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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  March 24, 2014 11:35pm-12:37am PDT

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mobile device with our 7 news app. next newscast at 4:30 tomorrow morning. >> right now on "jimmy kimmel >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- jennifer connelly. from "bad words," rohan chand. and music from sharon jones and the dap-kings. with cleto and the cletones. and now, you should know, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: welcome. i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. [ cheers and applause ]
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thank you for coming to visit. we appreciate it. i'm very happy. thank you. i'm very happy to be at work today. to be honest, i'm happy to be anywhere other than at home today because i was milling around at the house yesterday breaking down boxes so they fit in the recycling bin, which is what i do on the weekends. [ laughter ] i had not a care in the world. it was a beautiful day. i had a bagel for breakfast and an egg. and by an egg i mean two eggs. [ laughter ] and canadian bacon, which in canada they call bacon. they just -- anyway. you know how every once in a while you have an experience that gives you a fresh new perspective on life? yesterday when i strolled out into my back yard i saw this it in my swimming pool. a that rantla. i don't know if you can tell but it's a giant terrifying
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tarantula in the bottom of my pool. i don't know what to do about it. who do you call when this happens? the spider department? i posted that photograph on instagram last night. and i have to say i think it's kind of sad the spider isn't alive to see how many favorites his picture got. there were a lot of comments. somebody wrote "save it if you can. they are so good for your plants and yards. they will eat other harmful insects and rodents." yeah, great. i'll jump in and give it mouth to mouth. [ laughter ] save it if you can. first of all, it's at the bottom of the pool. it's not a fish. it's a spider. it's dead. [ laughter ] and secondly, i'm not touching it. if i have to drain that pool and fill it with cement, i will -- that is what i will do. [ laughter ] because i'm not going in there to get it. so people on instagram said it was not a tarantula. some people said it was a black widow. i've seen black widows.
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unless it's a black widow in a fur coat, that is not a black widow. [ laughter ] i didn't even know we had tarantulas in l.a. did you guys know we had -- i had no -- if i'd known that i never would have moved here. [ laughter ] fortunately, we do have an expert here in our neighborhood. in fact, he works right outside our building on hollywood boulevard. can we go out there right now? yes. hello. [ laughter ] spider-man? >> hi. >> jimmy: how are you doing? >> i'm great. >> spider-man, i have a problem, and i need your expertise if you don't mind. you look great, by the way. the costume's never looked better. [ laughter ] are you wearing jeans? what's going on? oh, okay. i see. got the air jordans. now, we're going to show you a photograph. and will you help me identify what you see? >> okay. >> jimmy: okay. hand spider-man the photograph, please. i found this creature at the bottom of my pool. what is it? >> wow. it looks like a spider.
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[ laughter ] >> jimmy: i know. i know it's a spider, but what kind of spider is it? >> well, that's a beverly hills spider. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: do you think that's a tarantula? >> yeah. yeah. >> jimmy: you've been very, very helpful. thank you, spider-man. >> okay. thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: he's busy fighting crime. bothering him with this. what i really need is the hollywood boulevard spongebob to jump in the pool and drain it for me. [ laughter ] we have some great guests for you tonight. from the new movie "noah" jennifer connelly is here. [ cheers and applause ] with music tonight from sharon jones and the dap-kings. and a young man by the name of rohan chand is here. he's 10 years old, and he co-stars with jason bateman in the very funny new movie "bad words." the movie's very good. i saw it today. he uses a lot of inappropriate words for a boy his age in this movie. [ laughter ] which paired up nicely with the youtube video i found this morning.
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you know, most parents reprimand their kids for using curse words. but this dad took a slightly different approach. he wanted to know what curse words his son knew, so he asked him to list them all. >> tell me all the bad words you know. go. >> crap. shut up. butthead. butthole. and butt crack. butt nut. butt nose. bu buttface. butt head. butt teeth. butthead. and -- >> butt teeth? >> [ bleep ]. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: one of the classics. that's a good one. that tape is going straight to santa claus, young man. [ laughter ] hey, some exciting news for fans
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of "the bachelor." abc announced today that on may 19th we will premiere a brand new spinoff show called "bachelor in paradise." that's right. this is the show that answers the question how many different versions of the same show can chris harrison host? [ laughter ] the show will reportedly give former bachelor and bachelorette favorites a second chance at love by sequestering them in an isolated romantic paradise and leaving them there to die. [ laughter ] "bachelor in paradise." i like it. you know, the original title of the show was "herpes island." [ laughter ] but some sponsor issues. we just kind of assume that british people are smarter than we are because of the accents and the tea. [ laughter ] well, this might shatter that impression. there is a business in london called city dog that's offering classes that teach dogs how to take selfies. the class is called idog clinic. it uses a reward-based system to
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teach dogs how to operate an ipad with their noses. in other words, it teaches dogs to slobber on an ipad. [ laughter ] why would anyone want this? i mean, what -- if you're going to put a dog in a class, how about a class that teaches it to pick up its own poop? that would be -- [ cheers and applause ] because really, if sure eining your dog up for a class on how to take selfies, you need a job and a psychiatrist. [ laughter ] giving ipads to dogs. meanwhile, nine of the octomom's kids still don't have pants. [ laughter ] have you seen the video of the contestant on "wheel of fortune" last week who solved the bonus round puzzle without -- the guy had almost no letters. in case you haven't here it is. >> all right. two more consonants and a vowel. >> h. m. >> two. >> d. >> and a vowel. >> o. >> okay. >> oh, no. >> vanna?
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vanna? hello, vanna? well, this looks tough to me. it's a thing. you're a very good puzzle solver, but i don't know. you have ten seconds. keep talking. maybe the right thing will pop out. good luck. >> new baby buggy? new baby -- new -- oh. [ applause ] >> jimmy: pat almost seemed disgusted. so that guy's name is emill de leon. and his guest was so remarkable i wanted to chat with him to ask him about it. so we got in touch with him. joing us now live via skype from his home in the bay area, emil de leon. hello, emil. [ cheers and applause ] >> hey, jimmy. >> jimmy: congratulations. >> thanks. >> jimmy: i want to ask you a few questions. first of all, have you -- >> always been this good at solving puzzles? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah.
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yeah. have you always been this good at solving puzzles? >> yes, i have, jimmy. it's just something i enjoy. >> jimmy: i see. and what -- >> what's going through my mind when i solved that puzzle with only the first two letters? >> jimmy: yeah. >> i was pretty unhappy. >> jimmy: now, i just have one more question. what does -- >> pat sajak smell like in real life? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. that's exactly -- >> corn chips. he smells like corn chips. >> jimmy: well, that surprises me. i would have guessed prell. well, emil, thank you for -- >> for talking to you? >> jimmy: yes. >> thank you for having me, jimmy. i'm welcome. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's amazing. we have to take a break. when we come back, we'll tell you about -- i spent the weekend with president clinton and his wife and his daughter. i'll tell you about that. we have a march madness edition of our audience guessing game the pedestrian question.
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we're going to find out if people who describe themselves as college basketball fans can name one college basketball player. plus, jennifer connelly, rohan chand, and music from sharon jones and the dap-kings, too. so don't leave me. i need you. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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with unlimited talk and text for 160 dollars a month. only from at&t. to the toughest test i could think of. i call it: canyon swing. ♪ the result, 48 hours of sweat protection. new speed stick gear. engineered for advanced performance.
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>> jimmy: hi, everybody. welcome back. jennifer connelly, 10-year-old rohan chand, and from "bad words," and music from sharon jones and the dap-kings are raring to go tonight. over the weekend i was over at my alma mater. one of my two alma maters. i went to unlv and arizona state university. i was in tempe, arizona moderating a discussion with the
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clinton family. bill, hillary, and their daughter chelsea had an event for their charitable foundation the clinton global initiative. and it was a lot of fun. there were more than 1,000 students from all over the world. smart kids. these kids are not like i was in college. [ laughter ] these kids had like sportcoats. [ laughter ] when i was in college at asu, i'll tell you a story. one of my teachers in the middle of class, she pulled me out of the room. i'd been interjecting during her lessons. and she did not appreciate my participation. she'd had enough. so she pulled me into the hallway in the middle of class and she told me she was thinking about having me thrown oust school. and i said, you can't throw me out, this is college. and she said, yeah, i can. [ laughter ] i said, you can? and she said, yes. and i said, oh, i didn't know you could do that. [ laughter ] i was more interested than anything. anyway, she said you know, you're very funny but you're disrupting the class. and these students are here to learn. and i have to say, that concept, the idea that the students were
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there to learn, had never occurred to me before. [ laughter ] had never, ever crossed my mind. i thought we were there to get through it, you know? like traffic school or something. i thought students go to college to learn in the same way inmates go to prison to be rehabilitated. [ laughter ] for me college was like jail but without all the sex. [ laughter ] but it turns out my teacher was right. some students, and i saw them this weekend, are there to learn. that's a hell of a thing. and those are the kids who showed up. so i behaved myself. and as a reward i got to be a part of what i believe is the first ever selfie featuring all three members of the clinton family. you can see -- look at that. [ cheers and applause ] that's me and some of the students and president clinton just before he gave me what he called a wet billy right in the ear. [ laughter ] president clinton will be here
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on our show next week. i don't know. now that we've taken a selfie, we have to figure out what to do next. maybe we'll take the cinnamon challenge next week. [ laughter ] hey, speaking of college, is anyone here doing well in their ncaa college basketball pool? if you are doing well, it's an accident. there have been so many upsets. my bracket isn't just busted, it's cold busted. i'm in the -- espn has this tournament challenge online, and in the celebrity category i'm in 41st place, which is second to last. i'm just behind gary coleman, and he's been dead for four years? yeah. [ laughter ] he's been dead for four years. apparently, the part of my brain that should be helping me pick basketball games has been damaged from picking so many "dancing with the stars" winners over the years. but people who do do well, you know it's just a coincidence because the number of people who know enough about every team to pick the winners of these games is a very small number. but that doesn't stop people from acting like they know a lot.
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whoever's in first place act like they know. so today we went out on the street and found people who claim to be college basketball fans and we asked them a simple question. can you name a college basketball player? so we'll see a fan, introduce him or herself, we'll stop the video, we'll try to guess if they can name a single college player. okay? all right. let's begin. >> my name is mr. errol tate. i'm orangely from georgia but i'm here in cali now. >> are you enjoying march madness? >> loving it. >> can you name a college basketball player? >> can he name a college basketball player? yes? we're about half and half. >> i don't. can't. but i like basketball. >> jimmy: he likes the idea of it. all right. next. >> i'm bobby miller. i'm from the state of washington. >> and bobby, are you enjoying march madness? >> right now no. but go north carolina. >> and can you name a college basketball player? [ audience responds ] >> jimmy: a lot of yeses. a couple nos.
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>> no, i can't. not currently. >> jimmy: and not ever. next up? >> lindsay mcleod from san luis obispo. >> lindsay, are you enjoying march madness? >> yeah. >> and can you name a college basketball player? [ audience responds ] >> jimmy: most people seem to sayy, which surprises me. >> kobe bryant. [ laughterlf[ laughter ] >> thank you. >> jimmy: and kobe never went to college. next up -- >> hi, my name is elijah naquero from chicago, illinois. >> are you enjoyinging march madness? >> yes, i am. >> and can you name a college basketball player? >> jimmy: can elijah? a lot of yeses, a few nos. >> julius randle. he plays for the university of kentucky wildca cards. >> thank you, my man. go wild cards. >> yeah, go wild cards.
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>> jimmy: we'll give him half credit for that. >> terry. >> can you name a college basketball player? >> oh, college baseball player. >> or baseball. >> ha. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: either a college basketball or baseball player. right? >> he's been a while since i've seen basketball, except for the time when the lakers were one of the best ones. >> let me ask you this. can you name a brand of malt liquor? >> malt liquor? >> jimmy: oh. [ laughter ] let's find out. >> colt 45. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: all right. everybody's an expert in something. tonight on the show from the movie "bad words," 10-year-old rohan chand is here. we have music from sharon jones and the dap-kings. and we'll be right back with jennifer connelly. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by captain morgan white rum. white rum has a new captain. please drink responsibly. where villages floated on water and castles were houses dragons lurked giants stood tall and the good queen showed the boy it could all be real avo: whatever you can imagine, all in one place expedia, find yours [ female announcer ] band-aid brand waterproof tough-strips. designed with a four-sided seal. they're waterproof, shielding out water, dirt, and germs. ♪ 'cause band-aid helps heal me ♪ [ female announcer ] use with neosporin antibiotic.
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[ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: tonight on the show, you can see him starring and spelling alongside jason bateman in the new movie "bad words." starting friday. 10-year-old rohan chand is here. [ cheers and applause ] and then a really great band. i happened to see them this weekend in phoenix. they are from brooklyn. their album is called "give the people what they want." sharon jones and the dap kings from the at&t stage. tomorrow night, nicole kidman will be here, alyson hannigan will join us and we'll have music from jerrod niemann. and later this week, julia louis-dreyfus, jason bateman, from "scandal" katie lowes and music from london grammar and john legend. so please join us for those shows. my first guest tonight is an oscar-winning actress and star of many fine films. in her latest, she co-stars alongside russell crowe and a whole boat full of animals in the new darren aronofsky movie "noah." it opens in theaters friday, please welcome jennifer connelly.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> hello. >> jimmy: good to see you. >> nice to see you. >> hey, i should ask you this. you might know because of the noah movie. did noah bring tarantulas on the ark? >> all the creatures. >> jimmy: you had a babe grirl since the last time you were here. >> absolutely. >> jimmy: congratulations. >> we had a baby girl. agnes. >> jimmy: you have two boys and a girl. >> two boys and a girl. >> jimmy: is it more fun raising a girl? >> i don't know. they're all fun. they're all wonderful. we're having an amazing time. and they're all different. i don't know if it's gender difference. i think it's just personality difference. you know? she's -- but she's so much fun. she's -- you know, she's friendly. she's so social. she's so extroverted. >> jimmy: that's good. is that how you were when you were a kid?
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>> i was a -- not quite as xro extroverted as her. she's very fiery. she was running around the house yesterday in her diaper with a mustache drawn on with eyeliner we had made her. she wanted to be captain hook. and we had broken off the top of a hanger. and she had -- that was her hook. and she was just going "har, harrr." i was trying to give her other things to say and she'd just say "harrr." >> jimmy: really? a hanger? this is how children entertain themselves in places that have no stores. wow. how about that? >> we're old school. but i was -- i don't know. >> jimmy: you weren't like that? you weren't the captain? >> i was into evel knievel. i was into the fonz. >> jimmy: me too. >> i think i was a little quieter. >> jimmy: the fonz. did you have the lunchboxes for evel knievel and -- >> i had a jacket. i had a fonz jacket. >> jimmy: really? wow.
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[ applause ] >> thank you. thank you. >> jimmy: they have a motorcycle in common, the fonz and evel knievel. is that what it was? >> i had a sttricycle. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you were not riding a motorcycle? >> that's a good look. >> jimmy: do you take your daughter with you when you do these tours where you're going around doing publicity for the film? >> yeah, i do. i haven't left her yet. she's 2. she's almost 3. it's going to have to come up one of these days. >> jimmy: so she goes with you everywhere? >> yeah. so she's here in l.a. with us now. she came to iceland. and actually, we filmed in iceland this movie over the summer. so the whole family was able to come. >> jimmy: a 2-year-old in icela iceland. yeah. that's something. she probably has -- >> oh, she had an amazing time. she has fun everywhere. she loves airplanes. she loves people. literally when we're on an airplane we walk up and down the aisle, she says hi to people. she sees people, she'll go oh, oh, oh. people sleeping. she goes oh, oh, oh. gives them a little kiss. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. she's a stitch. >> jimmy: that's adorable and a little bit annoying.
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[ laughter ] nobody reacts badly, though, because then they see it's you and they're like oh, of course. bless me with your kisses or whatever. [ laughter ] wow. that's something, to be a kid and -- i don't think i traveled -- i went anywhere outside of brooklyn until i was like 8 years old or something. >> yeah. i spent a lot of time in brooklyn as a kid myself. and i don't think i went out of the country before i was about 11. >> jimmy: what is iceland like? we've got some finns here. they don't say anything. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] i don't know if it's a similar thing, but -- they're from finland. you can barely get two words out of them. [ laughter ] >> you know they're different countries. >> jimmy: i know. but they have land on the end of it. it's finland, iceland, disneyland, right? [ laughter ] >> so here's one thing that we did in iceland. i thought this was interesting. we went inside a volcano.
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not an active volcano. we went inside a volcano. and this is what happens. we go. we went with my husband, paul, our two sons. and first you go hiking. you go walking across the surreal landscape. it's moss. it's like this thick spongy moss as far as you can see. it's so stark but gorgeous, right? in a surreal way. and we were talking to the person who's guiding us, who's i'm assuming a geologist. and she's telling us about the landscape and the vol cane sxoez how they formed and all the lava tubes and showing us all these things. very cool. we get to the mouth of the volcano. it's starting to seem a bit dicey because there's the mouth of the volcano and what looks like a metal ladder stretched over the mouth of the volcano. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and from that they've got ropes hanging down and like some winches. it looks like a painter's scaffold, right? and there's a little gangplank and you walk over and you get onto the scaffold and that's your thing.
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they're going to lower you into this volcano with your kids, right? [ laughter ] okay. and we go, and it kind of goes errr, like this, makes a horrible metallic screech, and is kind of lopsided. and they're laughing, ha, ha, ha. a little herky-jerky. i'm like yeah, cute. anyway, they straight ten out, we keep going down, it's like this the whole time. i'm trying to be really game, looking like a goober with my helmet on and the light, the miner's light. it's getting darker and darker. the light goes on. i'm trying to laugh. tears are actually streaming down my face. i'm terrified. >> jimmy: really? >> and i'm thinking, we're with professionals. this is cool. they do this all the time. they lower us down and down and down. the light just like a tiny little bit of light up at the top. and it's filled with these massive boulders. right? it's very treacherous, uneven terrain. i'm talking to this woman. what's your background? how did you come to do this? she goes, actually, a funny thing. i'm an actress.
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you're an actress? she's like, yeah, we're all actors. everyone here, we're all actually actors. i was like, so you're not like a rescue guide or something? you know, like emergency medical person or a geologist or -- no, no. we're all actors. >> jimmy: what? >> they tell us what to say. but okay, this is cool. and now what? she says oh, you can scramble around if you want. inside the volcano. [ laughter ] over the big boulders. and i was like scramble where? she said, oh, that's an amazing tunnel that goes down hundreds of feet and it's just like black. like this black long tunnel into darkness over these rocks with a bunch of actors completely unsupervised. no lights. just your little headlamp. with your kids. >> jimmy: so they were not real tour guides? >> no. >> jimmy: was it a real volcano or was it paper mache? >> yeah, it was a real volcano.
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like hundreds of feet down into the volcano. >> jimmy: this sounds terrible. >> this is like a wild, wild frontier. >> jimmy: i'm never going to finland or iceland now. [ laughter ] >> it was amazing. >> jimmy: jennifer connelly is here. the movie's called "noah." we'll be right back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by at&t. rethink possible. using night-vision goggles to keep an eye on my spicy buffalo wheat thins. who's gonna take your wheat thins? i don't know. an intruder, the dog, bigfoot.
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could you get the light? [ loud crash ] what is going on?! honey, i was close! it's a yeti! [ male announcer ] must! have! wheat thins! to the toughest test i could think of. i call it: canyon swing. ♪ the result, 48 hours of sweat protection. new speed stick gear. engineered for advanced performance. new speed stick gear. do you really think... that when you've been set up accused and convicted ...a new car can put it all behind you? depends on the car. see the all-new 2015 ford mustang in need for speed. now playing.
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loyalty. kindness. ham is integrity. good men.
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>> shem is blinded by desire. ham is covetous. and only to please. i'm no better. and you? is there anything you would not do, good or bad, for those three boys? we would both choose to kill in order to protect our children. >> yes. >> we're no different. >> they are children. they are our children, noah. have you no mercy? >> jimmy: that is jennifer connelly and russell crowe in "noah." [ cheers and applause ] this is the second time you and russell have been married on film. >> yeah. our second marriage on film. >> jimmy: there's a lot of controversy about this, which is odd. every time there's a movie about religion, some religious subject, there seems to be -- people get angry before they even see it. sometimes they see it and they get angry. sometimes afterwards they're okay with it. why are people up in arms -- >> there was controversy.
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>> jimmy: it has been stomped out? >> well, i think that the controversy was really, as you've alluded to, it was speculation. debate amongst people who haven't seen the film yet. >> jimmy: because darren aronofsky was involved in the film? do you think that maybe had something to do with it? >> now i'm speculating on what people were speculating about. >> jimmy: see, that's what we do here. >> see what he's trying to get me to do? [ laughter ] i'm speculating on speculation. now people who are creating controversy who are seeing it i think are supporting the movie and embracing it. >> jimmy: the pope gave the film his blessing. true? >> i don't -- i don't know about that. >> jimmy: oh. i thought i saw that in the newspaper, that the pope -- guillermo, the pope gave the film his blessing. is that true? >> yes. i saw in the newspaper. >> jimmy: it's true. [ laughter ] >> well, i'll say this about it. you know, i think that what people are coming to it from a religious background will see is that the movie, while it's bold, while it's innovative, it's a
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darren aronofsky movie, it's very striking, and i think it shatters expectations, it is true to the spirit of the story that is written in the bible. >> do you have big floods coming on the set or was it fake? or how do you handle that? i mean, there was a flood. is there a flood in this movie? [ laughter ] >> there's a flood. >> jimmy: you know, i know the song -- ♪ the lord said to noah there's gonna be ♪ you know that song? is that song in the movie? [ applause ] >> that's so funny. i wanted it to be in the movie. >> jimmy: it should have been in the movie. it's not in the movie? you know what? we'll put together a little music video. that would be great. at the end. and the animals are singing. >> in the credit sequence. >> jimmy: it's not too late for the dvd. >> it's not. >> jimmy: well, it's very good to see you. please give my best to your husband paul. i know he'll be here in a few weeks. jennifer connelly.
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"noah" in theaters on friday. we'll be right back with rohan chand. [ cheers and applause ] >> portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by captain morgan white rum. white rum has a new captain. please drink responsibly. hd 3
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all-new smart electric drive. just $139 a month. ♪ >> jimmy: still to come, sharon jones and the dap-kings. our next guest is too young actually to see the movie he's here to promote. he's 10 years old. he was discovered at a little league game. just like daniel day-lewis. his new movie alongside jason bateman is called "bad words." >> you're the one who's competing, huh? i heard about you. what was your winning word? >> i don't know. >> what was the word you spelled to win your regional? to get here. >> i don't [ bleep ] remember. do you see my eyes closed? >> mine was intelligentsia. >> awesome. >> come on, try. how could you forget? it's such a special word.
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>> it was autofellatio. >> i've never heard of that word. what is the origin? >> loneliness. >> jimmy: "bad words" opens friday. please welcome rohan chand. [ cheers and applause ] it's great to have you here. i saw your movie. it's very funny. and you did a great job in it. >> thank you. >> jimmy: really, really, really good. what grade are you in? >> i'm in fourth grade now. >> jimmy: fourth grade. you go to public school in brooklyn? >> yes, i do. >> jimmy: so you got the day off of school today, then? >> yeah. my teacher sent me homework with me because we have a big test. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what kind of test is it? >> english language arts. >> jimmy: you don't have to worry about that. you're the spelling bee champion from the movie. do you like -- what's your
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favorite subject? >> writing. that's my favorite subject. >> jimmy: you like writing. what's your least favorite subject in school? >> math. >> jimmy: math. well, you don't need to know math. all you need to know is how to count your millions of dollars. [ laughter ] because you're a big movie star. right? what do you like to do after school? do you participate in extracurricular activities? >> well, on mondays i play tennis. >> jimmy: nice. >> and on saturdays i do gymnastics. >> jimmy: hold on. let me get my pen. [ laughter ] what time are the gymnastics? >> gymnastics is at 10:30 or something like that, i think. >> jimmy: okay. how long does that go? >> i don't know. till like 11:30. >> jimmy: do i have to stay for the whole thing or can i drop you off and come get -- [ laughter ] >> i don't know. i think you can drop me off. >> jimmy: okay. good. i'll figure it out with your parents. i heard you're a guitar player also. >> yes, i am. >> jimmy: what kind of music do you like? >> ac/dc.
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[ applause ] >> jimmy: how did you wind up getting interested in music like that? >> well, my friend, he now lives in rhode island. but he introduced me to ac/dc and the ramones. >> jimmy: really? is he a 64-year-old friend? [ laughter ] >> no. he's probably around the same age as me. >> jimmy: he is? wow. you know, those groups have been around for a very long time. >> i know. yeah. >> jimmy: what's your favorite ac/dc song? >> "back in black" and "hell's bells." [ applause ] >> jimmy: you really know your stuff. did you have fun working with jason bateman in the movie? >> i had lots of fun, yeah. jason was a really good director because he gave very specific directions. >> jimmy: he did. >> and he also made everybody feel so comfortable in the character. >> jimmy: did he tell you to say that? [ laughter ] >> no. no, he didn't. >> jimmy: you know, jason was an actor when he was your age, too. >> yeah. >> jimmy: did he tell you that? >> he did.
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as you said, he's a child actor himself. so he knew how i wanted to be treated and how i felt. >> jimmy: oh, that's nice. >> so he treated me like a professional. i really respect that. >> jimmy: you seem more professional than me. i don't blame him for treating you like a professional. [ laughter ] [ applause ] even your suit is nice. >> my dad takes responsibility. >> jimmy: your dad got your suit? >> yeah. >> jimmy: yeah. when you get the script, your parents i assume read the scripts before you get them. >> yes. they always do. but my -- when my parents got this, when my parents read the sides, they were like, who speaks to a kid like this? >> jimmy: yeah, right. >> so -- >> jimmy: there's a lot of bad words in the movie "bad words." >> yeah. but when my parents read the whole script, they were like, wow, this is a really good script. and andrew dodge did a really good job writing that, by the way. >> jimmy: uh-huh. he did. i agree with you. he did. it's very funny. >> yeah. >> jimmy: did you read the whole script? >> absolutely not.
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[ laughter ] >> jimmy: have you seen the whole movie? >> i have. but my dad tells me to look down, i have to look down. that's the rule. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: but some of the things that you're looking down you were like you're in, so what's -- you were there already. it's like looking at your own home movies. >> you know, even jason pointed that out too. [ laughter ] he told my dad, well, are you going to let him see it? and my dad was like, well, maybe. so jason was like, well, you know he's in the worst parts, right? [ laughter ] so i did get to see it. >> jimmy: you did get to see it. >> i'm happy jason stood up for me. >> jimmy: when you get the script and some of the bad words come from your character in the movie. >> yeah. >> jimmy: is that fun, to be able to say those words? >> a bit, actually, yeah. [ laughter ] but my dad said that if it's part of the character i'm allowed to say bad words, but if i'm at home and it's not part of the character i won't be acting
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anymore. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh. so if you curse at home, then you're not going to be allowed to act anymore. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and do you believe that -- i mean, do you believe he would hold you to that? >> yeah. >> jimmy: oh, you do. yeah. >> yeah. >> jimmy: when your dad disciplines you, he sticks with it. he doesn't give up like i do with my kids? [ laughter ] like all right. go ahead. you know what would be good. you curse in the house, then run in the other room, pretend to be steven spielberg on the other phone, and test your father to see how committed he really is to this what we call discipline. [ laughter ] you understand what i'm saying? >> i do. >> jimmy: do you have brothers and sisters? >> i have a younger sister, yeah. she's 7 years old. but she rules the house. >> jimmy: oh, she does? >> she does. >> jimmy: in what way does she rule the house? >> she bosses everybody around. whenever we're at the dinner table sometimes i'm really tired, so i put my elbows on the table. but -- >> jimmy: she doesn't like that? >> no. she says, "no elbows on the
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table." [ laughter ] so we call her the elbow police now. >> jimmy: the elbow police. i like that. is she interested in acting also? >> no. >> jimmy: she is not. >> she has a future as a critic. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> yeah. >> jimmy: is that right? >> yeah. >> jimmy: does she criticize your work? >> yes. always. >> jimmy: she does. >> but on my first movie, "jack and jill," she was like, rohan, you do good work but i'm not impressed. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: wow. and how old was she at that time? >> i think like 3 1/2 or 4. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: she is tough, huh? >> yeah. >> jimmy: do you think she will get to see this movie or no? >> no. she hasn't been able to see like my two last movies. >> jimmy: that's probably for the best, right? >> yeah. because "lone survivor" is r-rated. "bad words" is r-rated. and the next movie i might be in, like that's a kid's movie, may come out in 2016. >> jimmy: don't let her see that one.
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>> she'll be heartbroken. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: so? what do you care? [ laughter ] >> well, i have to be the responsible older brother. >> jimmy: oh, all right. well, i will say, maybe your sister wasn't, but i am very impressed. you did a terrific job in the movie. [ cheers and applause ] and it's a great movie. it's called "bad words." it opens nationwide on friday. rohan chand. thank you, rohan. we'll be right back with sharon jones and the dap kings. >> the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by at&t. rethink possible. ♪
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>> if you could change your name, what would you change it to? >> robert. >> robert. hmm. what about you? >> gentlem >> jamarcus. i'd be jamarcus kimmel. >> yeah, you are jamarcusy. did you know your mama is so nasty she bit your dog and gave her rabies? >> that's your mother, too. she's a lovely woman. and she doesn't have a dog. >> you're right. >> what's wrong with you? >> i was trying to be funny, and i screwed up. i'm really sorry. >> you should be. >> it's dumb. it's just dumb. >> so if i pinch myself, can you feel it? >> i don't know. >> let me try. you didn't feel that?
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>> yeah, i did. i'm just tough. >> you're not just tough. you're the toughest. >> ahhh. >> captain morgan white rum. the answer to all liefs ridiculous questions. ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing really good around ♪
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♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of living off the taste of the air ♪ ♪ turn around, barry ♪ finally, i have a manly chocolatey snack ♪ ♪ and fiber so my wife won't give me any more flack ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪
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the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by at&t. rethink possible. >> jimmy: i want to thank jennifer connelly, rohan chand and apologize to matt damon, we ran out of time. "nightline" is next, but first, this is their album. it's called "give the people what they want." here with the song "making up and breaking up," sharon jones and e dap-kings! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ we can't keep making up and breaking up and making up and breaking up over again ♪ ♪ making up and breaking up and making up and breaking up over again ♪ ♪ our love's like humpty dumpty up on the wall ♪ ♪ and just like humpty dumpty it had a great fall ♪ ♪ and all this huggin'
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and all this kissin' can't put back together the love we're missing ♪ ♪ we can't keep making up and breaking up and making up and breaking up over again ♪ ♪ making up and breaking up and making up and breaking up over again ♪ ♪ i know the lyric goes i've been your fool but in this case that old line just ain't cool ♪ ♪ 'cause i been strong though i been trying and i ain't the only one that ends up crying ♪ ♪ we can't keep making up and breaking up and making up and breaking up over again ♪ ♪ making up and breaking up and making up and breaking up over again ♪ ♪
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♪ yeah ♪ we can't keep making up and breaking up and making up and breaking up over again ♪ ♪ making up and breaking up and making up and breaking up over again ♪ ♪ we can't keep making up and breaking up and making up and breaking up over again ♪ ♪ making up and breaking up and making up and breaking up over again ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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♪ tonight on "nightline," breaking news. the official word, no survivors from flight 370. the question is why? malaysia airlines facing questions about why their plane changed its flight path so drastically, vanishing in the indian ocean thousands of miles from its destination. i'm scared of you. a fashion model and reality star -- >> hey, guys, i'm reeva. >> killed on valentine's day by her beloved boyfriend, one of the fastest men on earth. today in court their troubled relationship in the spotlight. >> i'm scared of you sometimes. >> final text messages reveal her secret fear.


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