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tv   Up  ABC  February 16, 2014 8:00pm-10:01pm PST

8:00 pm
8:01 pm
newsreel announcer: movietown news presents spotlight on adventure. what you are now witnessing is footage never before seen by civilized humanity, a lost world in south america. lurking in the shadow of majestic paradise falls, it sports plants and animals undiscovered by science. who would dare set foot on this inhospitable summit? why, our subject today, charles muntz! the beloved explorer lands his dirigible, the spirit of adventure, in new hampshire this week, completing a yearlong expedition to the lost world. this lighter-than-air craft was designed by muntz himself and is longer than 22 prohibition paddy wagons placed end to end. and here comes the adventurer now. never apart from his faithful dogs, muntz conceived the craft for canine comfort. it's a veritable floating palace in the sky, complete with doggy bath and mechanical canine walker. and, jiminy cricket, do the locals consider muntz the bee's knees. and how! adventure is out there!
8:02 pm
(people cheering) newsreel announcer: but what has muntz brought back this time? gentlemen, i give you the monster of paradise falls! (people gasp) newsreel announcer: and, golly, what a swell monster this is! but what's this? scientists cry foul. the national explorer's society accuses muntz of fabricating the skeleton. no! newsreel announcer: the organization strips muntz of his membership. (gasps) newsreel announcer: humiliated, muntz vows a return to paradise falls and promises to capture the beast alive! i promise to capture the beast alive, and i will not come back until i do! (crowd cheers) newsreel announcer: and so, the explorer's off to clear his name. bon voyage, charles muntz, and good luck capturing the monster of paradise falls! (imitating airplane) newsreel announcer: here's charles muntz
8:03 pm
piloting his famous dirigible. (horn honking) he hurdles pikes peak. he hurdles the grand canyon. (carl grunts) he hurdles mount everest. (grunts) he goes around mount everest. is there nothing he cannot do? yes, as muntz himself says, "adventure is..." ellie: adventure is out there! look out! mount rushmore! hard to starboard! must getspirit of adventure over mount rushmore! hold together, old girl. how're my dogs doing? (mimics barking) all engines, ahead full! let's take her up to 26,000 feet. rudders 18 degrees towards the south. it's a beautiful day. winds out of the east at 10 knots. visibility unlimited. enter the weather in the logbook.
8:04 pm
oh! there's something down there. i will bring it back for science. aw! it's a puppy! ah! no time! a storm! lightning. hail. what are you doing? ahhh! don't you know this is an exclusive club? only explorers get in here, not just any kid off the street with a helmet and a pair of goggles. do you think you've got what it takes? well, do you? (stammering) all right, you're in. welcome aboard. what's wrong? can't you talk? hey, i don't bite. you and me, we're in a club now. i saw where your balloon went. come on. let's go get it. my name's ellie. there it is.
8:05 pm
(gulps) well, go ahead. go on. (carl screaming) (thudding) (siren wailing) (shouts) ow. hey, kid! (screams) thought you might need a little cheering up. i got something to show you. ellie: i am about to let you see something i have never shown to another human being. ever! in my life! you'll have to swear you will not tell anyone. cross your heart. do it!
8:06 pm
ellie: my adventure book. you know him. (gasps) charles muntz, explorer. when i get big, i'm going where he's going, south america. it's like america, but south. wanna know where i'm gonna live? "paradise falls, a land lost in time." i ripped this right out of a library book. (gasps) i'm gonna move my clubhouse there and park it right next to the falls. who knows what lives up there. and once i get there? well, i'm saving these pages for all the adventures i'm gonna have. only i just don't know how i'm gonna get to paradise falls. that's it! you can take us there in a blimp!
8:07 pm
swear you'll take us! cross your heart! cross it! cross your heart! good, you promised. no backing out. well, see you tomorrow, kid. bye! adventure is out there! you know, you don't talk very much. i like you! wow. (wedding march playing) (guests cheering)
8:08 pm
(inaudible) (inaudible) (inaudible) (inaudible)
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♪ ♪ [ speaking russian ] ♪
8:12 pm
♪ i have no idea what you're saying, but count me in! peanut m&m's for everyone! [ laughter ] wait...what? [ laughter ] ♪ ...but he is the biggest! ♪ has every amenity. booooriiiing!!!! ah, ah, ah. hit it, guys! ♪ ♪ it's got a bin for your chickens ♪ ♪ a computer from the future ♪ ♪ and some giant freaky room for eight ♪ ooh, yeah! ♪ but it ain't got no room for boring ♪ i'm spacing out on all this space, too! ♪ no, we ain't got no room for boring ♪ whee! ♪ for boring, we ain't got no room ♪ [ male announcer ] the all-new highlander. toyota. let's go places.
8:13 pm
♪ [ male announcer ] spring is calling. get 10% off select major kitchen appliances, cabinets, and countertops at lowe's. get 10% off select major kitchen appliances, ♪ classical piano [richard] last year,thinking they can do their own taxes, americans left behind more than a billion dollars. that's five hundred dollars on every single seat. not just in this stadium, but in every professional football stadium in america. this is your money.get it back with block. get your billion back,america. the coconut maine tail in new lobster in paradise -- amazing! [ male announcer ] don't miss red lobster's lobsterfest! with the year's largest selection of lobster entrees, you won't find choices like these anywhere else.
8:14 pm
my favorite is lobster lover's dream! the dueling lobster tails are both winners. [ male announcer ] two maine lobster tails, one crab-stuffed, and one topped with savory garlic shrimp. nobody does lobster like red lobster. [ male announcer ] hurry in to red lobster. and sea food differently. ♪ there's a new leader in network speed. t-mobile.
8:15 pm
8:16 pm
(grunting) (joints cracking) ha! (grunts) (sighs in relief) (whirring)
8:17 pm
(locks clicking) (grunts in frustration) (construction workers shouting) (machines clanging) man: stevie, throw me a deuce! (scoffs) quite a sight, huh, ellie? uh! mail's here.
8:18 pm
(scoffs) shady oaks retirement. oh, brother. hmm... hey! morning, mr. fredricksen. need any help there? no. yes! tell your boss over there that you boys are ruining our house. well, just to let you know, my boss will be happy to take this old place off your hands, and for double his last offer! what do you say to that? uh, i take that as a "no," then? i believe i made my position to your boss quite clear. you poured prune juice in his gas tank. yeah, that was good. here, let me talk to him. (bullhorn beeps)
8:19 pm
you in the suit. yes, you. take a bath, hippie! i am not with him! this is serious! he's out to get your house. carl: tell your boss he can have our house. really? when i'm dead! i'll take that as a maybe. announcer on tv: order now, you get the camera, you get the printer, 4x optical zoom, schneider lens, photo printer, sd card. (knocking on door) "good afternoon. my name is russell. "and i am a wilderness explorer in tribe 54, sweat lodge 12. "are you in need of any assistance today, sir?" no. i could help you cross the street. no. i could help you cross your yard. no. i could help you cross your porch. no. well, i gotta help you cross something.
8:20 pm
no. i'm doing fine. "good afternoon. my name is russell." (carl stammering) kid... kid. a wilderness explorer "in tribe 54, sweat lodge 12." i... slow down. kid! "are you in need of any assistance..." thank you, but i don't need any help! ", sir?" russell: ow. proceed. "good afternoon..." but skip to the end! see these? these are my wilderness explorer badges. you may notice one is missing. it's my assisting the elderly badge. if i get it, i will become a senior wilderness explorer. "the wilderness must be explored!" kaw kaw, raaar! (hearing aid screeches) it's gonna be great! there's a big ceremony, and all the dads come, and they pin on our badges.
8:21 pm
so, you want to assist an old person? yep! then i'll be a senior wilderness explorer. you ever heard of a snipe? snipe? bird. beady eyes. every night it sneaks in my yard and gobbles my poor azaleas. i'm elderly and infirm. i can't catch it. if only someone could help me. me, me! i'll do it! i don't know. it's awfully crafty. you'd have to clap your hands three times to lure it in. i'll find them, mr. fredricksen! i think its burrow is two blocks down. if you go past... two blocks down. got it! snipe. here, snipey, snipey. bring it back here when you find it. russell: snipe! steve: okay, keep her coming. keep coming. and stop. stop. stop! why... hey! hey, you! what do you... what do you think you're doing? i am so sorry, sir. don't touch that! no, no, no. let me take care of that for you. get away from our mailbox! hey. sir, i...
8:22 pm
i don't want you to touch it! ow! (groaning) (breathing heavily) man: steve, you all right? (police siren wails) officer edith: sorry, mr. fredricksen. you don't seem like a public menace to me. take this. the guys from shady oaks will be by to pick you up in the morning, okay?
8:23 pm
what do i do now, ellie? (sighs)
8:24 pm
dear armpit... in the lottery of life, you drew the short stick. people shave you. pour hot wax on you. and your name... is armpit. people don't treat you like skin. because, frankly, they don't think of you as skin. [ female announcer ] new dove advanced care. the first antiperspirant with nutrium moisture. so you can be a softer, smoother, more beautiful little armpit. you deserve our best care ever. and don't you ever forget that.
8:25 pm
♪ i didn't know kfc had pot pies! i didn't know anyone had pot pies. you hear that?! it's a pot pie! look at that. chicken, peas, carrots. look at that crust. mmm. pot pie. drink. one of kfc's $3.99 combos. ♪ one of kfc's $3.99 combos. ♪ ♪ ♪
8:26 pm
and this park is the inside of your body. see, the special psyllium fiber in metamucil actually gels. and that gelling helps to lower some cholesterol. metamucil. 3 amazing benefits in 1 super fiber. 3 amazing benefits gotta get that bacon! yummy, crunchy, bacon bacon bacon there in that bag! who wants a beggin' strip? me! i'd get it myself, but i don't have thumbs! mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm it's beggin'! mmm, i love you. (announcer) beggin' strips...there's no time like beggin' time.
8:27 pm
8:28 pm
morning, gentlemen. good morning, mr. fredricksen. you ready to go? (chuckles) ready as i'll ever be. would you do me a favor and take this? i'll meet you at the van in just a minute. i wanna say one last goodbye to the old place. sure. take all the time you need, sir. that's typical. he's probably going to the bathroom for the 80th time.
8:29 pm
(scoffs) you think he'd take better care of his house. (both screaming) (car alarm wailing) (carl laughing) so long, boys! i'll send you a postcard from paradise falls!
8:30 pm
8:31 pm
we're on our way, ellie. (musical twanging) (grunts) (chuckles) (sighs)
8:32 pm
(knocking on door) huh? hmm. (knocking on door) (exclaims in frustration) (yells) hi, mr. fredricksen. it's me, russell. what are you doing out here, kid? i found the snipe and i followed it under your porch, but this snipe had a long tail and looked more like a large mouse. (gasps) please let me in. no. all right. you can come...
8:33 pm
(panting) (swallows) (panting) huh. i've never been in a floating house before. (laughs) goggles. look at this stuff. wow! you're going on a trip? "paradise falls, a land lost in time." you're going to south america, mr. fredricksen? don't touch that! you'll soil it. you know, most people take a plane, but you're smart because you will have all your tv and clocks and stuff. whoa. is this how you steer your house? does it really work? (imitating airplane) kid, would you stop with the... this makes it go right. let go of that... and that way's left. knock it off! hey, look! buildings. that building's so close i could almost touch it. russell: wow! this is great! you should try this, mr. fredricksen. look, there's a bus that could take me home two blocks away!
8:34 pm
hey! i can see your house from here. don't jerk around so much, kid. whoa! (russell screaming) well, that's not gonna work. i know that cloud. it's a cumulonimbus. did you know that the cumulonimbus forms when warm air rises over cool air? saved up all my blown-up balloons for what? ...and that's how we get lightning. that's nice, kid. mr. fredricksen? (hearing aid squeaks) (muted) there's a storm coming. it's starting to get scary. we're gonna get blown to bits! we're in big trouble... (thunder rumbles) what are you doing over there? look. (wind howling) see? cumulonimbus.
8:35 pm
(yells) (yelling) my pack! got you! (yelling) (gasps) you raise her spirits.
8:36 pm
we tackled your shoulder pain. you make him rookie of the year. we took care of your cold symptoms. you take him on an adventure. tylenol® has been the number 1 doctor recommended brand of pain reliever for over 20 years. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. tylenol®. [ female announcer ] covergirl janelle monae. blend of punk and funk. her trublend? deep 6. it blends seamlessly for a flawless nude look. even up close. [ female announcer ] find your trublend. covergirl makes it easy, breezy, beautiful. hey, is it true we can get four lines, unlimited talk and text and 10 gigs of data to share for 160 a month? yep. at&t's new family pricing. that's 100 bucks cheaper than us. i know. are you guys with verizon? what makes you think that? oh. just her nametag. and i see you guys at the food court every day.
8:37 pm
can we go back now? yeah. [ male announcer ] introducing our best-ever pricing for families. 10 gigs of data to share. unlimited talk and text. and 4 lines for $160 a month. only from at&t. anamour best pizza yet,outth. the all-new hand tossed. well we hear you america. and to return the love we're bringing back our 10 any pizza deal. now try any of our amazing pizza for just 10 bucks. for a limited time get any new hand tossed, thin n' crispy, or original pan pizza with any toppings, ordered any way you want. even specialty pizzas like meat lovers. still just 10 bucks. kimmy cakes thinks that's seriously the best thing to happen to pizza. aw, thanks kimmy cakes you're making us blush! go for greatness, people! pizza hut. make it great.
8:38 pm
americans drink 48 billion that's enough plastic bottles to stretch around the earth 230 times. each brita filter can replace 300 of those. clean. clear. brita water. nothing is better. (groaning) (exhales in relief) i thought you were dead. what happened?
8:39 pm
i steered us. i did. i steered the house. steered us? after you tied your stuff down, you took a nap. so i went ahead and steered us down here. yeah. sure. (groans) can't tell where we are. oh, we're in south america, all right. it was a cinch with my wilderness explorer gps. gp... what? my dad gave it to me. it shows exactly where we are on the planet. (imitating gps beeping) with this baby, we'll never be lost! oops. (carl groans) we'll get you down, find a bus stop, you just tell the man you wanna go back to your mother. sure, but i don't think they have buses in paradise falls.
8:40 pm
there. that ought to do it. here, i'll give you some change for bus fare. russell: no, i'll just use my city bus pass. russell: whoa. that's gonna be like a billion transfers to get back to my house. mr. fredricksen, how much longer? well, we're up pretty high. could take hours to get down. (carl exclaims) that thing was a building or something. (carl exclaims) what was that, mr. fredricksen? we can't be close to the ground yet. (gasps) wait! wait, no, don't! don't, don't! wait, wait. wait! (carl exclaiming) russell, hang on! hey! russell: whoa! whoa!
8:41 pm
(russell exclaiming) aaaagggghhhhh! carl: walk back. walk back. okay. carl: come on. come on. (russell grunting) (panting) where... where are we? this doesn't look like the city or the jungle, mr. fredricksen. (wind howling) don't worry, ellie. i got it.
8:42 pm
there it is. ellie, it's so beautiful. we made it. we made it, russell! we can float right over there. climb up. climb up. you mean, assist you? yeah, yeah. whatever. okay. i'll climb up. (carl muttering) (russell grunting) carl: watch it! russell: sorry.
8:43 pm
(russell grunting) now, when you get up there, go ahead and hoist me up! got it? (russell grunting) you on the porch yet? (grunting) (panting) what? that's it? i came all this way just to get stuck at the wrong end of this rock pile? great. (grunting angrily) hey, if i could assist you over there, would you sign off on my badge? what are you talking about? we could walk your house to the falls. walk it? yeah! after all, we weigh it down. we could walk it right over there. like a parade balloon. carl: now, we're gonna walk to the falls quickly and quietly
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with no rap music or flashdancing. russell: uh-huh. we have three days, at best, before the helium leaks out of those balloons. and if we're not at the falls when that happens... sand. ...we're not getting to the falls. i found sand! don't you worry, ellie. we'll get our house over there. russell: this is fun already, isn't it? by the time we get there, you're gonna feel so assisted. oh, mr. fredricksen, if we happen to get separated, use the wilderness explorer call. caw, caw! rawr! (hearing aid screeches) russell: wait. why are we going to paradise falls again? carl: hey, let's play a game. it's called "see who can be quiet the longest." russell: cool! my mom loves that game!
8:45 pm
[ male announcer ] need a little more wow in your life? just book a royal caribbean cruise by february 28th and receive a free upgrade or up to $300 to spend on anything you want. call 1-800-royalcaribbean today. ♪ she singeth as she flies [ inhales sharply ] [ bird sings ] caw-caw! [ female announcer ] cooling and soothing halls air. what are you breathing? of the brothers kavanaugh. ed and will were always so in sync.
8:46 pm
one day, at the exact same millisecond an idea came to them of global proportions. now, synchronicity across a conference table is one thing, but collaborating across worlds is another. but with tenacity and technology, the brothers and their business remained cosmically in sync. with intel® processors. [ intel bong ] we squeeze 24 fresh-picked florida oranges into every 89-ounce bottle. with absolutely no space for added sugar, water, or preservatives. ♪ tropicana. we put the good in morning. [ male announcer ] need a little more wow in your life? just book a royal caribbean cruise by february 28th and receive a free upgrade or up to $300 to spend on anything you want. call 1-800-royalcaribbean today. or up to $300 to spend on anything you want. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
8:47 pm
everybody knows that parker. well, did you know auctioneers make bad grocery store clerks? that'll be $23.50. now .75, 23.75, hold 'em. hey now do i hear 23.75? 24! hey 24 dollar, 24 and a quarter, quarter, now half, 24 and a half and .75! 25! now a quarter, hey 26 and a quarter, do you wanna pay now, you wanna do it, 25 and a quarter - sold to the man in the khaki jacket! geico. fifteen minutes could save you... well, you know. is more fun than ever. sees better than ever. ♪ charges faster. and will charge. cool. and heat. from your phone. fact: leaf never needs gas. ever. good for the world. built in america. now, leaf's an easier choice
8:48 pm
than ever. ♪ shop at ♪ ♪ ♪ it takes two to make it outta sight ♪ ♪ ♪ it takes two to make a thing go right ♪ ♪ ♪ it takes two to make it outta sight ♪ ♪
8:49 pm
[ female announcer ] only yoplait light and yoplait greek 100 are endorsed by weight watchers. so many delicious flavors that taste outta sight. so many delicious flavors (growling) (growling)
8:50 pm
(high-pitched screeching) (dogs whimpering) (groaning) darn thing! (russell moaning) come on, russell. would you hurry it up? i'm tired. and my knee hurts. which knee? my elbow hurts, and i have to go to the bathroom. i asked you about that five minutes ago. well, i didn't have to go then! (muffled) i don't wanna walk anymore. can we stop? russell, if you don't hurry up, the tigers will eat you. there are no tigers in south america. zoology. (groans) oh, for the love of pete! go on into the bushes and do your business. okay! here! hold my stuff. i've always wanted to try this.
8:51 pm
russell: mr. fredricksen, am i supposed to dig the hole before or after? (exclaims in disgust) none of my concern! russell: oh. it's before! bah! la la la la la! (sighs in relief) huh? tracks? snipe. here, snipe. come on out, snipe. snipe. huh? (rustling) (gasps) (gasps) ha! gotcha! don't be afraid, little snipe. i am a wilderness explorer, so i'm a friend to all of nature.
8:52 pm
want some more? (russell gasps) hi, boy. don't eat it all. come on out. come on. come on. don't be afraid, little snipe. nice snipe. good little snipe. nice... giant snipe. (footsteps thudding) i found the snipe! oh! did you? are they tall? yes, they're very tall. do they have a lot of colors? they do, indeed! do they like chocolate? yes... chocolate? (squawks) gah! what is that thing? it's a snipe! there's no such thing as a snipe! but you said snipes eat your... whoa! hey! (russell laughing) (bird cooing) go on! get out of here! go on! (hisses)
8:53 pm
(russell laughs) russell: whoa! whoa! careful, russell! (giggling) hey, look, mr. fredricksen. it likes me. whoa! russell! no, stop! that tickles. carl: get out of here! go on! get! (hisses) (exclaims) (hisses) (exclaims) uh-oh. no, no, no! kevin! it's okay. mr. fredricksen is nice. kevin? yeah. that's his name i just gave him. beat it! vamoose! scram! hey! that's mine! (gagging) (retches) (groans) shoo! shoo! get out of here! (squawks mockingly) go on! beat it! (exclaims in disgust) (squawks mockingly) russell: can we keep him? please? i'll get the food for him. i'll walk him. i'll change his newspapers.
8:54 pm
carl: no. "an explorer is a friend to all, "be it plants or fish or tiny mole." that doesn't even rhyme. yeah, it does. hey, look. kevin. what? get down! you're not allowed up there! (balloon bursts) (spits) you come down here right now! sheesh! can you believe this, ellie? ellie? hey, ellie! could i keep the bird? russell: uh-huh. uh-huh. she said for you to let me. but i told him no. i told you no! n-o. i see you back there. go on! get out of here! shoo!
8:55 pm
go annoy someone else for a while. dug: hey, are you okay over there? (kevin squawking) uh... hello? carl: oh! hello, sir! thank goodness. it's nice to know someone else is up here. dug: i can smell you. what? you can smell us? dug: i can smell you. hey. (snickers) you were talking to a rock. hey, that one looks like a turtle. look at that one! that one looks like a dog. (exclaims) it is a dog! what? we're not allowed to have dogs in my apartment. hey, i like dogs. we have your dog!
8:56 pm
whoa! wonder who he belongs to. sit, boy. hey, look, he's trained. shake. uh-huh. speak. dug: hi, there. (carl and russell gasp) did that dog just say "hi, there"? dug: oh, yes. my name is dug. i have just met you, and i love you. (carl stammers) my master made me this collar. he is a good and smart master, and he made me this collar so that i may talk. squirrel! my master is good and smart. it's not possible. dug: oh, it is, because my master is smart. cool! what do these do, boy? dug: hey, would you... (dug speaking spanish) dug: i use that collar... (dug speaking japanese) talk with. i would be happy if you stopped. russell, don't touch that! it could be radioactive or something! dug: i am a great tracker. my pack sent me on a special mission all by myself. have you seen a bird? i want to find one, and i've been on the scent. i am a great tracker. did i mention that? (hisses) dug: hey, that is the bird. i have never seen one up close, but this is the bird.
8:57 pm
may i take your bird back to camp as my prisoner? yes, yes, take it. and on the way, learn how to bark like a real dog. dug: i can bark. (barks) and here's howling. (howls) (hisses) can we keep him? please, please, please! no. but it's a talking dog! it's just a weird trick or something. let's get to the falls. dug: please be my prisoner. oh, please, oh, please be my prisoner! (sniffing) gamma: oh! here it is. i picked up the bird's scent! beta: wait a minute, wait a minute! what is this? chocolate. i smell chocolate. gamma: i'm getting prunes and denture cream! who are they? beta: oh, man, master will not be pleased. we better tell him someone took the bird. right, alpha? alpha: (in squeaky voice) no. soon enough the bird will be ours yet again. find the scent, my compadres, and you too shall have much rewardings from master for the toil factor you wage.
8:58 pm
beta: hey, alpha, i think there's something wrong with your collar. you must've bumped it. gamma: yeah, your voice sounds funny! (both laughing) alpha: beta! gamma! mayhaps you desire to... squirrel! (gamma whimpers) alpha: mayhaps you desire to challenge the ranking that i have been assigned by my strength and cunning. beta: no, no, no. but maybe dug would. you might wanna ask him. gamma: yeah. i wonder if he's found the bird on his very special mission. alpha: do not mention dug to me at this time. his fool's errand will keep him most occupied. most occupied indeed. (laughing evilly) do you not agree with that which i am saying to you now? beta: sure, but the second master finds out you sent dug out by himself, none of us will get a treat. alpha: (growls) you are wise, my trusted lieutenant. this is alpha calling dug. come in, dug.
8:59 pm
dug: (whispering) hi, alpha. hey, your voice sounds funny. alpha: i know, i know! have you seen the bird? dug: why, yes. the bird is my prisoner now. gamma: yeah, right! (hisses) alpha: impossible! where are you? dug: i am here with the bird, and i will bring it back, and then you will like me. gotta go. hey, dug, who you talking to? alpha: no, wait, wait! beta: what's dug doing? gamma: why's he with that small mailman? beta: where are they? (beeping) alpha: there he is. come on! if yand you're talking toevere rheuyour rheumatologistike me, about trying or adding a biologic. this is humira, adalimumab. this is humira working to help relieve my pain. this is humira helping me through the twists and turns. this is humira helping to protect my joints from further damage. doctors have been prescribing humira for over ten years.
9:00 pm
humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. for many adults, humira is proven to help relieve pain and stop further joint damage. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira , your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. ask your doctor if humira can work for you. this is humira at work.
9:01 pm
there's a new leader in network speed. t-mobile. you mean triscuit? no, triscuit are just wheat. these also have brown rice and sweet potato. must be imported. ooh. triskwee. see, jerry knows. [ male announcer ] brown rice and sweet potato in a delicious cracker. rethink what you think about triscuit. in a delicious cracker. recaradiance in just 7 days. lancôme invents advanced génifique serum. so powerful, from the first drop start reactivating 10 key signs of youth. so innovative, with a smart self-loading dropper. lancôme genifique is so effective, 85% of women saw more radiant skin in just 7 days. the one and only advanced genifique. only by lancôme. now at macy's,
9:02 pm
receive a 7-piece gift featuring a 7-day sample of advanced genifique. only at macy's, your skincare destination. russell: dug, stop bothering kevin! dug: that man there says i can take the bird, and i love that man there like he is my master. carl: i am not your master! dug: i am warning you once again, bird. hey! quit it! dug: i am jumping on you now, bird. russell, at this rate, we'll never get to the falls. dug: here, bird. (grunts) (crashing) (gasps) i am nobody's master, got it? i don't want you here, and i don't want you here! i'm stuck with you! and if you two don't clear out of here
9:03 pm
by the time i count to three... dug: a ball! oh, boy, oh, boy! a ball! ball? yeah, yeah? you want it, boy? huh? huh? yeah. yeah? dug: yes, i do! i do ever so want the ball. go get it! dug: oh, boy! oh, boy! i will get it and then bring it back! quick, russell. give me some chocolate. why? just give it to me! bird. bird! (kevin squawking) come on, russell. wait. wait, mr. fredricksen. (carl yells) russell: what are we doing? hey, we're pretty far now. kevin's gonna miss me. (panting) i think that did the trick. dug: hi, master. afternoon. (squawks)
9:04 pm
(muttering) well, thanks for keeping us dry anyway, ellie. which one's the front? oh, boy. is this step three or step five? (scoffs) russell: there. (grunting) (tent pole snaps) all done! that's for you. oh... tents are hard. wait. aren't you super wilderness guy, with the gpms and the badges?
9:05 pm
yeah, but can i tell you a secret? no. all right. here it goes. i never actually built a tent before. there, i said it. you've been camping before, haven't you? well, never outside. well, why didn't you ask your dad how to build a tent? i don't think he wants to talk about this stuff. well, why don't you try him sometime. maybe he'll surprise you. well, he's away a lot. i don't see him much. he's gotta be home sometime. well, i call, but phyllis told me i bug him too much. phyllis? you call your own mother by her first name? phyllis isn't my mom. oh. but he promised he'd come to my explorer ceremony to pin on my assisting the elderly badge. so, he can show me about tents then, right?
9:06 pm
hey, why don't you get some sleep? don't wanna wake up the traveling flea circus. (snoring) mr. fredricksen? dug says he wants to take kevin prisoner. we have to protect him. (yawning) can kevin go with us? all right, he can come. promise you won't leave him? yeah. cross your heart? cross my heart. what have i got myself into, ellie?
9:07 pm
(carl snoring) (croaking) (groaning) morning, sweetheart. we better get moving. bird's gone. maybe russell won't notice. all right, everybody up! where's kevin? he's wandered off! kevin! dug, find kevin! dug: find the bird, find the bird! hi, hi. point! look. there he is! (squawks) dug: point! hey! that's my food! get off my roof! dug: yeah, get off of his... (woofs) (chicks honking in distance) (honks) what is it doing? dug: the bird is calling to her babies.
9:08 pm
her babies. kevin's a girl? (honks) dug: her house is over there in those twisty rocks. she has been gathering food for her babies and must get back to them. (kevin coos) wait. kevin's just leaving? (hisses) but you promised to protect her. her babies need her. we gotta make sure they're together! sorry, russell. we've lost enough time already. yeah. (rustling) (squawks) this was her favorite chocolate. because you sent her away, there's more for you. huh? kevin? (rustling) (barking) (carl and russell yelling) (growling)
9:09 pm
(growling) (both whimpering) alpha: where's the bird? you said you had the bird. dug: oh, yes. oh, yes. since i have said that, i can see how you would think that. alpha: where is it? dug: uh... tomorrow. come back tomorrow, and then i will again have the bird. yes. (snarling) alpha: you lost it! why do i not have a surprised feeling? well, at least you now have led us to the small mailman and the one who smells of prunes. (whimpers) alpha: master will be most pleased we have found them and will ask of them many questions. come! wait. we're not going with you! we're going to the falls! (barking) (both yell) get away from me! (dogs growling) carl: get down!
9:10 pm
(gasping) (all growling) (gasps) muntz: stay!
9:11 pm
you came here in that? uh, yeah. muntz: in a house? a floating house? (laughing) (laughing nervously) that is the darnedest thing i've ever seen. you're not after my bird, are you? but if you needed to borrow a cup of sugar, i'd be happy to oblige. (dogs laughing) well, this is all a misunderstanding. my dogs made a mistake. wait. are you charles muntz? yeah, well, yes. the charles muntz? "adventure's out there!" it's really him! that's charles muntz! it is? who's charles muntz? him! dogs: yes! yes! that's him! i'm carl fredricksen. my wife and i, we were your biggest fans.
9:12 pm
oh, well. you're a man of good taste. (both laughing) now, you must be tired. hungry? uh-huh. now, attention, everyone! these people are no longer intruders! they are our guests. (dogs cheering) dog 1: follow me. i like you temporarily. you do smell like prunes. carl: whoa! dog 2: i will not bite you. dog 3: the small mailman smells like chocolate. muntz: i'm sorry about the dogs. hope they weren't too rough on you. gamma: we weren't. muntz: go ahead and moor your airship right next to mine. we're not actually going inside thespirit of adventure itself? oh... would you like to? would i? (laughing delightedly) carl: wait up, mr. muntz. jiminy cricket. beta: not you. gamma: what do we do with dug? alpha: he has lost the bird. put him in the cone of shame.
9:13 pm
(whimpers) dug: i do not like the cone of shame. [richard] this, is your money. a billion dollars. a billion dollars. it's what's leftover after people do their own taxes, maybe get a refund and think they're done. i've got news. this is a billion reasons your taxes aren't done. this is your money.get it back with block. get your billion back, america. [ sneezes ] [ male announcer ] if you have yet to master the quiet sneeze... ♪ [ sneezes ] [ male announcer ] you may be an allergy muddler. try zyrtec®. it gives you powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because zyrtec® starts working at hour 1 on the first day you take it. claritin® doesn't start working until hour 3.
9:14 pm
[ sneezes ] [ male announcer ] zyrtec®. love the air. [ female announcer ] this week only, save up to $15 on zyrtec® products. see sunday's newspaper. has every amenity. booooriiiing!!!! ah, ah, ah. hit it, guys! ♪ ♪ it's got a bin for your chickens ♪ ♪ a computer from the future ♪ ♪ and some giant freaky room for eight ♪ ooh, yeah! ♪ but it ain't got no room for boring ♪ i'm spacing out on all this space, too! ♪ no, we ain't got no room for boring ♪ whee! ♪ for boring, we ain't got no room ♪ [ male announcer ] the all-new highlander. toyota. let's go places. featuring all-new items like tacos, enchiladas, tostadas, and more. pick any two and create your perfect combo for 8 bucks. chili's new southwest pairings for just 8 bucks. more life happens here. ♪
9:15 pm
[ male announcer ] spring is calling. get 10% off select major kitchen appliances, cabinets, and countertops at lowe's.
9:16 pm
this is the creamy chicken corn chowder. i mean, look at it. so indulgent. did i tell you i am on the... [ both ] chicken pot pie diet! me too! [ male announcer ] so indulgent, you'll never believe they're light. 100-calorie progresso light soups. ♪
9:17 pm
[ male announcer ] don't wait for awesome... totino's pizza rolls gets you there in just 60 seconds. ♪ totino's pizza rolls gets you there in just 60 seconds. new york, munich, london. of course, i kept the best for myself. did you ever! will you look at that? muntz: oh, yes, the arsinoitherium. beast charged while i was brushing my teeth. used my shaving kit to bring him down. oh, yeah. well, surprise me. only way to get it out of ethiopia at the time was to have it declared as dental equipment. oh, my gosh! the giant somalian leopard tortoise! oh, you recognize it. i'm impressed. that's an interesting story there. excellent choice. i found it on safari with roosevelt. he and i fell into a habit of playing gin rummy in the evenings, and did he cheat!
9:18 pm
oh, he was horrible. alpha: master, dinner is ready. oh, dear. broken translator. it's that loose wire again. there you go, big fella. alpha: (in deep voice) thank you, master. i liked his other voice. (laughing) well, dinner is served. right this way. so, how are things stateside, huh? almost tempted to go back a few times, but i have unfinished work here. please. i hope you're hungry, because epsilon is the finest chef i've ever had. (barks) oh, epsilon, you've done it again! yes! hey! hey! oh, my ellie would've loved all this. you know, it's because of you she had this dream to come down here and live by paradise falls.
9:19 pm
i'm honored. and now you've made it. you're sure we're not a bother? i'd hate to impose. no, no. it's a pleasure to have guests, a real treat. dog 1: treat! where's the treat! dog 2: treat! (dogs clamoring) muntz: no, no. quiet! calm down, calm down. dog 3: i want a treat! i want a treat! hey! i shouldn't have used that word. having guests is a delight. more often i get thieves come to steal what's rightfully mine. no! they called me a fraud, those... (exclaims) but once i bring back this creature, my name will be cleared. beautiful, isn't it? i've spent a lifetime tracking it. sometimes years go by between sightings. i've tried to smoke it out of that deathly labyrinth where it lives. you can't go in after it. once in, there's no way out.
9:20 pm
i've lost so many dogs. and here they come, these bandits, and think the bird is theirs to take. but they soon find that this mountain is a very dangerous place. hey, that looks like kevin. kevin? yeah, that's my new giant bird pet. i trained it to follow us. follow you? it's impossible. how? she likes chocolate. chocolate? yeah. i gave her some of my chocolate. she goes gaga for it. but it ran off. it's gone now. you know, carl, these people who pass through here, they all tell pretty good stories. a surveyor making a map.
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a botanist cataloging plants. an old man taking his house to paradise falls. i mean, that's the best one yet. i can't wait to hear how it ends. (gasps) well, it's been a wonderful evening, but we better be going. oh, you're not leaving. we don't want to take advantage of your hospitality. come on, russell. but we haven't even had dessert yet. the boy's right. you haven't had dessert. epsilon here makes a delicious cherries jubilee. oh, you really must stay. i insist. we have so much more to talk about.
9:22 pm
(kevin wails) kevin? (wailing) it's here. get them! (barking) hurry! russell: i am hurrying! ahhh! they're coming! dug: master, over here. (both yell) dug: go toward the light, master! (grunting) (squawks)
9:23 pm
russell! (screaming) get back! dug: go on, master! i will stop the dogs! stop, you dogs. (yelps) whoa! (screaming)
9:24 pm
russell: help! help! help! kaw kaw, raaar! kaw kaw, raaar! give me your hand! hang on to kevin! (screeches) (carl exclaims) (groans) (dogs barking) (panting) (sighs) russell: kevin.
9:25 pm
(whimpers) (chicks wailing in distance) (honking) oh, no, no, no. kevin. stay down. she's hurt real bad. can't we help her get home? (sighs) all right, but we gotta hurry. ♪
9:26 pm
♪ ♪ a steel cage: death match of midsize sedans. the volkswagen passat against all comers. turbocharged engines against...engines. best in class rear legroom against other-class legroom.
9:27 pm
but then we realized. consumers already did that. twice. huh. maybe that's why nobody else showed up. how does one get out of a death cage? vo: right now, get 0.9% apr on all passat models plus a total of $1000 in bonuses. help keep teeth clean and breath fresh with beneful healthy smile food. with special crunchy kibbles and great taste...'s a happy way to a healthy smile. beneful healthy smile food and snacks. ♪
9:28 pm
is more fun than ever. sees better than ever. ♪ charges faster. and will charge. cool. and heat.
9:29 pm
from your phone. fact: leaf never needs gas. ever. good for the world. built in america. now, leaf's an easier choice than ever. ♪ shop at ♪ shop at (muntz sighs) you lost them? beta: no, it was dug. gamma: yeah. he's with them. he helped them escape! (exclaims angrily) wait. wait a minute. dug. (radar beeping) (sniffing) see anything? dug: no. my pack is not following us. boy, they are dumb. this is crazy. i finally meet my childhood hero, and he's trying to kill us. what a joke! dug: hey, i know a joke. a squirrel walks up to a tree and says, "i forgot to store acorns for winter and now i am dead."
9:30 pm
ha! it is funny because the squirrel gets dead. (house crashing) carl: careful, russell. you okay, kevin? (whimpers) you know what, mr. fredricksen? the wilderness isn't quite what i expected. carl: yeah? how so? it's kind of wild. i mean, it's not how they made it sound in my book. (scoffs) get used to that, kid. my dad made it sound so easy. he's really good at camping and how to make fire from rocks and stuff. he used to come to all my sweat lodge meetings. and afterwards, we'd go get ice cream at fentons. i always get chocolate and he gets butter brickle. then we sit on this one curb right outside, and i'll count all the blue cars and he counts all the red ones, and whoever gets the most wins.
9:31 pm
i like that curb. that might sound boring, but i think the boring stuff is the stuff i remember the most. (chicks wailing in distance) (wailing) look! there it is! hey, kid. hold on, russell. stand still. (birds wailing) look at that bird go. wait up, you overgrown chicken. (carl laughs) that's it. go, kevin! go find your babies! run, kevin! run! oh, no!
9:32 pm
russell, give me your knife! muntz: get away from my bird! (gasps) (kevin wails) no! (dogs barking) russell: no! (kevin wailing) muntz: careful. we'll want her in good shape for my return. russell: let her go! stop!
9:33 pm
kevin! (carl grunting) (carl breathing heavily) russell: you gave away kevin. you just gave her away. this is none of my concern. i didn't ask for any of this! dug: master, it's all right. i am not your master! and if you hadn't have shown up, none of this would've happened! bad dog! bad dog! (breathing heavily) now, whether you assist me or not, i am going to paradise falls if it kills me.
9:34 pm
(house creaking) (waterfall rumbling)
9:35 pm
here. i don't want this anymore.
9:36 pm
(exhales deeply)
9:37 pm
9:38 pm
9:39 pm
russell! i'm gonna help kevin, even if you won't! (leaf blower whirring) no, russell! no! (grunting) (whooping)
9:40 pm
(knocking on door) huh? russell? dug! dug: i was hiding under your porch because i love you. can i stay? can you stay? well, you're my dog, aren't you? and i'm your master. dug: you're my master? oh, boy! oh, boy! carl: good boy, dug! you're a good boy! the coconut maine tail in new lobster in paradise -- amazing! [ male announcer ] don't miss red lobster's lobsterfest! with the year's largest selection of lobster entrees, you won't find choices like these anywhere else. my favorite is lobster lover's dream! the dueling lobster tails are both winners.
9:41 pm
[ male announcer ] two maine lobster tails, one crab-stuffed, and one topped with savory garlic shrimp. nobody does lobster like red lobster. [ male announcer ] hurry in to red lobster. and sea food differently. ♪ i can download anything i want. [ girl ] seriously? that's a lot of music. seriously. that's insane. and it's 15 bucks a month for the family. seriously? that's a lot of gold rope. seriously, that's a signature look. you don't have a signature look, honey. ♪ that's a signature look. [ male announcer ] only at&t brings you beats music. unlimited downloads for up to 5 accounts and 10 devices all for $14.99 a month. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ speaking russian ] ♪
9:42 pm
♪ i have no idea what you're saying, but count me in! peanut m&m's for everyone! [ laughter ] wait...what?
9:43 pm
[ laughter ] thatnourish a lifetimeatable asof heat petsm(exclaiming), yes! don't worry, kevin. i'll save... (growling)
9:44 pm
and they wouldn't believe me. just wait till they get a look at you. alpha: master? the small mailman has returned. what? let me go. where's your elderly friend? he's not my friend anymore. well, if you're here, fredricksen can't be far behind. russell: where are you keeping kevin? let me go! beta: scream all you want, small mailman. gamma: none of your mailman friends can hear you. i'll unleash all my wilderness explorer training! muntz: alpha, fredricksen's coming back. guard that bird. if you see the old man, you know what to do. hey, where are you going? i'm not finished with you! muntz: nice talking with you.
9:45 pm
ahhh! where are you, fredricksen? (russell screaming) russell! mr. fredricksen! dug, bring her over! you came back for kevin! let's go get her! carl: i'm getting kevin. you stay here. but i wanna help. i don't want your help. i want you safe. (grunting)
9:46 pm
(gasps) how do we get past these dogs? dug: point! kevin. (squawks) don't worry, kevin. we're on our way. alpha: allow no one to be entering through these doors. guard well that bird, my minions. what do we do now, dug? (gnawing) who wants the ball? (dogs clamoring) dog 1: me! i want it! dog 2: me! i do! dog 3: i want the ball! then go get it! gamma: i'm gonna get there first! gamma: getting the ball! gamma: i got it! uh-oh. (dogs groaning)
9:47 pm
i'm sorry, kevin. let's get you out of here. gamma: master! he's gone! the old man! dog 1: he's here! gamma: he's got the bird! dog 2: the bird's gone... calm down! one at a time! i want to help! ha-ha! (screaming) (panting) dog 3: he's in hall d! dog 4: he's in hall c! dog 5: it's the old man! does anyone know where they are? (glass squeaking) (screaming) gray leader? take down the house. (screams)
9:48 pm
beta: gray leader, checking in. gamma: gray two, checking in. gray three: gray three, checking in. beta: target sighted. (screaming) come on, kevin. (growls) ahhh! (barking) (growling) dug: hi. (muntz grunting) (yells) (joints cracking) (joints cracking)
9:49 pm
any last words, fredricksen? come on! spit it out! come on. enough! i am taking that bird back with me. alive or dead! come on, kevin. (carl yells)
9:50 pm
(dug whimpers) (growling) alpha: i will have many enjoyments from what i am about to do, dug. (snarling) dog 1: he wears the cone of shame! alpha: (in squeaky voice) what? do not just continue sitting. attack! (all laughing) alpha: no, no! stop your laughing! get this off of me! dug: listen, you dog. sit! all: yes, alpha. dug: alpha? i am not alpha. he is... oh! (grunts) i can't do it. carl: russell! huh? carl: kaw kaw, raaar! kaw kaw, raaar! you leave mr. fredricksen alone!
9:51 pm
hey, squirrel! gamma: squirrel? where? where? where? beta: where's the squirrel? gamma: i hate squirrels. (screams) (gasps) dug! dug: master! russell! over here! let's go! mr. fredricksen! carl: go on, kevin! (gun fires)
9:52 pm
no! russell! get out of there! no! leave them alone! russell, hang on to kevin! don't let go of her! kevin! chocolate! (squawks)
9:53 pm
(gasps) (panting) russell: that was cool! (all laughing) don't jerk around so much, kid! easy, russell. dug: oh, i am ready to not be up high. sorry about your house, mr. fredricksen. you know, it's just a house.
9:54 pm
(carl laughing) (chicks chirping) look at you. you're so soft. (honks) all: aw! i wish i could keep one. (hisses) where's my cane? i just had it here. (gagging) (gagging) you know what? keep them. a little gift from me to you. bye, kevin! (honks) ready? ready. (barking)
9:55 pm
strauch: and by receiving their badges, the following explorers will graduate to senior explorers. for extreme mountaineering lore. congratulations, jimmy. for wild animal defensive arts. congratulations, brandon. for assisting the elderly... uh, russell, is there someone that... excuse me. pardon me. old man coming through. i'm here for him. congratulations, russell. sir. russell, for assisting the elderly and for performing above and beyond the call of duty, i would like to award you the highest honor i can bestow. the ellie badge.
9:56 pm
wow. strauch: all right, i think that covers everybody. so let's give a big explorer call to our brand new senior wilderness explorers. ready, everybody? all: kaw kaw, raaar! kaw kaw, raaar! (dogs barking) (dogs howling) blue one. red one. blue one. dug: gray one. red one. russell: that's a bike. carl: it's red, isn't it? russell: mr. fredricksen, you're cheating. carl: no, i'm not. red one. russell: that's a fire hydrant. (both laughing) carl: maybe i need new glasses. russell: another blue one.
9:57 pm
♪ ♪
9:58 pm
9:59 pm
10:00 pm
♪ (elevator whirring, bell dings) (ding) jackass! (drops bags) (current whirring) (door creaks) (horns honking) (rattling)


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