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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  June 3, 2013 11:35pm-12:36am PDT

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>> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight, mark ruffalo -- national school scrabble champions -- and music from reggie watts -- with cleto and the cletones. and now, furthermore, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: it's very nice. hi there. i'm jimmy kimmel, the host of the show. thank you for watching. and thank you for showing up. they say that's half the battle. i'm glad you're enthusiastic tonight.
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this is a -- you know, this weekend many of our nation's high school students will go to prom. is it go to prom or is it go to the prom? i guess we'll never know. anyway. this is pretty great. "time" magazine published president obama's prom photos. there he is. with a friend and their dates. the girls in kenya are very good looking. obama is 17 years old here. he's the only one not holding champagne. that's called plausible deniability. the girl on the right side of the screen is his date, herb name is megan hughes. here's another photo. the other two are his friends kelly and greg. he seems so happy back then. like he was allowed to eat junk food or something. almost looks like he took two women to the prom and greg is crashing the threesome, right? kelly is the one who gave the photos to "time."
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she also gave them a copy of what the president wrote in her high school yearbook. kelli, it has been so nice getting to know you this year. you are so sweet and foxy. i don't know why you would want to spend time with greg and i. you deserve better than clowns like us. you always laugh at my jokes. i hope we can keep in touch even though greg will be gone. call me up and i'll buy you lunch some time. anyway, good luck in everything you do and stay happy. your friend, barry obama with a heart. barry's on the prowl, wasn't he? [ cheers and applause ] and he wants greg's woman. look at that smile. i don't know. i don't know about barack obama, but barry was a stone-cold pimp. [ laughter ] you're here on a good night, the hulk is here, the incredible hulk is here. in his human form. [ cheers and applause ] that is mark ruffalo. and we've also got a music
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performance from the strange and delightful reggie watts tonight. and we will continue a tradition this evening as i face off against this year's national school scrabble champions. 13-year-old raymond gao and 14-year-old kevin bowerman. let's check in with kevin and raymond backstage. look at these two. i bet you think you're pretty smart, don, guys. with your fancy words made out of little wooden blocks. are you ready to scrab it up with me tonight? >> definitely. >> bring it, kimmy. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: all right. i'm not going to be doing it alone. i have a partner tonight, a surprise partner, his name is guillermo. i'll tell you something -- [ cheers and applause ] -- i don't mean to scare you but he knows more than 100 english words. [ laughter ] are you worried about that? >> no. >> jimmy: guillermo do you have all the two-letter words written
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down? look at that. good. that will help us. hold on a second. why the -- what's with the bat? >> in case things get real. >> jimmy: okay. maybe lose the bat. you see that, fellas, if things get real, there's going to be trouble. all right. see you nerds later. >> peace out. >> jimmy: in the octagon. the scrabble challenge is my highlight of the year. we've been doing this for a long time. it's become such a popular event, they even made a documentary about it. >> year after year, the finest child scrabble players in the land come to face scrabble savant jimmy kimmel. in 2007, kimmel met his first opponents. ahn and matthew. out of the gate, he crushed them with a seven-letter, 76-point word. >> 76 points, thank you very much. >> and sent them home devastated.
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final score, 102-35. in 2009, eric and andy came to defend their title against kimmel and noted scholar, lil kim. once again, kimmel opened with a seven-letter word and the boys never recovered. kimmel took their trophies and had them removed from the building. in 2010, the scrabble tide turn when brash boy geniuses bradley and evan trash talked the talk show host. >> jimmy: you scared of me? >> definitely not. we're going to take you down. >> and take him down they did. >> oh, no! >> he drew four i's. like his competitor. and though he laid down the win kimmel did not. he was beaten by boys. boys who will never hit a home run like this. >> watch out, watch out, jimmy kimmel makes it 4-3. >> wow. in 2011, he sought revenge on two feisty canadians, jackson and alex. the canucks laid down a seven-letter word but so did kimmel. but all was lost when he challenged the word jagger and lost.
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jimmy is destroyed and demands the children are immediately deported. last year, eric and andy, the first two-time school scrabble champions, return to face their foe. who is assisted by a determined julia louis-dreyfuss. >> you're about to get your ass whooped. >> it was a tension-packed game that ended in a tie. who will win tonight? only time will tell. let the scrabble battle begin. >> ha ha ha! ha ha ha! ha ha ha! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: the excitement of bringing a board game to television. tonight, two kids will enter and two kids will leave. scrabble is not that dangerous, really. the boy scouts made a decision today. they voted to lift their ban on gay scouts. openly gay boys have not been allowed in the scouts since the
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organization was founded back in 1910. and in 1991, they explicitly banned gay scouts. which makes sense. listen, the scouts is a place for men and boys to wear ascots and start fires by rubbing sticks together in matching outfits. it's very straight. i think the rule should be if your official uniform includes a neckerchief you must be inclusive of every sexuality. but that's just me. [ cheers and applause ] either way, gay america has come a long way the last few years. they were allowed to serve openly in the military, they're allowed to marry in 12 states and now at long last they're allowed to whittle. [ laughter ] pope francis made an extremely controversial statement. the pope said he believes that anyone can get into heaven if they do good deeds, even atheists. i like this new pope. he's like a very chill college r.a. who is cool with you drinking in the dorm. during his wednesday mass, the
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pope said the lord has redeemed all of us, not just catholics, even the atheists, everyone. and some catholics were upset by his comments because it means we wasted a lot of sundays going to church. [ laughter ] i agree with him. if you're a good person, it shouldn't matter what your label is. plus it would be fun to let atheists into heaven if for no other reason than to see the look on their faces when they get there. [ laughter ] meanwhile -- [ cheers and applause ] oh, thank you. in saudi arabia, the head of the religious police, a man named be a bule atif be a bule atiil. you know he's a big shot because he's got two abduls in his name. he's a dual abdul. whatever his name is, he said he believes that saudi citizens who tweet, who use twitter, will go to hell. he says any saudi who tweets has, quote, lost this world and his afterlife. let me get this straight.
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tweeting leads to damnation. filling a palace with kidnapped beauty pageant contestants, that's okay? okay, got it. can you imagine how pissed you would be if you actually went to hell because of twitter? we have the pope saying atheists can go to heaven and this mullah saying you can go to hell for using twitter. we need someone to clear this up. we were able to contact someone who is an authority on this and he made this tape to help clarify this complex situation. >> hi. i'm satan, lord of the underworld. it's come to my attention that certain individuals that have no knowledge of the afterlife or its workings have been offering opinions on the subject which bear no relation to how things actually operate down here. so let me be clear. hell is a really bad place. like really bad. it therefore, as you would expect, in order to be sent here, you have to do some really bad [ bleep ] on earth. got it? simple, right? so, for example, you would not
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be sent to hell for using twitter. that's stupid. additionally you will not suffer the flames of edetermine damnation for things like swearing, telling white lies, having inappropriate fantasies, homosexuality, or consensual sex of any kind between adults, masturbation. even if you masturbate a lot. go nuts. you're not going to hell. video games, cross dressing, gambling, watching porno, eating pork, not wearing a veil over your head, cheating on your taxes. any kind of cheating really. i could give a [ bleep ] i'm satan. i'm not your [ bleep ] mother. you honestly think god is going to hand out the same punishment for mass murder as he does for sexting? look. it comes down to this -- if you meet me in the afterlife and you're confused why, it's because of the guy you killed, okay? not some [ bleep ] tweet. oh. and for the record, i did not sign any kind of agreement with justin bieber, you guys brought that [ bleep ] on yourself. i'm satan and i approve this message.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: the devil is very reasonable. when we come back, oh, "this week in unnecessary censorship" tonight. mark ruffalo. plus the school scrabble champions and reggie watts. [ cheers and applause ] gate ande so much better than a foot-activated liftgate or great gas mileage yeah, that'd be like us going to a bed or breakfast i'm glad we picked bed i like "and" better. yeah and is better, the twenty thirteen escape. only ford gives you ecoboost fuel economy and a whole lot more. go further taste so great? it's made from real fruit flavors and sweetened with honey. lipton tea & honey.
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real ingredients just taste great. feel the delicious taste of lipton tea & honey. [ kids ] a bunch! what would you buy with all this money you saved? i'd buy a change-o machine so i could change my brother into a puppy. change-o machine? couldn't you just buy an actual puppy? but if my brother's a puppy i could bring him to show and tell and say, "here's my puppy brother!" well when you say it like that it makes perfect sense. [ male announcer ] it's not complicated. saving is better. come to at&t and trade up to iphone 5. get it now for $99.99 when you trade in your current smartphone. ♪ so i can't afford to have germy surfaces. but after one day's use, dishcloths can redeposit millions of germs.
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so ditch your dishcloth and switch to a fresh sheet of new bounty duratowel. look! a fresh sheet of bounty duratowel leaves this surface cleaner than a germy dishcloth, as this black light reveals. it's durable, cloth-like and it's 3 times cleaner. so ditch your dishcloth and switch to new bounty duratowel. the durable, cloth-like picker-upper. our go sleeveless deodorant for five days. ♪ everybody got two t-shirts as well, a short sleeved and a sleeveless one. which would they wear on day five? ♪ sleeveless. definitely sleeveless. ♪ what? i just like the t-shirt. [ female announcer ] for visibly softer, smoother underarms,
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sleeveless ready in just five days. dove go sleeveless deodorant. sleeveless ready in just five days. give craftsman tools y and give dad the ability to make even more. from everyday projects to the ones that last a lifetime. give the latest in craftsman tools and make more than just his day. craftsman made to make
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back. mark ruffalo and school scrabble champions and reggie watts are coming up. before we get to that. history was made today. i don't know if you heard, but this morning, an 80-year-old japanese man became the oldest person ever to reach the top of mt. everest. or at least that's what they're telling him. [ laughter ] he really just took three weeks to walk up the ramp at walmart. [ laughter ] his name is uchiro mira. he also climbed mt. everest when he was 70 and 75. when you're that old, it is actually easier to do because you let your testicles do most of the climbing. [ laughter ] when he got to the top, he hung out for half an hour, he took some pictures and headed right back down. for real. he's like, all right, i'm good.
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climbing to the top of the mt. everest at 80 years old, you know what, i think this will be my final resting place. good night, everybody. i'm going to go die. meanwhile in china, this caught my eye. the chinese government-run newspaper "the people's daily" is currently building new headquarters in beijing. and people have started to notice that it looks like this. this is what they built. how can that be an accident? there must be thousands of people working on this thing. have none of them been naked before? pictures of the building have gone viral on social media sites in china. the government is trying to censor them anytime anyone references what it looks like they will cut it out. speaking of censorship, this photo raises an interesting question for us here at the show. hand that to me now. thank you. as you can see, this is a building. [ cheers and applause ]
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i mean, it's just a building. there's nothing -- i mean, look at this. you can see here -- i mean, touch it. you can see it's just a building. [ cheers and applause ] there's nothing unseemly about it at all. guillermo, is there anything wrong with this? there's nothing wrong with that. right? >> no, nothing. >> jimmy: all right. so relax, everybody. i mean, come on, now. all right. you know what i'm going to do. oh, that's a good idea. [ cheers and applause ] we'll add it. we'll make it a part of our landscape. [ cheers and applause ] i really can't believe that no one who designed and built this
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thing noticed that it looks exactly like a male reproductive organ. maybe i've got a dirty mind. so we took that picture of the building out on hollywood boulevard and showed it to a group of children to see what they think it looks like. and here's what they thought. >> what does this building look like to you? >> ummm. i -- nothing comes to mind to me. >> what does this building look like to you. >> ummm. that's kind of hard. >> at the top it looks like a cake. and then maybe a stand at the bottom that's holding the cake. >> kind of looks like a giraffe, kind of. >> parking lot. >> parking lot.
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[ speaking foreign language ]. >> he said it looks like a marker with the cap on. >> what is your name and where are you from? >> kyla. >> and where are you from? >> i'm from disneyland. >> and what does this building look like? >> it's like disneyland. it's like a building from disneyland. >> perfect, thank you. >> jimmy: i don't know what she did at disneyland. [ cheers and applause ] she's from disneyland. she doesn't know these sorts of things. one more thing. it's thursday night. it is time for our weekly tribute to the fcc where we bleep and blur things whether they need it or not. "this week in unnecessary censorship." >> the mayor hasn't said much
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about an alleged video that has surfaced reporting showing him [ bleep ]. >> what do you think happened? why do you have to go? >> you [ bleep ] me. >> i got my butt [ bleep ] by a woman. >> what i saw was tommy and cheech on their knees going around in circles [ bleep ] in each other's [ bleep ]. >> in my private experience, you would have been [ bleep ] on the spot. >> investigators say it was a big [ bleep ] he had. more than 12 inches long. >> he had to perform a song that his fans chose on twitter, [ bleep ] you, justin bieber! >> what would it be like to be [ bleep ] by a lion? >> it's pretty dramatic, you know. >> this competition is going to give you the biggest [ bleep ] you've had in your entire life. >> i'm ready for it. >> that is what i'm worried about. >> thomas jefferson said when the government [ bleep ] the people, that's liberty. but when the people [ bleep ] the government, that's tyranny. >> i will [ bleep ] for you every single day. >> the [ bleep ] in this are so gigantic.
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>> it's up to the www universe to decide who is going to [ bleep ] jack swagger tonight. >> hi. i'm sponge bob. >> hi, sponge bob. i'm going to [ bleep ] your butt. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: up next, a 13 and 14-year-old scrabble champs. music from reggie watts. we'll be right back with mark ruffalo. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ camera shutter clicks ] ♪ ♪ [ camera shutter clicking ] ♪ [ male announcer ] meet the best low-light smartphone camera. [ camera shutter clicking ] better than iphone.
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better than galaxy. the windows phone nokia lumia 928. ♪ can be a moment of delicious wonder. the latest -- new mccafé blueberry pomegranate smoothie. sweet blueberries, raspberries, and a splash of pomegranate juice. there's always something new to love from mccafé.
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>> jimmy: tonight on the show, a pair of 8th graders from smith middle school in chapel hill, north carolina, they beat 88 other teams to win this year's national school scrabble championship. raymond gao and kevin bowerman are here. [ cheers and applause ] and tonight, they will be destroyed. i will forever ruin the game they love. from the new youtube channel jash, and that's a ridiculous name, j-a-s-h.
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"jash: and "comedy bang bang" on ifc, the very funny reggie watts is here. [ cheers and applause ] our first guest is an oscar-nominated actor and part-time avenger, whom you know from many fine films. his latest is called "now you see me." >> come here! >> hold on, hold on. >> really? >> yep. >> ow. >> jimmy: ow. "now you see me" is released
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tomorrow. please welcome mark ruffalo. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> how you doing? i don't know. it looks like a mushroom to me. >> jimmy: you know what? well, don't make it angry. that's embarrassing. >> give me that. >> jimmy: have a seat. we're redecorating the studio. we've never had this before. >> i just wanted to see them
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next to each other. >> jimmy: look at that. like a father and son. >> mom, i'm sorry. >> jimmy: you're a father. how old are your children? >> i have three children. >> jimmy: three children. >> 11, 5 and 8. not in that order. >> jimmy: so they like this kind of thing, right? >> jimmy: it would be strange if you had them in that order, if one came out older than the others. >> before i get too far into this, the studio -- before that. you and i have a lot in common. >> jimmy: in what way? >> my first movie was produced by ken crosby, a producer of your show. >> jimmy: is that right, yes. >> is he here? >> jimmy: he's hiding probably. he doesn't like to be on camera. he's a real ham. >> the kid has an eye for talent. is there anything that you see or --
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>> jimmy: anything you'd like to say, ken, a statement you'd like to make? >> it was the greatest week in a small hotel room in palmdale i have ever spent with you. >> jimmy: that's nice, wow, there it is. >> do you know what his middle name? it's floyd. >> we should get to the meat of the interview. i worked very hard on that. >> jimmy: i feel like the giant penis threw things off right at the outset. >> i wasn't prepared for that. >> jimmy: how could you ever be prepared for something like that? >> i don't usually walk into a room like that. >> jimmy: so you're in this movie. woody harrelson is in the movie. i ran into him in new york and he was doing magic tricks incessantly. >> yes. >> jimmy: he's, to be honest, not a good magician. although we acted like he was. >> he got into the role, he really did. what was it b. a year ago? >> jimmy: exactly a year ago. >> that's when we were shooting the movie. >> jimmy: he did say something. >> he was doing hypnosis. >> jimmy: that he did not do. he was doing that? >> we were going from -- i went
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on a bar crawl with him one night. that was a long night. [ laughter ] and we went from one bar to the next and he was doing mentalist tricks. and hypnosis on people. >> jimmy: how did he hypnotize people in a bar? it takes a long time, doesn't it? >> if you're going to do it any place, the bar is probably the best place. >> jimmy: was he successful? was he able to hypnotize anyone? >> well, i just want to say this. i did fall under the spell of woody harrelson. >> jimmy: you did? he hypnotized you? >> well, i think i was hypnotized, because when i woke up, all i could see was green haze. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: and with you, that could be a real bad thing. >> that's all i'm going to say. >> jimmy: okay, i understand. so it wasn't necessarily traditional hypnosis, if you will. >> if you will. >> jimmy: if you will. and i will gladly. is there somebody that you hung out with that you think i cannot believe i'm hanging out with this guy? or are you just at that level
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where you don't care? >> i did have a moment where i did get to have drinks with one of my idols who is sean penn. >> jimmy: oh, nice. [ cheers and applause ] how did that happen? >> amazing. so i actually ducked out of a movie i was in, and i ran to the bathroom because i didn't want to see anybody afterwards. and i was kind of ran to the bathroom and i was sneaking out of the theatre. and he comes charging across a huge lobby was sean penn by himself. and i hadn't met him yet. and i saw him and i went oh, no, he would have been so much better for this part. and so i was looking for somewhere to hide but there was nowhere to hide. and he spotted me and came directly towards me. i thought to tell me he would have been better for the part.
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and he came up to me me and he said, hey, man, loved you in the movie, let's go get a drink. okay. okay, yeah, of course. let's get a drink. so we walked into a bar. and i left my family, everyone at the movie. >> jimmy: uh-huh, you have to, yeah. >> it's sean penn. so we walk into the bar and i'm thinking oh, my god, i'm having a drink with sean penn. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and so the bartender starts approaching us and i break into a flop sweat. what am i going to order? >> jimmy: oh, yeah. >> please don't make him say, what do you want, before he orders. >> jimmy: because he's a very masculine guy. >> he is a very masculine guy. >> jimmy: so what did you order? >> the bartender comes up and sean says what are you having? i said, well, [ bleep ]. i guess i'll take a maker's mark double. neat. what are you going to have?
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he said, i'll have a white russian. [ laughter ] and so i changed my drink to a white russian, which is what i wanted. >> jimmy: i'd like a smoothie. >> blueberry. >> jimmy: you don't have to drink like a tough guy when you already are a tough guy like sean penn is. >> that's right. he doesn't have anything to prove. he's sean penn. >> jimmy: there's nothing to prove there. you have a great cast in this movie. it's a pretty impressive group of people. >> yeah. >> jimmy: what is the basic idea of the film? >> well, it's a classic heist movie. the basic idea is these magicians are stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. who doesn't like that? and along the way they're being doggedly chased by this bitter, cynical fbi cop, which is what i play. >> jimmy: all right.
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>> and it's a very fun-filled movie. it has explosions and fight scenes and a little bit of humor. >> jimmy: you had me at explosions. that's it. good to see you. >> am i done? >> jimmy: that's it. you can stay if you want to play scrabble. >> i'm happy. that was great. thank you. >> jimmy: mark ruffalo "now you see me" opens may 31, next friday. we'll be back with the scrabble kids. stick around. [ cheers and applause ] [ stewart ] this is the kind of food i love to cook.
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i'm very excited about making the shrimp and lobster pot pie. we've never cooked anything like this before. [ male announcer ] introducing red lobster's seaside mix & match. combine any 2 of 7 exciting choices on one plate for just $12.99! like new cheddar bay shrimp & lobster pot pie, and new parmesan crunch shrimp. plus salad and unlimited cheddar bay biscuits. combine any 2 for just $12.99. [ stewart ] for the seaside mix & match, we're really mixing it up. there's just so many combinations to try.
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i'm stewart harrington, red lobster line cook, and i sea food differently. [ blows ] [ poof! ] wooo! hey there! i'm your rav4 genie. got any wishes? i wish my son was safer. well, this rav4 has a blind spot monitor and 8 airbags. whoa! how about when he's not in the car? right. [ snaps fingers ] [ laughter ] oh, no. oh, yeah. wooo! use your knees. [ male announcer ] the all-new rav4. toyota. let's go places. there was this and this. she got a parking ticket... ♪ and she forgot to pay her credit card bill on time. good thing she's got the citi simplicity card. it doesn't charge late fees or a penalty rate. ever. as in never ever. now about that parking ticket. [ grunting ] [ male announcer ] the citi simplicity card is the only card that never has late fees, a penalty rate,
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or an annual fee, ever. go to to apply. just getting clean with no water. kinda like using t.p. with no moist wipes. ohh. ohh. [ female announcer ] nothing leaves you feeling cleaner and fresher than the cottonelle care routine -- now with a touch of cotton. look the samsung galaxy s4. phones care routine -- it's like what i've got. look how big the screen is! that is big. and, walmart will give you a $50 gift card when you get the phone. sold! get the latest smart phones on t-mobile's nationwide 4g network, and get a $50 gift card. walmart. is
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: earlier this month in washington, d.c., our next guests defeated 88 other teams from across north america to win the national school scrabble title. a title i will take from them tonight. from chapel hill, north carolina, please welcome 8th grade word wizards raymond gao and kevin bowerman. hello kevin and raymond. [ cheers and applause ] welcome, welcome. you're big shots now? >> kind of, yeah. >> jimmy: i know, huh, yeah? you pleased with yourselves? >> yeah. >> jimmy: are the girls going crazy for you now? >> no. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: our judge is the john d. williams, executive director of scrabble. is that right, john? who names you that? >> i sort of inherited the job. >> jimmy: you just named yourself that? >> exactly. >> jimmy: very good. we're going to take three turns each. and at the end, whoever has the highest score will be the winner. are you ready for this?
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>> yeah. >> jimmy: kind of a speed round. my partner is guillermo. the other thing i forgot to mention was we're playing in spanish. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: okay? so you guys want to draw a tile and we'll see who goes first. you guys do the first draw and guillermo you'll draw a tile and whoever has the one closest to "a" will go first. all right. that's an n. and we got an "o." okay, you guys go first. all right, throw those back in the bag and we'll get this started. you got to take -- guillermo, when it comes to us, we will take seven tiles. okay? >> okay. >> jimmy: very good. i see you're cheating already. you won $10,000, right? >> yeah. >> jimmy: what are you going to do with all that money? >> well, actually, i'm planning to spend a good portion of it going to a scrabble tournament. >> jimmy: oh. another scrabble tournament? is this one for money? [ cheers and applause ] >> yeah, this is the nationals.
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in nevada this year. >> jimmy: we call it nevada. and you will go to that and play against adults? >> yeah. >> jimmy: oh, wow. so why don't you just go and gamble while you're there? i mean really. oh, look at this, already he's got a word. >> eight, nine, ten, 11, 15 times two is 30. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we got quite a word here. all right. well, this could be wonderful. let me just show the camera what the word we have here is. close your eyes. don't look at this. see that? i think the scrabble gods are trying to tell me something. [ laughter ] all right, guillermo, what do you think here? all right? >> ai-yi-yi.
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>> jimmy: yeah. this is -- can you help me here? do you think you'll be any help here at all? >> i don't think so. >> jimmy: i don't think so either. oh, look. they're whispering to each other. what are you guys talking about over there. >> you guys talking about justin bieber? [ laughter ] actually, he looks like justin bieber, huh? >> jimmy: all right. i'm just going to put something down then. all right, all right. >> well, try your best. >> jimmy: thanks. okay. all right. i don't have much of a word here. i'm going to admit it. >> ai-yi-yi. >> jimmy: okay. all right. we got mid here. add that up.
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i can't be bothered. >> two, three, four. >> jimmy: yeah, four. >> sorry. 7, 10, 14. >> jimmy: what's the score right now? 30-14. >> yep. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: all right. don't patronize me. >> who's winning? >> we're winning round one. >> jimmy: all right, what do you have here? oh, you got the "x." that's terrible. >> 1, 2, 5, 6, 14, 28. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: all right, guillermo. >> our total score is 58. >> jimmy: and now it's our time to shine. right? >> hopefully. >> jimmy: yeah, hopefully is right. >> where are you from? >> north carolina.
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>> wow. is that far from here? >> not really. >> jimmy: what are you doing? speed dating? what's going on here? we're trying to play a game. all right, fellows. you want to add it all up? we have a double word score here. >> 4, 5, 6, 7, 15, 30, 35. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that puts us in the game. >> so now your total is -- your total is -- >> that concludes round two. >> jimmy: oh, that concludes round two, all right. good luck, guys. we're all rooting for you. netop? >> 1, 2, 3, 4, 13, 26, 27, 28, 29, 33. >> jimmy: 33. [ cheers and applause ] is that right? did they really get 33 for that?
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we got that there. let's see, what will we get if we get this? >> we need 43 points. >> jimmy: thank you, guillermo. you've been very, very helpful. okay, all right, i'm going to put this down. diva. that's you. what do we have here? go ahead and add it up. see what the damage is. >> 2, 3, 7, 8 times 3 is 24. and then 27, 28, 29, 31. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: and that brings us to? >> that brings you 80 points and we have 91 points. >> jimmy: that means what, john? >> that means the match is concluded.
12:24 am
[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: and we won? did we win? well, i protest the outcome of this game. i'm not happy with what happened. but we do have some presents for you. gentlemen, you played a very good game. you played a strong game and you too are among the first people in the whole country to have this sony experience tablet z. so there you go, congratulations. the better boys won. thank you, guillermo. thank you john. thanks to scrabble. we'll be right back with reggie watts. [ cheers and applause ]
12:25 am
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12:26 am
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12:30 am
>> dicky: if you are going to be in the los angeles area and want to see the show, go to and want to see the show, go to
12:31 am
12:32 am
>> jimmy: his new web series is called "the social music experiment." you can find it at here to perform something he is about to make up on the spot, reggie watts. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
12:33 am
♪ one time [ beat boxing ] [ speaking in foreign language ]
12:34 am
[ beat boxing ] ♪ ♪ i know i sold my soul ♪ and when i do a crime ♪ my lord you ought to know somehow in the human dream you ought to know ♪ you told me what you got out of love ♪ ♪ you and me what you do to me you got the one thing that want to tell me love ♪ ♪ i love all the things you do note the one thing that i want
12:35 am
because i love the thing what you do ♪ ♪ baby i got love what you do what you do sugar what you do what you doing tonight ♪ ♪ sugar what you doing what you doing tonight ♪ ♪ sugar what you doing what you doing tonight ♪ ♪ sugar what you doing what you doing tonight ♪ ♪ sugar what you doing what you're doing tonight ♪ sugar what you doing ♪ what you doing what you doing tonight ♪ ♪ and baby i don't know what time but i know i'm send my love down the line baby loving you like the live loving ♪ ♪ my loving my love ain't nothing that you seen before ♪ yeah my love and the nothing love ain't love ain't love ain't love love love love love love ♪ ♪ my love ain't nothing like you've seen before ♪ love ain't love ain'


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