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tv   America This Morning  ABC  March 15, 2013 4:00am-4:30am PDT

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toilet. in a statement they say "at no time did the ship lose power but there were periodic interruptions to elevators and toilets for a few hours." the company says it will fly all passengers to florida and give them a partial refund and discount on their next cruise. >> everyone gave me a hard time when i was booking this cruise saying i want believe you're going on a carnival cruise after what happened with the triumptr >> reporter: the triumph suffered catastrophic engine failure and passengers described a five-day nightmare in the gulf of mexico. >> no power, no toilets. no times no water. we were just living in filth. >> now, the nightmare gets worse. just yesterday 17 passengers stranded on the triumph last month sued the company in federal court alleging negligence, rob and diana. >> all right, devin, thank you reporting from washington this morning. and also from washington, the head of the tsa says his
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decision to allow pocketknives on planes is solid and that it will go forward. testifying on capitol hill, john pistole says his screeners simply spend too much final confiscating the knives when there is a far more dangerous threat. he's talking about nonmetallic improvised explosive devices concealed in everyday carry-on items. now to president obama's admission about iran's nuclear progress. mr. obama tells israeli tv that iran is about a year away from developing a nuclear weapon. the president also said that the u.s. likely won't wait for that weapon to be developed before taking action. saying all options are on the table right now. iran meantime, maintains that the nuclear program it has is not for military use. the battle over gun control triggered a war of words on capitol hill pitting veteran democratic senator dianne feinstein of california against ted cruz of texas. here's how it went down. >> what she thinks that the
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fourth amendment's protection against searches and she is sures could apply to only the specified individuals and not to the individuals that congress has deemed outside the protection. >> it's fine you want to lecture me on the constitution. i appreciate it just know i've been here for a long time. i passed on a number of bills. i study the constitution myself. i am reasonably well educated and i thank you for the lecture. >> democrats did push the feinstein sponsored bill through the committee. it's now before the full senate where it is not expected to survive. another senator is shaking things up on capitol hill. this time it's republican senator rob portman of ohio. after voting for the defense of marriage act in 1996, portman now says he supports same-sex marriage because one of his sons is gay. portman says his turnaround gang two years ago when his son, will, told his parents that he is gay. pope francis will face
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perhaps his toughest test yet when he plans to hold an audience with the media tomorrow. >> well, for now he will still be sticking to what has always worked best for him. a style of simplicity and humility. abc's marci gonzalez reports from rome. >> reporter: after the holy tradition, a first mass celebrated in the sistine chapel, pope francis will take some of the messages discussed in yesterday's simple homily about building a solid foundation for the church and lay the first brick. his first official meeting with the cardinals. >> he's going to be a simple person. he's not going to speak in grand theological terms. he's going to try to say things simply and do things simply. >> reporter: a simple nature we're hearing so much about now and seen put into practice from his refusal to wear a gold cross opting instead for a modern wooden bishop's cross to his
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decision to spend part of his first full day as pontiff stopping by the hotel where he lived for weeks, not sending someone else to run his errands instead paying the bill himself. >> he was concerned about giving a good example of what priests and bishops should do. >> reporter: we're learning more about his beliefs as a staunch traditionalist and called abortion "a death sentence," gay marriage, "destructive of god's plan" and suggested contraception which the church opposes may be permissible to stop the spread of disease. pope francis is still making first impressions, a quiet modest man beginning the business of leading the church. marci gonzalez, abc news, rome. and time now for a check of the weather across the nation. snow showers for upstate new york and northern new england. a wintry mix in chicago, detroit and milwaukee. a few inches of snow around the twin cities, grand raps and fargo. rain and mountain snow in the
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pacific northwest. >> 91 in phoenix, 82, colorado spring, 60s in the northern rockies. 34 in minneapolis and 48 here in new york. coming up, scammers preying on elderly folks leading them to believe they've won a big jackpot. also, is facebook about to adopt the most recognizable part of its social networking rival? a frightening foamy situation on a south dakota river. plenty of questions after the rescue of a child.
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welcome back, everybody. samsung is challenging apple with its latest smartphone, the galaxy s4. it was introduced last night at a splashy event here in new
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york. just blocks from the city's biggest apple store. abc news tech editor joanna stern says the phone itself should give the iphone a run for its money. >> many people will get this if they want a bigger screen and android. android allows a lot more customization than the iphone at this point and, of course, with samsung's all new features and add a lot of things iphone doesn't have. >> you can operate the s4 without touching it, just wave your hands or even tilt it. but joanna particularly likes the new s health app and its 13 megapixel camera. the senate has harpooned a bank over the fiasco and reports jpmorgan chase misled investors about a disastrous derivatives investment in london and top executives including jamie dimon knew about it but helped covered up. the dow jones opens after a new record high after gaining 84
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yesterday and extends its skinning streak to ten consecutive sessions and s&p 500 is within two points of its all-time high. facebook and twitter may be moving a little closer. "the wall street journal" reports facebook is working on incorporating the hashtag, a word or phrase preceded by a pound sound that allows them to follow subjects more easily. this one is important here. the irs has nearly a billion dollars in unclaimed tax refunds money owed almost a million taxpayers who simply never filed returns for 2009. >> the deadline is april 15th or the government gets to keep the money and california has the biggest chunk of these unclaimed refunds. >> i don't understand that. i want my money. get on the phone with the irs. >> gimme. when we come back, an ominous start to a weekend music festival down in miami. injuries after a huge screen
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collapses. and the hail mary pass that worked. and now a young girl can get back on the gridiron. we'll be right back. see life in the best light. outdoors, or in. transitions® lenses automatically filter just the right amount of light. so you see everything the way it's meant to be seen. maybe even a little better. visit your eyecare professional today to ask about our newest lenses, transitions vantage and transitions xtractive lenses. experience life well lit. ask which transitions adaptive lens is best for you. [ male announcer ] every time you say no to a cigarette you celebrate a little win. nicorette gum helps calm your cravings and makes you less irritable. quit one cigarette at a time.
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boom. heart attack. the doctor recommends bayer aspirin to keep this from happening to me again. it's working. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. it can happen to anyone. talk to your doctor.
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a great view of that famous hollywood sign is being ruined right now by a telephone pole. it's part of what is eventually going to be a verizon wireless cell tower. plenty of tourists are demanding it be moved in order to preserve that scenic iconic overlook. >> seems like a mistake. >> i don't get that. all right, now for a look at morning road conditions. slick from buffalo, new york, to northern new england. wet and snowy highways from detroit to fargo. slippery roads in the pacific northwest and morning fog for southern california. should be a pretty good day for flying out there. weather-related airport delays only expected in minneapolis. all right, now back to the news. a frantic search is under way in
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sioux falls, south dakota, this morning for two people who jumped in the river to rescue a child who had fallen in. >> a man and woman managed to get the 6-year-old out safely before they vanish into the frimgdz waters under some very thick foam. emergency crews are searching downstream from a waterfall but the foam is making it tougher than simply to see anything. they're also facing a strong current and ice pack, as well. a jumbotron screen collapsed in miami injuring several workers. it happened last night while a crew was setting up a stage for a meusel festival for this weekend. four people were on the stage at the time. two of them were trapped under the equipment and suffered critical injuries. >> all the activity on this stage right now is going to be suspended. all of the other stages will be able to continue normal operations and they expect everything to be finished sometime tonight except for this stage here. >> the stage was 90% complete at the time of the accident. structural engineers will now check all of the stages at that
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venue. in other news this morning, scammers from overseas are luring americans with the promise of prize money and duping them sometimes out of their life savings. >> that's right. the crooks trick the victims into thinking they've won the publisher's clearinghouse and impersonate government officials and demand tax money and their main targets are senior citizens. >> you have to pay the tax on the check before the check could be cashed. >> you keep asking for more money, more money. last night i went to bed crying. i don't have no money and the bills are coming. i don't have any oil. i'm freezing here. it's getting cold now. >> you'll have to take care of the final payment, bea. just keep your trust in us now. >> that's heartless. so far the scammers have gotten away with more than a billion dollars if you can believe it. >> always bad, particularly when it comes to the elderly. now sports news this morning. well, we'll know on sunday who
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is playing whom when march madness starts next week. as for last night's highlights those from espn. and with your "sportscenter" update i'm chris hassel. world baseball classic thriller on thursday night between the united states and the dominican republic. david wright out. no score, eric hosmer drawing the walk with the bases loaded, 1-0, u.s. top second, ramirez ties it up with a solo shot off r.a. dickey. winner secures a spot in the semifinals. loser faces a win or go home. top nine, still tied at 1, nelson cruz winding a leadoff double to one. john carlos stanton made the diving stop but he couldn't get cruz at second. a couple batters later. er erick aybar coming through in the clutch. go ahead single and the dominican with a one-run lead and adding to it jose reyes,
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aybar scores, 3-1, dominican. bottom nine, two on, none out. shane victorino, last chance but he pops out to third, and the dominican republic moves on to the semis, 3-1. the u.s. will play puerto rico on friday in a win or go home situation. nba, spurs trying to clinch a playoff spot, mavericks trying to tay in the playoff hunt. tim duncan knocking down the one-hander in the paint, had 28 and 19. under a minute to play, mavs down 3, dirk nowitzki, he had 21 points and 11 boards. final seconds, mavs down one, vince carter for the win. just short and san antonio clinches a playoff spot and sweeps away the mavericks in the season series for the first time in 15 seasons. i'm chris hassel. have a nice day. all right, chris, thanks for that. how about this for sports victory. 11-year-old kicked off her
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football team only because she was a girl will be allowed to suit up after all. >> it is a major victory. caroline was kicked off her catholic youth team months ago, a crushing decision when it first came down. >> i found out at the end of the season before our last game, my mom told me and i was just really mad because i just really wanted to play, and i wanted to have other girls be able to play. >> and now she will be able to play. the archbishop of philadelphia just ruled that coed football will be allowed at least for now. way to fight the fight, girl. >> good for her. i bet she's better than all those boys. coming up next, it's "the pulse." harrowing fall to earth and a man who lived through it. >> crazy story there. and the elephants involve the in an expensive brand of coffee. you might want to put your breakfast down for that one. stay with us. my dentist said that the acid in fruit or fruit juice
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softens the enamel so it can potentially erode. once that enamel is gone, it's gone. my dentist recommended pronamel. pronamel protects your teeth from the effects of acid erosion. i don't have to cut out the things that i love in my diet. from the effects of acid erosion. if yyou've got thegood whenwrong toilet, you want it to get you clean... gently. as long as i use quilted northern ultra plush® i'm happy... and positive i'm clean. quilted northern ultra plush with the innerlux layer. for a comfortable, confident clean, or your money back. for those nights when it's more than a bad dream, be ready. for the times you need to double-check the temperature on the thermometer, be ready. for high fever, nothing works faster or lasts longer. be ready with children's motrin.
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♪ so testify's got to find those extra cups to fill ♪ ♪ they got an awful lot of coffee in brazil ♪ >> very classy. time to check out "the pulse" and begin with a story we'll call good till the last, hmm, dropping. >> add to add that i-n-g. >> dropping out of these elephants in thailand. >> a canadian businessman is feeding them coffee beans and then, shall we say reharvesting them after they move on through. after they are cleaned, dried and ground up, the beans are said to produce a coffee like no other, a taster talked to abc's
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muhammad lila. >> reporter: and you trieded the coffee. >> yes, it's rich and smooth. >> reporter: you're saying it's rich and smooth but right in the background. >> i understand. >> they call it black ivory coffee and don't worry, muhammad tried as well. it might be well but it will cost you believe it or not, 50 bucks per serving. >> that'll wake you up. >> you got to be kidding me. oh, man. now something of a food follow-up, if you will. you may recall earlier this week we introduced you to a 4,000-calorie burger. there he is, a breadless double cheeseburger with six strips of bacon and tons of cheese. >> rather have that than the elephant mess. brace yourself. here comes the baco, yes, it is a taco but as you see the shell is entirely made of bacon,
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winner of a baseball food contest. you'll have to attend a minor league in michigan to get a taste of this. everything, doesn't it really taste better with bacon. bacon as the shell. >> only in america. >> only in america. >> only here. >> oh, man. >> oh, boy. then this amazing story of survival and i'm not talking about rob's tenure anchoring our overnight shows. >> craig stapleton was testing out a stunt when things went horribly wrong. his parachute failed and spun out of control for three minutes. then when he tried opening his backup chute, that also malfunctioned. he hits the hard ground but walked away with bumps, bruises and a dislocated shoulder but mercifully no broken bones. >> like i said before he'll get right back up there. >> yeah, have some coffee. >> yikes. for some of you now local news is next. for everyone else -- i work for one. well, y
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that company, the united states postal service® works for thousands of home businesses. because at® you can pay, print and have your packages picked up for free. i can even drop off free boxes. i wear a lot of hats. well, technically i wear one. the u.s. postal service®, no business too small. you know who you are. you can part a crowd, without saying a word... if you have yet to master the quiet sneeze... you stash tissues like a squirrel stashes nuts... well muddlers, muddle no more. try zyrtec®. it gives you powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because zyrtec® starts working at hour one on the first day you take it. claritin® doesn't start working until hour three. zyrtec®. love the air.
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i need all the help i can get. i tell them, "come straight to the table." i say, "it's breakfast time, not playtime." "there's fruit, milk and i'm putting a little nutella on your whole-wheat toast." funny, that last part gets through. [ male announcer ] serving nutella is quick and easy. its great taste comes from a unique combination of simple ingredients like hazelnuts, skim milk and a hint of cocoa. okay, plates in the sink, grab your backpacks -- [ male announcer ] nutella. breakfast never tasted this good.
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>> live from the kgo-tv broadcast center this is abc7 news. good morning. the day we have all been waiting for. friday. >> my wife's birthday? >> happy birthday! >> i didn't say that, honey, sorry! >> we will check with mike nicco. mike? >> we have clear skies. good morning, everyone. live doppler 7 hd is dry. check out the visibility. it will make it easetory get -- easier to get around, everyone is pretty much unlimited. a few high clouds but not so thick as yesterday. partly cloudy around the bay at mid-60's to around 70. partly sunny at the coast and mid-to-upper 50's. sue? >> we don't like to start off friday with a sig-alert but in livermore we have just that, the reverse commute, eastbound 580 a
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big rig caught fire. it is affecting three right lanes. this is eastbound c.h.p. issuing a sig-alert. westbound is good over the central valley and over the altamont pass. if you are leashing san francisco headed for the bay bridge, an accident in the left lane, eastbound before the bay bridge. >> bart service is normal at richmond after the rush hour fatal shooting that sent commuters running. abc7 news reporter is live at the richmond station. >> we can say that richmond bart is re-opened. trains are running through here after a deadly shooting that happened in the middle of thursday afternoon commute. a man is dead. two suspects remain at large. sky 7 was over as officers canvassed the parking lot looking for evidence.
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it happened outside on the staircase that riders use to go in and out of richmond bart station. everyone ran when the shots rang out. witnesses saw two men running away from the scene. police are working to identify them. >> we are working on video cameras and with the richmond police to get some good identification. >> i feel more scared if i was shot over there on a street that doesn't have a lot of people and that is not busy. a lot of people come here all day. >> the shooting has many residents on edge because it happened at a very busy time and in a public place. the victims' name has not been released. the investigation is unfolding. live in richmond for abc7 news. >> 4:31. developing news this morning a bay area teacher arrested on
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charges of possessing child pornography is in the hospital after attempting suicide. he is expected to survive after a drug overdose. he was arrested on wednesday at the school where he taught. a search of the san jose home turned up a thousand video clips and photographs of children who appear to be under 10 years of able. >> we didn't find any video cameras in the house that would make us indicate he was manufacturing child pornography but we have not done a complete evaluation to find if there is child porn we consider "not known." >> he worked in san jose as a substitute teacher from 2008 until a few weeks ago. the school district has notified parents of the schools where he works. >> there is a search for a missing santa cruz county man, 20 years old matthew abraham last seen by his parents on when night in


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