tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC October 23, 2013 11:35pm-12:36am PDT
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t the big news in england, big day, duke and duchess of cambridge, william and kate, cristened their son, prince george, in the royal chapel, st. james palace, a small party to celebrate, back room at london area hooters. this is a photograph of prince george on his special day. ah, going to make a beautiful queen isn't he? you bring me out to share me with the world i'm dressed like a throw pillow. thanks, mom and dad. today, prince george's full name is prince george alexander louis of cambridge. good luck getting that name right on the cup at starbuck's. it's also in attendance at service were his grandparents, great grandparents and seven god parents including emelia jardine
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patterson, sir patrick corgyie pudding the iv. there is ceremony and tradition, attached to this. this christening today thought it felt very modern. >> as trumpets blared outside st. james' palace. four generations of the royal family gathered for christening of prince george, son of william and kate. prince george was cristened in water from the river jordan. a tradition followed with infants. >> isn't that something? [ cheers and applause ] here is something from "today" gavin mccloud, captain st tuc t tuchlt -- stubing from "the love
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boat." >> the captain is speaking, he captured the hearts of viewers on the beloved show "the love boat." >> jimmy: he has no idea what is happening. he thinks he is still on the boat probably. another fun clip. i call this one why i love australia. i don't know much about this other than it involves two australian men, a lot of alcohol, and a taser. enjoy. [ laughter ]
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>> jimmy: a beer with a taser chaser. halloween is just over a week away now. you might want to go to target. costco, get the cannedy. when it comes to candy bars, the term fun sized is misleading. there is nothing that your candy is 1/8 the size of a there mall bar. you should call them what they are, disappointment sized candy. market research released a list of america's favorite halloween candies, you know the number one, reese's peanut butter cups. number one. can't are gu wigue with that. this year's, least favorite candy, lentil, m & ms.
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despite our love of candy and fast food, number of americans who will live to be 100 years or older will increase dramatically. in 2010 there were 53,000 centenarians in the united states, and i have driven behind every single one, by the way. by the year 2050 it is believed there will be 600,000 older than 100 in america which is, that is going to be a very busy year for willard scott. by the way what happens when willard scott turns 100. does he wish himself a happy birthday or? or does it alter the space-time continuum forever? if you hit 110 years old, you become what is labeled as a super-centenari super-centenarian. although, should we be putting the word super in front of some one who has no powers at all. i guess it is good news. i guess, they have to have somebody to greet the customers at all the new wal-marts. speaking of living to 100.
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i believe, regis philbin might live to be 200. 82 years old. still working every single day. host of a show on fox sports 1 called crowd goes wild. yesterday regis was joined by two of his closest friend from the wu-tang clan. say hello to k. juan. >> jimmy: it's ray-con, k. juan close enough. the mayor of boston, was talking about what everyone in boston is talking about, red sox playing in the world series. i think he was confused what they're playing for. >> the red sox were playing the third world series the last nine years. it will be hard to bring back the world cup series to boston.
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>> jimmy: there is a world series trophy. a world series ring. the only world series cup is in the pants of the players. the mayor says, this is a common thing -- last year, early this year he referred to patriots tackle vince wolford as wolcock. he called kevin garnet of, kj. and it seems like somebody should have helped him with the professional video. >> i'm mayor thomas menino, boston is a great place to live and a fantastic place to be a sports fan from hometown boston red sox fighting hard to bring home the cup to our heroes on ice, the boston skateroos. when they win the heisman this year, but just wait till spring.
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and football is a game come to foxboro, catch the new england colonial guys led by quarterback greg brady. yeah, when he fade become to pass, you know it is going to be a hole in one. and let's not forget one of the most storied franchises in sports, the boston celery sticks, like russell crowee to today's superstar, bon jovi. sure to be our next american idol. boston sparks, just one more reason, boston is the best in the west. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: no harm done. the red sox hosted saint louis cardinals, game one of the world series. finally a color coordinated world series. i hate it when the teams clash. red sox players are wearing beards as team unity, i guess. either that or excite add but
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duck dynasty, not sure. take a look at the guys, mike napoli, drove in runs. johnny gomes, ryan dempster. david ortiz. mike carp, that is a picture of him as wookie here. you get it? >> guillermo: yeah, got it. >> jimmy: you get that? >> guillermo: i go out. >> jimmy: what did i say? >> guillermo: i got it. >> jimmy: you got it. don't patronize me. >> guillermo: all right. >> jimmy: very big night for beard on tv. "duck dynasty" a great show. the end of the fourth season. don't know why they have seasons. reality show. keep showing. do they take a break from being themselves.
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this was their halloween episode tonight. that, it was kind of scary. >> announcer: tonight on the season finale of "duck dynasty" the robertsons face their worst nightmare. can they escape hell's razor? ♪ or will they succumb to the blade? "duck beard massacre" only on a & e. [ cheers and applause ] we're going to take a break. when we come back from that break we have saint louis cardinals fan and boston red sox fan standing by via skype right now. tonight we will pit them against each other. look at them they're already not getting along. in a skype scavenger hunt, and sean diddy combs and keith
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on all new iphones. "...three cat toys, two hamster wheels..." ♪ "...and a rawhide enough for three." ♪ (laughter) ho, ho, ho, ho... (female announcer) celebrate the season! save 20% on hundreds of items! plus, save $5 on select simply nourish™ dog food and $2 on select simply nourish™ cat food. at petsmart®. with an ultra-thin coating and fast absorbing advil ion core™ technology, it stops pain before it gets worse. nothing works faster. new fast acting advil. look for it in the white box. there should be some way to make it easier. [ doorbell rings ] what is a wetjet? some kind of a mopping device. morty, there's a lot of dirt on here. it's almost like dancing. [ both humming ] the swiffer dance.
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>> jimmy: tonight on the show, keith urban. the first night of the world series. red sox did battle on the field. to night two fans will do battle from comfort of their homes via miracle of the internet. fire up your web-cams time for world edition of the skype scavenger hunt. first, the away team from saint louis, missouri, welcome tony peck. hello, tony! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: tony, what do you do there in saint louis? >> i am a training coordinator
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and key manager for a steakhouse restaurant. >> jimmy: very nice. casual dining? >> yeah. >> jimmy: okay. and would you describe yourself as a die hard cardinals fan? >> i'm so glad you asked. >> jimmy: oh, wow. okay, yeah, that's definitely die hard. did you shave your chest for this tonight or is your chest naturally smooth? >> i gave it a trim. >> jimmy: ha-ha. all right. we are embarrassed already. next up from boston. brian engler. hello, brian. [ cheers and applause ] >> what's up, jimmy? >> jimmy: any tattoos of the red sox on your body. >> no, i'm clear, i look to keep it pure. >> jimmy: did you shave your body for tonight's television appearance. >> no, i wish i could say that i
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shaved, but it was for tonight's television appearance. i am just always having to shave my furry back. >> jimmy: you just got married, right, brian? >> i did. i did, actually. my wife, we actually wraote our own vows. >> jimmy: nice. >> in the vows my wife promised to stick with me through all the different seasons, winter, spring, summer, fall, sox, packs, celtics, bruins. >> jimmy: very romantic. tony meet brian. you both have rally beard. are you ready to play? here we go. a simple game. a scavenger hunt. i will name an item. your job is to find an item. bring it back fast as you can. okay. round one -- come back wearing your shower curtain as a cape. if you don't have a shower curtain, improvise. there they go. off.
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>> jimmy: what the -- is that? brian prepared a little comedy sketch for us. all right. okay. that is a robe. tony has been gone a little bit longer. here comes tony. tony, what do you have on you? you look like you stole the drapes off the window. tony, what are those? >> a shower curtain. >> jimmy: a shower curtain. brian, you are wearing what? >> my bathrobe on. i just have glass shower doors. >> jimmy: that would have been dangerous. round one to tony. all right. >> jimmy: by the way, brian, don't think you don't get extra credit for the gift in your closet. because -- that will not go -- unrewarded.
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>> jimmy: next item. round two goes to who ever can bring back a copy of the most inspirational movie you own, dvd, vhs, whatever it is. most inspirational movie. look at that. another inside joke going. i'm at war with imo's pizza in saint louis. okay. there you go. that is the world series championship video. yes. >> it is. >> jimmy: what does it mean to you, tony? >> everything. >> jimmy: brian, what movie do you have? fast times at ridgemont high. we will give this round to brian. brian, what did you learn from fast times, what was the lesson that you took away from that film? >> that it doesn't get much better than phoebe cates and jeff spiccoli.
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gyp i couldn't >> jimmy: bring back something that could get you in legal trouble, potentially get you in legal trouble. tony got up. oh, there it is. what do you have there, tony? >> a bottle of bourbon. >> jimmy: okay, yeah, i guess if you were to drink that whole bottle you would probably wind up in some kind of legal trouble. let's see, brian has you beat on interior decorating. sorry to tell you, tony. but he is married. all right, let's see what brian has. brian, you have -- >> jimmy: what is it? >> it is massachusetts. it is not really illegal. >> jimmy: i understand what it is. but i think we are going to have to call this a tie, right? all right, guys.
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congratulations. you are -- you are -- for plague our game. we are giving each of you a pair of tickets to the world series in your city, all right! brian and tony, thank you for playing. and we asked for it, i guess. keith urban is here. we'll be right back with sean "diddy" combs. ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] she's got it all. including 25 em-puh-guh's highway. what? em-pe-juh, muhpuhguh? muh-puh-guh's? muh -- em-puh-guh's? em-pee-gee's? 25 em-pe-guh, em-puh-guh's. i'm saying it right, but it just doesn't sound familiar. hmm.
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>> jimmy: tonight, music from "fuse" on the sony outdoor stage, keith urban is with us. tomorrow night, lisa kudrow will be here, as will the fascinating malcolm gladwell, and we'll have music from kings of leon too. join us tomorrow. >> jimmy: our first guest tonight is an entrepreneur and entertainer. he's an entrepre-tainer, really. his brand new tv network, revolt just went on the air this week please welcome the relentless sean "diddy" combs. ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: welcome. >> whoo! >> jimmy: that was an enthusiastic entrance. hey, who are you rooting for in the world series, anybody? >> um -- >> jimmy: red sox the cardinals. are you a yankees' fan? >> yes, definitely a yankees fan. >> jimmy: can't root for the red sox. >> definitely not. >> jimmy: or the cardinals either. >> jimmy, i just came from the bar down the street. they have an after hours thing down the block since i moved into the neighborhood. you are asking me too many hard questions. what's going on now, there is a world series? okay. >> jimmy: let's talk about football. i heard this week, you said you would like to become the first african-american owner of an nfl team? is that true? >> i think there is a huge elephant in the room that, you know, most of, most of the nfl
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players, are african-american and, all of the owners of the teams are not african-american. >> jimmy: that is true. >> i do not want to get on the bad side of the owners, i just would, you know, i think it's time. i think it's time. i think i am the right man for the job. >> jimmy: you have a lot of money, i know that. >> yeah. i can afford a team. let me in. let me get a seat at the table. let us got a seat at the table. >> jimmy: where would you look to have a team? does it matter to you? >> a dream would be new york. i don't think they're going to sell any of the teams. but, i would appeal to the commissioner, to, to help us to like, diversify. diversify, diversify. >> jimmy: what about bringing a team to los angeles? that's what, we would look a team. we don't have a team here. >> that its a great idea. that is a great idea. i am going to make the dream become a reality. i am not trying to
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nfl in any way. a dream of mine, i think it is time. and, i can afford it. >> jimmy: yeah, that's the main thing. >> i want to own a team. >> jimmy: you have your own tv network now? >> yes, my own tv network. revolt. i brought you a shirt. >> jimmy: thank you. thank you. you brought a shirt. yes. if it's, matches yours, thank you very much. >> i sat on it, i am sorry. >> jimmy: music television, right? >> music television. on time-warner, shout out to jeff hirsch and comcast. available on time-warner comcast. if you don't have it, you make sure you hit up twitter and you hit your, your distributors and tell them, #needrevolt. the new number one name in music. there is a huge void out there. because music was homeless for a while, has been homeless for a while. >> jimmy: since mtv stopped playing music videos.
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>> since a lot of music channels started to go to reality tv took the focus off music. music is getting consumed at a high rate. >> jimmy: didn't you have five reality shows on mtv. this is how smart diddy is. you actually intentionally ruined mtv. [ applause ] anticipation that one day after ruining them you would then start your own music channel. >> no. >> jimmy: diabolical. >> no. >> jimmy: and who is the target audience for this? are you looking at. obviously not senior citizens. is it young kids, middle-aged people, who are you looking for there? >> you are asking me too many questions, i just came from the bar down the street. happy hour. no, in all seriousness. we are, we are, we are going to become the espn of music.
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so if people are like wondering what's the channel going to be like? the way espn covers sports and you know that if you want to know something about sports, you go to espn, same thing about music. we're going to be just -- launching new artists, new acts, a platform for the artist, and for the fans, by the fans. >> jimmy: here you are with another owner of a television network. oprah winfrey, kanye west as well. did you ask oprah about owning a network? >> i didn't really ask her about owning a network. because the it's -- it's been the most challenging thing in my life. >> jimmy: you should have, she owns one and sheep knowone ahe . >> i said do you recognize this face? >> jimmy: what did oprah say? >> yeah, that's the look of fear of owning a network. >> jimmy: i see. by the way, whose side. >> i thought that was funny. >> jimmy: when i had a feud
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going on with kanye west, whose side were you on, mine or his? did you think about that? >> is that -- >> jimmy: it is over now. >> i don't want to hurt your feelings, but, you know? >> jimmy: i know what? >> i got -- i got to rock with the artist. i'm a musical artist. i can't go against my family. >> jimmy: what am i a bricklayer over here. i thought we were in the tv business together. what about that? what about how much you hate reality shows? >> i thought it was good for ratings for you, so i thought you was winning on the other side. but it just, i was team kanye, i'm sorry. >> jimmy: i thought we were friend. >> well are friends. we are friends. >> jimmy: some friend. >> we cannot agree on some things and be friends. i just hope you don't make fun of me like that.
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is a fresh feast of flavor. and now, the new southwest chicken is here with a spicy kick. giddy up and get yours before they're gone. new premium mcwrap southwest chicken. there's something for everyone to love at mcdonald's. ♪ le freak, c'est chic ♪ freak out ♪ aw ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] elevate your style.
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sitting on the couch with no shirt on. yes, yes. >> jimmy: that is sean diddy combs. that was -- i don't know what, like seven months ago. >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: here you are wearing a shirt. why do you have a shirt on? >> we had a little delay. >> jimmy: ha-ha. >> we had a little delay in the release, so we decided we would push our release. >> jimmy: your muscles decided this? who decided this? >> in the entertainment business we always are moving the schedule around. timing is everything. so, i thought that -- i would release no shirt sean in april of this year. >> jimmy: in april of this year. next year now. >> next year. >> jimmy: now i will play the video again. >> april of next year, i will be sitting here with no shirt. i will release no shirt sean. >> jimmy: is it -- >> it has been harder than i thought the would be.
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>> jimmy: i wonder if having access to all the vodka you can drink is maybe -- prohibitive when it comes to a fitness program? >> ciroc is gluten free by the way. >> jimmy: okay. >> ciroc is gluten free. i don't think ciroc is the problem though it does affect me getting up at 6:00 in the morning to work out. >> jimmy: what flavors do you have? >> ciroc makes me work out more. >> jimmy: it does. >> i burn more calories when i drink ciroc. yes, i do. you should try it. >> jimmy: i have had it. doesn't have the same effect on on me. leaves me in a lump end of the night. >> you had a good time. >> of course. how many flavors are there? >> four flavors, coconut, we have peach, we have amaretto, red berry, and we have blue dot ultrapremium, ultrapremium if you don't like flavors is one of
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the smoothest best tasting vodkas, it is the best tasting vodka i have ever tasted, not because it is mine. >> jimmy: i talked to a guy, he said that you have become so crazy rich from the vodka deal from ciroc, you are like the richest, like richer than jay-z, yes? >> nobody is richer than jay-z. >> jimmy: ha-ha. >> me? richer than jay-z. >> have you thought of a cool ranch flavored vodka. >> no, i did think of apple pie. >> jimmy: apple pie. >> america loves apple pie. >> jimmy: america and russia finally come together. >> no, no, we, we, really innovated the landscape of vodka. our amaretto flavor. >> jimmy: new one? >> luxury in a bottle. great with a cigar.
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great on the rocks. the spirits business for me is very serious, you know? >> jimmy: i know. >> i take pride in the quality of my product. >> jimmy: maybe when you buy a football team, you can name them like the ciroc-diles or something. think about it. >> the ciroc will sponsor the halftime show. and the after party if we win. [ cheers and applause ] but, but, i do want to make sure that -- that the nfl owners -- the nfl owners. >> jimmy: forget it, you are not getting in. >> i want the nfl owners to go watch the movie, 12 years a slave. everybody should watch the movie, on a serious note. yeah, clap your hand. clap your hand. clap your hands. >> jimmy: why would the nfl owners watch that though? >> they would be emotionally affected, i think they will, the
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movie is so great. i have nothing to do with the movie. i want to see the movie this weekend. the movie is so great. i think it makes you see the world in a more diverse way. >> jimmy: this is what i love about diddy, he is so good at plugging, he is even plugging things he is not involved with. his tv network, revolt. on your cable network. ciroc its the vodka. and nfl is going to give him a team. and we'll be right back with keith urban.
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get it now for zero down only at at&t. to those who've been waiting welcome to covered california. the place to find quality, affordable coverage, and nobody can be denied because of a pre-existing condition. enroll today at >> jimmy: our next guest has sold more than 15 million albums, won four grammys and married one nicole kidman. so the next time you hear him sing one of those sad country songs, remember that he's lying. his latest album is called "fuse" and his light the fuse tour is making its way across the country now and you can see him november 6th on the country music awards here on abc please
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welcome keith urban. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: you haven't been at the bar down the street have you? >> no, no, not in a long time. >> jimmy: how is everything? >> everything is good. good to see you again. >> jimmy: good to see you too. funny, i did not realize you were born in new zealand i think of you as australian. you were born there and you moved to australia. >> when i was barely 2, from 2 to 24, i lived in australia. >> jimmy: do they call country music, country music over there? >> yeah, yeah, what would they call it over there? >> jimmy: i thought country music. i don't know, do they call r & b, r & b in australia. >> yes, yes. i don't know why we would have different names, jimmy.
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it's up side down. b & r music. >> jimmy: your lovely wife was here the i didn't get to talk to her much. i was kidnapped that night. >> yes, you were. she told me about that. >> jimmy: matt damon. i really enjoyed my time with her, i will say that. >> she told me that. i have never seen the footage. i asked your guys if they could round up the footage. so we can see some of it. this is probably not the part we should show of the thing. >> jimmy: in fairness to me, i was tied up. i had nothing to do with it. i'm sorry. >> do you know how good you feel just getting that one night, jimmy? >> jimmy: for two beautiful second i knew what it was look to be keith urban. does she do that at home?
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>> with the green pants, it is so weird. >> jimmy: green pants and everything. your birthday is coming up this week ♪ will you be with your wife and family? >> i will be playing in louisiana. >> jimmy: you will. the gang will not be there with you? >> no, nic is shooting a film in london. i will see her monday. >> jimmy: what is the worst birthday you ever had beside this one coming up? >> the worst birthday. it wasn't the worst. i turned 21. we were touring in tasmania, little state bottom of australia. there is a city they call bernie, a mining town with, eight people in it. that's where i turned 21. it was, it was, not a great birthday. >> jimmy: yeah, no. what did you do? >> we had a big party the next night in hobart, a bigger city. my band at the time put on this big party. a bit of a blur. i got to say. all i remember there was a woman, some shaving cream, and, that was about it.
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and, then the rest was a bit of a blur. >> jimmy: how is it going on "american idol" this seems like the worst part of taping the show you have to go to the basically convention halls and sit there and watch people butcher adele songs. yes? >> there is a lot of people doing that. it is all right. it's all right. i don't mind it. yeah, yeah, yeah. i mean because every now and then some one comes in and sings and it blows you a away. >> jimmy: harry connick jr. is the other judge are. you getting along? do you spend time together? >> we hang out when we are working. we spend all day together. and actually eat together. it's quite civil this time around. >> jimmy: it is. this time around. >> very good. we just hang this time. >> jimmy: it wasn't civil last time? >> we didn't hang very much. not a lot of hanging out.
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>> jimmy: more banging and less hanging. >> i don't know about that specifically. you're thinking about that individually that you just saw, right? >> jimmy: i wasn't thinking dirty thoughts. but i understand what you are saying. that's interesting. bet you have great stories that went on behind the scenes with, mariah carey and -- >> look, i had a good time doing the season. i did. >> jimmy: you did. i'll hook you up to a approximateliy graph and we'll get all the stories -- polygraph and we'll get all the stories out of you. you are having a better time this year? >> it's a good time. in january when the show starts. you will see. a lot of fun. >> jimmy: this new album is doing great. what is this like your 15th or 16th consecutive number one single. >> 15th, thank you. >> jimmy: 15th. >> 15th. thank you. >> jimmy: after a while, the, do you th you -- do you take it for granted? >> if i get five more, i can buy an nfl team.
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that's what i heard. that's what happens. >> jimmy: the first australian-american nfl team owner? >> yes! yeah. >> jimmy: do you know diddy at all? >> never met him. he put vodka in my room. put vodka in everybody's room back there. >> jimmy: like santa claus that way. we will hear some music from youen juyou in just a moment. keith urban. new cd, "fuse." we will be right back with keith urban. ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is brought to you by sony. i'd like to thank sean 'diddy' well, you've found delicious! ♪ ♪ if you wanna go and fly with me ♪
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♪ it's buzz the bee on your tv ♪ ♪ oh how did i get this way? ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪ it is so honey swagalish ♪ so much crunch, can you handle this? ♪ ♪ the party in the bowl don't stop! ♪ ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪ ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪ must be the honey! you've got to try this sweet & sour chicken helper. i didn't know they made chicken.
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crunchy taco or four cheese lasagna? can i get another one of those actually? [ superfan ] hey, america, we're here to help. ♪ this is the creamy chicken corn chowder. i mean, look at it. so indulgent. did i tell you i am on the... [ both ] chicken pot pie diet! me too! [ male announcer ] so indulgent, you'll never believe they're light. 100-calorie progresso light soups. >> jimmy: i want to thank sean diddy combs, apologize to matt damon, we ran out of time. "nightline" is next, but first here with the song, "good thing" from his new album, "fuse," keith urban.
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♪ mmm just hold it now let me put my drink down baby tell me are you really for real ♪ ♪ swingin side-to-side doin that electric slide spinnin on your pretty little cowgirl ♪ ♪ boot heels and you're all alone and that ain't right a girl like you should ♪ ♪ have the best of everything like someone to treat you right ♪ ♪ what i wouldn't give to hold you close longer than tonight cause i know a ♪ ♪ good thing when i see it and you got somethin like
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i ain't never see before yeah i know a ♪ ♪ sweet dream when i dream it just give me one chance and you'll never ♪ ♪ be lonely no more the possibilities mmm they're killin me like you're killin ♪ ♪ every dude in the room with the way you move and you ain't slowin down ♪ ♪ my heads spinnin' round but this neon buzz is a-gettin me up and i wanna get ♪ ♪ down with you 'cause i know a good thing when i see it and you got somethin ♪ ♪ like i ain't never see before yeah i know a sweet dream when ♪ ♪ i dream it
12:35 am
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