tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC July 1, 2014 11:35pm-12:38am PDT
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devices with our abc 7 news ap. on jimmy kimmel, dane cook. see you tomorrow. >> announcer: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- dane cook from "tammy," mark duplass. and music from trey songz. with cleto and the cletones and now, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you for being here tonight.
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i appreciate that. it's very nice. there's so much going on today, and i want to start with the world cup, because the u.s. team today defied all expectations. they were not expected to get out of the first round. they took the dreaded belgiums into overtime. they call it extra time, but i don't. it's overtime. unfortunately belgium won it, which is ridiculous because i didn't nobelknow belgium was a country. you know what they call belgium waffles in belgium? waffles. it's hard to lose to a nation of pacifist chocalatiers. but all work stopped this afternoon when the game went into overtime. productivity did suffer. i'm sure that happened in a lot of offices across the country. there are no sporting events
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that increase productivity. it's not like you hear, wow, this u.s. open makes me want to crank out these expense reports. work even stopped at the white house today. about 200 staffers gathered to watch the game and their boss walked in and began to lead them in cheer. >> i believe! i believe! i believe that we can win! i believe that we can win! >> jimmy: he believed in a lot of things that didn't quite work out. just put that one on the list. any way, belgium defeated our team 2-1. so now they'll move on to what, the fantasy suite? i'm not sure what the rules on in this world cup. everyone has been talking about soccer this week. so much so we decided to conduct an experiment. we went out and found people who
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claim to be big fans of u.s. soccer. we asked those people how they think landon donovan has been playing so far. if you follow soccer, you know he was cut from the team in may before the cup even started. it was a big deal, because he was the biggest name on the team. when we asked these fans how they thought he was doing, they spoke mistruths. that's tonight's edition of "lie witness news." >> what do you think of landon donovan's may here in the world cup? >> definitely pretty good. he kept playing. nba players, normally they won't do that. they'll take it to the nose. pretty much for him. >> where were you when you were watch landon donovan hit in the nose? >> at work. >> what was their reaction? >> oh, no. then he got up and they were
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proud of him. because we are u.s. soccer fans. >> what is the best play you've seen with landon donovan? >> against portugal. >> the bicycle kick at the end? >> i cried, too. >> where were you when you saw that seminole moment landon donovan scoring. >> i was playing my piano when i heard a reaction from people next door. and i watched the replay. >> so pretend you're sitting at the piano and tickling the ivories, and you hear people cheering. what's happened. >> my window is here and my piano is here. playing the piano. >> it's in the goal. >> screams from my right rear. [ laughter ]
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i looked to the tv, because i know that's what's going on. i've been hearing it all day, and that was the reaction. there's a lot of soccer fans in hollywood apparently. >> some people are saying that landon donovan's may is almost existent out there in the world cup. would you agree? >> no, he's still got one more in him. he's still got one more good shot in him. >> so you've seen highlights of happen don donovan playing? >> i've seen him play. >> he's got the purple mohawk. >> and the tattoos and stuff. i'm a stylist, so i watch things like that. >> do you think landon donovan is outperforming the other players this the world cup this year? >> i don't think so. i've seen him plate way better in the world cup. so >> are we talking cal or donovan? >> donovan. >> do you think landon donovan is living up to his famous
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nickname beckham shmechham this year? >> pretty much. >> what is the most shocking play landon donovan took part in the world cup this year? >> probably biting another man. >> tell me about that. >> it's crazy. but sit what it is. >> what were the feelings and thoughts when you saw landon donovan bite another man? >> he's hot, so i don't care. >> when you first saw landon donovan first bite that player, what went through your mind? >> what are you doing? it's not worth it. >> do you think it was right for president obama to give him a phone call and scold him like that? >> i mean, he probably needed it. but i don't think it was his job to do that, no. >> so you think the president overstepped his bounds? >> yeah, yeah. >> do you have any other thoughts on the world cup that you would like to lie about? >> go, usa! about it 6r789
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[ applause ] >> jimmy: today, in case you didn't know, is canada day. [ applause ] on july 1, 1867, canada officially became a country. so happy birthday, canada. just so you know, we like you a lot more than you like us. there are many celebrations in canada, including toronto, where mayor rob ford walked in the canada day parade. for some reason, he chose to wear a ley. the mayor got mixed reaction from the crowd. a guy without a shirt decided to scold him along the way. but on the other hand, this man seems to have escaped from the hospital specifically to give the mayor his support. sb.!huabz canada day, canadian folk, from all of us.
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here in the united states of america, we have a new most terrifying place to eat in rifle, colorado. that is a place. there's a restaurant called shooter's grill, where p1> enco loaded firearms to eat. just in case your cheese burger comes out and it's still alive. there's a sign that says guns are welcome on premises, please keep all weapons hollistered unless the need arises. i don't know. it's not that the customers that are armed at shooter's, either. so all the waiters and waitresses carry guns. how much do you tip an armed waitress? it's 300%, right? the owner of that restaurant was quoted as saying the customers love that they can come here and express their rights, which i don't know. in my opinion the only time it's acceptable to bring a gun into a restaurant is at mcdonald's when
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it's 10:33 a.m. and they tell you it's too halate to buy an e mcmuffin. are you that are with the rapper rick ross? he rarely wears a shirt, but lately he's been losing weight thanks to exercise and a new diet. >> the most i used to do for exercise was stand up to count the money. >> but you might be on your feet for a few hours. >> now they give me fruit to eat. i forgot what fruit tasted like. i eat pears and [ bleep ] like that. >> shout out to all the pear eaters. i never thought i would hear that shoutout. he rediscovered his love of fruit. not many rappers do that.
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our musical guest tonight is a talented gentleman named trey songz. trey is a big man with a song called "nana." it's very catchy, but unless you know the new lingo, some of the lyrics might go over your head. so i'm going to help get some translation. it's time for "new lyrics for old people." to help us with this, please welcome trey songz. trey, come on out. [ applause ] there he is. how are you doing? welcome. thanks for coming. [ cheers and applause ] before we start translating this, when you say nana, are you talking about your actual nana, like your grandma? >> no, no. i'm just saying nana. >> okay, good. it would be gross the other way. so you to the first line. >> that's nice right there. i like that.
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this is the intro, ladies and gentlemen. it goes like this. one, two, three. ♪ oh, nana, look what you done started ♪ >> jimmy: so it appears that with nana, things are headed in a sexual direction. ♪ oh, nana, why you dot to act so naughty ♪ >> jimmy: i question why you behaved inappropriately, even though i am aroused. all this cash ♪ >> jimmy: i'm so aroused, i will pay you. he almost said ass, but for the sake of children, you didn't. ♪ oh, nana, put your hands in
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the air if you love me tonight ♪ >> jimmy: that's polite. raise your hand. ♪ oh, nana, keep your hands in the air if you're spending the night ♪ >> jimmy: we would like to maybe have a sleepover let me know so we can have clean sheets on the bed. again, we're translating. he's not offering you sex. ♪ oh, nana, oh, nana >> that's just nonsense. ♪ baby, baby, i'm the one you love here, i'm going to give it to you ♪ >> jimmy: now it's time for the sex they were talking about. >> it's sexy time. ♪ i'm going to give you the best time of your life ♪ >> jimmy: he's very good at sex and he's saying you're going to
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really enjoy this. does that mean you're making her pay for dinner? >> no, no. that's when the check -- if she's down for that, i'm cool. >> jimmy: don't let me stop you. ♪ girl i ain't even got a check ♪ >> jimmy: you're giving signals now that the love making must proceed immediately. >> we've been doing this for a while now. ♪ let me show you the best >> jimmy: i know you've had relationship issues in the past, but this time will be different because i'm like the michael jordan of sex. [ cheers and applause ] why are they going to the left? >> because it's other men that want her attention. >> jimmy: and the left is -- >> to belittle them, i call them boys. this is new lingo for ignoring people. >> jimmy: i didn't know that.
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>> i'm putting you up on game. i'm going to tell you something -- >> jimmy: i don't know what that means either. that's trey songz, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] we're going to do the whole song later. trey songz is here. we'll be right back with dane cook. so stick around. >> announcer: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by doritos loaded -- a nacho cheese snack for the bold. be the first to grab doritos loaded at participating 7-eleven stores starting july 2nd.
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hey, if you could be any dinosaur, which would you t-rex. that's dumb, cuz when you're hungry late at night, your little t-rex arms couldn't stuff your face with - my new chick-n-tater melt munchie meal. it's got crispy chicken, hash browns, and gooey cheese on a buttery croissant. that's french. ok, i get it. so what would you be? a long armed t-rex. jerk.
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>> jimmy: welcome back. starting tomorrow you can see him alongside melissa mccarthy in the very funny new movie "tammy" -- mark duplass is here. and then -- his brand new album came out today. it's called "trigga." trey songz from the at&t outdoor stage. tomorrow night -- the great susan sarandon will be here. ramon rodriguez will be here.
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and we'll have music from robin thicke. robin has a long day tomorrow. in morning he's going to be on "good morning america" and "the view" in new york and then he is on our show at night. you know how he's getting back and forth? he's riding a horse. [ laughter ] yeah. so that's going to be something. our first guest tonight is an exceptionally successful standup comic who balances the many filthy things he says on stage with wholesome family things in a new disney movie called "planes." it opens in theaters july 18. please welcome dane cook. [ cheers and applause ] very good to see you. how are you doing? >> great to see you. great to see you, guillermo. >> jimmy: what's going on with
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you? >> every day i put on this suit and i wait for you to call. what have i been doing? >> jimmy: you're getting very muscular, by the way. >> it's called jacked. >> jimmy: i know. >> i'm just doing dips waiting for you to call. what have i been doing? a little thing called online dating. >> jimmy: have you really? >> i was interested in it. i actually joined a couple of sites. it's an amazing process, the online dating world. you can really -- the one site that i had a little difficulty with, has been -- >> jimmy: no, you've got the wrong -- >> i'm just not doing it right. >> jimmy: what sites are you on? >> you can meet exactly the kind of person you're interested in, online. if you're religious, join a website called christian mingle.
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you can only talk about christian things. i'm sure they're all in there talking about guilt. easter eggs. if you're jewish, you can join talk about jewish things. again, i'm not jewish. i'm sure they're discussing where the best chinese restaurants are located. if you're a farmer, you can join a site called farmer's only. are you on that site? i'm sure that website is just at peak hours at 4:30 a.m., good morning. basically, there's a site for everybody. if you're indian, that website is just dot com. >> jimmy: i did not know that. dane, i cannot -- we uncovered this today. this is one of your old head shots. i cannot believe that this guy
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would need any kind of help with online dating. [ laughter ] what a dreamy shot. >> wow! >> jimmy: when did that happen? >> let's really -- wet hair, eh. i'm wearing an xxl blazer. that was one of my first head shots, yeah. >> jimmy: i like this part, don't follow your dreams, run with them. [ laughter ] this is before oprah magazine, so you probably came up with that yourself. >> that's something a willow tree whispered to me, as i was dreaming underneath it. thanks for doing that, jimmy. >> jimmy: did you have any special skills you claimed to have? >> just running with dreams. >> jimmy: what is your plan for the fourth of july? do you like to cause explosions, blow things up? >> no, no. we've known each other for a long time. i was always like the nervous kid growing up.
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i didn't enjoy the fourth of july. i walls afraid there was going to be -- i would be laying in bed wondering about high wind advisories. >> jimmy: really? >> i remember walking around and warning neighbors. listen, you have some dry brush in your backyard. i'm handing out goggles. i was very concerned for the people in my neighborhood. >> jimmy: you were quite the little cub scout. that's got to make you popular with the other kids, right? >> they would shoot fireworks at me. popular in the way i was a target. >> jimmy: you're from a big family, right? >> 17 boys. >> jimmy: wow. >> 38 girls. >> jimmy: that is a big family. that is remarkable. >> it was a lot of kids. we wanted more, but my mother was just getting too old. >> jimmy: this is sort of an anniversary for us, because i think it was 11 years ago almost to this day that you came on the show to promote your first
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comedy album. >> i want to thank you right to you for that. [ applause ] it's an amazing -- my first comedy cd that we had out here, "harmful if swallowed," it changed my life and gave me a fan base and put me on the road for years. i always thought it would be fitting to share special news i have tonight. spoiler alert right here, which is i have a new special and it's going to be on this fall, my first one in almost four years. and i couldn't be more excited to let the fans and everybody know. it's going to be on showtime this year. >> jimmy: oh, good. i thought you were going to make a joke. i thought you were going to come out of the closet or something. i didn't know what you were up to. >> you have to watch the special. it's called "trouble maker." >> jimmy: this is good timing with the disney movie, because you want to have some space between your standup act and -- >> right. this is fun family fare. this is going to be a lot of heart and fun.
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then in the fall, we will destroy relationships. >> jimmy: when we come back, we'll see a clip from your new movie. >> let's to that when i come back. >> jimmy: dane cook is here. we'll be right back. >> announcer: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by doritos loaded -- a nacho cheese snack for the bold. be the first to grab doritos loaded at participating 7-eleven stores starting july 2nd. i'm living the life of dreams, with good people all around me. i'm living the life of dreams. no! i'm living the life of dreams. i'm feeling hopefully. feeling quite hopefully, it's right up here, turn right, turn right. with good people all around me. right, right, right, right, right! with good people all around me. ok look you guys, she's up here somewhere. with good people all around me. there she is! cara! come here girl! i'm feeling hopefully. and the light shines bright all through the night. oh i don't know it. and the light shines bright all through the night. yes, you do. and the light shines bright all through the night. 42. and the light shines bright all through the night. good job. and the light shines bright all through the night. and the light shines bright all through the night. and our dreams are making us nice stories.
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and my loves are well sleeping just right. and i know know know know now... ...that we're, living the life of dreams... dreams... there's no monsters down here, [music fades out] dreams...dreams...dreams... it's just mr. elephant. come on, let's get to bed. steve's b-b-q.g to my barbecue? ya ya is this right? oh hey guys! subway is bringing big barbecue flavor with the applewood pulled pork. slow-cooked to tender perfection. subway. eat fresh. when francois thibault said he with spring water and the n best french wheat. everyone here said... non, non! but little by little, the world got to love what he had made.
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grey goose, francois? the extraordinary belongs to those who make it. ♪ this is a steak? [sighs] let's make this right. stay low and spread out. [yawns] nicely done. [crunch] cheezy. that's it. sprinkle it on top. enough! ah, check please. [clank] ♪ if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis like me, and you're talking to your rheumatologist about a biologic... this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific
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fire and rescue." it's a disney movie. the first one was a really big hit. and kids love planes and fire and rescue and all that. >> they were going crazy for this. i got to see this the other night with the cast. it's just tremendous. the people that worked on the first one took it to a new level. >> jimmy: do parents come up to you and say, talk to my kid as dusty crop hopper. >> they do, or they want me to record their voice mail message. the thing that's really kind of, you know, not special about it, it's my voice. i'm not like, i'm dusty. [ laughter ] i'm really leaving them a voice mail, like hey, what's up, it's dane. i sound like dusty right now. i hope you're well. see the movie. >> jimmy: do you find that some of these people, people that have been fans of yours for a long time that now have kids and watching this stuff with their children? >> they're watching it, and the
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kids hear it and they say, where are the swears? there's another version coming out. >> jimmy: how long have you been doing standup? >> 24 years. >> jimmy: worst gig you ever did? >> the second time on this show was not -- see what i did? one time they had me -- i did this college and they were like, hey, we didn't have a regular stage, so we built you a stage. when i got there, it was a scaffolding for like construction. and they just put the mike stand about halfway up the scaffolding. but they didn't lock it down. and i'm pretty physical. midway through the show, the front broke and i slid from the scaffolding into the crowd. like "game of thrones," like i was going into a dragon's mouth.
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or "dane of thrones." >> jimmy: that could be a whole new thing for you. in all that time, have you found that the audience has changed at all? i know at one point you were hugely popular on myspace. now myspace is a thing we don't even use anymore. >> i gave birth to it, then i had to kill it. when i go, it goes, jimmy. no, i think that over the years, obviously having like a really incredible dedicated fan base, it's the blessing of any performer. you want people that want to come out and see you. i can't believe it's 24 years or 11 years, but i'm still having the time of my life. >> jimmy: do you find that these people are at all different, are they aging at all? >> they want money from me. >> jimmy: in what way? >> they said, we read online that you have money. will you give us some. >> jimmy: do you ever give people money? >> i'll throw them a couple she
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can -- sheckels. >> jimmy: what is the exact date? >> in the fall. showtime in the fall. >> jimmy: dane cook! "planes -- fire and rescue" opens in theaters july 18th. we'll be right back. >> announcer: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by at&t. mobilizing your world. with unlimited talk and text, ten gigs e and for a family of four, its $160 a month. $160 a month? sign us up. um, maybe we sign you up at the store after this. right, 'cause this is the... food court, yeah. it's the food court. at&t's best-ever family pricing. for instance, a family of four gets 10 gigs of data, with unlimited talk & text, for $160 dollars a month.
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>> jimmy: welcome back. mark duplass and trey songz are on the way. but before we get to that let's see what gabourey sidibe has for us later tonight on "gabby." >> thanks, jimmy. tonight, we have something from his vegetable garden. and it's tattoo tuesday with judge judy. all this and more only on "gabby" tonight. >> jimmy: big news from 7-eleven. never-been-done-before snack called doritos loaded. that's warm melted cheese encrusted in doritos nacho cheese flavor. it's like putting heaven in your mouth. this intense bold experience with a crunch is available exclusively at 7-eleven starting july 2nd, and no one is more excited than our own guillermo.
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>> now, 7-eleven isn't releasing doritos loaded until july 2, but one fan is already waiting to be first in line. his name is -- >> guillermo rodriguez. >> how long have you been camped out here? >> 72 hours. >> guillermo has been in front of this store for 72 hours. >> and i haven't used the restroom yet. >> 72 hours and you've yet to leave the line to use the restroom. why, guillermo? >> i cannot risk losing my spot. >> thee days is a long time to wait for anything. how have you been passing the time? >> i've been reading this book called "baby ducks." i want to be the first person in the whole world to try doritos loaded. >> hey, i want you to be the first person in the world to try
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♪ she youryeah. my first. congratulations. your applewood pulled pork with extra pickles, sir. the subway applewood pulled pork has arrived. with that sweet, smoky flavor ya love. subway. eat fresh. when francois thibault said he with spring water and the n best french wheat. everyone here said... non, non! but little by little, the world got to love what he had made. grey goose, francois? the extraordinary belongs to those who make it. thlook what i got.p. oh my froot loops! [sniffs] let's do this? get up! get up! get up! get up!
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loop me! bring back the awesome... yeah! yeah! yeah! with the great taste of kellogg's froot loops. follow your nose! awesome, messy kids. they get stains like you wouldn't believe. this new tide ultra stain release and zap! cap helps me get out pretty much any stain. can i help? aww. just kidding. [ female announcer ] new tide ultra stain release helps remove 99% of everyday stains. ♪ ♪
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♪ >> jimmy: still to come, music from trey songz. our next guest is a talented filmmaker and actor from new orleans where crawfish and innocence go to die. you know him from "the league," "the mindy project" and "zero dark thirty." starting tomorrow, you can see him opposite melissa mccarthy in "tammy." please say hello to mark duplass. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ how are you? >> i am good, jimmy. >> jimmy: i don't know if you're aware of this, but your co-star was here with us last night. >> she told me she had a terrible time. >> jimmy: she did? i thought we had a good time. the movie is very funny, by the way.
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i heard you met here in our theater. >> it's crazy. i was here last year for my first time, and they were trimming my nose hairs and eyebrows, which is what you do your first time here. >> jimmy: and it looks great. >> i did the ears. >> jimmy: you have to get the ears. i pull them out with my fingers if i have to. >> so i was wondering if i would get to meet melissa, and she came bursting into my dressing room, and said that she loved some of the movies that my brother and i directed. she was like, would you want to do a movie with me? and it's hit rally the coming together of "tammy" happened right here. >> jimmy: i think probably a lot of people to that, like i would love to do a movie with you sometime and nothing materializes. >> i've had some weird fortunate experiences. i was at south by southwest film value and making like $5,000
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movies that no one knew about, and i got tackled by jonah hill and he told me how much he loved this movie "the puffy chair" i had made and wanted to make a movie with me. then we made the movie "cyrus." remember that movie? that box office juggernaut. >> jimmy: that was a good movie. that's great. so melissa's husband directed you this this film. >> that's right. >> jimmy: is that a strange thing when you have a love scene with an actress, and then her husband is sitting right there. >> what do you mean? >> jimmy: it must be a very uncomfortable -- i would think for me it would be uncomfortable. >> yes, as actors we are trained when we come on these shows to say, it's the at least sexy thing in the world. all the lights and cameras are there.
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one of the things actors say is it's like a fight scene. it's very technical. they're all lying. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> everybody is lying. >> jimmy: you really believe that? >> this is what i believe. we are animals, and there are things that happen when your lips touch another person's hips. there's these pistons that fire inside your body. for men in particular, things can ignite. >> jimmy: you said pistons? >> yes. >> jimmy: wait a minute, have you directed your wife, katie? >> yeah. this is -- i have a lot of experience with the on screen, off screen thing. my brother and i worked together a lot. my wife and i worked together, katie alison, who co-stars with me on "the league." [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: they won't be caught
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sleeping again. >> i love that you introduced me with "in the league" and "zero dark thirty." the two most different movies possible. have you seen "the league" where we sit on a couch and my wife is sitting here making out with steve, a lovely man, two i hate very much. it's super awkward for all of us. and we -- ben and i talked about it going into it, and he was pretty cool with it. but it gets super awkward. in fact, there was one movie, it was a little sundance movie called "the free bee." [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: dax sheppard and your wife are in it. >> and i produced it. because it was made for $10 n,0, it was made in our house. their sex scenes happened in our bed. >> jimmy: your real bed? >> i was standing at the foot of the bed helping katie direct the
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scenes. dax and i are close friends. i've got to be honest with you, you know dax, right? >> jimmy: yes, very well. >> how well? >> he has also made out with my life, but it had nothing to do with a movie. >> it's tough with dax. i's very talented and he's shown his emotional range on "parenthood." have you ever been swimming with him or anything? >> jimmy: yes, i have. >> so that are other things -- dax is -- he has things to offer that i don't necessarily have. >> jimmy: i see what you're talking about. you know why i know? because he told me. >> he doesn't have to tell you when you're shooting a movie. join and the best part is, your wife as director of the film, cast him in this role.
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so she looked around and said, who is it going to be. >> and dax kind of looks like me, but i think he has me beat by about 10%, 15% in every category. >> jimmy: do you really find that it will really bother you for real? >> it doesn't bother me in my soul, like we need to go to therapy. >> jimmy: which parts of the pod does it bother? >> it's like the lower half. but i love him, i -- >> jimmy: you share everything? >> no, i killed him. he's dead. >> jimmy: there's only one way that you must direct a movie, cast his wife and make out with her. >> that's a great idea. >> jimmy: do it later. it's very good to have you here. mark duplass!
12:28 am
12:29 am
people like options. m saying , when you take geico, you can call them anytime you feel like saving money. it don't matte computera use your computer, your smartphone, your tablet, whatever. the point is, you have options. oh, how convenient. hey. crab cakes, what are you looking at? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
12:30 am
>> announcer: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by a-t-and-t. mobilizing your world. >> jimmy: i'd like to thank dane cook, mark duplass, and apologize to matt damon, we ran out of time for him. "nightline" is next, but first, his album "trigga" came out today -- here with the song, "nana" -- trey songz.
12:31 am
♪ ♪ oh na na look what you done started oh na na why you gotta act ♪ ♪ so naughty oh na na i'm bout to spend all this cash ♪ ♪ oh na na if you keep shaking that ♪ ♪ oh na na na put your hands in the air if ya loving tonight oh na na na ♪ ♪ keep your hands in the air if ya spending the night oh na na na oh na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ oh na na na oh na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ baby i'm the one you like yeah i'ma give you what you like yeah ohhh yeah ♪ ♪ i'ma give it to you right yeah best time of your life yeah ohhh yeah ♪ ♪ baby when you ready tell the waitress get the check girl i know you ready i ain't even gotta check ♪ ♪ you been through the worst let me show you who the best
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you know i'ma get you right get them boys to the left ♪ ♪ like oh na na look what you done started oh na na why you gotta act ♪ ♪ so naughty oh na na i'm bout to spend all this cash ♪ ♪ oh na na if you keep shaking that oh na na na put your hands in the air ♪ ♪ if you're loving tonight oh na na na keep your hands in the air if you're spending ♪ ♪ the night oh na na na oh na na na na na na na oh na na na oh na ♪ ♪ na na na na na na you the one that's hella bad yeah you the one they never had yeah ♪ ♪ ohhh yeah all the problems you done had yeah leave them broke fellas in the past yeah ohhh yeah ♪ ♪ girl you had good but i could give you better i'll have you thinkin 'bout forever ♪
12:33 am
♪ i'ma make you say oh na na look what you done started oh na na ♪ ♪ why you gotta act so naughty oh na na i'm bout to spend ♪ ♪ all this cash oh na na if you keep shaking that oh na na na ♪ ♪ put your hands in the air if ya loving tonight oh na na na keep your hands in the air ♪ ♪ if ya spending the night oh na na na oh na na na na na na na oh na na na oh na ♪ ♪ na na na na na na i'm feeling lucky tonight when we leave this party you gon' love me tonight ♪ ♪ you feeling lucky tonight when we leave this party you gon' love me tonight
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oh na na na ♪ ♪ put your hands in the air if you're loving tonight oh na na na oh na na na oh na na na keep your hands in the air ♪ keep your hands in the air ♪ oh na na na oh na na na na na na na ♪ make some noise! [ cheers and applause ] >> can i do a new song for you? everybody bounce a little bit.
12:35 am
♪ ♪ co-co-co-colombian oh yeah i love that i love her if she speak another language ♪ ♪ she be doing things i've never seen i think i mighta hit it in my dreams ♪ ♪ she drop it yeah she throw it yeah she work it i seen your instagram ♪ ♪ but you look better up in person i think your booty's fake she says it's real though ♪ ♪ she back it up and let me get my feel on she only been here for two weeks ♪ ♪ came with her girls and they tryna leave with me she workin hard like she tryna get a visa ♪ ♪ the way she twerk it i just might pull out my visa after we leave girl you know where you going ♪ ♪ straight to the 'tel you ain't leaving til the morning same old thing ♪ ♪ yeah you know that
12:36 am
[ bleep ] boring american you know i had to cop that foreign ♪ ♪ american you know i had to cop that foreign she got on that bikini when we in that lamborghini ♪ ♪ american you know i had to cop that foreign she from another country i bought her ♪ ♪ to the city with me yall know it's never boring american you know i had to cop that foreign ♪ ♪ i hit the lot and then i leave out with a new one her ass so fat i measured that ♪ ♪ i told her ruler baby wanna ask why i walk like that don't wonder ♪ ♪ make that [ bleep ] rain when i bring that thunder shout out australia way she go down under ♪ ♪ she only been here for two weeks came with her girls and they tryna leave with me ♪ ♪ she workin hard like she tryna get a visa the way she twerk it i just might pull out my visa ♪ ♪ after we leave girl you know where you straight to the 'tel you aint leaving ♪ ♪ til the morning same old thing yeah you know
12:37 am
that [ bleep ] boring american you know ♪ this is "nightline." tonight, extreme dares. for the pros, it can look easy. but for young amateurs chasing an adrenaline rush, a portable camera can mean disaster caught on tape is. the allure of a viral video pushing them beyond the limits? plus, they're celebrating in sin city. strippers, poker, and now divorce parties. how these pricey blowout bashes are helping the newly single get back on their feet. red, white, and oh, so blue. >> go, usa. >> it all came down to the wire
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