tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC June 20, 2014 11:35pm-12:38am PDT
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>> right now on jimmy qifl -- jimmy >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- curtis "50 cent" jackson. jenny slate. the national spelling bee champs. and music from one republic with cleto and the cletones and now, look at this, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hi, everyone! welcome to the show. thank you for watching. thank you for joining me here on
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this night of basketball. earlier tonight here on abc the san antonio spurs hosted the miami heat in game one of the nba final series. and the ratings were so good, they've already announced plans for a game two. that will be fun. could be as early as sunday they're saying. most people seem to want the spurs to win. unless you live in miami rooting for the heat is like rooting for cobra over the karate kid. san antonio is heat hater central, there is a weatherman, on the local fox station in san antonio. his name is sean stevens. since it has been very warm there, sean found a we to work a heat reference into almost every one of his weather reports this week. what you are about to see is just a taste of this. if we showed them all, we would have to bump "good morning america" tomorrow. so, take a look. >> a great time of year, the spurs in the final and the heat is kicking in. of course, it is july, the heat
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is kicking in. not the miami heat. the texas heat. traditional texas heat. the miami heat. show you which one will be hotter. hopefully the texas heat. the texas heat will be here in full force, hopefully not the miami heat, full force. the good heat this week, texas heat. not necessarily the miami heat. >> speaking of heat. that's what it is like outside right now. >> we'll all be battling the heat this week. most of us, just the texas heat that we will be dealing with. >> cupcakes in a minute. first we'll talk about the heat, not the miami heat, the heat-heat. >> the heat, stick around. miami heat is going to be here. >> i think he nailed it the eighth time. i think that was the one. that's known as meta-forcing it down your throat. donald sterling seems to have come to grips with the fact that he's selling the clippers even if he doesn't want to. yesterday he dropped his billion dollar lawsuit against the nba and approved the $2 billion sale of the team. let that be a lesson, that's the united states of america, if we catch you being racist, we will not stop until you are $2 billion richer than you were.
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really. you got that? [ cheers and applause ] sterling's lawyer said his real concern is his reputation. he said, i quote, donald sterling doesn't want to have to die and have his tombstone here lies a mental incompetent and racist. i'll tell you what, die first. we'll sort the tombstone thing out later. we don't have to settle on that now. a big week for the residents of the staple center. stanley cup finals under way. it started with a great game last night. kings came back from two goals down to beat the rangers, 3-2 in overtime. a very exciting time to be a los angeles sports fan. more people are pretending to care about hockey this week than ever. but, as is the case during a big championship like this, our elected officials make bets with each other. california governor jerry brown and the governor of new york andrew cuomo made what might be the worst bet ever. if the kings beat the rangers,
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cuomo will send governor brown a gift basket containing sausage, wing sauce, maple syrup, apples, oysters and wine. a gift basket. and if the rangers beat the kings jerry brown has agreed to send governor cuomo, a book of california history and, pack of lightly salted organic brown rice cakes. not exactly biggy and tupac as far as feuds go. sounded like governor cuomo waited until the last minute. then just ralded his fridge. i don't know. sausage, syrup. send them over. now the stanley cup bet between the mayors of cities is more interesting. and the l.a. mayor and the new york mayor have agreed the loser will come on this show to perform a song. this is where the losers come. if the rangers come, mayor garcetti will do "new york, new york," and mayor deblazio will do "i love l.a." and it should be fun.
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won't be as much fun if the maple leafs had been in it and mayor of toronto came to do a song. but, fun nonetheless. i think you will enjoy the show we have plan ford you tonight. we have music from onerepublic. the very funny jenny slate is here. and curtis jackson, better known as 50 cent is with us too. [ cheers and applause ] he has so many gifts. he is a multitalented rapper, actor, producer, there is really nothing this man can't do. okay. besides throw a baseball. other than that, that's why you should never throw out the first pitch ever. in other embarrassing sports news, have you seen the video of president obama working out? the president was staying at a marriott in warsaw, in poland tuesday. and he want to work out at the hotel gym.
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which, i, was surprising to me. hotel gyms exist? i mean, i always see the signs in the elevator, but i thought that was a joke. but any way, secret service didn't close the gym down. the president went in and started exercising with everyone else. and someone shot video of him doing it. there he is. that's how i dance at weddings by the way. [ cheers and applause ] congress today accused the president of being soft on cardio. there has been a surprising amount of criticism. the secret service criticized for not seeing that someone was videotaping. fitness experts have been criticizing the president's form. true. he is even taking it on the chin from foreign leaders. >> tired of wimpy workouts that leave you scrawny like little twig crushed beneath the paws of the big bear.
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it's time to putinsize. the workout that will make you strong like iron railroad track. lifting tiny weights makes you weak like woman. putin size lets you take off your shirt, show pectorals, before/after. before/after. before/after! get strong like rock. not weak like barack. putincize now. do it! >> announcer: available at walgreen's. >> jimmy: you know if you have been following the high octane world of competitive spelling, you know there is a big shake-up at scripps national spelling bee last week. for the first time in 52 years they had two winners. 13-year-old anson sujo, and 14-year-old sriram hathwar. they kept spelling words until they ran out of words.
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they spelled all the words correctly. they said, oh, well, you're co-winners. what the hell happened to this country? in my day if we ran out of words we would make those kids fight to the death. i was raised in the 12th century. things were different then. any way, every year i invite the winner to come and compete against me in a spelling competition. i too was a spelling champion. but this year, i had to invite two of them, and we are going to bring them out now. please welcome this year's scripps spelling bee champions, kath kath ever sriram hathwar and ansun sujoe. [ applause ] congratulations. congratulations. now, first of all i want to tell our audience, these guys are real divas, you know what they asked for in the contract rider in their dressing rooms. they asked for the oxford english dictionary, unabridged. you guys, tied, right? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you were happy you tied? >> yes. >> jimmy: for real happy, or just to be nice happy? >> we are fine with it.
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>> jimmy: you are fine with it. you seem kind of could go either way. and, by the way, whatever you do, don't let success tear you apart. that's what happened to lennon and mccartney. you know who they are? lennon and mccartney? [ laughter ] all right, maybe they're not that bright. you are young is what it is. we have a competition every year, never competed against two winners before. so this might be a little more difficult for me. you are going to be competing as one contestant. do you understand? >> yes. >> uh-huh. >> jimmy: join arms or do whatever siamese twins would do. the judge tonight is my cousin sal. [ cheers and applause ] our official word pronouncer is guillermo. guillermo, come on out here. there he is. [ cheers and applause ] are you ready to do this? >> guillermo: ready, jimmy.
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>> jimmy: you are ready too? >> gentlemen take your seats. >> jimmy: let's take our seats. here we go. >> one stipulation. because there are two of you you will take turns. you may not help each other. if we find out you are helping each other, we'll let the audience take turns giving you atomic wedgies. you got that? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: all right. all right. >> all right. first up from the alternative school for math and science, in corning new york, shiram hathwar! [ applause ] what's shiram's first word? [ indiscernible ] >> could you repeat that? [ indiscernible ] >> gargotno? can i have the definition please?
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>> it is a word that is fun to say. jargono. >> the origin, please? >> hindi. >> jargona? okay. jargona. >> guillermo: jargono. >> juggernaut. [ applause ] >> jimmy: this skid a juggernaut. >> from las vegas, nevada. god help us if he loses to night. jimmy kimmel, everyone. >> jimmy: thank you. [ indiscernible ]
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>> jimmy: can you say that again? [ indiscernible ] >> jimmy: can you use it in a sentence, please? >> guillermo: i just say the word. [ indiscernible ] existential. >> existent. >> guillermo: that's the way i say it. >> jimmy: existential not existenti. >> that's the way i see it. >> next up, ansan sujoy. give ansan his word. [ indiscernible ] >> what? can you please repeat that?
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[ indiscernible ] >> can you please give me the definition? >> guillermo: a word from the dictionary. >> can you please give me the english definition of this word. [ indiscernible ] >> language of origin? >> guillermo: earth. >> earth. >> jimmy: earth, yes. >> why not mars? >> guillermo: i am going to say it again. ignition. >> a-c- -- >> guillermo: d. >> ignition is the word. ignition. >> jimmy: there you go.
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>> all right, the champs are up. one. jimmy. >> jimmy: we are getting worse at this each year, it seems like. >> don't badger the bee, come on. >> jimmy: okay. [ indiscernible ] >> jimmy: what? [ indiscernible ] >> jimmy: is that the same word you said the first time? >> guillermo: i think i say it wrong the first time. >> jimmy: one more time. [ indiscernible ] >> jimmy: do you know what he is saying? [ indiscernible ] >> jimmy: one more time? [ indiscernible ] >> jimmy: use it in a sentence?
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>> guillermo: i cannot say the word -- hermaphrodite. >> jimmy: i have to get in guillermo's head now and become guillermo. i don't know what the first letter is, is the problem. [ indiscernible ] >> jimmy: oh, air -- >> come on, it is easy. >> jimmy: it is very easy. >> guillermo: you just have to listen. >> jimmy: i wasn't paying attention. say that again. >> guillermo: hermaphrodite. >> jimmy: the hell with it. here you go. you guys have it. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: there you go, fellows.
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and also as a little gift. you don't have to study all the time. we got you x-box ones. there you go. guillermo, take them out of here. set those up. [ indiscernible ] >> jimmy: take a walk, you. do you know what the word is? what was it? oh, hermaphrodite. all right. well, we have one more thing. thursday night, time for the weekly tribute to the fcc where we bleep and blur things whether they need it or not. it is "this week in unnecessary censorship." [ cheers and applause ] >> donald sterling's attorney says he is evaluating whether he will [ bleep ] his wife, the nba or both. >> dwayne, have you stopped to think how many [ bleep ] you [ bleep ]. >> i don't know, i think we got [ bleep ] too much.
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>> we say never die, people described us as a bunch of [ bleep ]. >> john, you are up first, it is time to [ bleep ] your face. >> summer's most intense thrill ride. the last [ bleep ] on tnt. >> new technology can soon allow you to [ bleep ] your own robot in the comfort of your own home. >> nicholas, what's did you say? >> he says, pick up your [ bleep ]! >> it is not a great story, i [ bleep ] myself, [ bleep ] with the butt of my own sword. >> amy? >> what a [ bleep ]! >> yes. >> why didn't you [ bleep ] the [ bleep ]? you didn't [ bleep ] the [ bleep ]. >> name something women avoid doing when they're [ bleep ] fat? >> eating desserts. >> jimmy: onerepublic.
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i'll be right back with kurt is jackson, that's 50 cent. we'll be right back. and applebee's new grilled vidalia onion sirloin with that fresh-from-the-farm, sweet vidalia onion taste takes you straight to your summer happy place. [ man ] whoo-hoo-hoo! ♪ [ male announcer ] hey, it looks like someone ordered right. tangy barbecue sauce and sweet vidalia onions. in season now. taste of summer entrees now start at just $9.99. another fresh reason to see you tomorrow. at applebee's. and see you late night for half-price apps. another fresh reason to see you tomorrow. at applebee's. and now you get hit again.asis. this time by joint pain. it's a double whammy. it could psoriatic arthritis a chronic inflammatory disease that attacks your joints on the inside
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and your skin on the outside. if you've been hit by... find out more about psoriatic arthritis. take the symptom quiz at and talk to your doctor. ♪ yeah ♪ don't stop now, come on mony ♪ come on, yeah ♪ i say yeah ♪ yeah ♪ yeah ♪ yeah ♪ yeah ♪ yeah ♪ yeah ♪ 'cause you make me feel ♪ like a pony ♪ so good ♪ like a pony ♪ so good ♪ like a pony [ male announcer ] the sentra with bose audio and nissanconnect technology. spread your joy. nissan. innovation that excites. ♪ mony mony
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>> jimmy: hello and welcome back. tonight on the show -- a very funny woman, jenny slate is with us. we have music from onerepublic. game two of the nba times on sunday night. join us before or after the game. depending on where you live. my guest, snoop dog, psy and i will play basketball one-on-one. our first guest tonight, a multitalented man who excels in the fields of hip-hop, acting, publishing and not dying from bullets. he has a new cd, called animal ambition and executive producer of a tv show called "power" premiere's saturday night on starz, please welcome, curtis "50 cent" jackson. [ cheers and applause ]
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♪ >> jimmy: how are you doing? things are going well, i guess? >> yeah. they're still with me, jimmy. still with me, jimmy. >> jimmy: still with you. by the way, speaking of your fans, you have an interesting promotion designed to promote the new cd. which is -- people, if they pay $5,000 they will get what? >> no, we put together a package. they can buy bundles with a t-shirt, album, and like something that i signed and then, we came up with maybe if we, like have a weekend like where they can hang out with us. we put the package together for $5,000 that they can come and -- >> jimmy: to where? >> hang out at the house. >> jimmy: at your house? >> yeah. it sold out. it sold out.
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i was like, wait, i can come to your house? >> jimmy: will they sleep over your house? >> yeah. [ applause ] >> jimmy: how many people can you, how many people can you get in your house? >> it's big. like a small hotel. >> jimmy: how many people are you allowing to be a part of this? >> a bunch. >> jimmy: you don't know. >> it is going to be a party. >> jimmy: how involved will you be with them? if they have a bad dream can they come sleep with you? >> i'm going to look my door that night. >> jimmy: lock your door. >> we are having fun. >> jimmy: you bought your house from mike tyson. you have a huge place, right. >> 25,000 square feet. >> jimmy: do you have like a bowling alley or anything in it? >> nightclub. racket ball. basketball. indoor pool. outdoor pool. it's like a day spa. it's a facility for people.
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you are supposed to bring, invite people, entertain them. >> jimmy: typically you wouldn't charge them $5,000. but, i think you could have gotten a lot more for this. >> i know, i gave them a break. >> jimmy: you did. >> i gave them a break. i said let's try this for the first time. make some hype. >> jimmy: very kind of you. will you be making love to any of the people that come? >> it depend on how attractive they are. >> jimmy: i see. >> you told me to be honest. >> jimmy: you are always honest. i appreciate that. one thing you do not have at the house is a pitcher's mound. we saw your -- >> yeah. >> jimmy: yeah. yeah. why would you agree to do this in the first place? >> i still don't know why. to this moment, i don't know why i did that. i went to the game. i didn't realize this could happen. just throwing the ball. we play catch with each other. it's never an issue. you get there. there is pressure.
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it's like a ghost like from old pitchers that don't like people up there. you're getting ready to throw the ball and the ball go wherever you want it to go. >> jimmy: baseball is not your game, i guess. what about spelling, are you a good speller? >> with spellcheck. >> jimmy: with spellcheck. did you ask for a do-over there? >> i gave the look like, the whole experience, the real part of it, jimmy, was watching the catcher's face. because he was like, he was crouched down, he was like, he got up and was like -- [ bleep ], [ bleep ]. >> jimmy: why am i even out here? >> [ bleep ]. >> jimmy: did you get phone calls from your little league coaches and whatnot? >> i got a phone call from a guy, we grew up together. one of my long term friends, jimmy. he said, you're demoted. he was calling me to ask me that.
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>> jimmy: that's right. >> i am associating myself with you, we have known each other for a long period of time. we are not friends. >> jimmy: what is his name? s >> fat joe. >> jimmy: maybe he's trying to get you back for the weekend. a phillies cap you are wearing? because of your bad experience at the mets' game now, you are rooting for the phillies? >> you know, the mets after that. >> jimmy: done with the mets. we are going to take a break here. we have much to talk about. curtis jackson is here. he has a new tv show. we will be right back. new new
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the season's freshest flavors, now at olive garden. dive into our new pappardelle pescatore with the best of the bay. prepared from scratch daily and always served with unlimited salad and breadsticks. taste the flavors of the season at olive garden. they always figure it out. so they deserve a smart choice in litter. we make fresh step scoopable with carbon that's trapping and eliminating odors. fresh step, your cat deserves the best. ♪ that's trapping and eliminating odors. ♪ ♪
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in children, teens and young adults. elderly dementia patients taking abilify have an increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor if you have high fever, stiff muscles and confusion to address a possible life-threatening condition. or if you have uncontrollable muscle movements, as these could become permanent. high blood sugar has been reported with abilify and medicines like it and in extreme cases can lead to coma or death. other risks include increased cholesterol, weight gain, decreases in white blood cells, which can be serious, dizziness on standing, seizures, trouble swallowing and impaired judgment or motor skills. [ terri ] since adding abilify, i feel better. abilify and my antidepressant make a pretty good team. [ female announcer ] ask your doctor about a free trial of abilify and go to what would it learn? what improvements would it make? at ge, you've inspired us to reimagine the kitchen. with innovations like the first dishwasher featuring 102 spray jets.
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thanks. flat feet [ bleep ]. >> jimmy: that's 50 cent, curtis jackson, on the new show "power." that is your show. >> yeah, executive produced the project. >> jimmy: is that true, do people switch shoes in prison? >> yeah, when they got some juice. get some one to bring good shoes. >> jimmy: can you wear the good shoes in prison or forced to trade them for something? >> the person that has that kind of juice to get them is comfortable. >> jimmy: i got you. you are executive producer of the show. tell everybody what the show is about? >> it is about a guy that makes his way to the top of the underworld within new york city, and he starts to question his choices in life. because he is so, so well accomplished that he actually looks and says i could have did it the right way. he starts to look at the different things.
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people around him enjoy what he actually loves, like enjoy how he got there, the lifestyle, so they just want it to stay the way it is. but he plays the lead character, ghost, in the project. and we worked on it from the very beginning. went back and forth with each other. we started to cop the -- develop the characters. it turned out to be something i am proud of. really excited about. this project is -- i mean, it's one of the biggest ones i have been in. >> jimmy: a big deal to create a television show. something you always wanted to do? >> it started with films. i wanted to produce film projects. >> jimmy: what shows did you watch when you were growing up? >> i used to really like "bennie hill." >> jimmy: i loved bennie hill too. >> yeah, he used to always do that. >> jimmy: if you blurred your eyes just enough it looked like the girls were topless. they were just cantaloupes. >> my grandparents used to watch it too. i used to sit there like i
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wasn't paying attention. while i was watching it. >> jimmy: also talking about film. you have got a big, big, big film coming out. very soon. >> yeah, i did a project. man, look -- i did a big one. >> jimmy: real big one. disney. >> this ain't going to no red box. >> jimmy: this is the world premiere of the clip for the new, well the new film take a look. >> i know who you are. your shadow has been following me ever sense i was small. >> the story you know. >> don't be afraid. e >> the film you don't. >> ha-ha-ha. i have been shot nine times, i'm not afraid of no little white girl. >> malefiftycent.
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>> this is magical! >> jimmy: i know you kids are going to love it. >> jimmy: curtis "50 cent" jackson! "power" premieres saturday night at 9:00 p.m. on starz and "animal ambition" is available now. thank you for being here. great to see you. we will be right back. the ambulance racing by you. the ambulance chaser... chasing the ambulance. a rollerblader with headphones who's oblivious to everything. the cab driver who's checking out the rollerblader. it's 360 degrees of chaos out there. but with driver-assist technology, including a blind spot system and a rear-view camera, the ford fusion will help tell you when it's coming.
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welcoheyback. really?bye. kiss yo. cardiologist to check stand 1. crystal geyser alpine spring water? toucé. crystal geyser. always bottled right at the mountain source. >> jimmy: our next guest is a very funny person we know from "saturday night live" and her youtube series "marcel the shell with shoes." her new movie is called "obvious child." please welcome jenny slate. [ applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: are you interested in going in halves on a sleepover at 50 cent's house this weekend? >> yeah, i will do it. i am down. >> jimmy: $2,500.
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>> sounds great. sounds normal. >> jimmy: it's reasonable. >> that sounds normal for anything. i feel like if we do it we, should warn mr. cent that i have a sleep eating issue. >> jimmy: a what? >> i have a thing that i do in the night sometimes when i'm excited which i obviously if i was sleeping in mr. cent's castle. which is that i get into like a trance, sometimes, in the night. i wake up and i, i eat stuff in my sleep. and i leave it out too. >> jimmy: you don't know what happened the next day? >> not really. it's like, i have, like i kind of know i am doing it. you are not going to stop. that's the voice in my head. >> jimmy: wow. that's no good, i guess. or is it? >> it's hard. i tried to get hypnotized to make it go away. >> jimmy: you did? >> i just blasted right through there. >> jimmy: didn't have any effect? >> it just didn't work.
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i think my husband is really patient with me for many reasons. when he sees the trail, like there will be a trail of raisins. that like goes from the counter into the bathroom where i like stood, sometimes i will wake up also standing somewhere, like, throwing raisins into my mouth. he calls me jerry, five years ago i introduced my self as jerry slate in an -- move, he calls me jerry. he says, jer bear got into the kitchen. it's kind of cute. kind of sweet. >> jimmy: have you considered padlocking the fridge or pantry. is it that extremesome >> i don't know if we want to make jer bear mad. >> jimmy: i watched your movie. you were very good. you play a stand up comic. you still do it. but did that for a while. >> i started in stand up.
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that was when i graduated from college. the writer director of the movie actually found me doing stand up. first job i did for a short film. then became the feature. she wrote this movie about a stand up comedienne, she wrote the movie. i was able to donate three jokes to the movie. >> jimmy: your own jokes from your act? >> yes. >> jimmy: can you share any of them? >> one of them is that -- sort of asking people who looked at my face and thought that they were at a bagel store in the synagogue? that's one. you know, a good natured ribbing to myself. and the other one is that, also, i feel a little bit that, that my face looks like if, natalie imbrugia had sex with a menorah, but the menorah had me, i'm the genetic code. >> jimmy: the menorah was female.
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>> those are the genes that are strong. >> jimmy: were you a joker when you were a kid? >> i think the jokers in class are like the confident ones. i was like the middle sister, two sisters, the middle of a group of sisters raised by two art farts. >> jimmy: your parents. >> can i say -- you can say fart >> jimmy: of course you can say it, i'm doing it. >> sorry. terrible manners. >> jimmy: your parents, well your parents were art farts, what are you going to do? >> first time on your show. and i'm saying fart. a good thing i have a nice hair style. >> jimmy: it wouldn't be the first time. what did your parents do for a living? >> my dad is a poet. and my mom is a potter. >> jimmy: oh, wow, yeah. yeah. >> you know, really -- those are real -- yeah.
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>> jimmy: they made a living from that? >> those are the jobs that they chose for jobs, which is funny. yeah, my, well my dad for a while he had -- he worked in the corporate field. he worked for a computer company called wang? >> jimmy: i remember that. >> for years in my childhood, my dad slept in a nightgown because he's sensitive and brave. >> jimmy: he really did? >> he vent -- slept in a nightgown. it was salmon colored. >> jimmy: what? >> it was a gift from wang, i guess and it said wang on it. i would be at school, like when your dad wakes up grumpy in the night he spilled essential oils on his wang shirt. everybody would be like, we are not friends with you. >> jimmy: wow, wow, your mom was attracted to him, huh?
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>> yeah, yeah, they're like those dancing in the kitchen, slapping each other's butts. >> jimmy: does your mom sell her pottery? or work for a company? >> no, she worked for herself. my mom is a raku potter, that means part of the process is that you wrap the pottery in paper and set it on fire in a can. that's what she did. there is probably a raku potter out there, who is like, incorrect! no, you don't. but, yeah, she set the woods around the giant haunted house that we lived in, another story for another day. she set the woods on fire like three times. >> jimmy: three times? >> like a lot. >> jimmy: what? >> a lot of fires in my childhood. my dad was like, nancy we were going to build you a pottery studio in the attic. he almost immediately -- they look took off the roof of our house and started to put it back
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on. then my dad accused the contractor of stealing the knobs off our barbecue grill. and stealing a bag of his medicine. it was like maybe you used your medicine, dad, and did something weird with the grill knobs. >> jimmy: hard to keep track of knobs in that condition. >> totally. i lost all my knobs. i don't have a knob in my house. so the contractor was hike, you guys are the worst. he left. then we had a big hole in the roof of our house. all the bats from the woods flew in. it's like, terrifying. and i don't know, like if you have ever, to wake up with a bat just -- it's so scary. and my dad would come out, because my sisters would be, oh, bats. my dad would come out with a tennis racket. great gatsby style like, is that a net? or like a clock? what is that? and he would swat, be in his wang gown, and just swat the
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bats against the hallway of our house. and his wang gown got splattered in bat blood. >> jimmy: oh, my god. >> yeah, yeah. that's when we lost it. >> jimmy: can i say you are lucky to be alive. and i am not kidding. you are honestly. a miracle you made it this far. >> thank you. >> jimmy: jenny slate! e we'll be right back with onerepublic.
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>> jimmy: i'd like to thank 50 cent, jenny slate and apologize to matt damon. we did run out of time for him. "nightline" is next. but first, their album is called "native." here with the song "love runs out" -- onerepublic. [ applause ] ♪ i'll be your light your match your burning sun ♪ ♪ i'll be the bright in black that's makin you run ♪ ♪ and i'll feel alright and i'll feel alright 'cause we'll work it out yeah we'll work it out ♪ ♪ i'll be doing this if you had a doubt till the love runs out till the love runs out ♪ ♪ i'll be your ghost your game your stadium ♪ ♪ i'll be your fifty-thousand clapping like one ♪
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♪ and i feel alright and i feel alright 'cause i worked it out yeah i worked it out ♪ ♪ i'll be doing this if you ever doubt till the love runs out till the love runs out ♪ ♪ i got my mind made up man i can't let go i'm killing every second till it saves my soul ♪ ♪ ooh i'll be running ooh i'll be running ♪ ♪ till the love runs out till the love runs out and we'll start a fire and we'll shut it down ♪ ♪ till the love runs out till the love runs out ♪ ♪ there's a maniac out in front of me got an angel on my shoulder and mephistopheles ♪ ♪ but mama raised me good mama raised me right mama said do want you want say prayers at night ♪ ♪ and i'm saying them cause i'm so devout till the love runs out
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till the love runs out ♪ ♪ i got my mind made up man i can't let go i'm killing every second till it saves my soul ♪ ♪ ooh i'll be running ooh i'll be running ♪ ♪ till the love runs out till the love runs out and we'll start a fire and we'll shut it down ♪ ♪ till the love runs out till the love runs out ♪ ♪ oh oh we all want the same thing ♪ ♪ oh oh we all run for something ♪ ♪ run for god for fate for love for hate for gold for rust for diamonds for dust ♪ ♪ i'll be your light your match your burning sun ♪
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♪ i'll be the bright in black that's makin' you run ♪ ♪ i got my mind made up man i can't let go i'm killing every second till it saves my soul ♪ ♪ ooh i'll be running ooh i'll be running ♪ ♪ till the love runs out till the love runs out and we'll start a fire and we'll shut it down ♪ ♪ till the love runs out till the love runs out ♪ ♪ i'll be your light your match your burning sun ♪ ♪ i'll be the bright in black that's makin' you run ♪ ♪ and we'll feel alright and we'll feel alright 'cause we'll work it out yes we'll work it out ♪ ♪ and we'll start a fire and we'll shut it down till the love runs out, till the love runs out ♪ ♪ till the love runs out [ cheers and applause ] tl
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♪ this is "nightline." >> tonight, by the hour. what would you do for a dollar? we rent our rides, our apartments. and these enterprising entrepreneurs are making a buck and earning a living. and tonight, they're sharing their secrets. plus, selfie surgery. hate the way you look online? for some social media mavens, there is only one cure. as the hunt for the perfect profile pic gone too far? and check
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