my life. gordon ramsay, stanley tucci, and music from gold fields. so stick around. we'll be right back. ♪
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relieves nasal congestion. nyquil® cold and flu doesn't. relieves na♪al congestion. ♪ you missed dinner just so you could have that kraft homestyle mac & cheese bowl! i was covering kevin's shift. lies! hey, i thought i was bad cop. [ male announcer ] now in creamy broccoli or southwest tortilla. or just seem to fade away, day by day? don't compromise. new vidal sassoon pro series from the original salon genius. starts vibrant, stays vibrant.
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or to request more information today. it was 3 days of pure joy. ♪ and it's beautiful >> jimmy: hello there. welcome back to the show. gordon ramsay, stanley tucci, and musical guest gold fields are all here for your enjoyment. but before we get to that, i have a very important interview to conduct. before the break, i told do you sad story of a michigan man named early johnson who had his adult video collection stolen from his house last week. he had every african-american who appeared in porn since the '70s and now he has none of them. so joining us now live via skype, early johnson and his fiancee angela. hello, angela and early. >> hello. >> jimmy: early, i'm told you're concerned i might clown on you. >> yeah, i was very concerned
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that you would clown on me and make me look bad. that i had $7,000 worth of porn. >> jimmy: i heard it was $7,500 worth of porn. >> well, i just said $7,000, we can add 500 on there, too. >> jimmy: thank you for being with us. how many videos did you have in the collection? >> it was so many that i lost count of them. i'm just going to tell you the truth, it was just so many of them. >> jimmy: they were all in that drawer that we saw? >> yes, sir. >> jimmy: and how did you discover that they had been stolen? >> the drawer was left open. >> jimmy: did you guys have porn insurance? because that's so important. [ laughter ] >> no, we did not. >> jimmy: some people would be embarrassed to go on tv with the
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story of stolen porn. why aren't you? >> the reason why i'm not is because i enjoy watching porn and i also use porn as educational on how to treat my woman. you have to keep your relationship fresh in order to make it work. so what i do is i learn different techniques and i try to make sex with me an emotional experience that she'll never forget every time we have it. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: now i'm falling in love. and angela, is this education paying off? >> yes. >> jimmy: it is. all right. now how do you know that the collection was worth $7,000 or $7,500? >> basically, a friend of mine. him and i, we took it and had it
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appraised. >> jimmy: you had it appraised. >> yes. and what they offered me for it -- >> jimmy: wait, who appraised this for you? >> i don't want to say their name. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you seem to be talking to the dog or something. i don't know what's going on. just stay right there in the frame and that will be better. now, just out of curiosity, how much did you spend on angela's engagement ring? was it more or less than the porn collection? >> well -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: we have another clip from the local news. let's take a look. >> mr. johnson says he believes the pornography collection is worth $7,500 because he had it appraised bay dealer in holland. the couple has renters insurance and it will be easy to replace the tvs but not so much that stolen collection. >> you would think some people might be reluck and the to
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report stolen pornography. >> mr. johnson did not call the police because he just doesn't call the police. it's not his way. but angela says she reported the crime because that's what you do when someone breaks into your home and violates your space. >> jimmy: somehow they found the three whitest people on earth to do that story. [ cheers and applause ] why didn't you want to call the police? >> well, basically where i'm from, we don't really talk to the police. >> jimmy: i understand. >> so i didn't give a police report. >> jimmy: have the police been helpful? are there any leads? >> no comment. >> jimmy: okay. earlie, is it possible that angela threw your porn out? [ laughter ] because she would be my lead suspect. >> yeah, she told me that.
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>> jimmy: of all these videos, which one do you miss most? >> i miss one that pinky had. that's my favorite. it's called -- it's called -- i don't know if i can say this on tv. >> jimmy: oh, okay. don't worry, we can only hear every third word you're saying anyway. [ laughter ] angela, will this be a speed bump if your wedding plans? >> no. >> jimmy: don't letter lee sh et the wedding video, by the way. where are you guys registered? bed, bath & beyond or something like that? >> we registered at insanity.
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it's on henry street. >> jimmy: okay, if anybody's watching. [ applause ] i just want to ask you one more thing, if you can say one thing to the person who stole your collection, what would you say to that person? >> if i could say one thing to that person that stole my porn collection, thank you! >> jimmy: well, this must be your worst black history month ever, i have to say. i'm very happy to talk with you. i am going to pray tonight that you get your collection back. thank you, earlie and angela. thank you for talking to us during this difficult time. all right, we've got a good show tonight. stanley tucci is here. we have music from gold fields. we'll be right back with gordon ramsay. so stick around.
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>> jimmy: hi, welcome back. tonight on the program, his movie "jack the giant slayer" opens march 8th. and he has a cook book, "the tucci cook book." stanley tucci is with us. and with music from this brand-new album, it's called
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"black sun." making their television debut, gold fields. tomorrow night, jim parsons will be with us, the lieutenant governor of california, gavin newsom will be here and we'll have music from ziggy marley just to give the lieutenant governor a contact high. and tomorrow night, our 8th annual after the oscars special with guests jamie foxx, channing tatum and dozens of a-list stars re-airs in prime time at 10:00 here on abc. so set your dvcr's for that. our first guest tonight is scarier armed with a spatula and slotted spoon than most of the chainsaw-wielding maniacs in movie history. he is as successful as he is impatient. a new season of "hell's kitchen" starts tuesday, march 12th on fox. please say hello to chef gordon ramsay. ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> good to see you. good to be back, thank you. >> jimmy: it's good to have you back. the family's all right? >> growing, getting old. three girls is difficult now. >> jimmy: three girls. >> i'm absolutely crapping myself. >> jimmy: you have a boy, too, right? >> megan is 14. twins are 13. jack and holly. and matilda is 11. i was back home two weeks ago, trying to get back for sunday. couldn't make it. got there on monday. jack said daddy, megan had a friend around yesterday. >> jimmy: uh-oh. >> what was her name? alex. but it wasn't a her. it was a guy. seriously, jack, get me his cell number now. so he sneaks upstairs to megan's room while she's downstairs helping mom cook dinner. comes down with it. two minutes before we start eating dinner, i'm on my cell. hi, alex, it's gordon. sorry i missed you yesterday, i've just landed, but it would be nice to see you. megan just spat her food out. >> jimmy: i cannot imagine you being the dad of a girlfriend.
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i mean, there's no worse choice. maybe hitler, i guess, would be worse. >> but here's where i feel really bad. >> jimmy: what did you do? >> megan ran to the phone to call him and asked him not to pick up his phone. unfortunately, he was just recovering from a rugby incident, as he ran towards the phone, he tripped and really damaged his thumb again, tore the ligament. so he's back in cast. >> jimmy: you injured him over the phone? [ laughter ] >> i haven't even met him yet. can you imagine that poor guy? >> jimmy: this sounds like the story people tell when they wind up getting married. to me. >> honestly, that poor guy. i feel so bad. >> jimmy: i can see how bad you feel. >> that's one less hand that will be crawling all over you. [ laughter ] very, very tough. >> jimmy: so your daughter is 14, so she's not driving or anything yet. >> she turns 15 in may. says daddy, will you teach me
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how to drive? i said first of all, i passed my test the third time. i had a catastrophic upbringing. unfortunately i had my girlfriend's car, but i hadn't passed my test. i was working in this country house hotel around the corner from her house. it was late one night, i said look, i'll drive around the back streets. i finished work. 17 years of age. shot down the back roads. and there was this car coming towards me overtaking a freaking tractor. so i swerved, the tractor hit me, and the car went straight through the side of this cottage. so as i woke up with this guy screaming at me, all of a sudden the police arrives. i.d., insurance, [ bleep ], no i.d., no insurance. >> jimmy: wow. >> worse, i hadn't even passed my test. now i had to explain to my girlfriend's father that i've smashed her new car that she bought from you and, by the way, i've got no insurance. so he gave me the biggest boot up the ass i had ever had in my entire life. >> jimmy: i bet he did. >> did you have to pay for the whole thing? >> we separated about three
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weeks after. [ applause ] >> jimmy: the last time you were here, you were training for an iron man triathlon. >> that's right. i've got my place this year october 12th at kona. in hawaii. but unfortunately, back in november, i had a really bad accident in my bike and i tore my meniscus. that was difficult. had surgery the fir-- i've neve had surgery. >> jimmy: do you criticize the surgeon's knife skills? >> i was more concerned about the food in the [ bleep ] hospital. >> jimmy: i can't imagine. >> it's like guacamole in a diaper. that [ bleep ] got cooked three days prior to you going in there. they eat better food in prisons than they do in hopspitals. anyway, long story short, i
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checked out because of the food. i've never had a drug in my life. but i had this apparatus to rotate my foot slowly. so i took this vicodin. >> jimmy: yes. >> holy [ bleep ]. i said i feel a bit weird. he said well you better stay down here then. don't go upstairs. well, i'm not going to sleepwalk. so i stay on the sofa, i put my leg up. woke up about half past 8:00 the next morning, which i never sleep in that late. thinking [ bleep ] my leg is amazing, this is incredible. it was the wrong [ bleep ] leg. i actually through the night swapped legs and for some reason the wrong leg was in the stirrup. [ applause ] so no more vicodin for me ever.
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>> jimmy: when we come back, i want to ask you about the horse meat. >> [ bleep ]. >> jimmy: and the stories about that. gordon ramsay is here. his show is called "hell's kitchen," which comes back march 12th. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] get email that lets you share, organize and stay up-to-date like never before. so it can feel like you're using nothing at all. but neosporin® eczema essentials™ is different. its multi-action formula restores visibly healthier skin in 3 days. neosporin® eczema essentials™.
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nice. ehh. introducing ball park beef patties made with 100% beef. they're pre-grilled, then individually frozen for a juicy, hot-off-the-grill burger in about a minute.
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has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! ♪ wow. [ buzz ] delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? bee happy. bee healthy. with clusters of flakes and o's. oh, ho ho... it's the honey sweetness. i...i mean,
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what's the matter with you? it's a nice place.
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>> i'm trying to study and there's a random chef puppet having conversations with me and my other roommates. i don't know what to do about it. >> my name is alfredo aldente. >> who brings a puppet in "hell's kitchen"? >> jimmy: that is a really good question. [ cheers and applause ] seems like you have some good contestants this year. >> wow. i mean, honestly, for me, that was one of the toughest. there is some talent in there. but after that puppet, i mean, honestly. she was single. do you ever ask yourself why? >> jimmy: the puppet might explain things. which special tortures do you have in store for the contestants? >> i want to turn it up this season big-time. they thought they were going on an introduction trip for a briefing. however, they got told they're
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going into this animated movie. they went down underground. they popped up and arrived in a theatre, came out onstage, and there's 2,500,000 peopl people. they had to cook live. one lady fainted. >> jimmy: do you eat her? >> the puppet just, like, disappeared. she did [ bleep ] herself. even the puppet. i didn't think that was possible for a puppet to [ bleep ] itself. so they cook their dishes live. then they had to explain the ins and outs of this dish and give their bio in front of the audience, which was extraordinary. >> jimmy: yeah. it's not ideal. you know, the horse meat thing. that's what i was talking about. have you ever eaten horse meat? >> lots of it. i lived in france for three years. i lived above this french horse butcher shop. because you know what the french
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are like. anything covered in garlic, they'll eat it. i had a french girlfriend at the time. and she said, you know -- she started making this flank steak. but it's really gamey and really strong and well hung. [ laughter ] come on! and i said this is venison, it's game. she said no, no, no. she started -- no, it's horse meat. i understood half an hour later when she beat the [ bleep ] out of me. because she was trying to ride me. >> jimmy: maybe this is why you're running all the time. the iron man triathlons. you have the horse blood coursing through your veins. >> it's very full. very good for you. slightly more expensive. but we just had a big scare in the uk. >> jimmy: people are freaked out about it. and people go well, really, what's the difference between horse and cow and other animals? and the difference is it's a
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horse! we love them! >> but here's the thing, when you're paying something like $4.99 for 12 kilos of brisket, of course it's not going to be beef. it's going to cost you money. but you had it here in a meatball, right? >> jimmy: no, no, no. i was just joking. i'm sure i've had it in a meatball somewhere. i've probably eaten hippo. is there anything you haven't eaten? >> i had a cobra's heart. they said it's medicinal. >> jimmy: would you eat a dolphin if offered? >> no. >> jimmy: i don't know. >> i'm already in trouble with one of my daughters. can you imagine. >> jimmy: daddy ate flipper. it's great to have you here. congratulations. new season of "hell's kitchen" premieres march 12th on the fox network. and a cook book coming out. "home cooking." we'll be right back with stanley tucci. ♪
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and only at&t's network lets you talk and surf on your iphone 5. ♪ you missed dinner just so you could have that kraft homestyle mac & cheese bowl! i was covering kevin's shift. lies! hey, i thought i was bad cop. [ male announcer ] now in creamy broccoli or southwest tortilla. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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my time to shine is the smoked pulled pork. but we also really like a great pulled pork sandwich even when we can't make the game. some people even like it better. really? yep. [ male announcer ] new oscar mayer carving board pulled pork, get that delicious slow smoked taste without the hassle. and our newest entrees are just bursting with the "jazzed-up" flavors of bourbon street. [ male announcer ] alan, come on, let's get to the food.
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folks are hungry. oh, of course. [ male announcer ] the new creamy cajun steak & shrimp. big easy meets big value on our famous 2 for $20 menu. see you tomorrow. [ female announcer ] at yoplait, we want you to feel even better about your favorite flavors. so when you call, tweet, and post, we listen. that's why yoplait light and yoplait original are now made with no high fructose corn syrup. and why we use only natural colors and natural flavors in yoplait original. so, anything else we can do for you, let us know. but you'll keep it to yogurt, right? 'cause we shouldn't really help with your love life. yoplait. it is so good!
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>> jimmy: our next guest is a two-time emmy and golden globe-winning actor with a new 3-d adventure movie called "jack the giant slayer" opening friday and a cookbook, titled "the tucci cookbook." please welcome stanley tucci. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we're out of bleeps for the night, so hopefully you won't use any profanity. [ laughter ] >> i had a feeling that might happen. >> jimmy: did you meet gordon backstage? >> i did. well, we did our little bit together. >> jimmy: that's right. i guess you would have met him then. >> i'm a big fan of his, actually.
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>> jimmy: do you watch the show? >> yeah, i do. >> jimmy: you love food. we met and bonded over our mutual gluttony. >> yes, we did. >> jimmy: instantly and intensely. >> yeah, and i've been fortunate enough to cook with you at your house. >> jimmy: yes, you made a delicious meal at my house. lemon risotto. this is your whole family's cook book. >> it's not really my cook book at all, in fact. >> jimmy: it says "the tucci cookbook" on it. >> it's to sell it. >> jimmy: it's easier when it's a celebrity. >> right. but no one's buying it. yes, it's a book that was published about 13 years ago and it went out of print. it did very well at the beginning. and then went out of print. and you could -- people were selling this, copies of the original, on like e-bay or amazon, whatever, for like $3,000 to $4,000. >> jimmy: i heard that. they were crazy expensive.
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>> so we decided, my now new wife, she's a literary agent and she was able to sort of facilitate this being republished. so we revamped it, we did new pictures and pretended it was my book. >> jimmy: well, the recipes are just as good. the recipes don't get old. just the food does. >> that's right. and me. >> jimmy: growing up in an italian house, did your mother force feed you? you had the whole upbringing that everyone seems to have? >> yes, i did. i did. i still have difficulty leaving food on my plate, even if i'm so full. you know. it's sad, really. because then you just feel horrible. >> jimmy: yeah, i know. it's a weird thing. >> you think why did i finish that? >> jimmy: you learn all the worst things. >> all of the children starving in wherever. >> jimmy: would you eat at school? >> no, no, i always brought a lunch. but i brought more than lunch. >> jimmy: what would you bring? >> people would bring the bags that are specifically for lunches. the little paper bags.
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i brought a grocery bag filled with food. >> jimmy: same here. >> you did? >> jimmy: yeah. >> and if it was a sandwich like maybe a veal cutlet sandwich or eggplant or scrambled egg and peppers and potatoes. and i weighed like 90 pounds. >> jimmy: same here. >> an entire loaf of bread. >> jimmy: and the big grease spot on the side of the bag. >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: did the kids think that was weird? because at my school, the kids thought it was very weird. >> they did think it was weird. they were shock ed. this boy with lots of hair at the time with a sack, and you're like oh, what laborers are coming with you to eat your lunch? >> jimmy: my mother, my birthday especially, but every once in a while we'd have linguini and crabs and my mother would put that in my lunch bag the next day, and the horror on the children's faces.
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it was like they had seen me dissecting a frog in front of them. >> how did she wrap it up for you? >> jimmy: poorly. i don't even remember. i think it was just put in the lunchbox and had welcome back cotter on it or something. >> you had to boil your own crab. >> jimmy: but packing it is -- i would think that out. i didn't want things to get soggy. >> so do you do the separation thing? >> jimmy: yes, i will. like i take the meatball and i wrap it in issaran wrap and i'l have the bread on the side and a little packet of sauce. >> so they compile it themselves. >> jimmy: they have to build it themselves. >> it's lovely. it's a sign of love. >> jimmy: it's a sign of love. but more insanity. >> yes, yes. real anal retentiveness. >> jimmy: did you do that? >> i have done that on occasion. i do think okay, no, i can't do. this because inevitably i make them in the morning, i don't like to make them the night before, because they do get soggy.
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what i do is my daughter loves goat cheese and olive oil on bread. so i toast the bread lightly, and then sprinkle the olive oil on, the really good olive oil. >> jimmy: of course. >> not the cheap stuff. and goat cheese, spread that on and wrap it up right away so it stays warm, because they go to school like 4:00 in the morning or whatever it is and they eat lunch at 7:00. it's ridiculous. >> jimmy: that's the kind of meticulous care that your family instilled in you, and then you instilled into this cook book that you had nothing to do with. >> right, yeah. and i'm really food obsessed -- as you know, i'm food obsessed. i'm actually working on another cookbook that i am going to do myself. >> jimmy: oh, kick the family out. "jack the giant slayer." i saw this movie. >> you did? >> jimmy: yeah, it's great. >> oh, wow. >> jimmy: i didn't see it in
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3-d. i saw it in 2-d. ewan mcgregor was here. have you not seen it here? >> i've seen it twice, that's it, i'm done. >> jimmy: this is you in the movie. >> yes. [ applause ] >> jimmy: they like putting you in wigs, don't they? >> i love wigs. i love them. >> jimmy: here you are from "the hunger games" in another wig. [ cheers and applause ] a very natural look for you. >> that's my favorite. >> jimmy: "the lovely bones." is that your favorite? >> oh yeah. what a fun character to play. >> jimmy: isn't it annoying to keep a wig on? >> when a wig is well made, you don't even know you have it on. >> jimmy: i've always said that. who's making these wigs, your mother? >> yes. >> jimmy: assemble the wig yourself when you get to school. >> that's right. >> jimmy: well, it's very good to have you here. >> thank you. i'm very happy to be here.
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>> jimmy: come back to the house, we'll look at the cookbook. "jack the giant slayer" is in theaters friday, and this is a book, it's called "the tucci cookbook." we'll be right back with music from gold fields. well, well, well. growing up, we didn't have u-verse. we couldn't record four shows at the same time. in my day, you were lucky if you could record two shows. and if mom was recording her dumb show and dad was recording his dumb show then, by george, that's all we watched. and we liked it! today's kids got it so good.
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[ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 1 year when you bundle tv and internet. rethink possible.
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>> jimmy: their debut album, "black sun" came out yesterday. they're back again. from australia, gold fields. ♪ ♪ i found my beat it's in your sound if i'm too late i'll curse the ground ♪
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♪ 'cause i'm just waiting to come down call my name when you're around ♪ ♪ 'cause it's dark again it's dark again ♪ ♪ we've been living with the lights out been moving in the night ♪ ♪ keep swimming through the white wash we're losing sight ♪ ♪ we've been living with the lights out been moving in the night ♪ ♪ keep swimming through the white wash we're losing sight of everything ♪
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♪ the hounds bring hate man they're so loud they bark and break their way through town ♪ ♪ that violence makes me feel so proud 'cause my silence takes you to the clouds ♪ ♪ 'cause it's dark again it's dark again ♪ ♪ we've been living with the lights out been moving in the night ♪ ♪ keep swimming through the white wash we're losing sight ♪ ♪ we've been living
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with the lights out been moving in the night ♪ ♪ keep swimming through the white wash we're losing sight of everything ♪ ♪ deep thinker ship sinker channel me on your way down ♪ ♪ slow drinker hard liquor this sea won't let you drown ♪ ♪ deep sleeper slow blinker wake up to what we've found ♪ ♪ slow faker heart breaker broke free we're heaven bound ♪ ♪ 'cause it's dark again ♪ we've been living with the lights out
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been moving in the night ♪ ♪ keep swimming through the white wash we're losing sight of everything ♪ ♪ we've been living with the lights out been moving in the night ♪ ♪ keep swimming through the white wash we're losing sight of everything ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: gold fields, their debut album "black sun" is out now. i want to thank gordon ramsay, i want to thank stanley tucci, i want to apologize to matt damon, we ran out of time. tomorrow night, jim parsons, gavin newsom and


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