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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  September 9, 2014 11:35pm-12:38am PDT

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our next newscast is tomorrow morning. >> up next, bill hader. >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- bill hader. filmmaker richard linklater. and music from jhene aiko. with cleto and the cletones. and now, for your amusement, here's jimmy kimmel! ♪ it's "jimmy kimmel live" [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hi, everybody. hi, i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thank you for coming. that's very nice.
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how are you? how's your family? good, everything good? good, good, good. well, you know, this was -- today was a big day for american technology. it was announcement day at apple. this morning, from cupertino, apple introduced several highly anticipated new products. products that will soon become more important than anything in our lives including our pets and our children. starting with a new iphone, actually, two new iphones, the iphone 6 and the iphone 6-plus, as in, plus another $100. [ laughter ] new iphone will be available on the 19th of this month. both of them have a much bigger screen for us to shatter than the previous iphone. tim cook said they are without a doubt the best iphones we've ever done, which makes sense. it would be weird if he said, these are not as good as the last iphones. but they're bigger. you know, they unveiled the new payment system called apple pay. you just tap the phone once and
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it pays for products automatically, which sounds like a great way for your 5-year-old to buy a tufted leather owe toeman. they are hoping that the virtual wallet would replace credit cards and even cash, which -- you know, that is a lot of powerful technology for something we're almost certainly going to drop in the toilet, isn't it? apple also shocked the world by unveiling something completely unexpected today. >> we believe that the product will redefine what people expect from its category. i am so excited and i am so proud to share it with you this morning. it is the next chapter in apple's story. and here it is. [ laughter ]
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: it was only a matter of time. finally, a wireless ma lesless spread. the most anticipated announcement is what they're calling the apple watch. a watch, it comes in two sizes. it has a magnetic charger. it's just like my pac-man watch from 1982. the apple watch can also track your movement to tell you how much you've exercised in a day. and then laugh at you at the end of the day. i'm glad apple came out with a watch. i'm so tired of having to look all the way down to my hand. now i can just look at my wrist and everything's right there. so, the new apple watch and iphone 6 are a reality at long last. it's impressive. but we look forward to these announcements from apple in the same way we look forward to the
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announcement of the academy awards. people wait outside the store without even knowing what the product will be. you know, that kind of enthusiasm, not just for one product, but for one product after another, is unprecedented. and it isn't out the question to believe that eventually, it will lead to this. >> at a certain point, apple moved beyond being simply a technology company. we're now a cultural icon. so important to people to be the first person to own a new apple product that when one is released, there are lines around the block. it's with that in mind that we proudly announce our new product, the iline. no camera, no apps, we are down to the one thing apple fans are most excited about. being the first one in line. here's how it works. we set up a line outside of our stores. we wait in line days, maybe even weeks. and when up get to the front, you pay us $600.
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we give you nothing. and you leave. >> we think this is a natural evolution for our company. >> you people are [ bleep ] idiots. >> you people are [ bleep ] idiots. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: but we're cool. meanwhile, in -- international news, there was an historic meeting this afternoon, as mike tyson, for reasons unknown, stopped by city hall to meet with toronto mayor rob ford. it was bound to happen eventually. [ laughter ] mike tyson and rob ford. what could possibly go right? [ laughter ] tyson was in town doing his one-man show, he does a one-man show and he wanted to say hi, so, he had a brief closed door meeting with the mayor. boy, would i have loved to have been a fly in the ranch dressing splattered on the wall of that room. fortunately for us, after their meeting, mike and rob took some time to chat with the press.
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>> why did you come and see the mayor today? >> i'm a big fan of the mayor like most americans are. i had the opportunity to meet him and i took advantage of the opportunity. >> why are you a fan of mayor ford? >> well, because the mayor is -- he's dealt with -- we all overcome adversity. we really can't understand the concept of happiness if we don't overcome adversity. we could just be constantly sad. >> jimmy: we would? i mean, right, we would. are these two of the horsemen people have been warning us about? this is my favorite moment. mike was compelled to defend rob ford and -- i'll ask you to pay close attention to the mayor's face while mike stooin spetyson. >> you have a troubled past, you have fully acknowledged that. >> you know what, you know what -- >> no, listen -- >> let mike tyson answer this question. >> he has a troubled past
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because we have -- he has 24 hours to -- >> so it's our fault? >> no, he's living his life, he's a human being. we have no idea what you do, what your habits are -- >> we're not elected officials. >> no, but do you prefer him to be a clean cut, from behind the door, you never know what he's doing? that's what people prefer. that's what human becomes have a problem with, dealing with themselves. this is who i am. i'm not that person, but i look good in the public chl. that's what we want. that's really what americans, what people want in our society. we want them to look good, but to be bad. and we want -- at least that's what i believe. >> jimmy: well, you know what? [ cheers and applause ] i really -- i don't know what to say other than, i'm pretty sure
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all my dreams came true today. [ laughter ] mike tyson and mayor ford together. it's like superman versus batman. please, god, let mayor ford come out of this with a face tattoo. here's something the mayor would be excited about. the olive garden just sold out of something they call the never ending pasta pass. for $100, this pass will allow you to eat as much pasta, salad, bread and soda in seven weeks, or before you die. and at the end of seven weeks, you are cast in the next season of "the biggest loser." that's all the pasta, salad and breadsticks will be bottomless and the customers will be bottomless, too, because their pants will not fit. [ laughter ] olive garden offered only 1,000 of these passes, which sold out in 45 minutes. when she heard the news, michelle obama stood silently in the rose garden, shed a single tear. [ laughter ] if you missed out on the never ending pasta thing, don't
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despair. olive garden has many deals. they have the $9.99 never ending pasta bowl and a brand new promotion that not only is a great value, it's for a great cause. >> want a great deal of italian food and to help a worthy cause? introducing the als pasta challenge. all your favorite pastas, creamy alfredo, sausage, fresh breadsticks, and your choice of soft drink, mixed together in a two-gallon bucket and dumped on your head. all for als. feeling good has never been so delicious. the olive garden als pasta challenge. that's good eating. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: well, there you go. a lot of things going on in this country right now. you know what? it's called olive garden and not olive house for a reason. the reason is, you can never get too fat to fit in a garden. this is good. a woman in florida was arrested
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recently -- it's only notable because she has one of the most incredible names i've ever heard. >> florida police arrested cherries waffles tennis. cherries, along with two men, tried to buy a spear gun and a go-pro camera from a surf shop. >> jimmy: cherries waffles tennis. sounds like my weekend to-do list. this is what happens when you use mad libs to name your baby. miss tennis -- i don't know if their names have anything to do with it, but we've seen a lot of reports of people with funny names getting arrested. we've been collecting them over the years. and with the addition now of cherries, the time seems right to enjoy the fruits of that labor. these are real news reports and presumably real people's names. >> charged a man they say dropped his pants at waffle house. 26-year-old ryan smallwood dropped his pants. >> a man may be named like a
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super hero, but he-- >> arrested on a seventh drunk driving charge. brenda drinkwater. >> burning bacon to light her ex-boyfriend's house on fire. her name is cameo crispi. >> 37-year-old 0 by wan ken know by. >> north carolina man who coughed in a police officer's face. police pulled over kent kaufman for a seat belt violation. >> jimmy: the charges against kent kaufman were dropped. we don't -- we don't just entertain on this program. in fact, sometimes we barely even do that. but we -- we strive to enlighten here and that is why we teamed up with our old pal snoop dogg for an educational series about nature and wildlife and things you should know. with that said, it's time to learn about walruses on tonight's edition of plizzanet
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earth. >> it's going to get real cold up in here right now. check this out. whole bunch of seals or walruses. okay, walruses. oh, [ bleep ]. polar bear. do they eat walruses? wait a minute. there's too many of them [ bleep ], he's going to get one of y'all. if i was one of the walruses, i'm jumping right in the middle so i be the last [ bleep ] he gets. you on the outside, he's going to get you. oh, that's [ bleep ] up. nobody's going to help him. he jabbed him in the back with those long teeth. let me go, get -- swim! women! this is a dumb ass polar bear. he can't even get them. you have to get the lame one. he got the toughest one, he's trying to fight with. there you go. that's what i'm talking about.
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stab his ass. help him out. help your homie out. stab him with those long ass teeth. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you, dr. snoop. tonight on the show, we have music from jhene aiko, director richard linklater is here, and we'll be right back with bill hader, so stick around.
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don't have allergies every night... just on allergy nights. [ sneezes ] [ male announcer ] that's why there's new vicks qlearquil for night. the powerfully effective, take it only when you need it, so you can have a good night allergy medicine. i am so noh my, takeit's not even funny.ed it, driver 1 you ready? yeah! go! [sfx] roaring altima engine woah! ahhhha! we told people they were riding nissan's most advanced altima race car. we lied... about the race car part. altima, with 270 horsepower and active understeer control. how did you?...what! i don't even, i'm speechless. innovation that excites.
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nds] the wait is over for even faster internet. xfinity is now doubling the internet speed... ...on two of our most popular plans. xfinity continues to innovate,
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bringing you the fastest, most reliable internet...period. xfinity internet from comcast, now double the speed. jenny jenny carlos alex carlos good morning burrito team! we set out to make a bigger, tastier breakfast burrito and i think we nailed it. introducing bigger, better breakfast burritos. the grande sausage, packed with hash browns, sausage, and creamy sriracha sauce and the meat lovers, sburritos so big, they make severything look smaller.a warm guerrero tortilla.g, they make
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hi there, welcome back. tonight, the director of the critically-acclaimed new movie "boyhood", richard linklater is here. this movie is very interesting, because he started shooting it in 2002, when the kid who is the lead actor was 7 years old. and he kept shooting with the same cast on and off for twelve years, all the way until the kid was -- hold on. 12 -- the kid was older. that's what i'm trying to say. it's pretty great. and then, from right here in los angeles, her new album came
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out today. it's called "souled out." jhene aiko from the at&t outdoor stage. tomorrow night, queen latifah will be on the program. dale earnhardt jr. will be here. and we'll have music by panama wedding. and on thursday, morgan freeman, julianne hough, and the music of ingrid michaelson. so, please join us for that. our first guest tonight is an exceptionally funny man who brought us many a laugh on "saturday night live" and now he gets serious, co-starring with fellow "snl" alumni kristen wiig in the new movie "the skeleton twins." it opens in theaters friday, please say hello to bill hader. [ cheers and applause ] >> wow. >> jimmy: how are you? >> nice group of people.
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hello! very nice. [ cheers and applause ] hi. >> jimmy: a lot of foreigners here tonight. >> i know. >> jimmy: heavy foreigner -- in fact, we learned something fascinating. did you know norwegians have no body hair? >> i didn't know that. >> jimmy: they're smooth like a ken doll. >> oh. it all -- >> jimmy: if you were to rub a balloon on a norwegian, there would be no static electricity at all. how are you? good to see you? >> good to see you. last time i was here, richard simmons molested me, remember? >> jimmy: yeah, sorry about that. >> no, that was great. richard simmons sat in my lap and did this little dance and then he got very angry at you and i abandoned you. i ran away. >> jimmy: you did. suddenly and with no warning whatsoever, when we went to the commercial break, richard simmons turned on me in a terrifying way. >> he had a blond wig on and lipstick.
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he looked like michael caine in "dressed to kill." and he turned around, he was dancing. such a good time. and then it was like, cut, and he was like, you son of a -- he started screaming and i was like, bye! and i ran out. got my car, i was like, go, go, go, get out of here! >> jimmy: i was left to deal -- we worked it all out after. >> he sent us both a nice e-mail. >> jimmy: i think so. something like that, yeah. >> now he has my e-mail address. >> jimmy: i have not seen him since. how was your summer? >> yeah, i shot this movie "train wreck" with amy schumer. he did a great job. >> jimmy: it's a comedy? >> i'm the romantic lead in the movie. >> jimmy: are you really? >> yeah, i know. i'm like the guy -- i never play that guy. i'm always the guy that the romantic lead is, you know, hopping in his car going, we got to go stop a wedding and i'm like, all right! i'm always that guy.
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now i get to hop in a car. >> jimmy: you make out and all that stuff? >> yeah, amy and i -- >> jimmy: that is romantic. >> very romantic. >> jimmy: i want to see you in a nicholas sparks movie. >> yeah, me in a nicholas sparks movie? yeah, ya, eah, no one wants to that. >> jimmy: did you take any time off? >> yeah, went on a vacation with my family and i immediately got food poisoning the first night we went to the beach. i got food poisoning. i spent the whole vacation having ah ha a weird lizard man would come in and say, do you need more gat gatorade? no, lizard man, i'm fine. i would like some crackers, though. >> jimmy: were you the only one that got sick? >> yeah, they felt awful. i'm fine, i'm fine. the hotel felt terrible. i hate some fish and got very sick. but my family kind of loved it. >> jimmy: why?
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>> because i don't like the sun. i'm like the worst person to go to the beach with. i don't, li like direct sunligh my face. and also my daughters, i tell them, daddy's very uncomfortable right now. this is terrible. we shouldn't be doing this. none of us should be doing this. >> jimmy: and they turned out normal so they're -- >> yeah, they're fine. and i'll be like, if cavemen had gotten a time machine and came out and saw us camping and going to the beach and stuff, they would think we're crazy. you know? >> jimmy: we have houses. >> you have houses, you have therm stats and you can make it any season you want inside your house? why are you outside around the campfire? >> jimmy: that's a very good point. >> it's lost on a 4-year-old. >> jimmy: you -- you worked for a long time behind the scenes in television and movies before you started acting. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and, like, what show -- did you work on shows we would know? >> i worked on one show that some of the guys in here might
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know, it was a playboy show called "night calls." >> jimmy: oh, yeah -- >> you -- yeah, oh. >> jimmy: i don't know why i have -- i know why i've seen the show. but i don't know why -- i never had the playboy channel but -- it was like a panel show of something. >> it was a panel show, this call-in sex show and there was two porn stars who hosted it and then people would call in with fantasies and then other porn stars would come in and act out the fantasy. >> jimmy: oh. >> and my friend called me and said, i go, man, i'm looking for work. he said, i have this show, it's "night calls," it sounds awesome. it's a total butter. >> jimmy: really? >> it's a bummer. he's around porn stars all day, which is kind of a bummer. >> jimmy: yeah. >> i was like, all right, yeah, i'll go. i was kind of like a p.a., bring the porn stars coffee, magazines. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what kind of
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magazines? >> big "us weekly" fans. "the national review." and -- [ laughter ] and i would -- a then i would be on-set and it was a live show, i'd be like on my headset and a guy would call in, be like, yeah, i was thinking about two cowgirls, you know, kind of like going at it. and then they'd be like, bill, can you get candy and cindy ready and tell them they're cowgirls? i'd be like, candy, cindy? you guys are going to be cowgirls, going to be having sex together. and they'd be like, okay, and put their magazines down. >> jimmy: you had all the outfits there for any scenario? >> yeah, any scenario. yes, very -- cowgirl, french maid, two scenarios. but -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: we ought to try that here one night. >> i know. i quit after, like, two or three shows, i was like, my parents, if they found out about it, it would have been awful. >> jimmy: right. >> my dad would have been like,
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whoa, "night calls," that's cool. right on, man. >> jimmy: when we come back, we're going to talk about your movie. you take a serious turn. it's about time you took a serious turn, bill hader. bill hader is here. we'll be right back. t-mobile's network has more data capacity than verizon or at&t. it's a network designed differently. a network designed data strong.
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oh, cheez-it grooves. it's a cheez-it, but it's light and crispy like a chip, kinda the best of both worlds. there's more than one world? they're among us? you're one of them. help! he's got a probe! it's a pen. we take the time for our cheese to mature in our cheez-it grooves. ♪ ♪ altuzarra for target available september 14th. what's cropfit?
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hardcore fitness based on 19th century farming practices. pick the pumpkin! pick it! pick it! pick it! pick it! pull the plow son, that's it! grab the apple! grab it! grab it! grab it! i know it's a barn, raise it! this is not a one man joobbb!!! that sounds intense. that's one word for it. [ male announcer ] however you stay fit this fall, start at subway -- lots of great tasting, low fat sandwiches, like the subway club with ham, turkey and roast beef! subway. eat fresh. ♪ [ female announcer ] when the pressure's on... only secret offers clinical strength invisible solid and clear gel with 100% odor protection. secret clinical strength. with 100% odor protection. some drinks are hardly refreshing. i think we'll grab a redd's wicked apple. (trailing off) haaa new redd's wicked apple refreshingly hard.
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(vo) ours is a world of the red-eyes. (daughter) i'm really tired. (vo) the transfers. well, that's kid number three. (vo) the co-pilots. all sitting... ...trusting... ...waiting...val. ...for a safe arrival. introducing the all-new subaru legacy. designed to help the driver in you... for the passenger in them. the subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru. we're going out. >> what? >> it is halloween, lance is at fantasy football, i say you put on something pretty and/or freaky, preferably both. >> yeah. i can do this myself. >> no, i want to do it. okay.
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♪ >> tell me if you don't like it. >> i will tell you immediately if i don't like it. ah! >> jimmy: bill hader and kristen wiig in "the skeleton twins." why wasn't -- why wasn't richard simmons here tonight for that? >> i know, richard simmons was here tonight, we'd be going home together. >> jimmy: you'd be chasing him around. >> yeah, i know. >> jimmy: this is -- tell us what the movie is about. >> we play two estranged twins who are brought together under sad circumstances and we end up -- i end up living with her and her husband, played by luke willson. and it's just about these two, you know, kind of a brother and sister, you know, love story,
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you know, it's kind of very sweet. >> jimmy: but not in a -- >> not in an arkansas way. >> jimmy: i know what you're saying. >> people in arkansas went, whoa, yeah! >> jimmy: i love that they put you and kristen wiig in this movie playing these serious roles, because -- >> i know, yeah, it's very sweet. it was -- i was initially cast in it for a long time and they said, would you want to have kristen be in it and i said, absolutely. because we have that relationship in life, we're kind of like brother and sister. when she started at "snl" i w was -- andy sam berg and i started and we did five shows and kristen came in and she was kind of the new person and i was like, well, i'll help the new girl out, you know? i was like, i really know the ropes here, i've done five shows, so -- and we wrote a sketch together and i was helping her. she was very sweet, very modest, very kind of quiet and then her first table read, she did the target lady and i was like -- oh.
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you're a genius. [ laughter ] uh, hi. let me reintroduce myself, i don't fwhoe thknow who that guy yesterday, i'm bill. she's awesome. >> jimmy: she is. >> we did the vincent price sketches. i came to her, i said, i'm going to do this vincent price thing, do you have any judy garland. what would you say as judy garland. maybe if i said, you ever have that feeling like your hands are made out of sand? [ laughter ] i was like -- and she went, i don't know, something like that? i walked off, i was like, she's a genius. >> jimmy: she really is. when you were on "saturday night live," was there a sketch that you really, really wanted to do that you weren't able to? it was cut or it wasn't allowed or anything like that? >> yeah. john malaney and i -- >> jimmy: he's got a show coming
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out. >> yeah, on fox . we wrote a sketch when dana carvey hosted the show. it was casey kay semiand his son jasey kasem and they were estrang estranged. dana played casey. the set was night, it's 2:00 in the morning, he hears something outside, he comes out and he goes, who is that? i'm casey kasem. i said, dad, it's not a burglar, it's me, your son, jasey kasem. and -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you have to give us some more. you remember it? >> he said, son, i don't want to have anything to do with you. dad -- son -- don't talk to me. and i go -- wait, wait, he goes, he said, he goes -- i was constantly asking you, when are
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you going to get a job? when are you going to move out of the house, and what recording artist had more number one hits than any other? and i go, that's mariah carey. but seriously dad, why won't you hear me out? and he goes, here's a letter. dear jasey. and he goes -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: do the letter, come on. >> the letter was -- dear jasey -- your son and his boyfriend owe me $5,000 in coke money. i'm going to murder him. and he goes, well, if you touch one hair on my son's head, i will fly at you like a lebanese torpedo. >> jimmy: what a beautiful tribute to the late casey kasem. >> well, we did that. we loved that, we were like, we did it at the table and it destroyed, we were so happy.
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we did it at dress and i wish we had you in the audience because it played to nothing. it was silent. >> jimmy: you need the norwegians. bill hader, everybody. "the skeleton twins" opens in theaters friday. we'll be right back. wto dirty their hands withtrue sendeavour, not speculation. comradeship, essential. courageous men and women to uphold over 160 years of tradition. to celebrate the most awarded blended scotch in history. this is true scotch. join us. ♪ [laughter]
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you're next. play the 5 gum truth or dare challenge and you could win a sensory adventure. oh, cheez-it grooves. it's a cheez-it, but it's light and crispy like a chip, kinda the best of both worlds. there's more than one world? they're among us? you're one of them. help! he's got a probe! it's a pen. we take the time for our cheese to mature in our cheez-it grooves.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back. we'll be back with richard linklater and music from jhene aiko on the way. but first, my aunt chippy is problem the most pun nain nated person i know. we decided to give her a chance to help people that have problems. we asked people to write in for advice and advise, she did. >> dear aunt chippy. my boef and i are getting very serious. we are thinking about moving in together. my question is, when is a good time to tell his wife? callie. what the hell was your reason for going out with this [ bleep ] in the first place, callie? he has a wife! you're thinking you're getting serious with this jerk? he has a wife. let him move in with his wife. go onto better pastures and
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smarter people and get smart yourself. if you were my daughter i'd beat the [ bleep ] out of you. if you have a question for me, please e-mail me at dearauntchippy >> jimmy: that's what you get for asking. we'll be right back with richard linklater. ♪ ♪
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altuzarra for target available september 14th. olive garden's buy one, take one, starting at just $12.99. it's back, but not for long. choose from a variety of entrees to enjoy today. like new creamy citrus chicken, and take home a second entrée free! buy one, take one starting at just $12.99. at olive garden.
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in awhen does the mercyon... rule come into effect? new fusion proglide rebuilt with flexball technology.
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makes maximum contact, and gets virtually every hair. gillette. you definitely should've tried applebee's new crosscut ribs by now. do you see these people resisting amazing sauces like sweet asian chile? no, you don't. and that's why they're happy. try new crosscut ribs. now all-you-can-eat for a limited time. only at applebee's. and come in late night for half-price apps.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: still to come, music from jhene aiko. our next guest is the academy award-nominated filmmaker behind the "before sunrise" trilogy, "school of rock" and, of course, the classic "dazed and confused." his latest is the extraordinary "boyhood." please welcome richard linklater. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that is quite a shirt you got there. i like that. it's even got a signature on it. who made the shirt? >> can you make this film, from
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1958. john wayne movie -- >> jimmy: no. >> who is that? angie dickinson -- rio bravo. there's a lady that makes me shirts off movies. >> jimmy: you have a ghostbusters shirt? >> no, but i should get one. >> jimmy: the movie is fantastic, by the way. >> thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you mentioned that not only is it the best reviewed movie of the year, it's one of the best reviewed movies of all-time. on rotten tomatoes, it has 99% positive. that's good. you pay attention to that? >> that damn 99. >> jimmy: you know the two critics that gave you negative reviews? >> someone showed me one. when you get so well reviewed, i'm not complaining, but they all kind of sound the same. you're wondering, that negative review, let me read that. >> jimmy: i'll tell you.
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>> i read one. it was all about them. >> jimmy: rebecca cusey and matt paes of red eye. >> this is review 137. >> jimmy: matt gave a positive review to "grudge match" for whatever that is worth. >> that's good. you can't -- everyone can't like the movie. >> jimmy: yeah, people like to be different sometimes. the idea behind the movie is great and the execution's great. you started -- you met this kid who is the star of the movie when he was 6 years old? >> met him when he was 6. he was 7 when we started shooting in '02. >> jimmy: this is a huge risk. you have no idea what's going to become of him. >> no. or any of us, really. >> jimmy: yeah. >> 12-year film. following this kid 1st through 12th grade. that's the way to tell a story about growing up. it was a huge leap. >> jimmy: he turns out to be a terrific actor. >> the coolest guy. kind of rock star handsome. i got so lucky, man.
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he's just awesome. >> jimmy: ethan hawke plays his dad in the movie and -- >> yeah. >> jimmy: and he starts to look like ethan hawke -- >> he slowly becomes ethan. there was some transference there going. we worked on that. >> jimmy: did you try to make his facial hair resemble ethan's? >> yeah. >> jimmy: it's very strange. ethan hawke looks exactly the same throughout the whole 12 years at the film. >> he grew a mustache. he goes from cool dad to kind of mini van dad. it happens. >> jimmy: when you are getting people to finance a movie like this, how do you -- we need a lot of money. we need it right now and maybe you might get some back in 13 years. >> yeah, it's like, and when do you finish? yeah. i got very lucky. my pitch was -- you know how most movies, they lose money. so, i said, you'll lose money very slowly -- [ laughter ]
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by the end, you won't even notice it. >> jimmy: bleed you over a long period of time. >> they fell for it. i'm really lucky. they were great. >> jimmy: one of the kids had quilt or moved or -- >> i know. >> jimmy: got forbid gotten fat. >> anything could have happened. yeah, like i said, it was a leap, you know? patricia arquette and ethan, they made an adult, professional decision, we're going to be -- patricia remembers me calling her up, going, what are you doing the next 12 years? but the kid's 6 and 9, you can't -- >> jimmy: you can't rely on them. >> you can't hold them to a decision they made. i found out you can't really contract anyone legally to do anything more than seven years. >> jimmy: oh, wow, yeah, right. >> i didn't tell them that. i was expecting the last year, it's like, i really want this new car, right before the last year. never happened. they never got exported. >> jimmy: your own daughter. >> yeah, eller, he never wavered. he was ready to go every year. but i cast my own daughter as
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the older, kind of the annoying older sister and -- >> jimmy: did a great job in it. >> we had such fun working together. it was natural for her to be in the movie. it was three, four years in, she was a dancing little girl and she got a little older, i think, you know, puberty hits ore whatever, she was just kind of -- dad, can my character, like, die? i was like -- no. that would be a little dramatic for this movie. more like, you know, so, no, you can't. >> jimmy: she just didn't want to do it anymore? >> that was just brief. one year, she didn't want to dress up the way we were -- we were having a harry potter book signing she had to go to and i thought she was, like, oh, i'm too cool for this but it wasn't. it was like her dad -- i found out years later, just recently when we visited harry potter world in london, that she felt harry potter was so real to her that her dad depicting it in a movie like this was breaking the spell, like, she thought she was going to get a letter from hogwarts. >> jimmy: what a sophisticated
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kid. >> i was kind of crapping on her whole harry potter thing. >> jimmy: she seeing herself growing up -- >> the kids never saw the movie until it was finished. >> jimmy: i see. >> did they ask you to see it? >> no, they never asked. >> jimmy: wow. >> they didn't see it until it was over. >> jimmy: that is something else. you shot one scene at a houston astros game -- >> yeah. >> jimmy: were you in the game or did you just make it look like -- >> we were there. oftentimes we kind of had to insinuate ourselves into a real situation. so, i got permission from the astros and houston, you know, minute maid park and i just -- you know, wanted to show the kids at a game but i wanted something to happen, you know, so -- roger clemens was pitching and people won't remember he played for the astros. there was a couple years there in '05, '06. but then the astros had to bat, i needed something to happen offensively. but the astros weren't a very good hitting team, so, i had,
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like, half an inning, you know, we bought some seats and i just said, okay, point the camera around the first base side, just point it to left field, maybe someone will ground out to shortstop, i just need something to hapn. we're going to roll. i had two cameras. one down on the field and one here. maybe small will happen. you know, just, not three whiffs. how about a grounder? and damn if jason lane, my favorite astro ever, on cue, in our one little window, hits a home run exactly where the camera's pointed in the middle of the frame and that was like -- we could have sat there for a year and not gotten that. you could have -- >> jimmy: that's it. >> that's when i knew, the film gods are with us. some films, the forces are against you. this one always felt like, this is meant to be. >> jimmy: it really was. you rolled the dice and -- >> got so lucky on every little front. we never had any problems. >> jimmy: well, it turned out great. the movie is called "boyhood."
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richard linklater, everybody. we'll be right back with jhene aiko. is it the biting? ...we need to break up. cuz i can stop? no! i love you and your show. it's cable. customers are more satisfied with u-verse. switch and we can stay together forever. forever? ow. i'm not gonna lie to you. it's also the biting.
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break up with cable. choose u-verse tv from $19 a month for 2 years. .. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that parker. well... did you know auctioneers make bad grocery store clerks? that'll be $23.50. now .75, 23.75, hold 'em. hey now do i hear 23.75? 24! hey 24 dollar, 24 and a quarter, quarter, now half, 24 and a half and .75! 25! now a quarter, hey 26 and a quarter, do you wanna pay now, you wanna do it, 25 and a quarter- -sold to the man in the khaki jacket! geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. ♪
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♪ >> jimmy: i'd like to thank bill hader, richard linklater, and apologize to matt damon, we ran out of time. "nightline" is next. but first, this is her cd, "souled out."
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it came out today. here with the song "the pressure," jhene aiko! ♪ ♪ oh oh oh i care about you baby baby more than you'll ever know more than you'll ever know ♪ ♪ please do not drive me crazy unless you're gonna go with me ♪ ♪ no pressure no pressure i know you're real ♪
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♪ the pressure the pressure will make you feel ♪ ♪ up till the sun rises there's no compromising i know, i know, i know ♪ ♪ you are such a liar i never denied you i was for sure ♪ ♪ but it's really out of my control the way you feel is not my problem ♪ ♪ i don't wanna see you go but i don't have time to solve this ♪ ♪ and you don't have the right ♪ ♪ after all you put me through i'm starting to realize ♪ ♪ pressure
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the pressure i know you feel ♪ ♪ pressure the pressure just keep it real ♪ ♪ major smoke in the air pass it like you just don't care ♪ ♪ have you seen my to give i have none i cannot live with ♪ ♪ the pressure the pressure you know i feel ♪ ♪ the pressure the pressure to keep it real ♪ ♪ pay attention to the signs stay and listen you will find ♪ ♪ everything
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ain't rocket science every gem is not a diamond ♪ ♪ but the pressure the pressure will make you feel ah ah-ah-ahh ♪ ♪ the pressure the pressure the pressure oh oh oh ♪ thank you.
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this is "nightline." >> tonight, it is the brutal blow caught on tape that cost nfl superstar ray rice his career, but not his wife. >> my wife is here. >> janay rice standing by her man. >> i love ray. >> now, with the why i stayed hash tag going viral, one former victim of domestic violence. >> physically abusive relationship. >> telling us here tonight what goes on behind closed doors in an abusive home. >> unless you've been through it yourself, there's no way you can relate to the feeling. plus, a spectacular announcement from afterle today. and our david muir was right there. >> how fun it is to send the first tweet ever from an apple watch. >> our exclusive look behind the scenes at the unveiling with ceo


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