tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC May 30, 2014 11:35pm-12:38am PDT
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>> right now on jimmy kimmle, actor adam sandler. have a great night. >> appreciate your time. >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- adam sandler. from "maleficent", elle fanning. celebrities read mean tweets. and music from lykke li. and now, why wait, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> matt: hi, there. welcome. i'm jimmy, host of the show. thank you for watching. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: thank you very much for coming from wherever you were. and joining us here in beautiful hollywood. i assume tickets for the wax museum were sold out? we have a lot to cover tonight. it was an historic night of television on this network as mitch and cam from "modern family" finally tied the knot. and i tell you something. there has not been this much hype about a gay wedding on abc since every season of "the bachelor." [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: i believe that. it is kind of, kind of a big deal. two male characters, main characters, get married. especially on a family sitcom. i think the last time that happened was, well, i guess it wasn't a sitcom, but bo and luke duke from "dukes of hazard." when they tied the knot. jesse tyler ferguson and eric stonestreet, the actors who play cam and mitch, have kind of become spokespeople for the same-sex marriage movement, which is kind of funny because
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eric stonestreet isn't gay, just curious. a straight guy. the character he plays, though a tv show are positive role models for same-sex couples seeing them as parents does a lot to make people feel more comfortable with the idea of two men raising children together. and you have to hand it to these guys. they're not just cashing a check. they're not just a job for them, they're using their platform to try to bring about positive social change. >> everyone should be allowed to marry. >> everyone. >> whether you are gay. >> or straight. >> love is love. >> which is why we are proud to advocate the latest frontier in marriage equality. >> straight-gay marriage. >> the union of one straight person to one gay person. >> hollywood history is full of happy, healthy gay-straight marriages. >> like [ bleep ] and [ bleep ]. >> like [ bleep ] and [ bleep ]. >> the great oscar winner [ bleep ]. and [ bleep ]. >> really? >> oh, yeah. >> are you sure? >> i am definitely sure. i sucked his [ bleep ] and it
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is -- yeah. let these brave men and women step out of the tabloids and proudly come out as straight-gays. it's time. >> brought to you by the straight-gay alliance for straight-gay marriage. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you, gentlemen. by the way, maybe this isn't the best time to mention this, maybe this is not the best place to bring it up. can i borrow some money? i wasn't able to talk about this last night because we like to keep things top secret here at abc. but i did not win my bet on "dancing with the stars." before the season started like every season i bet $1,000 on paralympic champion and double amputee amy purdy to win it all. she has not one but two artificial legs and no real ones made it all the way to the final two. and then this happened. >> the winners and new champions of "dancing with the stars" are --
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meryl and maks! >> jimmy: she lost to an olympic gold medal winning ice dancer. is that fair? i don't think it is either. and i would have won $10,000. this meryl woman cost me half a mini cooper. and i don't know who to be angry at about this. definitely not myself. but amy did a great job. remarkable, really. if nothing else, proof that if you lose both your legs if you work hard, believe in yourself, you can almost achieve your dreams. right? or something like that. plause plautds [ applause ] so, some more details have emerged in the case of donald sterling versus everyone in the world. the "l.a. times" got their hands on confidential documents detailing the nba investigation of donald sterling. the documents indicate that sterling asked v. stiviano, to lie to barbara walters during the interview, by
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saying she had altered the infamous recording she made of him. which is -- lying to barbara walters is i think punishable by death. the report also says that sterling doesn't believe he did anything wrong here, believes v. stiviano wronged him. i have to kind of agree. you can't trust a woman with six aliases, who secretly records your conversations, who can you trust? [ cheers and applause ] v. stiviano sat down with dr. phil today. usually not a good sign when you sit down with dr. phil. if you ever sit down with dr. phil, hey, what's going on? you know. but v. stiviano told dr. phil she did record the comments and maintains she did not release them to the media, she says her friend did. she also says she and donald sterling never had sex. which is very different from -- i know. i said "what?" too. and -- and it's kind of hard to believe considering that he gave her a bunch of cars and a house.
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but v. says there was a perfectly good reason why he did that. >> it's been reported that you were gifted a ferrari, two bentleys, a range rover and a $1.8 million condo. and people are just saying, how fast does she type? >> just to clear the rumor. i don't type very fast. >> that's the point. if you're a slow typer, then people really wonder, what are you doing to get four cars and a $1.8 million condo if in fact that happened. >> i am a good human being. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: finally, goodness is paying off. as jesus said the meek shall inherit two bentleys. this v. stiviano might be the phoniest woman dr. phil has interviewed since mantei teo's girlfriend. i'm glad to report -- [ applause ]
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dr. phil asked v about the thing i wanted to hear about. which is that weird spaceman visor she's been wearing around. >> i look at the pictures. i live in hollywood. i know how it works. i see you on roller skates in daisy duke cutoffs with a color coordinated welder's mask to match your jacket. i mean you are rollerskating in a welder's helmet in front of the paparazzi? >> jimmy: they have the same visor adviser, i guess. thank you, dr. phil, for everything. on a wholesome note, good news for fans of "frozen." disney announced this fall they will debut a live show called "frozen on ice." [ cheers and applause ] i haven't seen it, wasn't "frozen" already on ice? "frozing on ice" will give parents a much-needed break from "frozen" in the living room and
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"frozen" in the car on the way to school. it will feature 39 ice skaters elaborate sets and songs from the movie not only another great way for kids to enjoy "frozen," they're saying it may also be one of their last remaining opportunities to see ice. so -- [ applause ] last night, our reporter named dave marcheski in harrisburg, pennsylvania, abc affiliate, was covering a victory party being held for newly elected state congresswoman, patty kim. the party wasn't that exciting. what was going on in the background. we see a lot of people fooling around in the background of news broadcasts, but this one is exceptional. this is tonight's edition of "behind the news." ♪ >> now, following her victory speech, kim asked her and her reporters to say a prayer for jean roberson who's been hospitalized for stress-related illness.
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she and gina will remain friends and work together for the community. >> nicely done. you've got to get enough chlorophyll. burger king is making a big change to its classic slogan. for 40 years, burger king has been saying "have it your way" in their ad. but they've announced that they're changing it from "have it your way" to "be your way." "be your way," i don't get it. i don't understand. am i ordering a whopper or coming out to my family? [ laughter ] [ applause ] seems like a lot. seems like a lot. burger king says the new slogan has more emotional appeal. they say it reminds customers they can and should live how they want any time. i would be so mad if i was the guy in charge of supplies for burger king.
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because you're changing two words in the slogan. now i have to print 8 trillion new cups. does burger king know they could not have a tag line and as long as they have hamburgers, literally no one would care. there's some major, major nerd news today. as you are probably aware. there is a "batman/superman" movie in 2016. finally a movie about superman. [ cheers and applause ] and today, warner brothers announced the title of the movie called "batman v. superman: dawn of justice." wait until you try sex. you're going to go nuts. [ cheers and applause ] they also unveiled a new logo for the film. this is the new logo. it is batman v. superman: dawn of justice, which sound the most powerful dish washing detergent yet. i assume based on the v., i don't know why it is not vs. that batman and superman are
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going to fight in this one either that or one of them winds up with v. stiviano. maybe she gets a batmobile. she's a good person. [ applause ] the response to the movie title was generally negative online, which i guess is no surprise. generally negative is about as positive as you can hope for on the internet nowadays. people love to criticize things to throw insults around. twitter is one of the most common forums for this. there are a lot of celebrities on twitter. some people feel comfortable using twitter specifically to insult those celebrities directly. from time to time we gather those insults and we package them together to illustrate the fact that words can hurt. and with that said this is our seventh edition of "mean tweets." [ cheers and applause ] >> there are people who think julia roberts is hot. her gigantic mouth looks like it will devour an elephant in one bite.
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thank you and good luck. >> don cheadle seems like the kind of guy who i wouldn't want to hang around with under any circumstances ever. he is so [ bleep ] whack. >> ashton kutcher needs to get hit by a bus asap. >> i hate courtney cox. i [ bleep ] hate her. [ bleep ] ho. that's sweet. >> if i said it once, i have said it 100 times. [ bleep ] andy garcia. >> mindy is not funny or attractive. she has an annoying voice and just plainly sucks. why does she have her own show? i feel like this is more than 140 characters. >> david blaine looks like his voice is putting his face to sleep. >> don rickles looks like yoda.
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>> ethan hawke seems like a guy who wasn't supposed to be a movie star but he slipped through the cracks and everyone was just like, okay. >> matthew mcconaughey is a [ bleep ] turd. [ bleep ] turd. [ bleep ], [ bleep ] turd. >> oh, [ bleep ] off june squibb. ben1283, you [ bleep ] off. >> i hope jeremy's [ bleep ] falls off in public. >> kit heinzman is a pretty terrible john snow. in the show he seems like a big bitch with a stupid look on his face. #badcasting. >> emma stone looks like she smells like cat piss. okay. >> gary oldman sucks and his accents are [ bleep ] annoying, [ bleep ].
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ha ha ha! yep. >> sofia vergara sounds like she has a [ bleep ] in her mouth. i hate hearing her talk. what's wrong with having a [ bleep ] in my mouth? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: all right, tonight on the show, elle fanning is here, we have music from lykke li. and we'll be right back with adam sandler. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪
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foster farms fresh whole chickens are only 99 cents a pound. and gatorade is just $3.99 an 8-pack. there's more savings to love... at safeway. ingredients for life. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hello, everyone. we're back. tonight on the program, starting on may 30th you can see her alongside angelina jolie in the new elle fanning is here with us tonight. and then, her new cd is called "i never learn." lykke li from the at&t outdoor stage. our first guest has gone by many names, madison, gilmore, zohan,
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even opera man. but most people just call him sir because he's very, very rich. the richest person in the whole world right now. his new movie, with drew barrymore, is called "blended." it opens in theaters friday. please say hello to adam sandler. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> thank you. you look good. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: good to see you. >> elle fanning, "maleficent" looks great. >> jimmy: you are promoting two movies tonight. >> well, i'm psyched to see -- i think it's pretty cool how angelina jolie kind of looks like maleficent. as you can tell i'm getting ready to do ursula.
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my pleasure. >> jimmy: you look great. >> no, you look great. you look so good. i saw you at the party a couple of months ago. i said why do you look so damn good? >> jimmy: i said what? >> you didn't have a good answer. i'm getting older. me and you are the same age. >> jimmy: you're younger than i am? >> i'm 47. >> jimmy: i'm 46. a little younger, yeah. the thing is -- i know you have a movie premiere. i like this about you. don't get me wrong. >> same as you, family. >> jimmy: you got your family. what are you wearing right now? [ cheers and applause ] >> oh. this is not bad. jimmy. my wife got me this at banana republic. this too. this is like, these, i have had for about 20 years. these are, these are shoes that i saw in the closet. literally before coming here. i think i am going to wear shoes. and i got these. then i was like, should i go with white socks?
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i was just, i was just, happy to get the socks on. without vomiting. >> jimmy: i did, we did see each other at a party. i remember one thing, at this party, you disappeared for a while, i thought you left. then you reappeared. and i said, where were you? you said, i went and took a nap. >> i'm not great in those social situations, man. >> jimmy: i don't know, i think you have the right idea. it's nice to have a nap in the middle of a party. >> you got to be refreshed at all times. >> jimmy: your family is here for the big movie premiere? >> yes, my family has a lot going on. my brother in law just got married on friday. my sister-in-law is getting married next saturday. we got the premiere tonight. my house is packed. >> jimmy: here in town. >> here in town. all getting married out here. >> jimmy: did they plan the weddings around the premiere of the film? >> my wife's grandmother, a great lady. and she is 97, i think, 98.
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she was coming out here for the premiere and we said, let's get it all done, make sure she has a nice week, she gets to see everyone, have a good time. they're all staying at my house. >> jimmy: oh, boy. how many people? >> put it this way. my mother and my mother-in-law. i have a big house. so many people at my house. my mother and mother-in-law are sleeping in the same bed. >> jimmy: really? >> yes, it's that crowded. every room. are you kidding me. i got six people in that room. >> jimmy: are they head to toe, or how do they sleep? >> it started that way. and then, my mother, man she made her move. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i mean, what the hell. >> you got to take advantage. >> jimmy: "modern family" tonight, why not? >> she wanted to see why i was so fascinated with my wife. she's like, what is in that family that you enjoy so much. >> jimmy: they're all coming to the movie. >> they're all going to come to the movie. my kids are coming. everybody's coming. it's going to be packed. >> jimmy: i think there are -- i
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saw the movie, it's very funny. it seems there are parts maybe that grandma may not be crazy about. >> that's the beauty of her being deaf. >> jimmy: all right. you got everything planned. >> exactly. you got to work it out in advance. >> jimmy: your kids, how olding your daughters now? >> 5 and 8. getting bigger. >> jimmy: wow. >> i hear good news on your end? >> jimmy: my wife is pregnant. we'll see if it's mine when it comes out. >> doesn't matter. >> jimmy: you never know for sure. >> why would you want to know. just look the other way. doesn't matter. >> jimmy: as long as it's human. >> exactly. you'll fallen love immediately. it will be hard, after three, four days, find out it is not yours. all right, i can't -- you're in deep already. >> jimmy: if i'm paying for it, i'm going to keep it. no matter whose it is. >> exactly. >> jimmy: so you, you still have a little, little kid. i have two kids.
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>> i know, you've done it before. >> jimmy: 22 and 20. i don't even remember what to do? >> in the delivery room it's fun. a good time. the baby slowly, this is what i did with my two. the baby was coming out the first one, both of them, actually, slowly coming out the vagina. >> jimmy: hold on, let me grab a pen. >> you'll see. you'll see. you'll remember. it will come back. the head is kind of coming out the vagina. and then -- >> jimmy: whoa, the head comes out the what? >> the vagina. tell the doctor, i got it from here. you palm the head and pull it. and just dominate the baby right away. and then when he's like this, you got that cord. and you play dumb. first, see if you can get a low "e" base. of course, you know, the doctor is like, shall we cut that, hey i don't need this. you bite it. you'll see. it will all come back.
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>> jimmy: great way to establish dominance over the family. >> let them know. >> jimmy: adam sandler is here! his movie is called "blended." we'll be right back. [ cheers and applause ] that's why i got my surface. it's great for watching game film and drawing up plays. it's got onenote, so i can stay on top of my to-do list, which has been absolutely absurd since the big game. with skype, it's just really easy to stay in touch with the kids i work with. alright, russell you are good to go! alright, fellas. alright, russ. back to work!
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what's going on in the sweater, just for the articles? >> no. these, actually are for my son. >> wow. what a progressive mother. >> no, i found a centerfold under his bed. and i tore it up. >> from a magazine? not the internet? he's old school, i respect that. so are you here to replace it before the kid finds out? >> yes. but i can't tell what magazine it's from. i just -- >> do you have any of the centerfold remnants? >> yes, i do.
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>> i tried to tape it back up. >> great job, you can hardly tell. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that is adam sandler and drew barrymore. "blended." opens on friday. seize thball, right? >> drew barrymore, a great person. >> jimmy: i see why you go back to working with drew. it seems like -- personality's got to play a huge role in why you cast people in your movies. >> of course, she is funny and cool. we are both from hollywood royalty. >> jimmy: is that right? >> drew, of course, you know, her family. royal hollywood family. my father was the king of walking around naked in front of my friends. so my mother, my mother was the queen of giving of my friends [ bleep ]. royalty. >> jimmy: the queen of that. >> i'm just kidding. you know what sucks? i'm going to be watching this tonight with my mother in the house. i'm sorry, mother.
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i love you. my comedy, mother. my fake comedy. >> jimmy: where directv goes out. you shot a lot of the movie, not a lot, good portion in hooters. >> yes. >> jimmy: which is your second i think visit to hooters career-wise. as far as film goes. >> yes. "big daddy." [ cheers and applause ] hooters is a great place. my wife and i, i swear to god, the one in santa monica, my wife and i took the two kids. and my kids are like i love hooters. and i'm like, yeah! what a benefit for old adam sandler. but honestly, it's not about the ladies as much as they have great chicken wings. swear to god. and my father, used to take my mother. and i've been dirty already. my father used to say who wants some chicken wings and boners. and we'd all say, "i do!" i've been very filthy, sorry. >> jimmy: shaquille o'neal is in
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this film as well. >> he's in a lot of my movies lately. >> jimmy: he's very funny. >> such a funny, great man. >> jimmy: fun to be around too. >> doesn't he like dominate the room. he's a big man but he's so sweet. like we shot at -- me and him work at dick's sporting goods in the movie. and we shot at a dick's sporting goods for three days. and it stayed open. so, literally people are shopping and going, is that [ bleep ] shaq? yeah, it's shaq. shaq works here, man? >> jimmy: working at dick's now. >> yeah. >> matt: but anyway. he's like a giant ed ed t ed tt way. i don't mean he's dumb. physically he wants to play. he swats at you. >> he was swatting kids. how there is a basketball hoop at sporting goods store at dick's. three, four. kids would go and think they need to test it out. all of a sudden, boom. shaq just swatted.
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>> jimmy: are you at a point in your life when you decide to make a film you say, i want to make this film somewhere where i can be on vacation. >> ali: yes. >> jimmy: africa, for instance. >> ali: >> jimmy: a lot of this movie is in africa. >> great. unbelievable. i never thought i would be there in my life. i had an incredible time. yes, i have done that. since "50 first dates" written in another place. and i said, imagine if we did it in hawaii, how great that movie would be. they're like, yes, that's a very artistic idea. i'm like, yeah. i've been doing that ever since. >> jimmy: what was -- shooting in africa, though, i'd imagine it's not exactly the same? >> well, can i tell you what happened. this is a true story. the reason it's a fun snow story is because it's a true story. but i saw, ordered up room service. in africa. i asked, i called up, hello. and i was like, hey, how are you? i'm in 1606 could i have a grilled cheese, please. yes.
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and then 45 minutes later, a plate shows up with a hot piece of cheese. and i said, what happened. he said you wanted grilled cheese. i was like, i should have said a sandwich. oh, okay. >> jimmy: you should have said a sandwich. adam sandler, everybody. "blended" opens in theaters friday. we'll be right back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ do i remember? how could i forget? when francois thibault said he was going to make vodka in cognac, with spring water and the best french wheat. everyone here said...non,non,non! but little by little, the world got to love what he had made.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back. coming up el fanning and music from lykke li. right now a chance for a lucky member of our studio audience a chance to take home dozens of dollars worth of crap, actually. it's time for "souvenir store shopping spree." let's go outside right now. where guillermo, we picked a member of our studio audience. at the souvenir shop down the block. hello, guillermo. >> guillermo: hi, jimmy. >> jimmy: who do you have with you? >> guillermo: her name is k katie. >> jimmy: since the microphone is pointed at katie we'll let her say her name. >> hi, i'm katie. >> jimmy: where are you from? >> iowa. >> jimmy: what part? >> des moines. >> jimmy: here on vacation?
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>> yes. >> jimmy: this is exciting. here's how this works. you have one minute to collect as much stuff as you can carry in your arms, from that store, take whatever you want. whatever you can carry, still holding at the end you can keep. except for guillermo. he is not part of the prize package. all right? >> okay. >> jimmy: are you ready to do this? >> i am sort of ready. >> jimmy: you are ready-ish. guillermo. i hope that's a fake gun. >> guillermo: it is. >> jimmy: 60 seconds on the clock. fire the gun. and katie go. go get them. guillermo, what happened? >> guillermo: i don't know. >> jimmy: katie is fast. we're going to have trouble. >> hello kitty! >> jimmy: hello kitty! hello katie. a jacket on. nice jacket. >> gummy bears. >> jimmy: yeah, you're going to need those. gummy bears. she's taking it very slow and i like that. it's not a frenzy. that's smart.
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get a bag. >> maryland. >> jimmy: i wouldn't use that bag though since you got it. there's nothing of actual value in the store. just take the whole thing. >> there we go. >> all right. what else have you got there. >> whoa. i need this. >> jimmy: nice, ukulele. bring that back home to iowa. we got 14, 13 seconds, katie. 10 seconds eleventh now, katie. grab whatever you like. take a pin. i thought there would be, some running here. but okay. another hello kitty. and that is it. katie's got a whole bunch of -- grabbed something there. let's see what you got there, katie. guillermo, help katie with the stuff. see what she has. you got an i heart l.a. sweatshirt. is that your size? no. >> lots of hello kitty. >> jimmy: a lot of hello kitty. do you like hello kitty? >> yeah, a little bit.
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i got a mug. >> jimmy: a mug. nice, all right. >> hello, kitty. >> jimmy: guillermo, you are allowed to talk, right? >> guillermo: yes, jimmy. >> jimmy: okay, good. and another hello kitty. you've gotten a lot of hello kitty. congratulations. hello kitty. good-bye, katie. thank you for playing. right back with elle fanning! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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right here. my parents were immigrants. and they taught me that with hard work, anything is possible. i earned a scholarship to mit. and worked across party lines to get things done. i'm alex padilla. i'll protect voting rights for everyone. and make it easier to start a business. so we create jobs and opportunity for all californians. what should we order? (announcer) alex padilla. secretary of state.
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>> i am not afraid. >> then come out. >> then you'll be afraid. >> jimmy: please say hello to elle fanning. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: how are you? >> i'm good. >> jimmy: good to see you. how is life? >> really good. >> jimmy: you are sleeping beauty. that's pretty great. right? >> it is really fantastic. there is one thing i did want to say before we got started. >> jimmy: okay. >> it's kind of been a running joke in my family. like i, i'm ready to do it. this is the show that i'm going to do it on. >> jimmy: okay. >> so my dad is the youngest of eight kids. so i have a lot of aunts and uncles. i have 14 cousins. >> jimmy: wow. >> yeah. so my uncle michael, i can't
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believe i'm doing it, it's finally happening. it's been -- >> jimmy: is gay? congratulations, uncle michael. >> a thing in my family ever since my sister kind of started, in "i am sam" 6 years old. he wanted her to do a shout out on a late night show. >> jimmy: oh, i see. >> now, and then, she never did it. and so, now he was kind of texts my dad all the time. she is going to be on "kimmel" make sure she says hey. and i'm finally doing it. >> jimmy: all right, do it. go ahead, do it officially. >> look at this monitor? >> jimmy: any of them. >> hey, uncle michael. i miss you. [ cheers and applause ] it happened. >> jimmy: very nice. >> jimmy: you will go to any length to get out of making a telephone call. >> i know. >> jimmy: you are, co-starring with angelina jolie. has to be an exciting thing, or maybe it isn't, i don't know.
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>> very exciting. i was so nervous to get to meet her for the first time. it was pretty big. you hear that name, it's just like angelina jolie. >> jimmy: almost like she's a fictional character. >> it really is. otherworldly. >> jimmy: did she ask you to babysit? >> no. she didn't. when i did meet her for the first time. immediately gave each other a giant hug. that was nice. eased my nerves. on the set people were calling her angie. i'm like, i can't say that. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> no, i still angelina, the full thing. yeah. >> jimmy: how old are you now? >> 16. >> jimmy: 16 years old. >> just had a birthday. april 9. >> jimmy: did you have a party? >> i did. i had, my party was two months before my actual day. i wanted my sister to be there. yeah, but we had dinner. it was marie antoinette themed. >> jimmy: oh, really. >> didn't wear ball gowns. we are girlie and masks and a lot of flowers. and yeah, the one -- my mom is a
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huge party planner that way. always a surprise what it is going to be like. >> jimmy: really? >> i said you can do that. one condition you have to have a photo booth. >> jimmy: oh, i see. >> that was my input. have to have a photo booth. >> jimmy: you did. how many pictures did you take in the photo booth? >> i took a lot. you had the giant glasses, boas, the little accessories. >> jimmy: anyone get their head chopped out at mat re antoinette-themed party? >> they did not. no blood. >> jimmy: did you go to the prom? did you have that? >> i did. yeah, recent. right across the street, in mann's chinese theater. >> jimmy: from us. >> i could have stopped by. >> jimmy: could have brought everybody here. >> yes, we wanted to get selfies with the batmans and the people dressed up. >> jimmy: really? >> that was our goal. we were in the party bus, like, we're going to do it. then there's a giant line to actually take a picture with them. so i think they're like, what are these prom people here?
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we became the attraction and all the tourists were taking pictures of us, like l.a. prom. it was funny. >> jimmy: did you get any pictures with the superheroes? >> no, the line got mad at us. we were trying to cut. >> jimmy: there's a line for the super heros? >> yeah, at this time. >> jimmy: that was a soup line, i think. superheroes happened to be at the front of it. oh, you know what i want to ask you about. i keep hearing about the prom-posals, the kids will do the proposal thing, something kraetds crazy. did you have that? do you guy dozen that at your school? >> we do. i kind of had one. well, last year, the boy who asked me, he was a junior, so when you're a junior, or senior, you can park on campus with your car. so he calls me at school one day. he was like, i got in a car accident. come down to my car. i'm like, oh, gosh, i was in panic mode. i was running down. and, then, he was in the front seat, he was like can you look in the back trunk, to get a toolbox?
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and so, he popped the trunk. i went and i was like, i didn't see any toolbox. i saw a first aid kit. so i got the first aid kit out. and i'm like, here. and he's like, no. there were flowers in the trunk. roses in the trunk. but i totally passed the roses and went for the first aid kit. so he was like, no, women you go to prom? >> jimmy: was the prom itself fun? >> it was. it was real fun. at the theater, they shut down, like, all of the theaters were shut down for us. >> jimmy: is it less exciting for you to get dressed up for the prom since you are getting dressed up to go to movie premieres and act in these movies? >> i think it's just as exciting. >> jimmy: it's still fun. i'd think also, the photo booth thing. people are taking pictures of you all the time. there you are taking more pictures of yourself. >> more pictures of myself. >> jimmy: sounds like you're having fun. enjoying all the stuff. >> yes.
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>> jimmy: what are you doing this summer, the plan for the summer? >> man, the plan for the summer. well my sister will be home, she studies at nyu, so home from new york. >> jimmy: nice. >> so that will be nice. and, yeah, just, no school. i have finals -- starting june 2nd. >> jimmy: can i tell you something, you don't need to go to school anyway. there is no reason for you. don't listen to anyone else. there's no reason to go to school. except for the prom. good to see you. elle fanning and, go see her in "maleficent" opens in theatres may 30th in 3d. when we come back, music from lykke li. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: i'd like to thank adam sandler, elle fanning, and apologize to matt damon. we ran out of time. nightline is next, but first, her new album is called "i never learn." here with the song, "no rest for the wicked", lykke li. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ my one heart hurt another so
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only one life can't be enough can you give me just another for that one who got away ♪ ♪ lonely i i'm so alone now ♪ there'll be no rest for the wicked there's no song for the choir ♪ ♪ there's no hope for the weary if you let them win without a fight ♪ ♪ ♪ if one heart can mend another only then can we begin ♪
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♪ so won't you hold on a little longer don't let them get away ♪ ♪ lonely i i'm so alone now ♪ there'll be no rest for the wicked there's no song for the choir ♪ ♪ there's no hope for the weary if you let them win without a fight ♪ ♪ i let my good one down i let my true love die i had his heart but i broke it every time ♪ ♪
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this is "nightline" -- >> tonight till death do us part? they married after a whirlwind courtship. her family says she had money and he was broke. >> please don't do this, mama. don't do this, please, mama, don't do this. >> they appeared happy together for a few years. >> until she had a terrible headache. >> her suspicious death was just the beginning. >> it made me wonder what else he lied about. >> she has been married six times and she is not the first he may have tried to kill. >> i felt like i was being poisoned. i really did. >> is he a cassanova killer? the real story behind this ex-wives club. but first the "nightline" five. >> wait, prilocec is not for
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