tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC November 11, 2013 11:35pm-12:36am PST
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very nice. i want to begin tonight by wishing our veterans a happy veteran's day. thank you for your service. thank you for all you have done and all you're doing and for the rest of you, thanks for nothing. thanks for sitting on your ass and watching tv, i guess. today the u.s. postal service announced that it will be delivering packages from amazon on sundays. they are hoping to expand to most of the country next year. apparently they started it before they announced it because i was at home yesterday and the mail man came and i realized it was sunday. so i assumed it was a home invasion. fortunately the mail carrier was very understanding when i untied him a few hours later. it was weird to get mail on sunday. that is what god must feel like. on saturday night the miss
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universe competition from moscow this year, the russians were very excited. for a lot of them it was the first time they had ever seen a woman with a tan. the contestants were judged in three categories, swim suit, evening gown and q & a. they don't make nominees for the nobel prize prance around on stage in banana hammocks -- or do they? when the scores are tabulated, miss venezuela was deemed the most desirable woman in the universe. the venezuelans are to beauty pageants what kenyans are to marathons. they just win win and win. steven tyler was a judge for the miss universe. i wouldn't say that was like steven tyler went to happen but i think that actually happened in 1998. steven tyler gets very excited
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around beautiful women. >> judge number one, steven tyler, can we have your question, please? >> well, miss venezuela. >> hoe la. >> hello. >> what is your biggest fear and how do you plan to >> my biggest fear is that a scary beauty pageant judge will bite me and i will truly walk among the living dead. >> congratulations. >> who doesn't have that fear? >> this is the opposite of the miss universe pageant. this is a picture of a guy practicing his tuba. if you're alone in a room
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practicing your tuba and a friend decides to scare you there is no better way to react than this. ♪ >> the lowest fish instrument has the highest extreme. hopefully you have been following the incredible story of toronto mayor rob ford who admitted that he did smoke crack while in office. that was followed by a video where he rants and raves about beating and killing someone. it's an embarrassing situation. what do you do when you are in a fix like this? make yourself into a bobble head doll and sell it. slightly less jittery than the real mayor. his office ordered a thousand of
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those and now they're stuck with them. they're selling them to raise money for the united way. this -- this is what rob ford actually looks like. the doll appears to be a slightly husky version of stan chach on. that is artistic license. i would buy a whole collection of bobble crack head dolls. very classy on my mantle. this happened at a high school football game. the team beat the other team from cleveland high school, bad. 52-6. from this play you can see why. turns out the quarterback is the nephew of jay da pinkette smith. watch this bit of skull duggery. i can't believe that worked.
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>> me ether. that's better acting than uncle will. and then a golden retriever kicked the extra point. it was amazing. last november you may recall, la county passed what was called measure b. male adult film actors have to wear condoms when posing for camera. now not only are they trying to make this state law but they want it to be more comprehensive. the most recent bill would require generitals, skin, and eyes, which basically means goggles. porn stars will wear goggles which will make it impossible to watch without thinking of kareem
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abdul jabar. what i want to know is who came up with this idea? who became so passionate about the subject that they introduced a bill about it. we're showing a lot of concern for the well being of porn stars, aren't we? about a million migrant farm workers who are not allowed to use the toilet while they are picking grapes. not everything is funny. [ applause ] >> from now on, all pornos will be two actors hugging each other. family feud has the family from cake boss taking on the family from "here comes honey boo boo". steve harvey is the host. he got to spend a lot of quality time with the honey boo boo family. on friday they appeared on his talk show. i'm not sure what he was expecting to get out of them but
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it definitely wasn't this. >> she changes her underwear. she's 13. >> i don't want to hear this. >> i kept farting all the time in the show. >> all the time. all the time. >> as soon as i hit the buzzer i farted. >> no lie. >> i'm just letting you know. >> i was like that. that was not fair. that was not fair. oh my god. >> ew. >> and his face stayed like that for days. even his mustache was frowning. and that's how steve harvey's faith in humanity died. i don't typically cover college elections but i have to
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make a special eception for this one in texas. on tuesday, houston community college had an election. bruce austin was the incumbent for 24 years. he lost the seat by 26 votes to a guy named dave wilson because he used an unorthodox campaign strategy. dave wilson, who is white, led voters to believe he is black. he did this in a number of ways. first he mailed out fliers like this one that said please vote for our friend and neighbor, dave wilson. these people are not his friends or neighbors. they are random photographs he found on the internet. he sent this one which says endorsed by ron wilson. he is a beloved state representative who is african-american. but that is not the ron wilson he is talking about. it is his cousin who does not even live in texas, he lives in iowa. when they called this guy, dave
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wilson on his deceptive campaign, he didn't deny any of it. he is a white guy pretending to be a black guy. it is known in politics as the vanilla ice offensive. this was the most blatantly desperate attempt since this. >> who let the dogs out? >> he won. i miss him, i do. he won the election, i can't -- it's -- it's amazing that he pulled this off. he made a raise owe add. this ad should definitely raised some flags. >> yo ho ho, my homey people. i'm run dmcing for houston community college board of trustees, yo. everybody say hey.
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i'm a raise the roof and make it rain. i have a dream. everybody say hey. d-dog. >> that is the man. >> lady gaga has a flying dress for real. and guillermo is going to unleash the lyrics on people on the street. right? >> right. >> or he did already and we taped it and we will show it to you. >> jimmy: we've also got zooey deschanel, chris elliott, and music from frank turner and the sleeping souls. so come on back. plap
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wake it up with olay regenerist. formulated with a skin energizing complex, it penetrates 10 layers of the skin's surface, because energized skin is younger looking skin. ♪ "it's time to get the heck out of dodge?" [ chuckles ] i say you get the heck into one. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i lost my balance. i love chalk and erasers. but change is coming. all my students have the brand new surface. it has the new windows and comes with office, has a real keyboard, so they can do real work.
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they can use bing smartsearch to find anything in the world... or last night's assignment. and the battery lasts and lasts, so after school they can skype, play games, and my homework. change is looking pretty good after all. ♪ ♪ with my redcard, i bring them all to life ♪ ♪ that's my kind of holiday. save big all season long with 5% off plus free shipping with your debit or credit redcard.
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. >> welcome back. miley cyrus caused another commotion, this time in amsterdam. she won the award for best video and during an acceptance speech pulled what appeared to be a joint out of her purse and smoked it on stage. i'm just thankful she found something to do to keep her tongue in her mouth this time. the moment was edited out of the broadcast here in the united states, but not in amsterdam because it's amsterdam. that is like drinking a coke zero. i don't know what's going on with miley. i know she wants us to know that she's grown up now. if you really want to look like
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an adult, take your kid to a soccer game at 8:00 a.m. on a sunday. that's what grown ups do. [ applause ] it's not fun. terrible, actually. it's the worst thing possible, but try it. i saw a clip on youtube that i believe is is a pretty good m metaphor for life. that creature is a baby. the baby can't quite crawl yet but he would very much like to get to that ball. he's kind of going backwards. i'm not sure if he is getting closer or farther from the ball. but just as he does, the family dog saunters in and that is a good lesson, really. life is is a never ending cycle of failure and disappointment. lady gaga released a new album
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today and as she usually does, she came up with an interesting way to promote it. that's lady gaga and that's what she wore. sit a flying dress. or a lam set from ikea. i'm not positive, but she said she and her team have been working on this for two years and now lady gaga will fly all over the world raini ining glit and meat on all of the good little boys and girls. it could be very practical. you are at a party and get stuck talking a guy you don't want to? fire up your dress and away you go. there are some very weird lyrics on the album? would you say the weirdest yet? >> yeah, i think so. >> what is your favorite lady gaga song, out of curiosity.
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>> paparazzi. >> oh, you know one of them. i'm impressed. every once in a while, you shock me. >> only one. >> when you have weird lyrics in songs nobody really notices much but if you say them to people, they stand out. we sent guillermo out on hollywood boulevard to casually slip lines into conversation. these are real lines from the songs on the new album and this is what they sound like coming out of a parking lot security guard's mouth. >> what's your name? >> shawn. >> everything good? >> everything's good. >> do you want to see me naked? >> do i want to see you naked? >> lover. >> bent over? >> lover. >> oh, lover. >> i'm more into the ladies. >> last night i was thinking about it. it was kind of dirty. and the way you look at me.
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>> uh-huh. >> it was kind of nasty. >> oh. >> what's your size? >> 15/32. >> do you want to see me naked, lover? >> no. i think you will get arrested. >> i want to dress you in silk taffeta. >> what? i don't even know what you're saying. >> what's your size. >> what's your size in what? >> can you feel it. >> can i feel it? >> i hear your boyfriend was away this weekend. >> no. no, no. >> he was not away? >> no. >> you want to meet at my place? >> no. >> no. >> no? >> no. >> i want to dress you up in silk. >> no. >> i know you want me. you just a pig inside a human body. >> a pig?
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>> you so disgusting. >> you got me disgusting and a pig? >> i nknow i know you want me. you're a pig inside a human body but it's all right. >> i have no idea what you're talking about. >> it's okay. me either. when you touch me, i die just a little bit inside. >> sounds like a song. did you write that? >> no. >> who do you think it is? >> got to be lady gaga. >> yeah! >> thank you, guillermo. you have done it again. chris elliott is here. we have music from frank turner and the sleeping souls. and we'll be right back with zooey deschanel. [ gavin ] when people think about dedication and sacrifice,
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they think of a soldier. as a way of saying thanks to those who have served, applebee's is offering vets a free meal on veterans day. i'll be showing my support by playing a concert for our veterans. ♪ and you get to decide the neighborhood. give thanks at and the most thankful neighborhood will host the concert. ♪ well, i'll be so join the movement and thank a vet today. ♪ na, na, na, na, na, na
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so join the movement and thank a vet today. when ouwe goword. she said hert (little girl) no! saw her first day of school. (little girl) bye bye! made a best friend forever. the back seat of my subaru is where she grew what? (announcer) the subaru forester. (girl) what? (announcer) motor trend's two thousand fourteen sport utility of the year. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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we've got a great show for you tomorrow night too robin williams will be here, the kids from "modern family" will be here to play modern family feud and we'll have two nights with the killers. they'll be here wednesday night too. and later this week ray romano, sarah silverman, david blaine, eddie cibrian, and music from charlie wilson too. please join us for those shows. our first guest is an emmy-nominated actress and musician who radiates rainbows, unicorns and multicolored tootsie rolls in everything she does her show is called "new girl" watch it at 9:00 tuesdays on fox, please welcome zooey deschanel. [ applause ] >> hi, how are you? >> i'm doing good. >> good to see you, too. >> this is like your favorite time of the year? this zone that we're in right now? >> i do love the zone.
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>> the halloween to christmas zone. >> i do love it. it makes me feel wonderful. >> is thanks giving a highlight there? >> thanksgiving, i love thanksgiving for the family togetherness. i don't love the food. >> really? >> which is what most people love, and i understand it's controversial. >> most people dislike their families and -- >> love the food. it's true. i actually love my family, don't like thanksgiving food. because, well, let me just lay it out. most of it is beige or gray. >> yeah. >> i just don't find appetizing. so you have turkey which is beige. >> yeah. >> stuffing, beige. machined potatoes, off white. i mean, pumpkin pie is like orange beige. >> uh-huh. >> it's a lot of beige, i just don't really like beige. >> you have a problem with the
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color scheme in general? >> stuffing is just like salty wet soggy bread. >> yeah, it can be. >> you know? i would rather have like a piece of bread that is not salty or wet. >> so a bread that has not been stuffed inside a cavity. you like cavity free bread. do you like turkey itself? >> no. >> oh. >> i'm okay with it. i'm not like against turkey. if we're talking about poultry, there are superior -- chicken and duck are better. i'm sorry. >> yeah. >> chicken is like a lot better. >> wow, these are really extreme words you're using here. i would hate to be your publicist after the show. >> look, i like turkey it's just like, you know, if we're talking poultry -- >> i am with you on that. but when a turkey is done very well -- >> you're right. >> it's great.
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>> you just have to get the greatest cook in your family to spend all of their time on the turkey and that never happens. >> it happens at my house. i make a fine turkey. >> do you fry it? >> i do not fry the turkey. >> do you smoke it? >> i smoke the turkey. >> that is good. i'm behind fried turkey and smoked turkey. >> you celebrated halloween by dressing up in this costume that you tweeted. you were bat girl, obviously. classic bat girl, by the way. >> i didn't put a lot of effort into that costume. i was -- >> you just had this laying around? >> well -- no, i bought it but i really wanted to dress up. my nephew is two. i had two costumes. i let him pick the first one, which was a mistake. it was like -- i don't know why i bought this but it's funny and very uncomfortable.
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it was a hooded unitard that was sparkly blue. i put it on and he was terrified of me. i started dancing around in this blue unitard and he was not having any of this. i changed to the bat girl outfit which also scared him. >> it did? >> he didn't want to hold my hand. >> what was he dressed as? >> he had a couple of different costumes. he also dressed up as hulk hogan. >> really? >> he had one more but he wouldn't put it on. >> how does he -- you have no idea what he is wearing. >> that was all her. >> did you take him trick or treating. >> he did get scared after house number three. >> he is very fearful in general? >> no. he's only two. and there was a, you know, there was like one of the skeletons with glowing eyes and that was it. >> he didn't like that?
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>> that was it. >> one of those things that you're over trick or treating as an adult with the children by the third house and it's like oh, he got scared, we got to go home. >> i don't think he knows what candy is. >> sounds like it was quite a night for him. >> yeah. you can shake the boxes, though. >> he was forced into a costume and given candy he is not allowed to eat. >> you can shake it. >> your show, "new girl," it wasn't an accident, but, you have a drinking game. >> we do. >> we have to get into it and explain the rules because they are very, very confusing. >> well, there aren't really any rules. >> let's take a break here and we will get into it. more with zooey deschane when we
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to those who've encountered welcome to covered california. new, affordable health plans so you can be ready for whatever comes your way. enroll today at >> we're back. zooey deschanel is with us. tell us about the drinking game. >> i guess the purpose of the game within the story of that particular episode was that we
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were -- my character, jess, was dating an older man, and we all had this game that we played that really confused him. it was kind of illustrating how he didn't fit in. in the script it was maybe half a page and there was like, true americans and then up on the couches and everything is lava. so we start -- >> the ground is molten lava. >> so it's like a kid's game. so we start and there is probably not quite enough stuff to fill. it's sort of like an action sequence and cutting to different points and everyone is getting drunker and drunker. so we just started improvising stuff and you know, i start like this is the queen of the castle and these are the knights of the order. and jake started saying something and i was like jfk,
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fdr, and we are all throwing out ideas that sound american. george washington, cherry tree. all things that sound -- things you learn in fourth grade history. >> right. >> well, they cut it all together so that it seemed confusing because that was the point. all of the sudden i started getting -- after that show aired, i started getting tweets like how do you play true american? what are the rules? literally there aren't any. it's not a real game. the whole point is that it was so cryptic that no one could possibly figure it out. and then it starts to become a thing where people are like we're playing true american. i'm getting tweets, we're playing true american. so much fun. i'm like well, it's not fun because it's not real. then i get tweets that are like i got injured playing true american. what are you going to do about
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it? literally i'm not doing anything because it's not a real game. it has no rules. >> you have to admit that is nothing more truly american than suing somebody for something they had nothing to do with. >> and nothing is more truly american than confusing people with rules. >> you're right. you're right. >> yes. >> i think we will drink in any situation as long as it's semi organized. tay diggs was mostly naked on that show. congratulations. >> on that day, that very special day, every woman who sort of worked on the show showed up to set. it was like everyone who works on the show but might not work on the set or is like freniends
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with someone who works on the show or knows someone who knows someone who knows season were all on the set. everyone was taking screen grabs. >> it was the opposite of a closed set situation? >> the opposite. like everyone was there. and he was totally fine with it. >> it's a cute story. if it was guys gathered around -- >> it would be creepy. but it's girls. >> will you play true americans? it could be a board game. zooey deschanel! "new girl" airs tuesdays at 9pm on fox. we'll be right back with chris elliott.
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great. this is the last thing i need.) seriously? the last thing you need is some guy giving you a new catalytic converter when all you got is a loose gas cap. what? it is that simple sometimes. thanks. now let's take this puppy over to midas and get you some of the good 'ol midas touch. hey you know what? i'll drive! and i have no feet... i really didn't think this through. trust the midas touch. for brakes, tires, oil, everything. (whistling) suddenly you're a mouth breather. a mouth breather! how do you sleep like that? you dry up, your cold feels even worse. well, put on a breathe right strip and shut your mouth. cold medicines open your nose over time,
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but add a breathe right strip, and pow! it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more so you can breathe and do the one thing you want to do. sleep. add breathe right to your cold medicine. shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right. using night-vision goggles to keep an eye on my spicy buffalo wheat thins. who's gonna take your wheat thins? i don't know. an intruder, the dog, bigfoot. could you get the light? [ loud crash ] what is going on?! honey, i was close! it's a yeti! [ male announcer ] must! have! wheat thins! so i can't afford to have germy surfaces. but a fresh sheet of bounty duratowel leaves this surface cleaner than a germy dishcloth. it's durable. and it's 3 times cleaner. so ditch your dishcloth and switch to bounty duratowel. they think of a soldier. as a way of saying thanks to those who have served, applebee's is offering vets a free meal on veterans day. i'll be showing my support by playing a concert for our veterans. ♪
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and you get to decide the neighborhood. give thanks at and the most thankful neighborhood will host the concert. ♪ well, i'll be so join the movement and thank a vet today. ♪ na, na, na, na, na, na [ female announcer ] only aveeno daily moisturizing lotion has an active naturals oat formula that creates a moisture reserve so skin can replenish itself. aveeno® naturally beautiful results. madto make the world's bestnts andtasting vodka. i love chalk and erasers. but change is coming. all my students have the brand new surface. it has the new windows and comes with office, has a real keyboard, so they can do real work. they can use bing smartsearch to find anything in the world...
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how are you? >> i'm doing well. how are you? >> you have lost a lot of weight. >> i have lost a lot of weight. my wife got me hooked on this thing that you have probably read about called the nut lax diet? >> no. >> it's crazy. you eat a couple of chunks of exlax in the morning and you can have any kind of nut for the rest of the day. >> you will take a laxative and eat nuts all day long. >> a nut. >> this explains your if i seek. >> i prefer a cashew.
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>> i work out around the house. >> around the house? >> there is a lot of vacuuming going on. >> i see. >> my doctor doesn't think this diet is particularly healthy. >> why not? >> i'm on day 96 of it right now. you know, i have zero body fat, and the only problem is i am kind of groggy. i'm sort of sleepy a lot. i sleep about 15 to 17 hours a day. it starts pretty much right after breakfast. >> we have all read about how important good sleep is. >> you're right. >> it is important. >> i guess i'm ahead of the game with that. >> well, you know what? the results don't lie. you look fantastic. >> i don't want to interrupt you because you're doing so well. i got a problem and i need your help with it. my assistant kind of double booked my time right now. in all seriousness, i run an art
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class, which i have been doing for a while now and i'm very happy. >> really? you have to leave? >> i don't have to leave. i wondered if you do the interview and i hold the art class at the same time. it's not a big deal. they come out and they draw. >> who? >> i will show you. i have students. come on out, guys. here they are. set up right there. that's great. come out a little quicker than that would be terrific. okay. great. thank you. >> this seems a little bit unusual. >> it's not unusual. you know what we're going to work on today, class, we're going to work on how light dances on various objects. we want to get the subtlies. you can go on with your show because it's very funny. go very lightly at first, and well, i guess we can start.
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[ applause ] >> okay. what i'm going to do, jimmy is i'm going to do some -- >> what did you call it? >> tableau -- and they really only last a few seconds. and -- come on. we're not third graders here. jeez. i think you can tell that i don't do the man skaping thing. >> yeah. >> i do bleach my anus. >> oh. >> so this one right now, this tableau is called a lazy susan. so if you guys can just do that for a little bit there. >> they are drawing you now?
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>> they are drawing me now. and i'm going to change. and i'm up. >> what is this? what do you call this? >> this one is called -- i do look good, don't i? that is nice. i like that. this is called how much wood can a woodchuck chuck? >> really? >> that is this one right now. these are all contraposto poses. if there was a post here, i would be counter to it. guys, you know what? just start with broad stokes. you can start with my teeth. when you get to my penis, we don't need to be realistic. add ones are more than welcome. let's stay away from the
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mushroom cap. there you go. okay. all right. . >> what do you call this one? >> that's not a pose. this is what i look like when my wife tells me to stop drinking and then tells me not to touch her. i got a mole on me. >> no, no. you don't have a mole. >> i don't know why i do this. >> for continuity. oh! oh. >> all right. >> i got a mole. >> this is one of my favorites here. >> what is this? >> this is called jack be
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nimble. there is is a little bouncing with this. i will warn you right now. >> you know what? maybe this is a good time to show a clip from "eagleheart:paradise rising." >> it's your show. >> where are we going? >> aquarium. sea creatures. >> do you mind if we swing by -- >> bromide? >> it's not for me. >> do you know where a guy can getd a pair of compression socks here. >> who are you runninger rands for? >> don't worry. >> chris, you lift the car on. >> so what. we're only going to be in here for a minute.
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there's a wall there anyway. >> i enjoyed that. the class is gone now -- >> right. >> why -- >> this is called massaging my friend jimmy's neck. that's really stiff there. >> it actually feels praety well. >> you have got a knot that i'm working on right now. >> all right. "eagleheart: paradise rising" premieres thursday night at midnight on adult swim. when we come back music from frank turner and the sleeping souls.
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"nightline" is next, but first their album "tape deck heart" is out now here with the song "the way i tend to be" frank turner and the sleeping souls. ♪ ♪ some mornings i pray for evening for the day to be done ♪ ♪ some summer days i hide away and pray for rain to come it turns out hell ♪ ♪ will not be found within the fires below
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but in making do and muddling through ♪ ♪ when you've nowhere else to go but then i remember you and the way you shine ♪ ♪ like truth in all you do and if you remembered me you could save me from the way i tend to be ♪ ♪ some days i wake up dazed my dear and i don't know where i am i've been running now ♪ ♪ so long i'm scared i've forgotten how to stand i stand alone in airport bars and gather thoughts ♪ ♪ to think that if all i had was one long road it could drive a man to drink because i've said ♪ ♪ i love you so many times that the words kinda die in my mouth and i meant it ♪ ♪ each time with each beautiful woman but somehow it never works out ♪ ♪ you stood apart in my calloused heart and you taught me and here's what i learned ♪ ♪ that love is about the changes you make
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