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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  March 13, 2013 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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otherwise, in san jose we have a solo spinout in los gatos northbound 17 blocking a lane of traffic. it will be cleared when the tow truck is on the scene. >> there are two more chances for cardinals inside the cistene chapel to vote and select the next pope with the morning sessions ending with no decision katie, could we have a decision today? >> if history is any indication that is a long shot. according to the vatican the shortest conclave of the 20th century was three ballots in 1939. we have passed that marker, two votes this morning and one yesterday bringing us to three ballots. the only way to know is by watching the chimney on the chapel, and this is a live look , with white smoke signal as new pope is chosen but we have only seen this. check out the video from this
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morning, black smoke around 3: 3:40, so no cardinal receives two-thirds majority or 77 of the 115 votes. the longest conclave lasted five days in the 20th century. if this breaks all modern records there are new rules that allow for a simple majority if on pope hasn't been found after 12 or 13 days. of course, tourists and locals have been crowded into st. support's -- st. peter's. >> i am disappointed. i want to see the new pope at the window. >> right now the cardinals have lunch. afternoon voting begins at 8:00 a.m. our time. the next time we could see smoke is around 9:30 a.m. and if no pope is choicen the final opportunity for see smoke today is around 11 a.m. with usually a pope chosen in three days which
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takes us to tomorrow. >> stay with abc7 news for the latest developments from vatican city. we will break in to programming the second a pope selected and tweet the news. >> preschool teacher will appear in court accused of spiking children's drink with sleeping pills. our reporter is live in santa clara courthouse in san jose with the latest. cornell? >> the teacher is facing child endangerment charges and will be in court later today. parents of kids at a morgan hill preschool are absolutely stunned by the news. police say the 59-year-old would lives in holster worked on-and-off at the kid my academy for morgan hill. authorities believe she spiked the sippy kids -- cups of kids 1 to 2 years old. a coworker had noticeed something strange and she was
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fired. >> she was preparing water and an employ i witnessed her putting something in the sippy cups. thought all of them, some of text. >> i am not angry but...sad. disturbing. >> the owner of the academy said in a statement that the safety and welfare of the children is the top priority. we have an exceptionally qualified staff would have choicen early childhood education because of their love working with children. all the kids involved here and we don't know how many, are okay. police have no motive other than wanting to get kids to go to sleep. >> thank you. this morning, extra police officers will be at foothill high school after a violent threat was found on the wall of a girl's bathroom yesterday. the principal sent an e-mail alerting families of graffiti that threatened a mass shooting and assured them precauses were
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taken to assure the safety of the campus and security will be this all week. students, though, tweeted they will not be there at school because of the threat. abc7 news reporter, amy hollyfield, has a live report with more details. >> in pleasanton police are searching for a bank robber and released this surveillance video hoping someone will recognize that man in the picture. they say he entered the wells fargo yesterday and gave the bank teller a note demanding cash. he did not produce a weapon. according to witnesses the man spoke with an accent. the accused bank robber is described as 30 to 40, about 6' tall and 160 to 175 pounds with black hair, background eyes and a goatee. >> fremont teachers are protesting before a school board meeting over stalled contract negotiations. the teachers declareed an impasse after a year of talks allowing the public employment
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board to step in to order the two sides to resume bargaining or assign a mediator to come to an agreement. the teachers and the school district are far apart open class size and teacher salary cuts from it will unpaid furlough days. >> the world famous berkeley restaurant, chez panisse, will push back the re-opening day trying to bounce back from a fire. flames damaged the patio area on friday morning and canceled reservations through march 23. chez panisse now says that reservations are canceled through the 30th, extending it another week. it is believed the fire may have started in an electrical box. >> take a look at this, quick action by firefighters got a gas line fire under control before catastrophic explosion could occur. the fire ignited when a construction worker unintentionally dug into the line in a densely populateed north berkeley. you can see from sky 7 a truck and a house were damaged but no
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one was hurt. >> that is a very densely populated area, i went to that school. >> the big story is the fog this morning. >> as we saw, dense pockets of fog on way in. >> not as widespread as yesterday. the low clouds will leave us quicker than it did yesterday. we are waking up and now, dress for 41 at petaluma, a cooler spot with american canyon at 39 and palo alto at 41, santa clara at 45 along with half moon bay and 48 in richmond and san leandro and union city and saratoga and walnut creek at 49 and pleasanton at 47 and tracy is not far behind at 50. today we will have clouds for the morning in the form of fog and mid-to-upper 40's. noon temperatures are warmer than yesterday with more sunshine, only the coast will lag behind so it will take longer to see the sunshine and mid-to-upper 60's so get a seat
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quickly if you go to lunch. at at mid-60's around the bay and inland by 7:00. the warm air has is not going anywhere. it will not be so warm thursday and friday and saturday and we. wake up with morning patchy fog and afternoon sunshine and temperatures above average away from the coast again where you will be stuck around 60. sue? >> we are back, now, to northern marin county at the marin sonoma border south of there near san antonio road at 2:15 a truck went off the roadway and you can see c.h.p. and fire crews on the scene, a truck in the ditch and it is a fatality and investigators are still out this. two lanes are road in that section of 101, the northbound right lane is blocked near san antonio road with no estimated time of opening. we will look to san jose where we have an accident on 17, and, also, in san francisco, coming off the skyway at 5th the accident is still partly
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blocking the off-ramp. >> voters go to the polls in june to replace former santa clara supervisor who is accused of misusing taxpayer money. some say the special election is anything but "special." >> google top executives get a big pat on the back with huge bonuses they are putting in the bank.
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>> santa rosa, berkeley, san jose, and all the bay area, this is abc7 news. >> it is official. supervisors of santa clara have a special election date to fill a seat vacated bit foam supervisor who resigned after using taxpayer money and campaign donations to support his gambling addiction. yesterday, the board voted in favor of holding a special election june 4 despite pleas from some residents to delay the process by three weeks. the special election will cost taxpayers an estimated $1 million. >> when president obama goes on capitol hill he talks exclusive ly with abc7 news' george stephanopolis. the president spoke of the ongoing negotiations with congressional republicans over how to reach a balanced budget. he talked about homeland security and the potential threat of cyber attack from china and other countries. >> it is absolutely true, we
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have seen a steady ramping up of cyber security threats. some are state sponsored. some are sponsored by criminals. i have taken aggressive executive actions. we need congress to act. >> you can see more of george stephanopolis' exclusive interview with the president on "good morning america" following our newscast at seven. >> the pentagon will testify today about a growing problem in the military, sexual assaults involving people in uniform. the senate subcommittee will hold the first hearings in a decade. a third of military women report being sexually assaulted. investigators say there are 19,000 attack as year but only 300 go to trial. the hearing includes testimony from assault victims and military leaders. >> chase bank is back up after the website was hacked. the mobile banking applications
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were not affected and customer information was not compromised. bank of america and citibank and capitol one has been attacked. >> google will pay a fine for collecting personal information. they said it was inadvertent. documents show how were they pay in bonuses to top executives, includeing former boss who gets the largest amount: $6 million for the performance last year. the company top lawyer is getting $3 million. and the chief financial and business officers are getting $2.8 million in bonus money. no bonuses for google founders who have gotten $$1 salary since going public in 2004 but their stock is worth a little bit, a few billion. >> i cannot decide whether to
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give you a bonus if you give us 80 degree weather or if you give us rain. >> i cannot be paid off. >> let's go outside and show you what is going on. we will have a lot of sunshine today. at 5:16, live doppler 7 hd shows cloud cover out there but no radar runs. through the thick fog you will get mist on the windshield this morning. check out the visibility in oakland at quarter-mile visibility at half moon bay and a.5 in concord and napa. livermore shows no fog. if you are coming from oakland and headed to the bay bridge, this is what you will drive
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through, the bay bridge toll plaza, you can see how thick it is. you could have mist on the windshield. in san francisco it is 48 and oakland, and san jose at 50 and walnut creek at 49 and walnut creek at 44. in san jose, you can see it is clearer than it was this time yesterday, santa rosa 43 and fairfield and napa at 41 and livermore, 45 and gilroy if you live in union city dress for 48 degrees before you head out the door. today, faster sunshine and warmer temperatures and mild so watch out for the patchy fog. we have bay area rain and sierra snow but not until next week. it is not a big storm. it is something to look forward to. that is all we have right now. we have promises of future rain as we wiped down the rain and snow season. the south bay shows temperatures nearing 80 in los gatos and morgan hill and 74 in santa clara and sunnyvale.
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68 in mill gray. upper 50's along the coast and more sunshine than yesterday. upper 60's around downtown san francisco and toward sausalito and we will have mid-60's through the north bay until you get to the santa rosa and sonoma and napa other 70's and 20 degrees cooler at bodega bay and to the east bay shore 74 in oakland and richmond and hercules. from 75 in san ramon to 80 in pleasanton and livermore. the seven-day outlook shows temperatures tapering a little bit, thursday, friday, and into saturday and sunday but it still looks great for the parade no st. patrick's day. have a great day. sue? >> we go back, now, to northern marin county, right south of the marin sonoma border line, north 101 it happened a little after 2:15, chp got the call. the car is off the roadway and it resulted in a fatality. c.h.p. is still on the scene
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investigating north 101 around san antonio road. they are not giving us an estimated time of cheering. -- of clearing. off the bay bridge, we have an accident near the 5th street off ramp. >> 5:19. eyes around the world are on rome as the cardinals choose a new pope. how it is turning into a money making adventure for some italians. >> after a public meltdown with the lead singer, rockers are ready to get back on stage. that is coming up. >> in this business we tend to overuse the expression "this could save your life" but in this case, it's true. today we are shining a spotlight on cancer giving you the on cancer giving you the information you need to know. [ stefan ] with a cold or flu, nighttime nasal congestion can be the worst part.
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my medicine alone doesn't always give me all the congestion relief i need to sleep. [ female announcer ] adding breathe right nasal strips can make all the difference. it's proven to instantly relieve cold or flu nasal congestion. [ stefan ] and because it's drug free, it's safe to use with any medicine to relieve my nighttime stuffy nose. so i can breathe better and sleep better. [ female announcer ] go to for special offers.
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>> good morning, on this wednesday at 5:29. the golden gate bridge shows it is a foggy commute into san francisco. our meteorologist, mike nicco, tracks the fog. we will have temperatures in the 80's so you will want to hear more about the forecast with the commute coming up. >> gas prices are higher than last month but they are dropping according to the latest aaa survey. the average price of a gallon is $4.17 in california, 11 cents higher than last month. in the bay area drivers pay an average of $4.23 a gallon. officials say the rising gas prices is burst after a series of jumps that lasted for weeks
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because of the switch to summer blend gas and the completion of refinery maintenance. >> a snapshot of how many teens use smartphones. 78 percent of people ages 12 to 17 have cell phones and half of those are smartphones. a quarter of young people say they access the internet mostly on the cell, more than the 15 percent of adult whose surf the internet mostly by cell phone. the growth in mobile will influence businesses such as facebook. >> the obama administration is leaning on the business world to help in the fight against cyber attacks. >> here is the bloomberg business report. >> the white house is not taking attacks lightly and president obama will discuss cyber security with corporate executives today in washington. the world has its eyes on the sistine chapel when souvenir shop said they are ready to produce small posters of the new pope an hour after chosen.
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fans of fantasy game of thrones can enjoy a new beer which was crafted in partnership between hbo and a brewery which should be widely available in the coming weeks in time for the season three premiere. before i go, stocks on wall street are taking a breather and the dow tacked on more slight gains for another winning session. at the new york stock exchange for the bloomberg business report this morning. >> now the weather forecast. >> we have a foggy forecast. mike nicco is tracking it. >> in east bay hills camera near berkeley hills area we are looking to the west and it is hard to see anything other than the lights in the distance. that is san francisco. we will talk about what will happen today, we will be three degrees warmer, concord, fremont, san francisco, santa rosa, temperatures are from 68 in san francisco to 78 in concord. in san jose we will hit 75.
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oakland will hit 74. here is what is going on across the state: it is quiet. you need sunglasses and sunscreen. tahoe is 68 degrees today and 78 in yosemite. low-to-mid 80's through the central valley down to los angeles and 94 in palm springs. wrap your head around that. today is only march 13. >> unseason blow warm -- unseasonably warm. >> on the eastern portion of the toll plaza and in san francisco it is clear. it is patchy fog around the bay. in san jose, southbound 85 between 237 and 280 we have road work. we are still tracking the fatal accident in the marin sonoma border. c.h.p. is investigating. they have given us no time. the right lane is blocked near
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san antonio road. >> green day is back on the road and ready for the delayed world tour now that the front man is out rehab. he sought help after a meltdown on stage last september and the band already has a gig under their belt. this weekend they rocked the crowd in southern california and dipped into the classics such as "basket case." the tour bus will stop by the greek theater in berkeley on april 16. >> smoke signal from the vatican and we will go live to rome to find out what is next after failing to pick a pope at the conclave. >> and a high school shoot
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>> live from the kgo-tv broadcast center this is abc7 news.
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>> 5:28. we have a gorgeous day waiting on this wednesday. thanks for joining us. >> you got to get through the fog, first. mike has the forecast. >> it is pretty thick but not as widespread as yesterday. you will want to be careful because the visibility is down to eighth of mile in oakland and quarter-mile visibility in half moon bay and santa rosa. two miles visibility in livermore. the fog will fade quicker. we will have sunshine. we will have warmer temperatures from the upper 60's to mid-70's. and up to 80's inland. the coast will be mid-50's to around 60. sue, how is the traffic? >> the san mateo bridge shows it is well socked in as you lead hayward area headed westbound with tail lights disappearing in the fog. extra time and slower speeds are
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the call. in northern marin county the fatal accident is off the roadway and the investigation is underway. emergency crews are blocking the right lane. no final clearing estimate on that. in san jose northbound 17 at lark a car hit a tree. they need a chain saw to get the car out of there. it will be a while but it is not in the lanes. >> in vatican city the cardinals are enjoying a lunch break after the first round did not result in the selection of a new pope. abc7 news reporter joins us live from rome with the latest. marcy? >> good morning, the cardinals have voted a total of three times with still no pope but a vatican spokesman told us this is what they expected. for the second time since the conclave began yesterday, black smoke poured from the small chimney atop the sistine chapel. the world is waiting for the
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white smoke, signaling a new pope. >> we will run out when anything happens. we want to experience this. there is nothing else we would rather do than be here experiencing history. >> after the disappointing darkness of the smoke from above the sistine chapel last night, the cardinals returned this morning. their prayers, again, today fox guidance at the 115 electors cast another round. >> the cardinals have much on their mind the fact they are human beings and they want to make the best choice possible but they could make a mistake. >> the bets are out on who necessity could elect with online gambling on conclave saying so far most of the money is on cardinal scola of italy and then cardinal scherer of brazil and the americans are not doing too badly. >> we took a lot of money on the americans, including timothy
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dolan now at 20-1. their figures are fun and games. what is happening behind the closed doors is the century old method of choosing the next leader, the election of the man who will lead 1.2 billion catholics taking another step forward today. >> the cardinals have lunch together discussing all of the candidates and they will be back this afternoon to vote again. >> before you get away, what can you tell us about the crowds gathering at the vatican. >> the vatican spokesperson who shared a little bit of information with us told us that they never expected to see crowds this big so early on. right now, since the cardinals are at lunch the crowds have again to lunch but earlier when we waited for the smoke the crowd filled the square and spilled on to the street and
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they had for close the road down because this were so many people standing an the -- around the square. >> stay with abc7 news for the latest developments from vatican city. we will break in to programming the second a pope is elected. >> students at east bay high school will notice extra police presence after a shooting threat was found on campus. abc7 news is live with amy hollyfield. there was a specific date attached to this threat? >> the threat was on the bathroom wall here in the girl's bathroom and it mentioned tomorrow. they will see more police officers here on campus starting fed. the pleasanton patch is reporting that the threat was written on the bathroom wall. it said the person plans to carry it out tomorrow, thursday. the principal of foothill high school sent an e-mail to parents
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and promising to have extra police on campus for the week. school is still in session with no plans to shut it down. some students have plans of their own some saying no matter how many police officers are here they will be staying home tomorrow. that is the day the threat mentioned. the principal is asking if anyone know whose did this, please come forward, report it. you can do it anonymously. >> thank you. this morning some parents are not satisfied with the explanation they get of an incident where a teacher tied up a two-year old who refuseed to take a nap. parents drove off off the 90 minute leading with officials at the church. elders provided them with a letter from the state revealing the name of the former teacher. she resigned in january and now is the subject of a police investigation. the insurance distant came to light when the teachers showed a
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photo of the bound girl to the girl's mother at a social gathering. >> some were upset they could not get more information. we realize we disappointed some by not giving more information than we were legally allowed. >> this is isolated h is no evidence to lead us to believe there is anything else going on. >> police are trying to determine what crime has been committed. the school director resigned last month but officials would not discuss a reason. >> we have new details about a santa clara man accused of threatening state senator ye over a push for tighter gun control. the e-mail was unsealed by the court. it reads and i quote, "i have 39 kills in afghanistan, don't make me get to 40."
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investigators found three assault weapons and detonateed numerous explosive materials at his house. the senator says the threats have had no impact on his efforts at gun control. >> map is accused of sexually assaulting and robbing a woman. the suspect is seen on saturday on video, averaging for a personal massage. when she arrived he pulled a knife and robbed her and assaulted her. a police dog could not track him down. >> san francisco supervisor is holding a public hearing to find how much the america's cup will actually cost taxpayers. the hearing will review the status ofests to raise $32 million from private sources to reimburse the city's america's cup costs. the latest estimate puts the economic benefit if the bay area at $780 million, around half the $1.4 billion originally estimated. organizers say it will generate
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5,500 jobs and lead to $14 million in revenue for just san francisco. >> this morning, caltran will release details on the long awaited opening of the devil slide tunnel on highway one. we have learned that caltran will hold the ribbon cutting ceremony monday, march 25 and drivers are allowed through the twin tunnels that night or the next morning. the $439 million project began eightees ago to ease traffic between pacifica and montera. >> they have nod had a lot of rain to cause mudslides but in past years... >> and this year in tahoe there is not much snow left. when does the season end? >> april 1. we are at 52 percent. it does not look like we will get close to catching more, maybe one or two more snowstorms they will be light. not big dumping.
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>> the winds are calm if not coming from the northwest in oakland and sfo and san carlos and west at mountain view at three miles per hour. the fog is going to stay locally dense and it will not move around a lot. temperatures are coolest in the american canyon at 39. petaluma and palo alto at 41. pittsburg is 51. belmont is 50. and union city and saratoga and richmond at 47. and pleasanton and santa clara at 45. mid-to-upper 40's with the fog through 7:00, and notice the hazy sunshine by noon and mostly sunny conditions away from the coast and low-to-mid 70's by 4:00 but 60 at the coast. temperatures are pleasant and most of us in the mid-to-upper 60's. we will see a slight pull back in temperatures but well above average away from the coast. >> we go back to marin and
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sonoma border. this is how it looked this morning. c.h.p. got the call of a truck off the road. you can see it in the ditch and it resulted in a fatality and investigators are still on the scene and this is north 101 before san antonio road south of the actual sonoma county borderline. the investigation is on going. now, to san francisco, coming off of the bay bridge we have an accident with three cars involved at the 5th street off-ramp you could find a minor delay off of the bridge with crews on the scene to get that cleared. >> 5:39. the boy scouts are trying to figure whether to let in openly gay members. next, the tough questions that could lead to a final decision. >> first, opening day for the giants is in a few weeks but you do not have to travel to los angeles to enjoy the game. we will tell you where you can enjoy it for free at home with other fans.
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[ male announcer ] with citibank it's easy for jay to deposit checks from anywhere. [ wind howling ] easier than actually going to the bank. mobile check deposit. easier banking. standard at citibank.
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okay. [ male announcer ] with citibank's popmoney, dan can easily send money by email right from his citibank account. nice job ben. [ male announcer ] next up, the gutters. citibank popmoney. easier banking. standard at citibank. >> cupertino, concord, wine country and all bay area, this is abc7 news. >> 5:42. in mountain view residents are concerned about cancer-causing
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vapors seeping in a neighborhood. residents across highway 101 received a mayoral from the epa warning them of the possibility of the vapor. people living near the fairchild semi conductor factory understood that a toxic plume contaminated the ground water. the e.p.a. has been monitoring this since the 80's and they found high levels of t.c.e. west of the border on google property . >> you can be exposed to this and it is a grave concern. >> people would live in the area can call the epa and have their air tested. usually the contamination can be removeed from air filtering.
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>> vallejo has a new tool to deal with foreclosure properties creating a new sans in the neighborhoods. there is a new ordinance to relieve the issues centered around foreclosed property. vacant foreclosures in vallejo has been the source of rising crime problems from squatters and thieves. the city doesn't have the money or manpower to control it. the ordinance makes the property owners accountable and forces banks to register and maintain their foreclosures homes or face fines and penalties. >> we will abate the nuisance and put a lien on the property. >> the city has more than 1,000 foreclosed home with half getting complaints. >> the governor brown is in the area to receive the board of regents meeting today and tomorrow at mission bay campus in san francisco with an issue of whether to extend $60 annual fee that students have been pay
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ing since 2010. the judges determine add few years ago the university breached the student contracts and had to refund tuition hikes. the students have been paying for several weeks to the tune of $$91 million, including interest >> the opening day game against the dodger played in los angeles will be shown on the big screen at at&t park for free. this is video from spring training game against the padres the giants lost. they on the season april 1st at dodgers stadium and will be shown on at&t u-verse's giant screen. the home opener is on friday against the cardinals. the world series tour continues in east palo alto with a chance to take pictures with both the 2012 and 2010 world series trophies. they will be on display from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. in the
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elementary school gym. >> remember, kristen sze's fingerprints are there so if you can get some tape... >> wait, wait, wait, i wiped off my prints. >> we are getting more and more fog at embarcardero. >> absolutely especially on the bay shore and the north bay spilling into the east bay valley. it is fog but not like yesterday with the marine layer of clouds which is stubborn to get rid of. the warmest afternoon temperatures on the way. the fog clover is not giving way but if you drive through the thick fog it is water so you will get a few drops on the windshield and you can see the visibility change rapidly in the embarcardero. temperatures are running in the mid-to-upper 40's for san francisco, san bruno and redwood city, and palo alto and half moon bay. you can see a lot of cloud cover in the east bay hills and walnut
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creek is 45 and everyone else, oakland, richmond, pleasanton and antioch and union city in the upper 40's for low 50's and san jose, it is 50 as we look at 85, near h.p. pavilion and mid-40's to 50, for cupertino and gilroy and this is how it looks from mount tamalpais this morning, you can see the clouds, fog, around. here we have the upper 30's to mid-40's for santa rosa, napa, and sausalito. hopefully we have most of you covered. today we will have fog fading quickly, and warm around the bay area through the weekend, and the coast will be cooler than the rest of us and a minor storm next week. we are desperate for the rain and mountain snow. mid-to-upper 70's in the south bay and 80 at los gatos and santa clara. up the peninsula temperatures will be low-to-mid 70's to 68 in
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millbrae and upper 50's along the coast to mid-to-upper 50's downtown and south san francisco and napa and santa rosa at 78. 20 degrees cooler at bodega bay and low 70's throughout the east bay shore and oakland and richmond and herb cheese could -- hercules could make it to 78 tonight is another mild evening mid-40's inland with patchy fog, and san francisco and san jose the same. we will have above-average temperatures away from the coast through the holiday weekend and by tuesday next week temperatures are cooler and we will look for the first sign of rain. >> on the san mateo bridge you could see the shot and now you can see virtually nothing, socked in fog so i would take extra caution to the bay bridge, and fog dropping down on to the deck near the toll plaza or the
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roadway, and minor delay here for cash-paying folks into san francisco and still tracking the fatal accident in northern marin county south of the marin-sonoma borderline investigators are on the scene and the right lane could be partly blocked. a truck went off the roadway after 2:00 with an investigation underway. a tree and a car got into it at north 17 at lark. a chain saw is needed. emergency crews are possibly blocking a lane there. >> president obama is back on capitol hill today looking for a budget deal from congressional republicans. it is the first meeting in two years. lawmakers are waiting for the president to unveil the budget plan but they are moving on with their own plans. paul ryan is proposing a plan to balance the budget in 10 years without raising taxes. that plan would repeal the president's health care law, convert medicare to a voucher voucher-style system and cut federal pensions. it is similar to a budget plan that he offered last year.
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today the senate democrats unveil a plan of their own. >> boy scouts have sent out a questionnaire on a potential change in policy banning gay scout leaders and members. the survey e-mailed to 1.1 million adult scouts has five questions including, is it acceptable for a gay and straight scout to share a tent overnight? the scouts posing such questions as the organizer tries to determine whether to lift or modify the gay ban. leaders will vote on the issue in may. >> the woman now accused of salting a young girl in a san francisco park. >> another trial run for taking bicycles on bart. commuters get a chance to take the bike along for the road. >> new date announced on which a famed
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>> south san francisco struggling ferry service is coming up with new ideas to get more people on board. the oyster point ferry between the peninsula and the east bay launched last june with a big celebration but the san francisco examiner reports the fan fair has fallen short of expectation. the transportation authority which operates the ferry service is considering adding new routes to attract more riders. the agency will take up the
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issue at a board of directors meeting tomorrow. >> this morning, bart officials are reminding riders about the second experiment allowing bicycles aboard trains on the commute on monday, and will run for five consecutive work days. people be allowed to bring bicycles on all trains, all areas with one exception, no bicycles are allowed in the first three cars. there was a similar test in august. >> with the fog out there, bart may not be a bad idea. >> driving in that could be you it. we will check with our meteorologist. >> you may have to pry the windshield wipers off the wind shield through the thicker fog this is some moisture. 101 in san rafael, notice no fog here with temperatures today, and we will talk how much warmer they are, six degrees in san francisco, and eight in redwood city and san jose, and oakland and napa and livermore, 11 to 15 degrees warmer from 68 in san francisco to 80 in livermore, and across the state we will
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have 80's through the central valley and low do mid 80's there and 68 today in tahoe, and 94 in palm springs. >> good morning, everyone, we will look as you leave novato, headed southbounded to central san rafael the headlights headed in the southbound direction moving nicely. as mike mentioned, no fog but at the waldo and on the span of the golden gate bridge, i don't know if you can see it, the caution light is blinking so there is thick fog on the span and limited visibility. now a look at the drive from the antioch area, westbound highway four, you will find slow traffic moving from hillcrest toward railroad avenue and it picks up through pittsburg law concord. >> a woman in san francisco this morning is facing chances of assaulting a two-year old girl. police say the child was with her father in golden gate park and the woman identified as 24
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-year-old kicked the little girl in the check for no apparent reason and threatened another child. police arrested the woman on assault and child endangerment charges. the girl is from out of state and leader to be a flower girl at a wedding. >> young couple is facing charges after a two-year old boy if their care was fund to -- found drunk and high on meth. the mother who lives with a 21 -year-old man and investigator s say that the boy's grandmother noticed the child was sick after picking him up from their home. she had him checked and they say his blood alcohol level was life-threatening level with meth in his system. >> refunds on 600,000 tax returns could be delayed because of a simple omission. returns filed by h&r block could be delayed because of an error
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on school tax credit form. previously, you could leave the field blank but now you have to enter the "no" and h&r block was not doing it and the runs could be delayed six to eight weeks. >> the internet outage happening now that could black you from getting e-mail this morning. >> but, first, the vatican and what is next for the cardinals after they failed to pick a new pope. >> what a former teacher is accused of trying to do to children at a
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>> live from the kgo-tv broadcast center this is abc7 news. >> new this morning, black smoke appears from the sistine chapel signaling there is no new pope for the catholic church. more than a billion roman catholics around the world. >> right now we will say good
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morning at 5:59 the you have fog to deal with headed to work or school this morning. mike in. >> limited visibility is the biggest issue. unlike yesterday, it is not as wide-spread visibility and more clouds with a warmer afternoon, i promise. you can see quarter-mile visibility in santa rosa where it is most dangerous. half moon bay is eighth of a mile. and a quarter in concord. it is developing if those areas. that is where it will stay. it is moving but it looks like it is going to be not so widespread. for the bay, fog and 49 along the shore and hazy sunshine by noon. we will hang out around 70 degrees by 4:00. i land, we have sunshine and 67 degrees for the noontime. 76 at 4:00. pleasant in the evening. 69 degrees. at the coast, you are missing on
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the warming trend. it is foggy and 48, and mostly cloudy at noon and 55. and pockets of sunshine this afternoon and 59 degrees. have a good day. >> san jose, a live look with patchy fog around the bay area this morning and right here it is clear. this is 87 in the northbound direction with headlights headed beyond the the pavilion. traffic is looking good. if you are coming out of the santa cruz mountains toward los gatos, we had a car that ran off the road and hit a tree and they are waiting for a chain saw that needs to get the tree off the car. in livermore it picks up at the dublin/pleasanton area westbound 580. kristen and eric? >> right now, cardinal are taking a break after failing to


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