tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC August 18, 2014 11:35pm-12:38am PDT
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4:30 tomorrow morning. right now on jimmy kimmel, actress miss dawson >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- rosario dawson -- eric mccormack -- and music from self with cleto and the cletos. and now, for your information, here is jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hi, everyone.
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i appreciate that. hey, did you guys come here from the river barge from ucla? crazy thing happened here, around 3:30 p.m. yesterday, there was a break in a water main under sunset boulevard, right next to ucla. water came shooting out of the ground. it was doing this for four hours before the department of water and power was able to turn it off. you can see they estimate around 20 million gallons of water flooded the campus and surrounding areas. i didn't know l.a. had that much water. parking lots were flooded, basketball courts flooded, all flooded. it was a great way for students to experience a semester at sea without leaving the campus. and of course, authorities warned everyone to stay out of the water. they said do not go in, it could be dangerous, you don't know what's under there. needless to say -- the students ignored those warnings and had a lot of fun. hey, if you're going to waste
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all that water why not have a little bit of fun. look at that! who cares if a lot of water has raw sewage in it, if you can't handle a little bit of dysentery, you shouldn't be in college in the first place, look at. they're still working to get the water under control. i think our mayor garcetti missed a big opportunity, to hold a press conference dressed as aquaman. this water rupture could not have come at a worse time. we're suffering through a very serious drought here in california. and there is a new social media phenomenon i like a lot. it's called drought shaming. so people take pictures of other people who are wasting water and post them online with the hash tag "drought shaming." they will document things like excessive sprinkler use, and leaving holeses running. if you're pregnant, your water breaks, they'll go after you. the idea is good but some people
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take these things too far. already there are reports of groups of vigilantes giving water conservation wedgies to people. you know everybody needs to do their part. the truth is we could beat this thing, we could solve these problems, if we could just end wasteful activities like washing hands after we go to the bathroom. not that important, i don't care what the sign says. we had another interesting turn of events in california this week. in the past four days our government was governed by four different people. our governor jerry brown left town on sunday in a trade mission to mexico, which i hope means he's bringing home pinatas. once he left lieutenant governor gavin newsom took over but newsome had plans on tuesday, he had to fly to the east coast to to a special olympics event. the next in line of succession after him was the president pro tem of the senate darrell steinberg. he was named acting governor until he had to go to chicago on some kind of personal business. this morning at 8:00 a.m., assembly speaker tony atkins
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became acting govern are. and you know we love acting governors, arnold schwarzenegger ronald reagan. it's a very rare thing that the third in line wa take over. and i was wondering what a person would do if they were governor for one day. say hello to acting governor toni atkins. [ cheers and applause ] are you technically governor now? >> technically yes. >> what have you accomplished in your hours as governor? >> technically nothing. i'm hoping that nothing breaks that streak. >> are you letting the power go to your head in any way? >> i hope not. my nephew would probably say yes, you know. >> as a joke you should change all of the governor's passwords rile you're there.
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>> that's a good idea but his chief of staff is still in the office. >> fire the whole punch of them. darrell steinberg was governor yesterday for like three hours, we almost drowned ucla. he was the worst. >> see what happens? >> you are so much better than he is. >> thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we don't like not being able to get through sunset boulevard. what did you decide you want to stay? can they force you to leave? >> yeah, they can. i think he's got more chp officers under his control than i do. >> having had a taste of it would you eventually like to be the elected governor of the state? who wouldn't want to be governor of the greatest state in the country? absolutely. i'm happy too fill in for jerry brown and offered to let him stay away a few more days.
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i know that he's going to be back and ready to go. >> jimmy: i hope he does stay away. before you go we should do something fun, invade oregon or something like that. >> someone already made that suggestion. talked about a few other things. i was hoping to go to the border and sort of -- i'm in san diego, so we have the border with tijuana. i was hoping i could go down and jump back and forth across the border and say, i'm governor, i'm not govern ever. i'm governor, i'm not governor. that sounded like fun. >> jimmy: it's not a bad idea. let us know, we'd like to be there for that if that happens. thank you, speaker. you did a great job today. i think you're our best governor ever. >> thank you, jimmy. >> jimmy: in washington the house passed a vote today to go forward with a lawsuit against president obama. who says congress can't get anything done? they're suing the president. that's kind of -- i think it's ridiculous unless they do the trial on "judge judy," then i am
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all for it. meanwhile, in much more important news, justin bieber got into a fight last night, a skirmish, he was anybody beets intra probably doing some sort of humanitarian work. he was attacked by none other than orlando bloom, the actor. someone caught it on video and sold the video to tmz. there they are. orlando bloom took a swing and missed. supposedly these guys don't like each other because justin bieber was somehow involved with orlando bloom's life miranda. orlando bloom was rumored to have had a thing with justin's ex-girlfriend selena gomez. i hate that i know this i really do. manner while, lindsay lohan and paris hilton were at that same restaurant last night.
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justin bieber, lindsay lohan, paris hilton were in a restaurant together. sounds like the beginning of a joke but it's really just i think a sign of the apocalypse. i hope. keep your fingers crossed, this will all be over soon. speaking of troubled canadians, toronto mayor rob ford did a number of hilarious things today. he put out a new campaign ad which is a very good ad but it caused some controversy because first of all he shot part of it in his office which is against the rules. and secondly they accidentally left a shot of a phone list in the ad. with a whole page of people's private phone numbers. all you have to do is zoom in and call these people at home and they're getting all sorts of random calls. in his defense he also gave out his own number in the video so he may have broken the law but he did not break the golden rule. so that was one thing he did today. and then the mayor got a quick cardio workout in at a local playground. somehow wound up in a climbing race with one of his opponents, fellow mayoral candidate karen stints.
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wilbur got caught in charlotte's web. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's not all. because all the best things come in threes. deejay deadmau5 visited the mayor this week. deadmau5, very famous deejay. he hosts a web series called coffee run. usually he takes over deejays out for coffee. this time he took the mayor for coffee. i shouldn't be surprised at the mayor's coffee order, yet somehow i am. >> can i get an extra large double double. >> can i get five espressos in one cup? >> extra large double double. >> yes, i got that. >> and five espressos in one cup. five espressos in one cup.
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>> it's good, trust me. >> jimmy: five shots of espresso in one -- i think it would be healthier if he went back on crack. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i mean, really. five in one. there are a lot of big summer blockbusters coming out right now. sometimes it's difficult to settle on which one to see. as a service we enlisted the help of our resident film critic, a gentleman named yehya. yehya has his giant fingers on the pulse of hollywood. here tonight to help you decide how to spend your box office bucks is yehya with his thoughts on the much-anticipated new marvel movie "guardians of the galaxy" which comes out friday. >> quiet, please. action! hi, i'm yehya. i'm talking about the movie with like the animal -- animal who --
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animal calls galaxis. and the guy to look like star war with his hand. a good guy, you know. the american-african lady too. she's green in the movie. can i have picture with you? oh, yeah but don't touch me, i have very expensive dress, she go to red carpet. i don't touch it. i got next to her, i got the picture. she stop for me. lady washington. gaga washington. yeah. and also the guy look like van diesel. van diesel, i love his name, you know why? van, like my van. diesel, put it in the car. van diesel, okay? guy look like rat. the small one. the guy cuba.
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very nice guy. even though he take the picture with oscar mayer. watch the movie, his name "grand grand galaxy." good movie, watch it, and good luck. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: opposite of a spoiler ale alert. we need to make him the next voice of movie phone. one more thing, this is wonderful. yesterday the library of congress released a treasure trove of love letters written by president warren g. harding to his mistress. he had a mistress, a woman named carrie fulton philips. this is back in the early 1900s. for those who don't know, warren g. harding was our 29th president. letters were things you wrote with a pen and put in something called the mail. this is the first time the letters were released to the public, sealed for many years. but there were hundreds of them sent over the course of their 15-year affair and they're explicit. you don't expect that sort of thing. but he even had a nickname for
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his penis, i'm not kidding you. he called it jerry. jerry is a weird -- imagine how excited he would have gotten at a taping of "jerry springer." i was planning to read the letters to you, i don't feel i would do them justice though, so here tonight to read the love letters written by warren g. harding, please welcome warren g. [ cheers and applause ] >> honestly, i hurt with incessant longing until i feel there will never be any relief until i take a long, deep, wild draught of your lips and then bury my face in your pillowing breasts. oh, carrie. would you like to get sopping wet out on superior? not the lake.
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the joy of fevered fondling and melting kisses. i love you. open eyes and mouth and arms and cradling thighs. if i had today i'd kiss and fondle you into my arms and hold you there until you said, warren, oh warren, interdictions of blessed joy. i love you more than all the world and have no hope of reward on earth or hereafter. so precious is that in your dear arms and your thrilling lips and your matchless breasts and your incomparable embrace. really got my boy raked, huh? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that was beautiful. thank you so much. warren g. coming up, eric mccormack. we'll be right back with rosario
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it takes place in anhaha, cleveland... i love it babe. i'm not your babe. you weren't saying that this morning, when you're like... mmmmm mmmm mmm alright we're done. break up with lingering food. (ding!) mmmmm mmmm for that just brushed clean feeling... ♪ eat, drink, chew orbit olive garden's buy one, take one, starting at just $12.99. it's back, but not for long. enjoy dinner tonight and take home a second entrée for later. choose from a variety of amazing entrees. like new creamy citrus chicken, then choose a second favorite to take home. buy one, take one starting at just $12.99. plus, it gets even better when you make it a movie night with a free one-day rental from redbox. olive garden, we're all family here.
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that $22.50. that's insane!d 50 cents. jack. what? it's not even a meal? right now, at my place you can get my spicy chicken club combo. it's my classic spicy chicken breast with bacon and melting cheese on toasted sourdough plus fries and a drink for just $4.99. aww, you're just a big softy. nah, i'm still sad about the popcorn.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: tonight on the show from "perception" on tnt eric mccormack is here. right now, he's backstage being nice to people. and then this is their new ep, it's called "super fake nice." self from the at&t stage. if you're going to be in los angeles or you have the power of teleporetation, you can see self live at the elray theater on friday. we have a great show for you tomorrow night too. we'll be joined by kerry woo washington, and tom petty and the heartbreakers will be here, you should be too. of all the sequels arriving in theaters this summer our first guest stars in the one with the most deadly hookers in it. on august 22nd, she reprizes her role as gail in "sin city: a dame to kill for." please say hello to rosario
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dawson. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: you look great, how would you describe this hairstyle that you have here, does this have a name? >> it is refreshing -- i've been filming in new york, you know the africa heat, it is really nice to have half my hair gone. i have to say. >> jimmy: what do you say to the guy when you go in, get a hair style like that? just go crazy, do this, is it your idea? >> yes, it was, actually. we're doing the "sin city" sequel. i didn't want to feel like people were going to go, she didn't bring it. because my hair was really long. i was working on another project, and i couldn't cut my hair, was what i thought. and they were just going to do braids and be kind of like -- i said, i don't want to just to braids, it's lame, it's gail. she would shave her head. >> jimmy: it's funny. looking to the side, from one side it's totally different from the other side. >> yeah, right. >> jimmy: right?
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look at that? >> i like it, i was rocking a combover for some of the films because i had to cover it. it was kind of cool, i got like two hair cuts. >> jimmy: you got to feel like an old man. >> awesome, i always wanted that. >> jimmy: how is your summer going so far? we last saw you in austin, texas? >> yeah, it was great. i have been working and bemoaning the fact i can't go to burning man this year. so -- i know, you guys soar upset for me. i get that. >> jimmy: burning man is where you go in the middle of the desert to do drugs with a bunch of people, right? >> is that what you do? >> jimmy: i've never been but that's what i've heard goes on there. >> what you do there is get creative. it is an arts festival in the middle of a city, i am getting my creative on, i'm going to do a box with a company called quarterly. i'm going to be giving a box of subscribers every quarter. so this theme is called the burning man theme and a fashion thing for fashion week that comes after. we're going to be promoting the fashion line i have in dawn
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ghana. >> jimmy: you have a fashion line in ghana? >> i do, yes. and we're going to give them a little taste of burning man -- >> jimmy: are these the drugs? >> open that. >> jimmy: undo it? >> just undo it. >> jimmy: it's not going to explode or something? >> no, no. you get really creative. i built a double-sided vajina tent with a penis zipper before. i did a structure you pulled the pieces apart and it's a big elephant. >> jimmy: must be fun on camping trips. >> anyone who orders the quarter box gets a taste of burning man. it's black rock city. there's three little notes. ♪ message in a bottle >> jimmy: you put these on your tongue and something weird happens? >> no, no, no, no. maybe, maybe. no -- >> jimmy: i tale like i'm being set up somehow. this is okay to put in my office or take on a plane? >> you want to open that naked
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in the dark and zen out. no, it's literally the kind of thing when you're there, there's no money you exchange. you exchange gifts and trade stuff. so someone literally naked will walk up to you with a watermelon under one arm and a basket of messages in a bottle and be like, left or right? >> jimmy: wow. >> you're like, body, please. they'll be like, awesome. then you'll hug it out and have some watermelon. >> jimmy: the reason naked people have no money is because there are no pockets? >> you carry spatulas and things for your water and goggles and face masks. it's like mad max. literally you'll be caught up in dust storms where you can't see this far in front of you. >> jimmy: it sounds like the worst weekend ever. >> i usually go for ten days. it's personally my vacation types. i'm really bummed not to be going there. there's no cell phones, there's no money, everyone trades things. incredible art. huge statues of like people dancing or with chains for hair.
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there was a bunch of monkeys in a tree, when you pedalled and drummed the monkeys would move and look like they're swinging branch to branch. you don't have to do drugs to space out. a cupcake will drive by, a huge rubber ducky blasting incredible music, you're like, what is happening? >> jimmy: are you sure you weren't unintentionally doing drugs? >> it might be in the ether. >> jimmy: that you didn't know about. you're also at comic-con which is different in every way. you were there promoting the movie but you go for fun. >> you can put a mask on, i have a sky rim head gear that looks like the "game of thrones" video game. you have one that's knit with horns. really cute, knitted. >> jimmy: daniel radcliffe was here and he said he went and he disguised himself as spider-man so he could walk around unnoticed. >> that's the best. >> jimmy: yaou'd do the same thing? >> people have made-up costumes,
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100 storm troopers go by, these are people who practice and meet up the entire year to make sure they're all in sync so they can really show it at comic-con. >> jimmy: it's an incredible waste of time. >> no, stop it. i met this guy once who created this costume, super could, we're like, that's awe awesome cost e costume. he's like, wait until you see my weapon. can you pull it out? you help him to pull it out -- >> jimmy: help him to pull it out. >> he homemade this sort of sword thing with this spiked edge that had i'd area battery or some kind of pack in it that made electricity that was like zooming in between and sparking out like a taser. it was really scary. once you helped him get into position. >> jimmy: we've got a guy in the audience who's in the real army. he's done all sorts of stuff like that.
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>> oh! >> jimmy: there he is, hi, right there. yeah, he's laughing at the storm troopers silently. well, we're going to come back, we're going to see a clip from the new movie, it looks great. "sin city: a dame to kill for." rosario dawson is here! when delta bath... ...shower... ...toilet... ...and faucet innovations... ...make getting clean... ...just as beautiful as getting dirty, that's... happimess. see what delta can do. what does it mean to have an unlimited mileage warranty on a certified pre-owned mercedes-benz? what does it mean to drive as far as you want...
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>> jimmy: that is "sin city: a dame to kill for." rosario dawson is here, and that was mickey rourke, and josh brolin, they are kind of unrecognizable in the film. >> yeah, very much so. we didn't film that, though, all together in the same room. josh was there, but somebody else was holding him. and then they kind of just -- like robert is just this incredible genius with technology, robert rodriguez. he did that the first film as well both times i've done the "sin city" films i've had scenes with mickey rourke, and both times i wasn't in the same room with him, we shot weeks apart. >> jimmy: maybe that was for the best. >> i did another film with him, he is just awesome. i love him so much. it is just unbelievable -- >> jimmy: was he holding josh brolin, they're not together? >> it is incredible, you're like sitting there going is this going to work? and robert says don't worry about it. don't raise your arm, i'm going to put your co-star there.
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>> jimmy: how long since the first "sin city" movie came out? >> about ten years ago. >> jimmy: at that time, nobody had ever done anything like that before. >> no, green screen like that had never really been done. >> jimmy: the whole movie, you shoot the whole thing on the green screen. >> it's shot almost like theater style. the camera's facing one direction, the green screen's behind you. you have to do over, the actors and everything move around as opposed to the camera's moving. there's nothing there, there's tape on the floor. he's going to put the rain in, all this other stuff later. you're kind of working with your material. just working with the actor, or not. it kind of takes away from that idea -- i think acting's about listening, sharing, connecting. robert's like, no, you don't need that. oh, okay. >> jimmy: to hell with all that stuff. you have another comic-related project, "daredevil," which is going to be a netflix show. they've not given much information about it. who will you play in that show?
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>> it's been really awesome being here. >> jimmy: you can't say. >> i'm glad you invited me. >> jimmy: they won't let you say who they're playing? >> what? >> jimmy: are you playing daredevil? can you tell us yes or not on that? >> obviously. >> jimmy: we don't know. weirder things have happened in the comic book universe. it's very good to see you. >> good to see you too. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: congratulations on this. rosario dawson, "sin city: a dame to kill for" opens in theaters august 22nd. we'll be right back! [ cheers and applause ] take and... aflac! and a gentle wavelike motion... aahhh- ahhhhhh. liberate your spine, ahhh-ahhhhhh aflac! and reach, toes blossoming...
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: eric mccormack and music from self, they're on the way. stay tuned after the show, an all-new episode of "gabby." how's it going over there? >> it's going so good it hurts. tonight on the show i've got adrian bernet and music from sheryl crow. and how to pick the right pet for your family with deepak chopra. i get to meet a chinchilla -- ahh! ahh! sorry, it's going to be okay. all that and more tonight. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: you can have the world's greatest photography expertly framed and sent to your door ready to gang. guillermo loves so much he turned it into a game for us. >> guillermo: that's right. i have pictures and everyone has to find me. >> jimmy: what? >> guillermo: i hid myself in a picture and everyone has to find me. >> jimmy: let's play "where's guillermo," everybody. we have to find you. for instance, this is one of the photographs you can get at of the beatles. where is guillermo in this photo? he's right there. you know the name of this guy? >> guillermo: ring gee? >> jimmy: no., choose from hundreds of iconic photos from the life collection, lonely planet, even
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professional sports like this one. where is gee yaremy? oh, look. he's right there. finally, oh, i get another dollar? thank you. i believe this -- who is this, guiller guillermo? >> guillermo: marilyn monroe? >> jimmy: 92, that is jane mansfield. where is guillermo in this photograph? can you find him? look, right there. there's guillermo. >> guillermo: that's right. >> jimmy: that's a dollar. >> guillermo: here's my last dollar. >> jimmy: one more thing, do you know who this guy is right here? >> guillermo: paul mccartney? >> jimmy: that's absolutely right, thank you, guillermo. >> guillermo: can i borrow -- >> jimmy: here you go. >> dicky: visit to decorate your home or office with the world's finest photography, guillermo not included. i can't show you the inside,
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a good night's sleep... and aveeno®. [ female announcer ] only aveeno® positively radiant face moisturizer has an active naturals® total soy formula... one of nature's most effective skin tone correctors. it helps reduce the look of brown spots in just four weeks. and for stubborn spots, there's new aveeno® targeted tone corrector, with vitamin a added for faster results. [ jennifer aniston ] aveeno®. naturally beautiful results™. [ jennifer aniston ] aveeno®. new all-you-can-eat be the fcrosscut ribspplebee's and discover their tender bone-in flavor. just don't be the last to try them and their three irresistible sauces. i'm serious. do not be the last person. new crosscut ribs are now all-you-can-eat for a limited time. only at applebee's. and come in late night for half-price apps.
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hey pal? you ready? can you pick me up at 6:30? ah... (boy) i'm here! i'm here! (cop) too late. i was gone for five minutes! ugh! move it. you're killing me. you know what, dad? i'm good. (dad) it may be quite a while before he's ready, but our subaru legacy will be waiting for him. (vo) the longest-lasting midsize sedan in its class.
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introducing the all-new subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru. can you t! that's our new interactive speaker wall. 'sup? thinks it's a speak-ing wall. this can even dim your lights. your 3-d--printed girlfriend will love that. real mature. there you go. a laser drone for cats. i wish i had lasers. i don't. pew pew pew... the new radioshack is finally here. the store of your past is now the store of your future. come see one of our remodeled stores and save 50 percent off skullcandy headphones. or get a 20-dollar gift card with air raid speaker purchase. >> jimmy: you know our next best from "will & grace." he was the will. but now he has a new show with a new name, he plays the eccentric dr. daniel pierce on "perception" tuesdays at 10:00
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on tnt. please say hello to eric mccormack! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: how has your summer been? are you still shooting now? >> no we finished shooting in june. it's airing now on tuesday nights. >> jimmy: good timing. >> it's actually great. i punted the end up with vacation. it was insane. we finished shooting at 4:00 in the morning and i was on a plane to italy eight hours later. >> jimmy: oh, really. good thing everyone remembered their lines. you might have missed the flight. >> exactly right. >> jimmy: who went to italy? >> my wife and my son and some friends. i had been before, been to sienna, which is where we went, then we went to venice. which i'd never been. have you been to venice? [ cheers and applause ] it's like -- with the boats and the -- >> jimmy: they've never been to venice.
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who's been to hell, anybody? but with the boats and the buildings, it's like -- it's like somebody went on the it's a small world ride and said, this could be a city. we can make this a city. >> jimmy: you're right. i was in venice for one day once when i was in high school and there were so many mosquitos you could barely move, it was crazy. >> we were warned about the smell and the mosquitos but it was awesome. >> jimmy: you were there the whole time? >> only a couple of days but we were so excited. normally -- my wife and i are canadians and we were -- [ cheers and applause ] wow. have you actually been to canada? thanks. but we were so excited, we were sitting on the grand canal, with our friends, we're going, there's no roads, honey, there's no roads! we got shh'd. the waiter at the restaurant shh'd us. very embarrassing. we canadians don't get shh'd very often, we're not a loud people. >> jimmy: right. >> my friends went back inside. walking down the hotel wall, he
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goes, i can't believe we got shh'd! honey, can you believe -- a door opened and a german tourist stepped out and said, "please. respect the silence." >> jimmy: wow! >> got shh'd. >> jimmy: you got menaced is what you got. that's no good at all. well, you know, it seems like canadians are really taking a different turn lately with this justin bieber and the mayor rob ford. >> i know. we're discovering our inner -- the rob ford thing, i'm from toronto. >> jimmy: you are, okay. [ cheers and applause ] >> it's embarrassing. >> jimmy: why is it embarrassing? he's one person -- you guys, everyone -- >> he's supposed to represent us. >> he doesn't represent us. it's like -- they went ahead and elected a puppet from "avenue q." it's like, let's get a cartoon character to be the mayor. >> jimmy: so you're not a supporter of mayor ford. >> i haven't lived there in a while, i don't get a vote. >> jimmy: uh-huh, okay. >> at the moment.
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>> jimmy: that's good for me. >> thanks for keeping it alive day after day. >> jimmy: my pleasure, my pleasure. are you raising your son canadian? will he be a -- >> he speaks both languages. >> jimmy: he does, wow. remarkable. must be very bright. >> he's very fluent. >> jimmy: you send your son to camp? >> he just turned 12 and we sent him to -- we were in vancouver, for the summer, and we sent him -- we started the summer with improv camp. >> jimmy: really? improv camp? is that like they didn't prepare anything? make it up as they go along? >> what did you do at improv camp today? we made stuff up. it was just the beginning of summer. the main thing is what he's done for several years with a friend is knight camp. not sleeping at night camp but with a "k." knight camp. it's like day camp for knights is what it is. they sword fight with the shields and the quarterstaffs and it's like -- it's like they come -- it's a "game of thrones" camp basically. >> jimmy: hopefully with less nudity and maybe a little less violence as well.
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who knows what's going on there. >> i got to ask -- >> jimmy: did you go to camp when you were a kid? >> i -- yes. i went to theater camp. >> jimmy: you went to theater camp, wow. >> i went to theater camp. >> jimmy: it all worked out. any of the other kids in theater camp, did they go on to become successful? >> to my knowledge -- i didn't get close with them. it was like second, third grade, theater camp. i was the scarecrow in "the wizard of oz." >> jimmy: oh, you were. >> my folks kept saying, did you enjoy camp? go play hockey. didn't take. >> jimmy: isn't that against the law in canada? >> why do you think i'm here? >> jimmy: anti-hockey. you were sent to theater camp as punishment. >> i was born the night the leafs won the stanley cup in 1963. [ cheers and applause ] my doctor was at the game. he was at the final game. had the lead. had to leave. i don't know how, they didn't have pagers, i don't know how he found out -- >> jimmy: he must hate you. >> delivered me and went back. >> jimmy: he made it back in time? that was a quick labor too.
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>> i was in a hurry, i had to get out. >> jimmy: this is the second season? >> third season. >> jimmy: oh, third season. >> we're halfway through the third season. >> jimmy: a very interesting character you're playing. >> i love this guy. dr. daniel pierce is a neuroscience professor suffering from paranoid schizophrenia. >> jimmy: was he schizophrenic from birth? >> not from birth. nobody -- it usually happens for most people around -- >> jimmy: mostly to men? right? >> more men than women but this happens to women. and it's usually in their late teens, 20s, often pressures of college and change in life. next week we're going to have a flashback where we find out what happened to him before the pilot. if you haven't seen the show, next tuesday is a good time. >> jimmy: it's interesting, your character goes off his medication to help him with his job. which seems very ill advised. >> on the fbi's part, so you're not on your meds? you're hired. >> jimmy: like the opposite of "homeland." and you have another show that
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you're working on, it's lighter fare. >> this is a new show for the fall which i think -- i don't know if we have -- >> jimmy: i believe we do have a clip of it, yes. then you might -- >> this is the first time. >> jimmy: i think it's the full trailer for the show. >> great. >> jimmy: take a look. >> this fall, where there's a will -- >> you clumsy oaf. this lamp has been in my family for generations. >> there's another will. >> yeah. mine too. >> you're welcome, future generations. >> wait, no -- what is wrong with you? >> what is wrong with you? >> what's wrong with you? >> there's nothing wrong with me. >> there's something wrong with you. >> there's something wrong with you. >> i hate me so much. >> i'm fishing your pie! >> eric mccormack is "will and will."
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>> will! [ cheers and applause ] >> it's always sunny in willadelphia on syfy. >> jimmy: i like that. >> it was a joy working with that cast. >> jimmy: i'll bet. well, the show is called "perception," it airs tuesday nights at 10:00 on tnt. eric mccormack, everybody. thank you, eric. [ cheers and applause ] we'll be right back with music from self! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by at&t. mobilizing your world. geicmoney for over 75
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they've really stood the test of time. much like these majestic rocky mountains. which must be named after the... that would be rocky the flying squirrel, mr. gecko sir. obviously! ahh come on bullwinkle, they're named after... ...first president george rockington! that doesn't even make any geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. nds] the wait is over for even faster internet. xfinity is now doubling the internet speed... ...on two of our most popular plans. xfinity continues to innovate, bringing you the fastest, most reliable internet...period. xfinity internet from comcast, now double the speed.
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>> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by at&t, mobilizing your world. >> jimmy: i'd like to thank rosario dawson, eric mccormack, warren g. i want to apologize to matt dimon. "nightline" is next but first i want you to keep your eye on the bass layer for this band. heat been named one of the hottest guys in rock. their ep is called "super great night." it just came out yesterday.
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making their television debut with the song "lrunaway," self! ♪ ♪ ♪ she said let's take a ride just step inside before we get older ♪ ♪ ♪ she's got eyes in the back of her head looking side to side and over her shoulder ♪ ♪ ♪ just tell me what you want to do maybe get some food or take in a movie ♪ ♪
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♪ she said let's dance till the world explodes and the 50-foot speakers reach overload ♪ ♪ she's got me asking her why tell me what you're running from ♪ ♪ ah-ah-ah little runaway ♪ ah pain is not the only thing ♪ ♪ ahh that will catch up to you one day ♪ ♪ with one hand on the wheel the other's filling her cup ♪ ♪ ♪ a real gone girl she's bagging her bones up ♪ ♪ i said be careful the life you lead can be lonely lonely ♪
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♪ she said you're caught in the eye of the storm ♪ ♪ maybe nothing's wrong just catch up to me she's got me asking her ♪ ♪ why tell me what you're running from ♪ ♪ ah-ah-ah little runaway ♪ ah pain is not the only thing ♪ ♪ ah-ah-ah that will catch up to you one day ♪ ♪ that will catch up to you one day ♪ ♪ ♪ she's got me asking her ♪ why tell me what you're running from ♪ ♪ ah-ah-ah little runaway
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♪ ah love it is the only thing ♪ ah-ah-ah that will catch up to you one day ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ and in the simplest of words she spoke about forgiveness ♪ ♪ and in passing something true cried out as the wheels began to turn ♪ ♪ there it loomed and burned in the awkwardness at hand now i understand ♪ ♪ lucid anne lucid anne ♪ ♪ lucid anne lucid anne
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♪ lucid anne lucid anne ♪ and when she woke up from the day before no recollection of events which took place somewhere ♪ ♪ laughing only at the lines that now traced her eyes looking backwards through the glass ♪ ♪ i think i missed the point i think i missed the point ♪ lucid anne lucid anne lucid anne lucid anne ♪ ♪ ♪ lucid anne lucid anne ♪ lucid anne lucid anne ♪
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this is "nightline." tonight -- >> you're in violation of the state-imposed curfew. >> don't shoot! >> 48 hours on the front lines of ferguson. an american city under siege. >> -- immediately or you'll be subject to arrest. >> don't shoot! >> we've got extraordinary access to people on both sides of the clashes. risking their lives in the streets. from the cops to the protesters. >> they're gassing already, wasn't doing nothing but having a peaceful walk. it burned like hell. a new twist inn
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