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tv   Nightline  ABC  July 12, 2013 12:35am-1:06am PDT

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♪ safe and sound i could lift you up i could show you what you want to see and take ♪ ♪ you where you want to be you could be my luck even if the sky is falling down ♪ ♪ i know that we'll be safe and sound i could lift you up i could show you what ♪ ♪ you want to see and take you where you want to be you could be my luck even if the sky ♪ ♪ is falling down i know that we'll be safe and sound ♪ ♪ safe and sound we're safe and sound
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safe and sound we're safe and sound ♪ ♪ safe and sound we're safe and sound safe and sound we're safe and sound ♪ ♪ hold your ground we're safe and sound safe and sound we're safe and sound ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: capital city, their album is "tidal wave of mystery." i want to thank jeff bridges, jeff lewis, i want to apologize to matt damon, thank you for joining us, "nightline" is next.
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tonight, on "nightline," closing arguments as the trial winds to a close. the prosecutor insists george zimmerman killed trayvon martin. >> a teenager is dead. >> we'll have the latest from a pivotal day in the courtroom and we'll look ahead to tomorrow's defense. he has the skills to be the king of thieves, but this sleight of hand artist is more interested in returning your stuff while blowing your mind. tonight, the greatest pickpocket alive. and what possessed six women to scale britain's tallest skyscraper, and what ha
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from new york city, this is "nightline." with bill weir. good evening, thank you for joining us tonight. well, if anyone on either side of the george zimmerman murder trial was hoping to see emotion out of the accused, they have been sorely disappointed. for three weeks, he has been a courtroom stoic, stoney faced, even as friends took the stand to support him, and equally today, as the prosecution took their closing arguments and labelled him a lying murderer. but there is sure to be emotion, if not from zimmerman, then from the loved ones of trayvon martin who see it as a test case of racial divide. here is more on the zimmerman trial. >> reporter: after 22 heated day
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in the florida courtroom, closing arguments in the george zimmerman trial finally got under way today. with the nation and the victim's parents watching. lead prosecutor, bernie de la rionda wasted no time. >> a teenager is dead, he is dead through no fault of his own. he is dead because another man made assumptions. >> reporter: a jury of six women will decide whether the former neighborhood watchman shot and killed the 17-year-old in 2012 in self defense, or whether he is guilty of murder. >> the law talks about accountability and responsibility for one's actions. >> reporter: the firy prosecutor urging the jury to find zimmerman guilty. suggesting zimmerman lied about screaming for help that night. >> why is he able to yell, and the defendant claims the victim -- how is he going to talk?
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or is he lying about that? >> reporter: it was an emotional and at times, a theatrical performance. >> oh, he gets in the way, la, la, la, that is what he is claiming. >> reporter: but over the top for some court watchers, including the man who defended casey anthony. what did you make of the closing argument? >> i thought it was poorly presented. i think that bernie de la rionda was a better lawyer than that. he relied on his recollection of the inconsistencies, as opposed to pointing them out and spoon feeding the jury for that. >> reporter: he used power point slides, this, in zimmerman's own words to try to convince the jury that zimmerman went off trayvon martin simply because of the way he looked. >> when he profiled a 17-year-old boy, that had skittles. he automatically assumed that
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trayvon martin was a criminal. and that is why we're here. >> reporter: he ripped into zimmerman's credibility. >> do you believe that there is an innocent man sitting over there right now? >> reporter: and again, showed jurors the pictures of martin's dead body. >> this is one of the last photos that will ever be taken of trayvon martin. and that is true because of the actions of one individual, the man before you, the defendant, george zimmerman. >> do you think he did a disservice to trayvon martin? >> i think trayvon martin deserved more. i think the people of the state of florida and the victim, trayvon martin, should have had a clear-cut presentation of the evidence that came out in this case. the inconsistencies, spoon-fed to them, laid out in some way
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other than sarcasm. >> reporter: earlier in the day, judge nelson heard from both sides on what judges the jury would be allowed to consider. >> the information alleges the defendant shot and killed the victim, the victim was under the age of 18. and child abuse must be according to the third degree felony murder instruction defined. >> oh, my god. just when i thought this case couldn't get any more bizarre, the state is seeking a charge based on child abuse. is the state going to give this anymore consideration? because if so we have a lot of talking to do. >> reporter: third degree murder was not a lesser charge. >> it is outrageous that the state would seek to do this at this time in this case. >> reporter: ultimately the judge ruled the jury would be allowed to consider the lesser charge of manslaughter, in addition to the second degree charge of murder, even if he is
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convicted of the lesser charge zimmerman could spend up to 30 years in prison. a continuation of tensions between west and judge nelson. >> the state is seeking this instruction as part of a larger scheme. another trick that the state is seeking because -- >> i don't want to hear the word "trick" anymore, with regard to the arguments. >> reporter: earlier this week, they complained about the marathon hours. >> not physically able to keep up this pace much longer. it is 10:00 at night, we started this morning. we have had full days every day. weekends, depositions at night. >> reporter: west also objecting to the judge's continued insistence that george zimmerman answer the questions of whether or not he would take the stand. >> i object to that question. i think that is -- >> overruled. the court is entitled to acquire as to mr. zimmerman's determination as to whether or not he wants to testify. mr. zimmerman, have you made a decision as to whether or not
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you want to testify in this case? >> no, not at this time. >> okay. >> reporter: he keeps butting heads with the judge, what do you make of that? >> he is an excellent defense attorney but he has gotten on the nerves of this judge. and it doesn't help his client for the judge not to like him. i think the saving grace is that the judge clearly likes mark o'mara, they're playing sort of good cop, bad cop. >> reporter: it is pure diplomatic throughout the trial. would you say it got personal between the attorneys and the judge? >> well, between the term is, i think there is animosity, i think it has shown itself in the courtroom. the judge handles it very well, does what she needs to do to have a fair trial. i'm concerned about the rulings, but i respect her rulings. >> reporter: even though the theatrics continued, he says he is ready for everything. >> our entire police department
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will be ready. there is no vacation or furloughs, unless you're off sick and you have to be physically off sick. you will be working at some point. >> reporter: even though race has only been mentioned in passing, trayvon martin's death made this case a national flash point. >> solidarity. >> reporter: why do you think it is that people feel so strongly about this case? >> i think it is because of who is involved. you have the victim in the case, an unarmed african-american teenager. and the person who committed the crime is essentially a white male, although he is biracial, he is essentially thought of and identified as a white male. so given the dynamics, it becomes a racial issue. even though we'll never find out if it was motivated at that point in time. >> reporter: back in court, zimmerman stared blankly ahead, until the end of the day. >> the man before you, george zimmerman, the man who was guilty of second degree murder.
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thank you. >> reporter: tomorrow morning, it will be the defense's turn to try to persuade the jury one last time that george zimmerman killed trayvon martin in self defense. after that, his fate rests in their hands. although the six female jurors are likely to get a charging sheet like this one giving them the possibilities of second degree murder and manslaughter should they want to quick, that is what george zimmerman has been so concerned about, say his attorneys. it is why he looks so detached in court. he knows his life will be permanently changed. his attorneys say if he is convicted he will spend the rest of his life behind bars, and even if he is acquitted, may spend the rest of his life in hiding, even if he is a semi-free man. and next, he leaves no pocket unpicked. and then gives you your stuff back, why there is more than meets the eye for gentleman thief apollo robins.
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12:49 am
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. among the many flavors of thieves, the pick pocket holds a quirky spot in the public eye, not aggressive enough to be a mugger or stick-up man, but still brash enough to invade your personal space. he is part magician, and if he is honest, you can actually learn from this person. where would you find such a gentleman thief? well, las vegas, actually, his
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name is apollo robins, and he dropped by my office to show us the heart of the plu kc k.if yo ever chance across him, he will seduce his way into your personal space. >> watch close, use your hands. >> reporter: and with hands of lightning, he will move coins to your shoulder with dazzling ease. but what he is really doing is stealing your stuff. >> you have to watch closely, mark, this trick is all about the timing. >> reporter: you have to watch your wallet, your phone, because apollo robins is a close-up magician, who happens to be a pick pocket. this guy makes a living by stealing your stuff and always giving it back. >> thank you very much.
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>> reporter: did you ever steal for real? >> i shoplifted a bit as a kid. one time in particular, some kids asked me to steal some cigarettes for them. and the shop keeper came after me, and the only place i thought he wouldn't find it is if i put it on him. i put it in his apron. >> reporter: he discovered his gift growing up, learning the scriptures from his father, and tricks from his siblings. he used monkeys or snakes as diversions. and as they looked over the rails, my brothers would go around and actually use the blades to cut bags. it was quite a conflict from my father being a minister. >> reporter: and you went to the light, the good side, why? >> yeah, i was, it was politics i guess. >> reporter: despite his honest
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core he still held a passion for the dark arts of grifters, and pick pockets. so he developed an act and move to do las vegas, where cesar's palace paid him to entertain the public. one night he even got a crack at president jimmy carter. >> i pick pocketed the secret service agents, and their credentials, and where they took carter to, and the keys to the motorcade. >> reporter: after that, he turned into brain games. all of them were hungry for diversion. >> if you look at your fingers, back and forth, you're doing an eye movement. but you're actually imagining, you are actually blind when you
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look between your two fingers and your mind is filling the space, and only uses the front portion. that moves very fast, the other one, when you did this motion is called a smooth pursuit. like hunting. you track and use more parts of your brain. >> reporter: he knows that when a human mind concentrates on movement it misses even aggressive stimulus like somebody unclasping your watch. take another look, the magic is just an excuse to touch the mark. a less normal pick pocket would probably snatch it, or use the revolving door the grab your wallet, or reach into your purse on a crowded bus. i carry my wallet here, i don't know, is that more vulnerable than if i put it somewhere else? >> the different pockets have different names. so this pocket here is considered the front pocket, the kick, and the back is considered the bridge. this is the pit, because it is
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close to your arm fit. this one, they call a fob, which is kind of a ticket pocket. if your favorite thing was inside, it would be easy to steal. >> reporter: so zip your purse, apollo says, and know that the ear buds tell the thief exactly where you keep your expensive phone. if you're in a sketchy neighborhood, put your wallet in a used paper cup. he says having the knowledge of knowing your vulnerable to a thief with skills. >> if somebody knows they're vulnerable, makes them difficult to steal from. >> reporter: so you want somebody bringing with confidence. >> there are two types of people in the world, there are marks, and people that will pay money to find out they're a mark. >> reporter: and you can see more of apollo friday night, friday, july 12th, on brain games. in the national geographic
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channelle. coming up next, brittany is back, you wouldn't believe what happened to the pop culture. . coming up next, brittany is back, you wouldn't believe what happened to the pop culture. . coming up next, brittany is back, you wouldn't believe what happened to the pop culture. [ sponge ] now for the main event.
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yeaaaah! yeah. so that's our loyalty program. you're automatically enrolled, and the longer you stay, the more rewards you get. great! oh! ♪ i'll stand by you ♪ won't let nobody hurt you ♪ isn't there a simpler way to explain the loyalty program? yes. standing by you from day one. now, that's progressive.
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fie . what has happened to brittany spears?
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and what were those spider women doing above london tonight? three burning questions with answers that can be found in tonight's feed frenzy. six women, 72 stories, and 15 hours of climbing. that sums up the publicity stunt with a mission that captivated many in london today, as half a dozen activists of greenpeace climbed the highest skyscraper in europe, in order to stop the oil rig. the climbers captured an audience far beyond the oil giant, tweeting their progress along the way, describing the cold and how they had no plan to get down. but the police had a plan. and the six only had a few moments to savor the summit before their arrest. well, you know you're getting old when the teen coquette is
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getting older. she is putting out music videos with her kids. yes, that is brittany spears. the career move she attributes to her two sons. and for their sake, it is nice to see her in summer mom mode, wholesome, glowing, and those are two words that in no way describe shark nato, it is frankly an awesome title. as for the movie, well, this heckle-worthy masterpiece appeared on the show. helping suspend your disbelief, special effects that must have cost in the hundreds of dollars ♪ ♪ >> oh,


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