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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  October 25, 2013 11:35pm-12:36am PDT

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dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight, kerry washington, "science bob" pflugfelder, this week in unnecessary censorship, and music from sleigh bells. with cleto and the cletones. and now, hold fast, here's jimmy kimmel! ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you very much. welcome to the show. thank you for watching. thank you for coming to my house.
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[ applause ] i appreciate that. can you feel the government running again? the government shut down officially ended last night. should we be happy the government is back? i feel like my sister got back together with an abusive boyfriend or something. here is an interesting fact -- not a single real housewife knew about the government shut down. i'm still not entirely clear on what happened. as far as i know president obama signed a bill to redo the ceiling at the capitol building and now the zoo is open again. the national zoo in washington, d.c. opens back up tomorrow. but their famous panda-cam is operational. because of budget cuts they had
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to shut the panda-cam down. i think it just went back on. there it is. oh, look at that. and that's -- iffage in. i guess they forgot to feed them or something. all right. look at that. isn't that adorable. i don't know if you know this, pandas survive on strict diet of bamboo and members only jackets. as members of the house were voting last night. a long time house stenographer, diane foster-readi went up to the microphone and started, she said this. he will not be mocked. he will not be mocked. don't touch me. he will not be mocked. the greatest deception here is this is not one nation under god. it never was, had it been -- no! it would not -- a constitution written by freemasons. they go against god. >> come on --
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>> you cannot serve two masters. you cannot serve two masters. praise be to god. lord jesus christ. >> jimmy: finally some one says what we have all been thinking. god, freemasons. like the opening scene of a "national treasure" movie. they dragged her away, took her to the hospital. for evaluation. her husband said she is fine. she plans to show up for work tuesday. for real. she told fox news -- the holy spirit has been waking her of in the middle of the night preparing her for this moment. why does the holy spirit come in the middle of the night. can't come at lunchtime like a normal person. that's something. that is easily the craziest thing i have seen a stenographer do. in fact it might be the only thing i have seen a stenographer do. speaking of nutty people in politics -- anthony weiner is back in the news. he said an interesting thing. he said if the internet didn't exist he would probably be mayor of new york. all right. i would be flying right now if
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gravity didn't exist. before the internet he would have been a regular guy in a trench coat hiding behind a tree. while we were on that subject. i want to mention, we got quite an episode of "grey's anatomy" on abc. a patient on the show tonight was admitted into grace sloan memorial hospital after he got his penis stuck in a hornet's nest. now grey's anatomy is ripping off plot lines from downton abbey, if your penis gets stuck in a hornet's nest, try to go to a hospital with less attractive doctors. and also on abc tonight, we've also got kerry washington, "science bob" pflugfelder, and a real school teacher from
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massachusetts. this should give you an idea of what he does. he shot foam into the air. toilet paper into the air. he had exploding pringles cans. last time he brought a hover craft. zipped around the studio. shot millions of ping-pong balls. made a cloud in the studio. science bob has a halloween theme for us. tonight, science bob has a big laser. we will carve a pumpkin with it. a very powerful laser. don't worry, you will be safe as long as you are wearing heavy duty lead aprons they gave you on the way in. oh, they didn't give out aprons? important thing, i will have a lead apron on. this is good. i saw this on our local fox channel this afternoon. anchorman steve edwards doing a story about a couple cited for having sex on a plane. now that the shut down is over it is back to serious business. but the best part is how they chose to illustrate this particular story. ordinarily when people join the mile high club they confine their sexual high jinks to a
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restroom. a former winemaker from oregon and girlfriend have to pay a fine of $250 because they did it right out in the open on the plane. here is the guy, christopher martin. scene with gordon ramsey who has nothing to do with the story whatsoever. anyway. >> kind of very deceiving. and you see the two guys and it says sex on a plane. >> wow, gordon ramsey having sex with a guy on a plane. i saw it on his own network. they're going straight to hell's kitchen for that. facebook made another change to their privacy settings. it used to be that users between ages of 13 and 17 weren't allowed to share their personal information with the general public they could share with friends and family now. they can. the new feature is called the terrible decision that will haunt you for life setting. you all most have to admire face book.
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they openly announce. we are making our site less private, complain for five minutes and accept it. we do. any of you planning to go to the movies this weekend. [ cheers and applause ] if you like -- to be honest i don't care if you do or don't. but tomorrow the remake of the classic horror film "carrie" opens in theaters. for the most part stays true to the original. except the lead role, different actress. and the name of the main character, slightly, well, here's the trailer. ♪ >> something super natural happened here. >> her mother was a fanatic. i don't know how she lived with her. >> she wasn't some monster. she was just a girl. [ ominous music plays ] >> you are going to the prom with me. i see dead people. and i move things with my mind.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: nice. yesterday in case you don't know it was national boss' day. i hope you remembered to halfheartedly honor your boss to. celebrate the holiday, i sent cousin sal on hollywood boulevard yesterday to give people a chance to tell their boss what they think of that person on television from behind the protection of a halloween mask. in honor of national boss' day tell house you really feel about your boss? >> i think if a douche bag and a butt hole mated the spawn of that would be my boss. >> my boss is a fat arabian man who likes to bang prostitutes underneath security cameras. >> really? >> for being a therapist. nobody likes you. you are analyzing people. people are analyzing you and calling you a very hormonal -- >> don't be a pussycat. do it.
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>> i love you a lot you pay me well. get your own [ bleep ] coffee. >> this jack -- didn't show up for my interview. i showed up. i went all the way across town. so to you who was going to be my boss, f you. >> wow. hold on. >> i thought you ran hogwarts. you have a boss? >> no, i was at the north pole. >> a joke because of the way you look. >> thank you. >> my boss sucks. i don't give a [ bleep ] about, and [ bleep ], and all he is is, we don't mean [ bleep ] to them, and as a matter of fact they can take that place and stick it up their [ bleep ], as far as i'm concerned. stick it up -- can i say that on tv. >> you can't say [ bleep ]. no. >> cut the [ bleep ] out. >> nice job. let's wrestle. >> oh. >> tell us how you feel about your boss? >> he is a total douche bag. probably should burn in hell. glad i am wearing this mask.
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horrible, horrible boss. >> horrible man? >> yeah. >> you have a tattoo there. >> yep. >> what is that? >> the rosary. >> the other one. >> initials and a crown. >> your initials. >> b.g.? what does that stand for? >> brian grimm. my initials. >> thank you, brian grimm. here, i will take the mask. >> take care. >> unemployment can be nice too. we're going to take a break. when we come back we, have this week in unnecessary censorship, kerry washington, science bob pflugfelder, and music from sleigh bells. so come on back. [ female announcer ] now at subway, fall in love with the primo flavor of the low-fat tuscan chicken. enjoy it as a 6-inch melt on your choice of freshly baked bread, or as a chopped salad. both high on flavor, low on fat:
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temptingly tender grilled chicken seasoned with italian herbs, topped with tangy balsamic vinaigrette and your choice of fresh veggies. whether it's a sub, or a chopped salad each is 8 grams of fat or less. with two incredible low-fat options like these, what's not to love? hurry to subway today! subway. eat fresh. sometimes, the luxurious things in life are... hey! what are you doing? get outta here! get outta here, you dumb dancers! i've told them 100 times they can't dance in here. bunch of dirty dancers. there's nothing that gets me more ticked off is a bunch of dirty, irresponsible dancers, dancin in front of my dodge durango. ♪ and then a 3:15 with my guilt. [ female announcer ] special k cracker chips. 27 crispy chips. 110 delicious calories. same time tomorrow?
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[ female announcer ] find them in the cracker aisle. ♪ hey! glad y'all made it. sorry we're late. did you run into traffic? no, just had to stop by the house to grab a few things. you stopped by the house? uh-huh. yeah. alright, whenever you get your stuff, run upstairs, get cleaned up for dinner. you leave the house in good shape? yeah. yeah, of course. ♪ [ sportscaster talking on tv ] last-second field go-- yeah, sure ya did. [ male announcer ] introducing at&t digital life. personalized home security and automation. with limited availability in select markets. ♪ with limited availability in select markets. [ male announcer ] not all toral-b pro-health toothbrushes have crisscross bristles that remove up to 90% of hard to reach plaque. feel the difference. oral-b, trust the brand more dentists and hygienists use. oral-b.
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♪ [ male announcer ] give extra. get extra.
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♪ >> jimmy: and tonight on the show science bob pflugfelder is here. we have music from sleigh bells. there is a big earthquake preparedness here in southern california today, called the great shakeout. did any of you participate in this. we should all be set then, i guess. this is an annual earthquake drill started back in 2008, people what you do, people practice what they would do in the event of an earthquake. such a show biz town we rehearse
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our disasters. that's -- in recent years the drill expanded to other states and countries. 18 million people practiced evacuation this year and everyone dropped to the ground at the same moment which actually caused an earthquake. i learned something, i learned an interesting thing about earthquakes today. did you know that an earthquake is the planet's way of letting us know it wants us to leave? guillermo did you participate in the great shakeout today? >> guillermo: no. >> jimmy: did you know it was happening? >> guillermo: no i didn't know. >> jimmy: i want to ask about a few things you tweeted the other day if i could. >> guillermo: yeah. >> jimmy: first you changed your profile picture which we have. where was this photograph taken? >> guillermo: in cancun. >> jimmy: in cancun. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you look can-cute in the hat. i will say this. so around 9:00 tuesday night.
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guillermo tweeted "terrible tuesday, mexico, dodgers, my new diet is killing me softly." killing you softly? >> guillermo: when i eat it i cannot eat. >> jimmy: when you eat it you cannot eat. >> jimmy: they have weight watchers for that kind of talk? >> guillermo: i don't follow it. >> jimmy: the tweet i want to ask about he published tuesday. he wrote "i miss being a little kid. no stress. no worries. sleep and eat. and i was very happy." guillermo posted this, little insight, shortly after getting a call from our producer erin who called to scold him, he was late to work for what 80th time this year? >> guillermo: something like that. >> jimmy: tell everyone what time you are supposed to be at work every day? >> guillermo: 12:00. >> jimmy: supposed to be here at noon.
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guillermo did get here at noon after being yelled at. and then went where, right back home to watch the dodgers' game? >> guillermo: yeah. >> jimmy: you know. our building is filled with. we have maybe 100 televisions in the building. when you are here, be honest, what do you do most of the time? >> guillermo: eat and watch tv. >> jimmy: eat and watch tv. maybe a nap every once in a while? >> guillermo: yeah. let's go back to the tweet. i miss being a little kid. no stress, no worries, sleep, eat, i was very happy. all you do now is sleep and eat! [ cheers and applause ] >> guillermo: no, i worry about bills. >> jimmy: you what? >> guillermo: i worry about the bills. they don't stop coming. >> jimmy: you were happy about the dodgers though, right? >> guillermo: yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: dodgers beat the cardinals yesterday to stay
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alive. [ cheers and applause ] national league championship series. this is, local station was outside dodger stadium interviewing fans as they left. if there is one thing we know how to do in l.a. is trash talk. >> we're number one. >> bet you like your chances? >> you know it. if you don't then you are mistaken. >> jimmy: put that in your pipe and smoke it. it is thursday night. time for our weekly tribute to the fcc where we bleep and blur things whether they need it or not." "this week in unnecessary censorship." enjoy. >> breaking news in washington on the government [ bleep ] crisis. >> if john boehner can't control his [ bleep ] is anyone in charge. >> this whole [ bleep ] has been completely unnecessary. >> you would look to go to the white house at 3:00 p.m. with [ bleep ] in hand. others say it isn't [ bleep ]. >> it was sheer jubilation that broke out. fans were definitely [ bleep ] up. >> almost stick to your
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principles, [ bleep ] isn't a dirty word. >> after you eat until you pop you will be able to [ bleep ] till you drop. >> how much do obama and harry reid have to [ bleep ] democrats. >> the president wants a [ bleep ] increase. >> pushed me down to the ground and [ bleep ] on me in front of everybody. >> and it is the [ bleep ] family. >> i like blowing [ bleep ] and playing with [ bleep ] and at night i go home and my video, and [ bleep ] a man up against a wall. >> a friend explained to me today finally what ted cruz is doing, i finally understand. he is having [ bleep ] sex. >> not getting eaten by zombies tonight. get the [ bleep ] out of here! tonight on the show, science bob pflugfelder is here. we have music from sleigh bells. and we'll be right back with kerry washington. ♪ ♪
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is guy, darryl. sweet ride, jeremy. switch to t-mobile, son - all the data you want around the world with no extra charges. darryl is taking your car. sweet ride. t-mobile nation wide data covers over one hundred countries at no extra charge. go to to enter for a chance to win a trip around the world. go lunch at olive garden. with 40 combinations for under $8. create your combination. like the new chicken parmigiana sandwich with unlimited soup or salad and breadsticks. 40 lunch combinations under $8. when you go olive garden! "...three cat toys, two hamster wheels..." ♪ "...and a rawhide enough for three." ♪ (laughter) ho, ho, ho, ho... (female announcer) celebrate the season! save 20% on hundreds of items! plus, save $5 on select simply nourish™ dog food
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and $2 on select simply nourish™ cat food. at petsmart®.
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so yso you can happily let the grlife get in the way, while planning for tomorrow. so you can finish the great american novel banking for the life you have investing for the life you want chase. so you can
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>> jimmy: tonight on the program, he's come here tonight
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to dazzle us with miracles of science, and he's got a new book too, for kids. it's called "nick and tesla's high-voltage danger lab." it comes out november 5th. "science bob" pflugfelder is here. and then with music from their new album "bitter rivals", from brooklyn, new york, sleigh bells from the sony stage. you can see sleigh bells live at treasure island festival in san francisco this weekend. and by the way in case you missed it the first time my peace summit with kanye west will re-air in its entirety tomorrow night. so you can relive the discomfort all over again. next week on the show, former vice president al gore will be here, james franco will be with us, as will lisa kudrow, "sean diddy" combs, author malcolm gladwell, and we'll have music from michael franti and spearhead, keith urban, kings of leon, and snoop dogg. our funion budget will be through the roof. >> jimmy: our first guest is a
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very gifted and desirable actress-woman with a big hit show that all the cool people are watching. she plays dc crisis manager olivia pope on "scandal." see it thursday nights at 10:00 here on abc, please say hello to kerry washington. ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: how are you? >> i am really good. >> jimmy: you look great. >> wow! settle down, everyone. they really love you. >> jimmy: it is you they love. me they have mixed feelings about. congratulations. this is i think one of the biggest honors you can get in, in show business, you have been asked to host "saturday night live." >> it's crazy. it is so exciting. thank you. thank you. yes. >> jimmy: are you excited about it?
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>> i am really excited. i feel like this is your world, the comedy thing. >> jimmy: have you not done anything like that before? >> i have done a little bit of comedy. but i have never done anything of this. >> live on stage with a bunch of really great, funny people. i'm excited. >> jimmy: and also you became a doctor since the last time. >> yes, i am. you should only refer to me as dr. washington. >> jimmy: from now on i will. >> i did the commencement address at george washington university where i went to school, my alma mater, yes. >> jimmy: did you graduate from that school? >> i did. i did. when i did the speech, i actually wore, my mother is retired professor of education, she got her doctorate when i was a little girl. i wore my mother's doctoral robes. >> jimmy: very nice. a little weird, i got a doctorate at unlv despite the fact that i did not graduate and i wore my mother's robe. >> just her bathrobe. terry cloth.
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>> jimmy: she did not graduate either. were you a good student. i imagine you were. >> you are, with your mom being an educator. i was a good student. i loved school. i am going to stay for the science guy if that is okay. yes, yes, yes. >> jimmy: who knows what could happen. good to have you here. >> i don't know if i am going to stay now. >> jimmy: yeah, he does a lot. i think it will be okay. as long as you are not in that area you should be fine. were you good at science as a kid? >> i was until a certain point. up until -- what happened was i had -- i had this dream as a child, the thing i really wanted to be when i grew up was the woman in the shamu show, you know like with the killer whale at sea world, standing on, nose of the whale, you come out of the water and it's amazing, magical. >> jimmy: the headset on. yeah. yeah. >> get to tell the dolphins what to do. this was my dream. so i studied really hard. i got really into marine biology. all my cousins. i was into it.
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and then i got to ap bioin high school. and the joke in my family that's i was like forget the whale i will be on stage by myself. and that's when kerry washington was born. >> jimmy: you could have been walking around with buckets of chum right now. you didn't even realize. >> i know. instead i'm on "scandal." >> jimmy: a great episode tonight. really, really good one. >> so fun. >> jimmy: when something like that happens you. say to your parents. >> thank you for saying that. >> jimmy: i want to be a marine biologist. a lot of young girls will say i want to be a veterinarian. do they encourage you, or do they go, all right, yeah, okay, great. >> the thing about, not only is my mother a teacher. a lot of her siblings are educators. in my family if you expressed any interest in science at all, your whole world became about that. like i had my cousin rahim said one summer he liked sharks. so we all had to read peter
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benchly's "jaws" and all went to the beach, i had an interest in rodents. we all studied gerbils, hamsters. i can tell you the largest rodent in the world in a capibera. like i know that. we became researchers. >> jimmy: what is the smallest rodent? >> i don't remember. >> it's not as fun as capibera. >> jimmy: capibera is a good one. maybe on "saturday night live," go through all the rodents. >> if it is funny. >> jimmy: no one has ever done it before. >> i'm willing to try anything. >> jimmy: we'll take a break. come back, we'll see next week's episode of scandal, not the whole thing. portion of it. >> we don't have time for that. >> jimmy: we will make time. kerry washington is here! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ sfx: text notifictaion ♪ sfx: phone ringtone ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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[ male announcer ] eeny, meeny, miny, go. more adventures await in the lexus lx, rx, and new seven-passenger gx. dare to be spontaneous. [ male announcer ] we all deserve a good night's sleep. thankfully, there's zzzquil. it's not for colds, it's not for pain, it's just for sleep. ♪ because sleep is a beautiful thing™. ♪ zzzquil. the non-habit forming sleep-aid from the makers of nyquil®.
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mccafe coffee and your favorite breakfast. ♪ just one more reason there's something for everyone to love at mcdonald's. ♪ ba da ba ba ba
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there's something for everyone to love at mcdonald's. >> senator, our nation's highest legislative body. by night he is a perving sexting. pervy-perv. >> say that thing again. >> we need the money. >> we need the money. >> we need the money. >> we have had worse clients,
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haven't we? >> jimmy: that would never happen in real life. >> never. >> jimmy: next week's "scandal" and -- >> we would never have a political figure who took pictures of himself. >> jimmy: i wonder if anthony weiner would watch the show. i bet you he wants to watch it but so uncomfortable for his wife to walk in while he was watching it. >> that's what would be uncomfortable? >> jimmy: yeah, i guess, maybe, maybe they have passed that point. you guys live tweet, you do. >> we all do. the whole cast does. a lot of our crew live tweets, directors, producers, key grips, wardrobe people, all live tweeting during the show. >> jimmy: i noticed something. i follow you on twitter. you realize you are like, you could, you are ruining it for people on the west coast. >> no, no. we say, at 7:00 on pacific time. we say west coast get off twitter. >> jimmy: what if -- what if you are not paying really close attention. you can't throw everyone off twitter. >> we warn you. we don't want to spoil the show. >> jimmy: all right. got you. are you seeing the show for the first time while you are
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tweeting? >> there is no way you can. when we are tweeting it is like an athletic event. my thumbs hurt. my eyes. i weak up in the morning with a twitter hangover. my eyes hurt. head hurts. >> jimmy: last night beginning at midnight. east coast time. >> it is on. it is on. it's "scandal" thursday. exactly. yeah. >> jimmy: have you -- does she encourage you to do that? >> she is great on twitter. if you don't follow shonda, she is hilarious. she was so into it. i fell in love with it. the cast came on. but it is really, it's not something that the network pays us to do or that we are told to do. we do it because we are super passionate about the show, we are crazy grateful to our fans for watching. >> jimmy: you will be over that by mid next season. never, we love our gladiators. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you have a special event coming up here. >> yes, i notice we are both in purple to day. that's for spirit day, anti-bullying. this is our whole crew, parts of our crew today was in purple.
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>> except, exempt for the bully right here. >> that's actually, that is jeremiah in purple plaid believe it or not. >> jimmy: who isn't wearing purple. there is the bully. right there. >> you don't know how funny that is? >> jimmy: its he the bully? >> no, he just keeps us in mind. that's what the bullies call it. i think he is in lavender. that is us. tomorrow night doing an event with glisten, an anti-bullying organization here in los angeles. >> jimmy: very nice. very good to see you. where is it going to be? >> oh, gosh. >> jimmy: people will figure it out. go to the website. my facebook page. glisten. >> jimmy: maybe you will tweet it 30, 40 times. >> you know i will you. know i will. >> kerry washington. you are going to stay around for science "science bob" pflugfelder is next! we'll be right back. why is it better to get what you want now instead of later?
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'cause you don't want to wait to eat your raisins. you don't want to wait to eat your raisins? no! why not? because they will turn into grapes. not sure that's the way it works. yes! are you competing for cutest kid right now? yes. and what place are you in? kindergarten! that's adorable. [ male announcer ] it's not complicated. now is better. and at&t is the nation's fastest and now most reliable 4g lte network. ♪ and then a 3:15 with my guilt. [ female announcer ] special k cracker chips. 27 crispy chips. 110 delicious calories. same time tomorrow? [ female announcer ] find them in the cracker aisle. ♪ whoa! sweet mother of softness. paws off, pal. [ female announcer ] new charmin ultra soft is so soft, you can actually see the softness with our new comfort cushions. plus you can use up to four times less. enjoy the go with new charmin ultra soft.
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with an ultra-thin coating and fast absorbing advil ion core™ technology, it stops pain before it gets worse. nothing works faster. new fast acting advil. look for it in the white box. with up to 360 horsepower. on my left is one horse with one horsepower. that makes you feel pretty dumb doesn't it? [ laughs ] this thing is 360 times more powerful than you. you are literally worthless. [ grunts ] oh, i'm sorry. i...i didn't see you child standing there. hello, what's your name? what are you studying in school? ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] give extra. get extra.
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>> jimmy: kerry washington is
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here, music from sleigh bells coming up. every few months, our next guest drops by to try to blow up the studio. he's a real-life teacher from massachusetts and now a real-life author, too. his book "nick and tesla's high-voltage danger lab," shows kids how to do scientific demos and ruin your home. it comes out november 5th. please welcome "science bob" pflugfelder. congratulations on the book. >> thank you, thank you. >> jimmy: this is, it is like an adventure type of thing. >> science adventure, middle school age. we are trying to combine a great story and also get kids building things. so kids in the story build things we want them to try them at home. hopefully create innovators of the future. >> jimmy: a very good idea. i like that idea. in the meantime we are going to do some stupid stuff, right? >> absolutely. >> jimmy: what are we going to
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do? >> i group on the jersey shore. go out to the jersey shore and swing buckets of water. >> jimmy: pretty wild, kid? >> yeah. >> jimmy: just like snooki. >> there is a lot of misunderstanding, centrifugal force, it is not a real force. >> jimmy: there is no such thing as centrifugal force? >> not a real force. >> oh, my, who made this up? what kind of maniac did this? >> i know. >> i don't know where it came from. >> jimmy: we have got to find out. >> arrest them. i will fix it. i will fix it. >> jimmy: a scandal. >> let's have a demo here. a classic one. a cup of water on a tray. and you are able to actually suspend it. >> we are going to do this. >> spread out a little bit. >> i would go this way so the audience is clear. it is momentum, commitment, believe in the physics. >> and the kool-aid guy comes running through? >> there you go.
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>> how do you stop it. bring it down. there you go. >> jimmy: nicely done. we could be waiters at tgi friday's. pretty good, right? >> then we wondered. >> looking for a compliment, bob. >> it was beautiful. >> wouldn't it be funny if that was it? >> we wonder if we could scale it up. make it a little more interesting. >> jimmy: let's scale it up. >> came up with something that spins around a lot. in this case, a hammock. come on over to the hammock. >> jimmy: come on over. kerry be careful. >> i will be over here. >> jimmy: some one went to the 99 cent store, huh? >> we have all kind of treats. our center of rotation is up here.
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and safety, we did attach the trays. all the treats and that are loose. >> cups are attached. but the liquid is in there. >> kerry. you want to come and pour the last cup of punch here. >> jimmy: this is where they try to give you something to do for no good reason. >> yes, yes. >> jimmy: kerry, it is important that you fill that cup. >> i am like vanna black. >> all right. >> stand in the safety zone. >> sound like an amazing idea. >> here's what we will do. if all goes well. at some point all of this food will be upside down and still hopefully say in the bowl. >> jimmy: like the glasses. >> can we eat what falls? >> like a pinata. >> like a pinata, whatever falls. >> go.
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>> wow! >> ow! >> jimmy: if we stop -- all right, ready. >> oh! >> jimmy: sorry, kids! >> all that was upside down. >> jimmy: it is all on the floor. we have an instant replay here. great way to keep ants off your picnic. our janitor hates you, bob, by the way. >> jimmy: let's do our next thing. what do we have next? >> a little chemistry. >> chemical. road trip. >> we have chemicals. >> so what we are going to do -- a reaction that is a color-changing reaction. >> jimmy: aren't we supposed to put on safety glasses?
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>> yes, put on safety glasses. >> jimmy: thanks, bob. >> we have two chemicals, and mix them and look for color change. >> should a get a lighter? >> no, no. an iodine reaction here. here's what we will do. let me get my goggles on. >> what are the chemicals? >> sodium bisulfate. >> of course. >> put the funnel here. >> jimmy: you really put the fun in funnel, bob. tell you that. >> you swish that. agitate the liquids. >> agitate. hey, hey, don't get so agitated. >> i'll hold this you. pour that in. >> jimmy: agitating the liquids. >> really good. >> jimmy: i have had some experience with this. >> little less agitation.
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there we go. >> jimmy: less agitation. is this an irritant. get a towel. now there is a chemical reaction going on in here between two chemicals where one wants to change into a color, the other one is stopping it from changing into the color, they end up battling it out, battling it out. hopefully at some point they kick in. >> jimmy: eventually i will be -- >> let that go for a second. let that spin. beautiful funnel. >> a tornado. >> called a clock reaction because it doesn't happen right away. it takes a little while. >> jimmy: this is called a tv show. it better happen. >> might take just a little longer. let's see. >> oh!
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>> jimmy: oh. that was sudden. >> that's crazy. that's crazy. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: instant replay there. oh, my. why would it happen so suddenly? >> because all the chemicals run out at the very end. that's what caused it. >> jimmy: now it is soy sauce. >> you wouldn't want to put that on your lomein. >> jimmy: okay. >> i mention i'd brought a laser with me. people are familiar with laser pointers. >> jimmy: that better not be the laser. >> that's not the laser. >> caller: kerry had one of those on her head tonight on the show. >> did you? >> i was courageous enough to. >> jimmy: she was. >> we have, we have the military using lasers, laser surgery, eye surgery with lasers. i thought it would be exciting to explode a pumpkin with lasers. awe call on over here. come right over here. i know it doesn't look like much. a rather high-powered. much higher than that. you want to be careful. we have special glasses that will shield us from the waves of this.
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continuing with the halloween theme. we have them for the band. they're sort of in the line of sight here. >> jimmy: oh. what a cool look for everyone. >> here's what we are going to do. we will power up the laser. follow me. we have balloons here. a black spot on the balloon. that is going to absorb the energy and hopefully pop bat loon. come on down the line. there are five parts. this is part one. part two we have got bottles here that are filled with ethanol fuel that will create a combustible vapor in here. that is going to light the flash paper. flash paper will drop in. see some flames in there. >> wait, wait, where are we standing? >> that's going to go. >> jimmy: safely away. >> the balloon is filled with hydrogen, highly flammable. that will explode. boom. you might want to plug your ears
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like that. then hit the pumpkin. start a chemical reaction in the pumpkin, a flammable gas, and if all goes well it will blow out the pieces of the pumpkin we carved. >> i don't know how you got through airport security. let's do this. >> kerry, kerry. come on over. will you help us start the reaction. come on over here. pour that walter right there. >> give the pumpkin a shot of tequila. >> yeah! >> there it is, all the way. all the way down in there. >> chug, chug, chug, chug, chug. >> little chemical reaction going on. go become to the laser. go back to the laser. >> i always like hearing let's go back to the laser. >> all right. i think we are ready. everything is lined up. are we ready? >> just stand behind me, kerry. >> here we go, powering on the laser in three, two, one. >> wow. >> jimmy: oh. this is much scarier than i anticipated it would be. >> oh! >> jimmy: halloween. oh, boy.
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you told me when i was a youngster one day i would blow up a pumpkin with a laser, i would have been the most excited kid in the world. look at that. that is fantastic. how about that? thank you, science bob. his book is called nick and tess' high danger lab" and "science bob" pflugfelder. kerry washington. we'll be right back with sleigh bells.
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♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing good for me around ♪
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♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of craving something that i can't have ♪ ♪ turn around, barbara ♪ forever i've been praying for a snack in my life ♪ ♪ and now i have a brownie ending all of my strife ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ >> jimmy: i'd like to thank kerry washington, science bob pflugfelder, and apologize to matt damon, we ran out of time. nightline is next, but first, here with the title track from their new album "bitter rivals" sleigh bells. ♪ ♪
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♪ it was the best of times it was the worst of times i had to kill the new sheriff in town she was gonna try to keep me ♪ ♪ you go go down you go go down in a dream you will never be down some how some how another way to make the picture ♪ ♪ clearer point a gun at the mirror heart's so dark make dirt look clean so clean so clean don't ♪ ♪ kick don't scream but at the
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end i can only be no rhyme no reason be not afraid be not afraid ♪ ♪ be not you are my bitter rival but i need you for survival you are my bitter rival ♪ ♪ it was the best of times it ♪ you are my bitter rival but i need you for survival it was the best of times it was the ♪ ♪ worst of times i had to kill the new sheriff in town she was gonna try to keep me you go go down you go go down in ♪ ♪ a dream you will never be down some how some how lay a hand on me lay a hand on you lay a hand on me lay a hand heart's ♪ ♪ so dark make dirt look clean so clean so clean convicts convicts east to west the answer is yes no rhyme no reason be ♪ ♪ not afraid be not afraid be not you are my bitter rival but


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