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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  September 6, 2014 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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>> >> good good saturday saturday morning, morning, thanks thanks for for joining joining us. us. i'm i'm matt matt keller. keller. let's let's start start with with a a look look at at the the forecast. forecast. here's here's meteorologist meteorologist lisa lisa argen. argen. >> >> hi, hi, matt. matt. good good morning. morning. we we are are pretty pretty cloudy cloudy around around the the bay bay except except in in napa napa and and concord. concord. this this is is emeryville emeryville where where the the clouds clouds gathered gathered and and the the marine marine layer layer and and extending extending local local i i inland. inland. 59 59 in in livermore. livermore. it's it's cool cool 52 52 with with a a clear clear sky sky in in napa napa and and we we are are looking looking for for the the low low clouds clouds and and fog. fog. it it takes takes time time to to burn burn back back to to the the coast. coast. the the marine marine layer layer about about 2500 feet 2500 feet deep. deep. by by 11:00 11:00 we we will will see see sunshine sunshine around around the the bay bay and and temperatures temperatures will will be be fairly fairly seasonal seasonal with with mid-60s mid-60s from from ocean ocean beat beat and and upper upper 60s 60s half half moon moon bay bay and and 80 80 in in san jose san jose and and maybe maybe a a few few 90s
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90s in in the the valley. valley. we we will will talk talk about about increasing increasing clouds clouds the the second second half half of of the the weekend weekend coming coming up. up. matt. matt. >> >> thank thank you, you, lisa. lisa. this this morning morning san francisco san francisco police police are are looking looking for for a a gunman gunman who who shot shot and and killed killed one one man man and and wounded wounded another another one one in in the the bayview bayview district. district. it it was was around around 9:30 9:30 last last night night when when officers officers responded responded to to nickels nickels way way on on a a shots shots fired fired activation. activation. it it found found a a man man with with upper upper body body wounds. wounds. he he was was taken taken to to the the hospital hospital but but died died of of an an injuries. injuries. another another man man arrived arrived at at the the hospital hospital in in a a private private car car suffering suffering from from a a gunshot gunshot wound wound to to his his lower lower body. body. he's he's expected expected to to survive. survive. the the driver driver of of a a stolen stolen car car is is still still on on the on on loose loose after after slamming slamming into into a a louse louse and and missing missing a a three-month-old three-month-old baby baby by by inches. inches. it it happened happened last last friday friday afternoon. afternoon. abc abc news news reporter reporter alan alan wang wang was was at at the the scene. scene. >> >> the the bus bus was was doing doing between between 20 20 and and 25 miles 25 miles an an hour hour when when it it struck struck this this house house in in richmond richmond around around 5:30. 5:30. >> >> my my son son was was inches inches from from being being hit hit by by the the bus. bus. >> >> ashley's ashley's three-month-old
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three-month-old son son was was sitting sitting in in his his bouncy bouncy chair chair in in the the living living room room looking looking up up at at an an ac ac transit transit bus. bus. >> >> my my daughter daughter was was in in the the back back bedroom bedroom and and my my son son and and we we got got out out because because we we didn't didn't know know what what was was going going to to happen. happen. >> >> it it was was severed severed is is leaking. leaking. and and meanwhile meanwhile some some passengers passengers and and children children were were trying trying to to escape escape the the bus. bus. >> >> it it was was hard hard to to get get off off because because we we didn't didn't know know how how to to exit. exit. >> >> why why didn't didn't you you go go through through the the door? door? >> >> there there was was no no door. door. it it was was hard hard to to open open it it so so we we went went through through the the window. window. >> >> we we briefly briefly evacuated evacuated the the area area because because of of the the gas gas leak. leak. but but the the ortega's ortega's home home is is now now red red tagged. tagged. >> >> i i have have to to find find another another place place to to live live now. now. >> >> police police say say the the bus bus struck struck a a speeding speeding stolen stolen car car at at the the intersection intersection of of 18th 18th street street and and burbank burbank avenue. avenue. they they arrested arrested a a juvenile juvenile male male passenger, passenger, but but his his older older brother, brother, the the driver, driver, got got away away on on foot. foot. in in richmond, richmond, alan alan wang,
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wang, abc7 abc7 news. news. >> >> the the san jose san jose police police are are investigating investigating an an assault assault of of an an ant ant ka ka clara clara sheriffs sheriffs deputy. deputy. it it happened happened behind behind a a shopping shopping center center in in san jose. san jose. the the media media partner partner reports reports the the deputy deputy was was talking talking to to someone someone who who three three men men approached. approached. they they exchanged exchanged words words before before attack attack him him and and then then ran ran off. off. police police have have not not made made any any arrests. arrests. in in morning morning contractors contractors in in san francisco san francisco could could begin begin knock knock down down a a building building gutted gutted by by a a massive massive fire fire in in the the mission mission district. district. fire fire on on thursday thursday raced raced through through the the big big house house store store on on commission commission 22nd 22nd street street turning turning the the building building into into a a total total loss. loss. you you can can see see why. why. this this is is how how the the building building looked looked before before the the fire fire with with stolen stolen goods goods and and merchandise merchandise and and this this is is how how it it looks looks now. now. almost almost all all the the surrounding surrounding shops shops have have reopened reopened almost almost no no worse worse for for wear. wear. melissa melissa harrington harrington reports. reports. >> >> people people who who live live in in work work near near big big house, house, inc., inc., the the building building gutted gutted by by the the fire, fire, are are just just trying trying to to get get rid rid of of the the smell. smell. the the windows windows are are wide wide open. open.
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>> >> we we can can stay stay in in the the living living room. room. the the bedroom bedroom was was closer closer but but the the living living room room is is more more open open and. and. >> >> he he is is trying trying to to overpower overpower the the smell smell of of smoke smoke with with something something he he likes. likes. >> >> cooking cooking bacon. bacon. >> >> he he had had to to evacuate. evacuate. they they grabbed grabbed their their pets, pets, including including the the python, python that that stayed stayed wrapped wrapped around around his his neck neck all all afternoon. afternoon. >> >> i i think think he he liked liked the the attention attention of of all all the the people. people. he he stayed stayed tight tight on on my my neck neck but but he he didn't didn't seemed seemed alarmed alarmed or or anything. anything. >> >> back back on on mission mission street street, large large pans pans, and and their their building building suffered suffered some some water water damage. damage. >> >> it's it's smoky. smoky. >> >> but but the the owner owner says says the the fire fire will will not not hurt hurt their their customers customers who who need need their their dresses. dresses. >> >> we we have have to to take take them them home home and and just -- just -- this this is is a a once once in in the the lifetime lifetime event. event. >> >> the the complimentary complimentary
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clinic clinic is is also also closed. closed. about about 55 55 women women will will not not be be able able to to get get their their cancer cancer treatments treatments until until monday. monday. >> >> it it wasn't wasn't really really healthy healthy so so we we felt felt we we are are to to close close down. down. >> >> they they said said big big house house, inc. inc. will will have have to to be be demolished demolished but but first first they they have have to to clean clean up up the the debris. debris. everything everything in in one one heap heap on on mission mission street. street. abc7 abc7 news. news. >> >> the the santa santa clara clara county county sheriff's sheriff's office office has has released released the the name name of of a a woman woman whose whose body body was was found found turning, turning, she she was was 35-year-old 35-year-old julie. julie. police police aren't aren't saying saying how how she she died died or or if if they they have have any any suspects. suspects. a a driver driver found found her her body body on on fire fire on on oakland oakland avenue avenue west west of of morgan morgan hill. hill. police police closed closed oakland oakland avenue avenue for for ten ten hours hours while while the the coroner's coroner's office office investigated. investigated. there there was was a a spill spill into into the the streets streets of of downtown downtown last last night. night. police police were were blocking blocking protesters. protesters. urban
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urban shield shield convention convention promotes promotes militarization militarization within within police police departments. departments. protesters protesters say say it it divides divides police police from from the the community. community. >> >> they they are are behind behind shields shields to to confront confront people. people. that's that's hardly hardly the the model model of of public public safety safety we we need need in in the the community community of of oakland. oakland. >> >> we we had had the the very very same same conversation conversation last last year year and and three three weeks weeks later later a a nut nut case case walked walked into into lax lax and and started started shooting shooting everybody. everybody. they they at at any any time time call call the the military military or or the the fire fire department department or or the the protesters, protesters, they they called called the the police. police. >> >> the the almeda almeda sheriff's sheriff's office office hosts hosts urban urban shield. shield. the the convention convention has has been been held held in in oakland oakland since since 2007. 2007. >> >> hundreds hundreds of of families families in in mariposa mariposa county county were were forced forced from from their their homes homes because because of of a a wildfire. wildfire. it it started started we've we've of of yosemite yosemite park. park. the the fire fire is is not not contained. contained. flames flames and and smokes smokes are are pouring pouring from from the the trees trees along along highway highway 49. 49. right right now now 700 700 homes homes and and 5 5
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businesses businesses are are under under an an evacuation evacuation order. order. the the fire fire is is affect affectinging air air quality quality in in the the north north bay, bay, the the happy happy campfire campfire is is lung lung for for four four weeks weeks now. now. it's it's 25% 25% contained. contained. a a smoke smoke advisory advisory is is in in effect. effect. how how are are the the winds winds in in the the north north bay? bay? pushing pushing any any of of the the smoke smoke out? out? >> >> not not yet. yet. usually usually when when we we see see the the fog fog burn burn back back it it gets gets a a little little breezy. breezy. right right now now pretty pretty good good marine marine play play layer. layer. you you can can see see the the clouds. clouds. 59 59 downtown, downtown, 61 61 at at the the airport. airport. we we are are looking looking at at a a pretty pretty seasonal seasonal afternoon. afternoon. but but we we will will see see some some extra extra moisture moisture head head our our way way tomorrow tomorrow afternoon, afternoon, mainly mainly in in the the south south bay. bay. it's it's due due to to a a hurricane. hurricane. i'll i'll tell tell you you when when we we return. return. >> >> thanks, thanks, lisa. lisa. up up next next how how are are real real estate estate prices prices doing doing in in napa napa following following the the 6.0 6.0 quake quake two two weeks weeks ago. ago. michael michael finney finney is is ahead ahead with with the the details. details. discrepancy discrepancy going going on on in in one one community community because because of of the the historic
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>> >> good good morning, morning, here's here's a a live live look look at at the the bay bay bridge bridge this this morning. morning. if if you you liked liked the the weather weather the the past past couple couple days, days, you you are are probably probably going going to to like like today today and and vice vice versa. versa. things things are are looking looking seasonal seasonal today. today. lisa lisa argen argen will will have have the the forecast forecast coming coming up up in in just just a a bit. bit. in in developing developing news, news, searchers searchers will will resume resume looking looking in in the the waters waters off off jamaica jamaica today today for for a a private private plane plane from from the the u.s. u.s. that that crashed crashed into into the the caribbean. caribbean. a a recording recording of of the the transmission transmission said said the the plane's plane's pilot pilot indicated indicated there there was was a a problem problem and and asked asked to to descend descend to to a a lower lower altitude. altitude. the the flight flight was was headed headed from from rochester, rochester, new york new york to to naples, naples florida florida yesterday yesterday morning morning when when air-traffic air-traffic controllers controllers lost lost contact contact with with the the pilot. pilot. the the plane plane crashed crashed about about 14 miles 14 miles northeast northeast of of the the coastal coastal
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town town of of jamaica. jamaica. a a real real estate estate developer developer from from rochester rochester is is on on board board with with his his wife. wife. they they are are presumed presumed dead. dead. a a search search team team will will travel travel the the ukraine ukraine to to look look for for hard hard prove prove flight flight 17 17 was was shot shot down. down. the the prime prime minister minister said said there there is is pretty pretty conclusive conclusive intelligence intelligence about about what what happened happened to to the the jet jet carrying carrying 298 298 people, people, but but evidence evidence must must be be collected collected so so that that it it can can be be proved proved beyond beyond a a reasonable reasonable doubt doubt if if the the days days goes goes to to court. court. the the plane plane plunged plunged from from the the sky sky july 17th july 17th killing killing all all on on board board flying flying from from amsterdam. amsterdam. it it flu flu over over an an area area of of eastern eastern ukraine ukraine controlled controlled by by pro pro russian russian separatist. separatist. in in napa napa the the cleanup cleanup continues. continues. and and many many might might wonder wonder about about the the value value of of their their quake quake damaged damaged homes. homes. a a look look tech tech real real estate estate market market after after the the quake. quake. >> >> this this is is real real estate estate broker broker christopher. christopher. >> >> the the building building tilts tilts this this way way at at the the bottom bottom and and tilts
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tilts this this way way at at the the top. top. >> >> we we are are in in his his napa napa office office talking talking about about the the quake quake and and going going over over the the hard hard numbers numbers following following the the hard hard shaking. shaking. >> >> these these are are all all the the active active listings listings and and the the ones ones currently currently available available on on the the market market today. today. as as you you can can see, see, when when you you look look through through it, it, all all of of the the prices prices have have not not changed changed since since the the earthquake. earthquake. so so people people are are still still holding holding the the prices prices up up because because they they feel feel that that there there are are still still value value in in their their homes. homes. >> >> out out of of the the office office and and into into the the neighborhood, neighborhood, chris chris is is showing showing me me around around crown's crown's valley valley one one of of the the hardest hardest hit hit neighborhood. neighborhood. the the sun sun is is shining shining and and the the wine wine country country vibe vibe is is still still here. here. but but is is there there a a future future for for 86-year-old 86-year-old edward edward may. may. >> >> you you hate hate to to leave leave the the area, area, but but we we just just don't don't see see any any possibility possibility of of staying staying here. here. >> >> he he was was the the first first resident resident of of this this neighborhood neighborhood 41 41 years years ago. ago. he he showed showed me me the the damage damage to to his his home home as as he he was was packing packing up. up. he he said said the the cost, cost, and and the the time time of of rebuilding, rebuilding, are are just just too too much much
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tore tore him him and and his his wife. wife. >> >> are are you you worried worried about about what what you you will will be be paid paid for for the the house? house? >> >> yeah, yeah, really, really, we we are. are. we we don't don't even even have have a a figure figure in in mind. mind. it's it's hard hard to to come come up up with with a a figure. figure. >> >> it it may may be be hard hard to to price, price, but but it it might might not not be be hard hard to to sell. sell. the the broker broker is is already already working working with with a a client client who who is is interested interested in in buying buying a a distressed distressed property. property. >> >> we we were were talking talking earlier, earlier, is is there there going going to to be be a a bargain. bargain. is is that that going going to to be be a a bargain? bargain? >> >> it it depends depends on on what what your your definition definition of of bargain bargain is. is. it it will will probably probably sell sell below below the the median median price price in in our our area, area, but but no no matter matter what, what, if if there there is is work work needed needed to to make make it it liveable, liveable, it it might might not not be be a a bargain. bargain. >> >> this this is is the the time time housing housing sales sales slow slow down down anyway anyway so so it it will will be be hard hard to to value value the the impact. impact. >> >> the the city city will will come
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come through through and and they they have have already already come come through through and and repairing repairing potholes potholes and and cracks. cracks. neighbors neighbors are are helping helping neighbors. neighbors. everybody everybody is is getting getting back back up up to to normal normal and and i i think think 60 60 days days we we will will be be running running business business as as usual. usual. >> >> michael michael finney, finney, 7 7 on on your your side. side. >> >> search search and and rescue rescue teams teams are are often often brought brought into into quake quake areas areas and and because because of of their their training training can can get get the the job job done. done. the the training training comes comes from from exercises exercises such such as as the the one one conducted conducted this this being being with with end end try try the the california california office office of of emergency emergency services. services. the the exercise exercise is is skyline skyline wilderness wilderness park park in in napa napa will will feature feature 350 350 volunteers, volunteers, search search and and rescue rescue professionals, professionals, including including those those from from solano, solano napa napa is is lake lake counties. counties. corporate corporate and and community community volunteers volunteers will will help help 8 8 san francisco san francisco homes homes go go solo solo to to morning. morning. great great alternatives. alternatives. they they will will use use 130 130 volunteers volunteers to to install install solar solar panels panels much much like like these. these. this this is is the the ninth ninth solarthon
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solarthon that that makes makes solar solar accessible accessible to to underserved underserved communities. communities. your your home home could could get get ascarissity ascarissity from from the the water water police. police. hu hu people people who who don't don't conserve conserve are are getting getting caught. caught. >> >> we we are are just just asking -- asking -- using using too too much much water water on on the the lawn. lawn. >> >> because because of of virginia's virginia's statewide statewide ban, ban, kamil kamil has has reduced reduced her her water water use use but but others others haven't haven't been been as as conservative, conservative either either neglecting neglecting to to cutback cutback or or ignoring ignoring the the call call to to conserve conserve all all together. together. >> >> and and she's she's very, very, very very prudent prudent about about her her watering. watering. she she waters waters i i think think two two or or three three times times a a week week and and that's that's all. all. >> >> the the folks folks in in east east bay bay mud mud are are seeing seeing record record complaints complaints about about lawns lawns that that are are too too lush lush when when others others are are sticks sticks and and stones. stones. >> >> i i was was calling calling earlier earlier to to follow follow up up to to a a report report of of water water waste. waste. we we received received it it about about a a house. house. >> >> jolene jolene is is in in east east bay bay mud mud and and
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in in charge. charge. the the water water waste. waste. in in january january east east bay bay mud mud averaged averaged 20 20 complaints complaints a a month. month. in in august august there there were were 419. 419. it it is is her her job job to to report report complaints complaints and and then then hit hit the the streets streets to to investigate. investigate. >> >> most most of of our our water water waste waste reports reports are are coming coming from from single-family single-family homes homes where where the the report report is is that that people people have have been been overwatering overwatering their their lawns. lawns. >> >> we we were were there there as as she she looked looked for for water water waste. waste. wet wet pavement, pavement, water water saturated saturated lawns lawns and and run run off. off. there there were were puddles, puddles, puddles puddles and and more more puddles. puddles. >> >> any any water water mistakes mistakes made made now now are are going -- going -- any any water water saved saved now now will will put put us us in in a a better better position position in in the the future. future. >> >> she she looked looked for for the the customer customer to to speak speak with with them them about about the the complaint. complaint. investigation investigation worked worked like like this. this. first first they they call call alleged alleged violators. violators. then then they they send send a a letter. letter. next next, the the onside onside visit visit from from jolene. jolene. >> >> we we are are definitely definitely not not the the water water police. police. >> >> they they said said continued continued violators violators could could receive receive a a warning warning letter letter and and finally finally restricted restricted water water use.
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use. steps steps to to date date have have not not been been needed needed and and may may not not be be if if everyone everyone does does their their part. part. >> >> most most agree? agree? >> >> yes, yes, most most agree. agree. >> >> abc7 abc7 news. news. >> >> the the hurricane hurricane could could bring bring rain rain to to the the parts parts of of the the southwest. southwest. it it is is on on the the move move up up the the coast coast of of baja, baja, california. california. this this video video from from cabo cabo castro castro valley valley san san lucas lucas shows shows the the powerful powerful winds. winds. it it is is releasing releasing monster monster waves. waves. the the california california surfers surfers are are already already hitting hitting the the water. water. high high surf surf advisories advisories are are in in effect effect until until monday. monday. california california may may not not get get the the help help it it needs needs for for its its drought drought this this winter, winter, at at least least from from el nino. el nino. earlier earlier they they predicted predicted an an 80% 80% chance chance an an el nino el nino system system would would develop. develop. now now that's that's to to 60%. 60%. meteorologists meteorologists say say if if we we get get only only a a weak weak el nino, el nino, the the extra extra moisture moisture will will help help but but it it will will take take several several winters winters to to compensate compensate for for the the last last three three years years of of drought. drought. always always hoping hoping for for a a little little bit bit of of rain rain in in september. september. it's it's the the highest highest fire fire danger. danger. september september and and october october can can be be bad bad for
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for wildfires. wildfires. >> >> and and the the temperatures temperatures in in san francisco san francisco averaging averaging about about 72 72 for for september. september. so so today today we we will will be be shy shy of of that that in in the the city. city. numbers numbers in in the the up up are are 60s. 60s. a a nice nice afternoon. afternoon. starting starting out out low low clouds clouds and and fog fog for for everyone everyone pretty pretty much. much. even even in in the the east east pay pay we we have have a a little little bit bit of of cloud cloud cover cover and and gusty, gusty, southwest southwest winds winds toward toward the the delta. delta. we we will will look look for for seasonal seasonal temperatures temperatures not not only only today today but but tomorrow tomorrow we we will will mix mix things things up up a a little little bit. bit. with with the the moisture moisture increasing increasing into into southern southern california california today, today, and and by by tomorrow tomorrow probably probably the the south south bay bay will will see see more more clouds clouds with with partly partly cloudy cloudy clouds clouds in in the the afternoon afternoon and and maybe maybe a a few few sprinkles. sprinkles. the the exploratorium exploratorium camera camera right right now, now, cloudy cloudy with with numbers numbers in in the the upper upper 50s. 50s. it's it's cool cool in in the the north north bay. bay. gilroy gilroy at at 51 degrees. 51 degrees. half half moon moon bay bay 57. 57. 61 61 in in san san carlos, carlos, with with low low 60s 60s in in oakland. oakland. the the temperatures temperatures run run the the gamut gamut once once again again to to the the low low 50s 50s to to the the mid-60s. mid-60s. you you will will see see the the low low 50s 50s from from novato. novato. 59 59 livermore. livermore. and and a a few few clouds clouds filtering
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filtering into into our our east east bay bay valleys. valleys. 57 57 in in concord. concord. so so we we are are looking looking at at conditions conditions today today to to be be fairly fairly seasonal seasonal by by the the afternoon. afternoon. but but starting starting out out this this afternoon afternoon with with 3 3 to to 5 degrees 5 degrees cooler cooler compared compared to to this this time time yesterday. yesterday. novato novato, santa santa rosa rosa and and concord, concord, even even livermore. livermore. the the only only spot spot a a little little bit bit warmer warmer is is mountain mountain view view is is 2 degrees 2 degrees warmer. warmer. sfo sfo is is cloudy cloudy with with temperatures temperatures just just about about 60 degrees 60 degrees here. here. look look at at your your forecast forecast highlights highlights, low low clouds clouds and and fog fog this this morning. morning. it it will will take take until until about about 10:00, 10:00 11:00, 11:00, and and a a little little breezy breezy around around the the bay bay where where the the temperatures temperatures will will once once again again range range from from the the 60s 60s to to near near 90s. 90s. slightly slightly cooler cooler by by the the middle middle of of the the week week and and then then we we will will warm warm it it up up by by the the end end of of the the week. week. it it all all looks looks to to be be short short lived. lived. the the cooling cooling trend trend and and even even the the warming warming trend trend just just about about two two days days around around here. here. a a low low pressure pressure sits sits off off the the coast, coast, and and high high pressure pressure as as well. well. that that allows allows for for mild mild temperatures temperatures around around the the bay. bay. warm warm inland. inland. but but the the changes changes come come here here today today
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with with category category 3 3 norbert norbert here here with with winds winds of of 120 miles 120 miles an an hour. hour. it it is is moving moving to to the the northwest. northwest. it it becomes becomes a a tropical tropical cyclone cyclone tomorrow tomorrow and and moisture moisture being being con con investigated investigated up up into into the the southwest. southwest. flash flash flood flood warnings warnings in in effect effect for for southern southern california california and and the the high high surf surf here here right right through through monday. monday. so so it it looks looks like like we we will will see see the the potential potential for for some some very very heavy heavy rain rain with with widespread widespread thunderstorm thunderstorm activity activity perhaps perhaps late late tomorrow tomorrow into into monday. monday. and and with with the the high high moisture moisture content content in in the the atmosphere, atmosphere, could could see see some some flooding flooding here. here. then then the the suggest suggest arely arely swell swell will will be be with with us us not not only only today today but but into into monday monday as as well. well. particularly particularly for for the the south south bay bay beaches. beaches. 12 12 today today back back home home in in the the south south bay. bay. -- -- upper upper 6 6 tos tos in in pacifica. pacifica. pretty pretty quiet quiet with with the the temperatures temperatures seasonal. seasonal. today today a a little little breezy breezy getting getting into into the the afternoon. afternoon. san francisco san francisco 69. 69. in in the the north north bay bay look look for for 82. 82. santa santa rosa. rosa. 81 81 vallejo. vallejo. east east bay bay near near 70s 70s far
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far hayward hayward and and 81 81 castro castro valley. valley. you you head head inland inland and and more more 80s 80s with with a a few few low low 90s. 90s. here's here's the the academy academy cast cast it it forecast. forecast. we we will will dip dip the the numbers numbers monday monday and and tuesday tuesday and and high high pressure pressure builds builds back back to to bring bring a a slightly slightly warmer warmer end end of of the the week. week. we we will will let let you you know know how how long long it it will will be be in in your your community community by by keeping keeping track track of of bay bay area area weather weather on on twitter twitter at at live live doppler doppler 7hd. 7hd. looking looking pretty pretty comfortable. comfortable. pretty pretty seasonal. seasonal. we we can can enjoy enjoy that. that. thank thank you, you, lisa. lisa. still still to to come, come, rachel rachel ray ray makes makes a a visit visit to to abc7 abc7 news. news. what what she's she's saying saying about about her her big big debut. debut.
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this is mary, a woman who loves to share her passions. grandma! mary has atrial fibrillation, an irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. that puts her at a greater risk of stroke. rome? sure! before xarelto® mary took warfarin which required monthly trips to get her blood tested. but that's history. back to the museum? not this time! now that her doctor switched her to once-a-day xarelto® mary can leave those monthly trips behind. domest domestic flight? not today! like warfarin, xarelto® is proven effective to reduce afib-related stroke risk. but xarelto® is the first and only once-a-day prescription blood thinner for patients with afib not caused by a heart valve problem that doesn't require regular blood monitoring. so mary is free of that monitoring routine. for patients currently well managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xa xarelto® and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. xarelto® is just one pill a day taken with the evening meal. spinach?
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grazie! plus, with no known dietary restrictions mary can eat the healthy foods she likes. don't stop taking xarelto®, rivaroxaban, unless your doctor tells you to. while taking xarelto®, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. xarelto® may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. xarelto® can cause serious bleeding and in rare cases, may be fatal. get help right away if you develop unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. if you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto®, watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto® tell your doctor about any conditions such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. switching to xarelto® was the right move for mary. ask your doctor about once-a-day xarelto®. no regular blood monitoring; no known dietary restrictions. for information and savings options download the xarelto® patient center
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app call 1-888-xarelto, or visit >> >> a a campaign campaign for for a a higher higher minimum minimum wage wage initial initial connection connection off off in in morning morning in in oakland. oakland. it's it's called called lift lift up up oakland. oakland. it it calls calls for for the the city city to to raise raise it's it's minimum minimum wage wage $12 $12 per per hour. hour. this this shows shows the the organization organization gathering gathering signatures signatures in in support support of of the the measure measure earlier earlier this this year year n n july july the the minimum minimum wage wage was was raised raised from from 8 8 to to nine nine dollars dollars an an hour hour, but but advocates advocates say say that's that's not not enough enough to to lift lift workers workers out out of of poverty. poverty. a a couple couple of of career career cause cause a a traffic traffic jam jam on on the the golden golden gate gate bridge. bridge. viewers viewers shot shot this this video video of of the the deer deer trotting trotting north north on on the the bridge bridge yesterday yesterday evening. evening. chp chp caught caught in in the the jam jam and and the the deer deer were were gone gone by by the the time time they they got got there. there. that that didn't didn't stop stop the the chp chp from from tweeting tweeting the the mctower mctower of of the the animals,
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animals, leading leading cars cars down down the the road road and and a a cup cup he he of of jokes. jokes. it's it's more more than than a a buck, buck, they they said. said. got got enough enough dough dough for for the the bridge bridge toll? toll? >> >> and and thanks thanks for for a a special special vase vase tore tore here here at at the the station station yesterday yesterday we we were were buzzing. buzzing. celebrity celebrity chef chef rachel rachel ray ray on on with with us us on on abc7. abc7. she she posed posed for for pictures pictures with with our our team team and and signed signed copies copies of of her her new new cookbook. cookbook. you you can can get get cooking cooking tips tips from from rachel rachel every every weekday weekday afternoon. afternoon. starting starting monday monday she she talks talks about about what what to to expect expect from from the the show's show's ninth ninth season. season. >> >> our our show show is is super super fun. fun. lots lots of of laughs. laughs. >> >> yeah, yeah, we we make make something something wonderful wonderful for for dinner dinner every every night night and and there's there's lots lots of of helpful helpful tips. tips. people people see see a a lot lot of of themselves. themselves. our our viewers viewers are are as as much much a a part part of of our our programming programming as as our our celebs. celebs. i i think think we we have have unique unique personalities personalities on on the the show show and and we we have have a a big big goal. goal. we we are are so so thrilled thrilled to to make make our our tv tv family family bigger. bigger.
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>> >> you you can can catch catch rachel rachel every every weekday weekday starting starting this this coming coming monday monday at at 3:00. 3:00. here's here's a a look look at at our our new new daytime daytime lineup lineup beginning beginning monday. monday. actor actor terry terry cruz cruz will will host host who who wants wants to to be be a a millionaire. millionaire. general general jeopardy, jeopardy, john john hospital hospital and and followed followed by by the the abc7 abc7 premiere premiere of of rachel rachel ray ray at at 3:00. 3:00. still still to to come come on on abc7 abc7 news, news today's today's test test of of the the new new turf turf at at levi's levi's stadium. stadium. what what players players are are saying saying and and will will it it last. last. taking taking the the pain pain out out of of going going to to the the dentist. dentist. now now new new technology technology is is making making your your time time in in
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>> >> good good morning. morning. we we are are starting starting with with a a quick quick look look at at the the accuweather accuweather forecast. forecast. here's here's meteorologist meteorologist lisa lisa argen. argen. good good morning. morning. >> >> good good morning, morning, matt. matt. the the march march roenick roenick layer layer is is back back with with us us and and temperatures temperatures are are typically typically clear. clear. it's it's a a mild mild 62 62 in in oakland, oakland, 61 61 fremont fremont with with low low 60s 60s in in mountain mountain view view and and san jose san jose checking checking in in at at 59 59 this this morning. morning. the the southwest southwest wind wind out out towards towards our our east east bay bay allowing allowing for for the the cool cool air air to to be be transported transported here here this this morning. morning. but but by by the the afternoon afternoon we we will will brighten brighten up up ask ask the the warmer warmer conditions conditions in in our our inland inland east east bay bay with with numbers numbers there there from from the the mid-80s mid-80s to to near near 09. 09. san francisco san francisco in in the the upper upper 50s 50s with with about about 54 54 ocean ocean beach. beach. and and we we will will look look for for near near 80 80 along
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along redwood redwood city. city. castro castro valley valley is is very very comfortable comfortable today. today. the the second second half half of of the the weekend weekend features features more more cloud cloud cover. cover. we we will will talk talk about about maybe maybe flooding flooding in in southern southern california california by by tomorrow. tomorrow. matt. matt. >> >> all all right. right. thank thank you, you, lisa. lisa. new new this this morning, morning, the the middle middle class class is is the the subject subject of of this this week's week's presidential presidential address address delivered delivered by by vice vice president president joe joe biden. biden. ten ten million million private private sector sector jobs jobs have have been been created created over over the the past past four four and and a a half half years. years. but but according according to to democrats, democrats, too too many many americans americans are are not not seeing seeing the the effects effects of of the the recovery recovery from from the the recession. recession. the the vice vice president president said said it's it's time time to to give give the the middle middle class class a a chance. chance. >> >> folks folks used used to to be be a a bargain bargain in in this this country country supported supported by by democrats, democrats, and and labor. labor. the the bargain bargain was was simple. simple. if if an an employee employee contributed contributed to to the the growth growth and and profitability profitability of of the the company, company, they they got got to to share share in in the the profits profits and and the the benefits benefits as as well. well. that that is is what what built built the the middle middle class. class. it's it's time time to to restore restore the the bargain bargain and and build build the the middle middle class class back back in. in. >> >> and and the the vice vice president president was was filling filling in in for for the the president. president. mr. obama mr. obama is is back back in in the the white white
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house house after after a a brief brief trip trip to to wales wales for for a a nature nature toe toe summit summit and and a a walk walk through through stonehenge stonehenge in in england. england. a a reminder reminder to to the the tens tens of of thousands thousands of of drivers drivers who who pass pass by by it it every every day. day. a a busy busy east east bay bay interchange interchange was was dedicated dedicated in in the the memory memory of of a a fallen fallen california california highway highway patrol patrol officer officer who who died died near near there there two two years years ago. ago. abc7 abc7 news news reporter reporter laura laura anthony anthony has has more more from from the the 680 680 interchange interchange now now named named after after officer officer kevin kevin youngstrom. youngstrom. >> >> this this is is not not a a good good anniversary, anniversary, but but what what we we are are doing doing today today is is a a good good thing. thing. >> >> he he was was his his partner partner the the day day youngstrom youngstrom was was shot shot and and killed killed by by a a driver driver during during a a traffic traffic stop stop on on interstate interstate 680. 680. it it was was turning turning the the morning morning come come newt newt on on september 4, september 4, 20 20 is is 12. 12. >> >> i i want want to to give give you you a a picture picture of of kenny's kenny's last last moment moment in in the the conversation conversation we we had," had," our our last last conversation. conversation. that that was was him him offering offering help help to to me. me. >> >> now now the the late late officer officer will will be be remembered remembered with with the the highest highest honor honor a a highway highway patrol patrol man man can can
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receive, receive, the the dedication dedication of of a a freeway freeway in in his his name. name. >> >> and and that that intersection intersection and and that that crossing crossing we we saw saw an an individual individual unselfishly unselfishly give give his his life life to to protect protect this this country, country, this this state, state this this community community.. >> >> in in kenyon kenyon youngstrom's youngstrom's case case it's it's the the dedication dedication of of an an interchange. interchange. 680 680 and and highway highway 24. 24. one one of of the the busiest busiest in in california california and and not not far far from from where where the the 37-year-old 37-year-old officer officer was was fatally fatally shot shot two two years years ago. ago. >> >> tens tens of of thousands thousands of of people people will will go go by, by, your your father, father, your your husband, husband, your your sons. sons. and and it it will will be be reaffirmed reaffirmed to to them them once once again again there's there's a a ban ban of of brothers brothers and and sisters sisters who who show show their their professionalism professionalism every every day. day. >> >> youngstrom's youngstrom's widow widow and and children children attend attend the the ceremony. ceremony. >> >> i i miss miss him him but but people people will will remember remember him him and and maybe maybe think think about about his his story. story.
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>> >> youngstrom's youngstrom's children children even even signed signed the the back back of of one one of of the the freeing freeing signs signs bearing bearing their their father's father's name name k k and and now now thanks thanks to to these these signs, signs, the the thousand thousand whose whose drive drive the the interchange interchange every every day day will will forever forever have have a a chance chance to to appreciate appreciate the the sacrifice sacrifice youngstrom youngstrom made. made. in in walnut walnut creek, creek, laura laura anthony, anthony, abc7 abc7 news. news. >> >> san jose san jose police police are are looking looking for for three three people people accused. accused. cory cory jacobs jacobs was was arrested arrested after after he he was was seen seen exposing exposing himself himself at at the the park park on on august 1st august 1st.. next next day day police police say say he he was was seen seen touching touching himself himself in in three three separate separate incidents incidents in in palo alto. palo alto. a a big big chance chance for for the the new new turf turf at at levi's levi's stadium. stadium. it it happened happened today today at at the the a a sold sold out out soccer soccer match match between between mexico mexico and and chile. chile. yesterday yesterday there there was was a a
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chance chance to to test test the the field. field. we we report report from from levi's levi's stadium stadium.. >> >> it's it's not not slippery. slippery. >> >> the the goalkeeper goalkeeper and and his his teammates teammates were were the the first first athletes athletes to to check check out out the the new new turf turf at at levi's levi's stadium. stadium. the the turf turf was was installed installed just just last last weekend. weekend. they they just just wrapped wrapped up up practice. practice. >> >> there there is is supposed supposed to to be be a a little little faster, faster, get get a a better better feel feel in in the the game. game. but but it it doesn't doesn't really really matter matter how how the the feel feel is is tore tore tomorrow tomorrow night. night. what what is is important important is is we we want want to to win. win. >> >> 49ers 49ers fans, fans, who who aren't aren't necessarily necessarily soccer soccer fans, fans, they they want want to to see see if if the the turf turf holds holds up. up. >> >> make make sure sure there's there's no no clumps clumps coming coming out. out. and and like like just just making making sure sure that that everything everything is is just just fine. fine. >> >> the the turf turf began began falling falling apart apart after after the the 49ers 49ers opening opening preseason preseason game game on on august 17. august 17. the the field field was was quickly quickly ripped ripped out out and and replaced replaced with with temporary temporary sod. sod.
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the the team team says says the the problem problem was was the the sand sand base base underneath underneath the the grass. grass. the the field field is is now now in in its its third third incarnation. incarnation. the the team team adjusted adjusted the the composition composition of of the the base base and and switched switched to to a a different different type type of of brass brass to to bermuda bermuda grass grass to to the the same same type type used used at at candlestick. candlestick. it's it's the the hope hope it it will will last last through through the the season. season. fans fans are are keeping keeping their their fingers fingers crossed. crossed. >> >> you you don't don't want want to to have have something something where where a a knee knee blows blows out out and and it it being being costly costly to to your your team's team's welfare. welfare. >> >> you you have have to to have have a a good good surface, surface, playing playing surface surface for for the the ballplayers. ballplayers. that's that's important. important. >> >> and and for for the the 49ers, 49ers, important important to to put put this this embarrassing embarrassing chapter chapter behind behind them. them. in in santa santa clara, clara, lilian lilian kim, kim, a abc7bc7 news. news. >> >> be be levi's levi's stadium stadium is is the the most most expensive expensive place place to to watch watch football. football. a a team team market market being being report report found found a a total total for for the the afternoon afternoon at at the the stadium stadium includes includes parking, parking, food food and and drinks drinks is is $641.50. $641.50. that's that's significantly significantly more more than than the the nfl nfl average average of of
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$479. $479. >> >> groceries groceries delivered delivered to to your your doorstep. doorstep. that's that's nothing nothing new. new. but but how how amazon amazon plans plans 20 20 pull pull it it off off may may surprise surprise you. you. they they are are using using postal postal service service trucks trucks in in san francisco san francisco to to deliver deliver groceries. groceries. drivers drivers are are allowed allowed to to use use the the trucks trucks to to deliver deliver fresh fresh meat, meat dairy dairy and and produce produce when when the the trucks trucks are are usually usually i'dal i'dal at at certain certain times times of of the the day. day. the the 60-day 60-day test test program program started started in in early early august. august. if if the the service service proves proves to to be be ben ben fastball fastball for for both both organizations, organizations amazon amazon will will expand expand it it to to more more cities. cities. thousand thousand to to a a story story that's that's all all smiles. smiles. california california dental dental association association is is holding holding its its conference conference in in san francisco san francisco this this weekend. weekend. typically typically we we send send jonathan jonathan bloom bloom to to conventions conventions about about technology, technology, but but turns turns out out that's that's exactly exactly what what this this is. is. >> >> in in a a convention convention haul haul that's that's usually usually filled filled with with programmers programmers and and engineers, engineers, you you will will find find the the biggest biggest sonicare sonicare toothbrush toothbrush you you have have ever ever seen seen and and colgate
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colgate and and crest. crest. you you don't don't have have to to go go far far to to realize realize you you are are at at a a dental dental conference. conference. >> >> this this can can end end the the pain pain of of biting biting down down on on goop. goop. >> >> it's it's difficult difficult to to breathe. breathe. it it is is installed installed for for three three minutes. minutes. >> >> no no longer. longer. now now they they can can take take a a 3d 3d picture picture inside inside your your mouth mouth and and printout printout copies copies of of your your teeth. teeth. soon soon coming coming back back weeks weeks later later to to get get a a crown crown will will be be ancient ancient history. history. >> >> when when you you leave leave they they are are putting putting on on a a temporary temporary like like a a bandaid. bandaid. >> >> instead instead they they made made a porcelain porcelain crown crown that's that's fit fit for for a a king. king. >> >> and and part part of of taking taking the the pain pain out out of of the the dental dental office office is is taking taking the the pain pain out out of of going going to to the the dental dental office. office. >> >> it it looks looks like like a a son son care care toothbrush toothbrush but but it's it's an an injection injection comfort comfort device device.. >> >> dental dental vibes vibes vibrates vibrates to to play play a a trick trick on on your your brain. brain. >> >> it it closes closes the the pain
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pain gate. gate. it it actually actually prevents prevents the the brain brain from from sensing sensing the the pain. pain. >> >> they they sell sell the the dental dental vibe vibe almost almost at at cost cost but but make make their their money money off off the the disposal disposal rubber rubber tip. tip. $1.38 $1.38 each. each. >> >> and and then then this. this. >> >> it's it's not not bleaching, bleaching, it's it's pulling pulling the the stains stains out out of of the the teeth. teeth. >> >> teeth teeth whitening whitening is is bigger bigger than than of of but but it it too too has has a a history history are are being being painful. painful. >> >> obviously obviously beaching beaching is is not not good good for for organic organic tissue tissue and and starts starts sensitivity sensitivity with with the the nerves. nerves. >> >> they they use use a a detergent detergent and and anesthetic anesthetic so so you you feel feel nothing nothing as as you you watch watch the the clock clock tick tick down. down. but but you you might might feel feel this. this. the the new new ten ten cal cal chair chair with with a a hidden hidden switch switch for for a a message. message. maybe maybe i i will will stick stick to to my my appointment appointment after after all. all. me me and and my my big big mouth. mouth. abc7 abc7 news. news. >> >> last last night night abc abc joined joined nearly nearly 30 30 other other networks networks for for the the standsup standsup to to cancer cancer telethon. telethon. today today the the event event has has raised raised more more than than $260 million $260 million for for cancer cancer
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research research to to date. date. cancer cancer survivors survivors and and advocates advocates all all over over the the bay bay area area watched watched the the telethon. telethon. here's here's a a viewing viewing party party at at the the pizza pizza factory factory in in san jose. san jose. set set up up by by organizers organizers of of the the national national cancer cancer society. society. it's it's not not too too late late to to give. give. go go to to >> >> have have you you ever ever felt felt stuck stuck with with a a cell cell phone phone plan plan you you signed signed up up for? for? tips tips that that might might help help you you get get out out of of the the plan plan you you don't don't like. like. and and here's here's a a look look at at the the golden golden gate gate bridge. bridge. the the marine marine layer layer sitting sitting over over us us in in many many parts parts of of the the bay bay area. area. lisa lisa argen argen will will let let you you know know when when that that will will clear clear out out and and when when you you are are going going to to warm warm up up with with your your forecast forecast in in a a few few mi
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this is a woman hesitating on a life-changing decision. at university of phoenix we know going back to school is a big decision. that's why we offer students new to college a risk-free period.
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so you can commit to your education with confidence. get started at
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temperatures comfortable in most parts. we have your forecast coming up in just a bit. q joan rivers' funeralt( will take place. the family announced the private service@,cll be in new york city. rivers joked she wanted herçó funeral to ber affair with paparazzi. the family announced ther will be private. t( a new poll shows." californians areq feeling better about the direction of the state than two years ago. 41% say it is on the wrong track. compare that to 2010 when 80% of voters saidok california was on the wrong track, the same year
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grid lockfá stalled. you ever felt stuckçó in añi cell phone contract you didn't want? turns out youok are not without options. one family isñr saving nearly $2,000 in just one t(year. tómq! family loves talking on the phone. but three phone contracts with three different companies? not so much. that costs themñi $300 a month. they need help with those cell phone contracts. let's save you some çómoney. like 335 million other americt they found it easy to sign up. >> you are spendingxdñ too much money on cell phones. >> we have three different plans right now. it wouldc be nice to get them in one plan. >> report½j to cancel somew3 plans they will beñrxd faced with early termination fees. >> when you thought about that feery t[kayrñ what is that fee going
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to be? >> phoned a friend to take a look. >> what i see is an opportunity to simplify and save money. >> tip number one, look for changes in your contract that you haven't agreed to. startup cell breaker looks for differences in thexdh,sq print between original contracti] and the current one. youe1 may be able to cancel without the big fee. >> just overt( 50%fá savings. >> tip number two, sell orq swap your plan. ñi it lets you postvu) contractxde1 online to allow others toçó ta it over. tip number three, switch to a carrier willing to pay high termination fees. t mobile pays up to $650 when you move to them. >> time to cancel some + contracts. >> i hope exso. >> by consolidating the family can save more than $1,800 over the next year.
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>>jf that's forecast and talk about the moisture and the flooding when we return. the 49ers have made their decision. what the team has
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this is mary, a woman who loves to share her passions. grandma! mary has atrial fibrillation, an irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. that puts her at a greater risk of stroke. rome? sure! before xarelto® mary took warfarin which required monthly trips to get her blood tested. but that's history. back to the museum? not this time! now that her doctor switched her to once-a-day xarelto® mary can leave those monthly trips behind. domest domestic flight? not today! like warfarin, xarelto® is proven effective to reduce afib-related stroke risk. but xarelto® is the first and only once-a-day prescription blood thinner for patients with afib not caused by a heart valve problem that doesn't require regular blood monitoring. so mary is free of that monitoring routine. for patients currently well managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xa xarelto® and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. xarelto® is just one pill a day taken
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with the evening meal. spinach? grazie! plus, with no known dietary restrictions mary can eat the healthy foods she likes. don't stop taking xarelto®, rivaroxaban, unless your doctor tells you to. while taking xarelto®, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. xarelto® may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. xarelto® can cause serious bleeding and in rare cases, may be fatal. get help right away if you develop unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. if you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto®, watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto® tell your doctor about any conditions such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. switching to xarelto® was the right move for mary. ask your doctor about once-a-day xarelto®. no regular blood monitoring; no known dietary restrictions.
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for information and savings options download the xarelto® patient center app call 1-888-xarelto, or visit good morning a live look outside at the bay bridge. things are a little foggy in many spots. we have the marine layer sitting around. it is september so you know the sun is coming out in san francisco at some time today. when will we see the sun? >> about mid day, 11:00 or so. it has been unusually stable. usually get some alternative heat waves or something. we have to count ourselves lucky it has been so dry. because of the dry weather it could be worst. >> always concerned about that in september. >> the moisture headed into
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southern california will bring extra cloud cover in the south bay tomorrow. in terms of the moisture possibility exists of flooding for southwestern california. for the bay area we are talking about low clouds and fog this morning. here is a look from the camera where it is cloudy in san francisco with the stable atmosphere. 59 degrees in san jose. 51 in gilroy. half moon bay is 57. a slightly cooler start for most of you. and this vantage point emeryville looking at temperatures in the east bay in the 60s. the far east bay upper 50s from 58 in concord and 59 in livermore. napa 52 for you and nevada this morning. the deck of low cloud and fogs is taller. not looking at much in the way of visibility issues. sfo looking good. low clouds and fog this morning by about 11:00 and noon time will have sunshine and the temperatures by 3:00 will be
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around average with the numbers from the mid 60s right at the coast, upper 60s san francisco. mid 70s in oakland and near 90 inland. then the numbers slightly dip into the early part of the week. by the end of next week we are looking at high pressure building in and warmer weather. things will change up every couple of days. nothing too extreme. low pressure sits off the coast allowing temperatures to be seasonal, a little breezy around the bay as the fog pulls back but more importantly is norbert category 3 with winds of 123 miles per hour. it continues to push to the northwest. it is bringing up moisture into baja and san diego and southwestern california with partly cloudy skies in los angeles. here is where we are expecting flooding into southern nevada and arizona and isolated thunderstorms. high surf is a problem through
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late monday with waves from four to ten feet from malibu through to catalina. even with swells and a little bit into santa cruz. 101 in fresno today. sunny skies. 80 in tahoe. morning lows dipping to upper 30s there. partly cloudy in los angeles at 87. if you are headed to mountain view temperatures in the mid 70s. plenty of sunshine 3:00 this afternoon. in oakland look for more sunshine. mid 60s at 1:00 as the astros are in town with 68 at 4:00 this afternoon. low 80s return for san jose. 79 palo alto. san francisco 69. 87 in concord. and the seven day forecast more sunshine. we'll bring in partly cloudy skies in the south bay. by monday and tuesday slightly cooler and warm up wednesday and thursday into the end of the week. nothing too extreme. very quiet and very dry.
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>> over the last few weeks seems we settled into being seasonal. in sports the big bay area college game. stanford hosts ufc. kickoff at 12:30 this afternoon here on abc 7. the giants taking on the tigers in detroit. who came out on top? here is sports director with your highlights. >> it was a rematch of the 2012 world series. the giants opening up a weekend series in detroit and had to contend with the tigers and mother nature. this was the first meeting since the world series sweep of the tigers. pablo sandoval, rbi single. brandon crawford off the foot of rick porcello. 6-0 after three. the rain comes. it would stop. they kept waiting for more rain that never arrived.
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two hour 42 minute rain delay. giants win a two-day stay two back of the dodgers. as and astros. here it comes and there it goes. trouble with the long ball. top three jong singleton up and out. derek nor. jake risnic misplaced the ball. bases loaded, nobody out. josh donaldson ending the double play. chris carter, why would you throw this guy a strike? seventh homer. 36th of the season. turns out to be the game winner. as fall.
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blue jays and red sox. this is high. this is deep and ends up being a walk off single. they are happy. red sox win 9-8 in ten innings. it may be a while if we ever find out what happened with ray mcdonald and his fiance last weekend. the 49ers feel comfortable enough to play him sunday in the season opener against dallas. he was arrested on suspicion of abuse against his pregnant fiance. 49ers find themselves straddling the line between taking a stand on domestic violence and protecting his due process and they want mcdonald to help them beat the cowboys. >> i'm his teammate. i support him to the fullest. i believe the truth will prevail
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and come out. hopefully everything goes well. >> and a reminder, big college football game coming up. stanford hosting ufc here on abc 7. have a great weekend everybody. still to come on abc 7 news, the event coming to the sk
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ get your taste of the season at raley's, bel air, and nob hill.
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close enough to fly inside the orbits of communication and weather satellites. next at 6:00 a bus slammed into a home sending several people to the hospital. the search for the person who
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caused the accident. plans after a raging fire guts a
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o's moreavings at bout back to school savings at staples? the ladies? these guys? or these guys? when you get guaranteed low prices on everything you buy the most everybody gets excited!
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staples. make more happen for less. live from the kgo tv broadcast center this is abc 7 news. >> good saturday morning. thanks for joining us. i'm matt keller. let's start with a quick look at your weather. >> good morning to you. here is live doppler 7 hd. low clouds and fog above 2,000 feet this morning allowing for no significant changes in your weekend weather starting with today. tomorrow we mix things up just a little bit and particularly in the south bay. 52 in gilroy right now. 57 in half moon bay. oakland and san carlos low 60s. we are slightly cooler this morning except around mountain view and around san carlos with two degrees


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