tv 2020 ABC June 7, 2013 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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any time, like us on facebook and follow us on twitter. and don't go way "20/20" starts now. "the new help" with millions of millionaires these days, it's the hottest new job market. the serve and the class. >> quite popular right now. >> jobs you never heard of before. >> i was an under butler for nicolas cage. >> under butler? a mani for a monkey? a nanny for breast milk? >> i need to you organize my milk. >> your white? >> these are workhorses here. >> how many of their crazy whims would you put up with for a big enough payday? >> there is something i know making about $270,000 right now and she works three and a half days a week zplf what about when the pay is barely worth the pain? >> i'm only human.
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can we stop the camera for one second? >> no. no matter how rich you are. help! >> plus, can david muir survive butler boot camp? a crash course, literally. everything from tux training to table setting. >> the glass? >> to ironing. i don't even know what i just did. >> "at your service." tonight, the new help. this is a show you can't wlif here now, david muir and elizabeth vargas. >> david i can't wait for you in your suit playing but her. and the new job numbers today said 175,000 new jobs created in may and there is a good bet that some of those jobs are in the serve and the class to the very rich. so rich they make downton abbie look like they're slumming it.
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>> the new gilded age is back and never before so many rich people needing new help, paying bic buggings, 450 billion airs, 9 michele tafoya airs in america alone, numbers tripling. nick watt with a look at the newly reach and booming class. their new help. >> reporter: it's a world inhabited by the elite. their dreams have come true. and they're living them. behind high walls, overlooking manicured lawns, their every need taken care of by an invisible army. >> housekeepers, nannies, chefs, chauffeurs, butlers, body guards, personal assistants, you name it. anything for the private household, i'll provide. >> reporter: actors have agents. and nannies do, too? of course they do. this is l.a. and that agent is jack lippman, a motorcycle-riding player on the l.a. scene who owns the elizabeth rose agency in beverly hills.
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this is the nerve center of richistan, from here lipman places the best in the business in the houses of the rich and famous. >> heads of industry, fortune 500 company owners, athletes, oscar winners. we work with households who have one staff member to clients who have 20 and more. >> reporter: 20 staff in a single home. >> welcome to downton. >> reporter: i mean, it's like that show "downton abbey." but that was 100 years ago, and it's still going on in 2013. today's staff are men like butlers. raoul peter mongilardi. >> i was an under butler for nicolas cage. >> reporter: nicolas cage has an under butler? who knew? and there's also the frightfully proper daniel bentley, who works for a bel air billionaire. >> i wouldn't generally sit down in his presence. there is a line that is drawn. >> reporter: omg, daniel bentley is mr. carson. >> very well, my lord.
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>> reporter: what do you call him? >> sir. >> reporter: and, what do you call him behind his back? >> sir. >> reporter: now, might so much old school pampering go to the heads of the pampered -- maybe they lose a little touch with reality? >> what do you think? >> reporter: one guy wanted a nanny, and he described the type of nanny he wanted -- redhead, beautiful, blah, blah, blah. i asked him how old his kids were. he said, "i don't have children. i want a hot redhead nanny." >> reporter: no nanny for the childless man, said jack. but millionairess lana fuchs she found hers. >> come on, monkey. let's go eat. >> reporter: for her pet monkey, mikey. >> yes, i'm the monkey nanny. >> reporter: as the monkey nanny, or monkey mannie, freddie spends his days tending to mikey's needs. baths, three times a day. he's bottle fed. you know, like a regular baby. and spoiled with his favorite treat, whipped cream. >> he's my perfect child. he's so cute. >> their demands seem really out there to the normal person, but to me it's part of my day. >> reporter: now, for
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jack lippman, perched behind perfect piles of resumes, finding staff for clients who can afford their wildest dreams and who expect perfection, that's a tough gig. >> they call me the housekeeper's late for work in the morning or the nanny's late, you know five minutes late. and she's like jack, you know, where is she? i've got to get my eyebrows arched, and i've got to go. it is comical. it is a show. this is a show you that you can't write. >> reporter: tonight, we're bringing you that show. we're boldly going inside, behind the high walls, upstairs and downstairs. and we start in a palm-fringed paradise -- malibu. a cliff-top eden, and home of true religion's jeans mogul, kym gold. >> i'm a woman of integrity. i'm a woman not to be messed with. my ex-husband would describe me as "i'm like a tornado. you either move in it or she spits you out." >> reporter: kym, who has three kids and two divorces behind
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her, might be demanding. at work, where she's just launched a new clothing line -- >> this is babakul! >> reporter: -- and at home. hello, i'm nick. that's terrible. how do you live here? >> it's tough, but someone's got to do it. >> reporter: i feel like robin leach salivating over such sumptuousness. it's super chic, even down to the doghouse. >> my home staff is two housekeepers, gigi, my hair and makeup, amanda, my assistant. >> reporter: amanda coringee, a doctor's daughter from arizona, is kym's constant shadow. >> my assistant has to pick up where my brain has left off, >> reporter: in many ways the modern equivalent of the lady's maid from those downton days. >> i like working for her, but i wish i had four more brains, three more stomachs and about 10 more arms. >> reporter: it's amanda's first job out of college. she's clung on to the job for an impressive eight months. >> this is everything that's going on. i need you to do this and this
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and this. >> all right, come on kids. we are going to take the dogs off to the groomers today. each one has their own little personality, like cleetis is will ferrell. he looks like will ferrell. >> if i am cc'd, then i don't have to ask you did you send the email. >> you know, she says she wants someone at warp speed, but i don't know if you've ever tried to being four steps ahead of warp speed. >> i'm getting a little frustrated and disappointed at how many times i need to explain myself. >> reporter: how many have you been through? >> wow. oh, i'm gonna go, a good eight. >> reporter: in what time frame? >> a couple years. >> reporter: and hurricane kym is about to make landfall once more. >> i mean, i don't want to upset you, but i'm upset. >> reporter: could this be the breaking point? >> you know, i'm not perfect. there are times i will screw up, there are times where i will forget things. i'm only human. but sometimes i feel like the uh -- >> don't cry, amanda.
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>> i'm trying not to, kym. >> reporter: now, at this point, despite the drama, i must say i really like kym gold. she's not mean or haughty. she just knows what she wants. knows what she needs. demands perfection, and has the money to pay for it. say, between $70 and 100. they want a 401(k). they want a piece of the action. you know, they want some equity. they want you know, health insurance. it's like, you know what, here. let me pay you $100,000 and take my bentley. >> reporter: but amanda is only human, and balls are getting dropped. >> i wanted a home list of emergency people. >> okay, emergencies. >> i'm about to just get really pissed right now. i -- can we just stop the camera for just one second? >> reporter: can amanda possibly last? would describe yourself as ruthless? >> i would not describe myself as ruthless.
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i run my household like a business. >> reporter: just look at her closet. an imelda-esque array of fabulous footwear, clothing coordinated by season, type, color, sleeve length. >> so here are her black tank tops. this shouldn't be here. see that's blue. >> the other thing is it has to be done. i like to see the labels. >> oh, my god. >> reporter: that's gigi. she's the in-house, 24/7 on call, hair and makeup who lives in a little house in the yard. yup, the backyard. and how did this start? >> if you think these are hereditary positions -- well, you're not that wide of the mark. >> her mother was my assistant. >> reporter: okay, but her mother is no longer your assistant. >> no. >> absolutely not. >> reporter: did you fire her? >> yes. >> reporter: and remember amanda? what happened to her? >> there's a lot of -- i forgot, i forgot, i forgot. so i don't know at what point do you just say [ bleep ] it? maybe we just say let's give it another three months to see what
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happens. i don't want to fire you. that's not my intention. my intention is to get it [ bleep ] right. >> reporter: yup, amanda didn't last. a mutual parting of ways, they told us. >> that's pretty emotional. i know if given the chance i will do everything i can to succeed. >> reporter: back at the elizabeth rose agency, jack lines up the next soldier in the firing line. >> she was very clear about what type of assistant she wanted. i knew better. >> reporter: meet derek, who used to work for a celeb with an unpredictable temper. >> i left my other position because it got to be where i was coming home, and i couldn't relax. >> reporter: but will derek last? once the honeymoon is over, can he possibly live up to the gold standard? >> i feel like this is like going to be a great experience. >> only time will tell. >> think you could survive those
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demands in the money is right? tell us on twitter use #abc2020. how dependent do these people become on the new help? very. what would you do if she ever leaves? what would you do if she ever leaves? >> well, we have an before reminding ourselves that some bonds are more valuable than others... and before weighing the ups and downs in your life over the ups and downs in the market... we changed the way we help you live in retirement by changing the way we work with you to and through retirement. connecting your wealth with your health and your life. that's the power of a merrill lynch advisor.
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>> now that you've met someone to take tear of your personal business what about the house as a whole? outsourcing shopping, kids, household repairs, rearranging your sock drawer? most of us can only dream by the but nick watt found someone who is actually living the dream. >> reporter: high in these exalted hills, way up this winding road, this is the beverly hills mansion of dentist to the stars, dr bill dorfman. >> i treat katy perry, jessica simpson, hugh jackman, anthony hopkins, brooke burke, usher.
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i don't know, you name it. i love doing dentistry. i mean, it's fun. >> reporter: smart guy. successful guy. loving father. a divorced dad of three. who also has a bronze of his own torso in the bathroom. and meet patrice, his rock. >> i'm a house manager. i get up 5 minutes before i have to start work. >> reporter: she has that luxury because patrice is live-in, well, she lives in the pool house. >> in the morning, i start work at 6:30. i prepare dr. bill's lunch, the girls' lunch and breakfast. today they're having boiled eggs with toast which they love. come on girlies, let's go so you have time for breakfast. >> reporter: patrice wouldn't tell us how much she erns but these days they can make up to 100 grand a year. >> let's keep this neat and nice. i handle all of the staff. gardener, the housekeeper, the
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handyman, the plumber, everyone. they go through me. >> a lot of times when people come to the house to work, patrice will say she's mrs. dorfman because she thinks that they'll respect her more as mrs. dorfman as opposed to i'm the nanny who's gonna supervise you. >> this needs to be replaced. take off the shoe of the red velvet and one of those -- >> i have dr. dorfman's bread and lunchmeat. >> this bugs me and i don't like it. >> you're doing what's best for him? >> all the time, all the time. >> reporter: to have a white family with a black woman looking after them. is that ever an issue? >> not at all. my kids actually thought they were black for the longest time. patrice would take my kids out and they would think they were her children. my kids are the only kids in their school that can rap. patrice is part of the family. >> those are my babies, they'll always be my babies and this is
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just what i do. >> patrice feels like a second mom to me. >> that's so sweet. that's my baby. >> i wanted somebody that had a really beautiful spirit. >> why you laughing? >> somebody that would love my kids. and that's patrice. >> reporter: this may sound awful, it's kind of like you have a wife, but it's perhaps less complicated. >> right on the nose, i love it. it's perfect. >> reporter: now, this was all perfect, that is, until patrice got married last fall. nestled in that lush garden behind casa dorfman is the pool house. 500 square feet of newly-wedded bliss for patrice and her new husband, kevin. >> we don't have a lot of space.
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just big enough for a fold-out couch. >> we have to make sure we pull off the pillows, pull out the bed, inflate the bed and then this is our routine when we put it up. >> this is her job, so we sacrifice a little bit here so that she can do what she loves to do. >> i got a little worried that patrice was going to move out. we built like a whole other room for her and kevin. >> this is our closet. this is our storage area. this is our pantry. >> reporter: that is the extension dr. bill built to keep patrice sweet. >> i'm very grateful for the closet, but the truth is for two people it's just not enough room. we are totally outgrowing this place. i love working for dr. bill. i love taking care of the girls, but my home life is like, sometimes i feel really claustrophobic. this is basically one small room for a couple that wants space, privacy, a family. >> reporter: does dr. bill ever
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call you at 3:00 in the morning? >> no. 11:00, yes. >> reporter: so what about privacy? >> we want to have our pool that you know we can get butt naked in. well, at least me. you know and not have to worry about somebody coming home and -- >> reporter: the pool house is barely big enough for two and what about three? >> i thought you were supposed to be in here doing homework. i was. >> reporter: after 20 years caring for other peoples' kids, patrice is desperate for her own. >> i want a baby so desperately, i shop for baby clothes. some people may think it's crazy but i call it having faith. >> reporter: patrice just turned 40. has she sacrificed too much of her own life for the job? >> my husband and i want children and we're not able to get pregnant right now. and i never thought that would be me. i have to make an appointment with the fertility specialist and i really don't want to be alone. >> just let me know i'll be there. well, just get it done, man. it will be okay. i really believe it will be okay.
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you know, we prayed on it and i think it is going to be okay. >> i want to have a baby, so do i have to quit my job in order to have a baby and to have a bigger space? >> reporter: but the job is live-in. has to be. that's one of dr. bill's non-negotiable conditions of the job. >> i think if she had to choose between kevin and i, i'd win. i'm kidding! i'm kidding! >> reporter: what will you do if she ever leaves? >> well, we have an agreement that she won't. i mean, ideally, in three years my kids will be in college. and she said "doc, what happens?" i'm like, "i still need a nanny." >> reporter: and if she has kids? >> i hope she does. we'll have to build the nanny house a little bit bigger i guess. ♪ we are family ♪ i got all my sisters with me >> reporter: will she stay? or will she go? >> no one's holding a gun to them. they choose to do this. if they didn't want to
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sacrifice, commit to a family, they don't have to do this job. >> reporter: these days for masters and serve and the sserv like a modern family. there gonna have to make the time for the family and less time possibly for their own family. the days of downton aren't quite over. >> i was right about my maid. she's leaving -- to get married! how could she be so selfish? >> whether it be a hundred years ago or a hundred years from now, people need that backup. once you have become accustomed to having the help, it's hard to do without. >> bye papa. tell papa bye. next -- meet some tiny twins with a staff. the new species of nanny. >> this is a tiny bit cold so we should probably microwave it five or six seconds. should probably microwave it five or six seconds. >> when we return.think? that's great it won't take long, will it? no.
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okay. this, won't take long will it? no, not at all. how many of these can we do on our budget? more than you think. that didn't take very long, did it? summer's here, so are the savings. that's nice. post it. already did. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. buy ortho home defense max with comfort wand and get ortho bug-b-gon max free. the blisters were oozing, and painful to touch. i woke up to a blistering on my shoulder. i spent 23 years as a deputy united states marshal. we'd get up early and, and stay up late. there was a lot of running, a lot of fighting. i've been pretty well banged up but the worst pain i've experienced was when i had shingles. i was going through some extremely difficult training, and i couldn't do it. when we were going through pursuit driving, i couldn't put a seat belt on because the pain that would have been caused by the seat belt rubbing against the shingles would have been excruciating. when i went to the clinic, the nurse told me that it was the result of having had chickenpox.
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we've never cooked anything like this before. [ male announcer ] introducing red lobster's seaside mix & match. combine any 2 of 7 exciting choices on one plate for just $12.99! like new cheddar bay shrimp & lobster pot pie, and new parmesan crunch shrimp. plus salad and unlimited cheddar bay biscuits. combine any 2 for just $12.99. [ stewart ] for the seaside mix & match, we're really mixing it up. there's just so many combinations to try. i'm stewart harrington, red lobster line cook, and i sea food differently. [ male announcer ] moving object detection. ♪ blind spot warning. ♪ lane departure warning. safety, down to an art. the nissan altima with safety shield technologies. nissan. innovation that excites. ♪
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>> now that the house is being managed, what about the kids inside it? you're about to meet tiny twins 6 month old with their own staff. once again, nick watt. >> i live a very privileged life. >> reporter: when the abc family series, "beverly hills nannies" hit the airwaves, the behind the scenes of daily life were often jaw-dropping. >> i need you to organize my milk. >> your what? >> i need it organized by date and by ounces. so like this is march 14th, three ounces. >> are you stocking up for the apocalypse? >> reporter: yup. that's a breast milk cataloguing situation underway. now, here in la la land, a top flight nanny can rake in more than your average lawyer. because there's now a crisis, a shortage of top flight nannies! so the best can charge the earth. >> there's somebody i know very well making about $270,000 right now. she works three and a half days
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a week. i've got nannies who have million dollar mortgages on homes. pass me down pradas and ball gowns. >> reporter: here in west hollywood, ground zero for the new species of super nannies, you guessed it, the elizabeth rose agency. >> if they want a nanny that is tri-lingual, who is scuba certified, i'm going to look for it. >> mandarin speaking nannies is quite popular right now. [ speaking mandarin ] >> in san francisco, right now, it's quite popular to have a mormon nanny. the mormon nannies, they don't feel they have to worry about them coming in a little hung over. >> reporter: here at the agency, they are struggling to meet the crazy nanny demand. this is nicky goldfield, here for interview. >> i've been a nanny for coming up on 15 years. >> nicky? come on up. julie's ready. >> reporter: but there's a problem. >> i went on the interview the other day and immediately walked in, and she said you're too pretty. >> reporter: remember, jude law had a month-long affair with his nanny. and robin williams, he married his. >> we placed a phenomenal nanny.
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and my client's wife called me and said, you know, jack, the nanny's terrific but i can't believe how attentive my husband is. he's coming home from work early. he's spending more time with the kids. well, lo and behold, we find out that the nanny's been swimming topless every day. >> reporter: so what's a pretty nanny to do? >> so, limited makeup, tie your hair back. nothing sexy clothes-wise. >> reporter: pretty nicky is still looking for work. part of the reason for the top flight nanny shortage, these days many fancy families are in the market for two, or three childcare professionals under one roof. inside this spectacular spanish deco mansion, marketing mogul and recent transplant from florida, nate poupko, lives with his wife, stephanie, newborn twin daughters, and a rambunctious toddler named zach, along with a housekeeper two baby nurses and a nanny. for nate poupko, searching for the perfect people to look after
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his prize possessions, the kids, has become like a quest for the holy grail. >> i've had nannies ask for six figures and benefits. and i was like -- hell, i want that job. >> reporter: that thick folder? just some of the nanny resumes mr. poupko has perused. how many resumes did you read? >> close to a hundred. >> reporter: and how many interviews? >> two to three dozen. >> reporter: and then, how many trial periods? >> ten trials. >> reporter: his home is a flurry of fast moving feet and lysol wipettes. >> in this house, very, very clean people. >> reporter: that's monica. she's the housekeeper and a single mother of two. >> this job never stops. i don't have time for nothing. >> reporter: an interviewee so nervous she begged us not to show her face. >> i'm training a nanny for zach today. >> reporter: this is kimberly, she once owned her own agency. now she's pulling double duty as nurse and nanny. she needs help. today starts with the bible, a meticulous diary of little zach's activities.
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>> 9:40, put in crib, and then say 9:52 asleep on the monitor. >> reporter: an exhaustive list of dos and don'ts. >> we always put it on these plates here. this is tiny bit cold so we should microwave it just maybe five to six seconds and make sure there's five full cups of water here. >> wow. >> because that's what stephanie wants. i try to time going to the bathroom when zach is sleeping, and i literally run to the bathroom. it's right around the corner. and i go as fast as i can. and then, i get back in here hopefully within two minutes. >> reporter: kimberly seems to get it but what about the others? cory has been on the job three weeks, still on trial. >> take care of the baby, feed them when they're hungry and just be sweet to them. >> reporter: after 12 hour shift with them she heads off to her second full-time job.
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>> a lot of responsibilities. i have a home. my husband passed away four years ago, grown kids. >>. >> reporter: cory seems to have the right stuff. >> someone's not happy. >> reporter: but corey did not make the cut. >> i really never thought it would be this hard. finding someone that is the right fit and that someone that treats our children like their children. >> reporter: it's not easy to ace the challenge. >> you find out they're not the right fit. >> reporter: they can watch the rooms from anywhere on the planet. paranoid? >> nanny arrested, accused of slapping a baby. >> reporter: watching nanny horror videos on youtube anne might not think so. he spot a need and niche and launched a website, nan >> one night i was surfing on line and there thousands of websites geared toward automobile reviews, reviews on
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tvs and reviews on toaster ovens. it's crazy, there wapts a resource site for your children. so, basically this is the blog. >> reporter: should your baby sitter know -- hiring mistakes, pros and cons of hiring a college student. pros and cons, what people are looking for and what people need. >> reporter: after months of searching, hundreds of resumes, final finally they feel they reached the nanny nirvana and right under their nose. promoted monica from housekeeper to zach's nanny. >> they put a life in my hands that i have to take care of. >> reporter: the search for the perfect nanny has finally ended. >> we're fast and furious looking for a housekeeper. >> reporter: but the quest for the ultimate housekeeper has only just begun. next, can david muir survive butler boot camp? >> at ease.
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>> why some people are paying thousands of dollars to learn how to wait on other people. >> the glass? >> the biggest mistake could you probably do. >> the butler did it. but did david? find o ♪ ula ula, hagamos ula ula, ♪ ula ula ula ula al revés, ♪ hago que lo imposible sea posible, ♪ ♪ que todo lo increíble se vuelva visible, ♪ ♪ tres, dos, hola, ula... ♪ aplaudan en la luna. ♪ ula ula, hagamos ula ula, ♪ ula ula ula ula al revés, ♪ ula ula, hagamos ula ula, ♪ ula ula ula ula al revés, ♪ ula ula, hagamos ula ula, ♪ ula ula, hagamos ula ula, ♪ ula ula, hagamos ula ula, announcer: lebron james and the heat okay little guy, let's check out the highlights. looking to take the series... you know we have been undefeated since you came into the world? it's pretty cool huh? announcer: lebron settling this one with
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[ engine revs ] ♪ [ male announcer ] just when you thought you had experienced performance, a new ride comes along and changes everything. ♪ the 2013 lexus gs, with a dynamically tuned suspension and adjustable drive modes. because the ultimate expression of power is control. this is the pursuit of perfection.
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how about a job with six figures but to got it you to v to travel to the international butler academy, that's right, there is one and i'm just back from it. it's a good thing i have this job because that one, you have to survive this. >> reporter: americans have long been fascinated by the role of the butler. and tonight, the butler is back because, in so many countries, the newly rich, getting richer and they're getting butlers, too. and where do they train? "20/20" sent me half way around
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the world to find out. to the netherlands, where i'm given directions to a castle in valkenburg, and soon i'm pulling into the international butler academy. so you're going to make me a butler? >> oh, we are going to try. >> reporter: they're going it try. into the castle. barely signed i've already failed. >> well, this might be your day off look. >> reporter: just seconds into the tour, the head but remember bristlering. >> there are two that are out of line. there are two out of line. you've already seen that? touching the tablecloth! >> that one needs to go in, yep. okay, that'll do. >> reporter: is this guy for real? these students are, actually paid to come here from all over the world.
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it costs $17,000 for this butler boot camp. >> attention. at ease. >> reporter: that's robert wennekes, the general. robert was a former butler himself who started in america there he is on the right serving henry kissinger. they are tested on their feet, eight weeks, 16-hour days. it is a firing squad. >> you are going to protect your tray. they are told to look out for that giant ball, the one guest who had one too many of keeping an arm up to keep those guests at bay. they quickly learn becoming a butler is bruising. she's desperate for a career change. looking over her shoulder. is he coming for her again? and there is jan, who at 23,
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dreams of becoming a butler. keep dreaming! henry knows he's a bundle of nerves, told he's failing so far. warned -- >> you are not the star. you are the man in the background. >> reporter: but this is hardly a crash course. they've already been at it for weeks when i arrive. tested on everything, even their discretion. what if you witness a cheating spouse? what if the chef is having an affair? do you rat out the chef? >> yes. >> reporter: you do? >> no, no, no. >> reporter: they're told to be ready at any moment for dral, ready to change into their tuxes. i have to be ready. heading to the wardrobe room, where they leave the uniforms so when they get the call they're ready of this there is a strategy. >> you have to find your right spot. >> you see someone has their tie out already tied. >> i find my spots in the back corner.
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i'm stressed out. >> go! to change, yours truly at the back of the pack. the clouths are flying, clock's ticking, transformation in seconds. the first one down the stairs and you can practically hear his heart racing. everyone else right behind him. everyone, except for me. last one in here. have to wear the gloves. i'm so late. finally, i make my way down the stairs. what's the time? >> 3:15. >> reporter: late, and in need of help. i was 15 seconds late. and not even standing in the right place. >> you have to go there base
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you're taller than them. that's about right. >> reporter: you might be asking yourself, why on earth would anyone pay to put themselves through this? it turns out, the payday is impressive. a six-figure salary often served on that platter. >> the comeback of the butler is enormous. well, everyday there's new millionaires. these people own estates. they have planes and yachts. >> reporter: they have egos to match, just like robert, who said good help is hard to find. if i can't find them, i'll simply train themselves. >> reporter: he's about to put jan and rhys to the test. he's already instilled fear in just a few weeks. >> reporter: did you hear that? >> yes, sir. that doesn't sound that good. >> the aim of the game is that you set the table. you may start now. they are given ten minutes to start the for eight. right down to the measuring tape, the distance of the plates
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and spacing of the glasses. suddenly, confusion. seven. he's expecting seven guests, right? >> reporter: a dinner disaster. time's up. >> where is my seizer salad? >> where's my caesar salad? where's my soup? >> reporter: jan's partner fanning his face, trying to hold back the tears. what was the grade? >> it wasn't good. because we didn't finish the assignment. we tried our best. >> reporter: and while, upstairs it might be the spoons, downstairs it's the knives that come out. >> your team member is not on the same level as you. >> reporter: you were frustrated with your partner? >> i was a bit angry. >> reporter: he was angry and i was about to get a taste of it myself. seven minutes to iron a shirt. i don't even know what i just did. how could i get this wrong? but i did. the cuff, apparently had a
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crease. a crease? >> we would not iron a crease in a cuff. of course, the pouring of the wine. >> you step in, serve the wine, turn it, clear it. >> reporter: step in. apparently the bottle should never touch the glass. i touched the glass? >> you touched the glass with the bottle. that is probably the biggest mistake you can do. >> never. >> reporter: they tell me to put that hand bemind my back. >> i need a glass of wine. >> reporter: it would have helped because who knew at butler school there is ballet, synchronized pouring. for me, final chapter is right on my head.
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balancing a book. >> mr. muir would you like to give it a try here? try not to look at the glasses. look where you're going. >> reporter: up the stairs i go, carefully, one foot in front of the other, that head butler watching. >> not bad. >> reporter: i am a butler. but for the rest of them the stakes are enormous and this is the final step. on this night, sun goes down after eight weeks, terror, training, the trays falling. and they're all about to learn if their 17 grand paid off. remember jan, so afraid his partner brought him down, too? >> congratulations. he passes near the top. and who could forget lila? over time, she found her balance. >> congratulations. >> reporter: and remember henry,
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nearly bounced from boot camp, told he didn't have what it takes? on this day, he makes the cut. >> including you, henry. >> reporter: there were tears and a hug from the new butler beside him. and there was one more student yet to pass because apparently after i left those new butlers were judging me. >> david did very, very well. >> if he ever would be tired of being a journalist he probably could be a great butler. next -- the butlers don't talk back but this staff does. >> the coat he's got on -- >> what is that 1979? >> writing what they think about you on your receipt. fat girls? this guy is a jerk? that's just for starters. coming up. [ gasps ] becky! what are you doing? dishes? with your hands? you have a shoot tomorrow! gloves, gloves!
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relax. i've got palmolive® soft touch. the formula is infused with vitamin e. it leaves greasy dishes sparkling clean and my hands touchably soft. see? that's why she's the number one hand model. it's so pretty. i mean the bottle. [ female announcer ] palmolive® soft touch. tough on grease. soft on hands. lets you connect up to 25 devices on one easy to manage plan. that means your smartphone, her blackberry, his laptop, mark's smartphone but i'm still on vacation. still on the plan. nice! so is his tablet, that guy's hotspot, the intern's tablet-- the intern gets a tablet? everyone's devices. his, hers-- oh, sorry. all easier to manage on the share everything plan for small business. connecting more so you can do more. that's powerful. verizon. get the blackberry z10 for $199.99. chalky... not chalky. temporary... 24 hour. lots of tablets...
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juiciest chapter. what happens when the help gets revenge? one again, here's nick watt. >> i got an order for mike tyson. >> reporter: recently i went for lunch in a texas burger joint. and just listen to what they said, behind my back, about my rather sharp blazer. >> that shiny ass coat he got on. >> hoity toity. >> what is it, 1979? >> reporter: imagine we all knew what servers thought of us. >> i will have the classico pizza without olives. behavior like this, might become a thing of the past. can you open this? it's open. general douche baggery. sending your entree back six times. no more leaving a 1.5% tip and getting away with it. because these days you might be
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outted online by the help. the receipt is now the arena of honest exchange of innermost animosity between the server and the served. and often uploaded by the server for the world to see. here's a zero tip and a p.s. "you could stand to lose a few pounds." or this parsimonious pastor who wrote, "i give god 10%. why do you get 18%?" >> if a server thinks that he or she can get revenge on a customer, they might not only be tempted to do it in the moment, but then to become a social media darling for having done that. >> reporter: but it cuts both ways. >> a seattle bartender turning to associated media. >> reporter: often now servers use the receipt to vent some righteous frustration. how about the love note left on this order, "this guy is a jerk. feel free to spit in it." it's become so common, there's
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now entire websites devoted to collecting these uploaded receipts. >> it's the end of the world as we know it. >> reporter: but this also gets malicious, racist and downright wrong. sometimes the server is way, way in the wrong. >> a korean american customer got something he didn't expect in a restaurant in queens, a racial slur written on his receipt. >> reporter: these three l.a. ladies were labeled "fat girls" by their waiter at c. he was fired. but getting your walking papers isn't the only consequence. the costs can be very high. hyun lee was called ching chong on a cvs receipt. >> it wasn't my name. >> reporter: lawyers are now involved. and you are suing for a million bucks? >> mm-hmm. >> reporter: sounds excessive. >> it sounds excessive, but since they're making $300 billion dollars a year, a million dollars is really not that much. >> reporter: cvs told us in a statement, "while we believe this was an isolated incident that is not in keeping with our values, we have reinforced with store employees our strict
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non-discrimination policy." now check this out. "best butt" from a texas burger joint. holy moley, the owner of that butt must be livid? >> i thought it was cute! >> reporter: or not. her compliment went ridiculously viral. >> it went front page of reddit within five minutes. >> reporter: how interesting. while some of the other examples we've shown you have been malicious and under the table, at the twsited root in dallas, the same place that poked fun at my blazer -- >> what is it, 1979? >> reporter: it is exactly the opposite situation. the help here is encouraged, instructed, to openly type risque, ego boosting remarks about the customers. taking the potential receipt comment pitfall, and turning it into marketing gold. we used our hidden cameras to capture his customers' honest reactions to his restaurants shtick. >> look at your receipt. >> thank you!
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>> best looking, great smile. i don't mean to be presumptuous but i think it might have been you. they certainly have their fun with the clientele. can i see your receipt? >> great smile, best hair. >> reporter: but don't people get offended by the best butts, the sexiest person? does anyone get offended by that? >> no, they actually think it's pretty humorous. >> reporter: and even if a customer is offended, this staff doesn't give an armadillo's ass if you run to twitter to complain. >> the customer ain't always right. >> reporter: but at the twisted root, most people seem to love it. >> i did! i was thrilled! >> reporter: the take away from our tawdry tale, read your receipt. you might be missing an insult. or a come on. you might be missing an insult. or a come on. giddy-up.temperature: 72 degree.
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can be a moment of delicious wonder. the latest -- new mccafé blueberry pomegranate smoothie. sweet blueberries, raspberries, and a splash of pomegranate juice. there's always something new to love from mccafé. and a splash of pomegranate juice. kids, thaand my grill.lothes... and one more... butler in a box? kmart still doesn't sell monkeys. but we have everything else you need for father's day- including surprise points for members. check to see if you got 'em. kmart. it all starts here. in our homes, our minds. we can share every second in data dressed as pixels. and it is spectacular. so why would you cap that? my iphone 5 can see every point of view... every panorama, the entire gallery of humanity. i need to upload all of me. i need, no, i have the right to be unlimited. make the most of your iphone 5 with truly unlimited data and 4g lte. switch your number to any iphone on sprint
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