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tv   Nightline  ABC  November 12, 2013 12:35am-1:06am PST

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and not just three small words ♪ ♪ and then i catch myself catching your scent on someone else in a crowded space ♪ ♪ and it takes me somewhere
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i cannot quite place ♪ but then i remember you and the way you shine ♪ ♪ like truth in all you do and if you remembered me you could save me from the way i tend to be ♪ [ applause ]
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tonight on night line, she has been called a femme fatale and she is standing by her man. we have got the exclusive interview. what does she have to say? >> i care for him on a very deep level. >> living with lions. these aren't your ordinary house cats. they are a little bigger, a little meaner and a lot hungrier. meet one family of strange bedfell bedfellows. and super typhoon. our reporter journeying to ground zero searching for survivors while the race is on to bring help where it's needed
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and the whole colgate optic white line. >> good evening and thanks for joining us. she's the woman at the center of a sensational murder trial, the other woman. a prominent utah doctor was found guilty of killing his wife but now all eyes are on his former mistress. did he kill for love? dan abrams has the exclusive interview for our series, crime and punishment. >> we the jury, find the defendant as to count one, murder, guilty. >> martin mckneel convicted this weekend in a utah courtroom of murdering his wife in the couple's bathtub. the alleged motive? this woman, his long time girlfriend. >> i love martin.
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>> do you still love him? >> i care for him on a very deep level. >> today she sat down with us to explain her role in the bizarre murder trial of her former lover. prosecutors argued that mcneil convinced his wife to get a facelift so he could overprescribe medication and ultimately kill her all to start a new life with gypsy. >> to me he could have never done such a thing. >> but he loved you. and the allegation was that he loved you so much that he wanted his wife out of the picture so he could be with you. >> martin had me any time he wanted me. i do not believe i was any kind of incentive. >> there are some who believe you were involved in planning the murder of michelle mcneil. you didn't know anything? >> i did not know anything. >> the jury reached its verdict after 11 hours of deliberation. >> if you will stand please.
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>> for mcneil's daughters, this was the moment they had been fighting for six and a half years to see. in fact, it was rachel and alex is' single minded determination that brought this case to trial at all and ultimately led to their once beloved father's conviction. >> ever since the day my mom died i was concerned that my father killed her. i had been fighting to get justice for this case ever since then. >> she testified that shortly before her mother died, michelle suspected that mcneil was having an affair with gypsy. >> i know that woman. i know mom was worried you were having an affair with her and you're not to bring her into this home. >> how did he respond? >> he got irate. he was screaming at me saying how dare you, how dare you accuse me. >> do you understand the animosity that his daughters feel towards you? >> i understand and i'm sorry for it.
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i was more selfish back then and truthfully i was living my life for me. >> part of that life included moving into the mcneil home as the family nanny just over a week after michelle's death. >> i expected her to be focused on the children. i expected her to do things related to that, to cook or clean or take care of the children. >> and what did you see her doing? >> my dad was cooking. she was sitting there staring at my dad. it just was obvious that she is just goo eyes at my dad. >> did you ever think to yourself, this would be a terrible idea for me to come in and be the family nanny? >> yes, i did. it was a huge mistake and i'm so sorry. i only wanted to come and support the man that i cared for in whatever way i could. >> to this day, gypsy willis believes mcneil was innocent and
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was shocked by the verdict. >> it took me a little while to pull myself together. >> why were you shocked? >> the martin i knew and loved was not the person that he was portrayed on the stands. >> to this day you don't believe that he killed michelle? >> i really don't. >> attorneys argued that she collapsed while preparing the tub, not a murder at all. >> there is no evidence in this case that rises to the level of guilt beyond a reasonableable doubt. >> once the daughters convinced the authorities to take a second look years later, they learned a lot more about martin mcneil and michele's death. >> is she conscious? >> starting with the 911 call where mcneil claims he coulden help her. prosecutors also presented evidence that mcneil pushed her
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doctor to prescribe more aggressive drugs and after her death asked a family friend to throw them all away. >> if you will come forward. >> but the prosecution's occasion always came back to mcneil's relationship with gypsy. >> when did the two of you meet? >> in 2005, november. >> what attracted you to martin mcneil in the first place? >> we started speaking on instant messager on the computer. he was very smart and funny and quick witted. and we had an immediate rapport. >> when you heard that michele mcneil had died, did any part of you think this is is a good thing? now i can have him to myself? >> that was not my thought at that time. i was shocked and then i was concerned for his safety. >> and it wasn't smooth sailing for the couple. while mcneil was not initially arrested or even a suspect, his world started to crumble two years after his wife's death
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when he and gypsy were arrested for stealing the identity of martin's adopted ukrainian daughter and giving it to gypsy so she could escape paying off a massive death. >> did you ever say you have got to be kidding me. you're telling me to take your daughter's identity? >> i did and i was uncomfortable with it. we had some arguments about it and it always came down to him saying to me, who knows better you or i? >> both served time in federal prison and it wasn't until mcneil was released that prosecutors charged him for his wife's death. a woman gypsy told us she respected deeply. >> you said you had great respect for michelle mcneil? >> yes. >> but you were sleeping with her husband? >> i -- i have to say as time has gone on, i have had more and more respect for her. i think we probably had sex half the time. >> gypsy was a star witness for
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the prosecution. >> i dressed in a dress. it was appropriate for the circumstance. >> mcneil's attorneys now say that gypsy willis made their case that much tougher. >> we wanted to get her off the stand as quickly as possible. because we didn't want it to appear like she was covering or protecting martin. >> a legitimate concern since she sent racy texts to mcneil the day before michelle's funeral. >> it's a little bit suggestive. >> it's showing your buttocks? >> yes. >> i think i wanted to distract him. also, i love this guy and i wanted to keep his attention. >> she did. and then even attended michelle's funeral. >> you wanted to go to the funeral of the woman whose husband you had been having an affair with? >> i was sorry. i was sorry that it was inappropriate. >> despite those inappropriate choices, prosecutors did not charge her in connection with michelle's death and her lawyer
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doesn't expect that will happen. >> i believe if they had something there would have been two people at trial last month. >> while gypsy walked away a free woman, for his daughters, the guilty verdict against their father provided the justice they had long sought. mcneil now faces up to life in prison. >> it's a whole web of lies. this was very well planned out and he almost got away with it. >> knowing everything that you know now, are you sorry you ever met martin mcneil? >> i truly cared for him. and i can't say that i'm sorry that i loved him, but i think everyone's life would have been better if i had not met him. >> our thanks to dan abrams. you can see more of his interview tomorrow morning on good morning america. up next for us, would you keep a predator as a pet? [ male announcer ] at red lobster,
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hey! have you ever tried honey nut cheerios? love 'em. neat! now you on the other hand... you need some help. why? look atchya. what is that? you mean my honey wand? [ shouting ] [ splat ] come on. matter of fact. [ rustling ] shirt. shoes. shades.
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ah! wow! now that voice... my voice? [ auto-tuned ] what's wrong with my voice? yeah man, bee got swag! be happy! be healthy! that's gotta go too. ♪ hey! must be the honey! [ sparkle ] sweet. >> you know, a lot of us spoil our pets, let them take cat naps. but what if you pets are exotic and their idea of a meal is nine pounds of meat. one woman swears her felines are more friendly than ferocious. we dare to look into the eye of the tiger. >> this lioness is on the loose and she is hungry, very hungry.
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130 pounds of musle and razor sharp teeth, she makes a beeline to the house and hops right up on the counter. >> she knows the house is hers. >> she acts like an overgrown house cat which is basically what she is. she was raised by anelle and her boyfriend right here in this kitchen. >> what does that mean? >> give me the bottle. >> even as the lioness growls and bares her teeth, she doesn't show a hint of hesitation or fear. >> if she wanted to, she could overpower any of us? >> yes. >> she and her seven other lion siblings aren't puts but more like her children that she has raised. >> just a hungry baby? a feeding. >> a very hungry baby. >> anelle's farm is is a 20 minute drive down a bumpy road.
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it's immediately clear this is no ordinary home in rural south africa. everywhere you look -- >> look at that face. >> a different animal. >> who sleeps with you? >> the leopard. >> this guy. >> the mongoose and the mere cat. >> how do you fit into this bed? >> it's difficult. >> you don't move? you don't role over. >> it's less the zoo in the house than the one outside that is their focus. they have servals, a leopard, and seven big lions. >> what happens if i touch him? >> you can touch him. >> really. >> he's going to watch for the camera first. >> you're not going to bite my hand off? >> whoa, big boy. >> he has grown too big and dangerous to live in the house and is now in this enclose sure. >> she is going to climb you.
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>> and while she seems to want to show only love. >> do you have any last words? >> i love my family. that was a nibble on the back. yeah. >> with a quick nip of my back doesn't take much to remind me how deadly she could be. >> it because love bite? >> yeah. >> from a lion. >> a love bite from a lion. that's going to leave a mark for a couple of days. >> there are eight times more lions in captivity in south africa that in the wild. animal tourism is a huge business and guest farms like this one have sprung up all over the place. >> wow. >> anelle opened the guest farm to the public three years ago, bringing in school groups and overnight guests to stay and enjoy their collection of predatory cats. they argue this is not just a business but helping wildlife conservation efforts through
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education. >> you have got people coming out here that don't have the opportunity to get out in the wild. you have the youngsters coming in here. they are getting up close and it means something to them. it's not just a lion that you have seen on tv. if they go and hear about something being done to a lion or lions being mistreated. >> many conservationists disagree saying small farms like this one make no difference but the farms are focused on making money off of the animals. >> big cats kept like pets can not be returned to the wild. you cannot train them in anyway. so claiming that keeping a lion as a pet has something to do with conservation is really dubious. >> then there is the potential danger. a staffer was mauled to death
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but one of the animals in oregon. anelle doesn't let her guests in with the adult lions but insists hers would never turn on her. >> you are showing absolutely no fear. they are roaring? >> they won't hurt me. >> they won't hurt you? >> i raised them. so i trust them and they trust me. >> it's really dangerous to think that there is no danger. it's easy to think that when they are little and they really do rely on the person to be their surrogate mother. but that will change. they become adults in real life. they don't stay with the mother forever. they have to get out on their own. >> that's clearly not on anelle's mind as she plays with this 18 month old timba. he was reared in the house until he, too, got too big for the bed. he has been replaced by this little guy. he is just six weeks old.
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a son of two of her bigger lions. he is just a squealing newborn but already familiar with the ways of the house. >> he is telling us it's time to eat. >> he is moaning now. what's wrong? >> it's coming. >> anelle has hopes to grow her farm, bringing in more lions as well as other cats. for now her focus is caring for the cats she has and raising the next generation. >> can you take the wild out of the cats? let us know. >> and for survivors, the fight is far from over in the philippines. four simple words where the meaning has never been lost. the challenge always accepted.
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1:00 am
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>> it's been four days since a monster typhoon pounded the philippines. many left in its wake are desperate for aid. >> typhoon caused severe damage. and this is why. new images of the monster up close. waves smacked the coast as a wall of water pushed inland, reaching 20 feet high, obliterating every structure in its path. the challenge now, getting to those who need help the most. >> we joined a chopper, below us, devastation. homes shattered. without food or water.
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locals fled to the airport, desperate to escape. the military giving parents with the youngest victims priority. >> and 18-year-old american from colorado was there with a local host family. >> truckloads of dead bodies. and we were talking to a friend who lives in the neighborhood next door. and apparently like 50 little kids got sucked away and it's just horrible. >> throngs wait at the gates for more food and water. >> she had swam and clung to a post during the storm. now in the rubble, she gave birth to a little girl. >> oh my god. >> gloria rivera, abc news. >> the tiniest survivor in a sea of misery. do you want to help? we have a full list of ways to send


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