tv Nightline ABC January 23, 2014 12:37am-1:08am PST
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>> tonight on "nightline," finding love on line has never been easier. but what if you want that scoop on that cute guy. find out what his exthink. women are loving it. men, not so much. is this a dating game changer? "12 years a slave." what some are calling the most emotionally devastating movie of the years. tonight, we talk to contenders and oscar winners. and how brad pitt made it all possible. and off the wagon. he's back. the infamous mayor who made headlines by acting out. now he's in the spotlight again after a new youtube video shows
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>> good evening. and thanks for joining us. dating online has never been easier. it's not all wine and roses. the hot new app lulu is stirring up controversy for its anonymous, often snarky reviews of men. some find it down right offensive. i went inside the brave new world of dating to find out. >> this one has pitchy exes. >> that's like a no-no.
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>> obsessed with his mom. that's a definite no. >> panty dropper. >> reporter: these women are doing something women have been doing for generations, even centuries. talking smack about men. >> a lot of hitting quit it. >> reporter: but the age of the smart app have started a new revolution in dating. it's called lulu and exclusively for women. ladies like sara, kate and renee can check out anonymous reviews about potential boyfriends, written by their exes, friends and former flings. >> as soon as you meet someone, that's sort of your first go-to is oh, what can i find out about them without being creepy. >> it's essentially yelp about men, made up entirely of clever hashtags, categorizing his best and worst trades. >> manscape. >> lulu is spreading like wildfire with a million users
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over the globe. but some call it man hates, sexist and bad for women. >> it's completely an application about judging peo e people. and would you want to be judged yourself? absolutely not. >> of course, websites like cheaterville and don't date him girl have let women publicly shamed misbehaving boyfriends for years. but the creator denies it pits women against men. she says it's about knowledge, not revenge. >> some of the most popular ones are #will act silly. #cleans up good. #epic smile. >> yet there are plenty of negtive ones, too. >> quite a few. there's a worst of section. #hygienically challenged is one. >> a lot of people say men are being rated in a way that's demeaning to a guy. that a man is reduced to a snarky hashtag. >> we live in a world where we
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get references for an important job or if you're renting or buying an apartment. i really think that why not get references for people we're going to end up in relationships with. i think it's equalily as important. smarter decision making. that's what lulu is all about. >> if you have this one, if you're a date and they have a hash cheaper than a big mac, the whole thing going through my head is okay, i guess i'm paying for this date. >> get the check and go to the bathroom. >> still loves his ex. you're not going to be able to get that out of your head. >> i'm sara burns. i'm 23 years old. i moved to new york city nine months ago. when a guy asked me out, i have been guilty of looking them up and seeing their hashtags and their ratings to make sure they're okay. >> we decided to play a little lulu matchmaker by setting up sar sarah, a self-proclaimed super user with my producer friend's alex. >> i'm alex. i'm 26 years old. >> he's got an 8.3.
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above average. respects women. >> skin like butta. >> first time i heard of lulu, the lulu app. my roommate told me. oh, you know you're on this app called lulu. >> the profiles are automatically culled from a woman's facebook friends. >> the girls who reviewed him have hooked up with him. >> and that's pretty recent. >> a few weeks later, the date is on. >> it's the big reveal. come on out. >> oh, it's very nice. very understated. it's not too forward. perfect. it says hi, i'm a friendly first date. >> sarah has the advantage here. she's read all about alex on lulu app. but alex is going in blind. >> my blind date knows everything on lulu. i'm a little excited. >> do you feel it's a little unfair that you have all this background information on him and he knows much less about you. >> i was thinking about that.
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i'm nervous to meet him, but he must be beyond nervous to meet me. >> do angry men ever contact you and say this is unfair? >> we get angry men who say they hate lulu, it shouldn't exist. they're going to create one the other way around. and then we have guys saying this is amazing. this is needed. thank you for building this. that's why we know we're doing something right. >> lulu only allows women to review men they're facebook friends with. and they take measures to ensure that men can't bust into the girl's only conversation. >> guys have tried to break into lulu in the hundreds of thousands. >> how do they try to break in? >> try to create fake female accounts. they try to change their gender. >> so how do you bust them? >> can't tell you. >> oh. >> while lulu has certainly found a huge female fan base, many men are not amused. >> lulu is a bad application because it's a hopeless application. it's a reckless application and it's a pointless application. >> paul brunson is a
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professional matchmaker and author of "it's complicated." he says lulu is a dangerous way to start a relationship. >> i think this turn submission that's important in our lives, perhaps the most important thing we'll ever do is date in a committed way and get married, it takes something very serious and it makes it a game. it's just not a game. >> while our lucky back lor alex is waiting in manhattan, we hopped in a car heading across town and gave alex's lulu page a final once over. >> wow, he's handsome. >> isn't he? >> my rating was pretty good from what i saw. i saw some comments, one was a mama's boy. yes, i do love my mom. so i guess that's pretty accurate. >> i hung back at the bar as the two of them are about to meet for the first time. >> hi. >> we finally meet. >> it's like the biggest table of all time. how you doing? alex. >> sara. >> nice to meet you as well. >> i just moved to new york a year ago. >> that's nice. how have you been doing? do you like it? >> yeah.
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i love it. i think it's going well. i think they have chemistry. i hope there's a little bit of chemistry going on. >> yeah, she's pretty cool. >> does it seem a little unfair that we looked a at your profile and talked about you the entire way over here. >> it's a little unfair, but at the same time, i'm really a laid back person so it's like everyone is going to form their own opinion about you. >> but you're not appalled and offended by the site? >> no. >> so you already think he's different than his profile? >> yeah. >> in what way? >> maybe not the hashtags. he's more down to earth, funny. one of his hashtags was, like, boring. >> at least you can -- ouch. burn. >> what did i do on that date? >> good luck. going to leave you crazy kids. the quicker i get out of here, the quicker you'll have some fun. >> after i got out of their hair, they wined, they dined. they even exchanged phone numbers offcamera. >> he was captain fun, down to
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earth. i really like him. we exchanged numbers and we're going to, you know, hopefully hang out again. >> are you going to write a lulu review? >> i will actually. >> so do you lulu? is it good, clean fun or character assassination? let us know. tweet us at "nightline." up next for us, 12 years a slave, nine oscar nods and one incredible story. inside one of the buzzbuzziest movies this awards season. hey, buddy? oh, hey, flo. you want to see something cool? snapshot, from progressive. my insurance company told me not to talk to people like you. you always do what they tell you? no... try it, and see what your good driving can save you. you don't even have to switch. unless you're scared. i'm not scared, it's... you know we can still see you.
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no, you can't. pretty sure we can... try snapshot today -- no pressure. there was a boy who traveled to a faraway place where villages floated on water and castles were houses dragons lurked, giants stood tall, and the good queen showed the boy it could all be real. avo: whatever you can imagine, all in one place.
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expedia, find yours. but there are some places even mr. clean doesn't want to lug a whole bunch of cleaning supplies. that's why he created the magic eraser extra power. just one eraser's versatile enough to clean all kinds of different surfaces and three times more grime per swipe. so instead of fussing with rags and buckets, you can get back to the great outdoors, which can be pretty great. that's why when it comes to clean, there's only one mr. [ bird screeches ]
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>> as award season eats up, 12 years a slave has already scored a golden globe for best motion picture. now it's up for a total of nine academy awards, including best film and best director. if steve mcqueen wins, he'll make history as the first black director to take home an oscar. and tonight, he's taking us inside the making of his ground breaking film. here's abc's chris connell lee with the first of our series oscar confidential. >> parker? >> action. >> is they shot in 108-degree heat on centuries old louisiana plantations where such atrocities actually took place. the makers of 12 years a phrase coined a phrase, to capture the eerie alchemy of their work. >> we really felt we were dancing with ghosts. we were right there in the place where is these things happened. and we felt the place was alive
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with the sort of energy of that. >> it was perfumed with a scent of the past. he looked around. there was a plantation. the hearts where the slaves lived. it was in the soil, the blood, the earth. so you're in the presence of a time and a place, but at the same time, a lot of beauty. >> just five months since it was first shone to an audience "12 years a slave" directed by steve mcqueen is already being called a defining film about slavery. a best picture nominee about a subject disgracefully overlooked throughout much of hollywood history. >> for me, it was a hole in the cannon of history. serial comic vengeance fantasy
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"django unchained." and now 44-year-old mcqueen wanted to tell a story from a new perspective. but now? >> for me, it was about a free man, a free african-american and gets kidnapped into slavery. a lot of people didn't know that there were three black men and women living in the north. the story of an african brought to america had been done in "roots" very effectively, but this is the story of an actual american that's kidnapped and dragged into slavery. >> much of "12 years a slave's" narrative and dialogue come from the biography of andrew northup. from the start, mcgeen knew who he wanted to play solomon
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northup. when they offered you this, you said no. >> yeah, i took a moment. i had never seen a film from inside this experience, from insi inside the slave experience. and i felt the responsibility of it and i needed to kind of have, you know, a kind of moment to work out just how to get there. >> why did you have to get there? >> he reminds me of harry belafonte. sid ney portier. he has that dignity in him. and he carries it in an environment which is to be humane. and to me, he's the only one that has that quality. >> crushed by intolerable circumstances, he fights for more than freedom. >> he's having a battle with his soul. he's trying to hold it together. it's difficult for someone to hang on to their mind.
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their battle climaxes with the slave of the young slave patsy, the role for which mcqueen chose hundreds of actors, played by lupita ns a -- >> there were days i thought would never find someone. i wanted a breeze on the back of your hand. i'm asking the world for somebody that doesn't exist. but we found it. oh, we found it. >> i ain't got no comfort in this life. >> she held her own. i remember the first day of rehears rehearsal. she came into rehearsal. you could see these guys. okay, i've got to get my
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together. >> tmcqueen used a long take captured by one camera, to capture the intensity that marks his film from "hunger" to the sex addiction of "shame." >> let them do what they want to do. then we try to trace that. in order to keep that pressure on. >> trip. >> i will not. >> i put a cut in there. the pressure would have been defused. >> a 35-day fuse meant external pressures, too. alleviated in part by brad pitt. in one eight-minute scene can be gleaned from this comically inappropriate and unauthorized italian poster. >> brad was fundamental in
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making this movie. you know, without him there would not be "12 years a slave." >> at its new york premier descendants of solomon northrup's was there. >> i'm a third generation great -- >> great, great, great granddaughter. >> they're all different races, you know? they're all direct descendants of this man. you know, that's what it's all about. there is such a passion and a love in this story. and it is that love that i think allows him to go through it. >> its stature already suggests that "12 years a slave" may become part of the film cannon it was meant to redress. >> if this movie winds up getting taught in schools. if generations of schoolchildren watch this, how will that make you feel? >> very happy. you know? i just want to be useful.
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that's a definite. i just want to be useful. that's all i want to be. it's one of those things where i just want to go out with two guns blazing. nothing to lose. >> i'm chris connelly for "nightline." >> up next, new video shows this politician's not exactly on his best behavior. you might be surprised by what he had to say about the incident.
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>> ford is refusing to apologize for what he calls a minor setback. doing it right? arnold schwarzenegger, he's back in the gym but playing a new role. as an undercover trainer. working out at gold's gym, offering advice. >> you have elbows and you have knees. >> not always solicited. >> very nice. >> it's the terminator's charity after school all-stars, letting people bid on the chance to live like arnold for a day, all while supporting fitness. if that's not a cause worth celebrating, i don't know what is. >> and finally, how about an intergalactic reunion for a comeback. our heroes may be a lot closer to returning to the big screen than you realize. >> i like the sound of that. >> they have all signed on for "star wars episode 7." this would be a huge planetary new year's, even if our parent
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company disney didn't own the movie rights. >> that's a must-see. thanks for watching abc news. tune into "good morning america" tomorrow. and as always, we're online at abc good night, america. [ coughs ] hi. yo. cold? nasty cold. dayquil severe. nyquil severe. thanks dude. [ female announcer ] walgreens. get in. get out. feel better.
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