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tv   ABC7 News 400PM  ABC  May 22, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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oh no no no. crystal geyser. bottled right at the mountain source. >> frightening moments for a young woman trapped on anderson reservoir. >> anderson reservoir is a popular place for hikers the young woman was on a school field trip when something went wrong. david louie is there and joins us now with a live report. david? >> we're inside anderson lake, county park. as you know, step aside. you can see the school group from gilroy, they're supposed to be here for a day's outing and to do hiking but suddenly something went wrong. let's take a look at what sky 7 hd caught
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the call came in at 2:00 in the afternoon. two boys and one girl all caught on the trail, it goes up the face of a steep hill. and from there, you can see a beautiful water fall. they encountered loose shell according to a ranger here. you can see during the rescue, there is dramatic developments here. the rescuer that tethered one of the girls to the rope broke loose. they must have lost footing and started swinging and must have scraped themselves on the rocks and ground as they lost control. so what that woman was then helicoptered out of here, others were brought down the hill, and attended to here, waiting for them. the school will not identify the name of the school, so we don't know which school they're from but they're from gilroy, packing up and getting ready to leave. the rangers tell us the
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serpentine trail isn't difficult to do. but that is is what we know at the moment. we know who are okay. they do have scratches i saw scratches but one perhaps in more serious condition. we don't know how badly. but she's, has been air rifted to the hospital. we're live near morgan hill, david louie, abc 7 news. >> a 41-year-old has been charged with kidnapping his girlfriend's daughter a decade ago the woman is now free and has been reunited with her family. >> her story sounds like a nightmare. kidnapping, rape, physical abuse over ten years. now, relief to be home. >> all the time, i cried for her. for my mom.
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my sister. >> alleged victim clutching the young daughter fathered by the alleged captor the man appearing today in court, her mother's ex-boyfriend. a man she says assaulted her, made her change her identity and married her. . >> i was 15. i could do nothing. i did what he want. >> she says she tried to escape twice but beaten and kept in emotional chains. >> she's told by him her family doesn't care, she's got nowhere to go, she doesn't speak english. >> in april, the woman found courage to speak out, contacting her sister on facebook then going to this police station. >> sometimes, the truth is stranger than fiction. >> a police report from 2004 verified the disappearance, many neighbors doubt the story. >> she never looked scared.
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she was happy with him. >> why is it she never said anything to indicate he did something wrong? >> on the outside, a model family. >> we're looking at a person who didn't know what to do because already been trained to be passive in a violent situation. >> but finally, breaking free. >> i think i was alone. but i was never. i never was. my family was with me. >> her accused kidnapper faces nine years to life in prison if convicted. >> and coming up on abc7 news at 5:00 a closer look at why victims end up staying with their captors. >> police are defending a shooting of a man with gardening shears at the hands of police officers >> it happened tuesday the incident caught on video by a by
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we're going to show it to you up until the point the man was shot. police placed street surveillance video of the confrontation showing police officers following the man, telling him to drop the shears. police say interest was fear for public safety the man got near a bakery. >> they were screaming he can't get in the bakery. he can't get in. they're concerned with damage with those, potential innocent in a close environment where they cannot escape. >> this incident and two other officer-involved shootings raised anger in the community during a preetest one officer was hurt by a thrown object. >> oakland police and crime stoppers offering a reward of up to $10,000 for information leading to arrest of a driver they say ran over and killed a man last night. the incident happened about
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10:20 p.m in on western street between 28th and 29th. witnesses say it started with a fight between two men. police are calling it a case of vehicular homicide. the victim is a 50-year-old man from north oakland. there are no details of the car >> officials suing five of larnlest prescription drug manufacturers claim the companies lied about addictive nature of prescription painkillers in order to boost their bottom line line. lawyers say overuse of the painkillers fuelled addiction to other drugs. >> no evidence to support. >> seeing increases in overdose deaths, babies born with the openit withdrawal and skyrocketing medical costs.
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>> the companies could not be reached for comment. >> the owners and employees of a spa are now facing insurance fraud charges. the district attorney says the cairo spa billed the companies thousands for proceed yours and gave patients manicures and pedicures. they say the largest case of medical billing fraud ever in santa clara county. spa has been under investigation since 2012. >> motorcycle fogging to prevent the spread of west nile virus begins in the south bay, tonight. >> that area here highlighted on the map. the motorcycles in that area have tested positive for west nile virus. officials say hot weather helped accelerate motorcycle breeding. >> now, interstate 280 can make driving over memorial day holiday weekend a mess. >> yes.
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brace yourself. a busy stretch of 280 will be shut down, and not reopen until tuesday morning. >> construction taking place in san francisco. three other hinges will be replaced on a northbound side. caltrans says earthquakes and other events may have put too much stress on the hinges >> bart directors will hear comments on how to charge to use airport connector. the current air bus fair is $3 for adults. plans have been discussed for fairs around $4 and $6. the tram is scheduled to open in the fall the board expected to settle on fares june 12th >> weather is free.
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>> when spencer is bringing it to you. >> areas of blue skies, and some low clouds at the coast. you can see we have calm conditions here in the bay area. mainly sunny, breezy and brisk. to the south active weather in southern california. thunderstorms around l.a., showers and showers in parts of san diego county. portions of eastern san diego county, until 4:45. down pours there have been heavy. 67 in oakland low to mid 70s in san carlos.
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57 half moon bay. you can see some low clouds moving over the golden gate bridge now. temperatures now 83 in fairfield. here is a live view from mount tam. giving you a look at the forecast, partly cloudy skies this evening. some coastal fog. it's going to get warmer over the weekend. i'll have the accu-weather forecast in a few minutes. >> we'll see you then, spencer. >> still ahead all attention being paid to a whale carcass off the coast. and efforts to determine how it died. >> why there is an ad at san diego international airport urging tourists not to stay away from sea world. >> path of that wildfire burning in arizona more evacuations are underway. >> also, michael finney taking a look, well, we'll go to traffic
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now. this is what it looks like on the sky way. i think it will be better talking about michael finney. it's horrendous out there. i was coming over the bay bridge into san francisco. it's backed up like this on the righthand side of the screen going back to tk in the afternoon. gridlock in both directions. back with more in just a moment.
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. now honda's slinging mud, launching false attacks. isn't it time to put the old politics aside? the chronicle endorses ro khanna, saying he "offers an upgrade in congress for silicon valley." and the mercury news says, "ro khanna is ready for the congress of tomorrow... ...while honda is a politician of the past." for our future: ro khanna. khanna: i'm ro khanna and i approve this message. scientists are trying to determine what might have killed a young hump back whale.
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they're at the mercy of the tides and continue to carry the carcass into, then then away from, the shore line. it has attracted large crowds of looky loos. >> it's not unusual to see a whale off the coast of half moon bay. it's unusual to see the carcass of a young hump back whale on the harbor. traffic is backed up and today, it was worse. drivers could see the whales from their cars inspiring drivers to take a look though the county sheriff department didn't want them to. >> we come by here because we go to school and stuff. it's a boat or something. it's like a black flipped over thing in the water. if you look it has lines on it. you can tell, it's a whale. >> it's driving by. taking my daughter to school. we're like wait a minute you never see anything that big in the water.
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what is that? >> this morning the mammal was being pressed on the rocks and once high tide rolled in, the whale floated out. >> that is live, you know? >> it's impressive to see it this close, huh? >> yes. to consider this is only a small version. of the full adult. it's impressive. >> the marine mammal center is waiting to see if the whale ends up high and dry on shore. if it happens they'll send out scientists to do a necropsy. people here are hoping to find answers. >> there are fellow mammals everybody wants to see what happened. >> the whale drifted off shore,
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nature may take its course. but if it continues to float around pillar point, harbor master would likely tow it out to sea. >> an ad is avoiding visitors to avoid the theme park. tourists flying into san diego international airport had been greeted by this ad. it says sea world sea world mistreats it's killer whales. >> trying to ex-employed peta's ad on the basis they don't accept advocacy ads. when accepting money from sea world promoting animal suffering, you know it's not a fair policy. >> saying peta calls ad a
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publicity stunt. >> forecasters are predicting a slower than usual hurricane season because of the el neeno system. the administration says the period pacific warming will likely reduce the number and intensity of tropical storms. saying cooler temperatures compared to recent years lowered probability of hurricane formation. >> it is. >> let's check on our forecast now. >> it's a timely report. we have a tropical depression of the season forming in pacific. a look at our local weather. we've got low clouds, fog near the coast. sunny skies over land areas.
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and here is the beautiful view. our forecast features are these. low clouds and fog again tonight like last night. warmer days ahead this memorial day weekend. cooler monday than over the weekend. showing an upper level low moving through the bay area, unsettled weather, now it's producing down pours and we've got high pressure building here in the bay area to bring us nice warm days inland here is our tropical depression. winds now over 30 miles per hour. by tomorrow expected to become a tropical storm. the name will be' manneda.
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back to the bay area tonight we'll look for low clouds and fog spreading beyond the coast. low temperatures in a similar range, low to mid-50s for the most part. then, tomorrow, sunny skies with a few thin, high clouds. south bay, high temperatures low to downtown san francisco, a high of 69 tomorrow, highs in mid-80s from santa rosa to napa. north, 91 degrees. on the east bay, we'll see mid to upper 70s. 88 in fairfield and antioch. 87 at livermore. and here is the accu-weather
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forecast. highs inland around or just above 90 degrees so warm monday, upper 80s inland. a drop off, maybe 2, 3 degrees in our temperature range. >> spencer, thank you. >> up next, he moon walked to instant fame. what does this teenager now an internet sensation think about the fuss? >> then, future of robot technology. >> this is interstate back with more right after this. heat shields are compromised. we have multiple failures.
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are those thrusters burning? that's a negative. what's that alarm? fuel cell two is down. i'm going to have to guide her in manually. this is very exciting. but i'm at my stop. come again? i'm watching this on the train. it's so hard to leave. good luck with everything. with the u-verse tv app, the u-verse revolves around you the u-verse revolves around you
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a big honor for harvey milk. a new stamp at the white house today in milk's honor, he was one of the first openly gay men elected to public office, assassinated in 1978. today would have been his 84th birthday the stamps are selling well at the post office in san francisco castro district. and coming up at 6:00, carolyn tyler will take a look at other ways milk is being honored on his birthday >> a teenager has become an internet sensation thanks to moves borrowed by michael jackson. >> he's good. he stunned the audience and then, got bigger. the video posted yesterday online. and since then, yesterday, it's been viewed more than 5 million
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times. >> wow. >> the 17-year-old says he'd been practicing for years thanks to you tube. >> so possible to see the choreography. i was thinking this is something that inspired me. later i thought why isn't this something i can't do? just from then on, it's just practice, and watch, watch. >> he says he could find a kick here or leg lift there that needs work. >> a castle in kentucky? yes. it's for sale. the castle does not date back to middle ages but the original owner broke ground in 1968 but a custody battle left it vacant 30 years n 2003 it was purchaseed
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and turned into a hotel. 16 bedrooms, tennis court, roof garden. the price? it's not goshable. >> $30 million? >> yes. >> $30 million. not a dime less >> just ahead at 4:00 major brush fire in arizona and a specially trained crew moving in now to battle flames. >> president obama's pitch today at the baseball hall of fame. >> anyone headed to santa cruz needs to check out the polluted beaches. two popular
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♪ [ barks ] whoo! mmm! ♪ ♪ oh, yeah [ whistling ] [ male announcer ] discover your new orleans. start exploring at [ woman ] and i love new orleans!
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a wildfire is moving towards populated areas prompting evacuations the fire burning near flagstaff, grown to nearly 5,000 acres. more than 3,000 people are now preparing to leave. abc7 news has the latest. a fast moving blaze started in a scenic canyon jumped close to residential areas. prompting residents to prepare to flee. >> this is my home we just bought this.
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we're landscaping to get married this summer. it's emotional. >> rethinking holiday weekend plans, plumes of smoke rise into the air. firefighters are on the scene just last year, 19 members of the team were killed in arizona's deadliest ever wildfire. and now having consumed to flag rock state park. a set back wednesday. winds so strong, they grounded several helicopters. the full scale efforts to control the fire resumed as soon as the gusts died down. >> we're working hard to protect the values at risk out there. >> some relief may be on the
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way. thunderstorms called for thunderstorms tomorrow. >> overseas now a deadly attack in eastern ukraine three days before the country holds a presidential vote leaders say 13 troops were killed and 30 wounded when they raided a military check point the acting prime minister accusing russia of trying to disrupt the election >> today un security council imposed sanctions on boko haram. the council added the group to organizations linked to al qaeda. that move custodying off funding, travel and weapons to the group. pro testers continue to say their government is not doing enough to find the girls. there is a march to the home today of the president.
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>> the house passed a bill to end the national security agency's bulk collection of american phone records the first response by former nsa contractor edward snow den. under the bill, companies would keep records and they would keep them 18 months. civil liberties activists and technology companies opposed the bill saying it would allow the nsa to collect internet data. >> president obama trying to drum up interest in tourism. number of international visitors to the u.s. has grown by 15 million and the white house wants that trend to continue. >> summer is just around the corner. and for millions, that means spending money on vacations. road trips, fun in the sun the president wants foreign visitors owe do the same.
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he is rolling out the welcome mat. today, he visited baseball hall of fame. >> tourism translates into jobs and economic growth. >> the white house says the number of international visitors has grown from 55 million to a record $70 million in 2013. these applications are up 42% since 010. and the president wants those figures to keep growing. yesterday he took an afternoon stroll walking to an event instead of using a motorcade. he stopped to say hello, and pose for photos with tourists from germany, china, ukraine and brazil. >> the washington monument reopened after nearly three
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years of repairs if you're in chicago and brave, tryout the new tilt attraction at the john kafrng cock building. you start upright but are slowly leaning forward. today the president said administration will next tackle long wait for foreign visitors at u.s. airports to try to make entry more smooth. >> members of the u.s. senate trying to get 50 signed a letter demanding the team change the nickname. the letter says the nfl can learn a lesson from the nba for the way the basketball league handed the rant from donald sterling.
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and why marshon lynch did not accompany his his seattle teammates. according to his mom, he didn't want to go saying her son has been mourning the recent death of a family member. she didn't give reason why he did not attend. >> still to come heroic efforts to rescue children from a school. how you can spot a danger. >> we can see lots of low clouds and fog. some will be pushing inland
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a court appearance for a santa rosa mom for choking a boy she believed was bullying her daughter. >> it was a day when legally not much happened. if the pictures were worth it. this is a first look at the mother arrested by sheriff deputies for allegedly assaulting a 12-year-old boy who she says bullied her 10-year-old daughter >> my client did not touch the boy or use physical force against him, none. >> whatever happen that had took place on friday last week. the sheriff's department says she went on to campus without
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permission, sought out the boy and put her hands on his throat. i'm saying sometimes kids bully other kids he is now crying about it. not cool. he's making up stories? >> right making up stories. the evidence i have obtained suggests he's lying. >> when the judge called her a surprise, no charges from the district attorney. none yet, anyway. the investigation continues. no one from the da went on camera today, nor did the school district superintendent despite more charges by parents and mr. adams that bullying continues at the school. >> my client spoke here to stand up for her daughter. >> delia garcia brasher return to court to see what faces see faces.
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>> parents rush to save their kids after a pool they were swimming in became electrically charged in miami dade county. a 10-year-old girl and two boys touched a metal railing and felt a jolt. investigators believe loose ground wires in the pool pump may be to blame for this. good news is that kids did survive pefrments say if you see stainless steel surfaces corr e corroded near a pool, turn off the electricity. iets -- that is terrifying. >> things calm, sunny skies here in the bay area, low clouds, fog at the coastline. and locally beyond the coast like yesterday's pattern. there have been flight delays
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more than two hours for flights bound for the new york area. boston, chicago, denver has delayed and some flights sitting at sfo. in california, mainly calm, warm tomorrow, warm throughout the central valley. midz 90s in sacramento. over in the sierra, showers and here in the bay area, we'll have mainly sunny skies with fog lingering at the coast highs upper 80s if have you not seen a good meteor shower, tomorrow night may be your lucky night. supposed to be a spectacular show if we have high visibility. and if away from the coast we'll have good visibility. it's commonly known as cams you can check out the official
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guide. >> thank you. >> we like that. >> thank you. >> some calling it viagra for women still ahead how the pill supposed to work, but some say it's a fraud. >> imagine never having to shower again. how many friends will you have? a product that helps keep you clean without water. >> what is the federal government saying about airline fees we have t
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hat stayin that's why they've got lear. that's why they've got lots of ways to save. real big club card deals, the safeway app and gas rewards. te of summer with fresh sweet corn, 8 for just $2. grill up rancher's reserve ribeye steaks, only $6.99 a pound. and arrowhead water is just $3.33 a case. there's more savings to love... at safeway. ingredients for life.
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robots taking over san francisco fort mason. most are friendly. it's the first ever conference. jonathan bloom takes us there. >> galluping in this video from boston dynamics, wild cat paid a visit to the conference in san francisco. with its fierce cousin, rix.
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>> with a humanoid called at las, it makes big robots and just acquired by the chair says that is what it's all about. software, hardware working together. google is doing it with glass and with a phone called project tango. >> they made a custom version of the phone. >> spheres are little robots flying around the space station. there are cameras that let it navigate like humans. there is a perfect upgrade they hope it can do chores. >> we want to be like the roomba of the space station. >> it's a mouth for internet of things.
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>> if i just dial? >> you're looking at a windows tablet. >> the phone comes alive and answers. >> this tower pulls us into a bag about five feet tall. >> you might find them alongside this robot. >> for welding and cutting. >> here is a new one. he left boston dynamics to start this. >> when it comes to robots it's the strong, silent type. >> you can see using no power. >> in san francisco, abc7 news. >> a study suggesting a tax on cheap unhealthy foods may be the
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only way to curb the obesity epidemic. we have the cheapest food in history and consume 20% more calories than 20 years ago. >> some calling this a viagra for women, it's a small pink pill designed to treat the disorder saying it manipulates chemicals to achieve desire. some believe it's an ineffective drug for a nonexistent problem the fda rejected it. now, running two new trials trying to win fda approval.
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>> imagine never having to shower again. think about it. i'll wait. some say what are you talking about? but what if it left you with moist, soft and less smelly skin? does it work? one journalist says maybe. for a month, julia scott does d.not use soap, shampoo or deodorant she spritzed this chemical and did she notice a difference? >> my skin became more soft to the touch. i noticed my face, which is prone to hormone related break outs did clear up. >> it gives me time every day.
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i don't have to shower. >> that is the inventor. friendless. he says he has not showered, are you ready? in 12 years. >> looked like she was sniffing him there. >> yes. >> wish we can shown you michael finney's face. >> office depot is recalling consumer news. >> do not use these chairs a metal plate can break. the seat comes off, causing you to fall. office depot recalled 1.4 million of the things. and some were serious the chairs sold at office depot
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from 2003 through 2012. if you have one, you should return it and get a store credit. >> federal government wants governments to be clear about what you have to say. charging for extra leg room, regulators want travel agents like expedia to display the fee. you'll be able to compare apples to apples. one group says more rules will raise costs and result in higher ticket prices. >> facebook is making it harder to see everyone's posts. their pictures pictures will have to change settings to reveal posts for more users
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in the past that was another way around. and you had to change settings to protect your privacy. >> good news. >> thank you. >> up next, annual list of california beach bummers a polluted sea shore is in the state. is your favorite beach on the list? >> in abc7, hewlett-packard says it needs to stay flexibility. and one department reading fine print on reviews. those stories and more at 5:00
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>> the oerner says a old spanish
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land grant gives him the right to cutoff access >> a bill that would force a billionaire land owner to negotiate a settlement to open up the beach but now, lobbyists could defeat the bill. >> we have to do is uncertainty, or doubt. once they can do that, then, it creates a question mark in a legislature's some case that's is enough to vote no. there is a lawsuit attempting to open access to the beach. >> some beaches are among the most polluted in the state. >> you can see there is a live picture here of california's number one most-polluted shore line. this is cal beach in santa cruz.
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>> yes. officials say they found sewage flowing into the storm drains there. capitola beach is on that list. >> abc7 news has more on this list. >> carla and her dog visit the shore line just across from the 49ers stadium. . >> i come here to get solitude every morning with my dog. >> the beach could use a good cleaning. lurking below water surface is enough toxins to land a beach on the top ten list of most-polluted beaches in california. >> wind surfer circle is our number ten beach bummer this year. >> this doesn't surprise fleming. she says it makes it tough to
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walk her dog. she and scientist agree something needs to be done. >> i would love for an environmental action group to come up here and clean up. and i'm sure people would volunteer their time. i know i would. >> it's just time to bring awareness to the public and also to local agencies. maybe there is a potential problem. >> one beach mabelinging the honor roll is chrissy field. >> this is a wonderful resource to have in the city. and it's a wonderful area >> six of the ten beaches are here in the bay area including santa cruz and monterey county,
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a list of heal the bay. >> thanks for joining us for abc7 news at 4:00. >> abc7 news at 5:00 begins right now. >> today is a wonderful day. >> it's also bittersweet tonight. a family welcomes their first baby oocht mountain rescue. things getting rough try toing save a woman stuck in the south bay. >> a little too close for action. tonight why so many people want to be close and personal with a dead whale. >> we have summer like weather for holiday weekend. we'll take a look coming up. >> as ahappy as i am to meet my
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son, it's painful. >> it was supposed to be the happiest time of this life. newlyweds about to have a baby. then, diagnosis changed everything. thanks for joining us, i'm cheryl jennings. >> doctors found a brain tumor months later. she suffered a massive seizure left her unable to move, speak or open her eyes today she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. abc7 news spoke with the family today and she's live tonight with the story. >> doctors here delivered around 10:00 a.m this morning, 11:00 a.m rather, via c section you might imagine the family is ecstatic. melissa moved her about ten weeks ago for treatment, no one knew when she, or the baby would survive. for months her belly served as a
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sanctuary for her son she lay in the intensive care unit, a coma cutting off nearly all communication as doctors monitored her growing child. >> this morning she was able to open her eyes and hold my hand move my hand to her belly. >> her husband a santa cruz sheriff deputy gave her a kiss before she went in for the c section. minutes later, doctors gave melissa her baby. >> he went right to melissa's chest, was able to lay on her chest. she was still under anesthesia. but he got to smell her first and feel her skin first. and then, he came to me. >> this picture captures the joy brian experienced holding his son. joy balanced against sorrow. >> as happy as i am to


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