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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  July 31, 2013 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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new bay bridge this, model shows the saddles in purple, on top of the concrete. the saddles made of layers of three-inch steel plates arriving flat. they're rolled, molded and cooked at 1200 degrees for 30 hours, cooled then grooves cut into them with different machines and that is where cables will thread through and then, wrap around the concrete encasing bad bolts. work began here about three weeks ago. there are 12 in all that have to be fabricated, then, layered with other pieces in this multi step process. original date has been delayed from labor day weekend to not
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before december 10th. a wild card in is another support ongs caltrans is still recrewing but the shims are being made, and could see the shims allowing the bridge to open earlier than december without saddle work being done. stay tuned as the toll authority told us last week, as far as opening date goes, everything is wide open, anything is possible. do expect shorter advance notice than hoped. >> just four days left to reach a deal between bart and unions. negotiations underway right now but if a contract knlt be hammered out workers could strike again as soon as monday. >> this morning a spokesperson
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says management was ready to burn midnight oil, excuse me, sorry. two unions involved in these negotiations also said the same and it really depends on the mediator and whether or not he thinks progress is being made. they have not come out this morning so we have yet to get updates on the progress f any of the negotiations. the budget committee was spending bart of the morning and afternoon explaining it's proposal to union reps. now, bart says every employee will see a net increase in their salaries. whether or not union accepts it is anyone's guess. but right now, very to tell you, this is a good sign, the fact they're still in there. it's about, few minutes after 6:00. there is still in there. they're in there, we'll be out here reporting for you, live.
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>> san francisco bay ferry making plans for an influx of passengers if there is a strike. bay ferry plans to put 13 boats into service instead of eight running boats earlier, 5:00 a.m. from vallejo, 5:30 from oakland to the ferry building. evening service to oakland would run until 9:00 p.m. parking in downtown was at a premium during last bart strike. many lots inflated prices some charging $18 the week before suddenly charging $30. we found one that went as far as $70 by afternoon. a spokesperson said city-owned lots will not raise rates a rif early, shop around. if there is another strike we've put together resources for you. you'll find laitdest status on
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talk there's as well as information on commute alternatives. you can down load our waze traffic app. for up to the minute negotiations be sure to follow us on twitter are. >> updating now a breaking news story we brought you at 5:00. fire crews controlled a wildfire burning on lawrence livermore lab property but not before it destroyed a trailer. the fire broke out just before 4:00 in an area known as site 300. the cause of the fire is under investigation. >> sky 7 what you're looking at is police checking out a van in san francisco today. bomb squad found nothing wrong. investigators believe someone tossed a firecracker near
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fifth. >> two suspected marijuana agreers appeared in court to answer charges of keeping a teen-aged girl at their sex slave. prosecutors claim the 15-year-old victim was held inside of this box, if you can imagine. sheriff provided pictures of the crime scene, agents uncovered 1300 pot plants and a number of weapons. investigators say the victim was forced to process marijuana plants. >> the counsel general of korea hosted a lunchen for those who rushed into action following the asiana airlines crash at sfo. he offered thanks to the rescuers. he says he wanted this lunchen to express deep gratitude to those he calls here qlos.
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we couldn't overcome the difficulties of the situation he mentioned police officer jim cunningham, who went into the burning plane without protective gear to rescue passengers. but cunningham wants others to share the credit. >> this is like everybody else blocking and people did hard work there. >> some offered vital, behind the scenes support like salvation army translator autos we are from the charity. we were able to comfort them. sf general ceo says the staff cares for 62 people there. was an emotional toll. >> not on that day but later on in the weeks that followed. it started to take a toll on people and that is what could
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have happened but didn't happen. >> we know one teenager died after being run over by a fire rig. >> it's on my mind, i'm distracted by it. >> the fire chief says she remains proud of her department. and says dedication will remain in the hearts of the people. in san francisco, abc 7 news. >> a memorial service is taking place in china for the three teen-aged girls killed in the crash of asiana flight 214. the 16-year-olds ask a 15-year-old died in the accident. this week a tearful home coming as parents brought ashes back to china placing them on an alta in front of each girl's picture. devastating of course. friends placed some of the favorite foods and drinks at the altar.
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abc 7 news learn that had three of the four victims still hospitalized are asiana flight attendants. two remain in critical condition. and another victim we're told is in good condition at this point. a chinese professor filed a $5 million lawsuit against asiana airlines the first foreign passenger to sue the airline and is only able to because the ticket was purchased in the united states. >> there is more still ahead at 6:00. a transgender high school student goes stit capitol with a special message for governor brown. legislation he wants the governor to sign. >> how the team is drawing fan as cross the bay thanks to a record this year. >> clouds have gone away. i'll take on that question in my accu-weather forecast coming up. >> and later, soaring
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popularity of games you can play
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a transgender high school student treefld to make his case to the governor. the argument people should be able to play girls or boys sports based on grernd they identify with. >> with more than 6,000 signatures collected, a 16-year-old turned in a petition to governor brown urging him to sign a bill he says would make school better
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for him and other students. >> it will let me be a regular boy at the school. >> ashton used to be kimberly. never quite feeling right about being a girl. high school junior says the schools forced him to be something he's not. >> is ways waz placed in a class full of all girls for pe. i'm a boy. and every day goi inside class it's just a reminder that i'm all by myself. >> legislature would allow transgender students kindergarten through high school to use rest room and locker rooms and join sports teams of the gender they identify with. the special allowances upset opponent autos we're going to let 5-year-olds question their sex and gender deciding which bathroom they want to use? if they're a boy perceiving themselves as a girl and want to play on a girl's teep to gain ang, these are the issues that are going to be thrown up
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into the air unresolved if this madness gets signed into law it will be interesting to see what the governor will do. he'd signed bill that's advance lgbt rights on the other a big advocate of letting school districts set policy autos this bill is absurd there is no reason, no public outcry for this bill. therefore, the governor should veto it. >> ashton says the signature will change his life as a student. i'm not going to have to worry. i can just be who i am. he'll have 12 days to take action. in sacramento, abc 7 news. >> consumer reports is out with a new report on the best and worst surgical fa sim tis in the country. it's the first list of its kind using newly available data to see how patients fared. report found big name hospitals did not do well in
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preventing in quality care. here in the bay air best rankings went to sequoia hospital, st. hellena hospital and washington hospital in fremont. the critics point out the length of the stay was gleaned from medicare billing rather than patient charts for a list go to our web site. we have a link for you there. you'll find it under see it on tv. >> if or yank and black are your idea of bay area baseball it's ter rif yichblgt oakland a's not only in first, but they're red hot. some fans decided to cross the bay to see them up close. >> i unusually go to the zbints game. >> this fan came from san jose.
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and are hoping to be able to watch closer to home. >> it would be a good thing as lng as we can settle issue was the giants. >> for many, lack of star power makes a's such a fun team to watch. >> they're just exciting doing unexpected things and work as a team. it's a lot of sharing. it looks real good. >> it's a fan base that apparently extends to other states. >> we're going through a's. >> so you came from arizona to root for a's? >> yes. >> they're awesome. >> what do you like about them? >> that they hit home run autos some young fans are specific about what they see, others not so much.
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>> what do you like about the a's? >> my dad used to like them, so whatever my dad likes, i like. >> and it's too early to talk about world series playoffs have well within reach no matter how far the team goes this year. they're already one of the best stories in baseball. in oakland abc 7 news. >> that is a good story. >> it is fun z we're enjoying lovely weerj we are. -skies just sunny. >> yeah. >> any day is a great baseball day for me. here is a look at a marine layer earlier today but coastal clouds have disappeared. sunny skies right now from coast to inland. we may see low clouds returning. a live view look how bright above the golden gate. temperatures 61 in san francisco. 67 oakland. 70 mountain view. and 74 los gatos. another live view of a beautiful blue sky from our camera. and we have current
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temperatures 77 in jant rosa and concord. 77 also in fairfield. 70 novato. 71, napa. take a look at forecast with sclin of san francisco in the back line. temperatures we low average but a pleasant day. minor changes throughout the weekend. temperatures bouncing up and going back down. no maij yeerm up or cool down next few days. fog pattern interesting starting out with a lot of it in early morning hours giving way to sunny skies into after the noon. a couple locations were a degree or two milder than yesterday. here is what's happening into upper atmosphere. we still have this dip in the jet stream. cool air keeping this pattern with us throughout tomorrow expend of the week. but it's been pleasant. so not much to complain about
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there. patches return along the coast. and tomorrow, at 5:00 in the morning there may be patches to reduce visibility in locations for some commuters but we expect clouds to burn back to and away from the coastline by afternoon, giving way to sunny skies again a range of temperatures from upper 50s to about 60s on the coast. 60s and 70s around the bay low 80s into warmest locations. south bay, mainly 70s. low 70s down from redwood city we'll see mid to upper 70s in the north bay. 75 in sonoma.
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inland east bay pleasant with temperatures below average. 80 in pittsburgh. here is the accu-weather forecast. temperatures bouncing up a couple degrees friday. upper 80s inland. upper 70s around the bay. and so no dramatic changes. >> thank you. >> coming up here a special day for military families here in the bay area. >> in
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you may have seen a video of a woman being kicked in the head after robbers snatched her purse. it was disgusting. cameras captured images and now, police capture add accused attacker. abc 7 news is live with the very at market and doloes. >> that is right this, is where the crime happened. abc 7 news learned the suspect was on felony probation out of oakland on groond theft when arrested. he's now in san francisco in custody, on $200,000 bail. this is the 23-year-old man who cold bloodedly delivered the kick. take a look. the security camera video, the
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brutal attack a violent kick in the face that left a female victim unconscious. this, after a group of four or five robbers took her purse. then, knocked her to the ground. it happened on pride weekend. on that sunday, june 30th. people leaving the bars and parties. the 28-year-old was walking on market near dolores. her assailant dz not know the attack was captured on camera. police say they were able to identify ask arrest two of the robbers near the scene. a 22-year-old julian williams and john a davis, age 206789 but most violent of the group was still missing. police released disturbing video, it struck a chord among the public. even those who knew the suspect. leads began to come in. >> any time you see a robbery with a violent assault it's
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really, it's disturbing when you see an assault on an innocent victim. >> when oakland has a major increase in crime and reduction in police force, then folk that's normally would have been dwelt in oakland by law enforcement are not being dealt w they have freedom to go back and forth that. has impact here. >> investigators say they're not surprised that tackers frr oakland saying many crimes in san francisco are committed by those with leads in the east bay. he was arrested in oakland charged with robbery, assault, and battery. he will be arraigned next month. >> a very special day for military families who lost loved ones. more than 20 families gathered for a day of fun after six flags discovery kingdom. event created to give families a chance to have fun and bond
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with others in the same situation. >> going through this. and when we come together it's just coming together. >> being this nice and hanging out with other kids knowing they left someone. >> this gathering is argue nized by green beans coffee company and snow ball express. sponsors say it's a chance to show how much they appreciate sack figss made by military family autos a showdown for nation's spy agencies. >> heckled by hackers and how nsa director responded today oo. also, scandal at city hall what. is behind resignation two city officials and why many tried to keep it quiet. >> george zimmerman back in trouble with the law what. he
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city attorney of walnut creek says he resigned because he was being pressured to drop a child abuse investigation. one top assistant has stepped down. abc news tells us the city council is now ducking for cover. every member refused our request today. they don't want to talk about the resignation of city attorney brian winter, winter declined a request as did his assistant katie wixinski we know their leaving is tied into the investigation of child sex abuse charges leveled against an employer of lesher center for the arts charjsed with two felonies connected to text and facebook messages sent to teen-aged girls. four city employees were put on administrative leave while police and the city attorney
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looked into who knew about suspected abuse. in this e mail, the city attorney wrote he was pressured to drop the investigation when it appeared it would reach up the chain at city hall. the mayor and councilman told the times yes, they met with winter but denied trying to pressure the city attorney, four employees were allowed to return. an investigation found they acted appropriately. in this report an investigator found the employees had not been trained but were require dod report suspect add bus. the report also says the city manager knew after the bus allegations, but did not notify the chief or other members of the police. >> anyone who supervises a program is required to report suspected child abuse. >> the executive director of the counsel says her organization is now providing instruction to the city of
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walnut creek. news the city attorney is resigning because he felt pressure to drop an investigation into child abuse is troubling. >> this issue is frustrating for us in terms of raising awareness of the issue and making sure people will report suspected child abuse. yes. >> again, today, everyone involved in this case including council were all unwilling to talk about it. next counsel meeting set for tuesday, august 6th. >> head of the national security agency got heckled by hackers today over recently disclosed surveillance. >> we stand for freedom >> i haven't lied to congress.
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>> the general appeared and says he was worried many people form an opinion of the agency by what they read in the papers not what is called he called facts. the man responsible for nsa activities getting into the paper, edward snowagain daens father appeared on russian television wirk his son had stayed in his job and given him grandchildren but says edward is a principled man, and urged him to stay in russia for protection. edward snowden has been charged with spying and stealing government information. >> the man found not guilty of killing trayvon martin in florida had a gun on him when a texas cop pulled him over. an officer in the north texas town pulled over george zimmerman on sunday. the officer can be heard telling zimmerman to slow down ske was letting him go with a warning and told zimmerman not to play with his handgun and put ate way.
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zimmerman's lawyers aren't saying why their client was in texas his family says the former neighborhood watch captain received daily death threats since his acquittal. >> tonight's money matters a mixed day for stock markets. dow closed down 21 points. nasdaq ended up nine. s and p 500 down less than a point. facebook stock hit $38 today that is what it was worth when the company launched it's public offering 14 months ago. the stock fell again to close at 3680678 the british government looking to ban the use of google glass while driving. the device has a screen but some say it's encourages users to take eyes off the road. glasses aren't yet being sold to the general public only a few thousand being used by special test subjects now. >> a court ruled redwood city
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video game maker electronic arts must face legal claims by college players saying they unfairly used their fashions -- image was out compensation arguing they're works of art. and. >> you may not consider yourself a video gamer if have you a smart phone you may have played angry birds. abc 7 news reporter explains, it was the first big hit of a type of game that is now becoming so big, there is an international conference bit going on in san francisco. the game is called candy crush. >> once you play you want to continue ask tell everybody about it. my name is kri coleman. >> candy crush among hottest games now because of its simple formula. >> snack basketball yabl type of game. it's bite sized. you can get in, play and have a great experience in two, three minute autos the makers
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are here at a conference about casual games. >> everybody has a cell fochblt so pretty much everybody plays casual games. >> the games are simple and addictive. >> there are greedy dog that's come to try to steal bread. >> people playing games on just about anything and everything today. so we want to appeal. >> it used to mean being on apple and android. black berry is late to the party, so what do you do when you're late? make a biggens tran trance and catch up. >> it's knocking peoples' socks off. >> they can hook up to a tv or controller. >> it's exciting to see people
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seeing how fun it. >> they're helping developers bring out a black berry version free. no bout downtown a few will involve caps. >> internet run by caps and we love them. >> lots of people struggled with luggage when head together airport. >> kind of a mass hasel. >> yes. >> taking a look at a service handling luggage for you without a b
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for some struggling with luggage, it can be unbearable. >> a look at a possible alt what tiff you may not have considered. >> this is what you do if you're too cool for school. door to door luggage pick up are increasingly common. if the idea sounds expensive you'll be happy to know we found a company comparable to airlines and sometimes, less expensive. especially when you factor in
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convenience this, is a familiar scene at many airports, travelers struggling with packed suitcases some barely below 50 pound limit. we met someone who thinks he has a better idea. >> next up, brian whose business aims to help people with extra baggage. >> ryan featured on the season finale of shark tank. his company, will pick up your lug yablg, then deliver it door to door to your destination. the selling point is convenience. >> they can skip check n skip baggage claim and fees. and they can travel with both hands free. >> allen and nina are days from moving to dallas. their home is filled with boxes. movers are get trogd ship things out but it will be days before their shipment arrives. so, these are the bags lugless will get to dallas ahead of
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the other stuff so they'll have bare necessities while weight for the truck to arrive. >> i would definitely much prefer to send bag as head than be standing around baggage claims. >> allen will be starting a new job and will be foirs arrive. traveling light was important to him. price was not a consideration. >> when trying to deal with the different logistics and locations, you want to convenience that trumps price. >> we compared price was five services, and luglessñr charged a $59 was the least expensive. standard shipping requires bags to be picked up five days in advance price goings up significantly for express s.s insurance is included. >> we have a $500 up to $500 money back guarantee.
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>> depending on the season they average 300 to 500 customers per month. not for everybody this, traveler explains why he won't use a service. >> i like to be close to it. out of sight, out of mind. traveling in cabin below me, then i want to be close to it. >> so we're change the way people travel. and it's just going take more time. >> we vai price comparison on our web site. just go to the 7 on your side section. and just a quick programming note. you can find out how brian did this friday at 8:00 when the season finale is here. >> this is a big show at my house. >> thank you very much oo. still ahead this researcher
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finding warning signs
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most people associate climate change with big storms, drought or chunks of ice disappearing from arctic but in cases the affects are more subtle. the story of a researcher who has been looking on a smaller. >> when hearing about world's changing climate it's natural to assume they're talking about someplace else, never looking for nefdz our background yard. >> this is where i'm looking for a marine snail. >> her fellow scientist call her the lip yid lady. >> it might feel like a stretch to connect sea snails with climate change but not if you spent time with her along san francisco bay shore line. they are frajit creature that's survive in hot sun and
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cold water making them unique. >> they're found where land meets the sea. and are exposed to conditions on the rocks you and i may see on the water the question is how much change can they take? >> if the air they're susceptible to future changes in the temperatures. >> she subjected them to scrutiny, putting them through tests to determine how much of a temperature range they can endure measuring heart rates, oxygen. evidence show they have reached their adaptive limits which renders them vulnerable.
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>> if they're vulnerable? >> then a lot of other might be as well. >> on a coastline eco system filled with interacting species think dominoes if they disappear because of a changing climate, what is next? in marin county abc 7 in news. >> butte oofl spencer christian is here. >> it's butte of. sunny skies now. marine layer disappeared. how much cooler today than average? look at some of the readings today. compared to average temperatures for the date you can see we're from two to seven degrees cooler. inland locations than average and closer to normal at the coast. sunny skies, patchy fog at the coast. high temperatures only into low 80s. upper 80s friday.
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bouncing back saturday and sunday back up to upper 80s on monday, tuesday, wednesday. so nice, steady pattern. >> abc 7 is the first bay area are station to offer a live stream of our programming online any time. >> it's cool. it's a service called watch abc and abc is the first broadcast network to roll it ut out. you never have to miss a minute of the news or other programming that you enjoy its a benefit blougt to you by charter communications at no extra cost in three simple steps. first go to abc 7, second enter your account information then go to watch abc live stream or search. >> that is easy. we've got sports for you. >> larry beil. >> everybody likes to watch brian willson. his thoughts on joining dodgers we'll hear from him in l.a. will major league baseball ban alex rodriguez for life?
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good evening, baseball expected to hand down it's suspensions soon.
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some officials are pushing to ban alex rodriguez for life. most player goesing to take 50 games suspensions because he admitted he used steroids now he would be a two-time offender and mlb supposedly has evidence he tried to hamper their investigation raising the possibility of a lifetime ban. he's got around $80 million on the line here. it's unclear if he'll be allowed to return. 78 was the combined age of the starting pitchers in today's a's, blue jays game. the rubber match with a base hit. bounced into the stands. eric soguard comes home.
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later in the fifth brandon moss pop up to right i got it. i got it. i ain't got it. so highs scored so errors costly for j. jesse chavez surrendered two runs in the tenth. no moves by giants from a's. move prompted a lot of reaction is brian wilson signing with the dodgers. >> it's 29 teams out there, what am goiing to say? i'm not going play baseball?
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he's giving me another chance. >> yes i'm just grateful. >> giants trying to snap their own five-game ask exit in philly. huge night for brett hill. first inning scores pablo sand joe value and buster posey. next batter, nice start. single to center. two fbies with his family in to watch it all. chad godan. where has this been? brett hill with a bomb. giants rolling up 9-2 now in the 9th. 49ers game just eight days away. this is collin kaepernick's team, now.
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first training camp, and cap is making the most of it. >> after i'm farther than i was last year z i mean, hopefully moving forward that shows more and more. >> he's someone with a light arm. i think he's focused on all of the throws. we've seen some really nice throws this camp. >> it's going to be exciting to watch. and a level of scrutiny. >> yes. >> this is going to be prolonged. >> join me tonight at 9:00. that is cable channel 13 coming up then those fees to check in bags how high can rices go? and r.then a search for daphne. an effort to find the toddler
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first reported missing three weeks ago. >> thanks for joining us.. >> we'll see you late dler evening blach
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this is "jeopardy!" here are today's "kids week" contestants -- she likes being creative, so she's considering design or writing. from toronto, ontario, canada, cheer on... watch out, alex. this kid wants to host "jeopardy!" he says he'll wait for you to retire. from newtown, connecticut, how about a round of applause for... and honestly, this abe lincoln lover wants to go into politics. from sonora, kentucky, please welcome... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!" -- alex trebek! thanks, john. future host of "jeopardy!" competing on the program today.
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uli, thomas, and skyler, welcome aboard, and good luck to you. have fun. here comes the jeopardy! round. one daily double in one of these categories. "i-z-e" coming up -- or, for shuli's benefit, "i-zed-e" coming up in each correct response. alex: skyler, start. what's for breakfast? for $200, please. shuli. what is yogurt? right. authors for $200, please. skyler. who is c.s. lewis? correct. authors for $400, please. shuli. who is stephanie meyer? yes.


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