tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC June 10, 2013 11:35pm-12:36am PDT
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>> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- amy adams. dave franco. and music from lady antebellum. with cleto and the cletones. and now, face the facts, here's jimmy kimmel! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i am jimmy kimmel, i'm host of "the jimmy kimmel show." thanks for coming. it means the world to me. it means everything.
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you know, we're back tonight for our first night back from a week-long vacation. and you may have noticed, i bought a beard while i was on vacation. [ laughter ] and his name is guillermo! [ cheers and applause ] guillermo and cleto and i, we went on vacation together over the weekend. did you have fun? >> a lot of fun. it was great. >> jimmy: we went to vancouver, which really is one of the greatest cities on the earth. what happened? you ate too much, you feel like? >> i ate too much and i drink too much. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. we got home on sunday and yesterday guillermo tweeted this. he said, "good morning, friends. this is terrible. i gained four pounds." [ laughter ] you gained four pounds? we were there like 2 1/2 days. >> i did. i look at the scale and say oh, no. >> jimmy: you know, we may have to electrify your fork.
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you know twitter isn't your weight watchers diary, right? [ laughter ] guillermo feels the need to share every bit of his health with everyone that follows him. and he followed that tweet up with this. he tweeted the letter m. just the letter m. and somehow he got 12 favorites and 17 retweets. what were you trying to say? >> that was my son. >> jimmy: oh, that was your son. >> yeah. i give him the phone so he can leave me alone. >> jimmy: i see. okay. i hope the extra four pounds doesn't affect your endorsement deal with abercrombie & fitch. >> i hope not. >> jimmy: here's something you might want to pay attention to. this is a photo of an employee at taco bell who appears to be -- licking a stack of taco shells. the photo went viral, as they say, after the kid posted on his facebook page. taco bell said the picture was taken as part of an internal contest and the shells were
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thrown away immediately. so they were never given to customers. put that back up for a second. you really have to be careful with something like this. this is very similar to what happened to michael douglas. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] it isn't? oh, no. you get that? the nba finals are set. san antonio will play miami, although i should have said spoiler alert, i guess. game one is miami on thursday. the heat beat the pacers. are you guys from indiana? is that why? all right. well, it was a great series, except for the last game, which wasn't. but i think really what hurt the pacers was justin bieber, who was there distracting them, rooting for the heat in one of the most ridiculous outfits ever assembled. sunglasses indoors, bad. gold chains, leather shirt. and you can't see, he's wearing leather pants, too. he's dressed like a cute little glove. [ laughter ] and that hat, is it my imagination, or is that hat floating above his head?
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it's not -- is that how you're supposed to wear hats now? it reminds me of another famous hat aficionado. a young teen idol. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] even he had more of a fit. this is pretty great. this is another youtube phenom, psy, the gangnam style guy, you know. south korean guy. he sat down for an interview on hughes tv. the reporter asked something that the green day front man billie jo armstrong said about him. and just enjoy watching this unfold. >> billie joe armstrong said you are the herpes of music. you just keep coming back. what do you think about that? >> what is herpe? >> herpes is when you get a sore on your mouth. it's a sexually transmitted infection. >> is it like disease? >> yeah, and it doesn't go away. like it fades away for a minute and then it pops back up. >> oh. hmm. >> what do you think about that?
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>> i kind of like it. that's good. >> i think it's a positive. in fairness. >> you know, what's it call? herpe? >> herpes. >> so he's saying i'm like a herpes? >> yeah. >> oh. >> like a fever blister that won't go away. >> i should say something to him. what is his name? >> billy joe armstrong. there you go. how's that? >> from green day. he's saying i'm like herpes, keep coming back. i think it's really cool, and i appreciate that. thank you. >> jimmy: you're welcome. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] i don't know if he's polite or a language barrier. we do need to get him on "celebrity jeopardy" immediately. this is another music note. this happened over the weekend at the wichita river festival, which is a multiday concert they have every year on the arkansas river. a band of young musicians were covering the black sabbath song
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"war pigs." these are kids, i think, playing the song. all of a sudden the crowd came to life. ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: right into the mosh pool. the floating stage. in our last show, a guy rocked so hard he drowned. tiger woods is about to sign another big endorsement deal. tiger said to be very close to signing a huge new deal with nike. nike was one of the few sponsors that stuck with him through his lady troubles.
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at this point tiger already has more money than he could possibly ever spend. but he's excited about this deal in particular because it brings him something he doesn't have, which is even more money. and -- well, here's the tape of the new tiger woods ad campaign. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] hard to put that on his sweat band. they'll figure it out. kim kardashian and kanye west as you may have heard are expecting a baby girl. finally a girl kardashian. the news was revealed on sunday night's premiere on "keeping up with the kardashians."
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remember a few weeks ago when she said she wanted to become a more private person? that was funny. they went for a check-up and the doctor said he could tell it was a girl right away because she was doing duck lips in the sonogram. the sad part is, you know, when the baby is -- when this baby is born, legally it belongs to ryan seacrest. they have to hand it over. he's the producer of her show. and i guess his contract has some kind of rumpelstiltskin clause. he owns any baby offspring of the kardashian clan. anything having to do with this kardashian baby is big news right now. so we decided to take advantage of that. now, the kid isn't even due until sometime next month. but we went out onto hollywood boulevard today to ask where they were when they found out kim kardashian and kanye west had their baby. keep in mind, the baby has not been born. so answering this question is -- it's impossible to answer it truthfully. but for some reason people felt
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the need to answer it anyway. on tonight's edition of "lie witness news." >> where were you when you found out that kim and kanye had their baby? >> i was at home, i think. >> how did you find out? >> twitter. >> who tweeted it? >> everybody. >> where were you when you found out kim and kanye had their baby? >> at home reading the blogs about kim's outfit that she wore that looked like a couch. >> where did you find out? >> i saw it on the e! network with the news going across. >> what do you think about the fact that she gave birth to the baby in a bathtub full of crystal? >> to each his own. >> what do you think of the baby's name? kimye klondike kardashian? >> i mean, i think it's cool that she has a mix of both the mom and the dad's name. >> i think it's fabulous. i think it's perfect. kim with a k, kardashian. klondyke.
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>> what do you think about the fact that khloe bit off the umbilical cord? >> i heard that cord blood is very healthy. so maybe, you know, it was beneficial. >> are you high? >> yes. very much so. >> i think i bit the umbilical cord of a cat one time. >> why? >> because he was screaming like meow, meow. >> do you find it offputting they already are selling the placenta as a fragrance? >> that's nasty. i didn't even know about that. that's nasty. i can understand placenta to use for your hair to keep your hair growing or your nails. but as a fragrance that's nasty. >> what do you think about kim claiming to be a virgin? >> no. wrong. >> she's got a sex tape somewhere. >> did you watch it? if we found it for you, would you want to watch it? >> yeah.
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>> can't see. >> oh, yeah, she's licking something. >> yeah. okay. >> do you want to watch more? >> no, that's good. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: all right, we're going to take a break. when we come back -- when we come back, i will update you on the ongoing crack controversy surrounding the mayor of toronto. plus amy adams, dave franco and music from lady antebellum are coming up. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ if you're seeing spots before your eyes... it's time... for aveeno® positively radiant face moisturizer. [ female announcer ] only aveeno® has an active naturals total soy formula that instantly brightens skin. and helps reduce the look of brown spots in just 4 weeks.
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for healthy radiant skin. try it for a month. then go ahead and try to spot a spot. aveeno® positively radiant. naturally beautiful results. aveeno® positively radiant. give craftsman tools y and give dad the ability to make even more. from everyday projects to the ones that last a lifetime. give the latest in craftsman tools and make more than just his day. craftsman made to make ♪ ♪
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♪ [ female announcer ] delta touch2o technology for your kitchen and bathroom. precisely in tune with every touch. see what delta can do. taste so great? it's made from real fruit flavors and sweetened with honey. lipton tea & honey. real ingredients just taste great. feel the delicious taste of lipton tea & honey. people have been daring them to clean up tough messes. my fans think a paper towel can't handle this. ♪ that is tough when wet. [ peggy ] grab viva and break the rules on all your tough messes. but once a week i let her play sheriff so i can wash it. i use tide to get out those week old stains... and downy to get it fresh and soft. you are free to go! [ lilly ] happy father's day from tide and downy.
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[ kids ] a bunch! what would you buy with all this money you saved? i'd buy a change-o machine so i could change my brother into a puppy. change-o machine? couldn't you just buy an actual puppy? but if my brother's a puppy i could bring him to show and tell and say, "here's my puppy brother!" well when you say it like that it makes perfect sense. [ male announcer ] it's not complicated. saving is better. come to at&t and trade up to iphone 5. get it now for $99.99 when you trade in your current smartphone. ♪ [ crunching ] [ trumpet alert! ] [ orbit girl ] don't let food hang around. [ laughs ] clean it up [ ding! ] with sugar free orbit! fabulous! for that just-brushed clean feeling... ♪ eat, drink, chew orbit uhh... [ grunts ] i'll have a redd's apple ale. [ male announcer ] redd's apple ale. crisp like an apple, brewed like an ale.
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hurry in today for the amazing new subway $4 lunch. >> jimmy: welcome back. amy adams, dave franco, and lady antebellum are on the way. before i get to them i feel it's my duty as a host of a talk show on haines to give you an update on last night's episode of "the bachelorette." regular viewers of this show know that i am fascinated by how often the word "amazing" is used on both "the bachelor" and "the bachelorette."
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hundreds and hundreds of times, maybe thousands of times. every season i think that's it, it's over, they're going to realize, they have to be aware of the fact they're saying "amazing" every ten seconds and eventually they're going to stop, right? well, let's go to the tote board. >> amazing. >> it is amazing. >> you look amazing. >> the city looks amazing. >> it's all been amazing. >> they all did an amazing job. >> i have this amazing family. >> the date's going amazing. >> they've all done an amazing job. >> it's amazing. >> it's amazing. >> so amazing. >> that's an amazing -- >> an amazing wave. >> such an amazing ride. >> that was amazing. >> so amazing. >> this is amazing. >> that was amazing. >> so amazing. >> this is amazing. >> amazing. >> amazing. >> amazing. >> amazing. >> amazing. >> amazing. >> this is amazing. >> she looks amazing. the car looks amazing. and right then i knew that i was about to have an amazing date. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's a new record. 33. it's going up. and by the way, they edit the show, which means they're cutting lots of amazings out. it's amazing. in technology news have you
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heard of google glass? these are google's magic new glasses that allow you to see your computer screen while you're walking around. they're expected to be released i think late this year or early next year. they're already creating apps for them. developers. google has already officially banned one of the apps. it's an app that allows you to watch sexually explicit material. i love you that can't even buy these glasses and already google has to ban us from using them for porn. [ laughter ] by the way, is google saying they don't want to use their products to look for pornography? it's like domino's saying they don't want people to use their products to eat pizza. it's why it's there. the door's open, bing. you're already named after the sound of an erection. go for it. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] i got a video today. this took place outside a penitentiary in brazil. apparently, there are sheep roaming outside it, and they're not the friendly kind of sheep you count to sleep.
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watch this. this is good. i don't know if he thinks it's another sheep or what. the woman's very calm. she just kind of swats the sheep away. now the husband's mad. they've got a standoff going. this one has a bell, by the way. which means this is someone's pet. get out of here, you. i'm not going anywhere.
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wow. i'm going to give every one of those rounds to the sheep. [ cheers and applause ] to be killed by a sheep. that's a hell of a way to go. meanwhile, in canada, i am absolutely in love with the mayor of toronto. toronto mayor rob ford, two reporters from the local newspaper, "toronto star," two very reputable reporters say they saw a video of a man who appears to be mayor ford smoking what appears to be crack cocaine with drug dealers. the video has not surfaced yet. but a number of the mayor's key staff resigned last week. and things are not going well in general. but mayor ford is sticking in, and he has a great spin on this. over the weekend a toronto deejay asked the mayor if he thought the drug controversy was hurting the city. and mayor ford said no. he said, anytime you get toronto on the map. [ laughter ] by the way, this is the map he was referring to. cities in which the mayor has been accused of smoking crack. you've got washington, d.c. with mayor marion barry.
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you've got toronto with mayor rob ford. and that's it. pretty exclusive club. [ cheers and applause ] very small club. despite all the controversy, he refuses to resign. he said he's hard at work for the people of toronto. incredibly hard at work. in fact, he has not stopped working for the last 79 hours in a row. and it seems like he actually believes the attention toronto is getting as a result of this mess will be good for tourism there. >> hi. i'm rob ford, mayor of toronto. the most exciting city in the world. come visit us and experience everything that toronto has to offer. did you know that toronto is north america's fifth largest city? well, now you do. our city boasts over 50 hockey rinks and the hockey hall of fame. he shoots, he scores! the cn tower is 1,815 feet tall. take a ride to the top, you'll be so high!
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we have a bustling night life. no wonder they call toronto the city that never sleeps. oh, we've got zoos. mm. oh, if you need a crack nap, just sidle up to one of the many dumpsters on edgemont. no, seriously. what the [ bleep ] is this? it looks like crack. it looks like crack, come here, baby. come here, baby! >> this message brought to you by the toronto board of tourism. visit toronto. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: tonight on the bill dave franco is here. we have music from lady antebellum. and we'll be right back with lois lane herself, amy adams, so hang out. [ cheers and applause ]
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temperature: 72 degrees... wow, nice. uh huh, voice -activated, and great gas mileage. better than choosing voice activated or great gas mileage. ha, that'd be like police who protect or serve... police! freeze! hey! can we get you something to eat!? we have a delicious sea bass. served with roasted vegetables or rice. i like "and" better. yeah "and" is better. the 2013 edge. only ford gives you ecoboost fuel economy and a whole lot more. go further. look the samsung galaxy s4. phones it's like what i've got. look how big the screen is! that is big. and, walmart will give you a $50 gift card when you get the phone. sold! get the latest smart phones on t-mobile's nationwide 4g network, and get a $50 gift card. walmart.
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>> jimmy: tonight on the program he has a new movie called "now you see me." it is in theaters now. dave franco is here. and then, with music from this new album called "golden," lady antebellum from the sony outdoor stage. and a quick programming note. i know this is strange. we have two new shows for you on thursday. watch us in primetime thursday night for "jimmy kimmel live game night." our guests will be will smith and 2-year-old basketball phenom "trick-shot titus" will face off against the great free throw shooter shaquille o'neal. [ laughter ] you can see that before game one of the nba finals eastern and central time and after game one on the west coast. it's confusing i know but figure it out. then at our regular time we'll be joined by jonah hill, i'll take on our new national spelling bee champ, and we'll have music from the lonely island with alanis morissette too. so please join us then. [ cheers and applause ] our first guest is a multi-oscar and golden globe-nominated actress who plays one of the great alliteratively named comic
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characters of all time. she is lois lane in the much-anticipated 2d, 3d and imax "man of steel." it opens in theaters june 14th. please welcome amy adams. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: how are you doing? you look great. everything all right? >> you look really good, too. i like it. >> jimmy: like the beard? i'm going to keep it for one day. i have a theory that america doesn't trust people in beards, except for wolf blitzer. >> really? >> jimmy: how are you? by the way -- there have been superman fans camped out outside the theater since this morning. >> wow, that's awesome. >> jimmy: isn't that strange? they haven't even seen you in the movie and they've already grabbed onto you and they will never, ever let you go. >> never. i know. no, it's cool. i think henry is in for it because he's really something. >> jimmy: yes, he is. yeah. he's -- he's a very muscular
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guy. he must work out or something. >> he must. i don't know. or eat right. one of the two. >> jimmy: i don't know what's going on with him. but lois lane. it must be exciting to be lois lane. >> it is. >> jimmy: i would like to be lois lane. i'm not even a woman. >> you could probably pull it off. get a wig. >> jimmy: you think so? maybe in the next reboot. >> maybe there will be a sequel. you can be my -- what is it, bizarro lois lane. >> jimmy: there you go. that would be bizarro indeed. you were working on the movie "the master" right before you started on superman. >> i was. it was like a really quick turnover. it was a matter of days. so it was kind of crazy because we were -- i don't know how many of you have seen "the master." but it's a very intense and very sort of quiet drama. and coming onto set and i'm being dangled -- spoiler alert if anyone's watching. i'm being held by superman and he's -- we're dangling over a corn field, like being dropped 40 feet. it was pretty -- >> jimmy: i like how you say dangled.
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because superman doesn't really -- or maybe he does dangle. i'm not sure. >> i love that. superman dangling, yeah, you're right. >> jimmy: is it fun being on one of those? it seems like it would be the worst thing in the world, hanging on one of those wires while acting. >> you know what? i actually loved it. it's really weird when you're just getting to know someone, though. because i didn't know henry so well. and we're like scrapped, and i'm literally like strapped to him. so, how's it going? it's really nice to meet you. you look good in the suit. what do you say? >> jimmy: your first day together you're dangling? >> our first -- yeah. >> jimmy: that's weird. you'd think you'd ease into it. >> face to face, inches apart. the girls are like, yeah, hard day's work. >> jimmy: no kidding. so you go on vacation now? is that the plan? >> no. i'm not going to go on vacation. i'm working up in vancouver. i don't seem to ever take vacations. so i was like i know, i'll road trip up to vancouver. >> jimmy: you're going to have fun. guillermo and i had a big golf weekend in vancouver. >> in vancouver? i heard that. >> jimmy: inside joke. >> i heard about your golf weekend.
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>> jimmy: you're going to be shooting in vancouver? >> i'll be shooting there. so i thought oh, i'll just road trip up there. >> jimmy: with the family. >> with the family. >> jimmy: how old is your daughter? >> my daughter is 3. so i don't know. i'm probably not going to do that. >> jimmy: that sounds like a terrible plan. doesn't it? >> but i love road trips. i'm just like -- i love a road trip. >> jimmy: is she a good traveler? >> she is a good traveler. i mean, yeah. she absolutely -- she's really good. but i mean -- >> jimmy: i remember driving with my daughter when she was maybe a little younger than that. just from phoenix to palm springs, which is only a four-hour drive. and i was almost crying, she was crying so much. >> jimmy: you know what? kids nowadays they have all these gadgets and gizmos. we didn't have any of that growing up. >> jimmy: yeah, that's true. that is true. >> you had to stare at your siblings and try not to kill them. >> jimmy: trying to play stratego on the seats while -- >> exactly. >> jimmy: you have a big family, right? >> one of seven. >> jimmy: could you ever go on a car trip together? >> that's the only way we could get anywhere. because flying was out of the question. >> jimmy: you had a van or something? >> what is it? i think the ford econoline.
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then a subaru station wagon. we'd of course be unrestrained. i'm always throwing my parents under the bus. i'm so sorry. i know it was a different time. but we were seven of us unrestrained and -- >> jimmy: because they literally threw you under the bus. >> yeah, right? >> jimmy: no seat belts, none of that stuff. >> no seat belts. it used to be a real thing to see who could ride in the back of the station wagon. unrestrained in the back of the station wagon. >> jimmy: yeah, we had that, too. but i'm quite a bit older than you. for my parents it was old-timey. for your parents really they should be incarcerated. is it true you worked at hooters after high school? >> i did. yeah. it was my first job after high school. i had plenty of jobs. as you can see, a natural fit. i did my best. >> jimmy: which hooters did you work at? >> i worked downtown denver hooters. >> jimmy: downtown denver shooters. >> i started out as a hostess. that was like a really nice golf outfit. and then -- i was so naive. i was like, this is great. it's like -- because it's summer and i'm in shorts.
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working in the big city. >> jimmy: big vats of oil bubbling around me. >> oh, yeah. but the wings are so good. >> jimmy: do you ever go in there still? >> no, but i've had people get takeout wings for me. >> jimmy: i see. you can't go in there because you're worried they won't release you this time. >> exactly, i know. >> jimmy: what did your dad think about the fact you worked at hooters? >> you know, i didn't really care. isn't that horrible? like no one laughs. they're like ooh. you didn't care. no, it was -- because i was a dancer -- let me explain. i was a ballet dancer and, like, if you go on stage in leotards and tights. so i wasn't a -- i wasn't a rowdy child. so nobody was really worried. >> jimmy: you were behaving yourself. >> they were just happy i was earning money to buy my own car and not hitting them up. >> jimmy: a car with a seat belt. >> a seat belt, yeah. a chevy citation. >> jimmy: we're going to take a break. when we come back, we're going to see a clip from "man of steel," the new superman movie. amy adams! [ cheers and applause ]
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[ male announcer ] everyday thousands of people are choosing advil. here's one story. my name is taho and i'm a fish guy. it's a labor of love. it's a lot of labor and it's a lot of love. i don't need to go to the gym. my job is my workout. you're shoveling ice all day long. it's rough on the back. it's rough on the shoulders. i get muscle aches all over. advil is great. pain and soreness is just out of the picture. [ male announcer ] make the switch. take action. take advil. and if pain keeps you up, sleep better with advil pm.
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i'm very excited about making the shrimp and lobster pot pie. we've never cooked anything like this before. [ male announcer ] introducing red lobster's seaside mix & match. combine any 2 of 7 exciting choices on one plate for just $12.99! like new cheddar bay shrimp & lobster pot pie, and new parmesan crunch shrimp. plus salad and unlimited cheddar bay biscuits. combine any 2 for just $12.99. [ stewart ] for the seaside mix & match, we're really mixing it up. there's just so many combinations to try. i'm stewart harrington, red lobster line cook, and i sea food differently. this is another! ta-daa! try charmin ultra strong. it cleans so well and you can use up to four times less than the leading value brand. oh! there it is. thanks son. hey! [ female announcer ] charmin ultra strong has a duraclean texture that can help you get clean while still using less. and it's four times stronger versus the leading value brand. charmin ultra strong helps keep you and your underwear clean.
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surrender if i resisted. i've got to make them feel more secure. >> what's the s stand for? >> it's not an "s." on my world it means hope. >> well, here it's an "s." how about -- >> sir? >> jimmy: that is "man of steel." amy adams. lois lane. [ cheers and applause ] boy, right at the beginning of the movie henry has no shirt on and even i was swooning, i have to tell you. >> yeah. my 3-year-old daughter was swooning. so -- >> jimmy: was she really? >> yeah. i think it's her first crush. which is really cute because my first crush was superman as well. >> jimmy: which superman? >> christopher reeve. >> jimmy: oh, christopher reeve. that was your first crush? >> yeah. [ cheers and applause ] so it's kind of great because i now have that in common with my daughter. yeah. >> jimmy: my daughter's first crush was tom welling, who
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played superman on "smallville." >> i did a guest spot on "smallville." and that's why. >> jimmy: because of tom welling? oh. you've got a thing for superman in general. >> i do. it's the suit. >> jimmy: so you're part of this superman world already without even -- and do people mention it to you a lot? because it is -- it's semi-fanatical. >> yeah. i mean, it's really cool. it's overwhelming to kind of step into something like that. but yeah, the people do know that i was on "smallville." because the people who know superman really follow. but i watched all of that stuff, too. >> jimmy: oh, you did? >> yeah. >> jimmy: so you could actually stalk yourself in a way. >> i do stalk me. >> jimmy: stand in line for your own autograph at a superman autograph show. >> and then i could say no to myself and like walk off. >> jimmy: well, it's great to see you. i mean, the movie's going to be a huge blockbuster hit. it's a lot of fun to watch. it's called "man of steel." it opens in theaters june 14th. amy adams, everybody. we'll be right back with dave franco. [ cheers and applause ]
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[ engine revs ] ♪ [ male announcer ] just when you thought you had experienced performance, a new ride comes along and changes everything. ♪ the 2013 lexus gs, with a dynamically tuned suspension and adjustable drive modes. because the ultimate expression of power is control. this is the pursuit of perfection. look the samsung galaxy s4. phones because the ultimate expression of power is control. it's like what i've got. look how big the screen is! that is big. and, walmart will give you a $50 gift card when you get the phone. sold! get the latest smart phones on t-mobile's nationwide 4g network, and get a $50 gift card. walmart. uhhh...pppffftttt... ooof!!
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guest comes from one of those families where if you're not a movie star they'll kick you out. you know him from "21 jump street" and "warm bodies." his latest is the magic caper "now you see me," which is in theaters now. please welcome dave franco. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: how are you doing? >> good, man. how are you doing? >> jimmy: i'm doing well. your brother james has been here several times. >> that's right. >> jimmy: a very nice guy. unusual guy. you have an unusual family. is that fair to say? >> very much so. yeah, yeah. as you can imagine. we were a very strange artsy family. and, for example, you know, every holiday season we tend to have new family traditions. like there was a period where we all took swing dance lessons together. and then in recent years we've all gone christmas caroling. and so this -- >> jimmy: that's not too -- well, i guess it is a little weird. >> it's -- yeah, yeah, it's strange. trust me. so this most recent holiday season a new tradition was born. where i remember coming home one night and i found my family in the living room sitting in a circle waiting for me. and i remember thinking this is ominous. and i was right. because what was going on is my mom had decided that we were all
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going to perform a one-act play for no one, just us. no audience. and how it worked is we would pair off and each pair was going to read a part of the play and pass it on. so my partner was my 90-year-old grandmother. >> jimmy: your grandma has been here on the show. >> yeah, mitz the vitz. so -- so i would say that the one line from the play that still resonates with me six months after the fact is when my grandmother's character says to mine, "i know you're here just because you want to [ bleep ] me." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what? >> that's christmas with the francos. >> jimmy: who wrote this play? >> it was a david ives play. >> jimmy: it existed before. so your mom didn't -- >> my mom made a conscious choice, though, to do this play. yeah, yeah. yeah, typical. >> jimmy: and again this is christmas time? >> right, right. happiest time of the year.
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yeah. >> jimmy: what the hell is going on? >> i'm with you, man. >> jimmy: your brother brought your grandma here to the show last time he was here. does she love this kind of stuff? >> oh, yeah, she eats it up. and i mean, she -- she lived in cleveland, ohio. she's a local celebrity now. she was on the oscars. they gave her a line about marky mark. she's the greatest. yeah. >> jimmy: i'm still recovering from the line that she got from your mother. >> understandably so. yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: your mother is an actor as well? >> yeah, my mom's pretty amazing. ever since i got serious about acting and my brother's been serious for a while, she wanted to find a way to relate to us. so she started taking drama classes at stanford university in palo alto where we grew up. so it was really sweet. >> jimmy: i would be horrified by that. mom, get out of my life! >> i did the opposite. i actually -- i asked her to be in one of my shorts that i do for the website >> jimmy: you asked your mother to be in your shorts? >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: what the hell kind of
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a family -- >> hear me out. so if you're aware of any of the work i do on that website, you know that it's -- my stuff is fairly x-rated. so asking my mother to be part of one was definitely a choice. anyway, this particular video is about two friends playing a game of would you rather. and the twist is that whichever option you decide it magically comes true. so -- so -- >> jimmy: i can't even imagine where we're headed with this. >> right. so my friend in the video, the two options she presents to me are would you rather watch your parents have sex, but it was a lot more graphic than that, or would you rather manipulate yourself while your mother watches you do that. are you with me? all right. >> jimmy: hold on. let me see if i can piece this together. >> right, right, right. so my character chooses the second option, which magically comes true.
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and yeah, i flew my mother down to l.a. to film that scene with me. >> jimmy: did you tell her beforehand what it was going to be? >> well, i called her up and i gave her the pitch and kind of went through the details of the scene. and there was kind of an eight-second pause on her end of her line and finally she was like yeah, that sounds fun. i was like all right, that's definitely a strong word for this situation, but let's do this. i don't know if she was aware of this, but i had a little bit to drink before that scene. >> jimmy: i would think so. >> yeah, it was something. >> jimmy: and you're method, right? so you have to go all the way with this? >> yeah. yep. >> jimmy: that's a joke. [ laughter ] so "now you see me" is a big hit. it's a big deal, right? >> it's crazy. yeah, yeah. thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you play like a tough magician. >> yeah, somewhat -- i guess for me tough, yeah. i have this big action sequence in the movie where i fight mark ruffalo.
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you know, i'm not the most physically imposing guy in the world. i grew up on the mean streets of palo alto, california. so believe it or not, i've never been in a fight before. this is like the most real fight i've ever been in. so -- you know, it's all technically fake, but you're still wrestling and rolling around and getting bruised up. and i guess i can walk away from the whole experience and say that not only did i win my first fight, but i kicked the hulk's ass. >> jimmy: you did? there you go. [ cheers and applause ] >> yeah! >> jimmy: member of the very sick franco family. dave. his movie is called "now you see me." it is in theaters now. thank you. we'll be right back with music from lady antebellum. [ cheers and applause ] >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is brought to you by sony.
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"golden," is out now. here with the song, "goodbye town," lady antebellum! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ right there's the high school where we met ♪ ♪ we'd sneak out back for a couple kisses and a cigarette ♪ ♪ and that parking lot was our first date ♪ ♪ and her momma slammed the door when i dropped her off too late ♪ ♪ she's gone ♪ chasing that highway wind ♪ she's gone ♪ she ain't coming back again ♪ this ain't nothing but a good-bye town ♪ ♪ these streets are only bringing me down ♪ ♪ gotta find a way to finally get out ♪
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♪ out of this good-bye town ♪ ♪ we sat down on those courthouse steps ♪ ♪ fourth of july those fireworks over our heads ♪ ♪ and they'd ring the bells of that little church ♪ ♪ no there ain't nowhere i can look that doesn't hurt ♪ ♪ she's gone ♪ but i still feel her on my skin ♪ ♪ she's gone ♪ and she ain't coming back again ♪ ♪ this ain't nothing ♪ nothing but a good-bye town ♪ these streets are only bringing me down ♪ ♪ trying to find a way to finally get out ♪
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♪ out of this good-bye town ♪ oh, no ♪ i can't erase the memories ♪ and i can't burn the whole place down ♪ ♪ no, this ain't nothing ♪ nothing but a good-bye town ♪ to hell if i'm sticking around ♪ ♪ gotta find a way to finally get out ♪ ♪ out of this good-bye town ♪ oh, yeah ♪ i'm out of this good-bye town ♪
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