tv ABC7 News 1100PM Repeat ABC March 19, 2013 1:05am-1:40am PDT
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lot of understanding to that question in people's minds. >> that's a great point because the coverage in the media and attention by many people who are not catholics, as well, is often focused on the core issues of personal morality that the church differs with the culture on on divorce, abortion, contraception, all those things. >> yes, but here you have a man who brings it all together in one life and he unifies it under the banner of human flourishing, respect for life, respect for the poor. i think there's going to be a lot of new conversations about how all of those things belong together in one basket even though we here in america politically separate them out. >> well, as the pope approaches the basilica of st. peter's, you see st. peter with the keys there. i want to go back to the square, cecilia vega, what are you seeing there. >> reporter: what we're seeing are throngs of people, crowds waving at the pope as he comes
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by and clearly this sense of excitement. what you're not seeing on the cameras is this small little opening that exists in the crowd and when the pope goes by it, it appears he is doubling back through parts or was doubling back through the square through places he's already been. through this small opening we see throngs of people running parallel to his van and just waving trying to catch a glimpse hoping maybe he sees them as well. there is a real sense of emotion out here, i'll tell you, that scene of seeing the pope get out of the jeep and walk down to that severely disabled man and just lay his hands on him as if in prayer, as if to offer a blessing to that person and as well as kissing these babies. this is not the type of baby kissing that you see on a political campaign, terry, that you've been covering, this is -- these are not babies being handed up to the pope. this is the pope getting out of the popemobile to be one with the people and i think that says a lot about the type of papacy he is trying to project to the
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world that he is about to begin, that this is a pope who is not going to just sit in st. peter's basilica or vatican city and be a pope from on high but he wants to protect a message he'll be one with the people of the catholic church and that's what we're seeing out here this morning. >> italian radio says 340,000 people there and breaking protocol to you to kiss a few more babies. >> he met with the journalists on saturday, and he told them how he got -- he chose the name francis, and he said that after he had reached the requisite number of votes that the cardinal of brazil said remember the poor and so he then thought of st. francis of assisi who worked with the poor and so he picked the name francis and said there were a couple of jokes, though, that he should pick the name of a pope who had repressed
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the jesuits. >> clement the xiv had banned them in 1773 and they said you should be clement the xv to be even. he decided against getting even and chose francis. there was some debate over it was francis of assisi, francis xavier but he said, it was in fact assisi, no other fact conveys poverty as well and a love for the poor and simple lifestyle as francis of assisi and popular among the italians, too. >> we'll see today -- we've seen already some faces of people from different countries and we'll see people from many different religions and, of course, the cardinals, but the two people from religious orders that he has invited to play a part in this mass are the superior general of the jesuits as you would expect and of the franciscans. so he is -- he has -- is honoring st. francis in a variety of ways here. >> as we talk about pope francis and his taking the name to be
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close to the poor and the people, what we're seeing in the pictures of the dignitaries is that the papacy is a very powerful position in this world, 1.2 billion catholics around the world. he's -- it is a position of enormous influence and sometimes diplomatic power, as well and so i just want to share with you a little bit of who is there for the united states, vice president joe biden is leading the delegation. he's accompanied --s if. >> ands it his saint's day, the feast of st. joseph and house minority leader democratic leader nancy pelosi is there, as well, and you see representatives from gulf states, also, and then from the other religions, from the christian churches, there are 33 delegations from the various christian denominations including astonishingly the
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patriarch of constantinople, the first of equals among the orthodox churches, this is the first time it seeps in a thousand years since the churches split in 1054 that the leader of orthodox christians is there attending this inauguration mass. >> it really is quite something for that to happen. the patriarch came to this country some years back, he was really quite vociferously anti-catholic in some of his statements and, of course, the break was essentially over the primacy of rome and so to go to rome is really a gesture and they will go to st. peter's tomb together, apparently. and that is something, as you say in america we don't often get to see. it hasn't happened in a thousand years. >> really stunning and something as cokie was saying not since
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1054 to be able to do such what we call an ecumenical outreach in the first moments of his papacy sets the tone for his outreach to other christian denominations and other faiths, as well. >> in our american delegation there is new mexico governor susana martinez, she is a republican so it was gracious of vice president biden to invite her but she's also, of course, hispanic, and that is something that is going to be very important in terms of this country to have this pope be from latin america and how spanish is his native language will mean a great deal to the hispanic catholics in this country which is by far the fastest growing group in this country. >> to father john wauck in rome about this question of the ecumenical nature of this moment, the unity of christian churches, the idea there was one jesus, maybe there should be one church at the end of the day but
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father john wauck, as you see these delegations from the various christian churches especially the orthodox churches, how does it strike you? >> well, i think the different orthodox churches have different relationships with rome. some of them are actually quite close and sort of actively seeking union with rome. it's the greeks that have traditionally -- the greeks and russians who have been furthest from rome so the fact that bartholomew is here today really is a historic event. there was a brief moment of reunion actually in the 1400s. i mean it's not entirely true that there was a thousand years since the greeks and the orthodox -- eastern orthodox and roman church were in union but it was very short-lived because of the fall of constantinople to the turks shortly afterwards, in fact, reflected on the doors inside st. peter's basilica, the scene of the council of florence where that union was hammered
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out. unfortunately, it didn't last long, so maybe we're seeing the beginning of a new effort to bring the two churches back together. >> but it's -- you know, when a catholic is getting married in this country, the hardest thing to marry is a greek orthodox, and those are the questions that you're asked the most stringently, so this is -- this is a bigger deal than you would think because you would think that the orthodox and the roman catholic church would be closer together than, say, for instance, the anglicans and roman catholic church but it's a tougher nut in terms of the attitudes of the two institutions. >> and if i can go to helen alvare in washington, bringing the christian churches back together as much as possible, little by little like i recall pope john paul ii once saying that the first thousand years of christianity was the millennium
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of unity, the second thousand years of disunity so maybe take a thousand years to get it back together but this was a mission of pope benedict xvi and your sense on whether a moment like this, which is so magnificently explicitly catholic is something that can advance that process. >> yeah, i certainly think it can. i was present at the inaugural mass of pope benedict and when you are present at a ceremony like that and you see people from every continent and perhaps every country in the world and people from every religion, the symbolism, you want it to become substance, you want it to be more than symbolic, it's not just a great emotional moment, it's a great spiritual moment and it gets you thinking about what might be. i mean, it's no accident. you said earlier about, you know, the power evidenced by the
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vatican when you see people from all over the world and other religions coming. it's not just power, it's inspiration and moments like this, they're grand, they seem lofty but they're to lift you up to help you see the possibilities and with this effort with the orthodox representatives there, with the representatives from other religions, it's an expression not only of what is for that moment, but what the church hopes for the future and this pope has been so approaching others and approachable that i think we really are faced with a moment of tremendous hope and inspiration that he can bring about greater unity. >> that is true. at the beginning of every papacy, i think popes get a honeymoon too. >> and also reaches back. you were saying that, you know, something we hadn't had for a long time, but one of blessed john paul's encyclical enum --
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may be one that all his di signs may be one, it is something we believe that christ wants. christ wants unity and each of the popes has tried to work for that. >> i want to go to john thavis, author of "the vatican diaries" on this. you saw pope john paul ii and pope benedict xvi make this effort to bring christians back together and get a little farther, i suppose than had been accomplished in the past. what do yyou think of pope francis' chances here. >> well, you know, obviously there's an immediate reaction to pope francis in the way he's described his role in such simple and unauthoritarian terms. i mean, this is a pope who described himself as the bishop of rome several times in the very first talk he gave from the balcony window. that struck people's ears,
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certainly the ears of other christian leaders and remember that the division, for example, between catholics and orthodox really went back to the issue of papal primacy, how was the authority, the universal authority of the pope practiced over the individual churches and so far, i think what people are liking is the fact that pope francis seems to be describing himself more in terms of i am the bishop of the sea of rome rather than i am a universal authority figure. >> but he is also a head of state, and, you know, the vatican as tiny as it is is its own state and so part of what you're seeing here is diplomats and heads of state and monarchs going to the investiture of a new head of state and that is something that is also part of what we're seeing here today. >> it used to be --
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? as john was saying, that notion of him being a bishop of rome would have also made a lot of bishops' ears perk up. there's collegiality, the idea that bishops are one and addressed his brother cardinals as brother cardinals not my lord cardinals or something lofty and is using the term "bishop of rome" so there are symbolic words he's using sending signals to people and other religious leaders across the world. >> it was just 50 years ago or so that this was a coronation ceremony for popes and a great big crown, three-tiered crown. >> tiara, right. >> and it was a magnificent ceremony of spiritual but many people saw it as temporal power, as well and this is not the pope to go for temporal power. >> fortunately for him the crown had already been put aside, but he put aside the throne when he was -- when he was picked by his
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brother cardinals. instead of sitting on the throne to receive them, he stood and received each one of them. so it is yet another symbol of his desire not to take on the trappings of monarchy. >> he drove back on the bus with them afterwards. >> he did, indeed. they had the big limo for him. now that he was pope he could ride a big limo but chose to ride the minivan with the other cardinals and yet here we are in this magnificent space down in rome there, i'm going to go to one of our colleagues, where by tradition st. peter was martyred and buried and that magnificent basilica built by tradition over his burial place i should say in the 1930s they opened up what was a roman cemetery and found a
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first century grave or second century saying peter is here. >> not till the late 1960s did they really have the scientific evidence, they believed that this was st. peter and going down underneath the basilica is quite something into the caves where you have to hunch over and climb through to get to the place which was apparently peter's burial space. >> and so here, this is the first moment retilent with symbolism going down into st. peter's to the tomb. >> as cokie was saying it was thought legendary but a lot of times these legends have basis in fact. one of my professors would say people would remember where these important things happened and pass them down and as cokie was saying, under the pontificate of pious xii they
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were uncovered and a holy site and also going down there with apparently the he can cue mental patriarch which is another huge symbol to begin his papacy. >> they will pray together at the tomb of st. peter. let's go inside to the basilica. and here is pope francis now in the vestments that he will wear to celebrate this mass. proceeding to what's call the tomb of st. peter and he will pray there along with leaders of the other christian faiths. >> also interestingly, the pallium which is a wool garment that he will be invested with later on is placed at the tomb of st. peter overnight as a sign of its unity, the sign of the symbolic unity with st. peter. one of his title as successor of st. peter and the apostles, in a
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sense where the petrine ministry began, in rome. >> he's also not wearing the tallest mitre as they're called. the big hats, tall hats that he could. it's a smaller one. again, just making that statement. >> very simple, when he was at the church of st. anne yesterday, i noticed that the vestments he was wearing were the vestments i would wear, any priest would wear, very simple, in fact, i think i knew the manufacturer, nothing elaborate and, you know, a very sort of simple man and is not afraid to sort of strip away a lot what he sees as unnegligence things to make him more accessible to people. >> and yet here he is, simple man that he has tried to live in the magnificence of st. peter's basilica, which replaced a basilica built by the emperor --
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one of the most audacious things and the pope tore it down. >> considered something of a sacrilege to tear down constant tine's church but then this magnificent renaissance structure was built over it and, you know, when you have michelangelo working together with others you can't argue. >> when the jesuits were taught to be free to be either with the poor or with the wealthy and here he is, you know, sort of freely saying, okay, if this is what's required of me then i will do this with all the pomp and beautiful ceremony. >> speaking of the wealthy, that is another place, terry, you talked about counterculture in terms of personal morality but he has taken on the wealthy culture of argentina particularly in latin america in general and said, you know, the gaps between the haves and have-nots are far too great and has been quite severe on the
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subject of the wealth and what he has described as greed. >> yeah, even pope benedict has talked about income and equality which are striking words for people in the west to hear but this is part of the catholic tradition to focus on the poor. >> huge issues to come. this is a moment for him to pray and reflect, as we said, along with the ecumenical patriarch of constantinople and other leaders of the christian churches. at the tomb of st. peter. >> this is the above ground tomb. the actual place where we think st. peter was originally buried is underneath that and basically in a cave under the altar and as i say, you have to crawl through to get to it but then you get there and you see the graffiti
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from the 1st century. >> where they found the bones of a man in his 60s, you know, right around the time of the first century, everything matched and they realized that the legends were true and that this was, in fact, the spot where he was buried. now he's going to be incensing the tomb. >> the choirs we're hearing in the sistine chapel choir and the institute of sacred music choir and respect they magnificent? ♪
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>> and there as father martin was telling us, there are two of the symbols of the office of the papacy that pope francis will receive today, one, the pallium, a simple piece of wool representing his role as shepherd and the other, the ring, the fisherman's ring representing his connection to st. peter and there it is. >> very simple ring. >> peter holding the keys there. >> not solid gold, i was told this time. very simple, just gold plated. >> and used. >> that's right. ♪ and used. >> that's right. ♪
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>> we sing as jesuits we make a mission to strive for high office. here he is indeed highest office. he is thinking, i wonder if he ever thought of this as a jesuit novice he joined this. there he is, emerging from the tomb of st. peter. preparing to go out back into st. peter's square. where this mass will be celebrated. he'll speak a homily. he'll receive those symbols of his office, the pallium and the ring in that glorious roman
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morning, inaugurating his papacy. this is a time for us to say, there is some stations that are going to leave us now for their local new, traffic, weather. but our coverage of this inaugural mass of pope francis is going to continue. ♪ and as the pope makes his way back into st. peter's square, i want to go back into st. peter's square. ron claiborne there amid the crowd. ron give us a sense once the pope has moved through the crowd, what you're seeing and feeling in this moment and how beautiful it is there. it looks magnificent. >> as you know, terry, the weather has been president bad the past week. today is a glorious day. a lot of excitement when the pope passed by in that open jeep 15, 20 minutes ago. much more solemn now, people
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here paying attention to the service, watching on large shes, the solemnity has settled over this very large crowd now. i want to talk about one point cokie was talking about earlier where the pope addressed the journalists. at that event the italian journalists more or less communicated that they were unhappy that the pope had not blessed them. the pope learned of this, went back to the microphone, explained that he had done a silent blessing but didn't want to be presumptuous by doing a verbal blessing that he understood many among the crowd were noncatholic and nonbelievers. another indication of the respect this pope has shown for people not just catholics but noncatholics, too. >> that was a remarkable moment, wasn't it, for the pope, the vision of roam, the head of the roman catholic church to say to people of other faiths in the
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media and people of no faith, you're my equal. >> and i recognize your conscience, even though you're not catholic, you're not a believer. i was corresponding with a journalist who was not catholic over there, he texted me and said, wow, i found it a very respectful thing to do yet he also blessed people with a kind of very modest blessing. which i thought was very appropriate. you're dealing with a mixed crowd here and why not. i thought it was really beautiful. >> father walk in rome, what do you make of that? >> i think as the pope enters st. peter's square, what you're going to see is the pope meeting the world. someone said earlier that the square looks like the united nations, and it is a mix of people of different faiths, people are no faith. politicians from all over the world, yet they're all there in st. peter's square, in the heart of roman catholic christianity, and they're there in a spirit
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not of conflict, but of prayer and friendship and amity. it's really a fuel and hopeful symbol. i think when you're here in rome and you see these great gatherings, as someone said earlier, you begin to imagine what could be, the unity that could exist between people. and the pope is going to be walking right into that in a few minutes. >> there's the pallium on the left and his ring. i have a friend who has done his doctoral dissertation on the pallium. so he e-mailed me last night, if you'd like to know anything, just let me know. >> you bet. >> it is an ancient, ancient symbol of the papacy. >> it is. it's made of white wool. it encircles the shoulders and it is embroided with crosses and fixed with jeweled pins. every year in the feast of st. agnes, two lambs are blessed, they're shorn and nuns
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weave the wool into the pallium in a niche in the basilica. it represents the lost sheep. very simple too, just white wool. >> and over his shoulders. >> exactly. very much his sbofl being a pastor, universal pastor in the church. >> i want to say, the way pope francis, if i may come down from the heights of the papacy, father martin was talking about collegi collegiality. what do you think about not just the style but the substance of this pope's simplicity and his, perhaps his willingness to, i don't know, if come down is the right term.
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what do you think? >> it's been said. many people are reflecting on the last several popes that we had, you know, a brilliant philosopher in john paul ii, a brilliant theologian, and ben detecti dl b/* ben benedict xvi. they wrote about the evangelical spirit, things like needing to put him in the center of my life. this man is no less brilliant, no less profound, because he's been a pastor, not been primarily -- he has been a professor but not primarily so. he is an author but not primarily so. he's been primarily a teacher and bishop and pastor that we're seeing in him, his living out of all of these beautiful things that have been said about loving
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the other person, loving god first and therefore learning how to love the other person. that incident with the journalists where he thinks about where they're coming from, this capacity for the other person and thinking first who are they, what are they thinking, and how therefore might i speak to them in a way that they will understand me, is just marvelous. and i just think people -- i've met people on the street who know what i do, or people in settings where we've been discussing this who are not catholic, who said they shed a tear because he was so humble and so sweet. and i just think it's a win-win, you know, combination of spirit uality and person that he is such a pastor. >> i'm really looking forward to seeing how he lives that out and how he moves us. you know, sisters, lay people alike to be more like that.
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>> and here he is, coming through the great doors of st. peter's basilica, back into the square now. vested to say the mass, to celebrate the mass. let's go to john on this question. sometimes, when reporters cover the catholic church, they talk about a conservative or liberal pope. do you see any signs of that in this pope? >> well, i think he's a combination of both. he is certainly very conservative on some of the hot-button moral issues that we're used to discussing in the united states. gay marriage, for example, abortion. i guess one would only expect that of a cardinal in the catholic church these days. and, nevertheless, he is someone who has reached beyond the church's borders. and i think that's what makes
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him so attractive to people. he has decided the best way to reach people is act the way jesus would have acted. what people are hoping that may lead people even though it disagrees with the church's teachings is give the church a hearing. >> one of the words he's used is mercy, talked about god's mercy. even if he is condemning certain acts, he is ready to seek forgiveness and seek god's forgiveness and that has a humanity to it, that i think is very appealing. >> and maybe is helping him establish the connection with the people. let's go to cecilia vega as the pope emerges. what are you sensing? >> just as he walked outside, there was applause from the crowd out here.
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as you hear this chanting in the background there's a real haunting sense about it in this square right now, a sense that this crowd is about to embark on a very spiritual event, a ceremony from the highest order of the catholic church. i want to talk a little about something i'm extremely struck by as we watch the pope emerge from st. peter's basilica. one week ago today at this very hour, he was in that church for the start of the conclave mass. i was in there covering it and there were throngs of people, people who waited hours and hours of outside to get a glimpse of all of these cardinals. this is the cardinal from argentina when he walked in a week ago. i wondered when i watched him walk through st. peter's square right now. what is going through his mind as pope. the contrast is so striking, a cardinal from argentina who lived the most modest life who give up opulence of a palatial
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apartment instead for a small one-room bed with a single stove and took public transportation. and now as pope wearing modest shoes instead of prada red shoes other popes have worn. what is going through his mind as he said the prayer in front of virgin marry and start this mass? i think we'll witness a special moment here. clearly this crowd is ready. spirit uality set in. the crowd has taken a turn from a very festive one to one that's about to begin a mass right now. >> that's well put. it is a moment of personal significance, historical significance, thee logical significance, as we've said and national. let's go to argentina right now. you can see in the pope's native country people there gathered in
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the square before the cathedral in buenos aires, i believe, watching their pope, first pope to the americas. >> who they have now given to the world. >> they're now lacking an archbishop. i think they're happy to give us that gift. >> and as i was saying earlier, he and the president had been in rome now, and they had a meeting where he gave her a white rose which is apparently her favorite flower and a kiss. she said i've never been kissed by a pope before. so, hope of reconciliation there as well. >> we notice he checked his watch on the way up. he wants to keep things moving. he said he didn't want this quite to be as long, he said. >> there's a different
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