tv ABC7 News 1100AM ABC November 15, 2013 11:00am-11:31am PST
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a very special day in san francisco that took a lot of planning for a little boy with leukemia. right now a fake bank robbery is taking place on montgomery street in san francisco. the ridler is demanding money from the vault, and the bat kid is coming to the rescue. >> all right. let's take a live look now at the comic book-like commotion. the batmobile racing through the city on to the next adventure.
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we're going to fill you in on that in a few minutes. good morning. the story has captured the nation's hearts. the little boy's names is myles, right? >> that's right. his here so batman, and he wants -- hero is batman, and he wants to be batman. >> "the san francisco chronicle" got in on the action, putting aa special edition talking about the young hero, bat kid saves the city. we have more on this day for myles. amy? >> reporter: hi, everyone. we are here. i'm going to stay out of the shot because i'm hoping you're going to get to see bat kid in action. we're told that he is on his way. should be here any minute. and the ridler is here committing a robbery right now. in the downstairs vault. we need our bat kid to come and catch the ridler in action and haul him away in handcuffs. look at this crowd.
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it's unbelievable. it fills up the city block on both sides of the street. as the chief of police told us, he told us the city has gone bat nuts. he says the city, it's a proud day to be a san francisco civic an. this is myles scott's wish. he told the make-a-wish foundation, even surprised his parents when he said, "i want to be batman for a day. the make-a-wish foundation has made that come true. the city has sprung into action beyond anyone's expectations. i'm hesitant to peel away from this in case he pulls up, but i want to take you to a video clip. abc 7 news is in on the action. and we -- we started his morning with a news brief. the police chief alerted him with a video clip in his hotel room. we'll watch, we have a few seconds before he gets here. must have exciting for him to watch in his hotel room. >> we grin this broadcast with breaking news -- begin this broadcast with breaking news from the hall of justice. >> please, caped crusader, we
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need you, and bring -- >> reporter: that kicked off the morning for 5-year-old myles at siskiyou county. he transformed into bat kid. he has a batman to drive him around the city so he can fight crime today. they have a bat mobile, a donated lamborghini. the chief of police first asked for him to help at the hyde street cable car line. that's where he saved a damsel in distress. there's a huge crowd here watching all of this. and the chief says it's a proud day to be a san francisco >> this little guy has been batting leukemia for tleemps. he just had the port take -- for three years. he just had the port taken out. i think the city put its heart on its sleeve, demonstrated it's the city of st. francis, rolling
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into the giving season. [ cheers ] of . >> reporter: everyone has out their smart iphones to cover this moment. i have covered presidential motorcades in my career, and i'm not sure the presidents get this kind of crowd. people telling they are huge fans of bat kid. who doesn't want to cheer on bat kid and watch him take down the ridler? oh, dear. we've got a camera in our way. can you -- we are told that the vault here has -- there's a ridler here, an actor, there's an actor downstairs in the vault dressed up in a ridler costume. it even has the question marks all over his green suit. and from here, myles is going to go have a lunch break. and he's getting all of his requests from police chief sir
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who is our commissioner today here in gotham city who has prerecorded messages for myles. and his batman has a projector on his wrist, a device. and so at every stop, they get a beep, beep, beep. and greg sir, a video imager, greg sir pops up and says, "bat kid, bat kid, i made it your help. there's a damsel in distress." or at this location, "the ridler is conducting a robbery right now." that's how they know where to go next. and they come to this location in their lamborghini which was donated. the chief told me he cannot believe the reaction he's got friend around the world. he's been getting calls from as far away as australia. people very interested in bat kid and wanting to watch his dream come true. now he's only 5 years old. so my little boy is actually 5 years old. and i can't imagine how overwhelming this must be for him. all these people cheering for him. hare here he comes.
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how cute. i haven't seen batman yet. all dressed up. here they come. [ wild cheering ] >> is that not the cutest thing you've ever seen? so darling. my heart is breaking. please, i have to ask you, what did you think when you saw that? >> i was excited, so cute. embarrassed -- he was so excited, i was afraid he would be embarrassed. it's totally great to see him energized. >> reporter: i agree. i thought he would be timid when he saw this. he seemed focused on getting that riddler. what about your day? >> so worth it seeing him flun there like that. -- run in there like that. >> reporter: he's in there now. they're going to take the riddler away in handcuffs. you got to think about this little boy has spent most of his life in and out of hospitals. he was diagnosed at 18 months
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with leukemia. today is all about fun. his family told us he had his last treatment in june. he's in remission. he looked healthy, as you saw him run in there. he looked happy. he's just having a wonderful day. they told us the vault is very small. even his parents wouldn't fit. there the riddler probably doesn't stand a chance against blatt ki bat kid, trying to protect us. after this, he'll get a lunch break. hopefully he'll get to take a breath from saving the world from these villains. he is definitely well loved. and as they say, it's a proud day to be a san franciscan. >> best story ever, thank you very much. >> all right. amy was starting to talk about it. here it is. bat kid's exciting adventures will continue.
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lunch is next at union square, a flash mob will help direct bat kid to his next adventure after that, the rescue of giants' mascot lucille at at&t park. and at 2:00 p.m., there will be a special presentation for bat kid at city hall. get the key to the city. for the action, tune in to abc 7 news at 4:00. same bat channel as they say. >> you did not say that. >> i did. a producer for the 87 news digital team is embedded in myles' caravan and tweeting updates on his adventures. you can see abc 7 news, the photo with myles and his parents this morning when myles was still in his robin outfit before he became bat kid. we're using hash tag #sfbatkid to update all of his adventures. >> check this out. the police chief's son designed the special bat kid t-shirts. all the proceeds will go to the make-a-wish foundation. and we'll be live tweeting as you heard earlier. bat kid's adventures every step of the way. you can follow us on twitter.
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want to remind you, the hash tag is #sfbatkid to experience it in real time. to help the make-a-wish foundation, go to >> unbelievable. passengers on board a flight that to h to make an emergency landing at san jose airport this morning, they have a harrowing story to tell after frightening moments shortly after takeoff. abc 7's matt keller is live. you talked with passengers. >> reporter: standing on solid ground never felt so good even though these american airlines passengers are now standing in line, wait, to be rebooked for another flight. their first flight this morning didn't go so well. the trouble started shortly after takeoff. >> i'm a nervous flyer. when i saw a ball of light and heard a big -- sounded like a bomb almost, yeah. it was just a loud bang and a flash of light. and then the plane went real slow after that. >> reporter: 139 passengers and
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five crew members were aboard flight 1118 to dallas at about 6:40 a.m. when it appeared to hit one bird. american airlines says the pilot followed protocol by powering down the engine and landing. >> then the pilot came on and said, you know, we hit a bird, we train for this. the engine -- fire engines came out to check the plane to make sure there was no fire or something, you know, was dangerous on the plane. we packed him back and got off and have to reschedule for another flight. >> reporter: bird strikes are a major safety issue at moneta san jose national airport. according to the faa, from january through july 24th of this year, there were 46 bird strikes with only one private plane reporting substantial damage. right now, u.s. department of agriculture wildlife biologists use several different ways it rid the runway in san jose of birds, including loud noises and even shooting them. a san jose airport spokeswoman says 5,311 birds were chased off by loud noises and other methods
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from january through october of this year with another 137 killed. now the faa will be investigating this case. the airport will also be sending the dna of the birds to the smithsonian so they can test and find out what kind of bird was involved in this accident. reporting live in san jose, matt keller, abc 7 news. >> thank you. and coming up, more on the adventures of bat kid in san francisco. stay with us.
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than brushing with toothpaste. that's why dentists recommend polident. [ male announcer ] polident. cleaner, fresher, brighter every day. happening on capitol hill, it is the house's move now. before that, we want to show what's going with the bat kid. >> look at him go. there is the bat mobile live over san francisco where myles has just apprehended the riddler for a terrible crime of trying to rob a bank. now he's going to have a little lunch. after, that he will rescue the giant, lucille.
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continue to follow us for a live streaming and live tweets, i should say, of his adventures today. >> yeah. i wonder how he's liking that media coverage. you know, pretty overwhelming for most people. but he can handle it, yeah. all right. i want to take you back to capitol hill now. it is the house's move after president obama had his say on reversing millions of insurance cancelations issued under the new health care program. house republicans are expected to push through a bill today to permit companies to continue to sell the plans. the president apologized again yesterday for the problems with the health care rollout. now senate democrats are working hard to come up with their own legislative fix. three programmers have created an online tool right here in san francisco to help with the troubled health care website. abc 7 is live in the newsroom to explain how it works. >> reporter: it doesn't get much more straightforward. it's called help sherpa. and like the namesake, it helps people navigate except on line instead of mt. everest. it started with need as independent contractors have three young men, two in san
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francisco, one in seattle, were looking to sign up for health care. like millions of others, they found it to be difficult to say the least. they looked into the problem and realized all the data was out there. about two days and a couple of hundred bucks later they build the you can enter your zip code, family information, income, and find suggested health plans in the area. to be clear, you can not use sherpa to sign up for health care, only to shop the plans. it is proving to be a reliable tool. i talked with one of the creators via skype this morning. >> we thought that when we first started that we could just create a much more usable experience than what was in terms of finding plans themselves. we think that is what we've accomplished with this site. >> reporter: users seem to agree. in about a week, the site has had almost a million and a half page views and more than 300,000 unique visitors. it's still a work in progress. the creators are actively
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working to improve it and add new features. now i asked michael what'ser if they were -- wasser if they were making money or plan to make money off the site. he says they're not even thinking about that yet. abc 7 news. >> fix the problem first. all right. thank you. our meteorologist ahead with the forecast. >> great weather to track bat kid, isn't it? >> very nice. >> nice in grandfathotham city. >> beautiful look outside. the sunshine is hanging around. it may be deceptive this weekend. a cooling trend on the way. and as usually is the case, a chance of rain in the forecast next week. i'll map it out in your accu-weather seven-day forecast. >> all right, thanks, mike. taking you back live to the financial district in san francisco. the bat mobile there, sf bat kid myles scott having just stopped the riddler from robbing a bank. what's coming up? continue to follow us or watc
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step two, baconated cheese for awesome. step three, get ready to wow. step four... mmmmm. ♪ [ male announcer ] pillsbury crescents. make the holidays pop. he loves me. he loves me not. he loves me. he loves me not. ♪ he loves me! that's right. [ mom ] warm and flaky in 15, everyone loves pillsbury grands! [ girl ] make dinner pop!
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all right. back it our top story today. the adventures of batkid in san francisco. thousands of people, as you see, have turned out to make this little boy's make-a-wish dream come true. he wanted to be batman for a day. he's had leukemia, in remission. a 5-year-old boy. we're happy to be part of this. >> amy was saying presidential motorcade don't get this type of reception.
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speaking of which, look at this -- president obama has just tweeted this photo of miles running down hide street this morning. wow, talk about capturing the nation's attention all the way to the top. the the special encouraging people to follow miles with hash tag #sfbatkids. we have a digital producer embedded with miles' caravan tweeting all the big moments of miles' adventures. wow. >> and take a look. this is a ground picture of little miles. look how happy he is. oh, my goodness. our camera's freezing up a bit. there he is, live and in person with the biggest, happiest smile on his face you can imagine. >> that is impressive. we were talking about how it could be overwhelming for aclid, scary. he's handling it with -- just like a superhero should. >> absolutely. >> weather? >> i hate to follow that, but i'll try. >> yeah. >> let's look and show what's going on. i want to show you quickly what's going on from the tower. look at this, on the ocean, looks angry out here, doesn't it? the waves are turning over just a little bit.
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we've got breezy conditions along the coast. and for the first day of crab season, yeah, we've got some winds that are gusty around the northwest at about 20 to 30 knots. that's all the way through 9:00 tomorrow morning. the pots are soaking, hopefully the crab fishermen, women, not sure, are safe. ten-mile winds. not bad. everybody's less than ten miles per hour. light and variable. let's talk about our temperatures and what we're dealing with as far as stepping out right now. you might want to grab a coat. it's about the same as it was yesterday. maybe a little warmer. if you're walking in the sunshine, definitely feels better than yesterday. upper 50s to low 60s in most areas. our warm spot, look at that, novato, 63. in the city where bat kid is roaming around, 59 degrees. 60 in concord. 59 in san jose now. and about 57 in oakland. this is how clean the air is. this is from south beach looking across the bay toward the port of oakland, and downtown, you
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see the east bay hills easily in the background thanks to clean air bringing sunshine. cool conditions again. we flipped the switch back to fall yesterday because of the fog. today the air mass is why we are where we should be. high clouds, another push of air tomorrow. high clouds tomorrow, the breezes for saturday will stay in, won't make it to sunday. we've got a chance of rain tuesday and wednesday of next week. seems like i say that every week. we'll keep an eye on it for you. the storm system seams to fizzle, doesn't it? let's look at san jose. doesn't it look great from the bauer oh cam? we talk about how temperatures are going to be a lot like yesterday within a couple degrees here and there. sun sets at about 4:58 this afternoon. temperatures in the mid to upper 50s along the coast. it will feel cooler because of the breezes. low to mid 60s in most neighborhoods. some upper 60s around fairfield, antioch, and napa. tonight's temperatures under a partly cloudy sky, about as cool as this morning. we'll have 30s in the north bay and east bay inland valleys. mid 40s to around the upper 40s in all of our other neighborhoods. here's what's happening tomorrow.
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you see the next batch coming with limited moisture. the rain shield, green here, gets as close as lake, mendocino county by non- then it falls apart -- by noon, then it falls apart. on monday, the next system out over the ocean, scooping up moisture. the low is heading north of us again. that means the best chance of any type of precipitation, it's not a good chance, will be tuesday into wednesday across the north bay. here's a look at your accu-weather seven-day forecast. get used to the 50s and 60s. 50s will dominate the coast through monday. low to mid 60s for the rest of us. then we'll all have low to mid 60s for the early parts of next week. it's going to be a fall-like weekend. hopefully you can enjoy it. >> all right. thank you. >> you bet. >> a perfect day for what's going on today. right? >> we've had the best time checking on batkid. >> thank you. >> i think we have another live picture from sky 7 h.d. over two batmobiles right now. we'll be back. [ female announcer ] welcome one and all to a tastier festive feast. so much to sip and savor,
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a feeding frenzy to say the least. a turkey from safeway is just what they crave. a hero of the table, "so delicious" they'll rave. fresh, natural, frozen. it's the best selection around. spend $30 and a frozen safeway turkey is just 59 cents a pound. so raise your glass, pull up a chair, grab a plate. this tastier thanksgiving is well worth the wait. safeway. ingredients for life.
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the place to find quality, affordable coverage, and nobody can be denied because of a pre-existing condition. enroll today at coming up at 4:00, live team coverage continues of batkid's adventures in san francisco and a look at the thousands of volunteers it took to make this day happen. and at 5:00, all hands on deck. why the coast guard is asking boaters and anybody on our coast to be vigilant and on guard. >> all right. why don't we continue with the theme of cute this morning. >> absolutely. it's a friday. >> the perfect time. >> we've got mandy newkirk here with the san francisco cca, talking about proper names. she's amanda when she's in trouble with her mom. i get called michael. adorable little girl. >> look at her dressed for the holidays. this is little soda. on the ride down, she was looking out the window, looking
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for batkid, hoping for a rescue of her own for the holiday season. hello. she's three months old -- >> she is beautiful. >> sweetest disposition. a big kudler. a little bits of a duface. she's dressed up ready for holiday windows this which launches on friday. >> very nice. >> yes. at macy's, union square. >> exactly. and will she be there, or will there be other dogs and cats? what do you -- are you featuring this year? >> we hope to adopt over 400 for the season. if she's still with us, of course she'll be there opening night. we kick off the year, and it takes a couple thousand volunteers to make that happen. so if you're interested in volunteering, please visit our website and sign up. we need all the help we can get getting these guys home for the holidays. >> joey snapped her fingers and she sat right down. >> look at her. she's made for it. here's the camera. i didn't know. let. >> great. she is so adorable. call 415-554-3000. the number of the san francisco spca for soda or any of the
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wonderful animals they have up for adoption or just go visit macy's. >> come on down -- >> on friday. >> thanks for being here. >> happy holidays. >> you, too. back to you guys. >> okay. from that cute to back to our other cute, right? >> yes. there's action now. batkid on the move now after having stopped a bank robbery on montgomery street. you in they're moving on down to lunch in union square where a flash mob will direct batkid to his next adventure. the rescue of lucille at at&t park. >> we're following this live on twitter. and you can also have all the updates on abc 7 news at 4:00, 5:00, and 6:00. >> don't forget to use the hash tag #batkid. even president obama did that. this story has captured the nation. thank you very much for sharing it with us. bye-bye.
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[cheers and applause] >> hey! what's up, baby? [indistinct chatter] >> ah! hi. nice to meet you. >> you too. [cheers and applause] hello, and welcome to millionaire. now, if anyone can work under pressure, it's the contestant standing across from me. she's an emergency room physician who spends her days saving lives, so this trivia thing should be a piece of cake. from latham, new york, give a warm welcome for haritha challapalli. what's up, haritha? how are you? >> hi. nice to meet you, cedric. >> that's a unique name, haritha challapalli. you got to explain that name to me. >> well, my name actually means "green buttermilk village" in telugu, which is a south indian
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