tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC September 23, 2014 11:35pm-12:38am PDT
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>> "how to get away with murder" is next. we appreciate your time. good night. >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- viola davis. anthony bourdain. and music from tove lo. with cleto and the cletones. and now, before i forget, here's jimmy kimmel! ♪ it's "jimmy kimmel live" [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's very nice of you. hello, everyone, i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thank you for coming. being apart of whatever this
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will be tonight. well, i -- [ cheers and applause ] i do appreciate that. there's a big gathering in new york today. many of the leaders and coleaders and assistants to the leaders from around the world were in attendance at the u.n. climate summit. they say this was arguably the most high profile significant meeting that will in no way change anything whatsoever ever. [ laughter ] unfortunately, the leaders of two of the world's biggest polluters, china and india, did not show up for the summit. that's like daniel day lewis and meryl streep not showing up for the oscars. it's a shame. president obama was there, along with more than 100 other leaders, heads of state. together, they launched a kickstarter campaign to raise money to find a new planet for us to live on, which seems -- [ laughter ] climate change is a complex issue. it can be difficult for the average person to fully grasp. my mother says i'm a genius, and i didn't understand it, so -- i did some research and i thought it would be a good idea to break
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it down in simple terms okay. this puppy represents what the polar icecaps looked like 50 years ago. they were adorable. and this puppy is the polar icecaps today. [ laughter ] scary, but not nearly as scary as what they're expected to look like in 20 years. they are expected to look like this puppy, so -- if only al gore had used puppies, we might have taken him more seriously. here's how you know the sum milt was a big deal. leonardo dicaprio was there. as if global warming isn't hot enough. leo addressed the u.n. i don't know if it was the starpower or what, but seemed like bee apeople are starting t the message. >> i stand before you not as an expert, but as a concerned citizen. one of the 400,000 people who marched in the streets of new york on sunday and the billions of others ordinary the world who want to solve our climate crisis. every week, we're seeing new and undenial climate events,
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evidence that accelerated climate change is here right now. broughts are intensifying, methane is rising up from the ocean floor. >> jimmy: and yet somehow the weirdest thing about that clip is his hair. meanwhile, as if we don't have enough to worry about, as if there aren't enough problems in the world, kris and bruce jenner are getting divorced. i know, kris jenner filed for divorce yesterday. she said it was a painful decision. she and bruce and executive producer ryan seacrest decided that -- [ laughter ] the family is asking that no one respect their privacy at this difficult time. the jenners have been married for more than 23 years. that's a lot longer than most celebrity marriages. it comes to a shock to those of us who love them. say what you want about a lot of couples here in hollywood. these two really seemed to get along. >> you are always slurping. >> please, kris.
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please, just don't criticize. >> you can't leave the house looking like this anymore. it's so embarrassing. >> don't, kris. >> you don't have to get that creepy look on your face. >> how could you [ bleep ] forget my dry cleaning? it's the one thing i asked you to do today. >> i'm sorry. >> going too fast. i'm feeling uncomfortable. >> bruce! you put a [ bleep ] motorcycle in my house? why are you so weird this way? >> i'm not weird. >> yeah, you're weird. you look like you're representing the homeless community of los angeles. it looks like a baked potato. you need to calm down. >> excuse me. you don't need to tell him to calm the [ bleep ] down. >> like a bunch of people running around talking about nothing. >> it's like you're not with the program. >> but that's not my kind of program. i'm thinking about getting back into aviation. small airplane. >> you're not buying an airplane, bruce.
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>> jimmy: poor bruce jenner. when i was growing up, he was probably the most famous olympic athlete in the world. his face was on a box of wheaties. now his face isn't even on his face anymore. [ laughter ] so watch it, michael phelps. reality television is wonderful and with the new fall tv season upon us, there are a lot of new shows to look forward to. but if you only get the chance to watch one of them, i suggest you make it this. >> from the probrucers of the real housewives of atlanta come with women in wigs screaming at each other. >> you don't -- >> you look like a dog. >> these women have problems. and we get to watch. women in wigs screaming at each other. followed by guys with tattoos cursing at their employees. >> damn it, i'm [ bleep ] tired of this [ bleep ]. >> only on bravo. we're awful. >> jimmy: oh, bravo, indeed.
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[ applause ] bravo, indeed. starbucks is testing a new drink that could turn out to be their next pumpkin spice latte-sized triumph. it's a latte that tastes like a stout beer. it combines the mellow vibe of catching a buzz with the intense thrille of never being able to fall asleep. [ laughter ] do we really want coffee that smells like beer? isn't that a good way to make your coworkers think you have a drinking problem? [ laughter ] this particular coffee features chocolatey stout-play vored souse. it's topped with whipped cream and a dark caramel drizzle. with a dollar extra, you can get it with a hard boiled egg. they have only tested it in ohio and florida. irlt's too early to know if it's going to work out. i'll tell you what, i'm pulling for them. i always root for the underdog. what a country. we cured polio. we put a man on the moon. and we make coffee that tastes like beer. [ laughter ]
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now if a starbucks employee spells your name wrong on the cup, it's because he's drunk. this is great. in denver, authorities busted a taco truck that was selling meth am felt means. reported to be one of the largest meth busts in the history of the state of colorado. law enforcement seized 55 pounds of meth that was distributed through this taco truck, which is -- exactly what you'd expect a taco truck that sells meth would look like. this truck actually didacos bute of meth. it was cheaper than the back mow lee, by the way. they made the tacos really fast. authorities believe the guy who ran it used his aunts to distribute the drug. that impresses me. the only thing my aunt distributes is kisses that smell like cigarettes. the alleged ringleader is a gentleman named juan carlos gonzalez. that's him. this is crazy. you know what his drug ring was called? he gamed it, not kidding, the
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gonzalez drug trafficking organization. [ laughter ] so, i guess not all meth kingpins are masterminds. it's weird to think a taco truck could be secretly selling meth, right guillermo? >> right. >> jimmy: we have hundreds, maybe even thousands of taco trucks here in l.a. so, as a public service, here's how to tell if your local taco truck might be selling meth. number one, are the employees wearing has mat suits? okay, number two, does the sign say they're open 28 hours a day? what color is the salsa? is it blue? does the truck have an iguana cage? is the word taco written on the truck in quotes? and after you eat the taco, do you stay up three days grubbing the grout on your bathroom tile? if any of those answers are yes, order a pizza, instead. by now, i'm sure you heard about the nude photographs of various female celebrities that were
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stolen and leaked onto the world wide web. the first batch were posted a few weeks ago and over the weekend, even more celebrities came out. of course, this has caused a lot of consternation here in hollywood. you know, kaley she was joking about it when she was here, but she shut down her twitter account today. some people sail celebrities shouldn't take naked photos in the first place, but that's not the point. these are proivate photos. that why i'm glad to see a classic american company taking a stand. >> they're not just naked photos. they're precious memories that will last a lifetime. keep your memory safe from hackers. come to sears nude portrait studios. our trained professionals produce good old fashioned hard copies of your personal photos
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in wallet, portrait and poster sizes, on a variety of backdrops. like snowy woods, coral reef, the supreme court, or even hell. unhackable foe tolls your grandmother will proudly display in her home. >> you're on the moon! >> sears nude portrait studios. we don't have the internet. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: now all you have to do is find a sears. those of you in our studio audience tonight know that hollywood boulevard, our street is a very busy place. it's jammed with homeless people dressed as spider-man, superman. and most of all, tourists. every tourist who visits us here wants to take a photograph and who can blame them? it's a public street and people are trying to pass through. those of us who work here are frequently presented with an uncomfortable situation, when somebody is posing for a picture, how long do you wait
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before you walk in front of them? sometimes people take away, especially with the phones. how long do you stand there and wait? for me, four seconds is a good amount of -- anything more than that, i will duck under and sneak by. you know, people do that one more for safety thing. this isn't 1985. you can see how the picture came out, it's on the screen, you don't have to -- there's no safety involved. so, anyway, as a bit of a social experime experiment, we decided to find out how long people will politely stand by while someone takes a picture of their family. so, we armed my cousin sal with a came are and a fake family and we positioned him in front of our theater and, well, here's how that went. >> all right, let's get this. real quick. one and two -- all right. big smile, though, christian. hold on one second. christian, smile big. smile big. the lighting is a little bad on this. hold on, just wait. can we just wait? can we just wait?
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all righty. we're one big happy family. one, two -- honey, you're doing that thing with your lip again. hold on, i'm sorry, we're going to get this in one second. you just stay here. all right. one, two -- wait, wait -- oh -- i can't concentrate when people are walking behind me. i need to snap the picture. can you go back to that side? yeah, thanks. yeah, stay here. we're almost done. right there. okay. all right. say cheese. one, two -- come on, pretend like you like each other here. move it around, yeah, that's good. that's good. all right. there we go. one, two -- did it flash? >> no. >> it didn't flash? >> i'm going to do it one more time. this happens all the time. not that you can go yet. that's not what i was saying. okay. why are you looking to the side? hold on. i'm electronic done. i just need to get it. one, two -- there you go.
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all right. hold it now. hold it. doing great. still together. there we go. one, two -- christian, big, big -- hold on, one second. i know, we'll get it right. o okay, guys, ready? get it together. one, two -- three, four, five, six -- i'm sorry -- sir, please. come on, what? you live with that? all right. okay, kids. one and two -- christian, can i see a bigger smile, baby? all right. there you go, buddy. one and two and -- three and four, five and six and seven. eight -- all right.
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this thing's out of focus. i just want to get it. it's just not coming out right, you know? you know what? you want to get in there? just get in there. there we go. you want to get in there, too? no, with the bucket. with the bucket. everyone say "waste of time." >> waste of time! >> jimmy: thank you everyone for participating. tonight on the show, we have music from tove lo. anthony bourdain is here. and we'll be right back with viola davis.
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tonight, his peabody award winning show "anthony bourdain: parts unknown" start its fourth season this sunday. anthony bourdain is here with us tonight. then later, a very talented young woman from sweden. her debut album is called "queen of the clouds." tove lo from the at&t stage. t-o-v-e-l-o. in sweden "tove lo" is actually pronounced "too vay lew." but here, we pronounce it wrong. tomorrow night, the mcdreamiest man alive, patrick dempsey will be with us. from "good morning america" lara spencer will join us. we'll have music from young jeezy. and on thursday, denzel washington, darby stanchfield and music from the script. so good times will be had by all. our first guest tonight is a two-time tony-winning and oscar and golden globe-dominated actress who shares a name with one of the most beloved of all the stringed instruments. her new shonda rhimes show "how to get away with murder" premieres thursday night at 10:00 on abc.
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please say hello to viola davis. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: it's very good to see you. were you working today on the show? >> yes, i was working today on the show, jimmy, shonda really works you on these shows. >> jimmy: she works very hard. >> i'm number one on the call sheet, so, yes, i work very hard. >> jimmy: you're the star of the show. >> yes. >> jimmy: you comfortable, you're carrying the series. >> yes, i am carrying the series. and it's -- it's been about the spanx, jimmy. it's been about the spanx. i tell people, if i don't have ten minutes to go the bathroom, i'm going to have to hold it, because that's how long it takes to take these spanx off. and i do it to suck everything in so i can be the sexy lawyer. >> jimmy: well, yeah, because shonda has -- there's a lot of,
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on her shows, you have to be willing to roll around and -- >> you sure do. i -- people are going to be looking at it, going, is that abilene from "the help?" i love those fcc laws. you can't show the upper thighs, you can't show this. i do all the body makeup, i do the body makeup -- i do the body makeup on my feet. >> jimmy: really? you are -- you are in favor of censorship, in this particular case. >> i'm in favor. i never was until i was in this. >> jimmy: is your husband -- does he visit the set? >> absolutely not. >> jimmy: no. [ laughter ] >> and i tell him nothing. >> jimmy: you don't tell him. wait until he sees the show, then. there's going to be trouble. >> absolutely. >> jimmy: will he be uncomfortable seeing you making out with other actors? >> you know what? it will keep the marriage alive. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: or it could kill it. what about your daughter? you have a young daughter. >> i have a young daughter and,
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you know, here's the thing. she's learning about the whole set culture. >> jimmy: she is. >> she's learning about it. i brought her to the set when i just did a movie with jennifer lopez and she looked at jennifer lopez's trailer, she said, mommy, why jennifer lopez trailer bigger than your trailer? [ laughter ] i said, that's because jennifer lopez has branding opportunities. [ laughter ] she's got a perfume, she's got a shoe, she got clothes, that's why she got a bigger trailer. >> jimmy: she's got a trailer. i hope your daughter's a little girl and doesn't just talk like that. >> jimm >> she's 4. she's not 25. >> jimmy: is she precocious? >> she is very, very, very precocious. and she is adjusting to my work schedule. >> jimmy: oh, she is. >> but i am not adjusting. i'm messing everything up. >> jimmy: like what? >> like parking. for instance. i took her to see "teenage mutant ninja turtles," beautiful
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movie by the way. >> jimmy: really? >> and i did a bad parking job. i don't care. i loved it. >> jimmy: you did, okay. >> i did a bad parking job in the parking lot. now, i was going to correct myself, but it was too hot. i was too tired. i didn't want to put the baby back in the car. and when i got out of the movie theater, i had a note. on my dashboard. >> jimmy: oh -- >> i have the note. >> jimmy: i was wondering why that was there. >> yes. and -- true. real note. this is what i said. parking violation. this is not a ticket but if it were within my power, you would receive two because of your bull-headed, inconsiderate feeble attempt at parking, you have taken enough room for 20-mule team, two elephants, one goat and a safari of pygmies from the african interior. the reason for giving you this so in the future you may of think of someone else other than yourself. besides, i don't like
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domineering, egg twist call, or simple minded drivers and you probably fit into one of these categories. i sign off wishing you an early transmission failure on the expressway at about 4:30 p.m., also may the fleas of 1,000 camps infest your armpits. with my compliments. >> jimmy: wow. let me see that. they sign it? >> no. and this is what i did. i say, oh, my goodness. i can't believe this. where's my pepper spray? where's my pepper spray? >> jimmy: you let your daughter hold the pepper spray? wow, yeah, that -- that is the work of a very crazy person, i guess. i heard you love costco, is that true? >> i love costco. >> jimmy: i love it, also. do you go in there yourself? >> i do. >> jimmy: and do people say, what are you doing in here? >> no, people don't say -- well, they come up to me and ask for my all grautograph, my god, the look in costco, but i go to
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costco, because i love hanging at costco for a good three hours. i love the apple pie that feeds about 20 people. and listed as one of the best apple pies, actually, out there. and the cakes. the custom made cakes that feed 48 people. used to have cream cheese frosting, now they went to butter cream, hiked the price up from $15.99 to $16.99. i don't even use that cake anymore. >> jimmy: you're boycotting the cake? >> i'm serious. used to be $15.99. if you had a really classy party at your house, people thought, okay, she paid $2,000 for this cake, but i really paid $15.99. but there's no cream cheese frosting anymore. >> jimmy: you like the cream cheese. well, maybe they'll reverse their decision on this. i love it, also. you go stock up and you just -- >> i stock up on the tuna fish and all the ordhors d'oeuvres a my daughter loves going to the tasting booths and we just --
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[ laughter ] >> jimmy: overall, this experience working with shonda rhimes -- i have to ask you about live tweeting because shonda insists that everybody on "scandal" live tweets along with the show. are you going to do that for this show? >> jimmy, i don't live tweet. i'm not the live tweeting culture. >> jimmy: oh, boy. >> i joined facebook because i like snooping on other people's pages. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: uh-huh. >> i snooped on my niece's page the other day, i called her up, i said, what are you writing on your page? and, you know, that's what i do. >> jimmy: that's what you do. >> i look at the pictures, the inappropriate comments and it's like watching "snapped." you guys watch "snapped." come on. >> jimmy: well, yeah, yeah. we'll hash this out in a moment. viola davis is here with us. her new show is called "how to get away with murder." we'll be right back.
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congratulations to those of you that managed to keep your seat. that said, none of you beat my approach, which goes as follows. step one. discredit the witnesses. step two, introduce a new suspect. that person is mr. kaufmann's jealous business part, lie yeon bryant. step three, we bury the evidence. we throw so much information at the jury that they walk into the deliberation room with one overwhelming feeling -- doubt. that's how you get away with murder.
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>> jimmy: that is the new show "how to get away with murder." viola davis is the star. it premieres thursday night. so, the -- for those of you who don't know the premise yet, you play a defense attorney. >> i play a criminal defense attorney who also is a criminal law professor and i choose four of my students to come work with me at my law firm and they may be, we don't know, have some involvement with a murder. >> jimmy: the murder itself. >> yep, but i can't say anymore, else i'd have to kill you. >> jimmy: it is a long title. do you think over time they will wind up shortening it, a lot of the shows, they eventually become -- >> see, you remember it. as long as you remember it, that's all, yeah. >> jimmy: you will go into other crimes, the next season will be how to get away with shoplifting? >> no, you know that wouldn't catch on. >> jimmy: your character, would you consider, well, i use the
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term good guy, a good woman or a bad, because defending these criminals, you know, is kind of shaky ground. >> it's not good or bad, jimmy. >> jimmy: uh-huh. >> we're gray. we're all gray. she's -- she's got a good mixture of both. how's that? >> jimmy: that's a good answer, i think. >> yeah. >> jimmy: you're working with shonda rhimes and -- did she woo you for this role? >> she did woo me for the role and then after she wooed me, she said, viola, you know you have to make a list of things that you want. you know, you're number one on the call sheet, you're carrying the show, you got to make a list. and i was like, what kind of list am i going to make? and my husband said, i'm married to george jefferson, by the way, i am, he's george jefferson, but he said, now, v, you got to make a list, you got to demand and ask for what you deserve. and i said, okay, like what? he said, you got to ask for the greek yogurt. [ laughter ]
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and you got to ask for the blueberries, you make that organic blueberries. and you got to ask for sparkling water and not those little bottles, those big bottles of sparkling water. and i said, okay, not like, you know, an audi a-8. a >> jimmy: sounds like your dressing room is a trader joe's. i wish you the best of luck with the show. thursday nights at 10:00. "how to get away with murder." the premiere is this week on abc. viola davidavis, everybody. we'll be right back. a you wouldn't do half of your daily routine. so why treat your mouth any differently. brushing alone does less than half the job leaving behind millions of germs. complete the job with listerine®.
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. >> jimmy: well, welcome back. still to come, anthony bourdain and tove lo. if you are looking to refinance or purchase a home, quicken loans offers amazing tech knowledge, a simple step by step process and award-winning client services to get you a great mortgage. and most importantly, quicken loans can save you money. right guillermo? >> that's right jimmy. quicken loans gave me some washingtons, some lincolns and some benjamin franklins for people who can tell me who is on the money. let's go! i will give you this $1 bill if you tell me who is in the -- on the one dollar bill. >> ah -- >> he's a guy. he was a president.
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long time ago. >> how long ago? >> oh, i don't know how long ago. at least ten years ago. >> jefferson. >> no, here, get out of here. go learn usa history. who is in this $5 bill? >> um -- andrew jackson? oh, wait, hold on. >> he's a white guy. >> yeah, they're all white guys. >> yeah? >> yes. >> who is on the $1 bill. >> george washington. >> she's very smart, because she used quicken loans for her mortgage. who is on the $1 bill? >> i believe george washington? >> what's his middle name? >> ah -- >> vanessa. >> vanessa? >> yeah. >> no joke? >> no. george vanessa washington. who is on this $100 bill? i will give you -- >> he fly a kite. >> i can't even think. i'm sorry. >> initials are bf. >> benjamin franklin. >> yeah!
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>> jimmy: hi there. still to come, music from tove lo. our next guest roams the world collecting stamps in his passport and food stains on his shirt. you can be part of his culinary adventures on the emmy-winning show "anthony bourdain: parts unknown." season four starts sunday night on cnn. please welcome anthony bourdain. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: very good to see you. and i want to say congratulations on not only your peabody award, your emmy award. very well-deserved. the show is really excellent. [ applause ] >> i feel all legit or something. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. >> gives us a nice -- a little juice when we're handing the network difficult material. >> jimmy: i see. yeah, because you do. and you say things that you don't tip liypically hear on cn. >> yeah, it's pretty awesome.
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they have altered their standards and practicing a lot. i think i'm allowed two [ bleep ] per show. >> jimmy: that's a nice little break. they actually give you the number or they -->> we're pushing for three next year. >> jimmy: is there a statue, a physical representation of the peabody award? >> yes, there is a statue. >> jimmy: there is? that's nice. >> and i fondle it frequently. >> jimmy: do you? that's like the best -- well, aside from maybe the nobel peace prize which you could get that, too, potentially, i guess. >> i say, david simon has one of these, david simon has one of these. >> jimmy: that's nice. and he probably does the same thing for you. so, the idea of the show, in case people have not seen it, you go to places that -- you went to some dangerous places. you don't seek out dangerous places, do you? >> we're looking for good stories, interceesting -- i'm se use about the world. some of the places we go are
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dangerous. >> jimmy: yeah, you in hawaii wouldn't be so interesting, but you in, well, maybe north korea one day. you went to china, which -- i don't know if that was -- >> that's -- china is, you know, anyone who lives in new york, i think they live in the most modern, sophisticated, wealthiest center of the world -- you will be not have that notion very quickly in shanghai. i mean, it just is money and power and wealth and merchandise and -- >> jimmy: very different from what i expected it to be, when i watched that show. and also, just the idea that it's a socialist country and everybody's theoretically supposed to make the same amount of money, that's not the case at all. >> no, no. that's -- it's the most ferociously capitalist free market company in teconomy in t. and some of the most delicious food. >> jimmy: yeah. and the way you shoot the food
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on the show is just -- it's beautiful. i mean, it's -- very cinematic. >> we are, you know -- we're the best in the business in food porn. >> jimmy: for sure. so, when you're over, in a country, is there any way to prepare for dangers that you might encounter? >> well, we've been to iraq, beirut, congo, libya, and before we started going to those places, the network and the insurance companies insisted all of us on the crew take something call eed h.e.t. training. we run around in the woods of west virginia, role playing, and learning, you know, how to call in an air strike, call in a medevac, basic navigation -- >> jimmy: you can call in an air strike? >> if you were to acquire a sucking chest wound right now, and you never know, i'd be your guy. i know what to do. >> jimmy: really? i got guillermo, that will never happen. >> never. >> a lot of, basically field
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medic stuff. how to cross a mine field with a knitting needle. i don't know why they taught us that. and there's an evasive kidnapping course, to do those 180, mission impossible turns on the highway, the cool stuff. >> jimmy: wow. it seems like you should take that before going to some of these places you've been, though. where do you take this? like, the local ymca offers these courses? >> these camps where they send, you know, i guess what you call contractors and executives who work in, you know, dangerous areas of the world and foreign correspondents, war correspondents, they all take them. a lot of role playing, like, the -- you go through these scenarios under pressure with your screaming at you. people bleeding and vomiting and you have to make little decisions, like, when to just leave your cameraman and let him
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bleed out. [ laughter ] because there is a moment when that's appropriate, apparently. >> jimmy: is the cameraman ever allowed to leave you to bleed out? >> i always ask, how come you have to compress his chest, you know, he's lost three quarts of blood in this scenario, why am i compressing his chest for 20 minutes. look, you may have to go back and explain to his family, we -- he didn't make it, we did our best. [ laughter ] the constant joke on the shoot anywhere we go is, cameraman's missing for 12 seconds, we look at each other, we go, we did our best. >> jimmy: well, let's see, some of the places that you are going this season, the bronx. >> yes. >> jimmy: why the bronx? >> because no one knows anything about it. i live 20 minutes from the bronx and i'm completely -- i lived in new york most of my life and it's sort of the last greatly unknown borrough.
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it's where the entire soundtrack to the world, hip hop and rap music, all of it. the musical of the last 30 years was invented by basically three people who still live there and we went back and looked at that. >> jimmy: jamaica. >> who doesn't want to shoot in jamaica? jamaica does not suck. it had been a hard season and we figured, you know -- >> jimmy: not going to bleed out in jamaica. >> no. >> jimmy: iran. >> i think people are going to be amazed and shocked at confused by this show. the people who live in a country are not their government. it is one of the friendliest pro-american, welcoming, lovely places, great food. >> jimmy: there's a guy in our audience tonight who is from iran, and he's -- [ cheers and applause ] he seems friendly, too. >> you're literally right under the death to america mural and everybody is coming up, you're from america, oh, come to my
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house, let me feed you. sorry about the sign. [ laughter ] it's really one of the most overtly friendly, outgoing, hospitable places, some of the best food. i think people are going to be very confused and amazed. >> jimmy: his son is building a sex robot right now. >> and we need more of those. [ applause ] >> jimmy: do you have fun doing the show or -- >> i'm having fun. >> jimmy: seems like a lot of work. >> i have the best job in the world. i sit around with my friends, drink beer and decide where to go in the world. >> jimmy: in china, you kind of crashed a wedding. then they tried to get you drunk at the wedding. does that happen to you a lot. >> ah, people do seem to like to get me drunk and to be the guest of honor at a chinese wedding is always dangerous. they know how to party. and we -- we did -- made an incredible new innovation in camera technology over there called the shock cam. where we attached little cameras
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to shot glasses at our table filled with, you know, elderly and middle aged chinese alcoholics, basically. we have these wonderful shots and not too flattering, but -- >> jimmy: wow. >> really moved cinema forward with this. >> jimmy: you are quite an ambassador for the united states, all around the world. and the show is a lot of fun to watch. it's called "anthony bourdain: parts unknown." season four returns sunday night at 9:00 on cnn. anthony bourdain, everyone. we'll be right back with tove lo.
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♪ oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪ ♪ oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪ ♪ i eat my dinner in my bathtub then i go to sex clubs watching freaky people gettin' it on ♪ ♪ it doesn't make me nervous if anything i'm restless yeah i've been around and i've seen it all ♪ ♪ i get home i got the munchies binge on all my twinkies ♪ ♪ throw up in the tub then i go to sleep ♪ ♪ and i drank up all my money dazed and kinda lonely you're gone and i gotta stay ♪ ♪ high all the time to keep you off my mind ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪ ♪ high all the time
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to keep you off my mind ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪ ♪ spend my days locked in a haze trying to forget you babe i fall back down ♪ ♪ gotta stay high all my life to forget ♪ ♪ i'm missing you ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪ ♪ pick up daddies at the playground how i spend my daytime ♪ ♪ loosen up the frown make them feel alive ♪ ♪ i'll make it fast and greasy i'm numb ♪ ♪ and way too easy you're gone and i gotta stay ♪ ♪ high all the time to keep you off my mind ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪ ♪ high all the time
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to keep you off my mind ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪ ♪ spend my days locked in a haze trying to forget you babe i fall back down ♪ ♪ gotta stay high all my life to forget ♪ ♪ i'm missing you ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪ ♪ staying in my play pretend where the fun ain't got no end oh ♪ ♪ can't go home alone again need someone to numb the pain oh ♪ ♪ staying in my play pretend where the fun ain't got no end ah oh ♪ ♪ can't go home alone again need someone to numb the pain
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you're gone and i gotta stay ♪ ♪ high all the time to keep you off my mind ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪ ♪ high all the time to keep you off my mind ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪ ♪ spend my days locked in a haze trying to forget you babe i fall back down ♪ ♪ gotta stay high all my life to forget ♪ ♪ i'm missing you ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪ ♪ oh oh
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this is "nightline." >> tonight, queen of mean? >> miss new york! >> she just won the crown, her platform, fighting domestic abuse. so, why is the new miss america now facing allegations of abusing her sorority sisters? i'm incredibly hurt that someone has said these things. >> with the winner coming under fire for alleged extreme hazing, we're going inside the secretive world of greek life. plus -- >> let's do it! >> confessions of a pot mom. forget wine. meet mommy's new little helper. >> consumers of cannabis shouldn't be criticized anymore than consumers of alcohol. marijuana's more sophisticated than ever. but are moms who light up putting their kids at
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