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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  July 4, 2014 11:35pm-12:38am PDT

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right now on jimmy kimmle, mike tyson. enjoy your fourth of july. >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- mike tyson. jason momoa. and music from young fathers. with cleto and the cletones. and now moving right along, here's jimmy kimmel! [ applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you very much. it means the world to me, it really does.
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today was an eventful day. and they're all eventful days, i guess. today was one of those days that we'll talk about for the rest of our lives. one of those days we'll all probably remember where we were. today, the 44th president of the united states went on television to make this incredible announcement. >> i'm gay. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i knew it. he tried to throw us off track with the golf and the mom jeans, but i knew it all along. i have something you call gaydar. amazon announced that -- they decided to just going back to be a bookstore. they said, and i quote, enough already. earlier today, amazon's ceo unveiled the company's first-ever phone, a smartphone which they're calling the fire phone. what's notable is the screen is 3-d.
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which i think means you pay an extra $6 every time you use it. the way it works is, there are four infrared cameras on the front of the phone that track your head movements and the phone adjusts to make it appear the images are three dimensional. it's funny, because if the government told us they were going to equip us with a device that was going to track our movements, we would be furious. but then a website does it and we're like, can i get it in bold? facebook yesterday introduced something new. a photo and video messaging app called slingshot. it's like snap chat, which is an app that allows people to send photo and video messages that self-destruct between one and ten seconds. it's the app that could have saved anthony weiner. but with slingshot, you cannot see the pictures someone sent you until you send one back. it's the 21st version of, i'll
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show you mine if you show me yours. but it's a way for people to share pictures on facebook. if you think slingshot is the silliest new way to message someone, you might be mistaken. have you heard of the o-phone? it has nothing to do with oprah. it's a device that allows you to text someone a smell. a smell-fie, if you will. you attach it to your phone and then you take a picture of something, use their app to describe the smell the best you can, and then that smell is re-created via a special scent emitting device on the other end. which is great. just what i need, another way for my friends to fart on me now from long distances. yesterday, harvard scientists sent the first overseas scent transmission from paris to new york. the scent was that of champagne and macaroons. some people spend years finding cures for diseases. others work on texting the scent of champagne and macaroons.
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but i think it's time to add the o-phone to my list. this is a list of things that we invented before curing cancer. [ applause ] the spork. the slanket. the shake weight. the pajama jeans. we've got -- oh, the banana guard. you've seen this on television? if you live in new york, you're familiar with the cronut. this is the e-cigarette. and finally the o-phone. good work, everyone. we did it. [ applause ] you know, with all these amazing new developments from amazon and facebook, the company that
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started all of this, apple, somehow apple is managing to stay a step ahead of the game. >> first came texts you could read. then texts you could see. then texts you could smell. now apple is proud to introduce the latest in messaging technology. >> [ bleep ]! >> the iphone p, because you asked for it. >> iphone p. it will punch you! [ applause ] >> jimmy: mike tyson is here tonight. mike tyson likes to visit l.a. from time to time because we have the best build a bear workshops. jason momoa is here, too. he played the late husband of calisia on "game of thrones." he's a big guy. i'll be conducting our interview tonight in darthroky. believe it or not, that is a real thing.
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soon in october, hbo will offer a form language course to teach "game of thrones" fans to speak the fictional language spoken on the show. the course is called "how to make sure a woman never, ever sleeps with you." [ laughter ] i love that we can't be bothered to speak spanish, but we'll pay to learn a language only spoken on hbo. doesn't anyone speak klingon anymore? what happened? you know the show "the 700 club." it's a daily show on the christian broadcasting network. it's been on like 100 years. pat robertson is the long-time host of the show. they cover a wide variety of topics from what pat describes as a christian point of view. this is how pat opened yesterday's show. >> welcome, folks, we have a great program for you. you don't want to miss anything, especially that stripper visited by demons. what a story. [ laughter ]
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>> jimmy: look at his lap, because that's where the demons live. starbucks is doing something great. they've teamed up with arizona state university to create a program that will pay for starbucks employees to get a college degree through the online college at asu. so for employees in their freshman and sophomore years, the program will pay around 30% of the $10,000 tuition. and for the junior and senior years, the employees pay nothing. starbucks reimburses them for the entire cost of tuition. they're a generous company. that's why they let all those homeless people use sinks as bathtubs. there aren't many stipulations. as long as you work 20 hours a week or more, you're eligible. you don't have to stay at starbucks after you get your degree. starbucks is doing this because without an educated workforce, nobody will be able to afford $10 for a cup of coffee. so they're smart. there you go. so starbucks employees are going to college. so i guess we can expect to see
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our names spelled right on the side of the cup, right? speaking of cups, the world cup continued today. i was watching the game between croatia and cameroon this afternoon, for real. and found this moment so electrifying, i have dubbed it, our world cup play of the day. ♪ [ laughter ] ♪ [ applause ] >> jimmy: can we see that again in slow motion?
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you know, i had been watching almost all of the games. one thing i like is the player introductions. at the beginning of every game, they introduce the lineup and show each player folding their arms trying to look intimidating. but instead of looking intimidating, it just comes off as kind of odd. >> this is the first usa lineup without landon donovan for the first time since 1998. marcus beasley becoming the first american to play in four world cups. six of them are making their world cup debut. [ applause ] >> jimmy: i don't know ton about soccer, but there's a sports radio host that i like a lot. he hosts a show in new york, and they simulcast it on fox sports tv. yesterday, he interviewed the head coach of the st. john's university men's soccer team to talk about the world cup and soccer in general. in all my life, i don't know that i ever heard the same
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question asked in so many different ways. >> are there guys that kick with both legs? >> most everybody kicks with both legs. >> oh, they do, wow? there's not a strong leg, they kick with both legs? >> usually. lefties might -- there's a little dominance. >> so everybody uses -- there's not a power leg, thal each use both legs, huh? >> they use both legs. there can be a predominant leg -- >> but your righty has to kick with his left leg then? >> absolutely. >> i noticed that. i said wow, i wonder if he kicks with both legs. so everybody kicks with both legs, okay. >> jimmy: wait, how many legs? is it two now? imagine trying to explain karate to him. it would take a month. the clipper's owner donald sterling is getting much needed r&r. that's racism and relaxation.
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he's still married by the way. he's been spotted with four women over the past few days. i guess he's interviewing for a new archivist. he does pretty well with the ladies for a guy whose face looks like a roasted catcher's mitt. two of the women he was seen with was asian. the other two were black. his brain might be racist, but his private parts are very open minded. here he is with one of the women. no, here he is having lunch at a restaurant in beverly hills. you can see it's cute because he's pretending like he doesn't want anyone to see them together. isn't that saw from "homeland" behind them? and this is magical. while in palm springs, a guy took a selfie while he was sleeping in a deck chair. if you're a good-looking guy, you can get away with just about anything. maybe his erratic behavior has to do with the fact that he's eight months pregnant.
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[ laughter and applause ] thank you very much. this is an interesting story that came out of the nba finals. you know which athlete has the most commonly misspelled name? it happens to be one of the most popular players in the nba. dwyane wade from the miami heat. his first name is dwyane. it's misspelled more than any other athlete's name. probably because his name is spelled wrong on his birth certificate. researchers found that 4.3% of the stories written about dwyane wade, his name is spelled wrong. so we thought we would turn that into a game. so we went out on hollywood boulevard and offered pedestrians $100 if they could spell dwyane wade correctly. now let's go to the tape to find out how they did. ♪ >> excuse me, spell dwyane wade correctly and i'll give you $100. >> really?
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>> yeah. >> dwa -- >> sorry. spell dwyane wade correctly and i'll give you $100. >> dua -- >> sorry. spell dwyane wade correctly and i'll give you $100. >> dua -- >> sorry. spell dwyane wade correctly and i'll give you $100. >> dwa -- >> no. spell dwyane wade correctly and i'll give you $100. >> dwa -- >> no. sorry. >> excuse me, spell dwyane wade correctly and i'll give you $100. >> $1? >> $100. [ laughter ] >> i know, right? >> dua -- >> sorry. >> dwa -- >> sorry. >> excuse me, sir, spell dwyane wade correctly and i'll give you $100. >> duane -- >> sorry.
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i like your bathing suit. >> thank you. >> spell dwyane wade correctly and i'll give you $100. >> oh, that's hard. i can't. >> dwyane wade. miami heat player. >> i don't like miami. lakers. >> spell dwyane wade correctly and i'll give you $100. >> spell what? >> dwyane wade correctly and i'll give you $100. >> dwyane waide. >> oh, you got the first name right. sorry. 2014 national spelling bee champs, spell dwyane wade correctly and i'll give you $100. >> dwyane wade? can i get that in a sentence? >> dwyane wade is a really good basketball player. >> which team? >> miami heat. >> i'm not a heat fan. okay. is there any language or origins? >> his mother.
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[ laughter ] >> okay. dwyane wade. >> dwyane wade. >> dwyane wade. >> you did get it right. here you go. [ applause ] split this like you guys split everything else. >> jimmy: tonight on the show, from "game of thrones" and the new movie "road to paloma", the new aquaman jason momoa is here. we have music tonight from young fathers. and we'll be right back with mike tyson. so stick around. celebrate big savings at the sears july 4th event. where you can shop 50% more award winning
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bringing you the fastest, most reliable internet, period. [ heart beating ] xfinity internet from comcast. double the speed. [ heart beats ] ♪ >> jimmy: tonight on the program, you know him as drogo on "game of thrones." his new movie "road to paloma" comes out july 11th. jason momoa is here with us tonight. he will also play aquaman in the batman vs superman movie.
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i wonder if he'll wear the green leotards. aquaman has the -- who swims in leotards? and then, their debut album is called "dead", but i assure you, they are very much alive. young fathers from the at&t stage. join us tomorrow night, when our guests will be eric bana, tony parker from the nba champion san antonio spurs, and we'll have music from linkin park. our first guest is the former heavyweight champion of the world. now he's an actor, author, philanthropist, raconteur, broadway showman. he does it all, just like neil patrick harris. and he's a boxing promoter, too watch mendez vs. barthelemy ii live, july 10th on fox sports 1. please say hello to mike tyson. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: see what happens when you suddenly unleashed a flurry of fists at me? i didn't even react. >> your pants got very moist. >> jimmy: do you meet people, kids that don't even realize that you were a boxer, they just think you're an actor from the movies and tv? >> absolutely. this is really interesting. funny that you say that, because not long ago i was at this hotel, and this little kid says, mommy, there's the actor mike tyson. his mom had to say, he's really not an actor, he's done this and that. and he got it. i was in an autograph signing one day and lynn swann was there and his son, braxton. he had no idea that i was a fighter.
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>> jimmy: what? >> and i said listen, ask your father about me. just tell your father to tell you about me. >> jimmy: he probably got a real earful. again, you see i have the reflexes of a cat. your daughter is an aspiring actress i'm told. are you excited about that? >> yeah. every time she sees me, i'm competing, too. i'm a starving actor, too. i'm very well known, but i'm a starving actor, too. >> jimmy: she's going to nyu to study acting. >> yes, so she's going to supersede me big time unless i get these roles. >> jimmy: that would be great if you could do a movie together. >> wouldn't that be awesome? >> jimmy: that would be great. >> that would be awesome. >> jimmy: that would be nice.
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>> she just graduated high school. "on golden pond" again. >> jimmy: she just graduated high school like last month or was that -- >> she graduated from high school. >> jimmy: were you tearful and excited and proud and all those things at the ceremony? >> i was a lot of things, but at first i didn't understand, but the keynote speaker was terry bradshaw. >> jimmy: what? he can't even read. >> that's what he was explaining. he was explaining he can't read and he knows he's dumber than everybody here. but his speech was mind boggling, absolutely brilliant. you would never imagine. he should have your job. >> jimmy: terry and i used to work together on fox sports. we worked together for two full years. every week we were there together. one night at dinner he decided he liked me.
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he stood up to give a toast and said, i just want to say, i wasn't sure about you when you came in. but billy, i really like you now. and he wasn't kidding. [ applause ] >> i like you. i think you're nice. >> jimmy: thank you. i would love to see you and terry do something together. did you see "true detective" on hbo? woody harelson and matthew mcconahey did it last year. you and terry would be a great detective team for next year. >> we would have to spell exotic names or something. >> jimmy: that would be part of the show, just filling out the forms. >> that would be disastrous. >> jimmy: i would love to see that. i would pay double my subscription to see that. 50 cent was here two weeks ago, and he bought your house, he bought your huge mansion. >> yes, yes. >> jimmy: when he bought that from you, did you -- i mean, did you --
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>> i was trying to explain, you don't really want to buy this house. if i didn't sell it to him, no one is going to buy 60,000 it's going to cost $25,000 just to mow the lawn. i'm saying you don't want to do this. it's not a good idea. i didn't realize how much money he had. >> jimmy: he seems to be enjoying that house, too. he said he's charging people to come sleep over like $5,000 a night. >> you need to have somebody sleep over. i had a couple of parties. the house is so -- you know, there's just so much space. it's a gigantic piece of property. so the party's over and like four days over, some girl comes out one of the room and says, where's my clothes? where's your clothes? i just get out of prison! where's your clothes? who are you? >> jimmy: that's when you know you have too big of a house.
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she's probably still there. >> 50 will have to deal with that. >> jimmy: we're going to take a break and come back. you're a boxing promoter now. mike tyson is here. we'll be right back. leaves in the couch, she no longer smells it. yep, she's gone "noseblind" (sfx) we staged an intervention to help her sister break the news. sister: to the left... this is exactly what your house smell like. angela: for real? sister: yes. (both sisters laugh) angela: oh you are trippin'? really?! vo: febreze fabric refresher eliminates pet odors you've gone "noseblind" to. sister: smells good! vo: one of many ways febreze helps you and your guests (inhale sound) breathe happy. applebee's take two menu lets yon one plate...ntrees the new grilled vidalia onion sirloin or the new light and zesty shrimp scampi linguine. you can have both! great choice buddy! applebee's take two menu, starting at $10.99 see you tomorrow!
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12:04 am
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it's five days only - july 2nd through july 6th! of taking action. save up to 40% on hundreds of items, all with our unbeatable price guarantee! plus, save $10 on over a hundred natural and specialized dog & cat foods. at petsmart®. ♪ >> jimmy: we're back with mike
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tyson. jason momoa, and the young fathers still to come. >> who is that guy over here in the crowd, the bald headed gentleman? >> jimmy: that's my warmup guy, don. >> he has his crotch all in people's face. it's like a chippendale's for the older set here. do you watch "game of thrones"? >> do i watch it? yes. >> jimmy: you like it? >> yes. we didn't like the ending, though. >> jimmy: you didn't? >> what happens at the ending? >> jimmy: a lot of things happen. >> nobody won. nobody took over all the -- you know, >> jimmy: there's another season. >> i didn't know that. >> jimmy: it's not boxing where there's a decision at the end. you're a boxing promoter now. >> that's what they call me now.
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>> jimmy: don king was your promoter sometimes and you had a lot of trouble with him. >> yes, yes. >> jimmy: you even physically beat him a few times, right? >> i was a different person then. i had a lot of hostility then. >> jimmy: he probably deserved it, though. >> i tried to make amends since i've been through like the aa program. >> jimmy: did you try to make amends with don king specifically? >> yes. >> jimmy: you did? and how did that go? >> hey, i don't want to talk about that. >> jimmy: that's interesting. how will you, as a promoter, what are your jobs? you tell people about the fight. >> exactly. >> jimmy: do you feel with the fighters themselves? >> absolutely, absolutely. i have to book everything, i have to make sure everything is booked. i make their mothers and fathers come. i've got to get the hotel, the
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sites. >> jimmy: you were in charge of travel arrangements? >> well, not exactly, but they tell me what they want and i explain it to someone else. >> jimmy: i see. that makes more sense. tell me about these fighters, what happened in the first fight between these guys? >> barthelemy, who is from cuba, he was giving my friend such a sha lacking, and he's my fighter. he didn't come and fight the way he said. i don't know what happened. boom, first round down. he's going up and down like a yo-yo, right? so unfortunate for him, as he continues to get ready to knock the fighter out, the bell rings. then clock. they gave him the win. the guy is comatose on the ground.
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mendez that is. has the belt, they're partying with the belt. we view the tape. he had to return the belt. >> jimmy: when the fighters are unconscious and he won the fight, do they raise his fist any way? >> he received the belt at home, i guess. >> jimmy: he got a belt and a belt. so now they're going to fight again. >> yes, and it's going to be at the american airlines arena in miami and we'll find out who is going to get knocked out. there is really a great deal of bad blood here. cuba against the dominican republic. some serious hostilities. they're going to do some kukaracha, some salsa dancing. we're going to do something fun when we come back. you're going to show us how you make an omelet. >> i like omelets.
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>> jimmy: mike tyson is here. watch his fight. that's july 10 on fox sports 1. we'll be right back to make eggs. [ kevin ] this is connolly, cameron, zach, and clementine. we have a serious hairball issue. we clean it up, turn around, and there it is again. it's scary. little bit in my eye. [ michelle ] underneath the kitchen table, underneath my work desk, we've got enough to knit a sweater. [ doorbell rings ] zach, what is that? the swiffer sweeper. the swiffer dusters. it's some sort of magic cloth that sucks in all the dog hair. it's quick and easy. pretty amazing that it picked it all up. i would totally take on another dog. [ kevin ] really? ♪ fatthe fire of 1880 g at the ? baccouldn't stop us. nor did prohibition in the 1920's.
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or exile from our home country in the 60's. the bacardi family didn't just survive, we thrived. because true passion can't be tamed. peel. play. olé olé.nd play you could instantly win great mcdonald's food like premium mcwraps, bacon clubhouse sandwiches and more! ba da ba ba ba
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i'm living the life of dreams. i'm living the life of dreams, with good people all around me. i'm living the life of dreams. no! i'm living the life of dreams. i'm feeling hopefully. feeling quite hopefully, it's right up here, turn right, turn right. with good people all around me. right, right, right, right, right! with good people all around me. ok look you guys, she's up here somewhere. with good people all around me. there she is! cara! come here girl! i'm feeling hopefully. and the light shines bright all through the night. oh i don't know it. and the light shines bright all through the night.
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yes, you do. and the light shines bright all through the night. 42. and the light shines bright all through the night. good job. and the light shines bright all through the night. and the light shines bright all through the night. and our dreams are making us nice stories. and my loves are well sleeping just right. and i know know know know now... ...that we're, living the life of dreams... dreams... there's no monsters down here, [music fades out] dreams...dreams...dreams... it's just mr. elephant. come on, let's get to bed. layer upon layer of bacteria, so destroy these layers with listerine®. its unique formula penetrates these layers deeper than any other mouthwash. for a cleaner, healthier mouth, #1 dentist recommended listerine®. power to your mouth™.
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>> jimmy: jason momoa is coming up with young fathers. it's time for "mike tyson makes eggs." mike, you have a special way of making an omelet. tell us about this. >> it's hard to explain. >> jimmy: okay. we're screwed. maybe we'll just go through it. how many eggs would you like for
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this? >> we're going to do three. you're going to crack the egg for me. >> jimmy: just the egg white or the whole egg? >> the whole egg should be done. >> jimmy: we can do the egg whit-- well, no, we'll do the whole egg. you've got a hot pan there. >> this is really cool. take my eggs right here. of course, you've got batter. i got the batter thing going on here. >> jimmy: you're going to batter those eggs? you don't mix them up too much, huh? >> not too much. you get a little -- >> jimmy: what are you looking for? we've got mrs. dash there. >> mustard, a little bit of this pepper stuff going on here.
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some garlic to kill the germs. >> jimmy: garlic powder, huh? >> no doubt about it. and some tomatoes. >> jimmy: no onions? >> no onions. we've got to move it around, because it doesn't look good. >> jimmy: it's not an omelet anymore. >> this is some scrambled stuff. and you might could help me. >> jimmy: what do you want me to do? >> nothing. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what's the soy sauce for? i see that, is that for the recipe or no? >> sometimes. >> jimmy: sometimes, okay. when we're in the mood for it. when would you put the soy sauce in, while it's still liquid or after? >> i'm going to put that in the joint. >> jimmy: what do you mean? okay, all right. >> here we go, let's go, let's go.
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[ applause ] >> jimmy: beautiful. do we put anything on that? you've got some hot sauce. that's pepper. no? >> yes. >> jimmy: okay. mike tyson is operating a pepper mill. isn't that exciting? you don't get to see that on other shows. >> some african-american gray poupon. >> jimmy: a little bit of hot sauce. >> some mrs. dash. >> jimmy: and we're ready? here's a fork for you. here's a fork for me. >> let's let somebody in the audience test it. >> jimmy: here you go, mike tyson. we'll be right back with jason momoa.
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i'm afraid so, sir. do it. how about now? woo-hoo! i deserve this. you deserve to be fired. full flavors, full shapes. cheetos mix-ups. it's five days only - july 2nd through july 6th! save up to 40% on hundreds of items, all with our unbeatable price guarantee! plus, save $10 on over a hundred natural and specialized dog & cat foods. at petsmart®.
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things on purpose? youe not a color found nature. there's nothing wrong with tha. i can hear your arteries clogging. ok. no. this is tap water. i can't let you buy this. oh. crystal geyser please. crystal geyser. bottled at the mountain source.
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surprise!lcome back. crystal geyser alpine spring water. crystal geyser. crystal yser. news flash, it's bottled at the source. news flash, we sell it in cases. oh. thank you. oh no no no. crystal geyser. bottled right at the mountain source. >> jimmy: welcome back. you know our next guest as dothraki warlord khal drogo from "game of thrones," and just this
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week it was announced that he will play the greatest super hero to ever communicate with trout. he is director, co-star and star of the new movie "road to paloma." it opens in select cities july 11th, and on dvd and vod july 15, please say hello to jason mamoa. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ you know, you think mike tyson would be the most intimidating guy on the show. but you are enormous. >> thank you, jimmy. >> jimmy: very good to meet you. i've been a big fan of your work on "game of thrones." i should show people the photograph in case -- >> they didn't recognize me with my shirt on. >> jimmy: and it seems odd to me that this guy would play this guy, too.
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will you wear the green leotards in the water as aquaman? >> am i answering the question, would you like to see me in green leotards? >> jimmy: i don't know. i like that they cast you as aquaman, because -- >> those are all rumors. >> jimmy: really? because i have a printout here that says jason to play aquaman in "batman v. superman." is that a rumor or is that happening? >> that would be pretty exciting. what do you think? we'll just have to wait and see. >> jimmy: and whose job would it be to tell you that you can't play aquaman? that would be a very bad job. do people try to speak to you in dothraki? >> yeah, they do. i'm the king of it. i can say a bunch of [ bleep ] over top of it. they're not going to give me any -- about it. >> jimmy: and this movie, you
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wrote it, you produced it. >> i co-wrote it. >> jimmy: you directed it? >> yes. >> jimmy: you're in it, too. >> unfortunately, yes. i'm in it. i shot it with seven friends, and -- >> jimmy: when you say unfortunately, you didn't want to be in it? >> it's hard to direct and act. i like to be behind the camera. yeah, that's how i got the money to do it and bring up this topic. >> jimmy: what is the movie about? what's the idea? >> it's about some of the injustices happening on the native american reservations right now. it's a lit -- bit of a loophole. a nonnative can commit a crime, mostly women, and tribal law can't prosecute them, it has to go to federal court. so when i read these articles and my friend brought that to my attention, i'm a married man with children, mom, grandmother,
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if anyone hurt the women in my life and the law didn't take care of it, what would i do? that's left for you to decide. >> jimmy: no one would ever touch your wife or your children. your life we should mention is lisa bonet and she is in the movie with you. that's nice. >> it is. i wrote it for her, and it was great, because we turned that into sundance and it ended up getting on the show together. this is the first thing we ever worked together on. she's amazing. i was extremely shy and it was hard, one of the hardest things i've ever done. >> jimmy: she was on the cosby show. i don't know if you're aware of that. >> i used to watch that when i was a little boy and go, i want that one. i want her. hey, mom. >> jimmy: i used to do the same thing, but she never came to me. you're from hawaii, right? >> yeah. >> jimmy: how did you wind
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up coming out to l.a. to be an actor? did you swim here? >> i was raised in iowa and i spent my summers with my father in hawaii. but i was in hawaii taking off time from college and a tv show came. i just happened to be in the right place at the right time. >> jimmy: what show was it? >> "bay watch hawaii." >> jimmy: oh, yeah. and they were like, you need to be on this show? >> it was a month of auditions, which wasn't really that hard. and we ended up getting that. you know, i fell in love with acting and studying life. i would never have moved to l.a. to become an actor. it found me and i fell in love with acting. >> jimmy: it seems to have worked out. your death on "game of thrones" was like the worst death of all of them. you died because bactene wasn't invented. you died of an infection.
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i keep thinking, back in those times. but i'm like, these are the times when they had dragons, these times didn't exist. >> wasn't it gangus kahn and attila the hun die of poisons? >> jimmy: you would know better than i. guillermo, what did -- did attila the hun die of poisoning? >> i think so. >> jimmy: he's like my own version of google. this movie is coming out in a couple of cities. >> it will be in new york and l.a. >> jimmy: and people can watch'9" at their leisure on july 15th. there you go. jason momoa! "road to paloma" opens in select cities july 11th. when we come back, music from young fathers.
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>> dicky: the jimmy kimmel live concert series is presented by at&t -- mobilizing your world.
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>> dicky: the jimmy kimmel live concert series is presented by at&t -- mobilizing your world. >> jimmy: i'd like to thank mike tyson, jason momoa and apologize to matt damon, we ran out of time for him. "nightline" is next, but first, their album is called, "dead" here with the song "get up" - young fathers. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ come here and do the right thing get up and have a party get up ♪ ♪ get up come here and do the right thing get up and have a party ♪ ♪ get up get up got no past no future ♪ ♪ fumbling through the ether take a ride in aquila cost you thirty liras pushy dealer ♪ ♪ hits the meter a shrewd operator in the shadow of a beacon have a dirty weekend ♪ ♪ interesting proposition insinuate then listen what a way ♪ ♪ to make a living scissor to the ribbon throw my hands like a reverend ♪ ♪ triple sixes double sevens ♪ for a revolution for a revolution for a revolution tion
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- tion - tion ♪ ♪ come here and do the right thing get up and have a party get up ♪ ♪ get up come here and do the right thing get up and have a party ♪ ♪ get up get up beautiful corpse beautiful ♪ ♪ how you lie so still another life fulfilled oh ♪ ♪ beautiful corpse beautiful how you lie so still another life fulfilled ♪ ♪ fifteen hundred red cases a multitude of faces the body in the basement double on the bunk bed ♪
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♪ you better watch the babies careful with your manners only drinking water ♪ ♪ on the ca-ca-ca-cabana well-built family subject to the battery the battery ♪ ♪ mental men are manic in their manacles i meant to make a metaphor for radicals ♪ ♪ taking off my clothes at the lido all i got is my decadent credo ♪ ♪ i don't think that i could watch you posing dead get up ♪ ♪ get up get up get up come here and do ♪ ♪ the right thing get up and have a party get up get up ♪ ♪ abandoned by a suffragette given to a gang of gits sold to
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a pack of losers downtown apalucia ♪ ♪ i heard you got guns well i got fun i got something sweet what you call sin so ♪ ♪ you lose i win i saw some bunch of cowboys today ♪ ♪ i whooped-di-wood and they turned and rode away get up get up ♪ ♪ get up get up come here and do the right thing ♪ ♪ get up and have a party get up get up come here and do ♪ ♪ the right thing get up and have a party get up get up ♪ ♪ come on and get up ♪ get up
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♪ come on and get up ♪ get up this is "nightline." tonight, she locked her life behind for love. moving all the way to afghanistan to live in a hut with him. >> i have been in too many firefights already to be very afraid. >> the ultimate american hero. a rule breaking green beret. but did he break one rule too many? tonight, their fall from grace. prescription drugs and alcohol in the face of war. >> there were some people in my chain of command who were looking to get me off the battlefield. >> and the secret romance that brought everything crashing do


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