tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC December 3, 2013 11:35pm-12:36am PST
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today? i hope so. it was giving tuesday, annual event that encouraging americans to donate to charity so we don't feel bad about black friday and cyber monday. we should do this the tuesday before black friday when people have money. they didn't. it's a good idea. a lot of people participate, including our former governor, arnold schwarha say what you wa him. he's charitable. he even gave his made a baby. but this year he's holding a raffle to benefit after school all stars. this is an organization that provides free after school programs to kids who need it. go to the website and for $10 you can ride in arnold's
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personal tank driven by arnold himself. he has a tank. of course he has a tank. i didn't know he had a tank. we looked it up, and sure enough, that's him in the tank. if you win the raffle, you and a friend will be flown to l.a. where you will drive around the streets in the tank crushing every small vehicle you see. by the way, that was his gardener's car. if you have been dreaming about riding in a tank with arnold you have weird dreams. >> and president obama spoke today in defense of the affordable health care act. he said it's a disaster and he's sorry he tried. interesting fact, did, you know, the speeches he's made about affordable health care is greater than the number of people who have signed up for it? the president said despite the initial problems, it's working
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better now and going do continue to improve. a million people visited on monday. mostly to see if they were covered from injuries suffered at walmart on black friday. only about 50,000 people can use the site at a time. that caused problems. why only 50,000 people can use a government website without trashi trashing it, but 4 million people can watch a kitten try to get its head out of a bag, no problem. some people got through the process only to discover they had inadvertently joined the navy. they ship out next week. elsewhere -- according to washington post, this congress, our 113th congress is on its way to becoming the least productive congress in modern history. or if you're a glass half full kind of person like i am, the number one most unprotective congress in modern history. congress passed 55 laws so far this year. the previous low was 88 back in
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1995. maybe we just have all the laws we need. maybe we don't need anymore, speeding, jay walking. is crack illegal? it's easy to criticize congress, but they happen to be divided almost evenly among party lines and creates gridlock. it's not like they didn't do anything this year. even if the only thing they did all year was this, i think it's a pretty productive year. >> in september, congress approved a grant for the minuteman missile historic site in south dakota to include additional parking spaces. the 113th united states congress. bad at creating jobs. good at creating parking spaces at stranger historical monuments in the middle of nowhere. >> jimmy: well, maybe we should move to canada. canada is -- canada seems like
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it's a lot of fun. this is from the western hockey league game on sunday. the calgary hitmen hosted the tigers at the scotia bank dome, sounds like nonsense. it was the 19th annual teddy bear toss. they ask fans to throw fans to throw bears on to the ice after they score a goal and they collect the soggy bears. it's a nice idea and nice to see. >> and he scores! he did it again. back-to-back years. mr. teddy bear pavel. 1-0, calgary. and he's making snow angels in all the bears. >> and the bears are flowing. >> that may be the best celebration i have ever seen in all my years of calling teddy bear tosses in the western
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hockey league. >> jimmy: well, that's a lot of years of calling them. they needed 11 zambonis to clean it up. i like to see a game where they throw real bears on the ice. in other canada news, i want to give you an update. this is one of my favorite of the year, the windsor sculpture garden got a good deal of international attention in october when someone trimmed a bush into this ship. some thought it looked like a penis. i think it looks like a turtle, but i'm clean of mind and body. so the city trimmed the bush immediately because they were embarrassed, and this, made it look more like a penis in a way. he was upset the city destroyed his work, so he struck again with this. and they immediately trimmed that one too. he waited, he bided his time,
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and suddenly the penis bush bandit struck again. >> there was lettering at the famous penis bush site, and somebody made it at at site, we were made aware. the letters were done very, very good. and, you know, why people want to do that and don't use their energies on beauty fieing the city in other ways, i can't explain it. >> it's not meant to be explained, meant to be enjoyed. there are now three cops dressed as shrubs waiting to be circumcised again. oh, thank you. i read something about the pope today. he was talking to parishioners about jobs he had before he was pope. he swept floors, he worked in a
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chemistry lab, and best of all, he was a bouncer at a nightclub in buenos aires. he went from deciding who gets into a nightclub to deciding who gets into heaven. i can't imagine a hope of pope saying you can't go in, total sausage party in there. go get ladies and come back. i'd like to wish you a happy seventh night of hanukkah. i haven't put my tree up yet. i buy a lot of gifts for christmas. it occurred to me that kid's gifts today are so much better than anything we had when we were kids, the play stations and the ipads, the ieverything. we had, i mean, logs. these were logs, they come in a -- like a cylinder about the size of cigars, little indentations cut out, and you can stack them in the shape of a cabin or fence.
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it was exactly as much fun as it sounds. even when i was 5 i knew lincoln logs sucked. and guy frees the slaves, we name the world's crappiest toy after him. people are looking for recipes or anything else, and no one is full of more advice than my aunt chippy. she has a lot to share. we asked her to answer questions in the special holiday edition of dear aunt chippy. >> dear aunt chippy, i love all the food around the holidays. me too. but maybe a bit too much. what can i do to avoid looking like a fat [ bleep ] by the time this is over? martha? martha, what you need is stuff in your mouth you little jerk. how do you mention food,
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christmas and fat [ bleep ] all in the same instance. i don't understand this [ bleep ]. how you can desecrate the holidays with your filthy [ bleep ] mouth. i don't give a [ bleep ] if you never eat, and i don't give a [ bleep ] if you ever have another christmas. but watch your [ bleep ] language. if you have a question for me, please e-mail me at dear aunt chippy at hot >> jimmy: heard to hear the irony. we're going to break. we have something special planned when we come back. there was an epic dance off at a detroit pistons game a couple weeks ago. just trust me, we have that, joe wee saldana, and mike birbiglia and music from toro y moi.
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but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. tylenol cold®. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. is your hair so dry... it's for the birds? discover the all-new look of triple nutrition from garnier fructis for a total transformation. the nourishing formula restores hair with every use. get touchable-softness and spectacular shine. fructis triple nutrition i get times are tight. but it's hard to get any work done like this. then came this baby -- small but with windows and office. it runs my work stuff. ...and i can use apps like flipboard for news, or xbox video to watch the shows i'm never home to see... and i can still get work done at the same time. excuse me, do you mind if i... yep.
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♪ ♪ everybody move move ♪ now everybody ♪ move ♪ that's good. i love that. why don't we have people in our audience dancing like that? sow you should be ashamed of yourself. and guillermo, and the security guard's dance for people's entertainment. >> i don't dance. >> jimmy: we need a security guard who can dance on this
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what's your last name? >> sails. yoig and our fan is antoine alexander. that was great dancing you guys did. >> thank you. >> jimmy: how old are you? >> 11. >> jimmy: 11 years old. and you, shannon? >> 46 years young. >> jimmy: do you always dance when you're working as an usher? >> yes. >> jimmy: the rivalry continues here. are you known for that? you're the dancing usher? >> i'm the dancing usher. i'm an usher first. and i like to dance. >> jimmy: do you think of yourself as a child first or a dancer. >> it's a mix. >> jimmy: what grade are you in? >> sixth grade. >> jimmy: have the kids at school seen the video? >> yes. >> jimmy: yeah, i went to school last wednesday and it was crazy. >> really? you haven't been to school since
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wednesday. it's a good thing you're a good dancer. now did you feel that a challenge had been issued by shannon when he started dancing? >> yes. >> jimmy: you did and responded. have you ever met before today? >> no. >> jimmy: do you feel like -- is there still a rivalry between you. >> oh, no. >> no. >> we think he won. >> i did win. >> jimmy: well, i think you're both winners here. or at least we are. the only loser is guillermo. thank you for coming out. you should take this act on the road and challenge each other at arenas all over the united states. i'll manage you. we'll think about it, all right? antoine and shannon, right? give us a little more. we have a good show, mike birbiglia is here and music from
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toro y moi. right back with zoe saldana. ♪ >> dicky: portions of jimmy kim hell light brought towy be the blue tooth speaker, available now for $12. 9. the blue tooth speaker, available now for $129. the blue tooth speaker, available now for $129. the blue tooth speaker, available now for $129. the blue tooth speaker, available now for $129. the blue tooth speaker, available now for $129. yo the blue tooth speaker, available now for $129. u the blue tooth speaker, available now for $129. b the
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i grew up wanting to play basketball and having fun with comthe game.h it. when i'm playing, it's not even half the game. more than anything, it's mental. when should i go? as soon as they switch, that's when you gotta catch and go. now we put in a lot of hard work until you join our team. you inherit that. you inherit being selfless. you inherit what it means to be a part of a group like this because, you know, it doesn't come around a lot.
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...are the hands that do good things for the whole community: the environment, seniors, kids, and animals. that's why we created the share the love event. by the end of this year, the total donated by subaru could reach 35 million dollars. you get a great deal on a new subaru. we'll donate 250 dollars to a choice of charities that benefit your community. it feels good to be a helping hand.
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exceptionally funny man with a funny new comedy special, my girlfriend's boyfriend, mike birbiglia is here tonight. and the music from this album, it's called anything in return, making their network television debut, toro y moi. that's spanish and french combined, right? >> >> jimmy: tomorrow night benedict cumberbatch and r. kelly will be here together at last. and on thursday jason schwartzman, from "scandal" guillermo diaz, and music from jake owen. you know our first guest from "avatar", "star trek: into darkness", "pirates of the caribbean" and other independent films. her latest finds her alongside christian bale, casey affleck, and woody harrelson "out of the furnace", opens in theaters friday, please welcome zoe saldana.
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♪ you look fantastic i love that dress. >> thank you, thank you. it's so funny. i -- i'm not a pink lady. >> jimmy: me neither. >> but pink is a good color for the guys. >> jimmy: i like it. it's -- it's inviting. >> okay. all right. i'll wear pink more often. >> jimmy: congratulations. you got married since the last time i saw you. >> thank you. and congratulations to you too. you got married. >> jimmy: thank you, it's not a competition. we don't need to go around and get married -- >> where did you get married? >> jimmy: about an hour away from here in the desert. and you? you don't know. wow. must have been fun.
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>> in england. can you top that? >> jimmy: no. >> so it is a competition. >> yeah, well, yes, it's a competition and i've lost. >> no, it's really nice and bohemian and you eat or gau organically. >> jimmy: your mom was a hippy, right? >> she was a convenient beau heem man. all three of us girls were feminine, and buying beauty products, she bought a book off a garage sale, it was a 60s book about how to make home and dying your hair with rum. >> jimmy: go back to that, you put rum in your hair? >> yes, in the tips to make it super wild. soak the ends with rum and go
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play in the sun. and in the dominican republic it's so hot. and i remember one time my neighbor came by to check up on us because my mom was working and called up my mom, listen to me. i went to check up on the girls and zoe smelled like alcohol. so my mom it calling me, indiana called, and she said you smelled like alcohol. so were you drinking it or putting it on? i was soaking -- bye, bye, bye. >> jimmy: you'd walk around smelling like a drink all the time. >> pretty much. >> jimmy: does it do anything to your hair? >> yeah, it would bleach it, really auburny and sometimes really light. >> jimmy: what is christmas like in the dominican republic? the same as here? >> if you ask a dominican born
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and raised there, yeah, it's totally similar. it's so no. i was raised in new york, raised with santa clause and the rain deers and not the three wizards or the three wisemen and the three magicians who come in the with the camels. you have to wait until the 7th of january to open presents. >> jimmy: really? the 7th of january? >> but you get to open more presents. >> jimmy: why? >> i don't know. >> jimmy: a sale after christmas? >> i don't know if it's when baby jesus was born. some believe he was born in december and others in january. but in reality, he was born in march. >> jimmy: how do you know this? >> because we didn't have the same calendar. look at me as if i'm like from the past. whatever. they didn't have the same calendar. their year was shorter. so that meant they based their
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year on the lunar -- the moon positions. and they, you know, it says that jesus was born on this moon position and that was in march or april or something. >> jimmy: oh, who told you this? >> my mom. >> jimmy: your mom. was she tugging on her hair when she mentioned this? >> yes. >> jimmy: i guess we have no idea when jesus was born. it would make sense if he was born in a warmer month because of the sandals and everything like that. >> but you know something -- first of all did it ever make sense to you that baby jesus was visited by this big german dude called papa klaus. >> jimmy: who's bubba klaus. >> santa clause. >> jimmy: jesus wasn't visited by santa clause. >> he's called other things.
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>> jimmy: he's saint nicholas in some places and kriss kringle in other places, but i don't think he visited jesus. >> he was not in the desert. he would have died of heat exhaustion. >> jimmy: he has the rain deer. >> look at big red suit, he would have never lasted in the sahara. >> jimmy: in beth lehembethlehea bad spot. >> he would never last. >> jimmy: you're saying that it doesn't make sense. it's the visiting jesus thing, apparently he was too busy making toys. to me, it's how he's able to deliver, however, many million gifts. >> that always got me. >> jimmy: you thought about that stuff as a kid. >> it tormented me. >> jimmy: i didn't think about anything. fonzy jumping over a shark on a jet ski. that's what tough guys do.
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>> it worried me. all of us at the same time, would it really matter if i'm naughty? he might not even get to me. and, you know, he was that thing about coming early from school and catching your mom with tape in her mouth taping your present. you're like wait a minute, that was santa. >> jimmy: you're cynical. >> you're going to understand this soon. it's confusing to me too. i'm going to bring my mom. >> jimmy: yeah, bring her here. next time you come, bring her. >> she gets upset. she says we don't talk like that. grandma and i don't talk like that, you make it seem we're stupid. it's not true. >> jimmy: bring your grandmother too. >> she would never leave. she would be standing there. >> jimmy: can she do security? >> she can sing.
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maybe we can have a partner over there. i want to say that this movie out of the furnace is excellent. >> thank you. >> jimmy: it's not light. >> no. >> jimmy: this dress is no indication of the film. but it's very good. >> which is why i wore it. the movie is no reflection of what i'm wearing. it's a feel-good movie, though. >> jimmy: no, yeah, not really. not unless you're a real lunatic. >> i'm not even going to say that. because i worked with amazing actors, but it was the kind of movie that i would walk into the hair and makeup trailer and i would be like hey. nobody was talking. everybody was like in character. i'm just like oh, my god, this is so awesome. >> jimmy: it isn't what you call a fun movie. >> no, i didn't have anybody to talk to. the dp mass, anybody, costumes.
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nope, everybody was in character. >> jimmy: you got to bring your relatives just so you have someone to talk to. >> my grandmother, she would have great. >> jimmy: it's great to see you. please give your family my best. zoe saldana, out of the furnace opens friday. ♪ >> portions of jimmy kimmel live are brought to you by the blue tooth speaker. available now for $129 only from sony. the jimmy kimmel live concert series is brought to you by sony. i sent you like a hundred texts! jerk! jerk, what? oh hey! they're coming in now sweetie! you fell off your bike? you broke your arm... i'm gonna hunt you down, all caps...
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two years is too long to wait, introducing jump! from t-mobile. upgrade when you want, not when you're told. get the lg g2 for zero down at participating t- mobile stores now. ♪ thank you grandma for the dolls. ♪ ♪ i love it! ♪ i'm ninja kicking through the halls. ♪ ♪ i love it! ♪ mom's posting pictures on your wall. ♪ ♪ that's my kind of holiday. it's been a happy union. he does laundry, and i do the cleaning. there's only two of us... how much dirt can we manufacture? more than you think. very little. [ doorbell rings ] [ lee ] let's have a look, morty. it's a sweeper. what's this? what's that? well we'll find out. we'll find out. [ lee ] it goes under all the way to the back wall. i came in under the assumption that it was clean. i've been living in a fool's paradise! oh boy... there you go... morty just summed it up. the next 44 years we'll be fine. okay, who helps you focus on your recovery?
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yo, yo, yo. aflac. wow. [ under his breath ] that was horrible. pays you cash when you're sick or hurt? [ japanese accent ] aflac. love it. [ under his breath ] hate it. helps you focus on getting back to normal? [ as a southern belle ] aflac. [ as a cowboy ] aflac. [ sassily ] aflac. uh huh. [ under his breath ] i am so fired. you're on in 5, duck. [ male announcer ] when you're sick or hurt, aflac pays you cash. find out more at [ male announcer ] when you're sick or hurt, aflac pays you cash. this holiday we're and putting down phones.
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we're raising our glasses and lifting our spirits. here, the hottest gift is a fresh baked breadstick. heartwarming new recipes are coming right out of the oven and we're touring the classics of italy without leaving the table. at olive garden, the best holiday gift is being together. so join us! cause we're all family here. get together for unlimited soup, salad & breadsticks lunch just $6.99. is this the one you want?g, or is that? because you never really know what's best... until you taste it for yourself. ♪ all hail to the drinking man. are you thirsty angus? you're talking to the guy
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who hasn't approved a new stapler purchase in three years. but then i saw the new windows tablet, with a real keyboard, usb port, and full office. it's a tablet that works for work. plus, it's got apps and games, for after hours, of course. compared to an ipad -- way more value. these tablets are such a steal; i couldn't find a reason not to buy them. ♪ honestly, i wanna see you be brave ♪ ♪ shopping for gifts online. ♪ the perfect way to get into the spirit any time. ♪ ♪ hello ♪ that's my kind of holiday.
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♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] delta touch2o technology for your kitchen and bathroom. precisely in tune with every touch. see what delta can do. precisely in tune with every touch. i grew up wanting to play basketball and having fun with comthe game.h it. when i'm playing, it's not even half the game. more than anything, it's mental. when should i go? as soon as they switch, that's when you gotta catch and go. now we put in a lot of hard work until you join our team. you inherit that. you inherit being selfless. you inherit what it means to be a part of a group like this
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♪ >> thank you. >> jimmy: look at that, you come bearing gifts. how long has it been since you were here? >> i got you a gift for your wedding. >> jimmy: that's nice. >> congratulations, jimmy got married. i don't know if you guys follow these things. >> jimmy: i married zoe saldana. i don't know if you heard. she doesn't know, but it happened. >> last time i saw you, you were not married, you came out to dinner, came to the show. >> jimmy: it was great, really great. >> and this summer, i wanted to tell you straight, our cat, ivan passed away, it was sad. he was 17 years old. we asked our yoga instructor where to go because we wanted a
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cleansing experience. she said you should go to ohi valley in california. it's a religious experience and beautiful play. we called the valley inn and they were booked for the whole weekend. i said every room is booked. and they said, yeah, this one guy booked a hotel for the whole weekend. i was like what [ bleep ]. who would book a whole hotel for a hole weekend in this place. we went the sunday after the weekend was over and we're in a yoga class, and no one's in it. no one -- just me and my wife and the instructor. no one's at the hotel. after class, i said where is everybody, i heard this place is so popular and no one's here. and he said, well, you know. and i said no. i don't. and he goes, you know. and he points to my wife wearing a jimmy kimmel live t-shirt.
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and we go, no. we don't know. and he goes you're here for the jimmy kimmel wedding, right? and that's when we realized that we weren't invited to your wedding. and the -- above and beyond that, like, if we were invited, can you imagine if we were wearing the jimmy kimmel live t-shirts at the jimmy kimmel wedding. and they're with the groom. and the bridal party has the molly t-shirts. >> jimmy: i'm so sorry. i knew you were upset about the cat, i would leave you alone. >> we got you a gift, we got you some yoga mats. >> jimmy: these will come in handy, thank you. that was really nice. >> and then we got you some t-shirts. >> jimmy: all right. those are both the same.
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look at this. how nice. i see. thank you. anything on the yoga mats? or those are blank. that's very, very -- >> if we're having a party, you can spy on it nearby and wear those t-shirts. >> jimmy: that sounds perfect. that'll be lovely. i'm sorry, do you do yoga? >> why would you question that? you don't think that i look like i do yoga. >> jimmy: you don't look like a yoga guy. >> are you questioning that i do yoga? >> jimmy: okay you do. how often? >> a few times a week. it's not for male humans. >> jimmy: no. >> i don't know -- it's not designed for male humans. i think it's designed for spiders. and cats. and maybe female humans.
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but not male humans. and then they -- and you know this because you're in class and they give you female-specific instructions. the other day i was in class and the woman said, you're going to want to reach your hand back to your bra strap and lift up your leg, but not if you're on your period. i'm not sure that applies to me at all. i'm only a -- >> jimmy: most of it, anyway. >> i only had my period once, and i'm not sure that's what that was. >> jimmy: and you do this together as a couples thing? >> we do. it's a point of contention. because my wife is a late person. i don't know if you have this with your wife -- >> jimmy: mine's not bad, but i like to be on time. >> i think there's a delineation between late people and on time people, what they don't realize is that we hate them. >> jimmy: it's true.
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they make us feel like jerks. >> yeah. the reason -- the reason that we hate them is that it's -- it's so easy to be on time. you just have to be early. and early lasts for hours. and on time just lasts a second. >> jimmy: you're right. >> then you're late. i always try to teach my late friends with using sounds. i'll be like early, early, early, on time, late! >> jimmy: does that work? >> it's a -- >> jimmy: i find that wives love it when you try to teach them things. they can't get enough of it. yeah. >> there's a lot of push and pull. the other day i was going to yoga class, and my wife said wait for me. and i'm not ready yet. and i said no, i'm not going to do that because you're a late person and i'm an on time person, and i don't want that entering into our marriage
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because it's going pretty well so far. and she said fine. passive aggressive for late people. and she said but save a mat next to your mat in class for me. and i said cloe -- her name's jen. and i said i'm not going to do that because -- because i don't -- i have more allegiance to my fellow on time people than i do to my own wife. and i get to class, and i feel bad, right? and so i put down a mat and then i put down a mat next to my mat for my wife. and all these people are coming into class, and this woman is like do you mind if i put it right here? i'm so polite i don't even finish sentences. and this woman says do you mind and i was like -- class fills
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up, 100% full except for the empty mat next to my mat because my wife never showed up to class that day. >> jimmy: oh, no. >> class ends, empty mat, all the people can assume is that my wife is dead. or that i have invented this fictional concept of having a wife so i can have a double-wide super mat. it's possible. that's just my side of the story. if my wife were here, yeah, but you're not telling them -- excuse me, ma'am, that's a show going on. i've done it before, i'll do it again. >> jimmy: i want to tell you, we saw you do this live, it's absolutely terrific. it's really, really funny. it's called by girlfriend's boyfriend. i promise you, it's great. and if people -- if people purchase this, they get a
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christmas card from you? >> we made a my girlfriend's boyfriend's christmas card. we did this. it's happy holidays from mike birbiglia and his girlfriend and her boyfriend. we'll send that to you free if you purchase tickets to my tour that starts? 2013. >> jimmy: in january in michigan. mike birbiglia, everybody. we'll be right back with toro y moi. ♪ >> t
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to those who've been waiting welcome to covered california. the place to find quality, affordable coverage, and nobody can be denied because of a pre-existing condition. enroll today at the jimmy kimmel live concert series brought to you by sony. >> jimmy: i'd like to thank zoe saldana, mike birbiglia, and apologize to matt damon, we ran out of time. "nightline" is next, but first this is their album "anything in return" here with the song "say that" toro y moi. ♪
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♪ tell me you won't ever give up ♪ ♪ she owns my love but i've got her now ♪ ♪ she's alright i'm all right ♪ ♪ we're all right we can't go back ♪ ♪ say that you'll always remind me ♪ ♪ cause i can't decide if you are my love ♪ ♪ i know i can't always be home but ♪ ♪ i never left don't think like that ♪ ♪
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