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tv   ABC7 News 900AM  ABC  May 18, 2014 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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>> good morning, everyone, i'm carolyn tyler. thanks for joining us on this sunday, may 18th. let's start with a quick look at the weather with our meteorologist lisa argen. >> hi there, carolyn. we have a mix of high clouds and low clouds this morning. there is live doppler 7hd making for a partly sunny start to the day. here's a look at santa cruz where yesterday you managed upper 70s. today it will be cooler in the mid-70s. in santa rosa it's already 63 degrees. and out toward the livermore valley. we're shaping up to have a pretty nice morning from san jose. look at the clouds. this is pretty nice. you can see them beginning to
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break up. we will look for temperatures around the bay today. low 20 mid-700 #* # 70s inland but at the coast the winds pick up out of the west and perhaps gusts up to 30 miles an hour. we will talk about a cool down and the possibility of a two raindrops coming up in a few minutes. care lip. >> lisa, thank you. happening now, a bay area tradition is currently underway in san francisco. this is a live look right now from sky 7hd at the bay to breakers race which kicked off about an hour ago. the 103rd bay to breakers got off to a slow start. in fact there was a delay this morning for more than 23 minutes because there was some unsecure scaffolding on the hayes street hill. that's the rigorous hill that the runners sometimes hate to have to run, but they do. but the scaffolding, they had to wait to get it in place so that delayed the race about 23 minutes. most of the 40 or so runners are there. they are expected to have some
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fun today. there are some new rules in place this year. they are trying to keep nudity at bay. they also say no alcohol and no backpacks, no things on wheels. we will hear from our reporter, sergio, a little later to tell us how the new rules are happening, if people are obeying them. again, here's a live look at the more than 40,000 runners, some in those wacky costumes, as they head out on the 103rd bay to breakers going from the embarcadero to ocean beach. >> developing news. a traffic accident involving multiple vehicles after 2:00 in the morning off the old oakland road off-ramp. a motorist came across an
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existing accident and crashed into an existing car. another vehicle drove into the area, slamming into a wall. motorcyclist was seriously hurt and has been taken to the hospital. no word yet on his condition. that accident, of course, is under investigation. this morning authorities are trying to determine the cause of a fire in san francisco's inner sunset district. the fire started just after 9:00 last night in the garage, spreading to the first and second floors of the home near 15th avenue and irving street. it took about 15 minutes to bring it under control. no one was hurt, through there was concern someone may have been trapped inside but that person was later found safe. a huge fight going on in southern california this morning. at least ten fires have crewed a destructive path through san diego county since tuesday, destroying more than 100 structures. we have the latest on the firefighting efforts. >> the price in san diego
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county. this morning firefighters are still working to contain four of the ten wildfires tearing through the county since tuesday. this new one erupting saturday. three of the fires are burning on camp pendleton. marines there joining the aerial assault on the flames. some of them just back from a different fight in afghanistan. more than 1,000 firefighters called in. 25,000 acres scorched, one dead, and already nearly $20 million in damage. this driver, learning just how quickly the wildfires are moving, when the flames fly up over the hillside over homes and nearly right up to his wheels. what's left for many families is priceless. >> we used to have two giant pillars that supported the house. >> the gilmore family in karlstad, now salvage memories just hours before his senior prom 18-year-old adam recovered one of the few remaining momentous of his childhood. >> one of the few things was a
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woody little toy here. >> these inmate crews are now working together with firefighters to get control of the wildfires. cooler temperatures and calmer winds are helping them get the upper hand, but it's just not enough to reduce the fire danger here and across the state. two-thirds of california in extreme drought after another winter and spring with almost no rain. fire officials are pleading with residents here to think about fire prevention, sag it doesn't take much in conditions like these to start a major fire. they say the first fire was started by sparks from a construction vehicle. abc news, san marcos, california. this morning governor jerry brown spoke about the wildfires in california. on "this week" mr. brown said while the firefight depends a lot on the weather, the situation in san diego is under control. >> it's under control for the moment, but we are very -- we
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have a very serious fire season, more serious than we've seen before. we have to watch and be very careful. we are in the third year of a very dry season. we are getting ready for the worst. we don't want to anticipate before we know, but we need a full compliment of firefighting services. >> the climate continues to change and the state must gear up and prepare for increasing combust ability. >> an oakland girl and her family should be celebrating her ninth birthday but instead she is fighting for her life. she is in critical condition. the girl was playing on her porch when a stray bullet hit her. it came from four houses the oakland mayor said officers
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are working to find those responsibility. >> this is going to be the police department's top priority this week. we have people in the field and we want people to come forward and tell us what they know. >> you are media partner, "the oakland tribune" reports the intended target of the shooting is 47 years old. he was hit twice. he is expected to survive. >> now to the other story this morning. a three-year-old boy is recovering in the hospital after nearly drowning in a brentwood swimming pool. it happened around 5:30 yesterday evening. firefighters were able to revive the boy. he was taken by ambulance to keiser hospital. a medical helicopter was responded but was cancelled after the boy regained consciousness. three bodies have been recovered and identified from folsom lake east of sacramento. you may recall we told you about a boat that capsized there. that was a week ago with four men on board.
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the eldorado coroner's office said the bodies of 54-year-old man and 53-year-old man were found yesterday afternoon. the body of a 47-year-old man was recovered friday. 48-year-old john smith was also thought to have been aboard the boat when it crashed last saturday. the group's speedboat was believed to have been traveling more than 100 miles an hour before it crashed. >> happening now a commercial cargo ship is on its way home after spending about a month in space. the driver space x left the space station around 6:00 this morning. it's coming back with nearly two tons of science experiments and old equipment. he's schedule today splashdown in into the pacific ocean around baja, california around noon. the race is off and the weather for the racers? >> pretty nice. 59 in the city, 60 at the
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airport. we've watched the fog come in the last couple of hours. from the exploratorium camera, partly sunny conditions. we have a weather system coming in that could bring a few sprinkles, maybe a thunderstorm. i'll explain coming up. >> also ahead, a warning for a pet owners. the new concern about coyotes in the south bay. and imagine getting around the bay area like this. the big announcement from the company that makes this airplane. and here is another look from sky 7hd showing you the bay to breakers well underway this morning as those racers head from the embarcadero to ocean beach.
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>> welcome back, everyone. it's 9:13 on this sunday morning. this is a live look from sky 7hd showing you that wacky san francisco tradition known as bay to breakers. it is underway with 40,000 official runners, plus the unknown numbers that simply jump on to the course wearing costumes, some wearing nothing at all. organizers this year are hoping to crack down a little bit on that nudity. also no alcohol, no large backpacks, no wheelies. but still, a lot of fun. lisa argen will be along shortly to talk about the race conditions and the weather where you are coming up.
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>> at&t is another step closer to acquiring satellite broadcasting giant directv. "los angeles times" reports the two companies need their boards of directors to approve the $50 billion transaction. an agreement could be reached as early as today. the deal will allow at&t to shut down it's u-verse television service and free up its fiber lines which will increase broadband speed to u-verse customers. a popular new milbrea restaurant has until tomorrow to show it can fix parking and noise complaints. while the new restaurant has been drawing in the customers, residents say it's also causing marking and noise problems in the nearby neighborhood. the restaurant has until tomorrow to build a
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sound barrier wall and solve parking problems. coyotes are back. they are causing problems in parts of the south bay. this morning los gatos police are warning residents to keep a eye on pets and small children. lips after two recent attacks. lisa amin gulezian has more from the south bay. >> there's two bedrooms here. >> rocco wasn't expected to survive. >> two here on his back and tail. >> the ten-year-old tabby is still healing after a coyote attack a few weeks ago. it happened in front of this man's house. he scared it off just in time. >> i walked out and saw him in the coyote's mouth. he was moving. but it was -- i didn't think he would survive. >> they really don't. coyotes are aggressive. they travel in packs and are moving into more of los gatos. rocco was attacked just two blocks from downtown. residents are worried. >> be more aware, more cautious, especially with my son.
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>> but the problem is coyotes are becoming way too comfortable in these areas. they have even been spotted hunting in the daytime. >> very intelligent, very adaptable animal. so they are going to go where they can find those elements that keep them going. >> like food and water and, of course, small animals. there have also been a few human close encounters. joggers and people walking their dogs have reported having coyotes following them and watching them. >> it is scary. really scary. >> that's why homeowners are banding together and keeping an eye on each other's animals. she was finally able to thank her neighbor. >> thank you for saving him from the coyote! >> lisa amin gulezian, abc7 news. california chrome has a chance to be the first triple crown winner in 36 years. >> california chrome has won the preakness!
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>> the northern california owners and trainers cried as their colt won the preakness, the second leg of the triple crown. the owners, perry and martin, live in yuba city and now a hometown hero has turned into a california hero. >> california is number one! >> yes, totally! i knew, i knew california chrome was going to win. he's going to win the triple crown. >> well, since california chrome won, yuba city's mayor has announced the city will block off a street downtown and host a watch party for the belmont stakes for the final leg of the triple crown, by is an june 7th. >> if you have ever dreamed of having your own airplane, you will want to see this next story. a small company that vowed to change aviation is already doing big things in one local community. jonathan bloom has the story
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from vacaville. >> how would you like to have one of these. >> 24 video was produced for what is called the a-5. $180,000, it's airplanes, boat and folds up. >> allows it to have a small footprint to be stored in your garage. the founder is standing in front of all these people to make an announcement. >> we are moving to vacaville. ovation. you see, in this factory here in vacaville, the he plans to reimagine the airplane the same way apple reimagined the telephone. >> with great engineering, and you make it appeal to the human being at an emotional level. >> clearly it's working. listen to how the normally strait-laced politicianst talking about it. >> talk about cute. >> i look forward to trying this little baby out. >> i want to go over and hug it, don't you? run your hand over it. say, daddy, can i buy one?
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>> the mere idea of the a-5 is so popular it's filled up orders for the first three years. but the dignitaries and politicians are not just creating airplanes here, they are creating jobs. this is good-paying, blue-collar jobs that we need in abundance. >> assemblyman tim fraser got tax incentives to bring them here. >> the congressman helps get tax incentives to bring the jobs here. he said it goes beyond the jobs created locally. >> there is a supply train that goes way beyond this. all of avionics, other are made throughout the united states. this is strictly made for america. >> but a former air force pilot it's about sharing the passion of flying. >> they want to fly, want to learn to fly and now they can. >> part of the factory is a flight school where people when pick up their planes can train for the faa's new sports pilot
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license. abc7 news. >> we have the names of the winners of the by to break hears crossed the finish line. for the men, jeffrey kenissey and the woman diane johnson. congratulations to those two. i'm wondering if the weather played a part in making them fleet of foot? >> well, there was fog then but by the time the stragglers get there there will be a break in the fog. there is a gray seen along the coast. particularly live doppler 7hd. you see the swirl on the upper area of your screen. it's an area that will be continuing to influence our weather today, and tomorrow. it's going to head south of the bay and as it does it could bring the chance of a thunderstorm, more likely just some mountain showers. and we hope not any dry lightning around here because there's not a lot of moisture with the system. we won't probably see any rain, but the possibility of a few showers. here's mt. tam right now where you can see the low clouds and
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the fog. temperatures in the low 60s from oakland to san carlos. good morning, san jose. half moon bay, quarter mile visibility. lots of fog there. overall two to six degrees warmer this morning than yesterday at this time. we are fogged in. way up high vollmer peak in morning. this is the east bay hills camera where we can't see a thing due to the low clouds. 57 napa. concord, good morning to you, 62. 63 livermore. here's a look at another vantage point from san jose where it looks pretty good out there with partly cloudy conditions. sunny and breezy along the coast. winds a little breezy, even in the valleys. 16 to 18 mile-an-hour winds from concord to livermore. here's the visible pictures turning orange. you can see some of the cirrus clouds there. the low clouds banked up along the coast. that's where they are going to sit. it's going to be a cool, somewhat bluster there. there is the low.
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it's kind of sitting there now bringing showers to the pacific northwest but eventually it does drift down through central california and then southern california and here's the timing of it. we get back to the clouds tonight with the fog. tomorrow morning 11:00 notice there are plenty of cloud cover. here are the showers. kind of around the bay area. the higher elevations. by monday night. tuesday we are not done with it. here's the better chance of showers and thunderstorms tuesday morning. not much once again because there's not a lot of moisture. but we will have the lift, the instability and that's what creates the possibility of dry lightning and possibly not much in the way of moisture. right through tuesday afternoon could see a shower that finally pushes south and we will get into high pressure. build be wednesday back to more seasonable readings around here. in fact a little warmer. 64 monterey. breezy winds from the mountain in suggesten california with the moisture moving into southern california. highs today ranging from mid-60s in the city with the west to
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northwest wind. 66 richmond. oakland upper 60s for fremont with low 70s in palo alto and san jose. kind of a typical afternoon for the season. accuweather seven-day forecast. tomorrow we will look for numbers slightly cooler and as the low pushes overhead monday and tuesday, high fire danger. but we are always in the high fire danger season but this kind of enhance things. it moves through and by wednesday, thursday, friday we are getting a little warmer. we will let you know how warm it will take my bicycle your community and ka can keep track of it on twitter @livedoppler 7hd. the instability is more what we are worried about with the possibility of lightning. >> at least the scorcher weather is gone? >> gone. >> up next, a science project for girls only. a look at how a local group of engineering students is trying to inspire the next generation.
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>> happening today, the fourth annual asian and pacific islander cultural festival is set to get underway in almeda. it will showcase local artists and vendors as part of the pacific heritage month. there will be live music and cooking contests and readings.
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it will be today at alameda south shore center until girls from three south bay high schools spent yesterday building. they teamed up to build hand prothesis. a group called helping hands sells the kits to schools and companies and then distributes the finished product. the program has grown from twelve students to more than 40 in the past three years. up next on the abc7 sunday morning news, did an animal lover go too far? the story of one man's search for his missing dog. and an assisted living facility in the bay area encounters a serious problem, leaving residents with only weeks to find a new home.
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>> welcome back, everyone. we are starting this half-hour with a look at the weather with our meteorologist lisa argen. >> hi, carolyn, good morning to you. here's a look from our roof camera. clouds in the picture. temperatures in the 60s. we are from two to six degrees warmer than yesterday at this time. it is breezy from concord to livermore. napa pretty mild right now. here's a look, a visible picture where the fog is banked up from south of point reyes all the way down the san mateo coast and the higher clouds there. we will look for the sea breeze to strengthen throughout the day today. we will clear the rest of the bay area and sunny day with temperatures just a few degrees cooler. the possibility of a shower, maybe a thunderstorm. that's what we will talk about in a few minutes. carolyn. >> thank you, lisa. happening now, thousands of runners are spread out across the streets of san francisco for the bay to breakers.
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abc7 news reporter sergio is live at the finish line. sergio, that race was delayed for more than 20 minutes. what was going on? >> well, as you mentioned, this has been delayed. this is an iconic race that this year is under new management. they unfortunately started the race almost a half an hour behind schedule. a lot of the runners just started passing the finish line here just about half an hour ago. the delay of the race seems to be because of some problems with signs along the route. the scheduled start time was 8:00 a.m. but that kept getting pushed. from sky 7hd you see the elite runners finally bolted past the starting line at about 8:25, nearly half an hour behind schedule. the problem with some unsecured scaffolding on hayes hill. crews had to make sure that was secured before they could get the racers on the course. while the delay was not part of
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the plan nor the new management team, their promise was a crackdown on a lot of the problems the last few years. just before some of the race some of the costumes were on full display, as well as plenty of bare skin. about 40,000 participants in the event. this is my first time. i come for the parade, but now i come to race. we will see what happens. >> a lot of the runners are actually still just getting past that beginning line. i was mentioning, it will likely take the better part of the morning to get here to the finish line. that's if they actually do make it here. there were some pretty serious runners who made it here within about a half-hour, as i
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mentioned. the lead male run wares jeffrey keneese. the lead female runner, diane johnson. abc7 news. >> sergio, i know one of the rules they were going to try to track down on nudity. i'm assuming you saw everyone with their clothes on this morning? >> some with more clothes than others. some of the new rules were supposed to be no backpacks and no alcohol, no nudity, but there's a lot of people here running in little teeny tiny clothes. >> thanks, sergio. we will see you later. >> a san jose man is reunited with his puppy after someone thought they were doing the right thing by stealing his dog. charlie, the beagle, and his owner were on the way to tahoe thursday when they stopped at a costco near sacramento. it was in the middle of the day so david said he parked in the shade and rolled down his
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windows. but 20 minutes later he said charlie was gone. someone took him and left a note that read water your dog or leave it at home. yesterday the people that took charlie dropped him off at a shelter. they could have called 911 just like i did if they were concerned about the health of the dog. why does it take two days for them to get tired of the media coverage? >> the shelter contacted the man and he was able to pick up his dog yesterday. in oakland plans are back in motion to build hundreds of new homes on the site of a former naval hospital. sun cal has repurchased the 165-acre property in the oakland hills. the developer plans to build 960 homes and 82,000 square feet of shops and restaurants at 580 and mountain boulevard. the company lost the land when its real estate partner lehman brothers went bankrupt. sun cal had to buy back the property from the lehman brothers estate. in 2005 the land sold for
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$100 million. sun cal is not saying how much they paid this time around. >> there is a move in san francisco to improve relationship between two groups of renters and owners. >> you and i are neighbors and friends. >> you and i are neighbors and friends. >> yesterday members of the group "better housing policies" marched to a protest at city hall. some of the rental laws intimidate mom and pop landlords. they want changes that will encourage small landlords to rent space. more units on the market will help drive down housing costs in san francisco. >> elderly residents of a century old convalescent home in san francisco wonder where they will live come july. another company wants to take it over but at this point they are planning to close. >> you may not have heard of university mound ladies home but
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it's been here in san francisco's bortola neighborhood since 1884. a gift from james lik, once one of california's wealthiest >> it's goal is affordable, compassion national care for seniors. but now the 134-year history of this residential facility may be coming to an end. >> they said they would close. it's a very, very nice facility. >> bonnie has lived here for three years. she and 52 other residents were notified the home will close its doors july 10th. >> since the beginning of the mission of this home, the ability to generate enough revenue from the resident fees were not adequate to cover the operating costs. >> bill is the interim executive director. >> our number one primary concern is finding new homes.
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>> actually, i don't really want to move my mom. >> gene feels the same. he said it would be very difficult for his 91-year-old mother, gloria, to move from what he calls a wonderful place. >> we came for the convenience and price, but we stayed because of the level of care that people provide here. it's phenomenal. >> six years ago they faced a financial challenge here, but a concerted community effort kept the doors open. now another player in the senior care business wants to step in and is proposing to work with the nonprofit pacific institute to acquire the ladies home. that proposal, along with others, is being evaluated. >> time is short. they have to work to find a solution. >> and 53 elderly women and men are counting on that. still ahead on the abc7 sunday morning news, an innovative method of keeping the bay area's water supply flowing in case after major earthquake.
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this is a live look from our emeryville cam. that heat wave is over. back to normal, average temperatures. lisa argen will be along shortly with your forecast.
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>> time is running out for san franciscans to vote not
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upcoming june election. you can register today from 9:00 to 1:00 at pacific coast farmers market on irving street or the farmers market off winston avenue. tomorrow registration stations will be set up at 24th and mission. astro market streets and cole and carl streets from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. voters can also register at san francisco city hall. >> lisa is here now talking about a cooling trend. >> that's right, it's here for a couple of days. part of the reason is low clouds and fog. temperatures in the 50s. going for the lower 70s today with a bit of a breezy wind. we will talk about how cool it will be here locally and if we will see sprinkles or even a thunderstorms. that's coming up. >> and the a's continue third tear in cleveland with more fireworks at the
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>> welcome back. this is a live look from the finish line of the 103rd bay to breakers. you see the windmill in the background in golden gate park. the elite runners have already crossed the finish line. jeffrey kineese win fourth the men and diane johnson on the women's side. congratulations to them and everyone attempting to finish the race. >> in response to the ongoing drought, officials may ask people to stop pulling water from the russian reservoir. they could order people to stop doing so as early as tomorrow. the goal would be to ensure there's enough water to protect salmon and steelhead.
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san francisco water bills may be going up by $7 to $10 a month. the public utility commission approved the increase last week to make improvements to the system that brings water to the bay area from the reservoir. we have a look at a plan to keep water moving in the event of an earthquake. >> from the ground it looks like any other hole in the ground at a construction site. but go below ground and you will see why this one is special. >> the hayward fault runs right below this area. >> keeping this pipe working in a major earthquake means securing the water supply for millions of people in the bay area. >> this is designed to protect
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the pipes. make sure the pipes are intact after an earthquake. >> alex overseas this project for the san francisco public utilities commission. he showed us around. it is like a giant room that surrounds the pipe. it is allowed to move if there's an earthquake, down the middle the 72-inch pipe keeps water flowing. engineers designed two the largest ball joints ever manufactured to make sure it stays intact. this animation, provided bit san francisco public utilities commission, shows how the awo work together. when a quake hits the pipe will sway and the walls will move. >> it's designed for up to 6 1/2 feet of earth movement. >> the new pipes will replace those built in 1952 and 1973. it will deliver up to 2.6 million customers. $392 million project is paid for by taxpayers. they approved the $4.6 billion water project to replace the water system the system of pipes, dams and reservoirs carries water from yosemite national park, across the central valley and into the south bay before going up the peninsula to san francisco.
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>> the goal with the hetch hetchy program, we have to deliver water within 24 hours of a earthquake. >> work on the project is expected to be completed early next year. dan ashley, abc7 news. much of the work on the hetch hetchy upgrades have been completed. 80% of the project is finished. lisa is here now talking about the weather. all kinds of things, dry lightning, which i have never heard of. a little bit of precipitation maybe. >> wind and fog. yes. this morning we have the fog banked up along the coast. but it is sunny in most areas. we will have some gusty winds throughout the afternoon, making it feel cooler than the temperatures. so check out live doppler 7hd. this is why all those things are going to happen. it's an area of low pressure that will sink to the south and east. that's providing the sea breeze and the cooler-than-normal air
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and also the chance of a sprinkle and a thunderstorm with dry lightning through tuesday. mt. tam higher elevations, the winds are kind of gusty and you can see the marine layer there. 61 in oakland as well as san carlos. 62 san jose. half moon bay has had some dense fog and as a result temperatures in the mid-50s there. but overall everyone is running a little bit milder this morning except right at the coast. and here from our roof camera 60 napa, 63 by the delta. breezy winds from the east bay over into oakland, as well. that will be the rule for today. san jose partly cloudy. we will look for some sunshine today. breezy afternoon. it's going to feel cooler than those 70s that you get in the south bay and the east bay. and that's because of a cooler air mass headed our way do to an area of low pressure this is providing that sea breeze and some instability within the next 24 to 48 hours. so there's the low. the counter clock rice on the flow will allow for the breezy
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winds at the coast. as we go through the next day or two, you will notice that some of the green, representing some showers, begins to show up. tomorrow 11:00, notice the cloud cover. and here a few areas of light rain or showers up towards highway 5. but by the evening time we are still looking mainly dry. we will have a partly cloudy afternoon. but into tuesday here comes the low. so more instability, which means the possibility of some dry lightning because moisture just isn't there in the clouds. you can see representing a little bit of green here. so maybe a sprinkle, but overall a high fire danger we are concerned about. then the low moves out and wednesday high pressure begins to build back and bring us milder readings. 83 sacramento. breezy winds along the coast as the fog just sits. 75 in yosemite. we will look for the warm numbers. palm springs 98 degrees. temperatures back home, despite the sunshine along the coast, it's going to be cool.
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just in the 60s. breezy here and the winds across the bay mid-60ths in oakland, 68 fremont. if you are going to the game today it will be sunny. but the winds will keep it a little bit on the cool side. so air temperature in the low to mid-60s. so it should feel pretty good. but at times the winds kicking up. accuweather seven-day forecast then as the low gets closer the temperatures come down, the winds conclude up. a few extra clouds and possibility of a sprinkle or storm on tuesday. more likely the high fire danger due to the dry lightning. wednesday, thursday, friday increasing sunshine with milder to warm readings around the by and inland. kind of an interesting week. >> did you mention what memorial day might have? >> it looks still very nices and 80s next monday. let's check out sports. this morning the a's will try to sweep their weekend series in cleveland. last night oakland overcame some adversity to beat that team. here's schu.
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he has the highlights in this morning's sports. >> good morning. well, the a's have been the king of swing in cleveland. 11 runs friday night off four home runs and a career high 6 rbi from josh reddick. more fire warnings yesterday. scott kazmir. top two runners on second and third. kazmir toward the wild pitch. 1-0 tribe. he appears to have a strike three. the umpire calls it a ball. kazmir argues and gets ejected. and he takes john tomlin deep. he had 3 rbi. in the 7th donaldson connection on what looks like a three-run homer, but they rule it bounced off the wall. he went 3 for 4, 3 rbis. a's win 6-2. their second straight win in cleveland. giants hosting the marlins with tim lincecum on the hill but the g-men are having a lumber sale. their bats have gone silent at the plate.
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pigs in a blanket. only in san francisco. first inning miami jumps on tim lincecum. the single to right. marcel is going to come across. he scores one. 1-0 marlins. in the sixth. jarrett jones. 1-0. marlins. rips one into the gap. angel pegan can't grab it. casey mcgehee scores. big blow came in the seventh. deep to right. histh of the year. marlins win their second straight over the g-men. 5-0, the final. california chrome is one win away from horse racing first triple crown winner since 1978 as he takes the 139th running of the preakness yesterday. 32 have won two races and only a few have won the triple crown. in the three slot. positioned himself perfectly out of the guy. -- out of the gate. as they took the first turn he held his course and took off down the stretch. >> california chrome reaching for the wire!
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on the outside run. he can get them. california chrome was won the preakness! california chrome did it! >> california chrome wins the preakness 1:54:84 with victor espinoso aboard. california chrome, the first california-bred horse to win the preakness since 1986. the san jose earthquakes at century link field. against seattle. this is the must-see goal of the year. over bush for the incredible goal. he couldn't do that again if he tried. that's just amazing. look at this. seattle up 1-0 and they will go on to win by the same score. that's the way the ball bounces. i'm mike shumann. i want you to have a great day. see you again at five. >> up next the heavy buzz about tonight's billboard awards and a high-tech magic that's bringing michael jackson back on stage.
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>> here are the winning numbers from last night's $100 million power ball draw. 23, 32, 39, 47, 49. the power ball number 32. no one got all six. you have another chance wednesday night. the jackpot soars to $114 million. and the winning numbers from last night's $66 million super lotto plus. 2, 4, 20, 24, 27. the meganumber 10. no one got all six in that draw either. wednesday's jackpot rows to $68 million. >> the billboard music awards
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has been cleared to use a hologram of deceased pop star michael jackson at tonight's show in las vegas. a federal judge has ruled there's not enough evidence to show the planned 3d image would violate patents held by two companies. billboard show producers have been promoting what they call a history-making performance that would promote the late singer's album "escape." you can catch it here on abc7 at 8:00. >> let's get a final check of the accuweather forecast with lisa. >> more cool air headed into the bay area today and tomorrow. it will feel cooler tomorrow because of the sea breeze. 64 in the city. 66 oakland, and upper 60s around fremont. 72 san jose. we could see a sprinkle, possibility of a thunderstorm toward tuesday as the temperatures continue to cool. then behind that system high pressure builds with the return to the low to mid-80s. even some upper 80s inland by next weekend. >> all right. sounds good, lisa. that's going to do it for us.
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thank you for joining us on the abc7 sunday morning news. i'm carolyn tyler along with lisa argen. the news continues online, on twitter, facebook and on all your mobile devices with our new abc7 news app. abc7 news continues at 5:00. as we leave you, we want to show you more ways of create a screening the finish line at bay to breakers. have a great day, everyone!
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it's sunday of qualification weekend at the indianapolis motor speedway. and today, the starting order for the 500 will be locked in. which driver earns the coveted pole position for the great race? it's just a matter of time. >> the indianapolis 500 is a place and a race forever marked by time. measured in both decades and fractions of a second. this is pole weekend, a sweat-soaked two days where the calendar and the stop watch intersect. ♪ baby i've been dreaming


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