tv Nightline ABC November 23, 2013 12:35am-1:06am PST
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have you baby you ooh ooh ♪ ♪ and you have me too baby ooh ooh ooh ♪ ♪ i'd still have you baby ooh ooh and you have me too yeah i'll be here as long as i still have you ♪ ♪ i still have you ♪ i still have you ♪ baby ♪ and you have me too ♪ i'll be okay ♪ as long as ♪ say yeah ♪ say yeah ♪ say yeah ♪ say yeah ♪ somebody scream [ cheers ]
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today on night line. packing to go home for the holidays, think you got a good deal. the airline industry makes staggering $27 billion a year off additional fees. from your bags, wi-fi and now the add-ons could cost you more than ever. we have got your survival guide. jfk generation. >> my grandfather is most famously known. >> they weren't born when it happened. for these mill eemillenials, it just a national tragedy. >> the president is dead. >> it is personal. >> he didn't wear red because it
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had been associated with the assassinations. >> spy-cam, undercover on planet penguin. a high-tech infiltration. for the robots, the eyes are the windows to more than just the soul, they're giving us a bird's eye view of the romance, the dramas, and the all-out waddle war. >> announcer: keep it right here, america, "nightline" is back in just 60 seconds.
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♪ [ male announcer ] united is rolling out global, satellite-fed wi-fi to connect you even 35,000 feet over the ocean. ♪ that's...wifi friendly. ♪ good evening. thank you for joining us. getting ready to go home for the holidays? even if you bought your plane ticket you are not home free yet. airlines make billions off those pesky extras you just can't do without. and if you are traveling with
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kids. the numbers only fly higher. abc's linz linzie davis found o what you need to save big on tonight's "nightline" "on the lookout." >> reporter: it is 7:00 in the morning. >> we call a bug out. >> reporter: 4 month dillon and big brother like are off to a rough start. it is going to be a long day. their mom claire is producer for "nightline." tasked with a tough assignment. she is about to board a flight to atlanta with both kids, all their stuff in tow, just to uncover exactly how much families are going to pay this holiday season in extra airline fees on top of the ticket price. we have assemble aid team of "nightline" producers. flip-cams in hand to crowd source the answer. >> did you pay any additional fees, check a bag in? >> yes, checked two bags, $60.
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>> i'll pay $40 extra. >> reporter: airline fees are difficult to avoid. baggage fees, better seats, priority boarding, wi-fi, food. for families it can mean hundreds more. first up, check in. >> we are going to atlanta. >> how much is curb side checkin? >> $25 per bag. >> claire's small duffel bag is not. making this our first fee for the day. >> thank you. >> this is your boarding pass. >> great. >> unfortunately i can't check li luc. though i would pay unlimited amounts for that. we head to gate d-2. >> "nightline," i hope you appreciate this. [ baby crying ] >> nice and loud. >> reporter: new york to atlanta to find out just how much more other travelers were paying. this man paid $25 to check his bag and got stuck with a bad seat. >> i had to pay $29 to move to another seat. they had me stuck in the back in
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the middle. i wanted to move up. >> to avoid fees, link your credit card to an airline mileage program i you don't have status with an airline you pay $20, $50 a flight to get the seat you want. once you have a late status you don't have to pay to check your bag, you get all these services most travelers have to pay for. >> reporter: status doesn't eliminate the wi-fi fees. >> you will pay. how much is that normally? >> in flight, one flight, usually $10. >> reporter: do you ever pave any additional fees? >> i do. i pay for wi-fi. >> reporter: how much? >> typically $14 a flight. for a short flight like this. >> reporter: if you are tall prepare to pay up just to stretch out your legs. >> nobody likes being nickel and dimed. we all have to travel. we travel. we deal with it. >> reporter: what kinds of things might you end up paying for? >> things i would have thought i never paid for like extra leg room. i am actually paying for.
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>> reporter: airlines are relying more on these fees. as witnessed by fact that they keep taking these on. >> once weep were on the plane, we noticed overhead compartments were to capacity. if you dedidn't pay the extra f board first you might be out of luck finding a spot for your bag. here is a temperature ip to bea system. carry your bag to the gate, to check it for free. advice, she may have taken, she will now pay $120 in baggage fees. >> $60 going. $60 coming. and, $120. it would be cheaper to send just a big box. >> reporter: good idea. if you are one who often ends up with a bulging bag, you have spare time, try shipping your bags. stress alert. consider this -- the person sitting next to you probably didn't pay the same base price for their ticket. a few months ago we went to the gate of a delta flight and asked a number of passengers what they
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paid for the tech tet. >> round trip $320. >> $235. >> little under $600. >> reporter: the price variations were shocking. luc just turned two. but no discount for the kiddie seats. like the old adage says, there is no such thing as a free lunch. >> i paid $21 for this internet. for the whole day. and we hardly even -- this right here. the travel, please. >> reporter: claire spent $6.50 in snacks, $21 for internet on a two-hour flight. >> thank you. >> you are welcome. >> i will get you. >> reporter: on the way home, claire shelled out another $25 to check her bag again. bringing her grand total in additional fees to $77 on a round trip flight. that's not including the $5
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luggage cart. >> many tip for family think about choosing an airline that doesn't charge bag fees. look at bundling packages. >> reporter: bundling packages? they get that travelers hate taking their credit card to pay fee after fee now. you can pay it all upfront. >> some airlines are starting to come up with ways to package their fees and offer them for a set price. so american right now if you book a fare, $68 more, free bag and free boarding round trip. >> reporter: if you are traveling this thanksgiving. here is good news. the tsa won't kid your blueberry pie contraband. experiment. >> you will make it to your final destination, a la carte pricing and all. happy traveling.ways wanted to
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much did you pay for your ticket. what jfk's assassination meant to millenthe children that were. >> we have hey look at bird world thank to some robotic penguins. get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. 20 million men already have. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor. [ male announcer ] for a love that never fades over any amount of time, there's iams. with 50% more animal protein than other leading brands...
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to a tastier festive feast. so much to sip and savor, a feeding frenzy to say the least. a turkey from safeway is just what they crave. a hero of the table, "so delicious" they'll rave. fresh, natural, frozen. it's the best selection around. spend $30 and a frozen safeway turkey is just 59 cents a pound. so raise your glass, pull up a chair, grab a plate.
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tonight we talk to those affected personally. the descendants of those who were there with jfk the fateful day. here is abc's byron pitts. >> and mrs. kennedy. >> when they arrived in dallas, mrs. kennedy was given red roses. my grandmother was given yellow roses for texas. >> governor and mrs. conley ride in the presidential limousine. >> my grandmother and grandfather were in the limousine with mr. and mrs. kennedy. things seemed to be going, very, well. >> as the car turned, she stepped out into the street. hey, mr. president, look over here. we want to take your picture. >> they are too young to have their own memories of what happened that day. my grandfather was working at parkland hospital on november 22, 1963. >> but for the grandchildren of the people who were closest, november 22nd, 1963, was not just a tragic day in our
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collective history. >> my grandfather is most famously known as the man in the white stetson. they come out the doors. the flood lights hit. >> reporter: it is deeply personal. a family story of what was lost and what was learned. >> the usual welcoming committee. >> for governor conley and his wife, the president's visit was a chance to show off texas. >> i think there was nervous anticipation about hosting a president and his wife. >> mrs. kennedy who was known as this fashion icon was in her pink suit. my grandmother thought maybe she had not picked the right day to wear the pink suit. >> reporter: attire aside, the conleys were pleased with how the day in dallas was going until. >> it is extraordinary to watch the videotape of that happening. just from a personal connection to watch my grandfather being shot. and watching him taken down in that way. >> my grandmother pulled him
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down into the seat into her lap. she just sort of whispered to him it is going to be all right. it is going to be all right. >> by doing that it actually closed up what was a wound, she saved his life. >> the governor is now apparently out of danger. >> she had a very hard time because -- they had at one point been these two women, terrified about their husbands trying to wrap their mind around what had just happened. and my grandfather survived. >> we had been with the president and mrs. kennedy through the tour. it had been such a wonderful tour. i had just turned around and said to him, you can't say dallas doesn't love you, mr. president. that was it. >> jeanne hill, belttter known the lady in red was one of the closest eyewitnesses. >> she says she heard, fur our
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six shots. everyone was just still. not moving got down on the ground. >> reporter: we joined her granddaughter on her first viz the to the place where her grand mother's life was forever changed. >> reporter: your grandmother see what happened over here. the president is shot. motorcade speed off. what does she see snex. >> she looks around. and she saw a shadowy figure across the street. >> reporter: an what would become known as the grassy knoll. >> in the motorcade group. >> everybody else was down on the ground. and she sees this man running. and, her instinct is to run across the street after him. >> reporter: she chases after some one she thought shot the president. >> she chases after the man she thought shot the president. she was a little woman. not sure how she thought she was going to take him down. she thought that's what i have got to do. that's the guy that did it. i have to get him. >> reporter: jeanne hill stuck to the story and the rest of her
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life. >> your gran mothdmother went t grave believing she heard more than three gunshots. >> reporter: her version of events. more than three shots. shooter on a grassy knoll its the basis for conspiracy theories about the assassination. your grandmother believes that lee harvey oswald did not act alone. >> she would say that. she did not believe heave act a alone. i believe my grandmother. i believe she heard four to six shots. overwhelmed by public ridicule, jeanne hill faded away for many years. what is the take away for you the granddaughter of this woman who witnessed this horrific day in american history? >> the takeaway is this person who had no power was willing to stand up for what she saw. and believed and experienced and in spite of whatever anybody from the government was going to tell her. and she was going to stick to the story. and she was going to keep saying the truth.
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because, the truth was important. >> first unconfirmed reports say the president was hit in the head. >> when the president arrived at parkland hospital, a neurosurgeon, dr. robert grossman was on call. >> he thought that they were just making, but when he came in. it was too big of a bullet. >> reporter: or maybe something else. >> the bullet. i think it was made by huge technology. and by evil scientists. >> reporter: william oakley's grandfather is still around to set the record straight. >> lee harvey oswald hid behind the building, hid behind that building and then shot him. because he hid behind the building where no one saw him. >> yes, that's what happened. >> it was like being invisible. >> reporter: lee harvey oswald was shot, handcuffed to detective jim lavelle.
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for his granddaughter, the legacy of the loss continues today. >> what happened in this space? adds to the conspiracy theories? >> absolutely. because of of what happened here, we have conspiracy theories. i think for me personally, i understand it as more of -- the moment we lost oswald, the country any distrust in government really ballooned. >> reporter: most families may have been obsessed over what happened 50 years ago today. some like the conleys, handled it differently. >> i think we probably didn't discuss it. it was a really draw matictraum for everyone and my grandparents. >> the grandchildren had little insight into how their grandparents felt until they heard their grandmother read allowed handwritten notes stashed away for 33 years. >> she actually wrote them for us. for her grandchildren. stow that we would really know
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what happened that day. >> it really -- hit me like a ton of bricks. hearing her read that story and -- and -- we larelating it grandchild to a grandmother. and what she, some one i love had gone through with my grandfather that terrible day. >> in dallas, byron pitts, for "nightline." >> what a fascinating way to look back on this historic day. next -- think you know penguins from your trips to the zoo? bet you have never seen them up close and personal like this. payment on any new 2014 volkswagen. hurry, this offer ends december 2nd. for details, visit today fby eating healthier, drinking plenty of water, but still not getting relief? try dulcolax laxative tablets. dulcolax is comfort-coated for gentle, over-night relief. dulcolax. predictable over-night relief you can count on.
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why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away, if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor.
1:04 am
we love to visit penguins or watch movies about them. but there is only so much you can see as an outsider looking in. until now. >> take a look at this rare video of a penguin couple that after losing their own chick attempts to stage a chick napping. then there is a hungry predator who thinks it has just gotten dinner but end up with the in flight surveillance giving us the first ever aerial view shot by a bird. it is all caught on tape. thanks to an unusual impostor paparaz paparazzi. worldwide there are 17 species of penguins. plus now, there is this. while it may look like a penguin, and move look a penguin, the real marine bird
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seem skeptical. they're called animatronic penguins, glorified spy-cams, capable of giving a bird's eyed view of wings, flightless bird. >> they have cameras in their eyes. and get close to the animals. penguins. they can get the shots. really in the penguins world. and, extraordinary behavior. >> they're essentially in the penguin world created by two filmmakers hoping to give us new insight in their documentary airing on discovery channel entitled "penguins -- waddle all the way." they deployed 50 of these cameras, hidden inside life-sized robotic penguins, eggs, rocks, and ice formations. >> oh! >> you got it. >> they allow us to get up close and personal with emperor penguins as they take the
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