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tv   Nightline  ABC  June 15, 2013 12:35am-1:06am PDT

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titus, are you ready to do this? >> yeah. >> jimmy: do you like to shoot basketballs? >> yeah. >> jimmy: do you think you can beat kobe? >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: do you think -- will you conquer any man who stands in your way? [ cheers and applause ] all right, we'll take that as a yes. all right, cousin sal will put 30 seconds on the clock. >> all right, 30 seconds. i still can't get over how terrible he was. all right, ready and -- shoot! >> jimmy: and here goes titus. he misses the first.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> we have a tie, we have a tie-tus! wow. congratulations to both of you. good job, buddy. very good job. >> can you give five? >> jimmy: why didn't you shoot like that against me? [ laughter ] well, kobe has a special gift for titus. guillermo, bring out the gift. oh, there you go. [ cheers and applause ] put them right there, man. all right, let's put those on him. these are -- [ laughter ] just what you need to really make it to the nba. oh, is that hurting you, buddy? >> yeah. >> jimmy: okay. >> can you walk a little? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you want to walk with them? all right. oh, there you go. perfect. thank you, kobe bryant. thank you, titus. thank you, joseph. good night, everybody. [ cheers and applause ]
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tonight, on "nightline." >> it's time the shake up the world? little warriors, relentless, and inside a cage these tiny gladiators train each week to win. but are they being pushed too far? from the tops of skyscrapers to the depths of sewers, everywhere in between, we follow a professional tracker with the road less traveled. meet this man, and what has a million moms fuming mad. >> keep it right here, america, "nightline
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from new york city, this is "nightline" with cynthia mcfadden. good evening, mostñi people would be surprised that their child was involved in a playground scuffle, but most parents are not like this dad, who wants to make sure his 10-year-old daughter is a champion in cage fighting, one of the most toughest sports. and as we learned, he is not alone. >> focus, focus, focus. >> reporter: 10-year-old nadia barrientos is preparing to defend her title. they call her the beast. that is her dad at the side of her treadmill. >> how bad do you want that championship goal? >> really bad. >> really bad? >> reporter: tough as any drill
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sergeant. >> i was in the military, and i used to push people to the limit. and some people just quit on me. >> reporter: her nemesis is cheyenne bowman, also 10 years old, known as the bulldozer. the bulldozer, is that what you do, knock them down? >> sometimes. >> reporter: two tiny gladiators, about to fight, not in a ring but in a cage. they fought each other before. >> she won me once, i have beaten her twice. >> reporter: today, cheyenne is hoping to take the title. cheyenne and nadia are not even the youngest fighters here. at this competition in san diego, there are kids here as young as five as their parents cheer them on. what did you think when you saw this? >> i'm shocked. >> reporter: andy foster is the
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executive officer of the california state athletic commission. he oversees all fighting sports in the golden state. after watching video from a similar tournament, which a kid accidentally took a blow to the head he stopped that tournament. he says kids have no business being cage fighters. and you come at this from a position of knowledge? you're familiar with this sport? >> that is correct, i was a previously mixed martial artist and amateur boxer. i feel like i'm well versed in martial arts and i don't believe in what i saw. >> reporter: what is it you worry about? >> i worry about the safety of the children. >> reporter: about six million girls and boys practice one form or another learning valuable lessons of discipline and physical fitness. >> i'm okay with them practicing with their coaches. but when they step into a competitive area and use full compact blows to damage the other person, that is how they win, it comes as a problem.
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>> reporter: but the inspiration these days is not the karate kid, it is contests like the ultimate fighting championships, the mma video games are hugely popular with kids. so it is probably only natural kids would want to get into the game for real. >> you know, soccer is a nice, safe sport, so is little league. why did you choose this? >> we tried that. >> reporter: girls not only fight each other. they sometimes fight boys. is it a fairly common thing to do for girls these days? >> it is getting bigger. >> reporter: and how do the boys feel about that, getting their butts kicked by girls? >> i never had my butt kicked. >> reporter: some of these kids fighting is a secret identity. christa says her friends don't know what she does. >> she doesn't have school friends, she hangs out with the people at the gym more, she gets
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along with them much better. >> reporter: the gym is her haven, spending three to four hours a day there, practicing how to take somebody down. we showed andy a video of christa fighting, he was impressed, but also horrified. >> she reestablishes the guard at this point, i'm not comfortable with this. and it is a boy versus a girl. at some point we will have a serious injury. >> reporter: fight moms like lindsey beam whose kids are developing their skills? >> we had a beautiful event here just a few weeks ago, no children injured, they all left with smiles on their faces, and they had a great time with medals. >> some child will be injured. >> reporter: foster said that gym organizers and others need to get the message to stop these
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types of tournaments. physicians say he is right. we talked to sports medicine doctors at the scripps clinic, this doctor, paul stricter, says he sees lots of mma injuries. >> when i ask these kids if they had a concussion or been knocked out, the answer is almost always no. if i ask if you have been dazed or foggy after you completed, the answer is almost always yes. >> reporter: but they may have had a concussion without even know it. >> well, they may have had sub-concussions. >> reporter: so you wouldn't let your kids do it? >> absolutely not. >> reporter: so how is it that these tournaments continue to take place in california? >> it is time to shake up the world. >> reporter: even after the athletic commission has stopped similar events. >> to be honest, he probably doesn't know about it. >> reporter: the promoter insists he was not aware of the commissioner's ruling until the
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event. he never received a cease and did desist order. he says if blows to the head happen accidentally, as several did while our cameras were rolling, the referees are on it. the fight gets stopped. >> one point, red, for an illegal strike to the face. >> to me, it is not full contact mma, ask all of the parents that came here. they have 5-year-old girls fighting, training six days a week. and you're going to take away that because of your own views? >> reporter: indeed, these parents fully support their kids. in nadia's case, her dad encourages her to be more aggressive. >> take it down, take it down, you know how you always get on the side clinch, try to turn that into a guillotine. >> i did. >> stop being that way. >> it hurts. >> oh, it hurts.
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>> reporter: but these 10-year-old girls also drive themselves. >> she was always like i don't want to be -- i want to go join mma, it was all her idea, she pushes it. >> it is more like an art for her, a passion, she enjoys it. >> reporter: as if there were not enough pressure, nadia has to lose five pounds to qualify for the weight class, to fight with cheyenne. >> she doesn't do anything drastic, she will eat salads. >> 90 and some change. >> reporter: the coaches keep them in check. >> make sure if you need to cut your pounds, you do it now. >> reporter: back stage on fight day, success, nadia made the weight class, getting down to 88 pounds, losing nearly five pounds in two days. time for the title fight between the beast and the bulldozer. and it is not looking good for nadia. 33 seconds into the first round it is all over.
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and for nadia, the tears start to flow. the bulldozer, cheyenne bowman, takes the title. >> and the new girl's 90-pound champion in the blue. >> reporter: nadia is crushed, like almost every other kid who lost today she weeps in the locker room. you okay? hurts, huh? a tough lesson to absorb at age 10, but she is a tough girl, she will be back. i'm david wright for "nightline," in chula vista, california. well, next up, beyond the boundaries, we follow an explorer would goes where others wouldn't dare set foot. the great outdoors... ...and a great deal. thanks to dad.
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l-qualified lessees can lease the 2014 grand cherokee laredo 4x4 for $359 a month. cheryl burke is cha-cha-ing in depend silhouette briefs for charity, to prove that with soft fabric and waistband, the best protection looks, fits, and feels just like underwear. get a free sample and try for yourself. it's not for colds. it's not for pain. it's just for sleep. because sleep is a beautiful thing™. ♪ zzzquil™. the non-habit forming sleep-aid from the makers of nyquil®.
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if the sight of a no-trespassing sign makes you turn in another direction, you're probably like most people, wary of going where you're not welcome, but for some, it sparks a rush worth risking it all. here is linsay davis. >> reporter: don't worry, he is not about to jump. moses gates just wants to pose for a picture here on new york's
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famed chrysler building. >> it is such an iconic place, everybody knows the chrysler building, will smith was there on men in black 3. it is an amazing experience, and one you know that everybody should be able to have. >> reporter: that experience is well known to urban explorers like gates. for them, every skyscraper, sewer and scaffold is a space just begging to be had. places like the catacombs of paris, a 200 mile maze that holds the remains of 6 million underground hideouts that can even be a place to party. these guys are not afraid to show off their adventures, even though they're technically a group of professional trespassers. on this day he invited me to join him, to try my hand in practicing what he preaches. my first urban exploration. the rocks don't seem quite as
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steady. when you see a sewer, a scaffold, a structure, is it just an expedition waiting to happen? >> i don't really consider it even an adventure anymore, just off the beaten path traveller, like really just a vacation. >> reporter: we climb into a car. >> we're walking along the ledge. >> reporter: and head out into new york city, to find out what fuels his drive to conquer urban jungles. >> i cannot with any eloquence describe why going into a hole in the ground and seeing what is there is cool, but i think people's instincts help them understand it. >> reporter: we were careful not to break any laws for this adventure, but now on foot, getting to the first destination is tricky. since when do you allow the locked gate to stop you? really? but we eventually arrive at the hybrid, the oldest ban there. a fence prevents me from going across it. it looks like a great view actually. >> it really is. >> reporter: how did you ever
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really get interested in this urban exploration? >> i started just by walking around and walking the streets and seeing what i could see. awesome, if you talk to anyone who is really an urbanophile. >> reporter: are you one? >> i am, they may not identify themselves as an urban explorer, but inevitably they have an experience about a man hole, or exploration. >> that will get you on top. >> reporter: but for you it is not really even personal, it is really a larger movement for the greater good, right? you want to see the places that you're able to go to. you want everyone to be able to see them if they choose. >> being able to take risks and these kinds of risks is not something that everybody can do. but yet everybody should be able to see these places. >> reporter: a second bridge we visited is also closed off. is this frustrating to you when you see this type of blockage from people?
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>> yeah, it makes no sense. >> reporter: our poking around here is unfortunately unsuccessful. determined to have one small adventure, we head to our last stop. and face the big challenge of the day. >> this is the borough of manhattan here, and to see if you can get from the mainland of manhattan to new york state, which is the bronx, we're going to cross without getting our feet wet. so we're going to see what is here and also what is there, and maybe we'll be able to get over. >> reporter: we can't get further. >> yeah, the tide is not quite right. so we can actually go around this way. >> reporter: i thought you said we wouldn't get our feet wet. >> how good of a long jumper are you? this is a good place to do it. >> reporter: as we cross, moses was curious, this may just be for an urban explorer, but for
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the whole thing, it is taking a peak. >> you should always try to poke your head around it. >> reporter: as for me, i can now say i walked on water, from the borough of manhattan to new york. from "nightline," i'm linsay davis. next, find out why one major company's newest ad campaign has a million moms up in arms. spokesman i have to look my so bbest on camera.sing
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cheryl burke is cha-cha-ing in depend silhouette briefs for charity, to prove that with soft fabric and waistband, the best protection looks, fits, and feels just like underwear. get a free sample and try for yourself. join us at
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. the sexy salad dressing ad that has got everybody talking, a story of man's best friend, the horse, and a corporation with a sense of humor, all on tonight's frenzy. >> sexy salads, just what do you think this fellow is selling? bet your first guess was not salad dressing, but somehow kraft things zesty guy will want to make you buy their zesty
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italian dressing, the ads have already started to rack up millions of views on youtube. oh, zesty guy even appeared wearing less on a travel magazine, moms call the kraft campaign vulgar and say they're driving away loyal customers. banjo back's looking at colorado's fire forcing residents from their home. this man thought he would have to leave banjo behind. but some nice folks rescued banjo from a flaming field, posted the horse on facebook, and he tracked him down. >> i got my horse back, there is no better feeling in the world. when life gives you lemons, the recent issue with christine
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day, it has not been a great couple of months for workout guru lululemon, but if this job posting is any indication, the irreverent brand will rise again, publishing their website, they posted candidates who are passionate about chief executive's type stuff, can stand on their head for ten minutes straight, speak sanskrit, and have both oprah and bill on speed dial. it is now time for tonight's closing arguments. the season of proms and high school graduations is upon us. and parents everywhere will host parties for their teens, parties that have the potential to get out of hand quickly if underage guests trying to sneak in alcohol. that is a big risk. because parents could have criminal charges against them if


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