tv Beyond the Headlines ABC June 21, 2014 4:30pm-5:01pm PDT
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welcome to "beyond the headlines." i'm cheryl jennings. today's show features a special roundtable discussion in celebration of pride month, for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender or lgbt around the country. the month of june marks the annual celebration and remembrance of the 1969 stonewall riots that happened in new york city. those are events that are recognized as the beginning of the modern gay rights movement. you can find out more about the history of stonewall on our website at joining me in the studio right now are linda harrison, executive director of the museum of the african diaspora,
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commonly known as moad in san francisco. anthony ross, director of project outlet in palo alto. and dana van gorder, executive director of project inform, an organization dedicated to finding a cure for hiv within the next decade. we've all lived through this crisis, i hope that's the case. we want to be here to report that. i want everybody to tell me a bit first about the work that you do. linda, let me start with you. i know the museum is going through a lot of renovations, you're leading the charge on that. >> i am. and, cheryl, i'm so excited about it. this is six months in as the executive director and the museum is ready for its transformation. and that's what we'll be doing over the summer. that transformation is physical, but it's also with our exhibitions. this will allow us to expand our exhibitions, expand our programs, currently we're out in the neighborhood, moad in the neighborhood, with various
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programs that we would normally have inside. we hope to come back. we will come back in the fall with a show, multiple exhibitions that allow allow us to expand our reach to the community. >> you are much more culturally diverse as well, right? >> yes. a lot of times when people think of the dispora, migration of people from their homeland, we will look at that spectrum through the african lens, afrocuban, afro asian, afro describian, as well as african-american. >> fascinating. anthony, you're the director of project outlet, but you provide services from san jose to san francisco. tell us about what that involves. >> sure, thank you for having me, first of all. so, outlet is a program for adolescent counseling services in palo alto.
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adolescent counseling services provides counseling for teens and their families. outlet is one of the programs. we provide support and empowerment for lgbt youth between the ages of 13 and 25. we also provide education in the community. the youth, when they come through our doors, they are safe, they get to talk about things that are important to them. we go out to the community, hopefully when they leave our doors they will still go to places that are safe and welcoming. >> are you getting kids coming in at a younger age. >> we are. parents are bringing in their 11-year-olds and 12-year-olds to our group. we are also working with families that have young children that, you know, are using the term gender creative, gender variant, elementary school-aged kids. so, 6, 7, 8-year-olds. >> it's a lot different than when we were young and nobody talks about it, right? >> right. >> that's a good thing.
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parents have a lot of questions. >> yes, a lot of questions. you know, need some support to know they're not alone. >> dana, let's talk about finding a cure for hiv in the next decade. that's so ambitious. >> it is. it's realistic. san francisco itself is home to a great deal of research right now to identify a cure. we obvious ly have great medications to treat hiv right now. it prolongs their lives enormously and helps to reduce new infections, too. several years ago our founder, martin delaney, kick started the effort to find an actual cure. we are representing patients in the process of actually doing that. and we've always sort of helped to support the drug development process. we also educate patients about how and when to use them. we do a great deal of public policy to make sure if they enter treatment that they will
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have it paid for. it will be affordable and quality care. >> one of the things i deal with certainly among my friends is that there's still a stigma. people don't like to disclose among some populations. >> there is. which is really unfortunate. i know we're talking about the parade today, and sort of the importance of people being visible and out about, you know, the issues and their personal life. fortunately there are a lot of groups, including ours and others, who are represented hea you know provide a lot of support to hiv positive people so that they do feel as though, you know, they're supported if they're not in their families. >> so it's a great resource for folks who need to make the first step because they need help. >> yes. >> we have to take a break. we have so much more to talk about. stay with us. when we come back, we'll
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welcome back to "beyond the headlines." we're talking with some leaders from the local lgbt community in celebration of pride month. we have with us today, linda harrison, executive director of the museum of the african diasporo, anthony ross, and dana van gorder, executive director of project inform, dedicated to finding a cure for hiv in the next ten years. so, we're here to talk about gay pride month and why that is so important. so, dana, let me start with you. why does that mean something? what does that mean to you? >> i've been participating in these events for many years. they've changed greatly over the course of probably those 30 years. you know, from sort of the early days when we were just asserting the kind of visibility and strength of our community, now to really celebrating the
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incredible progress that we've made. at this parade, you know, we'll be celebrating incredibled ed advances with regard to same-sex marriage. president obama this week signed an executive order banning discrimination against federal employees. so, you know, the enthusiasm at this event in particular about the great social progress that is being made is infectious and really wonderful to participant in. >> let me add a bit about what you were talking about. the president plans to sign an executive order banning discriminating against employees based on sexual orientation or gender identity. did you ever think you would hear anybody on the national level say anything like this? >> no. amazing.s amazing. it's amazing. the past few years have been amazing to hear any president say anything about lgbt community that's positive and
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supportive and protecting our community. it's amazing. >> how important is this type of celebration to you, this decision and this celebration this month? >> for me, it's important personally and professionally. i've been working with the youth community for the past 11 years. it has a huge impact on them. even though they're young, a lot of them don't get to san francisco pride necessarily, but they go to smaller pride, just talking about it, hepresident o president on tv talk about the community. that's amazing. >> it's a great validation. >> yes. >> linda, what do you have? >> it's stunning that this is something -- i grew up in chicago. this is a place where it's not only being supportive of your job that you're going to, but i'm also an african-american woman, large african-american community in chicago, not to be discriminated against on both fronts is powerful.
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this is why pride means so muc . and the celebration of it. my wife and i have been married 21 years. we keep getting married every time there's an opportunity for it to be legal. so we have to keep doing this. it just opens up the door. we don't know when we're a role model, particularly as an african american out lgbt person. it's so important to participate in the celebration. >> you're all leaders in your field which is important to show you're in charge and that's a validation right there. another thing that is becoming more public is the issue of transgender. you talked, anthony, about gender creativity. so, let me start with you. i hope you're okay with this. when did you come out? when did you know? you went through a double transition. >> yeah, i've come out twice. i came out at 19 as a lesbian,
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then came out officially at 38 as transgender. so, it's -- it's been a trip. >> it was a journey then. >> yeah. yeah. it's been a trip to watch the youth that we work with at outlet, you know, a lot of them i watch transition before i did. it's providing support and also questioning my own identity. like i said before, you know, we're working with families, children coming in who are young. looking for support and the schools that the kids are at are looking for support, they don't readily know how to -- they want to, their intention is great in the schools that we're working at, but they're like what do we do? >> yeah. >> so it's -- it's just a huge -- this feels to me like it's the next frontier of, you know, listen to me -- it's been a frontier for a lot of tra trans activists for a white. >> i've heard this is the next several rights issue.
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dana, what do you say to that? >> absolutely. it's probably the issue that people have to kind of work to wrap their heads around the most potentially. but we've made incredible progress. the fact that schools are now supportive, by in large we were able to defeat or stop a ballot measure on this issue this year in california, which i think is great. so, enormous progress is being made. thanks to some very brave people. >> all right. we'll have to take another break. i know you want to say something to that. we'll take a break. when we come back, we'll talk about the current state of hiv in the bay area. stay with us. don't go away. we'll b
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don't wait for awesome... totino's pizza rolls ...gets you there in just 60 seconds. welcome back to "beyond the headlines." i'm cheryl jennings. today we're having a special roundtable discussion in honor of lgbt pride across the bay area. i wanted to go back to what we were talking about when you first knew and your transition. linda, i didn't get to ask you that you were gender creative, is that right? or different? >> i love that term, gender creative. i would say it was in my 30s is when i really came out with t t that, the harrison collins family reunion of 150 people, i took my wife and we said this is what we're going to do. my mom said you won't be
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kissing, will you? i said if everyone in the family is kissing each other, i think we'll all kiss each other. but that just opened up the window with my family accepting what my lifestyle is, because they were accepting at the same time that i had just gotten a big promotion, the company i worked with, eastman kodak company, the two had to sit there and pause. that i realized i would have to come out every day. that's what happens. you don't know when it's going to present itself. but you come out every day on this issue. >> very courageous of all of you. one of the things that we really have to talk about, and we're a major sponsor of this is the upcoming aids walk. i want to tell you about this. it's coming up, it's in golden gate park, we're a proud sponsor of this 10 kilometer fund-raising walk that will support the work of a number of bay area organizations working to stop new infections and support people living with hiv and aids. we hope you will join us.
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we will have an abc team there. it's sunday, july 20th at sharon meadow at golden gate park. we hope to see you there it will probably be cold and blustery like last year. i wanted to get back to dana and project inform. it is the new aids walk beneficiary in san francisco. why is aids walk so important to your organization? why do we still need to do this? >> well, the great thing about aids walk, which is now 28 years old, it's been the vehicle in the bay area for people from all seven counties to come together to express their support for ending the epidemic and to really help to raise funds. so, you know, it provides a great vehicle for educating the community about what's happening in the epidemic and to really encourage civic engagement. people come from their employers, they form their own
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little teams, and express their interest in ending this epidemic in a variety of ways. >> one of the things when i first started here, started learning about hiv and aids, i think i was the first reporter in the bay area, maybe the whole west coast to hold a child with aids. it was hard to get stories on the air about it, this was back in the '80s when the crisis started. i'm so glad to be a part of this i love seeing families at the aids walk. we have all lost friends and family to aids what has your experience been, anthony? >> well, you know, the youngest of six kids in my family, so my older siblings lost more people. they talk about going to funerals every weekend in the '80s. that's big. for our youth, we're still dealing with it, but they're coming from a whole different place because they didn't experience that. it's up to us to tell them. big part of outlet's work is, you know providing that
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education and the information on how to prevent stds and aids, hiv. especially with the latino community. >> yes. >> other minority communities, they are not getting the information they need. >> i know you have a plan to use art as part of your educational process. >> well, that is. this is -- i'm so excited about how it's an every-day discussion about aids and supporting the care around aids. just the awareness, particularly around the black community. it's like we're the new black. i believe there's a new movie out about that, that african-americans are engaged politically around this issue of aids and aids education. black women are now, i believe, the largest number of individuals that are living with aids. >> oh, my.
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>> it's now this next wave that we have to really be able to have the communities of color support aids and aids research. >> one of the statistics i heard from you are transgender women of color are a huge part. >> the level of risk is particularly high. right now we're seeing probably the greatest number of new infections among gay and bisexual men of color and tra transgender women as well. many agencies that you mentioned at the beginning who participate in the walk and who receive funds from the walk are doing prevention work in those communities. >> well, we want to remind people and invite people at home to please join us in the aids walk. we want to show you a little slide here to give you all that information. it's sunday, july 20th, sharon
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meadow, golden gate park, 9:00 sign in begins. there's the number 415-615-walk, always the website. we'll have all that information for you on our website. right now, we have to take a quick break. when we come back, we'll wrap up our discussion with our inspiring local leaders. stay with us. don't go away. we'll be right don't wait for awesome... totino's pizza rolls... ...gets you there in just 60 seconds. ahhh! wh there are no marshmallows in this box of lucky charms!
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welcome back to "beyond the headlines," i'm cheryl jennings. we're finishing up our community roundtable discussion honoring lgbt pride month. and we have some amazing guests, we have linda harrison, executive director of the museum of the african diaspora. ante ross, director of project outlet, and dana van gorder, executive director of project inform. before we wrap, i want some final thoughts. we had so many things going on here today. linda, let me start with you.
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you'll be at the aids walk, right, july 20th? >> i will be at the aids walk, we'll be at tl be parade at the end of the month. >> two things going on. >> the museum is supporting through our art, getting out into the community and we'll be at the film festival as a coproducer of the film, pro-presenter of the film "through the lens darkly" it's part of our mission to share with the community how art and looking through art will support our lives. >> i went to their facebook page, it looks fascinating. great. >> yeah. >> anthony? you'll be at the walk? you encouraging people to be there? >> we also encourage people to be there. our program is usually one of the programs that receives some of this funding from the walk. so, that makes a big difference for our program. >> and the parade, too. can't forget the parade.
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>> yeah. we'll be marching in the parade with the latino contingent. it's an important component for latino youth. >> dana, i know you have a lot to say before we go. >> one of the ones the walk is important is because it supports hiv testing programs, and medical care programs. and san francisco in particular is really way ahead of the rest of the nation in terms of the response to the epidemic, because we have gotten so many people tested, linked to care, people are living longer. we've seen a huge decrease in the number of new infections. the gateway to all of that is hiv testing. there will be hiv testing at the walk available. and i just want to encourage people to make sure that the people that they love and care about get tested and if it's necessary to sort of go to a testing site with somebody that you care about to make sure they
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get tested, do it. >> i will add to that. i work with the aids population for many, many years, i just do it. i just get tested. it's just a blood test. nobody thinks anything about it. you know, for aids test, hiv test, and for hepatitis. so, those are things that i do personally. i join you in supporting that effort. >> thank you. actually, we do work on hepatitis c this is an amazing moment in hepatitis c, it's very curable. and all baby bomb omers are recommended to be tested. >> final thoughts, anthony? >> just appreciate us being here and being able to talk about lgbt month and pride and it really is a huge celebratory month. >> linda? >> i'm so proud that the museum of the african diaspora is part of gay pride celebration and that we were invited here to share with the community that we're out in the community.
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>> literally out. i love it. all right. we'll have information on facebook, twitter, all of that posted for our viewers at home on our website so that if they want more information about your organization, they can find resources. thank you all for being with us. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> that is going to do it. thank you for being with us to celebrate pride month. for more information about today's program, just go to our website, we're on facebook at abc7 community affairs. follow me on twitter. i'm cheryl jennings, thanks so much for being with us. we'll see you at the aids walk. bye-bye.
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