tv Nightline ABC July 13, 2013 12:35am-1:06am PDT
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you get a little more kosher salt, a little more. you get the best extra virgin olive oil. >> jimmy: okay. >> you could do anything with this. you want to cut a piece and taste this. because after this we're going to do stuffed. real quick. >> jimmy: real quick. guillermo, come up here for a second. i want you to try something. oh, my gosh. >> even like a little burrata inside. >> jimmy: it's like the best thing you could ever eat, right? >> cuz, it's the truth. it's that good. don't ever eat cold mozzarella again. send it back. it's like a -- >> jimmy: we'll stab you if we have to. [ applause ] >> now, this is so simple. watch. he's got this. >> jimmy: oh, my god, that's good. isn't that good, guillermo? >> that's great. >> you want to do this too? all right. watch. real simple. grab a piece of prosciutto. you know what prosciutto is, cuchi? >> yes. i eat better.
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>> get a couple pieces of tomato. get some italian parsley. get some little crushed red pepper. this is calabria oregano. hold that. tap that. tap that. get a little great extra virgin olive oil. >> jimmy: show me how to roll it. i want to see how you do it. do it right. >> do it right. just like this. >> jimmy: oh, my goodness. >> cuz, you take this, you cut this -- get your hands out. >> jimmy: i want to show it to the audience. look how beautiful that is. steve martorano, everyone. he's got a new restaurant opening at the paris in vegas. johnny depp, rebecca romijn, thank you, steve. apologies to matt damon. we ran out of time. tomorrow night adam carolla, ciara. thanks for ñiwatching, "nightli" is next.
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tonight on "nightline." testimony and tension. will it be second degree murder? manslaughter, or not guilty in the death of trayvon martin? the jury deliberations george zimmerman's fate. sharknado, and the social media tidal wave. what makes the absurd such a guilty pleasure. and with the running of the bulls in spain, adrenalin junkies are gorged and thrown away. and yet, they continue. tonight, on feed frenzy, we're running from the bulls. >> keep it right here, america. "nightline" is back in just 60 seconds.
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from new york city, this is "nightline" with cynthia mcfadden. good evening, and thank you for joining us, the case which has gripped much of the nation's attention is now in the hands of the jury. six women, five of them white, will decide the fate of george zimmerman charged with second degree murder in the death of 17-year-old trayvon martin. prosecutors claim zimmerman was a want to be cop who took the law into his own hands when he saw a young black man in his suburban neighborhood. zimmerman says he was acting in self defense. they are urging calm, whatever the verdict, more on the george zimmerman trial. >> your verdict finding george zimmerman either guilty or not guilty must be unanimous. >> reporter: almost 17 months
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after trayvon martin was shot and killed by george zimmerman his fate is now finally in the hands of the jury. >> the verdict must be the verdict of each juror as well as the jury, as a whole. >> reporter: the panel of six women, sequestered for weeks, now are impaneled and bear the responsibility of either convicting george zimmerman of manslaughter, second degree murder, or not guilty. zimmerman shot and killed the 17-year-old on a night in february, 2012. attorney mark o'mara taking the step of introducing the man the jurors sat across for two weeks now. o'mara insisting the state offered no proof that 29-year-old former neighborhood watchman murdered martin. >> you want to take away somebody's liberty? they have to prove the case, the burden is on the state. >> reporter: o'mara even brought out a block of cement to show his client had to shoot in self
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defense. >> that is cement. that is the sidewalk. and that is not an unarmed teenager with nothing but skittles trying to get home. >> reporter: and he even suggested it was martin who stalked zimmerman. >> try not to do much, starting now. >> reporter: acting out what he says were the four minutes martin waited for him, instead of going home. but it was the prosecution which got the last word, casting those six female jurors' decision as historic. >> your verdict is not going to change the past. but it will forever define it. >> reporter: passionately, prosecutor john guy lashed into zimmerman, saying his claim of self defense was a lie, when he left his car and started to
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follow the 17-year-old. >> this case is not standing your ground, it is about staying in your car. >> reporter: evoking the young man's youth. >> what is that, when a grown man, frustrated, angry with hate in his heart gets out of his car with a loaded gun and follows a child? a stranger in the dark. and shoots him through his heart. >> could you tell the difference between the way the jurors reacted to mark o'mara versus john guy? >> absolutely, absolutely, i think they listened to mark o'mara, they respect him. he is a terrific lawyer, but they did not take their eyes off of john guy, and that is very telling. >> reporter: trayvon martin's parents have been in court every day. their attorney spoke to us this afternoon. 23 days of this trial they sat through every single day.
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have they been affected by that, at all? >> very much so at times you see just the tears in their eyes and they quietly weep to themselves, but yet they continue to be dignified and graceful and try to say we have a purpose that we won't let our son's death be in vain. >> reporter: the testimony started with a flat joke. from the start, the state argued regarding the self defense, with witnesses like martin's friend, rachel jeantel, appearing to falter on the stand. >> i thought it could have been, you said, for all you know, trayvon martin smashing george zimmerman in the face, is what you actually heard? >> what? >> yeah, just earlier today. >> no. you didn't get that from me. >> reporter: and the
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prosecution's key witness essentially agreed with the defense that zimmerman's story was consistent. >> was there anything else in this case where you got the insight that he may be a pathlogical liar? >> no. >> reporter: but the defense seemed to suffer, regarding the cross examination of rachel jeantel. >> can you read any of the words on it? >> i don't understand kersef, i don't read kersef. >> reporter: followed by this selfy, photo taken by the attorney's daughter. but the caption, we beat stupidity. hash tag, "dad killed it." later apologized for the incident. trayvon martin's death and the fact that zimmerman was not arrested until 45 days after the killing triggered protests. the trial, serving as a reminder
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of lingering racial tensions in the country. both sides in the trial have said the case is not about race. prosecutor john guy even made that point in his rebuttal today. >> this case is not about race. it is about right and wrong. >> reporter: but the issue of race as persistently shadowed the case throughout. >> the young man was just being a kid on his way home. and it is so frustrating for people in the african-american community. because you know, he was not doing anything wrong. it is this gosh, here we go again, we can't seem to escape these kinds of things happening in our community. >> reporter: sitting in court right behind zimmerman the past few weeks, was shauna lloyd, the only african-american on the defense team. she says that mark o'mara assured her that zimmerman is not a racist. >> i feel bad for george, i think unfortunately he is fighting for his life, as well.
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but i think that george is also fighting for a life that probably will never be the same. but it is still his. >> reporter: do you think of george zimmerman the topic differently than you think of zimmerman on trial? >> absolutely. >> i know he profiled trayvon martin for some reason and made the wrong assumption, and trayvon martin had to pay with his life. >> it is a trying time for all of us. >> reporter: this afternoon, local law enforcement officials urged people to stay calm. >> we're not sure what the verdict is going to bring out. but we, as a community, can ensure that we have an opportunity to speak our peace, peacefully. to come together, peacefully. >> we will not tolerate anyone who uses this verdict as an excuse to violate the law. >> reporter: today, a small group of mostly trayvon martin supporters gathered near the
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courthouse in an area set aside for protesters. inside the court, judge deborah nelson told the jury to ignore all the outside distractionings and focus on the heavy responsibility they now bear. >> if you find trayvon martin was killed by george zimmerman, you will then need to consider the circumstances surrounding the killing, or whether the killing was deadly force. >> reporter: and later, the jurors asked for a list of all the evidence presented, perhaps a sign of how seriously they take this responsibility. tomorrow morning, 9:00 a.m. they will be back at the courthouse, making a momentous decision on whether or not george zimmerman should go to prison for life or be a free man. >> thanks, matt, of course we'll continue to follow this story. next, the movies we love to hate. how about a tornado striking l.a. filled with sharks? sharknado.
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a rather goofy horror flick called "sharknado" debuted to massive fan fare. the movie's ratings fell more like a belly plot, but the cheesy plot found itself a loving home on social media. here is more on the trash we find ourselves loving in spite of ourselves. >> sharknado. >> the dialogue is atrocious. >> the sharks are swimming right at them. they're not going to make it. >> the acting, well, like this? you okay? >> my mom always told me
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hollywood would kill me. >> reporter: and the premise is preposterous. yes, a tornado is scooping maneaters and dumping them out of l.a. >> it is amazing garbage, it is enjoyable garbage. >> reporter: the movie premiered to a disappointing audience on the cfi-fi channel, but became a cult classic. >> it will be right there next to "troll 2." >> reporter: it took years to garner a cult following. sharknado achieved that instant status, because now there is social media.
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omg, omg, omg, tweeted mia farrow, yes, she was watching. the secretary of health said that sharknado injuries will be covered as a pre-existing condition under obama care. >> it generated record twitter traffic, and this was almost two that level. >> reporter: i wish i could join in tweeted horatio sands, but i had a cousin who was killed back in 1993, ramon, r. i. p. >> this is being hailed as the new attack of the killer tomatoes. >> it is not the attack of the killer tomatoes, there are far, far worse films than this. >> reporter: what did they get so deliciously right here to make it so bad it is good? >> i think they had amazing casting, by that, i mean ironically hilarious. >> reporter: most famously,
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steve. >> how was it working with that bloke from 90210? >> oh, it was cool, i don't think he has ever done anything like this, where there was an action hero. >> he let us dump a big bunch of blood, any other actor would have done it like jim carey, he just did it and it worked. >> i mean, you don't do that and think you know what? i'm going to get an oscar. you do that thinking twitter is going to freak out. >> reporter: and they made art? >> beautiful art. >> reporter: you were pulling no punches. i mean, with the dialogue, with the action, with the cgi. nothing has restrained you, and therefore, you have made a movie that could be deemed so awful that it is good? >> i'll accept that. i love people ripping it apart. it is great. >> reporter: there is no formula
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for the cult classic. >> we didn't set out to make a cult classic. it has to become that because the audience says it is going to be that. >> reporter: and the audience has already spoken, this is classic. i'm nick watt for "nightline," in los angeles. next, how much does kanye like the paparazzi, even when the paparazzi like him? you'll see on tonight's "feed frenzy." and we were out on the streets. [ whispering ] shhh. it's only a dream. and we have home insurance. but if we made a claim, our rate would go up... [ whispering ] shhh. you did it right. you have allstate claim rate guard so your rates won't go up just because of a claim. [ whispering ] are we still in a dream? no, you're in an allstate commercial. so get allstate home insurance with claim rate guard... [ whispering ] goodnight. there are so many people in our bedroom. [ dennis ] talk to an allstate agent... [ doorbell rings ] ...and let the good life in.
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pat local c an extraordinary young girl who refuses to be silenced. and a power-tripping hip-hop artist who wants the paparazzi to shut up. everyone speaking out tonight on "feed frenzy." >> sweet 16, what did you do on your 16th birthday? chances are, not deliver a speech at the u.n. but that is what malala yousufzai did today in her first public address since she was shot in the forehead by the
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taliban nine months ago while riding the bus to school in pakistan, targeted for seeking an education. she has become a symbol for millions of young women around the world who do not get the chance to complete elementary school. >> they thought that the bullet would silence us. but they failed. >> malala yousufzai will sit down for an interview diane sawyer this fall. meanwhile, don't touch, a photographer who attempted to tell kanye west that he was a big fan got shut down in a big way. >> don't talk, i don't want to hear paparazzi talk to me. >> i'm a reporter. >> no, no, but don't talk to me at all. and don't talk to anyone i know at all. and tell anybody never talk to anyone, that anyone knows, go talk to themselves. don't talk ever again. >> got it? running from the bulls, it is that crazy time of year again in
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spain, as often happens during the running of the bulls many people were gored. but it was an american who seemingly got the worst of it. folks call this fun? not for me. well, thanks for watching abc news, tune into "good morning america" tomorrow, and as alw s always, we're on line at abc news. good night america.
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