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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  March 20, 2014 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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good morning, america. breaking news at this hour, the biggest lead yet in the search for the missing jumbo jet. >> two possible objects related to the search have been identified. >> these satellite images revealed overnight show large objects floating in the indian ocean. planes and ships rushing to the site. in an abc news exclusive, our reporter on a u.s. navy sub hunter right over the area reporting the very latest from the scene. >> this is david wright. i'm on board a u.s. navy p8 poseidon, that is a search and rescue vessel. >> the remote site four hours from land. the frantic high-tech search right now for possibly the biggest clue yet. we are live with the breaking information.
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and this big news began to break around midnight. the australian prime minister went to parliament. released these two satellite images you see right there. it shows two objects bobbing in a remote part of the southern indian ocean. one is almost 80 feet long, the other 15 feet long. australian officials call it the best lead yet but our reporter david wright just off that navy plane told us nothing related to flight 370 has been found yet. >> but still a total of five planes and two ships racing to the area. 1,500 miles southwest of perth, australia. the remote waters often stormy and rough there. could other objects in the area and this has been called the best lead so far. we're going to hear from our reporter, david wright, who just got off the navy plane as george has said. but let's get right to david kerley with the breaking events overnight. david? >> good morning, robin.
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as you said this location where the satellite spotted something in the water is right down here off australia. but here's what's interesting about this. this was the search area, but these two satellite photos came from outside the area. but as you mentioned, one official says this is the best lead we have had since the 777 disappeared. while the search planes are looking for the debris spotted on the satellite images, could this actually be part of the malaysian 777? yes, at least one of the pieces spotted in the ocean is 78 feet long. that's big, but not too big to be part of the 777, which is 242 feet long and has a 200-foot wingspan. finding just pieces of the plane or luggage can yield many clues. was there a fire? how did the wide bodied jet hit the water? and then the flight track of malaysian flight 370. that hard left bank off its flight path and then turns after crossing over the malaysia before heading to the ocean.
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officials say they were able to glean new details from satellite pings from the jet. that with calculating the fuel remaining on board, this "x" marks the spot is very close to the original search area and where flight 370 could have run out of fuel, and this area off australia is where u.s. sources have been telling abc news for nearly a week is the most likely spot the plane could have gone down. debris could have drifted significantly by now. so the australians are flying a c130 aircraft over the area to drop data buoys that will measure the currents allowing experts to backtrack the debris closer to a possible crash site. and while officials called these images promising, they warn that finding parts of the plane at the bottom of the ocean may be difficult. the average depth of the indian ocean, 14,000 feet and this area is known as the roaring 40s. southern latitudes, notorious or wild weather, waves and currents that could move debris at a breakneck pace. it is a tough spot to search here. you're basically on the way to the south pole. what we need at this point, george, is the australians to report back exactly what they're
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seeing today down under, george. >> they are sending planes, as well. no reporter has been closer to the scene than our david wright. just off that p8 poseidon navy sub hent hunter you see right there. let's go to david. >> reporter: the u.s. navy's $35 billion sub hunter. from the outside, a conventional 737, but inside, brising with high-tech search tools so secret we're not allowed to show you them. our destination, a vast stretch of the indian ocean. it took us three hours just to get there. >> what we're being told by the flight crew here is that they have some intelligence now that there is some sort of debris in the water. they're not clear what. and we are just descending through the clouds right now. almost immediately, crew members reported radar contacts of significant size. >> we'll have three hours close to the water to search for
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whatever might be down there. and then three hours to fly back. one little item to add, the flight crew here tells us that they're getting radar hits now of significant size. so all indications are that there is something down there. whatever it might be, we won't know until we get a visual look. but we will be up close very soon and we will report back, of course, what we find. by close to the water, we mean very close. just 300 feet above the waves at full throttle. the crew riveted to their monitors, watchers posted at every window. >> false hope today? >> no. any time you go out given a bigger search area, you go out with the purpose to determine the context. >> reporter: late today the u.s. navy clarified that whatever the p8 picked up on the radar today was unrelated to the pictures that the australian prime minister released. whatever is shown in those pictures remains a mystery. what we can say for certain is that today they searched 4,100
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square miles and found no sign of the plane. george? >> wow, david wright pretty dramatic information right there. let's take it straight to our aviation consultant stephen ganyard. stephen, hopes dashed again. >> hopes dashed again, george, but it's still -- we have to hold out that this may be something. obviously the prime minister made a statement and called the malaysian prime minister. he wouldn't have done that if he didn't think this was an opportunity here. if there's something here, the most important thing will be to recover part of the airplane. we can go back and do what we did before black boxes and just good old-fashioned crash forensics. if we can find a piece of metal out there, we can look for burn marks. we can look at how the airplane broke. there's lots of things we can tell if we can just get some of the wreckage and hopefully that will lead us to the black boxes which unravels the whole
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mystery. >> steve, hold on right there. i want to go right back to david kerley because he now has some brand. new satellite images coming back in. these are three or four days ago. >> same images and let's just be very clear. these images that the australians have released are several days old. so when david wright got out there we don't know if things had moved and changed. we need to remember these pictures are several days old of this debris that they saw in the south indian ocean. >> so the point there, stephen ganyard, let me bring this right back to you, if those pictures are several days old, this debris could have drifted far from those coordinates. >> they could have and who knows how far the debris drifted from the original coordinates so you can see this is a really, really tough puzzle to solve but we're going after it as best we can and have some things at our disposal that hopefully will lead us to the answers we need. >> now that the search area seems to have been -- i mean i know they've been focused on the south. seems to have been narrowed down a little, what other resources can be brought to bear that might allow us to hone in on this area? >> well, i think, yeah, i think, george, what they'll do is
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continue to flood the area with aircraft. we've got australian p3s and u.s. p8s and so it'll be a great joint effort. a whole research or a rescue coordination center that the australians have set up so i think we're going to bring everything to bear but we've got to get ships out there. ships are what can pick up the debris so we can begin to do the forensics and look into what happened with this mishap. >> and there's a report that there was a merchant ship that was supposed to be on the scene in the last couple hours, but it could take several days for those big australian ships to get there as well. we should remind everyone this still could take a great deal of time even after they had noted some debris from that air france disaster many years ago, it took years to find the black box. >> it did. it took two years. and it took four separate expeditions by the french government to find that black box. so just because we find the debris, doesn't mean it's going
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to lead us directly or even in any short time to those black boxes. but as i say, if we can get some debris, we can begin to answer some of the questions that will give us a step-by-step approach to the final answers. >> okay, stephen ganyard, thanks very much. >> george, frustrating for all, especially for the families when you think it's been almost two weeks and the families of the passengers and crew members standing by for any new information about their loved ones. abc's bob woodruff is on the scene in kuala lumpur right now. good morning, bob. >> reporter: robin, as you know, these family members have been waiting so long to get a little bit of information. and, of course, like the rest of us, this morning they did get this indication maybe this plane is out there in the sea so i went to the hotels to see how they're handling all of this but sadly their emotions are still very much in the air. this morning, the families mostly kept to themselves, outside their hotel rooms slumped over at times unwilling to talk. just waiting for news hoping their loved ones will be found alive. malaysia's minister of
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transportation told them today that the sighting is credible but just not clear yet. >> for the families around the world, the one piece of information that they want most is the information we just don't have, the location of mh370. >> reporter: this man's 29-year-old son is an engineer, a passenger on that plane. he has lived in this hotel for almost two weeks. he says, he can take anything now. "i accept it whether it's good or bad news," he told us "i can take it whether there are any survivors or not." >> new and credible information has come to light. >> reporter: when australia's prime minister broke the news this morning in china, the media poured in around the families. at this hotel in beijing, family members were escorted out to keep away from the cameras and reporters. while this waiting continues, the prayers are still streaming in from people around the world. at kuala lumpur's international airport, the travelers are still
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signing the wall of prayer, just hoping for something soon. now the question is, let's just say that debris is the plane, the family members told us that that's not the answer that they need. what they really want to know is what has happened to the passengers inside that plane? what's happened to their loved ones? that is the answer they really want to know. robin and george. >> so many unanswered questions. all right, bob, thanks. >> that wait has been agonizing for them. let's get right back to martha raddatz, and of course, she covers military and national security affairs. we heard stephen ganyard say the australians would not have put out the satellite photos had they not done analysis. explain about the technology behind all this and the resources being put into this search. >> reporter: george, the images come from the australian geospatial intelligence organization, that is a military satellite, part of australia's defense department. so this is part of australia's national security apparatus. not only would this be a highly sophisticated satellite system
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but they would have highly trained analysts looking at the images. i can't imagine they would be sending people out to this search area unless they thought there was at least a possibility that it could be debris from the plane. and they are still searching. their job is to interpret what they are seeing on those images that are coming in. we also have to look back at yesterday. why the search area was narrowed? that may be because of a classified radar system that the australians have that is much better than other radars and it's called over the horizon radar that can monitor air and sea movements. the official range is about 2,000 miles, but it is thought to be able to see much greater distances. that is speculation from experts, but you have to wonder why the search was narrowed in such a significant way after the australians got involved, george. >> as david wright pointed out, martha, these u.s. resources being brought to bear, as well, incredibly sophisticated. that poseidon can see something
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the size of a basketball in that ocean. >> reporter: they absolutely can and the other equipment they have out there, all very, very good. this has moved in a good direction, a lot of experts out there. a lot of very sophisticated equipment. >> okay, martha raddatz, thanks very much. >> all right, george. let's bring in abc's pierre thomas. he's also there in washington where the fbi has been involved in the search for the missing flight. good morning to you, pierre. >> reporter: good morning, robin. the fbi is playing a limited but possibly key role. they've been given a disk from the pilot's flight simulator seen behind me, some of the information on that was deleted and the fbi's job is to see if they can recover it. they want to know if the pilot played any role in the disappearance and the key is if he was practicing maneuvers like the plane made but sources say nothing is conclusive. they don't know if the pilot did anything wrong. my sources say it's critical to find that plane to get real answers. >> we know early on, terrorism was somewhat discounted. are they still looking into ties to possibly being tied to terrorism?
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>> reporter: they are still looking at everything so far. no information of ties to terrorism. sources say that's the frustration. they just don't have a lot of answers. that's why finding that plane is so critical. >> but what does it say to you that the fbi is becoming so involved, pierre? >> the primary reason the malaysians allowed them to play a bigger role. they gave them this disk. to look for the answers. and now the fbi said and at least they can play a forensic role but they are not on the ground in malaysia doing anything significant. >> all right, pierre thomas there in washington, thanks so much. we will keep you up to date on this story. >> yeah. what's so clear now is you have all of the major countries working together now after those earlier mishaps. >> and steve ganyard was really talking early on about how the malaysian government, the other countries wanted to take a bigger role. and now that we're seeing that, we're getting some results. >> we're seeing those resources now marshaled and brought to bear. other developments in ukraine. breaking news from the showdown
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there, overnight pro-russian forces released a ukrainian navy commander they had taken prisoner but that is doing little to ease tensions there. ukraine is evacuating troops from the crimea region which is now firmly in russia's hands. clocks are even being turned, in fact, to moscow time. and in a new interview, president obama has ruled out u.s. military intervention saying that nobody wants to trigger war with russia. and some surprising testimony here in new york from osama bin laden's son-in-law. he took the stand at his terrorism trial and admitted that he was called to bin laden's cave after the attacks of september 11th, 2001 but sulaiman abu ghaith denied being al qaeda's spokesperson and said he warned his father-in-law that the u.s. would hunt him down and kill him. and overnight, police here in new york confirmed that a teenager has been arrested for breaking into the new world trade center tower. sneaking by all of the security currently in place and then climbing all 104 stories, even,
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in fact, reaching the antenna atop the building. the boy snuck through a fence, may have been disguised as a construction worker. he was apparently trying to take pictures. one security guard who was asleep at the time has now been fired. and a former eagle scout near philadelphia is accused of plotting to poison and so kill his romantic rival. police say 19-year-old nicholas helman sent a scratch and sniff birthday card laced with ricin to his ex-girlfriend's boyfriend. testing confirms that there was ricin on the card. helman allegedly told his co-worker about the plot and she then called police and they got to the card in time. get out of the truck. >> and that, a near disaster in georgia. a man barely escaped as that train crashed through his truck which had somehow become stuck on the tracks. the trailer, in fact, was full of furniture. it was then dragged roughly half
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a mile by that train. and talk about luck. take a look at this. a man riding his bike clipped by a truck, but a truck just happened to be carrying a mattress which then fell on to the street just in time to break his fall. as you can see landed safely on top of it. >> like a magic carpet ride. >> it was like a special effect. thankfully he and the mattress both okay. talk about luck, however, could be this. the best "wheel of fortune" puzzle solve ever. see if you can figure out the puzzle you're about to see with just two letters showing. >> keep talking. maybe the right thing will pop out. good luck. >> new baby buggy. new baby -- new -- oh, my god. >> oh, come on. >> new baby buggy. >> i knew that. >> pat say jack who's been doing
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this a long time, stunned. and -- oh. just making sure. look at emil. go crazy, folks. go crazy. he won $45,000 and the admiration of millions. >> because that's not even a phrase that i even hear people use. >> i think people behind the board go, sounds good to me. new baby buggy. >> he got it. that's what counts. unbelievable. >> thank you there, josh. >> hey, today is the official first day of spring. you look like spring. >> i had to do it. thank you so much. i always say this looks like a peep. one of those candies from easter. that kind of gets you in the mood. this is the mood. so many people excited to see it. yes, spring officially on the calendar at least begins just before 1:00 p.m. eastern daylight time, so we're looking at the calendar and wondering, will it feel that way? from chicago to new england, some fresh snow. maybe not feeling that great but charming weather from dallas, sunshine at 73.
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bismarck, close to 60. washington, d.c. at 60. cincinnati, 55. we asked you, what do you do with this winter? well, some people saying i say good-bye. this little guy wondering when can i take off my sweater, mom? and that is how i'll leave you. one other person told me on twitter i want to put a restraining order on winter. first your local weather forecast in just 30 seconds. we have the spring cities brought to you by zyrtec.
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>> it's the canine version. that's what it is. >> don't dress your dog in onesies. because that can happen. >> it's going to warm up. >> he wants to let his ears out. >> please. >> thank you, ginger. coming up more on breaking developments in the search for flight 370. what these new satellite images overnight mean for the international investigation. the expanding search right now for the biggest clue yet. also ahead, a break in the case in what really happened to madeleine mccann. brand-new clues this morning
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we're back at 7:30 with those breaking new developments on practicelation flight 370 still coming in. those satellite images you see right now, the biggest clue perhaps and we'll bring you the latest information. our david wright will have an update. he was on the search and rescue plane that went over that site. >> that's right. u.s. and australian ships heading to the area. shocking new lead in the case of what happened to madeleine mccann. that little girl disappeared seven years ago in portugal. she was only 3 then but now there are new leads that could lead to some breakthrough in the case. >> fascinating. also the latest on a rather baffling death of a pennsylvania businessman. father of two at a resort in the bahamas. two fellow americans have been
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charged, was it a confrontation that turned deadly? we'll have the latest. the duke university freshman working her way through school as an adult film star. well, she's back on campus this morning and saying she's afraid right now. >> received some death threats. let's get right to the latest for the search of flight 370. a norwegian merchant ship arrived in the area. about 1500 miles off the coast of azerbaijan where two floating objects were spotted as robin said. our david wright was in a navy airplane, p8 poseidon that flew over the area hours ago. >> reporter: george, we may well be the first television crew ever allowed to tag along on a mission for the p8 as it goes into these remote waters. that said, all of our recording equipment, all of our -- even our cell phones were seized before we got on board. the equipment on board is that sensitive. top secret.
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this flight took off from perth airport here, we traveled three hours to get to the zone. it is very remote. closer to antarctica than it is to azerbaijustralia and while w there it is very intense. the entire left bank of the plane is kited out with radar equipment, all sorts of sophisticated surveillance equipment and the sailors at those stations flawed to their posts for the entire time. meanwhile, at the windows of this plane there were watchers and they're looking out 300 feet above the open ocean, looking for anything on the horizon or in the water beneath the plane. there are cameras rolling the entire time. everybody on board singularly focused on finding anything in that water and in this case it came back with disappointment. there were some promising signs that what appeared to be debris might be in that area. it turned out to be in this case a freighter ship, not clear who
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he was or where he was going and also several pods of dolphins. they do a lawn mower pattern searching back and forth across 4100 square miles and they found no sign of the plane, however, they're going to keep searching, george. >> thanks very much. >> that remains a mystery but a possible breakthrough in another one. now to what could be the most significant lead yet in the mystery of madeleine mccann. the 3-year-old british girl who disappeared on a family vacation in portugal seven years ago. investigators running down brand-new clues about a possible suspect and lama hasan has the latest. >> reporter: while british detectives are now investigating a brand-new line of inquiry. they're on the hunt for a man who they believe is a local to this area and who was responsible for a series of break-ins and who pretoriaed on young girls. this morning, a disturbing possible lead nearly seven years
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after 3-year-old madeleine mccann vanished while vacationing with her family in portugal. police say they are now searching for a man they believe broke into buildings in the same area of portugal in the years before and after maddie's disappearance. on 12 separate occasions. section wally assaulted five other young, white, british girls. >> we know this man has got this very, very unhealthy interest and these children are on holiday, i'm sure the public will understand it. there is significant features there. >> reporter: police say the assaults took place at resorts within 30 miles of each other and the man would sneak in during the early morning hours. witnesses describe him as tan with dark hair and a pot belly who spoke english in a calm but slurred voice and on more than one occasion wearing a long sleeve burgundy shirt with a white circle. police in portugal say they've known about nine of the assaults but had to scatter them feeling they were spread over too wide an area and hasn't been attempts
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made at abductions. british authorities now say they first made the possible connection to mccann when three victims' families came forward. following this televised recreation of the mccann crime five months ago. for her parents who were away at dinner when she vanished any new lead is promising. >> every time a new appeal like today is made with new information coming forward so long after she went missing they feel that's progress. >> reporter: scotland yard detectives are still investigating other leads and trying to solve the mystery behind what happened to little madeleine mccann in the vacation apartment behind me. but making those recent links between what happened in those incidences here in portugal and trying to identify this man could potentially be a significant break in this case. george and robin, back to you. >> surprised they didn't have something on that earlier. the shocking death of a
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pennsylvania businessman at a resort in the bahamas. two other americans charged with stabbing and killing the 45-year-old carl yerger and the details are murky but some sort of confrontation. it turned deadly. abc's linsey davis has the story. >> reporter: a beautiful setting for a heinous crime. this morning, detectives in the bahamas are trying to figure out how an american man on a fishing trip with his best friend and business partner ended up mysteriously murdered. 45-year-old carl yerger's body was discovered friday morning stabbed to death on the grounds of this resort where he was staying on the island of bimini. >> there was an altercation on board. it went from the vessel to the dock. >> reporter: the suspects, 19-year-old tyler michael valles from florida and 62-year-old robert francis schwarz from connecticut both arraigned on manslaughter charges tuesday. they were staying on a boat docked at the resort though it's unclear whether they knew yerger. according to the suspects'
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attorney an altercation broke out. they deny stabbing him. >> the deceased trespassed on to the vessel. he was ejected at least once potentially twice. at some point before they reached the land of the dock, he turned and attacked tyler and there was a struggle. mr. schwarz intervened to assist. >> reporter: the two men say they left yerger after fighting with him on the dock and believe security video which is not being released will prove he was still alive. >> he walked away. they walked away is what i am instructed the cameras show. >> reporter: when abc reached out to the victim's wife rebecca yerger with the suspect's version of the story she told us that being drunk doesn't mean he should be murdered. investigators haven't released a motive. as for the suspects, both are expected to return to the u.s. and are due back in court in may. their attorney tells us they will plead not guilty. for "good morning america,"
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linsey davis, abc news, new york. >> questions there. and we're counting it down, ginger. >> the countdown has been on, is on, just hour as way from spring and a place like washington, d.c. will feel a lot more like it than they did on monday when they were closed with all that snow. visibility reduced, even dulles with less than a mile of visibility. check flights flew the northeast. still a little bit of unsettled weather in new england. also fresh snow pictures out of maine and new hampshire. here are the numbers. washington, d.c. does go to 60. pittsburgh to 45. buffalo, new york, at 35 and philadelphia just short of the 60-degree mark. so at or slightly below average there. in the pacific northwest, a little good news, 15 of the last 19 days, they've been raining so it's that time of year but do dry out here. boise at 52.
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>> all that weather is brought to you by target and i have to say, josh is being the debbie downer but next up, upper 30s. >> it is. >> factually accurate. i am a newsman, okay. only the facts over here. it's going to be freezing. >> it is. >> today and tomorrow are going to be warm, though. >> thanks, ginger. coming up, the duke university student making waves for her work in adult films to pay for tuition now speaking out about why she fears for her safety. we'll take a look at this big question about modern parenting. who's happier, parents or nonparts? the answer may surprise you. it may be up for debate too.
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porn films. >> reporter: the 18-year-old who goes by the stage name belle knox appeared on "the view" monday explaining she got into the adult film industry to help cover her steep $60,000 a year tuition. >> it's incredibly freeing and liberating for me to have that choice to make decisions about my own body. >> reporter: while knox has called her current career choice empowering, many disagree. >> my heart breaks. it does when i hear this and -- my heart just breaks. >> reporter: but some aren't just sad they're angry. today knox is returning to a massive campus controversy. she says she's been barraged with threats and harassments including on twitter. one user reportedly posting "if i see you walking on campus i will kick you in the face." >> how bad has it gotten? >> i received numerous death threats. i've had students threaten to throw garbage on me. >> i really feel a lot is stemming from people being upset
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about a young woman being vocal and assertive and unapologetically sexual. >> reporter: while duke university says it won't comment on issues involving a specific student, the university tells abc news, "we are committed to protecting the privacy, safety and security of our students." on twitter knox said she is not dropping ow and while she says she will continue our adult film career she plans to graduate on time and become a civil rights lawyer helping women. for "good morning america," mara schiavocampo, abc news, new york. >> last chapter hasn't been written. a different story coming up. the sooeblgs of the new biblical blockbuster already bringing about a controversy. taking you inside "noah" this morning. the first day of spring allegedly and so are you ready to jump into it? freeze that. freeze it. ♪ freeze frame freeze frame >> for one final day before it's ♪ [ male announcer ] here, kids jump.
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7:47 am
hey, you're not the charles barkley? yes i am. nah charles barkley is way taller. there's my picture on the wall. yeah that could be anyone. what about my jersey over there? oh yeah, that's your jersey. there's my bobble head right behind you. alright well let me see you bobble. yeah, i'm just not buying it man. earn unlimited double miles with no blackout dates from the capital one venture card. my brother john, he works here. john, you know this guy? what's in your wallet? behaves like the surface of your skin.
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now watch what soap does to it. ♪ soap strips your skin. dove is different. with 1/4 moisturizing cream, dove doesn't strip your skin like soap. ♪ [ male announcer ] spring is calling. get 10% off all in-stock composite decking at lowe's spring black friday event. get 10%♪off all in-stock composite decking ♪ ♪
7:49 am
told ya you could do it. (dad vo) i want her to be safe. so, i taught her what i could and got her a subaru. (girl) piece of cake. ♪ (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. ♪ ♪ i gotta have that bag. italian leather? for an amazing deal, and i love that designer. [ shopper ] you paid how much for that? [ female announcer ] two stores. two amazing ways to score. t.j.maxx and marshalls.
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>> announcer: right then, here's the "play of the day." >> look at this one. >> okay. very quickly, she can do an ankle -- >> she does a really great ankle cross. >> but i cannot do the beautiful cross, cross? they're saying let's go. >> why don't you say we spring right into this? let's check. this is a group of high fashion models putting the high in high fashion. take a look. roberta loves modeling almost as much as she loves b.a.s.e. jumping. >> she's a model? >> yes. >> okay. >> good for her. >> b.a.s.e. jumping. >> this maybe not so much. >> whoa, whoa. >> watch it. moneymaker. >> gopro cameras and 900,000 views on youtube later you have this. i guess they strike a pose when
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they did this. >> i would say don't try this at home but that would only apply if you live in the alps. >> supermodel. >> that's a very small sample size. >> not like us. >> at all. "deals & steals." go nowhere. coming up "good morning america's" "deals & steals" brought to you by bank of america. use your bankamericard cash rewards credit card for these deals and earn cash back. ♪ about the -- so good, they don't need dip. why do you have to have imaginary dip? well, everybody else was dipping, i thought... can i have some of your dip? please! mmmm... not bad, right? i'll have some more! that's a double dip! you... double dipped... ok, now i'm going to have to wash this entire -- new pringles tortillas. you dip 'em or don't.
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♪ because i'm happy good morning, america, on this first day of spring. it's 8:00 a.m. and clap along with the sound to get happy. so many of you sent us videos showing us how you get happy. ♪ if i could turn back time and are you ready for "noah"? we have some secrets about the biblical epic making waves at the box office. star jennifer connelly is here live s we say -- >> good morning, america. ♪ i'd give it all to you scloets clap along if you feel -- biblical times, why not. so many reasons to be happy this thursday morning. there you see the countdown clock.
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spring finally almost here. our great crowd. look at that wonderful crowd outside. they're celebrating already in times square. all those smiling, happy faces because today is the international day of happiness. yes, it is, and it's a sign of spring inside our studios, as well. that's the cue. >> spring is here. >> yes. >> oh, thank you. >> gorgeous. >> spring inside our studios, as well. >> beautiful. >> i love it. >> don't you get excited -- >> i'm going to be excite d when i see this on the trees outside. >> for real. >> good morning. >> actually. >> we'll do that all hour long. also, we're going to get into a little bit of a debate about modern parenting and i guess the question raised about whether parents are happier than nonparents. we'll all have some opinions about that. i'm sure it does depend on the moment.
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for all those parents out there, we're going to get into that in a little bit. also, big "deals & steals." tory johnson here, something for everyone today and up to 70% good morning to all of you. for those of you just joining us, i'm josh elliott. president obama is about to make a statement on the volatile situation in ukraine as pro russian crowds seized two warships this morning and ukraine says its troops were being threatened. senior administration official has told abc news that the president will announce a set of tough new sanctions against russia, all leading to russian's an nexation of the peninsula. angela merkel said russian is
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suspended from the g-8 while fran soy holland said the meeting scheduled in june has been cancelled. before the president steps to the microphone i want to bring in senior white house correspondent jonathan karl. again, jonathan, on monday he announced his first set of sanctions, spoke to the possibility of additional sanctions being levied. what then do we expect the president to discuss today? >> josh, i am told this is the second round of sanctions and this could be more significant. what he's doing here is sanctioning what white house officials have called putin's cronies, some of the billionaire bu businessmen, the so-called oligarchs in russian will see their assets profrozen. as the president is coming out now, european leaders are meeting, imposing their second round of sanctions. again, this is all design to try to put pressure on putin, make him pay a price for taking away
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crimea. the big question, of course, josh, is whether or not this will actually get putin to withdraw. virtually nobody believes there's no chance that this will force putin to back town. the hope is that it will make him think twice before going any further into ukraine. >> yet, jonathan, it does seem that the administration is looking for different paths so diplomacy here. secretary of state john kerry announcing today that he plans to meet with russian foreign minister sergei lavrov some time next week. this was an unplanned, unannounced meeting. do we see perhaps the white house looking for ways out? >> they are looking for every possible way out. also, the president in a local interview yesterday absolutely ruled out any military action regarding this crises, so it is all about trying to find a diplomatic solution, a face-saving way for russia to get out of this, even as officials will privately acknowledge that there is no way to get putin, at least in the
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short term, to withdraw from crimea. here we have the president coming to the microphone, making a statement right before he goes on a trip to floor. >> good morning, everybody. i wanted to provide an update on the situation in ukraine and the steps that the united states is taking in response. over the last several days, we've continued to be deeply concerned by events in the ukraine. we've seen an illegal referendum in crimea, an illegitimate move by the russians so annex crimea, and dangerous risks of escalation, including threats to ukrainian personnel in crimea and threats to southern and eastern ukraine as well. these are all choices that the russian government has made. choices that have been rejected by the international community as well as the government of ukraine. because of these choices, the united states is today moving, as we said we would, to impose
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additional costs on russia. based on the executive order that i signed in response to russia's initial intervention in ukraine, we're imposing sanctions on more senior officials of the russian government. in addition, we are today sanctioning a number of other individuals with substantial resources and influence, who provide material support to the russian leadership. as well as a bank that provides material support to these individuals. now, we're taking these steps as part of our response to what russia has already done in crimea. at the same time, the world is watching with grave concern as russia has positioned its military in a way that could lead to further incursions into southern around eastern ukraine. for this reason, we've been working closely with our european partners to develop more severe actions that could be taken if russia continues to escalate the situation. as part of that process, i signed a new executive order
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today that gives us the authority to impose sanctions not just on individuals but on key sectors of the russian economy. this is not our preferred outcome. these sanctions would not only have a significant impact on the russian economy but could also be disruptive to the global economy. however, russia must know that further escalation will only isolate it further from the international community. the basic principles that govern relations between nations in europe and around the world must be up held. the notion that nations do not simply redraw borders or make decisions at the expense of their neighbors simply because they are larger or more powerful. one of our other top priorities continues to be providing assistance to the government of ukraine so it can stabilize its economy and meet the basic needs of the ukrainian people.
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as i travel to europe next week to meet with the g-7 and other european and asian allies, i once again urge congress to pass legislation that's necessary to provide this assistance and do it right away. expressions of support are not enough. we need action. i also hope that the imf moves swi swiftly to provide a significant package of support for ukrainians as they pursue reforms. in europe i'll also be even forcing a message that vice-president biden carried to the baltic states this week. america's support for our n.a.t.o. allies is unwavering. we're bound together by our profound article five commitment to defend one another and by a set of shared values that so many generations sacrificed for. we've already increased our support for our eastern european allies, and we will continue to strengthen n.a.t.o.'s collective defense and we will step up our cooperation with europe on
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economic and energy issues as well. let me close by making a final point. diplomacy between the united states and russia continues. we've emphasized that russia still has a different path available, one that dees ka lates the situation and involves russia pursuing a diplomatic solution with the government in kiev with the support of the international community. the russian people need to know and mr. putin needs to understand that the ukrainians shouldn't have to choose between the west and russia. we want the ukrainian people to determine their own destiny and to have good relations with the united states, with russia, with europe, with anyone that they choose. that can only happen if russia also recognizes the rights of all the ukrainian people to determine their future as free individuals and as a sovereign
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nation. rights that people in nations around the world understand and support. thank you very much, everybody. thank you. >> again, president obama announcing a new and expanded set of sanctions targeting russian senior officials with ties to russian president vladimir putin as well as a bank that provides material support to said individuals. he also spoke to the sectors of the russian economy that could perhaps also fall under the sanctions. i want to bring in martha raddatz in washington d.c. martha, these new set of sanctions were to a degree forecast even on monday when the president announced his first set of sanctions. i asked you then when they presumed the effect of this would be. you thought that we would see this day.
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this day has come now just five days later. how effective can we expect this new set of sanctions to be? >> reporter: as you remember, josh, talking earlier in the week, those sanctions didn't seem to bite at all, in fact, the russians basically laughed them off, brushed them off. these clearly are tougher, aiming, the president said, not only at key individuals who are close to putin but also the bank and also key sectors of the economy. the one thing i would worry about here, because the administration has made it very clear they will keep increasing sanctions if putin doesn't make a move, move back, and certainly not go into eastern ukraine. i worry that putin will see how far he can go, what is the next step, what will they do next, how far can i go, because he has shown no sign whatsoever of stepping back. >> we should make note that the president's announcement of these sanctions does fall in line now with other european union leaders who announced their own set of expanded
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sanctions as well and perhaps dialing down the rhetoric that has marked this throughout. the president did say in closing and i quote, russia still has a different path available. for martha raddatz and josh elliott in new york, we return you to regular programming. for some parts of the country that's "good morning america" and will will be a complete wrapup tonight on "world news" with diane sawyer and you can get thehan my ipad because it's got more pixels? right mine's got the retina thingy... do more on the new multitasking galaxy pro series tablets. you may be muddling through allergies. don't get caught off guard. try new zyrtec® dissolve tabs. powerful allergy relief
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now in a tablet that starts dissolving instantly. new zyrtec® dissolve tabs. roses are red. i'm glad i'm with you. this weekend away, was long overdue. be a weekender at hotels like conrad and hilton. book now at to help pay for her kids' ice time, -before earning 1% cash back... -guys! -everywhere, every time... -close the front door! and 2% back at the grocery store, even before she got 3% back on gas with no hoops to jump through, katie used her bankamericard cash rewards credit card to stay warm and toasty during the heat of competition. that's the comfort of rewarding connections. apply online or at a bank of america near you. ♪ if you feel like happiness is the truth ♪
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♪ cause i'm happy clap along america, how many of you are up in your living rooms dancing? we are, a moving and a grooving. you can feel the wind in your face. that is freedom. of course, pharrell's "happy," really the basis for a new promotional campaign for us that's really so we can join with you and all be happy together. we've asked you to send in your own versions of your "happy" dance, and you are seeing a few of the thousands and thousands that have come in on this, as robin mentioned, the international day of happiness. >> yeah, who knew? >> yeah, thankfully because it's also the first day of spring, but we haven't quite got there yet so but in the next -- >> yeah. >> perfect. >> good. you know what, john travolta is trying to spread some happiness because he still hasn't quite let go of, you know, mispronouncing idina menzel's name. it was heard around the world at the oscars.
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let's take a listen. >> oh, again. >> please welcome the wickedly talented one and only adele dazeem. >> every time. >> oh! >> cringe worthy. but we've all done it. we've all done it but you know what travolta did? he sent the broadway star a huge bouquet of flowers to make up and it's not hurt her career. her smash hit from "frozen" is currently ranked in the billboard's top ten. she is a household name in my house. my daughters, i think she's their idol and now everyone knows how to say her name. >> yesterday the "frozen" dvd came out. >> i watched it three times already. >> at sarina's school there is a talent show this year, and the first thing they sent home is due to redundancy of certain songs there will only be one performance of any one song. >> we had three in ours. no kidding. good job for travolta. i think menzel is just fine. you may want to cancel your
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evening plans because an exclusive sneak peek of the "scandal" episode. and prepare to be shocked. >> huck. >> yeah. >> you come for some more teeth? a finger? >> i came here to kill you. >> ooh. >> oh. beyond torture now. it's murder. all right. you can watch the entire exclusive preview at our website, on yahoo! and, of course, don't miss the full episode as long as you don't mind torture and murder. tonight at 10:00 p.m. put the kids to bed, 9:00 p.m. central on abc. >> gladiators, unite. >> turn against each other. gladiator eat gladiator. right? finally some mornings you can't seem to get it right of
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well, here's ivanovitch trying to climb that sink. he tries. nope, not the sink. i'll do it again one more time. come on. you can get the sink. you can do it. oop. trash can again. it's just not ivanovitch's morning. oh. another trash can. >> why are we always picking on cats? >> they think they can but they can't. >> i know. why do we pick on cats? that's the second time we've done that in "pop news." >> but he's a cute fluffy cat. >> you know why, it was hilarious. >> thank you, amy. >> that's true. we'll turn to a new book already stirring up a lot of buzz about what it means to be a parent. it's called "all joy and no fun: the paradox of modern parenthood" and the author jennifer senior says raising children may involve a lot more agony and not as much ecstasy as we think and abc's juju chang takes a look. >> are you done with your homework? >> reporter: it's the dirty
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little secret of modern parenting, that the day-to-day grind can turn happy people into less happy people. >> for me the lows are feeling sad when my kids feel sad. >> reporter: jesse, a professional photographer and mother of three confesses though she loves her kids and being a mom she didn't anticipate the less joyful moments and the guilt that comes with the territory. >> we are so self-examining, but i think it creates a lot of guilt. >> reporter: author and mom jennifer senior is now exposing the unanticipated underbelly of parenting in her new book, "all joy and no fun." her research shows that parents are really no happier than n nonparents. kids, it turns out, don't necessarily make life all that fun. >> so the no fun part, i think people are much more reluctant to speak about it. we know there's some drudgery associated with parenthood. i don't know if we're fully prepared to talk about how much anxiety we experience as parents. >> reporter: the hardest stages she says are the early years and the teenage years where a child is fighting
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for their independence and parents have a hard time letting go. she also believes parenting in the digital age of pinterest, facebook and instagram adds to mother's guilt and feelings of inadequacy but rather than forgo parenting, her view is parents just need to be realistic. >> beware of someone who speaks with great certainty about what they're doing. none of us know. it's okay to be uncertain. >> reporter: what she says, though, scientific studies cannot measure -- >> oh, yeah, baby. >> reporter: -- is the long-term joy that comes with raising kids. >> talking about fun is a very thin form of happiness. joy is something totally different. it's about a deep, abiding connection with someone. to be a parent, they report more highs. they report more moments of meaning. they report more. >> reporter: for jesse a tough day of parenting can be erased with a simple hug. for "good morning america," juju chang, abc news, new york.
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>> joining us is editor, ericka souter. i got to say i am surrounded by great parents, all three of you. >> thank you. >> you talk glowingly about your kids all the time, yet there are also some times when it's challenging. that's the real world, isn't it? >> that is the real world. a lot of us are under the illusion when we have a baby it will be blissful, even the diaper change, even the sleepless night but in reality, i was overwhelmed and frightened when i brought my son home. there are times that made the experience a little bit awful but i was afraid to admit that because no one was talking about that. you were just supposed to glow and say, oh, this is the best. >> relieved to admit it and the book singles out the toddler and teen years as the especially tough ones but one of the insights is the teen problem may be as much to do with the parents as the kids. >> well, there is always this heartbreaking moment when you realize your kid doesn't need you anymore or doesn't necessarily want you around all the time but what i
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found a lot of moms also look forward to that day. it's a little bittersweet because they can actually start reclaiming their independence in their lives again. >> and, look, being a parent is the absolute joy of my life and there are tough days, but it's the absolute joy of my life, and i guess, you know, i don't know that parenting has changed, maybe it's these things that have changed. they're changing us, but -- >> it's interesting because when the book came out i asked an older mom is parenting easier now than when you were a parent and she said, no, parents have all these bells and whistles and great things to keep their kids occupied. the big difference though i think are moms today. like we want it all. we still want to be titans of industry and still want to be great parents and we're always there and it's really hard to do that. we haven't figured out the formula. >> is there a difference for moms and dads when it comes to happiness? >> it is different. i think dads feel more pressure. they're more involved than ever. got to give them a pat on the back. more involved than ever but the moms bear the lion's share of parenting. >> uh-huh. thanks, ericka.
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>> thanks, ericka. hey, amy, "deals & steals." >> yeah, i nknow something that makes me happy every day, that's called a discount. a grab bag of great "deals & steals," this morning, something for everyone in your family with bargains up to 70% off and we've always said this, the deals fly so you have to go to our website, on yahoo! for all the promo codes and links you need to get the discounts. tory is here to show us what we've got today. >> first up instead of it being under a box, we've got -- walk in straight in front of the box. come straight in front of the table, baby. she's named her doll dominique. this is an adorable, adorable deal from forever princess. you get the dress for your little one and then a dress for her doll, couldn't be any more gorgeous. just one of the examples but you'll see a slew of options when go to our website. normally for the set, $79 slashed by 70%, 24 bucks for both pieces. >> that is a steal. i know. >> adorable. >> adorable. >> okay. >> under this box, we have --
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>> i love, love, love. this is from neighbor-hoodies. you get to customize. the first thing i gave josh. probably worn out so made you a new one. >> thank you. >> this is what ali at work will demand george wear every day from now on. robin, i made you one. show robin hers. >> i love it. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> awesome. >> i know ginger is not here but monkey is what her fiance calls her so put your own design on it, these are normally 61 to $64. slashed in half, $28. make your own. perfect. >> exactly. here we go. >> one of my favorite brands is lolo bags. i've been asking them to do a deal for us. 50 different silhouettes to choose from. these start at $23 slashed in half, 11.50. amazing. >> that is a great deal. so fabulous. fantastic. and these are for -- >> these are headphones and ear buds. what i love about the headphones is that they are made specifically to work with earrings, normally 100 bucks slashed by 53% starting at $47
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and last but not least in gilt for your home, copper stuff, copper stuff. gorgeous stuff. normally starting at $34 slashed in half, $17 and look at robin. >> beautiful. we're blessed to have all these deals and thanks to all the company, get the links, on yahoo! josh, over to you. >> gorgeous, gorgeous stuff. today's "play of the day" was an amooze bouche. a special 8:00 a.m. edition. i am joined now by 7-year-old gavin simone, sofia and dad matt. you may remember this young man from a video that went absolutely viral where he learned his favorite football player, wide receiver steve smith sr. had been released by his favorite team. take a look. >> now we won't have to root for steve smith on the team. we can't cheer for steve smith on the team. >> now we have to cheer for cam newton. >> who are we going to cheer for
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on sundays now? >> no! >> cam newton. cam newton. >> and on it went. now, first of all, i do want to say this, sofia, glass half full. you are right. you can cheer for cam newton right now. and i do want to say to you, gav, as somebody who's walked your walk, buddy, it's the truest love of all when you give your heart to your favorite teams and your favorite players, so i have for you a new ravens hat for you and i have for you a new baltimore shirt because he's thousand a member of the baltimore ravens and by he, i do mean steve smith sr. who also just might be right here. >> no. >> hey. >> no way. >> look who's here. >> what's up, gavin? how are you doing? hello, sweetheart, how are you doing? >> now, steve. >> ah. >> steve, i know you actually tweeted to him. sit down. you tweeted to him and you said
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i got to find him. >> uh-huh. >> what did you think when you saw it? >> well, i had no idea, and so everybody was -- my daughters had it. my sons had it, and so everybody was contacting me, so i was like, i got to meet him and got to hook him up with some new ravens gear. >> that's awesome. that's great. you're also going to be bringing him to your camp. but we have about 15 seconds left. the camp very quickly, the steve smith sr. -- >> pro camp and we also got the new and only first time steve smith sr. jersey. >> that's awesome. congratulations, gavin. thank you, steve. we'll be right back. go nowhere. ♪ it's not about the money "good morning america's" "deals & steals" is brought to you by bank of america. use your bankamericard cash rewards credit card for these deals and earn cash back. deals and earn cash back.
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good morning, america from hartford, vermont. >> i'm calling from charlotte. i want to say good morning, america. >> hi, i'm clarissa silver from new york city, baby. good morning, america! >> good morning to you too, baby. these are some good morning messages from our thousands of google+ followers. one of the great new features of our "gma" social square studio powered by samsung and i want to thank new baltimore ravens wide receiver steve smith sr. who made that young kid's dream come true. gavin simone, 7 years young holding up his jersey along with his dad and sister sofia. this was gavin when he found out that steve smith sr. had been released by his favorite team
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and so, again -- >> new favorite team. >> you love that jersey. >> it's that love, right, the love when you give away your heart as young gavin did. it's awesome to have a happy ending. thank you steve smith sr. social square and jennifer connelly. great to have her here. taking a few selfies with her fans and she stars in this new movie "noah." we'll talk about one of the most powerful performances you're ever going to see. it is really something. >> big fan. >> can't wait to see. always love having jack hanna here and you know what he does when he comes here, he brings some special friends with him and we can't wait to meet them. >> oh. >> as always. >> my fear level was at a minimum. >> sure. >> not really. also, we have a true social superstar with us this morning, lora is a yoga lover and instagram extraordinaire. hundreds of thousands of followers can't get enough with
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her daughter doing impressive poses all part of a new 2re7dz women using social media to turn their passion into much, much more. reena ninan explains. oh, my. ♪ >> reporter: elyria baldwin has done it from a plane. this woman does it from all over the world. posting poses that turns the lotus pose into loads of opportunity. goddess now has a tv show and silver cloud makes money by offering her followers promotional codes for yoga clothing. it's all part of an insta-trend stemming from instagram if going to do a couple poses. >> reporter: with over-the-top cute mommy/daughter poses featuring jaden, laura has amassed almost 800,000 followers. this photo alone got 67,000 likes. leveraging her legion of loyal
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followers she launched a longtime dream, a brand-new online business with her friend masumi goldman. how did you have the confidence to say you'll do it. >> we were running instagram challenging trying to get the yoga community together on instagram where it started. >> reporter: so how do you get almost a million followers? first make frequent posts. laura posts four to five times a day. next interact with followers, read the comments and respond timely to questions. >> it's really hard to keep up with them. but i really my best. >> reporter: finally watch out for other instagramers with large followers who share the same passion. >> i got a couple shout-outs along the way from other big accounts. >> reporter: even if yoga isn't for you. >> i don't know. my tree is little windy over here. >> reporter: pick your passion and get snapping. for good morning america, reena ninan, abc news, new york. >> i'm telling you, that is absolutely beautiful and laura
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and her mini-me, jaden, has so many fans, we opened it up to our viewers to tell us which pose they wanted to see. the full wheel or the crow pose, over 70,000 votes came in and the top pick is -- winner is -- yes, that right there. the crow pose. >> ah. >> there they are by popular demand, mom and mini-me with that impressive and super adorable crow pose. >> that looks fantastic. >> it's love. >> it's love realized. >> it's the combination. i know we were joking earlier in the week, amy, about having to have patience for yoga. i just recently started doing it and i'm telling you, i know you've been -- >> yeah. >> it's a lot to yoga. >> but beautiful, beautiful to watch. >> beautiful practice and if nothing more you're breathing correctly. >> and i felt peace watching that. >> that looks like one happy parent, i'm just saying, very, very happy parent.
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that's awesome. >> wait till she hits her teen years. final check of the weather with ginger. g ging. >> i'm in times square. in a house. we're building a home inside times square with our sponsor lowe's. take a look at what's happening. all this work partnering with habitat for humanity. a huge effort to bring hammers for habitat to people who really need it. this morning this house is being built for leslie morris and her family from sea bright, new jersey, they lost their homes in hurricane sandy and something that is happening a lot all over the nation obviously. we are joined with dennis knowles and you are with lowe's, of course, the u.s. store executive. tell us about this effort. >> well, hammers for habitat is an effort to drive volunteers, you know, rebuilding communities is not a do it yourself job. we need a lot of volunteers and this is an effort to raise over 100,000 volunteers across the united states. we have ten of these going on across the country and we have our lowe's hero, employees are
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here today and local volunteers from habitat and we need more. >> the families get involved too. >> absolutely. the family, absolutely, are involved. you know. >> yeah. >> help us put this window in. >> i'm going to help real quick and give you an idea what's happening. there's my little effort. there we go and that window is all the way in. around the nation, what's happening. the twitter photos from parts of michigan, that frozen -- hardly springlike but, hey, a pretty picture. in harvard, tim sent this in. the puppy a little unhappy with the snow. a look at the southwest, josh asked for that. looking pretty good f
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>> so we want to thank jonathan rex ford, tom lamb of lowe's helping out behind us. robin, in to you. >> thanks so much. coming up, jennifer connelly here with a sneak peek, okay, you've heard what george said. this is a blockbuster, "noah." he loves it. i can't wait to see it. come on back. get bacon in your burger. booooorrk - it's beef and pork! jack's new bacon insider has a juicy beef patty with bacon mixed right into it, plus bacon strips and bacon mayo on a new gourmet brioche bun.
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get bacon in your burger.moooii.
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♪ i just came to say hello >> there is jennifer connelly in our social square.
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a little selfie there. she is, of course, the star of "noah," the latest biblical epic to hit the big screen. she's going to talk to us in a minute but dan harris went behind the scenes of what it took to make this incredible film. take a look. >> a great flood is coming. >> reporter: as far as blockbusters go "noah" is about as big as they come. >> what did he say? >> he's going to destroy the world. >> reporter: the movie inspired by the biblical tale of one man's edict from god to save man kind is brimming with special effects. >> action. >> reporter: the filmmakers built a mammoth recreation of the ark inself in oyster bay, new york. >> it goes 165 feet in our reality we will extend it digitally to 500 feet. >> it took more than a year to design and six months to build. >> we built it to the actual scope that's described in the bible which is actually a pretty impressive size ship. >> first time i came out to the
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exterior, it was an experience. >> reporter: production taff used actual material available during ancient types to construct the ark. >> the ramp was there to serve one function for reptiles to be able to get up there. or mammoth to get in here. >> reporter: the movie has drawn early controversy from critics who say it veers too far from the bible. but while there may be complaints that director and co-writer darron aronofsky by taking liberties no one can say he went small on the film. for "good morning america," dan harris, abc news, new york. >> and we are here now with jennifer connelly. she plays noah's wife in the film and dan hit it. this is the definition of a big film. >> it's like nothing darren has done before. it's a really epic, rich i think elaborate telling of this story. >> and you play naameh, noah's wife and i think brings so much
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of the humanity. noah played by russell crowe is internalized that god wants to punish everyone. we have a clip here where you're trying to tell him to see the good in his family and his kids. >> is there anything you would not do good or bad for those three boys? we would both choose to kill in order to protect our children. >> yes. >> we're no different. >> they are children. they are our children, noah. have you no mercy? >> you embody the mercy in the film and in so many ways the love that he feels but can't express. >> i think that, you know, she was written as darren and ari wrote my character as a loyal wife but more than anything i think she's defined by her profound maternal love, you know, and chichis such goodness
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in her boys she can't believe it doesn't extend to all of humanity. >> and she even one of the most powerful scenes in the movie has to talk noah out of killing his own grandchildren. but how did you find the character, so little is known, the characters aren't even named in the bible. >> it is true when you read genesis which the story of noah is only a few pages in the bible and you don't really learn anything about noah's wife. you know, as i mentioned earlier darren and ari handel wrote the script and written in the character which was a devoted and committed wife and mother and also very strong emotionally, so, you know, i had that to work from and also did some research myself looking at -- to see what archaeologists had to say about a woman at this time might have been doing, what kind of work she might have done. also read other parts of the bible for inspiration. >> what do you think about this controversy? there has been a fair amount
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stirred up -- whenever you touch something in the bible it's going to create that. i personally found it certainly true to the scenes expressed. >> i think absolutely and i think what you'll find is that the controversy that was generated by people who are speculating or hadn't seen the film yet for the most part and we're now getting feedback from, you know, religious leaders who seen the film and are embracing it and supporting it because i agree with you. i think it really is while it is very creative and very bowl and i think, you know, very complex, really it's true to the spirit of the story in the bible. >> and it is a spell-binding film. jennifer connelly, thanks very much. "noah" hits nationwide friday march 28th. coming up, jack hanna with very special friends staying with the "noah" theme. >> ah, cut
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i gotta have that bag. italian leather? for an amazing deal. [ shopper ] you paid how much for that? [ female announcer ] two stores. two amazing ways to score. t.j.maxx and marshalls.
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fair to say always a wild morning here when jack hanna is in town. of course, the director emeritus of the columbus zoo friend of the program with friends in tow at least we hope so meeting some lemurs, servals and finish off with the river otter. >> he may jump out. just don't touch him. >> this is a beautiful animal. this is a red ruff. >> the largest in the lemur family. feel that coat if you can. >> will he let me pet him? >> is that amazing? >> this is really the moment when jack always says, whatever you do, don't pet the red -- >> yes. >> this is a species we have to pay attention to. >> they are because they're basically gone out of madagascar. >> that was lovely. not sure i was -- these are
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beautiful serval cats. how old? >> about what, 8 weeks old. it's one of the few cats in the world that can actually leap in the air anywhere from six to eight feet and catch a bird flying. they come out of the grass. >> when do they start doing that, jack? >> not now. get about maybe 30 pounds but their back legs and behind legs, you see the ear, the spots. >> how are they in terms of -- >> these are threatened animals in africa because they're spotted. most spotted cats are either endangered -- >> this guy or girl is -- want to stick around for the river otter? can she stick around for the river otter? or not. okay. >> okay. >> it's a tenuous existence. >> whitney and susie and everybody at the zoo. >> i don't want you to go either. >> this is a river otter. >> how are you, river otter? >> oh, yeah. wait. >> is this a normal -- is this the otter when we think of
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otters this is the normal otter. hi, buddy. >> feel that coat. >> okay. i just -- >> you whipped your hand back. >> i do that for -- just for fun. >> okay. hi, buddy. here, smell first. this is -- >> see there. they are so social it's incredible. >> these whiskers. can we talk about the whiskers? that's an important part. >> they like to feel the bottom of the water to feel what they're hunting, eating, that type of thing but this was orphaned so they had to teach it to swim. >> it's good to be an otter. it's great to be an otter. >> i think we otter go. is that funny? >> okay. jack hanna and his wild countdown it airs saturdays on most abc stations. i think we all made it out alive. collective sigh of relief and we'll be right back. ♪
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"good morning america" is brought to you by hilton, hilton is calling you to be a weekender. >> are happy. spring is here as we mentioned. international happiness day. what better time to share our incredible new "happy" video with you. we've had so much sharing with you this week. surprising people who watch our program. just so moved by that. this one features a lot of members of our abc family. take a look.
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♪ it might seem crazy what i'm about to say ♪ ♪ sunshine is here you can take a break ♪ i'm a hot air balloon that could go to space ♪ ♪ with the air like i don't care baby by the way ♪ ♪ because i'm happy clap along if you feel like a room without a roof ♪ ♪ because i'm happy clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth ♪ ♪ because i'm happy clap along if you know what happiness is to you because i'm happy ♪ ♪ clap along if you feel like that's what you wanna do ♪ ♪ here come bad news talking this and that yeah ♪ ♪ yeah well give me all you got and don't hold back yeah ♪
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♪ well i should probably warn you i'll be just fine yeah no offense to you don't waste your time here's why ♪ ♪ because i'm happy clap along if you feel like a room without a roof ♪ ♪ because i'm happy clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth ♪ ♪ because i'm happy clap along if you know what happiness is to you ♪ ♪ because i'm happy clap along if you feel like that's what you wanna do ♪ ♪ hey come on ♪ happy bring me down can't nothing bring me down my level's too high ♪ ♪ bring me down can't nothing bring me down i said let me tell you now ♪ ♪ bring me down can't nothing bring me down ♪ ♪ my level's too high bring me down can't nothing bring me down i said ♪
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♪ because i'm happy clap along if you feel like a room without a roof because i'm happy ♪ ♪ clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth ♪ ♪ because i'm happy clap along if you know what happiness is to you ♪ ♪ hey hey hey because i'm happy clap along if you feel like that's what you wanna do ♪ ♪ because i'm happy clap along if you feel like a room without a roof ♪ ♪ because i'm happy clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth ♪ ♪ because i'm happy clap along if you know what happiness is to you ♪ ♪ because i'm happy clap along if you feel like that's what you wanna do ♪ >> good morning, america. >> ah, i love that! >> pharrell. >> i'm happy. we have such a wonderful family and keep sending your videos to us. we want to see it all.
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>> yeah. >> see you later. hope you all enjoy international happiness day. we are here in times square. thank you for sharing it with us. >> spring has sprung! >> whoo. [ applause ]
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announcer: it's "live with kelly and michael." today, the one and only cher sings for us. and movie man mark wahlberg is here. plus, your chance to win big in our $25,000 tune in to win sweepstakes. all next on "live!" [captioning made possible by isney-abc domestic television] announcer: now here are kelly ripa and michael strahan! cheers and applause] [cheers and applause]


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