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tv   2020  ABC  November 8, 2013 10:00pm-11:01pm PST

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i'll see you guys on the internet. good luck. thank you. [ whistles, smooches ] oh, my. [ laughter ] well, the dogs listen to him. the dogs are his best asset. i couldn't take the deal with barbara. she wanted too much equity, but i am going to take her advice and all the rest of the sharks', and you will see petpaint online.
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you are shouting those names at your players. >> [ bleep ]. >> this is really so far out of bounds. >> tonight on 20/20, the video of the coach taking aim at his own players. >> it's hard being with you right now. it's hard talking about it. >> robin roberts one on one with mike rice, the one time rutgers coach who exploded, all of it caught on tape. tonight coming clean for the first time. a 20/20 exclusive. >> you go and you continue -- sorry. >> robin asked the tough questions any parent would ask about a coach crossing the line with their kids. >> there are many people saying no way this man should ever coach again. >> plus, extra foam double latte
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along with a handful of pain killers, the doctor with a prescription pad caught on tape working out of a starbucks, it is what he would do next, you'll see the sting on 20/20. and the doctor talking only to us. >> they don't teach you this in medical school. >> they teach you ethics. >> just this week, could this woman being strip searched by the cops get them in hot water because of it? special prosecutor weighing in now. >> they forcefully took off my clothes. >> tonight, the tape they can't erase. >> announcer: here now, david muir. >> tonight, if you're a parent you've likely seen one of those coaches on the sidelines out of bounds, out of control losing it. but we never saw anything quite like this. you'll remember the one time rutgers coach hurling basketballs and homophobic slurs at his players, tonight he is speaking out about it for the first time. the robin roberts exclusive, the coach saddled with regret. hoping for redemption. the tape he can't erase.
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>> reporter: it's a scene that goes on all over america. sunday afternoon, here on the jersey shore, 15 year old michael and his dad shooting a few hoops in the driveway. >> now i'll show you what dads all across america do. >> reporter: his sister, katie, offering tips to dad, a college basketball coach you had likely never heard of before mike rice was featured in the highlight reel seen 'round the world. >> take a look at this shocking video making headlines this morning. >> a basketball coach caught on tape attacking his players. >> reporter: rutgers university coach mike rice losing it, kicking players in the rear end, hurling balls at their heads and their groins, smacking them with foam pads. big, strong athletes against their coach, defenseless. when you turn up the sound, you hear the verbal abuse. ranting, swearing, even screaming homophobic slurs.
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the story went viral earlier this year unleashing cries of outrage. new jersey governor chris christie weighed in. >> what parent would let this animal in their living rooms to recruit their son? >> reporter: if mike rice was kobe bryant's coach. >> i would smack the hell out of him. >> reporter: a punch line on the daily show. >> reporter: spoofed on "saturday night live." >> reporter: and sports commentators cried foul. >> why does this man still have a job as the head basketball coach for rutgers university? he should be fired. >> reporter: when the story exploded, so did mike's career. i met him, and his wife kerry, last week for a no holds barred conversation. when it became public, what was your reaction to how people were, were taking it?
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>> my first reaction, when i saw the tape was one of embarrassment, of shock. of sadness, that i would put myself in a situation like this. >> reporter: how do you defend throwing a ball at players, striking players, the verbal abuse, the anti-gay slurs. >> you don't. it's unacceptable. it's something that i'll never get over. >> reporter: kerry, when mike came home, after the public had seen that video, what was it like at home? >> it was devastating, for all of us, to live through those first few days, especially, with the video being played over and over again. >> reporter: the video made mike rice the poster boy for abusive coaching, but he's hardly the first coach to be caught behaving badly. former indiana hoosiers bobby knight, famous for his temper tantrums. >> look it here. look it here. bobby knight just threw a chair.
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>> reporter: passion and competitive drive are a big part of the culture of basketball, and for rice, it's a family tradition. his mother was a college player, his father himself an intense coach and nba broadcaster. you could say that mike was born to coach basketball. >> everyone in my immediate family had earned a division one scholarship. and you have state champions, and you have hall of famers. it was fun. it was fun being raised in that type of environment. >> reporter: your father has the distinction of being the only broadcaster to be ejected from a game, for arguing a call. >> he's certainly unique and passed it along, really passed it along. we have a lot of passion, and a lot of energy, and a lot of intensity. >> reporter: "new york times" reporter jonathon mahler has been following rice for six months. >> he had a very particular upbringing. he is wired a certain way. he's an incredibly intense, passionate, emotional person. these are things that helped make him a successful and a very good basketball coach, even possibly a great basketball
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coach, but there are also things that made him unable to control himself. >> reporter: those emotions carried rice and his team on a three year winning streak at robert morris university, a small western pennsylvania school. then, the break of a lifetime. the big leagues. head coach at rutgers university. annual salary, $650,000. the mandate, get the team out of dead last and fast. >> the media were calling us the leftovers. and the inexperienced coach from a small school in western pennsylvania. >> so i had a chip on my shoulders. and i think i put a lot on myself to show people, "a," that i could do it, and "b," that this program was going to take off, was going to change, and i was going to help change it. >> reporter: were you ready? >> looking back now, no. i let some of that pressure, some of that stress, dictate some things that i did, some mistakes that i made.
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>> reporter: mike's credo, practice must be harder than games. that temper never far from the surface. >> i thought it was necessary to get my team, or that individual, to be tougher. >> reporter: and rice was plenty tough on the sidelines during games, even getting himself thrown out. an early warning sign that his emotions were getting out of control. then rutgers athletic director tim pernetti sat him down after losing to the louisville cardinals. >> i got two technicals in louisville. tim pernetti said, you're embarrassing, you're such a good coach, why would you embarrass yourself and insult the university in acting like that? so, yeah, people did try to warn me. >> reporter: even his wife tried to warn him about his on court language. >> the language, my wife had talked to me about the language for three years. >> reporter: do you remember the conversations you had with him, and what you said to him? >> there were times when the language was definitely
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inappropriate. and what i would try and say was, "you're such a great coach, you have such an incredible passion and intensity. can you be that way and not use the language?" and he'd say, "yes, yes, i'll try." >> reporter: but it was getting too late for warnings. one of the his assistant coaches -- former nba player eric murdock -- had a falling out with rice. when murdock's contract was not renewed, he left determined to expose the head coach's controversial methods. >> i mean, it was, you know, negative, negative, negative. i'm having sidebars with these kids after practice because this is their first time going through it. >> murdock asked rutgers for the tapes of all mike rice's practices over the course of two seasons. and because rutgers is a state university it couldn't refuse the request. >> reporter: out of the public records hundreds of hours of practice tape.
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murdock made a clip reel focusing on rice's temper tantrums and delivered it to officials. you feel eric murdock sent the video to the school, why did he send it to the school? >> you have to ask him on those type of questions. i can only answer and explain or try to explain my actions. >> reporter: rutgers launched an investigation. >> the report the investigation produced didn't say "you must fire mike rice." it condemned some of his actions, but for the most part, it didn't exactly exonerate him. but, i think he felt that this was over. >> reporter: rice was suspended for three games. fines and lost income amounted to $75,000 and he was ordered to report to anger management counseling. do you have an anger issue? >> that's what a lot of people ask. the biggest misnomer, or mis -- uh, fact. because, if you watch practice, if anybody watched practice, i would lose self-control at
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times. yeah. but, two minutes after that, or two minutes previous to that, i'm high-fiving and cheering. i could be, the same person that i did that to -- i would, you know, be chest bumping, literally two minutes later. >> reporter: with the suspension over, rice was back in the game. >> i want to apologize to them and allow them to understand that i'm going to change, and you're going to be proud of this program. >> reporter: rice thought the episode was behind him, but eric murdock was just getting started. when we come back -- >> mike rice was fired today. >> reporter: the fiery coach goes down in flames. can the most vilified coach in america bounce back to coach again? >> play the rebound? >> reporter: where do you go from here, mike? stay with us. it doesn't usually work that way with health care. but with unitedhealthcare, i get information on quality rated doctors,
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>> announcer: once again, robin roberts. >> take a look at this shocking video making headlines. >> reporter: eric murdock appeared on espn to denounce his former boss. >> it was a total shock this guy wasn't fired immediately on the spot. >> reporter: embarrassed by the shocking expose of their basketball practices under intense pressure. rutgers university fired mike rice. others followed. rice's assistant coach known as baby rice who also bullied players resigned. as did rutgers athletic director tim pernetti. murdock felt vindicated. >> his removal was long overdue first step to stopping the mistreatment of rutgers student athletes.
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>> reporter: and coach rice's reputation was in ruins. >> the degree of public shame that was heaped on this man was intense and in some ways unprecedented. he went from being an anonymous division one basketball coach to being a sort of poster boy for everything that's wrong with competitive sports in america. >> i've let so many people down. my players, my administration, rutgers university, the fans. >> reporter: most difficult, going home, owning up to those kids, michael and katie, and his wife, kerry. how did you talk to your children about this, your son and daughter? >> we talked a lot about -- daddy made some mistakes. daddy's working on it. daddy's always working on getting better. what i'm most proud about, and this is a lesson he's also told my children, there's no blame here on anybody else. >> reporter: was it difficult to go home? >> i don't think people realize,
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you let your fans down, but your family, they're all a part of it. to communicate to them this is nobody's fault except your father's fault. but, this is something i'm going to have to live with. and you'll have to deal with. >> this evening more shock waves -- >> reporter: some of the harshest criticism came as a result of those anti-gay slurs. already a sensitive subject at rutgers since 2010, when freshman tyler clementi took his own life. >> he was a rutgers university freshman who took his own life after video showing his sexual encounter with another man. >> reporter: you're at that same university and you're shouting those names at your players. did it ever occur to you that this is just really so far out of bounds? >> idiotic. because i wasn't thinking that i was shouting at tyler clementi or anybody else who was a gay or a lesbian. >> reporter: looking for answers, mike reached out to the gay, lesbian, and straight education network.
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eliza byard is glsen's president. >> hello. >> he went with us to a specific training for pe teachers and coaches, and he also had an experience of coaching students who would never show up on his team or in a gym class. we had him meet with some students. >> reporter: but for these young people, this is a highly unlikely and difficult encounter. >> two of the places that lgbt students avoid, as much as they can, are locker rooms and pe. they just don't want to be there. and frankly, they tell us they're more likely to talk to a cop than they are to a coach. >> we will turn it over to coach mike rice. >> reporter: and for mike rice, a major step in his search for redemption. >> it's hard talking about it. it's hard sitting in a classroom full of gay and lesbian students and being told you are not better than a bully. >> reporter: the group did not hold back. >> why is a gay man lower than a
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straight man? that doesn't make sense. >> my question do you, do you really realize what you did wrong? >> oh, yeah. >> do you really realize the impact? >> yes, and i wouldn't be here facing you if i didn't. a girl said, "you're no better than a bully who said something to me last week, in front of my locker, who made me cry." then, then emotions poured out. she said, you're a leader of student athletes. you help perpetuate that ugly stereotype that we're lesser, we're softer, we're this, we're that. >> reporter: do you think that you were a bully? >> there were some actions that were certainly bullying, yes. that was a hard lesson learned, that's for sure. >> reporter: mike also travelled to houston on his quest for insights to his behavior from former nba player john lucas, who runs a treatment center for recovering athletes. how did working with -- his group help you in dealing with your anger?
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>> john tells you the truth like no other person maybe on this planet. him relaying the stories, as we were driving from gym to gym. just, him saying it's okay to make mistakes. >> until you forgive you, you can't forgive you. and i'm telling you, i have forgiven you. >> reporter: therapy sessions went on for hours, much of it spent riding around in the car. >> let me hear you say -- >> i forgive myself. >> not good enough. >> that's going to take awhile. >> nah. let me hear it again. >> i forgive myself. >> nope. mike it ain't going to be good enough. >> john has a way -- allowing yourself to understand that you are human, that you do make mistakes. >> reporter: there are some people that are only going, always going to associate mike rice with that video, despite all that you have done. how do you reconcile that? >> by trying to be the best
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parent, the best coach, the best teacher to get as much out as humanly possible to young coaches. about self-control. about boundaries. about learning from your mistakes. >> whoever mike rice becomes from here, it's safe to say he's being forced to deal with who he was. the great coaches, somewhere along the way, figure out that they need to be able to step outside themselves. they need to be able to kind of listen to other people. that's part of the process, i think, of really learning how to be a great coach. >> hard work on three. good job. >> reporter: today, rice runs clinics for teenage boys and girls. with his 13-year-old daughter's team, rice practices a new coaching style. his passion for the game still very much alive, and he has apparently reined it in.
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>> pressure on the ball. they should never stand there and shoot. go up strong. if you miss, so be it. >> reporter: there are many people saying there is no way this man should ever coach again. >> that's something that i have to live with. and what i went through and everything i've learned, and the steps that i've taken, and, how people have helped me along the way, i've changed. will i be a work in progress? yeah, of course. >> reporter: and so where do you go from here, mike? >> you go and continue to be a good father. you go and continue to learn, and try to develop -- i want to be in a gym with student athletes. i want to be a part of the team. where that takes me, i'm not real sure. >> it's going to be so radical this next drill, it's going to blow your mind.
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>> you heard mike rice tell robin there he hopes to one day coach again. so we ask you tonight, should he be allowed back on the court. let us know on twitter use the #abc 2020, look what's caught on tape next the doctor serving up something stronger than coffee at starbucks. >> announcer: next, you're not going to believe this doctor's place of business. >> you would meet and treat patients at starbucks? >> announcer: it wasn't coffee he was selling. >> how would they pay you? under the table? >> announcer: and the police were recording on hidden camera, coming up.
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do you ever go into starbucks for a coffee and wonder about people sitting there all day long setting up shop? turns out one man was a doctor serving up something else and it wasn't coffee until a big sting, and the tape he can't erase. debra roberts with the video and the embattled doctor talking only to 20/20. >> reporter: with the green mermaid beckoning, it's where
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the world goes for its daily fix --of caffeine that is. but it's also the place where an ambitious doctor in orange county, california was caught on tape, offering a different kind of fix: writing prescriptions for painkillers. >> you would meet and treat patients at starbucks? >> yes, i would. i would. i mean, it's pretty much the american dream being your own boss, you know? >> reporter: but his dreams were doomed by what he thought was a clever way to finance a solo practice. a medical director by day, and at night he began treating patients for pain management at the modern day office for the office-less. >> how do you even set up a practice in a coffee house? >> i-- i realize that sounds a little strange. i mean, the patients would provide me medical records. i would listen to their heart, i would listen to their lungs. >> you would pull out your stethoscope and examine them -- >> i would take blood pressure -- >> in the starbucks? >> yes, i was doing that. >> did you make an arrangement with starbucks? did you pay any rent? >> i did not. i did not.
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>> reporter: dr. yee wasn't just poaching on private property. he was doling out prescriptions for the most powerful and addictive painkillers like oxycontin in exchange for fistfuls of cash. >> how would they pay you? was it under the table kind of? >> generally speaking, yes. it would be maybe inside of a coffee cup. >> but don't you see how that looks a little shady? you know you're examining--they're handing you money under the table. >>i understand, i understand. >> reporter: his practice at starbucks soon commanded $600 for an initial visit, but patients kept coming. a third of them in their 20s. one of those eager patients was derek rosas who was coping with an old lacrosse injury. >> i found out that he was going to see dr. yee a lot at starbucks. >> reporter: derek's mom, tammy wondered why her 20-year-old son needed such potent painkillers. >> i would find empty bottles of prescriptions in his car. >> what were the drugs? >> oxycontin was the one that he used a lot of.
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that he got from dr. yee. >> although there were many legitimate pain patients, there were a smaller percentage of what would be call professional patients and we even would call them professional junkies. >> reporter: dr. yee says he had his own system in place to weed out problem patients, even hiring a drug counselor. but some patients slipped through the cracks. >>they don't teach you this in medical school. they don't teach you anything about what happens on the streets. >> but they teach you ethics, and is it ethical to meet a patient in a coffee house? >> well, i believe it was. >> reporter: dr. yee may have thought so but the dea did not. >> this is the first time that i heard of a doctor usin' a food establishment to conduct his business. >> with hidden cameras rolling, they launched an elaborate sting operation into dr. yee's practice. >> it was very important that the agents obtain as much evidence as possible to show, again, that this wasn't a one-time event.
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we wanted to show a pattern. >> in this undercover video, being seen for the first time on national television, dr. yee meets with an agent posing as a patient with no idea he's being watched. >> smoke cigarettes? >> no, not cigarettes. >> okay. any recreational drugs i should be aware of? >> that you should be aware of? not really?. >> okay. i'll take that on a need-to-know basis. >> cavalier! flippant! dr. yee is more friend than physician. >> i was kinda laughing and joking at the same time, but to me that's a bit of trying to maintain patient rapport. >> reporter: the agent left with prescriptions for 60 oxycontin, 60 xanax and 120 roxicodone. and dr. yee pocketed $400. on another night, a different agent makes an appointment at starbucks.
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>> i used to have a heroin addiction for five years. on and off and then i smoked, so -- >> reporter: a patient admitting to being a heroin addict. shocking, but not enough to stop dr. yee from writing scripts for 60 roxicodone and 60 xanax for the hefty price of $600. >> why would you write her a prescription knowing that she has a history of heroin addiction? >> there are some people that --if they're not able to get access to their pain meds -- that result to other ways of treating it. and sometimes it's heroin, so that's one way i rationalized it. >> reporter: by september of 2011, with business booming, dr. yee had moved away from the foaming lattes to his own office space. that's where a dea informant uncovered the most jaw-dropping abuse of that overused prescription pad: requesting drugs, not just for herself, but for a friend who wasn't even there. >> she is in school. she can't make it. she is getting sick so she asked
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me if i could get the script for her. >> you want to do hers first? >> yeah. can we do hers first? >> reporter: astoundingly she walks out with everything she wanted, but not before dr. yee tried to cover his tracks. >> just between you and me? we met, you know. >> totally. all good. i got you. >> dr. yee wasn't concerned about the fact that the patient was not sitting before him. his only concern was the money. >> reporter: and the money was rolling in, sometimes as much as $5000 a night. but the prescription business would soon have devastating consequences for, derek rosas. during his four years as a patient of dr. yee, he had become addicted. >> the last thing he texted me was "i love you mom" and he went to bed that night and didn't wake up. >> what was the cause of death? >> accidental. mixing this pill and this pill and this pill with beer. >> do you think dr. yee knew
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that he was dealing with an addict? >> yes. of course. >> reporter: dr. yee was never charged in derek rosas' death and denies he ever knew he was an addict. >> i'm very, very, very, very regretful that anybody had to die. >> did you ever deny a patient a prescription if they came to you wanting a narcotic? do you remember ever saying, "no, not this time?" >> i don't remember. i believe it might have happened, but i can't recall specifically. >> reporter: after eight months of watching dr. yee, the dea had seen enough. he was arrested and charged with 56 counts of prescribing controlled substances without a legitimate medical purpose. >> a doctor caught on video meeting with patients at a coffeehouse. >> reporter: just weeks ago, facing trial and a possibly life behind bars, dr. yee pleaded guilty to seven counts. a judge sentenced him to 11 years in a federal prison.
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>> what's the difference between his actions and the actions of a drug dealer on the street corner? there is no difference. he's a drug dealer that just so happened to operate at a starbucks. dr. yee begins serving his sentence this january. would you ever see a doctor at starbucks, tweet us. next you'll hear about the young woman the videos of her wildly drunk and the rich offers that came next. will she take them? >> announcer: when we come back, what does it take to be labeled the drunkest idiot ever? >> i was really intoxicated. i just thought it would be funny to tweet. >> announcer: funny from jail? >> what were you thinking? >> announcer: the sensational tweet from her jailhouse seat. next.
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sport utility of the year. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. in a pwow!ct world every man would look like johwow!amos. and in a perfect world, what's delicious would be healthy too. wish granted. dannon oikos greek nonfat yogurt. sounds too good to be true... it's thick, creamy but 0% fat and twice the protein. huh..! where did stamos go? he's here, the oikos are on him. this really is too good to be true! dannon oikos greek nonfat yogurt. too delicious to be so nutritious. ♪ dannon. we've seen videos posted by
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perfect strangers because they think they are funny, the laughing babies, the wedding party falling off the dock. what happens when you post something you think is funny but turns out the joke is on you? tonight the young woman, the drunken moments and the images she can't erase. >> oh, it's a baby. >> reporter: this is vodka sam in her hey day, cradling her favorite drink like a newborn. >> dizzy is terrified of bottles. >> reporter: her six second vine videos, messing with her dog and her drunken gymnastics, helped crown her the biggest party girl at the number one party school in country, the university of iowa, at least according to "the princeton review." >> we're number one for a [ bleep ] reason. we drink seven days out of the week. >> reporter: sadly, it seems samantha goudie never got the memo that what happens in college, no longer stays in college. thanks to social media, someone's always watching. so why did deadspin label her
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"the drunkest idiot ever"? well, she had just been arrested for public intoxication and then, she took to twitter, while still drunk and still in jail. >> i still had my phone, and i was really intoxicated. and i just thought it would be funny to tweet and let my friends know where i was, and that wasn't good. >> reporter: that was when it all went south? >> yeah. >> reporter: 140 characters later and your life is completely changed forever. >> yeah. >> reporter: call it, t.u.i., tweeting under the influence. it all started in the morning, pre-gaming, pounding drinks before the tailgate at the football game. sam was partying a lot, like really a lot. how many drinks do you think you might have had? >> i'm not sure. >> reporter: like, three to five? >> probably. i had a lot. >> reporter: and then, once you get to the tailgate, how many did you have? >> probably, like, two to three drinks. >> reporter: so that could be as many as 10 drinks before you even got to the game? >> yeah, it was bad. probably should have just gone home, but didn't. >> reporter: instead, samantha
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stumbles into the stadium and somehow -- she can't remember how -- ends up on the football field, which turned out to be the worst play of the game. >> and my son had all ready called me because he was witnessing the whole thing happen, so -- >> reporter: what did he say? >> he just said, "mom, sam messed up big time." he said, "the police have her down at the edge of the field, and they won't let me get to her." >> reporter: and what went through your mind? >> panic. >> reporter: the police gave her a breathalyzer, which came back .341. four times the legal limit, an amount that could have killed her. so literally 0.3 could be fatal. >> yeah. >> reporter: and you were 0.341? >> yeah. >> reporter: what were you thinking? >> i wasn't thinking at all. >> reporter: the cops took her to a holding cell but forgot to confiscate her phone, which is when she started tweeting to her 200 or so followers. "just went to jail #yolo." short for "you only live once."
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and "i'm going to get .341 tattooed on me because it's so epic." >> i was just doing it for my friends, and i wasn't doing it thinking, "oh, this might get picked up by the entire country." >> my son and i just sat there and watched twitter. and it was just growing and growing. and we knew it was bad. >> reporter: how did you know it was bad? >> when she was up to 25,000 followers within 24 hours. so how did she get so popular? >> reporter: well, those tweets sam thought she was sending to just her friends, got picked up by the popular sports site deadspin. they mocked her to their half million fans, naming her "the drunkest idiot ever," then even more started following vodka sam on twitter, where they discovered those party girl pix and sloppy vine videos. and while some proposed marriage, most people simply taunted her. >> things live on the internet forever. doesn't anyone get that? >> i know. >> reporter: she became the laughing stock of the news media. all that internet infamy turned vodka sam into a mini celebrity.
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she was offered endorsement deals. i heard that once it -- everything went viral, that you got offers to do, like, promotions, liquor ads, t-shirt ads. >> yeah. you i immediately didn't want to do any of that. it would be promoting who i was portrayed as, and that's not who i am. i was really depressed, and i just wanted to hide. >> reporter: but there's no place to hide on the internet. when you were posting, did you ever worry that things might go viral? >> no, that never crossed my mind. >> reporter: people would say, you know, "come on, sam. you're a smart college student. you're going to tell me you've never heard that embarrassing stories go viral?" >> i mean, i've heard it with celebrities. i guess, i just never thought it would happen to me. >> reporter: you were that naive? >> yeah. >> reporter: she says vodka sam is dead and buried. she's shut down all her accounts, though parody accounts are still out there. >> i think that i learned my lesson, and i won't be going back to social media. >> reporter: ever?
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>> no. >> reporter: and yet, in a funny way, had you not been arrested you would have continued getting super drunk. right? >> i -- probably, yeah. needed a wakeup call and i got one. >> reporter: sam says she's quit drinking altogether, thanks in part to the three months of treatment the university of iowa required her to attend, but she admits being sober leaves her socially isolated. still, she says she has no one to blame but herself. it's not like you're saying, "the bloggers did this to me." >> no, i did it to myself. it's just they picked up the story and, you know, kind of got it wrong, but it was still my fault for letting them get the story. >> announcer: next, to serve, protect and peep. >> this appears to be a peep show. >> i was on display. >> announcer: police pat downs, do some have more than just looking for weapons in mind. coming up. f them all.
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we turn to the tapes the police can't erase, the pat downs, searches and the women who say those investigators were searching for far more than evidence. see the video yourself. you decide.
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peep show? or police pro? once again, debra roberts. >> reporter: no matter where you go these days, chances are you're being watched. but cameras are recording the men in blue, too. and if they step out of line, the video is there to tell the tale. and there is plenty of video to watch at the jail in puyallup, washington. >> these videos are essential. when you step into a correction institution your privacy is diminished. >> reporter: that's putting it mildly. they described the ordeal but are too embarrassed to show their faces. >> it was an awful experience. and humiliating. embarrassing. the anger of knowing that
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somebody has these videos. and it's happening to all these other women. >> reporter: it's a controversy that erupted when defense attorney james egan, researching public records for a dui client, stumbled upon these videos. >> i've represented a 1,000 people in dui's and i've never seen this. >> reporter: turns out cops in puyallup have been videotaping and watching young women, most of them detained for dui -- as they change clothes and use the toilet. >> this practice appears to be a peep show. >> reporter: the jail does have curtained areas for changing clothes in private but these women were all were sent to a holding cell with a camera overhead and told to strip. >> felt like a doll they were just dressing up and dressing down. i was on display for them. >> reporter: they were made to change into jail clothes to have their mug shots taken, then allowed to get dressed in their own clothes before being released. >> we have you change into jail clothing because it's common for offenders to hide things. >> this is protocol. because you're the only ones that are doing it. >> reporter: so egan has now filed lawsuits behalf of dozens
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of women convinced the cops were way out of line. >> i'm extremely angry. they're there to serve and protect-- and protect us. and they completely took advantage of each and every one of us. >> reporter: if you're expecting an apology from the police, forget it. the department insists its video monitoring is legal and appropriate. >> we don't believe there is any merit to the allegations our officers did anything wrong. we do not have them monitoring the cameras when that activity is going on. in fact all of these cases there are no officers viewing the video or the monitors at any time through any of the allegations. >> reporter: but the women aren't buying it. >> yeah, it was really cold in there and i -- asked for a blanket. and he told me to -- if i do jumping jacks he'll be watching. "don't do jumping jacks naked 'cause i'll be watching." >> reporter: the washington case isn't the only instance where cameras have landed police in hot water. take the case of the problematic
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pat down in texas last year. a state trooper pulls over a 38-year-old woman and her 24-year-old niece for littering, claiming they were "acting weird." when a female trooper arrives, the weirdness kicks into overdrive. suspecting of hiding drugs, the women say they were forced to submit to a body cavity search -- on camera, in full view of passing cars! the horrified victims say the officer didn't change latex gloves between searches. >> that's gross. that is gross. >> reporter: bobby ramos spent 20 years as a cop in the nypd. >> is there ever a reason to do this kind of a search out by the roadside? >> no, absolutely not. and the idea that she's doing this in front of her dash cam is outrageous. >> reporter: the female officer was fired. her male counterpart, suspended. if you think that's bad consider the case of the strange strip
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search, dana holmes was speeding home when cops pulled her over. she fails a breathalyzer test and is carted off to jail. >> you're going to arrest me? >> i am going to arrest you. >> are you serious? >> reporter: her evening going from bad to worse. she is booked into the jail, holmes is told to stand up, spread her arms and legs as she faces the wall. during the search a female deputy lifts holmes left foot. >> i had no problem with the female guard patting me down. >> reporter: attempts to do the same with the right. >> i was cooperating. she told me to lift, i did. >> reporter: in the incident report they allege holmes tried kick them. the deputies pounce immediately. >> one minute she is patting me down. next minute i was forcefully thrown to the ground. i was picked up by all four officers and carried to another cell where they forcefully took
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off all my clothes completely naked, where i was left on the floor of the jail cell and it was very terrifying for me. >> reporter: would you need four people to do that search? >> it depends on how that person is acting. if the person is compliant, there's no reason to have all these officers gawking because that's basically what they are doing. >> reporter: illinois law says a strip search is permitted only when officers believe a person may be hiding a weapon or drugs. the law also says any strip-search must be done by an officer of the same sex in private. >> this is as bad as it gets. these four individuals were either stupid arrogant, untrained or some combination of all of those things, to have done this. lasalle county officials maintain the jail guards did nothing wrong, don't tell that to dana holmes. >> i did inform them that i was going to see them in court.
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and they laughed in my face and just very arrogantly said, "well, make sure you get my last name right and you better have a damn good attorney." >> reporter: dana says she has that attorney and more importantly, she has that video. [ female announcer ] she's the yin, and he's the yang. she zigs and he zags. if two types of people can live as one, shouldn't there be scents that do the same? that's why we designed two scents that alternate daily. new glade plugins scented oils customizables, inspired by the best feelings in the world. glade. s.c. johnson. a family company.
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