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tv   ABC7 News 1100AM  ABC  August 15, 2014 11:00am-11:31am PDT

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♪ close your eyes and i'll kiss you ♪ ♪ tomorrow i'll miss you >> yeah, lots of rock inside candlestick park. very little roll outside. traffic was so bad some concert fans went home without seeing sir paul mccartney. i'm eric thomas. >> i'm katie marzullo. can you imagine how frustrated you have to be to forfeit the concert not to mention the money you spent on the ticket?
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amy hollyfield talked to fans who say good riddance to candlestick, to the traffic. >> reporter: they won't miss this place, katie. there are people who say they felt this was worse than other events, that it felt like someone dropped the ball and there were fans who missed this entirely and they're bitter. ♪ i'll always be true ♪ and then while i'm away >> reporter: paul mccartney put on an amazing show to send candlestick out in style. fans who didn't make it say he played about 40 songs. he had so much energy they loved the show. he waited about an hour to go on because of the traffic problems. the stadium was only halfful at 8:00 but there were still people who said they couldn't make it. they were sitting on the highway for hours. those who made it in said it wasn't easy getting out. it was a nightmare, too. but they say it was worth it
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because they loved the show. >> the show was epic, and then we got back to our car about midnight and we did not move for two full hours. so it was two hours and 45 minutes to take the 20-minute drive from candlestick back to redwood city. >> people who do work maybe want to get home before 3:00 a.m. i don't know, but this is not what i expected of a concert of paul mccartney and certainly in the city of san francisco. >> here city officials are telling us this morning that there were a lot of factors at play. for a football game people stagger in, they get there early, they tailgate so that helps a lot. those fans are aware of candlestick's issues so they plan accordingly. also last night everyone was trying to leave at the same time. you know, the football game isn't going our way, a lot of the 49ers fans will leave early. or vice versa, if it's a blowout they'll leave early. that will alleviate some of the
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problems. last night everybody stayed till the bitter end to watch every single song so they were all leaving at the same time. muni was able to adapt and kept buses running longer than planned to get concert goers out of here. but it was a jam. so long candlestick. that was the last event here. this thing is scheduled to be demolished in the spring. amy hollyfield, nbc 7 news. >> this is what it looks like now. one car stranded in the lot and one person who came up from l.a. to see mccartney in concert. all the people and traffic, his friends couldn't get to him to pick him up. >> i sat here and did nothing, enjoyed my memories of the concert. there was an awful lot of people. a big stadium. a farewell gig. and a lot of people wanted to see him. >> allen showed off his commemorative tee saying this one is special with the date of the last concert at the stick.
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fans are still blowing up social media. most of them talking about the traffic nightmare, but it's not all bad. hayward king kuby stwetweeted totally worth the seven hours stuck in traffic. another, the show was amazing and so worth only having 3 1/2 hours sleep. and patrick of san jose summed it up by saying, worst traffic of my life for one of the best concerts of my life. if you want to sound off head to abc 7 news. for those who did go early candlestick was packed with beatle and paul mccartney fans as well as those who wanted to be part of the last public event at the stadium. >> a chance of a lifetime because this is the end of candlestick and the last concert ever. who wouldn't want to be here? >> when i heard paul was going to be here for the last show, i thought it was only fitting that i try and make it to this show. >> the former home of the 49ers and giants will be demolished
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some time early next year. the land will be cleared to make way fof housing, retail and entertainment development. >> if you have photos or memories of candlestick that you would like to share, go to abc 7 we have breaking news from southern california where a magnitude 3.4 earthquake has shaken malibu beach and hit at 10:03. no reports of damage or injuries but people reported feeling it from ventura to burbank. the marin humane society has released a new surveillance video in hopes of identifying the mystery people who have been leaving boxes of cats and kittens outside the shelter. more than 100 have been abandoned at the novato facility in the last year and a half. almost all are black and white and now up for adoption. here is a surveillance photo obtained by our media partner, the marin independent journal. the humane society says in each
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case the same small suv shows up in the middle of the night. whoever is doing it has a good heart, but they're trying to find them so they can offer them help spaying and neutering the cats. new details involving a residential fire in san francisco's bayview district. investigators say one person has died after being rescued from the building. the fire broke out on salinas avenue. two people went to the hospital with smoke inhalation, one passed away. there's no word on the condition of the second victim. developing news that we first brought you live this morning at 6:30, the ferguson police chief in missouri has identified the officer who shot and killed an unarmed teenager last friday. the shooting and the police handling of the case have prompted violent protests until last night. this morning the revelation people in ferguson, missouri, have been demanding. >> the officer that was involved in the shooting of michael brown was darren wilson. >> reporter: the police chief releasing the officer's name
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after an overwhelming cry from protesters. and encouragement from the governor. >> i think it's just one step in the process here and it's an important step. >> reporter: police say saturday officer wilson, a six-year veteran of the police force was on his way to the call of an aggressive robbery shown here in these just released surveillance imagesp about a just issued police report says that michael brown and his friend were identified as the suspects and were walking nearby when they were stopped by officer wilson. investigators are trying to figure out what happened next. but the police chief says wilson was hurt by one of the teens. >> he was treated for injuries which occurred on saturday. >> reporter: witnesses maintain there was no fight and that brown who was unarmed had his hands up when he was shot and killed. the violation and tension sparked by huz death finallyp calming last night. hundreds taking to the streets but protesting peacefully. no tear gas, no arrests. >> it was a good night. people were talking, people were
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inspiring each other, getting their voices out and we were communicating a lot better. >> reporter: highway patrol officers took over security efforts last night without riot gear or armored trucks. michael brown's family has released a statement saying the ferguson police department is trying to blame the victim. another protest of brown's death is planned today in oakland. it starts at 5:00 at franco gallo plaza. some people invoking the name of oscar grant who was shot and killed by a b.a.r.t. police officer. one of the first orders me lea obama will start her junior year at high school this week. you might be able to make out that she wore a stanford t-shirt for a bike ride with her parents. she visited both cal and stanford. and she happens to attend the same washington, d.c., high school that chelsea clinton did. chelsea later went to stanford. the 49ers are trying to make
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sure the traffic for their first game at levi stadium sunday isn't a repeat of candlestick last night so they have a plan. this map shows you the 21 parking lots and fans heading to the game will receive turn by turn directions to get them to their parking space. nick smith is live with the plan for getting to and from levi stadium. >> reporter: you know city officials, stadium authority and the public transportation coordinators say they're ready. that's why we have given you that map to give you an idea of how to get around. they want sunday to be effortless. there are changes coming to santa clara to help ease the flow of traffic all in time for the 49ers' first game at levi stadium. >> we've listened to our riders and we made changes to make the ride more comfortable and smoother. >> reporter: they're looking to make sunday as stress-free as
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possible. improving traffic signals, extending transfer times and providing direct service to levi stadium from designated stations. >> we've made a lot of changes. some of them people will see directly, some people may not see but they should feel the effects. >> reporter: fans, also expect express buses, additional trains and shorter wait times partly because of this pocket track, each will hold 450 people giving bta extra space to move people immediately after sunday's game. vta wasn't the only recipient of fan frustration. parking was an early problem, too. 30,000 spaces were supposed to be available but some fans stopped looking for the lots, adding to the traffic congestion nightmare. this time levi stadium says they're ready. there will be 21 parking lots dedicated to fans making the drive. on sunday, unlike last time, great america will be closed, adding an additional 3,000
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parking spaces. more places to park and more room on trains. and you do know whether or not the 49ers win all depends on you. >> oh, boy. i'm not sure i'm ready for that pressure. >> reporter: we understand a new stadium and new parking lot and new routes, that's why we've provided information that you can use to get here safely on sunday on >> thank you very much. still ahead on abc 7 news at 11:00, startling video. the close encounter between an unsuspecting swimmer and a shark. the multimillion dollar plan for its killer whale population. see what the park has in store. and a live look outside at san francisco international airport. planes lined up for takeoff there. we'll check in with mike and see what's going on in just a couple moments.
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a great white shark spotted near a swimmer off manhattan beach yesterday. los angeles county fire department lifeguards say it was about seven feet long. they monitored the shark for 45 minutes. they did not issue an advisory. they determined there was no risk to the public saying the young shark was not aggressive. it swam near paddle border, surfers even a jet skier before it left for deeper waters.
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announcing a multimillion dollar expansion of a killer whale habitat. seaworld plans to almost double the size of the killer whale tanks starting with san diego. those are renderings of the planned renovations released by seaworld this morning. animal rights activists say training and public performances of killer whales and it's all harmed the bottom line. they call the new tanks inadequate. we have blue skies and mike nicco. you are the sunshine. >> oh, you're going there, huh? all right. all right. he's about to throw up. i'll show you that before everybody else gets a little nauseous or nauseated, i'm not sure. >> nauseated. >> thank you. back to the marine layer. we've got plenty of sunshine, a
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lot of activity. two football games, baseball, i'll have the forecast for all that before you make your weekend plans check out the accuweather seven-day forecast coming up. a big overhaul at starbucks. how a company policy change could help workers find stability. and an office with a view.
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covering cupertino, wine country and all the bay area, this is abc 7 news.
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the starbucks coffee house change is changing the way it makes shifts for workers more consistent, avoid booking employees for back-to-back closing and opening shifts and post schedules a week in advance. the changes could impact 130,000 workers at company-owned stores but starbucks says the final say is still up to store managers. the key to a healthy lifestyle could be an office with a view. sunshine in the workplace is essential to good health. researchers studied 49 people, 27 in windowless office and 22 who worked near windows. those who worked near a window were inspired to exercise more and were better rested. it could increase productive and feel more energetic. the study is published in the journal of clinical sleep medicine. we have a window. >> not up in the newsroom, anyway. mike is here with a look at the forecast. >> i love the natural light that our l.e.d.s provide.
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>> we love those lights. >> absolutely. let's take a look outside and see what's going on as far as the wind. winds are going to pick up. if you like to get the sailboat out in sausalito, tiburon, san rafael, watch out for those winds. don't throw things t s ths th s. north of the golden gate bridge to the bay bridge all the way through the delta communities. let's look at the retreat of the clouds back to the coast. just about over for all of us except at the golden gate bridge. that will be a constant today. mostly sunny everywhere but the coast with temperatures close to average. cloudy cool tonight, a little drizzle possible. we'll stay locked in a pretty seasonal and dry pattern all the way through the end of the extended forecast. here's why i've got low pressure out to the west. high pressure the air flowing from that to the lower parts of the atmosphere.
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and then the sunshine in the afternoon. it's also going to keep any storms away from us. this one will get close enough, this cold front to induce a deeper marine layer and a stronger sea breeze sunday, monday, tuesday. a little bit cooler then. for today, mid-60s into san francisco, mainly mid to upper 70s around the bay shore. you see 80s around san jose, santa rosa, napa and our inland east bay valley is where it will be warmest the next several days. game tote kickoff at 7:00. 15 minutes later we'll be playing baseball over at at&t park. phillies take on the giants. breezy and even cooler, 61 dropping to 57 degrees. if you're going up towards -- look at this greek festival tomorrow. noon to 8:00 then noon to 7:00 on sunday. you'll see the sunglasses something to shade you from the
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sun. enjoy the culture, the food, the drink. by the time you're having dessert, it will be a little cooler, 65. the broncos peyton manning and the broncos take on our 49ers. take the sunscreen. uv index very high. warming up to 80 by the end of the game. up to lake tahoe, doesn't it look beautiful? gorgeous when the water is actually a deeper blue than the sky. temperatures will be pretty close to average up here near 80. no threat of thunderstorms. overnight it will get kind of cool with temperatures right around 50 degrees. take a look at our accuweather seven-day forecast. bring it back home. you can see temperatures tomorrow about the same as today. you can see the influence from that cold front sunday. a couple degrees cooler especially inland. a couple more monday into tuesday. then high pressure comes back. that sea breeze stalls a little bit and we'll warm back into the mid-60s and 70 along the coast in san francisco. hope you enjoy the weather this
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weekend. >> good, will do. thanks, mike. >> you bet. still to come, mr. nicco will return to introduce us to his new friend. and for many, it's a struggle to keep your a1c down. llions of us. so imagine, what if there was a new class of medicine that works differently to lower blood sugar?
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imagine, loving your numbers. introducing once-daily invokana®. it's the first of a new kind of prescription medicine that's used along with diet and exercise to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. invokana® is a once-daily pill that works around the clock to help lower a1c. here's how: the kidneys allow sugar to be absorbed back into the body. invokana® reduces the amount of sugar allowed back in, and sends some sugar out through the process of urination. and while it's not for weight loss, it may help you lose some weight. invokana® can cause important side effects, including dehydration, which may cause some people to have loss of body water and salt. this may also cause you to feel dizzy, faint, lightheaded, or weak especially when you stand up. other side effects may include kidney problems, genital yeast infections, urinary tract infections, changes in urination, high potassium in the blood, or increases in cholesterol. do not take invokana® if you have severe kidney problems or
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are on dialysis or if allergic to invokana® or its ingredients. symptoms of allergic reaction may include rash, swelling, difficulty breathing or swallowing. if you experience any of these symptoms, stop taking invokana® and call your doctor right away or go to the nearest hospital. tell your doctor about any medical conditions, medications you are taking, and if you have kidney or liver problems.r insuliny increase risk of low blood sugar. it's time. lower your blood sugar with invokana®. imagine loving your numbers. ask your doctor about invokana®. coming up on abc 7 news at 4:00, it was anything with you sweet.
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how tea sent a woman to the hospital and what the restaurant is now saying about the drink. time for friday's perfect pet. >> mike nicco back to introduce to us a very sweet little one. >> a sweet little one here, chester. we also have kelly from the humane society. nice to see you again. >> thank you. thank you for having us. >> you bet. tell us about this lovely adorable guy. >> chester is a 5-year-old lhasa apso mix. he came to us as a stray. he's a wonderful dog, as you can see. he loves being petted. he's a complete lap dog. he does have a -- >> there we go. >> he is vision impaired. he has a medical condition that his eyes are very dry so he actually requires medication, but it's a very minor thing. >> and he's not adverse to it, he's used to it. he doesn't even know. he doesn't know that he's impaired at all. he loves life, as you can see. >> you just have to be a little slow approaching him so he can smell you. >> he likes to sniff things.
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that's how he greets people by sniffing. >> just relax. there we go. >> there we go. >> there we go, i got you, yeah. who's got you. so cute. other animals, kids, anything? >> he seems to love dogs. we don't know about children, but if you have children, i would suggest you bring them down to the humane society and we can do the meet and greet and see what happens there. he seems to be potty trained. he did well this morning. he was in his kenl and he knew to come out and go potty, so he seems to know. >> if you want to make chester part of your family call the humane society silicon valley. >> thank you for having us again. >> back to you. >> he looks pretty high maintenance. >> he's going to follow you home.
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and for many, it's a struggle to keep your a1c down. llions of us. so imagine, what if there was a new class of medicine that works differently to lower blood sugar? imagine, loving your numbers. introducing once-daily invokana®. it's the first of a new kind of prescription medicine that's used along with diet and exercise to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. invokana® is a once-daily pill that works around the clock to help lower a1c. here's how: the kidneys allow sugar to be absorbed back into the body. invokana® reduces the amount of sugar allowed back in, and sends some sugar out through the process of urination. and while it's not for weight loss, it may help you lose some weight. invokana® can cause important side effects, including dehydration, which may cause some people to have loss of body water and salt. this may also cause you to feel dizzy, faint, lightheaded, or weak especially when you stand up.
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other side effects may include kidney problems, genital yeast infections, urinary tract infections, changes in urination, high potassium in the blood, or increases in cholesterol. do not take invokana® if you have severe kidney problems or are on dialysis or if allergic to invokana® or its ingredients. symptoms of allergic reaction may include rash, swelling, difficulty breathing or swallowing. if you experience any of these symptoms, stop taking invokana® and call your doctor right away or go to the nearest hospital. tell your doctor about any medical conditions, medications you are taking, and if you have kidney or liver problems.r insuliny increase risk of low blood sugar. it's time. lower your blood sugar with invokana®. imagine loving your numbers. ask your doctor about invokana®.
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[che [cheers and applause] >> whoa-ho! hey, what's up? what's going on? what up? what up? what up? what up? what up? what up? what's going on, baby? yeah. >> what's up, cedric? how you doing, man? >> let's go, yeah. yeah! >> whew. [cheers and applause] >> hello and welcome to millionaire. today's first contestant was a male cheerleader in college, and now he uses his voice to announce wrestling matches. from east haven, connecticut, give it up for patrick hackett. >> come on! come on! >> what's up, man? >> what's up, cedric? >> i like that. so you announce wrestling matches. >> yeah. >> how would you announce yourself as the next millionaire winner? >> currently in possession of


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