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tv   Nightline  ABC  February 19, 2014 12:37am-1:08am PST

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>> tonight on "nightline," jurors speak. >> i believe he was guilty. >> for the first time, we learned why a florida jury couldn't reach a verdict on a murder charge against michael dunn who fired ten shots after a fight over loud music. what happened behind closed doors in this racially charged trial. >> people were yelling. >> oh, yes, sir. >> profanity? >> oh, yes, sir. >> it's an abc news exclusive. >> and the ultimate story of excess. drugs, sex, money. >> i've been a rich man and i've been a poor man and i choose rich every time. >> and it's up for five academy awards. director martin scorsese takes us behind the scenes of "the wolf of wall street." will this finally be leonardo
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dicaprio's ticket to an oscar statue? plus pumped up kicks. the future is now. the self-tying shoes from the back to the future movie. >> no laces, all right. >> will soon be a nike reality. >> whoa, he made like a tree and got out of here.
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>> good evening. and thanks for joining us. since saturday when a jury announced it was deadlocked on a first degree murder charge against florida software developer michael dunn, the question so many have asked is what happened? yes, dunn was convicted of three counts of attempted murder for firing at a car with fourteens inside after an argument over loud music, but on the most serious charge, alleging the
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murder of 17-year-old jordan davis, the jurors could not agree. tonight in an abc news exclusive, we know why. abc's byron pitts has just finished the very first interview with one of those jurors for our series "crime and punishment." >> do you think michael dunn got away with murder? >> at this point, i do. myself personally, yes. >> reporter: she was juror number four. valerie is her first name. home care nurse administrator, she asked we not give her full name. for the first time tonight, we're hearing what happened inside the deadlocked jury room where 12 people struggled to decide the fate of admitted killer michael dunn. >> when you went to the deliberating room, you thought michael dunn was guilty? >> yes, sir. >> reporter: of killing a 17-year-old boy? >> yes, sir. >> reporter: what convinced you then? >> to me, it was unnecessary. >> reporter: you didn't think michael dunn had to kill jordan davis? >> i don't believe so. >> reporter: most of the jurors she told us agreed with her. you all took your first poll on
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guilt or innocence on the murder of jordan davis. what was the vote? >> 10-2. >> reporter: ten people thinking he was guilty? >> yes, sir. >> reporter: and two said? >> self-defense. >> reporter: 47-year-old michael dunn never denied he shot and killed 17-year-old jordan davis. but from the witness stand, he pleaded it was self-defense. re-enacting for the jurors those last fateful moments. >> i said you're not going to kill me you son of a bitch and i shot him. >> oh, my god, somebody is shooting. somebody is shooting out of their car. >> reporter: dunn eventually pulled away. in town for a wedding hrk he drove back to his hotel and ordered pizza. >> you left the gas station because you knew you shot into a car of four unarmed teenagers. >> reporter: he was waiting in his car for his fiancee who had gone inside the car. there was an suv of four
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teenagers with loud music. he asked them to turn it down. >> my eardrums were vibrating. ridiculously loud music.. >> what did you make of dunn asking the boys to turn the music down. >> some jurors said, i've done it multiple times in my hometown, asked folks to turn down their music and they did it. and that's where we saw a little bit of the ego. >> reporter: initially the music was turned down and then turned up again. an argument started. dunn claims 17-year-old davis verbally threatened him and was about to get out of the suv. >> i hear i should kill that [ bleep ] i should [ bleep ] that [ bleep ] now he's screaming. >> reporter: dunn insist eed he saw what looked like a gun, though police never recovered one in the car or the area. and the police found no gun.. >> i'm looking at a barrel. he's showing a gun and threatening me. after he opened the door, he looked at me and said you're
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dead [ bleep ]. >> reporter: at that point, what did you believe was about to happen to you? >> i thought i was going to be killed. >> reporter: >> reporter: valerie said that was a key in the trial. >> check page 25, start with page 25. >> reporter: page 25 reads, the use of deadly force is justifiable if michael dunn reasonably believes that the force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm. >> reporter: and we to >> and we took a poll. two undecided. two for justified and the rest were not justified. >> reporter: why were you and the others so convinced that dunn was guilty? >> we all believed that there was another way out. another option. >> reporter: what about the testimony of his fiancee, rhonda about what he thought about the music they were playing? >> that was a big deal for me because he testified he wouldn't say or use the words thug, but he said he would use the words
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rap crap. however in hisser into view, he did say thug a few times. >> reporter: dunn's fiancee was grilled by the prosecution. >> and what did the defendant say? >> i hate that thug music. >> did the defendant ever tell you he saw the boys with a firearm? >> no. >> did he ever tell you he saw the boys with the weapon? >> no. >> reporter: the jurors deliberated for nearly 30 your hours. there were reports there was yelling heard from the deliberation room. >> there was. >> reporter: you did some of the yelling. >> at one point we were all trying to get our point across. >> reporter: screaming? >> oh, yes, sir. >> reporter: profanity? >> oh, yes, sir. >> reporter: people were passionate about their position? >> oh, yes, sir. >> reporter: what started out as a 10-2 vote ended 9-3. it had to be unanimous. a mistrial on that count. the jury did find dunn guilty of attempted murder for shoot shooting at the other teenagers in the car.
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>> we the jury find the defendant guilty of attempted second degree murder. >> how could you all convict michael dunn of attempting to kill the other teenagers in the car but not convict him of killing the 17-year-old? >> that is pretty much my soul purpose for being here. because reading the social media and people looking at us like we didn't do a justice or a service. we had a lot of discussion on him getting out of the car and the threat is now gone and your intent is yet to still go ahead and pursue this vehicle. >> reporter: so for you all, a dividing line was when he initially fired into the car thinking that there was a weapon, that's one thing. but when the car pulled away and he kept shooting? >> yes. >> reporter: you all thought, everyone thought he crossed a line there? >> yes. and that's the exact words we used. >> reporter: for a lot of folk in america, they would say white man shoots and kills a 17-year-old black boy.
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how could it not be about race on some level. >> sitting in that room, it was never presented that way. we looked at it as a bad situation where teenagers were together and words were spoken and lines were crossed. >> reporter: the jury was made up of eight whites, stwo blacks a hispanic and an asian. >> reporter: jordan davis' parents will likely watch this interview. what would you say to them? >> i would say i am sorry, of course. nothing will bring back their son. i hope that they feel that we didn't do them a disservice. >> reporter: michael dunn could well spend the rest of his life in prison. jordan davis' parents will have a lifetime to grieve. as for valley and the other jurors, life resumes. though never quite the same. you think michael dunn had options? >> oh, yes, sir. >> reporter: what were his options? >> roll your window up. ignore the taunting. put your car in reverse. back up to the front of the store, move a parking spot over. that's my feeling.
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>> reporter: for "nightline," i'm byron pitts in jacksonville, florida. >> the prosecutor has announced that michael dunn will be retried on the first degree murder charge. and make sure to catch good morning america tomorrow. jordan davis' parents are talking to abc robin roberts in their first interview since the verdict. next, leonardo dicaprio has never won an oscar. could "the wolf of wall street" earn him his first? a steel cage: death match of midsize sedans. the volkswagen passat against all comers. turbocharged engines against...engines. best in class rear legroom against other-class legroom. but then we realized. consumers already did that. twice. huh. maybe that's why nobody else showed up. how does one get out of a death cage?
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in his big, bad movie "the wolf of wall street" martin scorsese brought his story of a titan's rise and fall to the silv silver screen. the lead role played by leonardo dicaprio is a performance that could bring the star his very first oscar. chris connell lee sat down with scorsese as he revealed some of the secrets behind the scenes in
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our series "oscar confidential." >> i've been a rich man and a poor man and i choose rich every time. >> two hours and 59 minutes of filthy rich wall street sleazes -- >> this is my home! >> ritously spending, snorting and sexing it up get you? well, this. because it's awesome declares this "wolf of wall street" billboard. the film is nominated for five academy awards as a lighter alternative to the grim varities of "12 years a slauf." >> you have no right whatsoever to detain me. >> dicaprio and jonah hill. >> i love country, jesus christ and making people rich. >> and marco robbie make it fun. but "the wolf of wall street" is a hideously true tale. its many laughs with
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fist-shaking rage. >> if you get into the mind set of these guy, this guy is bragging about the drug, he's bragging about what he's doing. you're going to feel this is not the right way of going about it. not only that, it's charming and funny. >> i don't work for you, maen. >> you have my money taped to your boobs. technically you do work for me. >> it can be tasteless at times. but is it more offensive than what's happened? >> reporter: before his 1998 arrest and indict, joe belfour made $100 million with his company by bilking unsophisticated investors into buying sketchy stocks. he did 22 months in prison and wrote a book, which dicaprio brought to scorsescorsese. >> you just tried to bribe a federal officer. financial. >> financitechnically i did bri anybody. >> the eighth nomination of his unparalleled career, scorsese uses the "wolf of wall street" to depict the culture of excess as another film explored the mob
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mindset. >> using elements of a style i developed back when i did "good fellas" all these music and voiceover and freeze frame. >> that's when i knew i would never come back from florida alive. >> i wanted to take that and explore it even further and push it further. quite honestly, you had to be furious making the picture. >> reporter: dicaprio is ferocious as jordan belfort, but the climax of the filming would be his speeches to the staff. >> if anyone here thinks i'm superficial or materialistic, go get a job at mcdonald's, because that's where you belong! >> reporter: slated to be shot first thing in 2013 after after holiday break. >> he had been work on this for years. and, you know, the speeches were length thi. i can't imagine, you think about something for six years. and then the time comes to do it, you've got to do it. holidays go by. we get on set. everybody is there and he comes in the morning with jonah. and i can tell something is
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wrong. literally his tonsils, it must have been the anxiety of the whole thing. the tonsils just became so infected and he couldn't even speak. and of course, it then came out they had gone to australia for the weekend and a half. >> and had not just relax popped. >> no, i don't think so they were relaxing. so i was like hmm. went to australia, had some fun. we didn't expect the tonsil epidemic that occurred. doctors were on the set. >> when dicaprio was ready, scorsese had a surprise visitor to the set. >> steve spielberg decided to come say hello. it turns out it's the day leo is going to do the speech. steve comes in with his assistant. we had this wild shot we're doing. he said how did you do that? what if you move it the other way. we could maybe move it back. yeah. so we started working -- >> your actor must be terrified. >> they would come back to say hello. there were like 350 extras. that's why they're shaking.
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no, don't worry. it's just steve. we're having some fun. it was a flashback to 1976 '77, '78. >> reporter: but those years were challenging times for scorsese's whose drug use would eventually provide an insight into what happened to jordan after his massive cocaine binges. >> how much of what jordan went through in this movie is informed by what you went through years ago? >> for a brief period, there was an exploration. ♪ start spreading the news >> after "new york new york" the film wasn't received well. i didn't know if i could ever make another film. i went through a difficult time for a year and a half or so. i understand the pleasure of an addiction, let's say. the temptation and giving into the temptation. and then trying to fight it and then saying well, you know, i can't fight it, let's even go further. you know? and see where that takes us. well, death basically.
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the addiction here in this film is the money. the money brings power. the sex is just there. >> reporter: now 71, he's been rejuvenated by his five collaborations with dicaprio who's brought talent and box office muscle to ambitious big budget projects that scorsese felt might not be on his menu any longer. >> i think when we worked on "gangs of new york" we had a good experience work together on that picture. it was the end of something in a way. i thought i would make smaller films. but then when i had a chance to do this aviator thing and it was a good experience, going through the process leo, really got me excited again about making pictures. i wanted to make "departed" and he said he wanted to be in it. that started all over. >> reporter: today's audience may see scorsese, at last a best director oscar winner for 2006's "departed" as moving from strength to strength. unaware of the peaks and valleys that have marked his 40-year-plus career. his last few films have been his
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biggest box office hits ever. can you imagine in 1978 -- >> no, no. >> reporter: that you would have had this level of acceptance and respect in the hollywood community? >> never would have thought that would happen. never thought i would get the many nominations from the dga and even the academy ever. the best thing to do is do your work. just enjoy the work. >> reporter: it's clear he did just that on "wolf of wall street" bolstered by the enthusiasm of a cast that sees him as hollywood's greatest director. >> i'm not that great morning pers person. so to get there in a morn, and particularly this film "wolf of wall street" get there in the morning, tired or whatever. but then i see him and jonah, margo, they were you would up. you want to be there. that's the thing. >> thanks, chris. next, the incredible shoes from "back of the future 2" will soon be a reality. life with crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis
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>> the future is now. or at least the one that was promised to us in 1989 in "back
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to the future 2." a nike designer will release self-tying laces in 2015. just like the ones marty mcfly had. >> power lace, all right. >> back in 2011, they made a limited number of reply cats, but the technology to make the laces do this wasn't quite up to speed. by 2015, we can all be this mcfly. but you can shell out really big pucks for kicks in the meantime. check out these chanel sneakers for around $4,000. no, they don't have jets attached. just really, really expensive material. like python, tweed, lace, and pearls. last month, chanel models were all outfitted in different versions, giving new meaning to that refrain, honey, have you seen my sneakers? now, if that doesn't seem like a smart buy, google and adidas are teaming up to create a truly
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smart sneaker. a talking shoe that not only tracks your physical activity, it also has a personality. and it's not afraid to use it. >> call 911 because you're on fire. >> there's no escaping the wrath of this bossy boot if you're being lady. >> this is super boring. >> shoes like these -- i love the feeling of the wind in my laces. >> who needs a trainer. thanks for watching abc news. "world news now" is. co-ing up with overnight breaking news. as always, we're online. good night.
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