tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC April 17, 2013 11:35pm-12:35am PDT
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president obama a suspicious letter containing the poison ricis. it's a deadly poison made from beans. it's silent but deadly poise zin made with beans. they said it's the third worst substance you can send in the mail behind anthrax and packing peanuts. it never got to the president. funny, people think the letter you sent tot president is going to be delivered to his desk. the president isn't opening his own mail. he's busy planning vacation for beyonce and jay-z. federal law enforcement agencies say they believe it's the from the same person who sent ricin to a republican senator yesterday. at least he's bipartisan. both letters were signed i am k.c. and i approve this message.
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it was either him or katie cour couric. who signs their initials on a letter filled with poison. the only people sending letters are terrorists and families with their annual holiday newsletters. they both belong in guantanamo bay, as far as i'm concerned. the white house believes north korea has a number of medium-range nonnuclear mittles ready to fire. i'm sick of gangnam style, too. but launching missiles i think is an overreaction. if there's anyone who can look at the bright side, it's my cousin mickey. she's unquestionably the most positive person i know. this afternoon, i asked her if she could find the silver lining in this missile crisis. let's find out if she could in tonight's edition of "mickey spins it."
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>> we're in the middle of a crisis with north korea and it's really bad. but there's a silver lining with everything. things may not sense right now, but i think the silver lining is this bad thing is happening to make the north korean people, the nice ones, step up and let their boys be heard. the one that wanted to be heard but kim jong-lin, he was the leader of the pack. so his son needs support and he needs a lot of support from all of us. and we need to write letters and i think goodness will happen. >> i'm pretty sure kim jong-lin
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is the guy from the hangover. what did you say? >> i don't really know. we should all be positive and try. >> jimmy: when i am president shall recollect he's going to make the best secretary of state. thank you, micki. this is a good story. a man in new york city is convicted of stealing more than $376,000 worth of copy machine toner from the law firm le worked for. they're known for their work with big corporations and investment banks and also for not ever having any toner in their copier. adrian rodriguez pleaded guilty to second degree grand larceny. what's the point of having a job if you can't steal office supplies from it. but they caught him black handed. they were worth between $80 and $259 a piece. and he would sell them from $10
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to $50 a piece. he should probably look into getting a business degree while in business. why is printer toner the most expensi expensive product known to man. in bradford, a man dressed as batman dragged a criminal into a local police station. this is the guy's name. in this version of batman his parents just wish they were dead. anyway, over the weekend, he and the guy he turned in, the guy he originally turned in were caught -- this guy is named daniel frain. they were caught break into a garage to steal tool
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tools .apparently they were team. daniel and batman. the american library association put out their list of the most challenged books. these are books libraries received most complaints about. the most complaints, not "50 shades of grey." it was "captain underpants." a kids book. it's funny, but it has characters like professor poopy pants and wedgy woman. so i guess the toilet humor bothers people. if you're worried about kw"captn underpants." wait until you see your 1-year-old's google search history. from time to time we like to give you an update on the work the great minds of the world have to offer. take this in.
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this is this week in science. >> a new study confirms men cannot read women's emotions. >> good work, scientists. >> jimmy: you don't say? that came out of the blue. here's a new product that caught my eye. you know when you're done with a bowl of cereal, you drink the leftover milk and it takes like heaven? there's a company that's selling preflavored cereal milk. it's milk that tastes like it had cereal in it. mayor bloomberg has already banned it. it comes in chocolate chip kathy flavor and true dy fruity. they say if you dricnk a whole glass, your teeth will literally
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fall out of your mouth. i've never been prouder to be an american. whatever you do, though, do not pour cereal into a bowl of actual cereal. it will tear a hole in the space-time continuum. we'll all die. los angeles, a very urban city. tall buildibuildings, freeways, that stuff. but we're surrounded by mountains. a mountain lion was captured in a house not too far from us. it's the the first sights of a mountain lion in a populated area this year. it's a good one, too. >> the backyard looks a little like the wild, but john wasn't inviting this. the 125-pound cat stayed close. here he is nearby, leaping over a seven-foot fence. >> he comes through the backway and gets under my deck. >> there the cat is tranquilized again. and here's the hiding spot. the cat was down here for a good 45 minutes --
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>> jimmy: we got some good reaction. we're going to take a break. when we come back, you'll like this. we ask people our confusing question of the day. it's a good one. plus harrison ford, anthony mackie and music from m 83. so chillax or whatever. [ female announcer ] can a body wash go beyond basic cleansing?
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glass on floors. daily chores. for the little mishaps you feel use neosporin to help you heal. it kills germs so you heal four days faster. neosporin. use with band-aid brand bandages. discov♪r grey goose, cherry noir. the solos are complete... you are the pig to her blanket. that's not breakdancing, that's break-up dancing. don't give up on us america, we're not done yet! now two must dance as one. ♪
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3 days of walking to give a breast cancer survivor a lifetime-- that's definitely a fair trade. it was such a beautiful experience. (jessica lee) ♪ and it's beautiful (woman) why walk 60 miles in the boldest breast cancer event in history? because your efforts help komen serve millions of women and men facing breast cancer every year. visit to register or to request more information today. it was 3 days of pure joy. ♪ and it's beautiful >> jimmy: well comb back. i don't think i've ever heard of this before. a bar is opening in the chicago area next week. a bar that is alcohol free.
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so if you want to see some truly horrible dancing. the bar doesn't serve alcohol but it has ping-pong, pool and darts. it's a basement. they're opening up a basement. it's called "the other side." which reminds me of a joke, why did the cricken cross the road? to get to any bar other than the other side. this is pretty good. i'm not sure where this happened. someone riding the subway noticed the person across from them was getting very enthused music. so he or she did the right thing and recorded it and posted it on youtube for us.
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>> maybe he was having a seiz e seizure, i don't know. because we have the most sophisticated audio and video equipment in the world here at this show we're able to pin point the sound coming from his earphones and boost it so we could hear what song he was listening to. let's play that back. snoech ♪ if you like pina colada ♪ getting caught in the rain if you're not into yoga ♪ ♪ if you have half a brain guillermo, you know that song? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you like it? >> i like it, too. >> jimmy: one more thing, everyone has an 37b on just about everything.
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we like to venture out to hollywood boulevard. we asked people a very confusing question. the question we asked is, in light of beyonce and jay-z's trip to cuba to you support obama's plan for 5% of taxes to south korea should ahmadinejad fortify his nuclear program. it makes no sense. it has enough to it to make people feel like they should have an answer. with that said, it's time for our confusing question of the day. >> in light of beyonce and jay-z's recent trip to cuba, do you support 25% of federal tax dollars to protect john kerry against south korea should ahmadinejad fortify his nuclear program. >> i think we should.
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if we see that nothing is going on, then he shouldn't. >> light of the recent trip to cuba do you superintendent port obama's plan for 5% of federal tax dollars to south korea should ahmadinejad fortify his nuclear program? >> oh, yes. we should do everything should a problem arise. >> do you support president obama's plan to allocate 5% of federal tax dollars to protect john terry from south korea should mahmoud ahmadinejad move forward with his nuclear program? >> you have to say all again because i didn't understand a word you said. >> do you support obama's plan to spend 5% of tax dollars to protect john kerry from south
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korea should ahmadinejad move forward with his nuclear program? >> i don't have enough knowledge about this situation. if i knew more, i could answer that. >> what's that smell? >> gucci black. >> you have gorgeous eyes. >> you have a nice mouth. >> you threw a couple of different things out. you're talking about ahmadinejad? >> yes. >> so are you talking about southkorea? >> yes. >> you are talking about pakistan? >> yes. >> oh, you guys are [ bleep ] with me, aren't you? >> who would have thought he would be the one? >> jimmy: we have a good show with you tonight. we have music from m 83. we'll be right back with harrison ford. i've gotta have that badonkadonk butt.
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oh and a side of back fat. [ male announcer ] with greasy fast food, what are you really getting? oh. instead, try the tempting subway smokehouse barbecue chicken, a mere 6 grams of fat and part of a subway fresh fit meal. subway. eat fresh. only three dollars? crazy! [ male announcer ] yeah, crazy awesome. the oven roasted chicken $3 six-inch select, try it with melty cheese or banana peppers, still $3! now that's a great deal! subway. eat fresh.
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stage. tomorrow night, chris o'donnell will be here. ken jeong will be here. and we'll have music from phoenix. whether he's blade-running, whip-cracking or wookie-sitting, our first guest is one of the most popular actors in the galaxy. you can see him now as legendary dodgers gm branch rickey in the jackie robinson bio-pic "42." please welcome harrison ford. . >> how you doing? >> good. >> jimmy: nice to see you. >> nice to be seen. >> jimmy: you have the number one movie in the world. >> so far. >> jimmy: what is it like to be number one? i would love to feel that for at
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least a second. it must be incredible. . >> it -- i can't -- you wouldn't understand. >> so you have this movie, i love the moo uh vie, i thought it was great. i learned a lot from it, too. >> yeah. the guy is great, don't you think? >> jimmy: a couple of things that made me angry. some of the guys that were so terrible to jackie robinson are in the baseball hall of fame. >> yeah. yeah. and some of them aren't. some of them never worked again. >> jimmy: so they have a big day for jackie robinson at dodger stadium last weekend. was it monday? or when was it? >> i know where this is going.
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>> you were asked to throw out the first pitch in the game. >> it's not my particular skill. >> jimmy: yeah. >> actually, i'm an actor. i tend to be able to do certain things for money. >> jimmy: so maybe pretending to be a pitcher would be a good idea. let's take a look here. an it's a little bit outside. not terrible. not really terrible. but not good. does that bother you? >> as man -- >> i got a lot of very conflicting device. >> from whom? >> oh, from all kinds of people
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who friended you know how to throw out the first ball. don't go to the mound because that's kind of long. i thought [ bleep ]. and i practiced. we went 62 1/2 feet in my backyard. and my son, he's 12. and he caught. and we talked about it a lot. because i dppt want to embarrass him. he's a baseball player. and i've got a 47-year-old son with a pitch for usc. and he told me he thought what i ought to do. and i got there and met don mattingly. he works there. >> jimmy: yeah, the coach of the dodgers. manager.
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and rachel robinson saying go for it. so i go out there and that's what happened. and mattingly says, you know, george bush always said go to the mound. well, thank you very much. it's a little late for that. and besides, i never believed anything else he said. and mattingly said, well, he had to be right about something. >> that's pretty funny. that's a good one. >> i have another clip i would like to show you real quickly if we could. >> and here's jimmy kimmel. see, watch this. look at that. actually over the fence!
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did you see that? i o i actually hit it so hard it went over the phelps. isn -- fence. isn't that something? see, it went way over the fence. harrison? >> yes. >> jimmy: next time there's an event like this, talk to me. i know what i'm doing out there is all i'm trying to say. >> okay. >> jimmy: when you are harrison ford, you can't screw anything up. if you trip over your shoe lace, it's like nice one, indiana jones, right? >> yeah. guillermo anything you would like to say to harrison?
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>> no. he did a great job. >> jimmy: i'm on my own? >> bring it on, man. nothing for me? >> you are a great actor. he was born with a brown nose. it seems as good a time as any. we're going to take a break here. the movie is called "42." harrison ford is here. >> jimmy kimmel live concert series is brought to you by sony. [ male announcer ] this one goes out to all the allergy muddlers.
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you can part a crowd, without saying a word... if you have yet to master the quiet sneeze... you stash tissues like a squirrel stashes nuts... well muddlers, muddle no more. try zyrtec®. it gives you powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because zyrtec® starts working at hour one on the first day you take it. claritin® doesn't start working until hour three. zyrtec®. love the air. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] prepare yourself for the feeling of more water without using more water. with the unique wave pattern of delta h2okinetic technology. another way delta is more than just a shower. see what delta can do.
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[ female announcer ] dear guys, looking for the perfect pair of levi's? ♪ the right color, the right style, the right fit? come to the levi's denim bar at jcpenney because you deserve the perfect pair at a great price. ♪ are everywhere around us. every minute. every second -- we fight for that inch. ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing the new 2014 jeep grand cherokee. it is passion given a purpose. every day we chip away, because that's the only way
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>> we're just not ready for that kind of team in philadelphia. my team is going to be in philadelphia tomorrow with robinson. and if we have to claim the game as a forfeit, so be it. that's 9-0, in case you forgot. >> you have a hell of a hair across your ass for a long time and i would like to know what you think you would like to prove. >> you think god likes baseball, herb? >> what the hell is that going to mean? >> someday you're going to meet god and when he requires why you didn't take the field against robinson in philadelphia and you
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answer because he's a negro, it may not be a sufficient reply! >> jimmy: the jackie robinson story, "42." i don't know his kwhoel life story. but he seemed like a good guy. yeah, he was a devout methodist. sounds moneyny to be a devout methodist. methodist seems like enough. he was the kind of guy, he never traveled with the team. he always was home for dinner with mrs. ricky and he never went to a game on sunday. i think he really was motivated by moral and ethical concerns. . he felt that it was the right thing to do, but he was also a
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baseball businessman. and he understood that there was an enormous pool of talent in the negro leagues. so he was motivated by his desire to have a better team and to win. but he also -- i think he had a real social conscious. and there wasn't any basketball or any football. as a metaphor for america, he felt it ought to be fair. thank god he did that because i think without what happened in baseball, it would have been a long time before the civil rites movement gained traction. baseball really made a huge contribution. >> jimmy: and specifically jackie robinson. >> i think branch ricky figured that he was smart, really a good
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player, but also that he had the resofl and the strong and the support in his wife to stand up to what ricky knew he would have had to face. >> jimmy: i would not have been a good jackie robinson. first of all, i'm white. that's a problem right there. >> yeah. yeah. and it continues to be a problem for you. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, sure. all the time. >> work on it, jimmy. >> jimmy: now, i don't mean to move on to other parts of your career, but there's a "star wars" movie coming out. j.j. abrams is directing it. and i would love to know what your plans are for this. >> you know, i can't -- >> jimmy: you can't say what's going on? >> you know, there's nothing -- i can't talk about it. >> jimmy: we have people in the audience that would like to ask you questions.
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any rules? >> no star wars questions. i can't. >> jimmy: no problem. i think we have -- okay, we have a gentleman right there. no star wars questions. >> do you like being in movies? >> yeah, yeah. >> thank you. >> jimmy: pretty straightforward there. do we have another question. we have someone right over here. >> ummm, are you hungry. >> jimmy: are you hungry? >> no, not really. >> thank you. >> jimmy: okay, yes. right here. question right there.
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[ growling ] >> you son of a bitch. what do you want? [ growling ] >> yeah, you would like that wouldn't you? always trying to blame me. you're the one who couldn't keep it in your furry pants. >> jimmy: actually, he doesn't wear pants. >> i rest my case. [ growling ] >> you're so full of [ bleep ] how did he get in here? did you set this up? did you set this up? >> jimmy: no, no, i just thought you two could bury the hatchet. i thought it would be nice to get you together, you know.
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what happened between you. he know what is he did. she was my wife. you wookie sack of [ bleep ]. >> jimmy: there's no reason to speak -- [ growling ] >> listen to me. you're either on my side or you're on his side. now [ bleep ] i'm out of here. no really -- >> jimmy: really, i didn't -- and you, i'm see you in hell. >> jimmy: well, "42" is in theatres now. harrison ford, everyone. we'll be right back with anthony mackie. who thinks more is better than less? okay why? more is better than less because if stuff is not le-- if there is more less stuff
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then you might want to have some more and your parents just don't let you because there's only a little bit. right. we want more, we want more. like you really like it, you want more. right. i follow you. [ male announcer ] it's not complicated. more is better. and at&t has the nation's largest 4g network. ♪ our go sleeveless deodorant for five days. everybody got two t-shirts. which would they wear on day five? sleeveless. [ female announcer ] for visibly softer and smoother underarms, sleeveless ready in just five days. because every flake is double-toasted... splashed with sweet honey... and covered in rich double-roasted peanuts. mmm. [ hero ] yummy. [ male announcer ] kellogg's crunchy nut. it's super delicious! it's healthier, ammonia-free. and with aloe, vitamin e, and coconut oil,
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my hair looks healthier than before i colored. i switched. you should too, to natural instincts. [ female announcer ] neutrogena® pore refining cleanser. alpha-hydroxy and exfoliating beads work to clean and tighten pores so they can look half their size. pores...shrink 'em down to size! [ female announcer ] pore refining cleanser. neutrogena.® [ female announcer ] pore refining cleanser. go olive garden's new buy one, take one. go for dinner tonight and take home a second entrée for later. all for just $12.95. choose one of five favorites like smoked mozzarella chicken. then choose another favorite to take home. like new mezzaluna ravioli. so go for the food. go for the company. go for the breadsticks. go for dinner tonight, and take home a second entrée. new buy one, take one, just $12.95. go olive garden! when your allergies start, doctors recommend taking one non-drowsy claritin every day during your allergy season
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for continuous relief. 18 days! 12 days! 24 days of continuous relief. live claritin clear. every day. the solos are complete... you are the pig to her blanket. that's not breakdancing, that's break-up dancing. don't give up on us america, we're not done yet! now two must dance as one. ♪ you won't run into the top ten appliance brands just anywhere.. only sears carries them all. this is the top 10 advantage. this is sears.
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that there's the guy who gets his salsa from new york city. new york city?! [ male announcer ] only pace has that big, bold kick. anything else just ain't right. pace. grab the southwest by the bottle. anything else just ain't right. findthat's awesome. ant. i know...voice activated and great gas mileage. much better than choosing voice activated or great gas mileage... that'd be like eating sweet or sour chicken... oh, grrrlg what is this?! sour's good, right? that'd be awful. i think i like "and" better. and is better. the 2013 focus. only ford gives you ecoboost fuel economy, and a whole lot more. go further.
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>> jimmy: you know our next guest from "the hurt locker." from "million dollar baby." you can see him now pumping iron, sweating bullets and wreaking havoc alongside mark wahlberg and dwayne johnson in "pain & gain." it opens in theaters april 26th. please say hello to anthony mackie. [ applause ] >> jimmy: how you doing? where you from? >> new orleans, louisiana. slow your roll recognize the reel. five opo, slow your roll, recognize the reel. you see what i'm saying? >> jimmy: how did you get into showbizness and acting? >> i was an inquisitive kid. i tested for this talent and theatre program and got in. i had this public access tv show and this rap label with my
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cousin called take four records. because it was take four. so my public access show was called positive black talk. >> jimmy: that was the name of this show originally. >> i know. when you said you couldn't play jackie robinson, i would like come on, i could see that. . >> you need to do a public access show. >> jimmy: it doesn't pay a lot but you can say whatever you want. then you end up in two movies "million dollar baby." nice baby oil shots. >> jimmy: did you get to spend time with morgan freeman on that movie? >> yes. morgan is a very nice old dude. he gave me the best career
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advice i've ever had in my life. i went to his trailer and i was like yo, morgan i need to talk to you. i was going to make $425 a week on this off-blood way play in new york. i got offered a movie. they were going to give me a buck of money. literally go to home depot get a bucket of money and fill it with money and come to my house. he said do the play. he said do the play and do their craft. hollywood will come get you. when they get you, they'll pay you. and then he kicked me out of my trailer. i saw him not too long ago. that's how he talks to me. then he curses at me. >> jimmy: and the burden of proofing? >> that's just a morgan thing.
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when he eats, he burden of prps. you know, we could can burp and go, you know, like all the dudes know you're on a date with a chick. eww, yeah. you know what i mean? but he just give it to you. >> jimmy: he was sharing some of his magic with you. so you have a bar, i understand, which seems like a terrible idea. >> jimmy: i wanted you to come shoot at my bar. it's all the rage. it in brooklyn, crown hiets. where you at, baby? where you at, baby? >> jimmy: it's in real brooklyn. >> real brooklyn. it's called no bar short for new orleans. >> jimmy: is it doing well for you financially? >> i ain't going to talk about
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my money, man. i i say i'm doing well, i'm going to get audited. it's going all right. all right. i'm breaking even. >> jimmy: you're in this movie with mark wahlberg who was here last night. he's hugely big. >> it's uncomfortable. >> jimmy: are you one of the muscle builders? >> yeah. ecalled me in the morning. we would go to the four seasons and work out. we called say dwayne come work out with us? he says negative. he would do his own thing. >> jimmy: is mark a good workout partner? >> he's the most intense.
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all yhe do is yell at you. he gets up. put 425 on there. what are you trying to prove? you get under there, he do it ten times. literally the weight hit my chest and bounced off me. >> jimmy: so he's not a good workout partner. >> he inspires you. i had amazing gains working out with mark wahlberg. i recommend that you should have somebody there yelling at you when you work out. just all kind of stupid stuff. >> i hear the movie is great. have you seen the whole thing yet? >> i've seen it twice. it's a fun movie. it's a lot of fun. it's what movies used to be. it's great to be a part of it. >> glad to have your here. "pain & gain." we'll be right back with m83. . of walking
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that's definitely a fair trade. whoo! you walk with friends, you meet new friends, and you keep those friendships. it was such a beautiful experience. (woman) ♪ and it's beautiful ♪ undeniable (woman) why walk 60 miles in the boldest breast cancer event in history? because everyone deserves a lifetime. visit to register or to request more information today. ♪ burning like a fire ♪ building up from deep inside it was 3 days of pure joy. susan g. komen's investments in early detection and treatment have helped reduce breast cancer mortality in the u.s. by 33% since 1990. help us continue serving the millions of women and men with breast cancer who still need us every day. register for the 3-day now. (woman) it's just been an amazing, amazing journey. i love these people. ♪ and it's beautiful
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you'll hear me calling and in your dreams you'll see us falling ♪ ♪ falling breathe in the light and say good-bye ♪ >> jimmy: m83! the "oblivion" original motion picture soundtrack is out now. >> jimmy: i want to thank harrison ford, anthony mackie. apologies to matt damon, we ran out of time. tomorrow night, chris o'donnell, ken jeong, and music from phoenix. "nightline" is next. good night! tonight on "nightline," breaking news. a massive fertilizer plant explosion in a small texas town causes destruction and injures many. we report as first responders provide emergency care on a football field. fighting for survival in the aftermath of disaster. more than 120 injured. we hear from the ceo of a local hospital in the throes of
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