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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  August 15, 2013 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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here is a live look at the new eastern span of the bridge. the metropolitan transportation commission set opening date for september 3, the day after labor day this, is live from a caltrans web cam they have just two and a half weeks to get everything ready and it will take a complete closure of the bridge for up to five days before we can use it. abc 7 news begins our live team coverage on this. wayne, no time left for a big celebration? >> no. not really. it's been 24 years since loma prieta hobled the eastern span of the bay bridge. in the years since, engineers and all of the people running this project say we have been lucky. they don't want a replay that. factored into the decision this morning. take a look at the ride we've taken for decades. the ride now has end date, august 28th. >> so there
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second, and we can pause on that. >> back owe-to-a labor bayday weekend opening. the federal government and independent engineers agree temporary shims will render the bridge safe for traffic. >> existing bridge is the one folks ought to be worried about. we've got two structures out there. side by side. and there is no contest between which is safer. >> traffic flow tends to decrease on those dates. it will be mop up work, mostly. >> the bridge is pretty much done. work, construction work that needs to be done over labor day is cut in work at either
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end. everything in the middle is pretty much ready for traffic and will be. >> as for the doubters executive director had words for them, too. >> i do believe that a lot of about this structure have been side shows. and a lot of the so-called problems this structure has are not real at all. >> as of now they say they're going to cut a chain, wish it luck and maybe have a big carry moan later on them want to get it open, running and safe for travelers. >> and nick smith is live tonight this, is good -- going to inconvenience thousands for a couple day autos you know i
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do believe i may be standing in one of the most-popular spots in the next 13 days still to come because many find other ways to get in and out of san francisco.1w& >> the intrij going to close? >> it s it won't be bad to think of ways to get to east >> no it will back up sure. >> bart will operate all available cars and are calling in extra personnel to juggle the possible crunch. during noncommute hours will run longer trains. and there is ac transit. with no service across the bridge ac put a plan in place to steer trance bay bus line to nearest bart stations so
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commuters can take bart into the city. >> driving around going to be a pain. >> it means traffic on main alternatives, richmond san rafael and golden gate bridges may be moving at a snail's pace. kmurters can expect to be backed up for miles. >> yes. go through marin, whatever have you to do. you know? just do what you've got to do to make to it work. >> not a bad idea golden gate ferry and san francisco bay ferry operating special schedules. commuters are advised to plan ahead. >> the five-day shut down can have an impact on many businesses and events. the last time both decks shut down san francisco restaurant reservations were down and cab
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drivers are worried the long closure could be devastating. many relie on fares into san francisco. >> it's been going by san mateo bridge if they want to. >> truck drivers will have to consume more diesel and will be a challenge getting to bears games. the mayor, jean kwon says she's unhappy it's happening at the same time as oakland's gay pride celebration. >> demolition will begin, the project will be far from over. demonstration getting underway later as will improvements to only and off ramps and completion on the new part of the span. when the old bridge is torn down, it will mean relocation for the figure known as bay
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bridge troll placed as a symbol prof tex. maybe it helped protect thus time. countdown is back on. 19 days until the opening. stay with us for continuing coverage and big opening on september 3. progress being made on another big project, new fourth bore of the caldecott tunnel scheduled to open on time, and on budget. the tunnel should provide relief saving fim you drive between contra costa and alameda counties. >> a bicyclist struck and killed a 71-year-old man last year was sentenced today. accord together d.a.this was the first conviction of its kind in the country. vic lee has been following this case and is live. vic? >> chris will be doing a lot of community service and will be on probation three years but that could be shortened if
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he stays out of trouble. the judge refused to allow cameras today because the lawyer objected but what happened was a story of two people. two very, very different people. chris and terry. the son of the man he killed. this is the bicyclist who struck and killed the 71-year-old man last year. he was sentenced today to a thousand hours of community service for felony vehicular manslaughter. no jail time. >> can you say something? >> he was silent in and out of the courtroom. he offer nod regrets or public apology. >> if we seeked revenge for wrongs people have done to us, you know, eye for an eye, we'd all be blind.
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>> this is terry. he's the son of the man that was killed. he and his family supported plea deal reached by the d.a..& saying that is what his father would have wanted. >> he taught me to give people a second chance no matter what happens because that is what makes society civil. >> the older wei was killed at castro and market. police said security video taken from this car showed him going at a good clip weighting wei straight on. testify r.terry wei said the family wanted give him a chance to become a better person. >> we hope he's h.he'd go out and assist elderly. use that time. build housing for less fortunate a sift people with traumatic head injuries because that is something my father would have had to have dealt with if he would have survived. >> d.a.hopes it will send a
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message across the board. >> regardless whether riding a bike, you're driving a vehicle or walking we have shared responsibilities in providing safety in our communities. the silence made it impossible to gauge if he understood what that's message was. >> two young men received lengthy prison sentences after being convicted in a gang rape of a teen-aged girl. jose montano sentenced and the co-defendant got 29 years to life. the victim did not attend today's hearing but she wrote a statement that was read in court detailing how she's suffered since the attack. four men have been sentenced, two more await trial. >> a richmond man has been indicted on 100 counts of
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insurance fraud, per jerry and arson, accusing skmim five others of filing false or inflated claims on 10 fires 20 incidents of theft and vandalism and several car accidents. the district attorney says she were -- they were involved in a conspiracy to collect insurance claims on properties they had destroyed them receives or didn't exist. security video from a camera caught burglars in the act. police asking for help finding them tonight. it was last friday afternoon when three people drove up to the house on belmont canyon road and broke n one burglar loaded down with stolen i'd yims made trips from the car to the house. >> four men on the loose after breaking into a tiffany's snore walnut creek this, morning four masked men backed a stolen pick up. the jewelry cases proved harder to smashfd%ñ.
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the expensive pieces are are locked away. authorities believe they got way in a white chevy blazer. >> police looking for a driver who hit a man along fremont boulevard a weeking ao, then took off. the cyclist is in critical condition with a major head injury. police say the car was a dark camery similar to this one. 1992, maybe two 1996 models and damage to the right front bumper asking you to call police if you have information that might lead them to the driver of the car n santa cruz police arrested this man. a 48-year-old on charges of child pornography. police say he used to be involved in adult porn industry after finding illegal images police say they brought him in for questioning and caught him down loading more illegal porn on his smart phone in the police station. >> still to come tonight on
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abc 7 news at 6:00 major league basebapjhhb expands reply rules. larry beil will be here to explain the impact. >> cheating allegations against defending champions of the america's cup. you're going to hear how it could affect races. >> discounts entice consumers to make a purchase, what if the discount doesn't come true? >> i'm sandhya patel. i'll sho you changes this system will bring as we get closer to the weekend.
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a major decision tonight in fact commissioner bud selig calls it a historic moment. instant replay will be expanded. reaction from players and fans. >> joining other professional sports relying on instant replay. a's pitcher says it will be a big shake up. >> we're not used to seeing a lot of rule changes. you know? it's stayed the same for a long time. >> major league baseball will expand the use of instant replay. managers will no longer have to fight with umpires over calls. they'll allowed three
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challenges. one in the first six innings. challenges will be reviewed at major league baseball head quarters in new york. a's manager thinks change will be good for the game. >> you put technology in play you can do it in an expedited pace. >> we don't want to stay stuck in caveman days. just try to make it better. >> it's like why not? get the right call. it's better for the game. >> instant replay might slow the game. he still likes the revamped system. >> nice to be able to take a look at. i think it's a step in the right direction. >> the owners vote on this in
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november. the player association and umpires must also weigh in. interesting. >> larry sounds like they're trying to get it right. >> yes. that is what you want there have been so many mistakes baseball felt compelled to act in a sport reluctant to imr embrace replay and technology. the replays will be handled by a crew in new york. having just blatant mistakes made. then, new york crew will make the call. the concern is how long is this going to take? come on. there is no way that is going
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to happen. we're talking about a potential six challenges per game? six? we can be looking at four hour games. if they can do it fast enough they've got to work that. it will be fine. >> thank you. >> an international jury is investigating cheating allegations. oracle team usa owned by larry ellison. oracle acknowledged three smaller catamarans were illegally modified by having weights added to them. management denies knowing anything bit but the denial doesn't ply fli with other skippers. >> i know everything about my team. i know every screw that goes on the yacht on my team. so i'm surprised about that. but maybe they're not on top of their teams the same way.
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>> the they can fine the team or forcing them to forfeit a race. it can take the drastic step of disqualifying oracle from the championship race chz begin on =ú september 7th. patel in for spencer. >> weekend almost here. so we'll keep warmth going but there is a going to be a change. tomorrow, cooling off. then we'll talk about the weekend running high. muggy in san jose. 62 in fairfield fchl you're
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feeling stickiness it's not normal here in the bay area. beautiful view there. sunny skies still. temperatures 58 in san francisco. mild in oakland. and mountain view into the 70s. half moon bay, 64 degrees. this is what it looks like. 6 a5 in santa rosa. 86 concord. winds light and here is a look at the forecast. mild tonight with some coastal fog. a wide range from coast to inland. so everyone will have something to enjoy. extra humid in advance of the system. counterclockwise rotation around the lows so wind flow out of the southwest bringing higher humidity to the bay
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area. so cooler tomorrow, then this, system hangs back here early next week. there is a chance of unsettled weather northern california mainly to mountains could be seeing scattered showers, thunderstorms. we're monitoring for possibility of some unsettled weather here. tomorrow morning low to mid-60s, humid out there. fog near the coast. i don't think you'll need to bundle up in the morning. afternoon highs looking like this. 82 san jose and south bay. peninsula, 74 degrees, 81 palo alto. 63 pacifica. 70s for downtown san francisco. and mid-80s around santa rosa.
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sunny skies afternoon and east bay. 76 oakland, hayward inland spots it's summer time warmth. accu-weather forecast cooler tomorrow, mid-90s inland, mid-60s coast cooling down only 88 inland on tuesday. sandhya, thank you. >> coming up next impending demolition of an unsafe college campus building. >> why
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officials giving details of the weekend's planned implosion on a building on the campus. crews have said 463 pounds of explosives. the demolition will make the building crumble away. officials decided to implode the building to keep dust to a minimum. >> you have the same quantity of dust but dust is limited to minutes. on a given day at a known time. proper planning of the so that that same quantity and type of dust can be dwelt he yek yekt -- effectively. >> geologists placed 600
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sensors around the east bay to measure movement. the blast will have energy as a 2.0 quake. >> interesting about the dust, too. money matters cisco and walmart drag down the stock market. the dow took a nosedive today. and cisco fell 7%. walmart fell after cutting profit forecasts today tlchl has been activity, however in the bay area real estate market. july sales up 18% making it best month in almost seven years. data quick service reports the supply of homes for sale is finally growing to meet pent up buyer demand. >> warren buffet is bullish on general motors. his company increased it's stake in gm and slashed it's holdings in the kraft food company by almost 90%.
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>> it's being called ayk[i waur billion dollar boondoggle. just ahead california's computerized payroll system doesn't work and may not be salvageable. >> hundreds of hungry job seekers turn out. target prepares to open a big new store. >> if you're tired of having tired muscles a simple
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good evening, we'll start overseas. state department issued a travel warning for egypt urging americans living or visiting there to leave, immediately. violence left 638 people dead since yesterday. according to the egyptian health ministry. began on security forces moved to clear two protest camps, housing supporters of ousted president morsi. the crack down sparked clashes and the government declared a nationwide state of emergency. this morning president obama cancelled joint military exercise there's. >> we want to sustain a relationship with egypt our
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traditional cooperation cannot continue as usual when civilians are being killed in streets and rights being rolled back. >> however, the president has not cancelled $1.3 billion in military aid the united states sends to egypt. egypt's military has been blamed for the violent crack down. >> tonight major changes being announced for the state's delta tunnel plan. department of water resources say the two 40 foot tunnels will be moved farther east ask will be cut from 35 to 30 miles to attempt to decrease the project's foot print. environmentalists just see a boondoggle. >> not going to solve california water problems. it's not going give more stability to water situation for farmers. it's going to create a krurks project that will turn area into a war zone. >> total cost is $25 billion.
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it will take 10-15 years to complete. >> when you spend your money, you expect to get what you pay for that. doesn't always work with the government. case in point, hundreds of millions spent by the state of california to upgrade it's payroll computer system. a lot of money pouring down the drain. >> efforts to upgrade california payroll sis thaimz been a disaster. it doesn't work and may not be salvageable. lawmakers are upset because many services and programs suffered cuts over the last few years. >> very painful to sit here today for me to acknowledge that a quarter billion dollars might have been wasted. >> a subcommittee is looking into how this could happen.
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state controller blames the contractor which took over after the first company was fired. >> i think that they underestimated the size and complexity of california's payroll. 160 agencies and 21 units. >> the s.a.p.blamed the state for the project's failure. the company has backing of a senate investigation which concluded issues could have been detected earlier but state controller withheld evidence from lawmakers. the report found quarterly updates to the state that sugar coated problems, ignoring others, which compromised oversite. >> the state isn't blameless when projects go down. it's safe sto say if to take on a project like this, many things we're done, decisions taken back then would not take today. >> similar failures occurred when the court is tim tried to modernize.o@ dmv wanted to upgrade
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processing of driver's licenses and registrations. lawmakers will take less wrons from this hearing and make improvements so that future tech projects don't end up wasting time and money. >> in washington white house is going solar. again. officials confirming that new solar panels being installed on 9 roof of the residents part of a project including updated heating and cooling controls and variable speed fans. president carter installed solar panels in 1979 but president reagan removed them. the white house didn't say who is supplying panel buzz did say they're american made. >> target is get being ready to open a new store in san francisco. and now, they're looking for 450 new employees. by mid day, interview rooms
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were crowded. hundreds of people waiting to say what they have to offer. >> i worked for lowe's, ups and disneyworld. >> law will say if you don't want it, she'll take it. you know? >> renee coleman has no retail experience but a positive attitude. >> i have everything. i have it all. >> that is what target is after. >> individuals who have a can could do attitude, coming to work ready to go who are positive. >> human resources director of the new store says it's against company poll i to publicly discuss wages and benefits but in the interview rooms we heard targ looking for part time employees between 20, 25 hours per week. the company has health benefits after six months of part time employment looking for casheers, sales staff,
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even hourly manager autos i love target. so glad they're bringing it into the city. >> after a career with the phone company camille hopes to land a job stocking shelves. >> i think young people need jobs more than i do. if they want to make me, i'll do the job. >> store due to open in october. applications will be accepted friday from 11:00 until 5:00 in the evening and ska saturday, from 9:00 until 3:00. >> a promising young man providing a service died. he won a scholarship through an program. he vowed to become a doctor, he did. 10 years ago he followed up with victor in mexico where he was a popular physician in a small hospital two hours from mexico city. unfortunately he developed kidney problems and despite a
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transplant developed pneumonia passing away at 34. stay with us. we'll be right back.
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deep tissue massage is a proven technique for dealing with some kind of muscle pain. >> one trainer is adding a technique to roll the pain away. >> you work out, but what about putting yourself back together? >> jill miller coaching giants to roll pain away. the technique employs who pliable balls to target connective tissue. >> putting tissues back together again. >> she says rolling therapy is effective not just from soreness but pain associated with sitting in a desk for long hours. it acts like a sleeve. >> fascia provides matrix
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muscle cells can grow upon and envelopes and surrounds all giants. >> when tight she says pain can disperse through a broad area. >> i'm a fitness professional. i need my feet urks i need to be able to jump, and move. >> she found relief by rolling her fit feet on the tune up balls. >> miller is based in southern california conducting rolling sessions that typically take about 30 minutes. >> have you ever tried that? it works but it is painful. >> an employee perk turns into a hassle. >> next, michael finney explains why taking advantage of a discount turned out to be
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an era will end later this evening when the wax museum at san francisco fisherman's
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wharf closes after 50 years. the current owners believe they've welcomed 12 million guests. the figures showcase celebrities. the owners of madam tousseau's wax museum plan to reopen with a different collection next year. >> when you find someone to do something as good as you or better it's time to take a look at that. so taking entertainment and entertain for next 50 years is important. >> employees built many mannequines in a hin the scenes shop. >> a lot of large companies offering employee discounts to purchase merchandise or services. >> one daily city woman found taking advantage of the discount was difficult. >> she turned to michael finney. and he's here to help. >> this is a case that is unusual. she had been receiving a 15%
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discount from sprint since 2004. she doesn't work for sprint but received the discount through the company she works for n december, discount stopped and proved hard to get back. >> this is one of three phones she has with sprint the 15% discount was÷;z appreciated. >> the reason i signed up with them is because of the discount. >> in december sprint asked her to reverify her employment no. big deal, she figured. she was wrong. >> i'm subordinate a pay stub to them. >> she's been calling since december inquiring about the status of the discount. when receiving the bill there would be no discount.
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>> it's not fair. i did not feel like giving up on this. >> she called in july, eight months after sprint asked her to reconfirm employment. again, she was asked to reverify her employment. she says they told her she can get the discount if renewing contract. >> i was telling them it does not make sense to meechl i sign another two year contract. >> this week sprint issued this statement of we have sent her an e mail confirming sprint applied dts count and waived requirement for a new two-year agreement. we have applied a credit to account equal to discount that would have applied back to december,÷ now, sprint didn't offer an explanation for what caused that delay.
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once you get there click on 7 on your side. >> thank you. >> sure. >> time to turn to weather. >> yes sounds like goitsing to cool down a bit. will be in over the bay by morning. if doing traveling 106 and same for yosemite. 63 in eureka. tomorrow afternoon, a little cooler but still a wide range of temperatures. around the bay we're going keep you into the 70s. 84 santa rosa. and near the coast a little bit of fog.
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dhek checking on the accu-weather forecast, and are going to bump up temperatures. cooler monday, tuesday, weem track possibility of unsettled weather. >> but going to happen. >> thank you so much. about. >> that is right. >> a sunny day for a's. finally. she may be the face of womans
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good evening, a's rookie takes perfect time to record his first major league win in the series finale with lowly astros. houston thinking sweep coming in. eight scoreless innings tonight struck out nine. a's up in the first. a double down the line two. runs scored.
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four for four, four rbies. look at the bat speed there. two run blast. rangers are off today. giants trying to avoid being swept in washington, d.c. this is thomas jefferson, just chilling. giants on the board his 15th of the year. giants down to a last strike. that is crushed off raffle soriano. full extension there. giants with a rare come from behind win these days. womens boxing is on the rise. bay area native saturday in
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mexico stopped here in our studios. that is the sound of success. anna getting ready to fight. a win probably puts anna on the under card of floyd mayweather's pay per view card. >> it's a risk. you train hard putting yourself in a position where you have someone signing a contract willing to hurt you. >> her first love was marshal arts. >> back when i was a kid, watching people like my dad after watching sleeping beauty. it just connected with me. yae. it's -- boxing is tough. a lot of physical demands have
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you to deal w and would have to think about later on in life if it's going to be affecting you. there is something to be said about loving passion. >> a two time world title holder she has not nougt a year. she cannot wait to get into the ring. >> do you want to hit something now? i'm sensing... do you want to hit? that that is it? >> no? just a little patty cake? that is it? okay. good. probably better for me. >> lucky to get out alive. brandon hegge will not be returning a 17-year-old knocked him out today this, is patrick rogers. nice birdie putt. as for hegge brilliant flop
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shot here. it slides by. he slams the door. hegge ousted on the second playoff hole. abc 7 sports brought to you by orchard supply and hardware. anna? she looks sweet. >> i won't mess with her. >> but tough this, is a big deal for her. >> yes. it's going to be a launching pad. >> that is fantastic. >> join me tonight at 9:00 coming up fatal accident. what appears to be the first sketch a chifld linked to candy colored laundry pods. >> deadly conflict in egypt. local families affected by violence and support tonight. hq prime time tonight, followed by abc 7 news at 11:00. >> that is it for this edition of abc 7 news.
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>> from all of us here thanks for joining us. we appreciate your time. connect on twitter. see you at 9:00 and 11:00.
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this is the "jeopardy!" teachers tournament. here are our three finalists -- a high-school chemistry teacher from charlottesville, virginia... a high-school world-history teacher from chicago, illinois... and a high-school a.p. english teacher from montgomery, alabama... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!" -- alex trebek! thank you, johnny gilbert. and thank you, ladies and gentlemen. and welcome, everyone. i can't think of a better way to start the week than with a two-game finals match in one of our signature tournaments, in which one of these three players gets to go home with $100,000 at the end of tomorrow's program. michael, colby, and kate have been very impressive in their previous two appearances. let's see if they can keep it going today.
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good luck. here comes the jeopardy! round. and here are the categories. we start off with a math situation. sounds like you're back in school. alex: kate, you get to go first. i'd like which part of speech? for $200, please. michael. what is a noun? that's it. let's do witty lines for $200. colby. who is zsa zsa gabor? right. part of speech?, $400. kate. what is an adjective? right.


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