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tv   America This Morning  ABC  July 16, 2013 4:00am-4:31am PDT

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making news in america this morning, extreme heat. get ready for the several days of sizzle as near-triple digit temperatures settle in. when will the relief come? and this morning, inside the jury room. we're hearing from one of the women who decided george zimmerman's fate. >> i think his heart was in the right place. it just went terribly wrong. >> what she's saying about their decision. plus, electrocuted by a smartphone. this morning, the death investigation involving a woman answering her iphone. and fired. a group of restaurant workers are out of a job. and you won't believe how they found out. good morning, everybody.
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i'm rob nelson, sitting in this morning for john muller. >> always a pleasure to have you here. i'm diana perez. we begin this morning with the extreme heat we mentioned just a moment ago. maybe the best way to demonstrate it is simply by looking at the map. >> there you see it. nine states under heat advisories. scorching temperatures from here the northeast all the way to the middle of the country. we begin with our coverage with abc's preeti arla. >> absolutely. it's hot outside. >> reporter: it's summer and it sure feels like it. from the midwest to the east coast, temperatures soared into the 90s and will remain there all week. forecasters say the combination of the heat and humidity will make it feel like it's in the triple digits. >> you ever been close to death? it's about two steps closer. literally, like, there's nothing you can do to keep cool. >> reporter: if it's hot outside, imagine cooking inside a food truck. >> a fan in the ceiling and a fan inside the window. it knocks you down to probably
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about 130 or 140 degrees. >> reporter: or riding new york city's hot and crowded subway system. >> it feels likes 100 out there. and in the subway station, it must feel like 115. >> reporter: the heat, too much to handle for more than a dozen people at a half-marathon in portland, maine. five of them were taken to the hospital. in washington, d.c., one of the hottest weeks of the year prompted a heat advisory. the common sense advice, stay hydrated. >> walking around in the heat, you have to overhydrate. you have to drink even if you're not thirsty. >> reporter: the extreme heat a big deal. 155 people died of it last year. cities in the northeast, opened cooling centers to help residents beat the heat. others took matters into their own hands. pools became hot spots to cool down. >> when it's so hot, i can, like, stay in the water all the time. >> reporter: tens of thousands of people in the washington, d.c. area could be without water for days, as workers replace a failing water main.
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residents were told to stockpile water, filling pots, pans, even bathtubs to get ready. preeti arla, abc news, washington. and as we mentioned, the dangerous heat isn't going anywhere for a couple of days. it's only getting worse. >> days of this. we continue our extreme heat coverage with meteorologist andrew baglini over at accuweather. >> good morning, diana and rob. not only is the heat wave continuing, it's getting worse as we head into the next couple of days. a big dome of high pressure in control. the heat and humidity continuing. we really felt that on monday, around the mid-90s in d.c., philadelphia. 92 in new york city. and even 90 in boston. well, the temperatures even higher, heading in through today. 97 in our nation's capital. 96 in new york. then, you factor in the humidity, it's going to feel like it's in the triple digits on through the rest of the week. diana and rob, back to you. >> andrew, thank you. and now, to the latest fallout from the george zimmerman acquittal. demonstrations continued for the third night in major cities around the nation.
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this one in los angeles turned violent as police confronted protesters. as the rallies continue, we're now hearing what went on inside of the jury room. cnn interviewed a woman it said was juror number b-37. she says three jurors initially wanted to convict zimmerman but changed their minds after reviewing the evidence. she also described the emotional toll the case took on the jurors. >> we thought about it for hours. and cried over it afterwards. i don't think any of us could ever do anything like that ever again. >> the juror originally indicated that she planned to write a book about the case. but late last night, her literary agent said the woman had now changed her mind and will return to her life as it was before the trial. the juror was not impressed by the testimony of rachel jeantel, who was talking with martin by cell phone moments before he was fatally shot by zimmerman. jeantel spoke last night to cnn's piers morgan, saying she
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was disappointed, angry and upset over the verdict. and for the first time since the trial, zimmerman's parents are now speaking out. they sat for an exclusive interview with abc's barbara walters. >> are you concerned for george's safety? >> it's a lot of death threats. and social media. >> have you had death threats? >> we had an enormous amount of death threats. george's legal counsel had death threats. the police chief of sanford. many people have had death threats. >> you'll be able to see more of the barbara walters interview coming up later today on "good morning america." developing this morning, mexican authorities say they have captured a major drug cartel leader near the u.s. border. the brutal leader was arrested by the mexican military. he was captured in a pickup truck with $2 million in u.s. cash, 16 miles from the u.s. border.
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and breaking news overnight. the government of panama has seized a north korean ship says it may be carrying components of a suspected missile. panama's president posted this picture on twitter that appears to show a large, green object inside the cargo hold. suspicions were aroused after the ship's captain tried to kill himself during a search of the vessel which was coming from cuba. it could take several more days to determine the exact cause of death of actor cory monteith. an autopsy on the 31-year-old "glee" heartthrob was inconclusive. monteith was found dead in his vancouver hotel room over the weekend. despite his long history with substance abuse, police say there's nothing to indicate he died of an overdose. but still, officials are awaiting results of a toxicology test. and an update on the british royal baby watch. the bottom line, there is no new heir to the throne just yet. a possible hint, though, about when kate middleton and prince william will become parents comes from the baby's soon-to-be step grandmother. yesterday, camilla predicted the
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new arrival will be born before the end of the week. back here at home now, there will be a fresh, new face right here on abc every day on "the view." actress and comedienne jenny mccarthy has been officially named to fill one of the open slots on the show this fall. mccarthy has already made 17 appearances on the show, including 8 as a guest co-host. "the view" is seeing the departures of co-hosts elisabeth hasselbeck, joy behar, and barbara walters, which is happening next year. >> not a bad view for the morning. i'll take a little jenny mccarthy with some coffee in the morning. >> she's funny and charming. >> for the early 40s, looks good. >> really good. >> and she's funny. and all-new crew coming to that show in the fall. >> it's going to be a new feel. more pain at the pump for us. as gas prices continue to rise, what's causing the sudden surge? and the bizarre investigation involving apple. how a woman's iphone may be to blame for her death. plus, a weatherman is caught in the wrong place at the wrong time.
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we're going to take you inside of a wild sandstorm.
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and welcome back. the economy doesn't appear to be doing as well as economists had thought. weaker-than-expected retail sales show while consumers did buy more trucks and cars, furniture and clothing, they're snapping their wallets shut for just about everything else. americans are spending less at bars and restaurants, home improvement stores and electronics stores. also hitting americans'
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wallets hard, the dramatic rise in the price of gasoline. the national average has climbed to $3.64 a gallon. analysts worry about fuel supplies amid growing political unrest in the middle east. while things may be looking up for the average american, citigroup is making money hand over fist. second-quarter earnings for the nation's number three bank reflect a spike in profits by 26% from a year ago to nearly $4 billion with a "b" there. the bank's biggest profit areas, investment banking and private banking. >> chose the wrong career. a prominent luxury brand is suing costco for false advertising. designer michael kors says the retailer, which is not authorized to sell its products, has been showing its high-priced handbags in its advertising circulars. it comes after tiffany and company filed a multimillion-dollar lawsuit against costco for misleading its customers by calling its
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generic diamond rings tiffany diamonds. and there's no misleading here. the head of major league baseball has taken a stand against high-tech, especially e-mail. mlb commissioner bud selig is being quoted today by "the sports business journal" as saying, quote, i never sent an e-mail and i never will. selig has upgraded to an iphone. that must be nice. >> the world doesn't work that way anymore. i don't know how people avoid e-mail. >> come on, commish. when we come back, it's being called an alarming trend. high blood pressure is now not just for adult. why doctors say teenagers may be at bigger risk. and going, going, gone. one of the most anticipated sporting events of the year is now in the books. we'll look at highlights from the home run derby.
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welcome back, everyone. with monsoon season in effect in the southwest, big dust storms are becoming pretty familiar. this is something called the -- rob? >> haboob. >> this rolled into the valley of the sun. a weather man at our station in phoenix got an upclose and personal look at the haboob. >> having trouble hearing you. the rain is pelting us. along with the dust. oh. i'm guessing these wind gusts are maybe 50-mile-per-hour, 60-mile-per-hour. not good to be driving in. i can't even turn around and face the storm right now. >> being pelted by the haboob. >> poor guy. >> we're on the east side. now, for a look at your road conditions on this tuesday morning, everybody.
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flooding is possible across texas and the southwest. also some storms in the northern plains could cause some problems this morning. and if you're flying today, airport delays are possible in one of my favorite cities, new orleans as well as in houston. lifeguards on cape cod are on alert, keeping an eye out for a huge shark spotted close to the shore. shark researchers spotted the 15-foot great white along the shore stalking seals. the shark population will increase as we get further into the summer. it was like old home week. for former president bush and first lady barbara bush. >> they were at the white house to be honored by its current residents. abc's karen travers reports from washington. >> reporter: it was a touching white house return for a former president. >> like coming home for barbara and me. >> reporter: george h.w. bush and his wife, barbara, were on-hand to recognize the 5,000 recipients for the daily light
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award. bush recrated the award after he coined the phrase, 1,000 points of light. >> for the rest of his presidency, nearly every, single day, president bush gave someone a daily point of light award. and after he left the white house, he kept going and going and going. >> reporter: in more than two decades, the points of light foundation has become the world's largest organization dedicated to volunteering. >> you have helped so many americans discover that they, too, have something to contribute. that they, too, have the power to make a difference. >> reporter: the award was given today to floyd hammer and kathy hamilton of iowa, a retired couple and farm owners who created nonprofit to provide meals for hungry children in 15 nations. the 89-year-old bush spent nearly two months in the hospital at the end of last year. but he was back on the public stage in april, when he joined the other living presidents, for the dedication ceremony for his
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son george w. bush's library in dallas. recently bush has demonstrated a flare for fashion. for his 89th birthday last month, he sported superman socks. at the white house, bush didn't disappoint the style watchers, his choice of socks, sandy cane stripes. researchers are reporting an alarming rise in high blood pressure among kids across the country. 27% spike in hypertension in american children between the ages 8 and 17 over a 13-year period. it's being blamed on childhood obesity and too in salty snacks. apple is investigating a report that a woman in china was killed by an electrical shock from an iphone. according to chinese news media, it happened when the 23-year-old woman answered her iphone 5 while it was plugged in and charging. apple sent out an e-mail to news outlets saying it will fully investigate and cooperate with authorities. stunning story there. wow. and it's bad enough losing your job.
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but how about finding out you've been fired through text message? workers at a central florida restaurant say it happened to them. what's worse, they are waiting for their paychecks. jodi jackson worked at the place for nearly two years. >> i think it's immoral. i think it's cowardice. i think we deserve compensation from money that he made from under the circumstances. >> the owner replied via text, saying businesses are forced to close all the time. and he was working to resolve the paycheck issue. pay people for work performed. come on. baseball's all-star game is tonight. right here in new york. last night's home run derby is our "play of the day." >> david wright of the mets had the hometown fans cheering. he hit five homers last night. not nearly enough to stay in the competition past the first round. your winner last night -- yoenis
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cespedes, of the oakland a's. he hit a total of 32 home runs to win the title, beating bryce harper of the nationals in the final round. the winning blast counted 456 feet. >> i was so concerned by saying haboob right, i blacked out on the name. sorry about that. congratulations. i prioritize. >> haboob. >> there we go. all is well. coming up next, we have "the pulse," for you. a big surprise for a few dave matthews fans on the way to his concert. how the singer ended up hitching a ride to his own gig. i'm here at my house on thanksgiving day,
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and i have a massive heart attack right in my driveway. the doctor put me on a bayer aspirin regimen. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. go talk to your doctor. you're not indestructible anymore.
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go talk to your doctor. i don'without goingcisions to angie's list first. with angie's list, i know who to call, and i know the results will be fantastic! find out why more than two million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust. ♪ welcome into "the pulse," everyone.
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these are stories we're pretty convinced you'll be talking about today. a lucky break for two fans heading to the dave matthews concert. >> emily and her boyfriend were running late for the concert when they drove by a man who was stranded at the side of the road. that turned out to be dave matthews himself. he had a flat tire on that bike. didn't have his cell with him. so, the couple offered the singer a lift to his own show. a good deed. he treated the couple to dinner, as well as front row seats. love dave matthews. >> that's awesome. imagine a surprise at a houston target, when this customer was spotted. yep, that is my ex-wife, beyonce, who was there in her hometown for her mrs. carter tour. several shoppers snapped these photos. >> but they say queen b. there refused to take photos with fans because she said it was her day off. but she was laughing and appeared relaxed. even working a hula hoop in the middle of the aisle. >> no pictures of that. and finally, an
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accessorymaker who is working to take a bigger bite out of the market using dentures. >> the l.a.-based designer is using bracelets and hair combs from the fake teeth and gums useed by millions. they range from 40 bucks to $185. those are yellow-looking teeth. >> that's a bangle and hair clip i don't want anywhere near my body. no thank you. by the way, they come with a warning. here it is. the designer says, the dentures are used. because of that, they might have, quote, small imperfections and slight color variations. that's probably what you're looking at when you see the yellow. why would anybody want something that's been in someone else's mouth in their hair or on their wrist? >> i guess it takes all kinds in this world. i don't get that at all. that seems grimy to me. >> there's comments on the website. and people like this. it's on etsy if you're looking for it. check it out.
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>> i'll get you some for christmas. >> thank you. your local news is coming up next. >> for everyone else, we'll be right back. ♪ dry hair needs a daily dose of effective moisture. new dove daily moisture has pro moisture complex that goes deep down to hair's cellular level. it moisturizes to give you up to 5 x smoother hair in one wash. dove's most effective conditioner yet. new dove daily moisture. ♪ pure chocolate goodnesse. that brings people together. when the chocolate is hershey's life is delicious. but at least i can help keep their underwear clean. with charmin ultra strong. i'll take that. go get 'em, buddy! [ female announcer ] charmin ultra strong has a duraclean texture and its four times stronger than the leading bargain brand. enjoy the go with charmin ultra strong.
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i get out a lot... except when it's too cold. like the last three weekends. asthma doesn't affect my job... you missed the meeting again last week! it doesn't affect my family. your coughing woke me up again. i wish you'd take me to the park. i don't use my rescue inhaler a lot... depends on what you mean by a lot. coping with asthma isn't controlling it. test your level of control at, then talk to your doctor. there may be more you could do for your asthma.
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>> live from the kgo-tv broadcast center this is abc7 news. >> good tuesday morning. at 4:28. first up, a check on the weather. kind of cool outside this morning. >> temperatures in the 50's. a lot of cloud cover. there is even mist and drizzle. live doppler 7 hd showing no organized areas of wet weather and no slick streets. we will talk to leyla about that. here is the roof camera this morning. i stayed up late watching the home run derby. it will be 9 to 83 inland and 57 to 62 at the coast into san francisco.
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>> actually, we are looking at a couple of areas with wet conditions. we will look at construction where we have projects happening in oakland along 880 in the northbound and southbound direction between 23rd and embarcadero and to the south as you head through hayward you find this construction crew blocking off a few lanes northbound 880 between a to highway 238 until 5:00 a.m. this morning. the golden gate bridge shows we are starting to see slick conditions making the drive from sausalito to san francisco. the lights are glistening off the pavement and that indicates water that attached itself to the road. slow down and you will be okay. >> developing news with more oakland business owners pending the morning adding up the damage from the latest trayvon martin protest the third night of violent demonstrations in oakland. abc7 news reporter has been looking for damage.
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amy? >> it wasn't hard to find all over the downtown area. we are showing telegraph which was hit hard. look at the windows that were smashed. you walk down the street and you see boarded up windows. this is the second time this restaurant has been hit during the protests. it get hit saturday night. this is the crowd early in the evening last night. first it moved to interstate 880 blocking traffic. police arrested five people. oakland police and c.h.p. broke up the crowd and tried to move it along. the people continued to march around downtown oakland and police say they have reports of smashed windows throughout downtown, graffiti was rampant, people spraying the walls of the buildings in downtown. small fires were set, fireworks were set off and


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