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tv   ABC7 News 1100AM  ABC  August 6, 2014 11:00am-11:31am PDT

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live from the kgo-tv broadcast center this is abc7 news. another airport security breach by this bay area woman and now demands for tight eriestrictions as she got in the plane in san jose without a ticket and flew to los angeles. she in jail right now. thanks for joining us. the stunning lapse of security at the southwest airlines gate is the topic of heated discussions about security. matt keller joins us in san jose international with more. two major incidents in four months conditions passengers but
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new security measures are implemented. >> getting on an airplane is a test of following orders. a strange move and you can be taken out for extra security screening. the fact 26-year-old marilyn hartman got on a flight from san jose international airport to los angeles afternoon monday without a dick debt seems nearly impossible. >> i am shocked. they scene us so thoroughly. you are patted down for the houston little thing. i cannot imagine someone else scraping and get on a plane. southwest ails conducted a hold count after in the air and police say she had no confirmed reservation in the system and in proof she purchased a ticket and was arrested in los angeles. this is not her first instance at the airport the she has tried six times to get past security at sfo and one time she made it on a plan but was arrested before take off. hartman is banned from sfo without a dick debt. san jose airport security toll the local congressman how she
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did it, bipat the document checker on monday while he was examining a family's boarding pass. she went through screening and she did a similar tinge to get beyond the gate agent on the plane. san jose airport officials say hartman was not a threat. >> the passenger was screened bit t.s.a. public safety was not economized in anyway. the passenger did undergo screening by t.s.a. officials. >> i am more concerned about someone who would seek to do harm f this woman can get through, it exposes vulnerabilities for someone who may want to do harm. >> congressman is on the homeland security transportation subcommittee and he recently called for improve perimeter security after a 15-year-old boy climb add fence at san jose airport back in april and survived a flight to hawaii in the wheel well of the plane. the congressman is looking into new technology to solve that problem. as for the hartman incident the tass says it made minor changes
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to the layout of a an initial review of the incident. passengers, how could it happen in the first place? >> it makes me nervous. knowing something was not done properly, and the person got on the flight. it is scary. >> the los angeles police say she was book speed yale and will be arraigned on trespassing charge bit end of the week. in east bay, a driver is under arrest on suspicion of d.u.i. after crashing into cars at a dealership. mangled cars lined the lot in concord at the lot. the horn could be heard blaring on the lot next to the concord avenue entrance to northbound 680. three cars were damaged. the drove did get checked 40 injuries and then a hospital before going to jail. the dealership says this is third time this has happened in the past year.
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>> the off-ramp has a good clip and people take it way too fast. we have had people with theirs under them, bumpers hanging off the regard ending in the beens across the street, ending up down the street, in our lot. the spokesman said the state made improvements to slow people down but she would like to see something more important installed such as a concrete barrier. >> investigators say it is too early to determine what sparked a fire at a senior living facility in san jose. it broke out at the willow glen senior living center before 5:00 am burning a vacant two-story residence and damaged an administration building, rec room and kitchen. the building will be able to be repaired and put back in use by the facility. unusual august rain dampens the bay area road this morning.
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meteorologist mike nicco has been tracking the system with live doppler 7 hd and joins us. mike, anymore rain? >> most of the rain is sliding to the south and moving away from us so we can put the umbrellas away unless you want to use it to shade yourself from the sunshine that is branning out. getting the sunglasses out and the sun screen if you are headed over to the day game. we have remnants of what came through this morning and it is move away from us and following apart as it heads down 101 to the south and through the big sur coast. this is what came through, more widespread and it put some water down and made for an interesting commute but the rainfall amounts were light. los gatos and san jose were .01" and petaluma at .04". well tack about how it affects the temperatures moving forward. >> it is official: the a's are staying. in the short-term, anyway.
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a 10-year lease extension was approved. that decision marks the end of a lengthy and frustrating negotiation to secure a home for the team. the final step seals the deal to keep the team at the oakland coliseum through the 2024 baseball season including an "out" after the 2018 season. the a's have committed to four years but the owner is determined to build a new ball park for the team wherever he can. >> i loved oakland. i love our fans but we have to have a new venue. that is what we are trying to do. it is a matter where we can implement the venue. >> the city council and the alameda big news from the san jose sharks: they going to play a game at the new levi stadium in
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santa clara and will host the kings on saturday, february 21st. the home of the 49ers get the nod over san francisco which could set an attendance record for hock in california. sharks season ticket holders get the first chance at technical -- at tickets tomorrow. >> social media is buzzing of the volume of beyonce and jay-z's performance last night in san francisco. >> someone outside at&t park shot and posted this video on youtube and you can clearly hear the music by people across san francisco were posting on twitter that they could hear it from miles arm -- away. one tweeted, listening to freebie conference and joy z concert. it is lovely but some neighbors are barking about the news.
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>> love beyonce but the noise levels from the concert were off the chart. >> it happened again, another lucky lottery winner from a jenny gift store in san jose the second time in a year a winning ticket was sold at the gift store winning $58,000 jenny's so check: >> we have a new community effort and a national nonprofit and disney, building a brand new playground in the east oakland neighborhood. we are joined from the site where the preparation work is
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underway. this is scheduled if friday but volunteers from the station and from the community are coming telling to get the park ready. we are all excited about this new lay ground because it will give kids living in the area a safe place to play. volunteers unload some of what will be the new playground in oakland. today, the project broke ground for the big build that happens on friday. volunteers will help put together the one-of-a-kind playground in six hours. this is something for the kids. the kids will be happy. >> the project manager says they spent months planning this. >> to have slides and swings and great climbing almosts -- elements. kids contributed their ideas including a community garden. >> they need a great place to play and get the community to
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invest in their neighborhood and build one-of-a-kind playground with a little bit of a sense accomplishment and ownership. this is part disney healthy living initiative to create a space where kids can have fund, make friends and get exercise. for a city council member who represents this district, it is much more than that. >> something i hope happens with this build is that it will bring people back into the park. it is tight out there for a lot of families and they need a free please to come. >> the playground is revealed on friday but it will not open for the public for a week with workers installing rubber mats and complete safety checks. >> we are learning new details of an accident in new york times square when a double decker bus, two, collide. one driver is in hot water.
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an australian man capped in the gap between a commuter train and the platform and what was done to rescue
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we have new detail on the double decker tour bus crash that injured 14 in times square. a light pole fell to the ground moments after the two buses collided. police arrested the driver for
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being impaired and say the 58-year-old from new jersey was high on drugs. most of of the injuries were to pedestrians. fortunately, none were life threatening. >> a serious injury was prevented on the australian subway because of people power. surveillance video captured the group heroics when a man's foot was trapped between a train and a platform. eric thomas is in the newsroom. >> folks were riveted to mayor is smartphones or separated by their own thoughts until the trouble started. they dropped all of that and attend up to help. how up lucky do you have to be to find the 4" gap between the platform and your train and disappear into it taking most of your leg with it in that is exact what happens to this man in australia. other commuters warped the driver not to move the train. >> train did not move and someone said, the leg is daughter.
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>> passengers took action, moving to the far side of the train car hoping to open up the gap and free the map. it did not work. then they turned to map (b), people power. >> push. >> passengers lined up, men and women, moms and dads, business owners and laborers, and pushed for all they were worth. after a couple of tries a a monumental gap opened up 2" and that is all it took. >> really heart warming to find anings department like this where everyone pitches in. there were 50 or 60 people all pitching in, men, women, and children pushing the train back to help someone who was in trouble. >> victim said he wasn't hurt and refused medical treatment and he was more embarrassed than anything else so he did what most freshly rescued commuters would do, he caught the next train to work. >> what a story. like it was no big deal.
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meteorologist mike nicco is ahead with the forecast. broadcast center shows the sunshine break out as the rain moved off and if you step outside you will notice the humidity, the dew point, the amount of moisture is the same here as it is in atlanta, i will tell you dry air coming in and when the warm temperatures, up to 17 degrees warmer than 24 hours ago and when they be subside. >> plus, look at this incredible video of a close help counter with a shark like you have never seen
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>> covering walnut creek, burlingame, campbell and all the bay area, this is abc7 news. hawaii is face the oncoming pudge of two storms. honolulu residents packed costco to stock up on social supplies and iselle could hit by friday. tropical storm julio could arrive flee days later. they brace for the possibility of being out electricity and bought generators. fees are being waived on the airlines for though that want to change travel times. >> last ditch summer vacation for a lot of people. >> we don't have anything crazy here but a little bit and that is unusual. >> humidity what you will notice outside when you come out here, it is very high for us and the temperatures are warming up rapidly compared to yesterday. we will look at live doppler 7 hd and go through the forecast.
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i will have hawaii's forecast, and it is dry. we will look at the evolution of the sunshine as the northwest blow is still bringing in humid air and it is bringing a little sunshine to the coast today and your temperatures are going to run about 64 degrees and we also have temperatures in the mid-70's through most of the bay and already some low-to-mid 80's developing in the another bay valleys and when you add in dew points that are in the 60's you start to get a little bit of a heat index so for us, normally the temperature is higher than what it feels like because the air is so dry but today it will feel like the temperature if not a little bit warmer so when we start to get near low 90's inland east bay, it will get very uncomfortable, so much so that if you turn the air conditioning on you will feel cool other and you will be rid of the humidity in the house. increasing sunshine and muggy and the many layer runs so clouds and cooler weather compared to this morning where we are in the 60's and 70's, and
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we will have seasonal temperatures as we head into the week end and through it. here is a look at the low, last night at 11 o'clock, as it is sliding south ward, bridge the moisture one last chunk of energy and now that has created the rain this morning. now the low has passed us and weakening, we still have a humid flow and that will keep us feeling uncomfortable in many areas today. to the south, 78 in milpitas and low 80's for the rest of the santa clara valley and los gatos and morgan hill and gilroy, upper 80's and well see sunshine and santa cruz and 74. mid-70's to 80's most of peninsula and millbrae is cooler at 72 and mid-to-upper 60's loop the coast and touching nearly 70 in downtown and south san francisco and sausalito. we have dramatic changes from yesterday in the 60's at this time and we will have temperatures 15 degrees warmer in the upper 70's to mid-80's and we will have mid-to-upper 70's along the east bay shore where the heat index could get into the home 90's, our east bay valley, take the sunscreen, u.v.
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index is high as the sun comes out from 12:35 at 71. 77 right now at sonoma county fair and a humid 82 and the clouds will fade and 7 a by 7:00. we will drop down into the upper 50's to mid-60's tonight and cloud cover everywhere but the inland east bay neighborhood and good news, both of our hungs are weakening and though will continue to do that and my biggest concern is hilo hit on thursday morning and then hit again on sunday morning by the storms. thankfully the winds will be doing. the storm subject, because of the winds, could rake some of the beaches. here is the seven-day forecast, the temperatures do not fluctuate much but the hair is so much more dry starting tomorrow and through the weekend and we will not is to talk about the muggy conditions. hop you injury our southeast weather for today. >> thank you, mike.
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the discovery cheney has -- channel has released remarkable video of a shark attack. that a like a great white attack as repoet-controlled underwater camera off the pack cost -- pacific coast of mexico biting at it with a force of two tops a square inch giving scientists a look at shark life upclose. still heed, the kid who stole the show going viral after upstaging a tv interview can now he has taken on the big leagues, too on "good morning
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this is ma a woman who loves to share her passions. grandma! mary has atrial fibrillation, an irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. that puts her at a greater risk of stroke. rome? sure! before xarelto®, mary took warfarin, which required monthly trips to get her blood tested. but that's history. back to the museum? not this time! now that her doctor switched her to once-a-day xarelto®, mary can leave those monthly trips behind. domest domestic flight? not today! like warfarin, xarelto® is proven effective to reduce afib-related stroke risk. but xarelto® is the first and only once-a-day prescription blood thinner for patients with afib not caused by a heart valve problem
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that doesn't require regular blood monitoring. so mary is free of that monitoring routine. for patients currently well managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xa xarelto® and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. xarelto® is just one pill a day taken with the evening meal. spinach? grazie! plus, with no known dietary restrictions, mary can eat the healthy foods she likes. don't stop taking xarelto®, rivaroxaban, unless your doctor tells you to. while taking xarelto®, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. xarelto® may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. xarelto® can cause serious bleeding, and in rare cases, may be fatal. get help right away if you develop unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. if you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto®, watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto®, tell your doctor about any conditions,
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such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. switching to xarelto® was the right move for mary. ask your doctor about once-a-day xarelto®. no regular blood monitoring; no known dietary restrictions. for information and savings options download the xarelto® patient center app, call 1-888-xarelto, or visit >> at 4:00, an update on the man who received a kidney from the family whose son was saved by his donation. a sex education class is like teaching pornography, some say. america cannot get enough of the file-year-old who stole the show while being interviewed by tv reporter at a county fair. >> i never been on live television before. but...apparently sometimes why watch the news and i have never, ever been on live television. i never ever been open live
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television. >> apparently he is on now. he grab the mike and kept going. this morning he shows no fear when high was talking to football hall of fameer. >> how does it feel to be a celebrity? >> it feels good it is great. i know you are part of the giants but i used to like the giants but my grandfather brain washed me into liking the steelers. >> likes the seahawks? that is brainwashing. he has a hashtag.
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i'm a kid. and us kids have an important message for our grown ups. three grams daily of beta-glucan... a soluable fiber from whole grain oat foods like cheerios can help lower cholesterol. and where can you find beta-glucan? in oats. and, they're yummy! i'm going back to being a kid now. thank you!
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[dramatic music] ♪ >> hey! what's up, fella? what's up? what up? what's up, dog? [cheers and applause] >> how you doing? >> what's up, man? welcome, man. >> thank you. >> hey, what's going on? [cheers and applause] yeah. hello, and welcome to millionaire. now, whoever said, "jocks can't be smart," never met today's first contestant. he competes in kno'dgeball tournaments, a sport that combines knowledge and dodgeball. from odenton, maryland, give it up for steve kaltenbaugh! what up? [cheers and applause] kno'dgeball. >> yep. >> steve, so-- kno'dgeball, you got to explain this for me first of all. >> you play on two-man teams for about 45 seconds to a minute, just throwing dodgeballs at each


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